The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 25, 1909, Image 6

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R. 0. WATTERS, Business Manager
The Busy Render Can Absorb in a
Few Moments a Good Deal of
Thirteen now I'nicd Stales sen
ators have l;ceil elected Mild Seven
teen re-elected. The deadlock In Illi
nois ifontinue.s rive ballots h.ive
lieen taken anil Speaker Shiirlleff
iitnl Frank (). lewder are looming 1 1
as possibilities.
Senator (iambic has secured a
favorable report from Hie comai t
tee on piddle lands of (lie senate on
the a lien ii land district Mil. It
whs reported without amendment
mid provides fir the location of hind
office at l.c llean.
Senator llrown of Nebraska has
incepted an invitation to address the
tariff commission convention at In
dianapolis. February 10.
A statclKx d hill grant hg the terri
tories of Arizona and New AJexleo
separate statehood has hern inirn
duceil la the lious'o.
The Betiate voted to place lie
salary of the president at $Piu,otm
jior year.
Tin house passed the pension hill,
which carries JlCli.RC'.i.ono nnd abol
ishes nil ietislon ngoneles but one.
An Increase of nearly $10,imm,imii) M
asked for In the estimates of the war
department for the formications ap
propriation. Of this amount $:I,imiu,
(100 is wanted for formications In the
Philippine Islands, nnd the estimates
for armament of fortifications Is In
creased from $2,iMK).0iMi last year to
over $l,(H)0,onn this year.
Nebraska senators help out. con
gressmen, and as" a result of joint la
bors, (ienoa. Neb., is likely to retain
Its Indian school. (ircgory, S. I)., (jets
a land office.
Secretary (inrfleld In a letter to
senate nnd house, said that public
lands to the value of $1 had
been fraudulently acquired by corpor
al ions nnd Individuals within the last
two years.
Hitter Invective against President
Ttoosevclt by Wlllett (,f New York
was Rtopprf- by a vote of the house of
The senate voted to Increase the
Hilary of the speaker to $r,,nmi a
Hearing on the Ilurkett bill to pro
hibit the use of telegraph lines In In
terstate ganihling will he had befonj
the senate judiciary committee thin
week. The senator expects to get ih,
Mil through.
No change in the form of govern
inent of the Isthmian canal zone is
to be recommended to congress at
this session by the house committee
on Interstate and foreign commerce.
Congressman Vol lard has received
endorsements for his forestry bill
from the otlleers of the American
forestry association and ether or
ganizations aiming to promote forest
preservation and restoration. The bill
was introduced last session.
President Roosevelt sent a special
message to the house, vetoing the bill
to permit the construction of a dam
across the .lames river in Missouri.
The mutter of Increasing the presi
dent's salary to $IOO,imO a year was
discussed in the senate without defi
nite action.
.lames .1. Hill, who lias reiuriied
from n tour of the northwest, says
the commercial situation looks
President Cillliore of the Mode) ..
cense league 'n sossicn at Loiir;lr
declares the people want n funned
saloon and no pn h'.hitioti.
Hill for submission i f a suffrage
amendment passed the Dakota sen.ite
Its advocates are confident it will go
llirouiiM the bouse.
Plans for an Independent ,mg dis
tance telephone line luen Ho.-lon tn
Omaha and Unci In were dl.-ciisse I at
.1 tr.ei ting in Itoston.
The death lisi in the Chv-iuo crib
fire Is now slxty s'x .i 1 1 I tears are e i
lertnlned it may be Inn .
"Kiep the child till I of the liictorx,"
Was the consensus of sentiment ! the
opening of the tilth annual national
child labor confi renee In ('hicii;;o.
Civernor (illicit ot California said
there wits to be no JeKIa' ' v. ni:ai ist
the ,lip;nese so l.u us :(- could see
r.t this session of the legislature.
Representative Vollard of Nebraska
l'elioves theie Is no i banco (n change
l!le rules of the house C-.'s session.
Prof. Abbott l.awr. ine .owe lits
1 1 en conlirim :1 a president of Har
vard unlvorsliv.
(JcMernl O. O. Howard, treasurer of
(lie f.lneoln Centennial Memorial nut
versl'y, endowment fund, nnnoiine, s
ihat generous suliscrlptlons are belli;,
Neluask.i purchasers of ( M,:lrin::i
ltlUiis hiive been served Willi sum
tlieir.: tu defend (heir title ill II Milt
bi( .",:ht !iv the government in behalf
t'f t'le Indians.
General Jose Miguel (.Some, w.ih
(!".' lally proclaimed pn s'al'.'litc'ecl
cjf Cuba.
An attack If made
Sheldon of Ni braska
iim'iI up tin1 f iiiuls for
before its close, lening
fur n vl:i fci
the bietiniiim
IIh- Incoming
(lovciniir Khallcnherpor of Nebras
ka lirocliilins the adoption of the
judicial amendment mid names Snllb
van. Ilolconili, Hoot ami I'awcett as
supreme pudges.
I'nion labor leaders assert that 10o
fartories. employing I.I.immi men, are
tied ii j by the strike of tile halters.
.Thorn'mi llalns, charged with aid
lug his brother, Captain llalns to kill
W. K. Atinis wus declared not guilty
by the jury after twenty-two hours'
Covennsr Haskell of Oklahoma,
candid the nrreKt of nn agent of W.
P. Hearst and seized evidence col
lected to use in the libel suit Mod
by th governor.
The house committee on foreign
a.Tair.s wantH Information on expendi
tures from Assistant Secretary Ma
con. Receipts df (,.(. forest service
amount amount to nearly half tin
sum expended for administration and
Te persons were killed in a wreck
on the Denver K: Rio (irnnde.
Judge Tafl In iin address to the ne
gro Young Men's Christian associa
tion of Augusta discussed the Chris
tian uplift and the era of religious
tolerance that has developed In recent
Policeniui and officers from four
cities attended the funeral of Patrol
man Lafayette Smith of Omaha, shot
by an outlaw in the performance of
his duty.
As-bland, Neb., soucs the trani)
problem by escorting them out td
town and refusing to furnish grub.
A statement from lienver pays Gen
( nil riiiperlntcndetit W. L. "ark Is to
become head of the operative depart
ment, of all llaninian lines, with
Ik adquai tors in Chicago.
Wllm Root wiis ik initiated for sena
tor at a New York republican cnuctis.
At Denver John C. Realty, nged t;r,
ol New Yotk, said to be n wealthv
laud owner was found dead in a
but li tub in which hot water was run
ning. Many deaths have marked the emi
gration of Richardson (Neb.) county
people who emi, 'lilted to Canada. It
Is a groat country tor penuiiionla har
vests. Washington.
Da'e for tiling on Rosebud lands
has boon postponed to April 1 for low
numbers and September 8, for all
above -t.nutl.
Thi president conferred with Cali
fornia congressmen regarding nnll
.liipaiiese legislation. He says the
matter Is the most important public
quest. on now pending.
The l:ibor leaders sentenced for
contempt of court say they will not
auk for clemency, as a pardon would
make it necessary to light the case
over again from the beginning.
The compulsory retirement of medi
cal officers of the rank of major in
the army is provided for by a bill
passed iiy ine senate, such officers,
wnen loitnii iieticint upon examina
tion for proniot'on for causes not
otiglliallllg ill (he Service, ale to bo
retired without increased rank, re
orcling to the terms ef the bill.
The Iowa delegation in coimre-c:
lorwardede I William II. Tafl at Au
gusta a strong And sweeping endorse
ment of Secretary James Wilson and
nsked that he lie continued at the
head of the Department of Agricul
ture. The senate adopted Representative!
Dawson's resolution authorizing the
postmaster general to design and is
sue a special postage stamp In con
nection with the ninth anniversary .if
the birl li of Abraham Lincoln.
The presidenl will nominate John
C. OT.uughllu of this city, now sec
retary of the Toklo Kxposhion com
mission an a promiueni newspaper
and iiingiizine writer, to be assistant
secretary (if state.
President Roosevelt ill one day made
a trip nlnety-eiyht uiile; on horseback
to demonstrate that physical tests pre
scribed f if army otlleers are not un
reasonable. Senator I'.urkett's bill to allow the
Fremont. I'lkborn and Missouri valley
railroad portnissio.i to change lis
course was refused.
Senator Pra'er of Tennessee said
ibet the negroes in the lirow nsvlile
affair did not deserve reinstate
ment. The senate committee on agricul
ture authorized a favorable report on
the McCumber bill providing for the
inspection and grading of grains. I'm
der tiiis bill national Inspection and
grading of grains is provided for and
the Depart inent of Ari IcuIIuh
tlmrized to fix deliuite grades.
-V carload of seventy tive babies
w is (tistntmicd in New Orleans-, eotn-
im: from the New York Foundling rnd
Oilinn asjlutn
The tweiity-Mxih victim of the Rio
Grande railroad collis'nu Is dead.
Senator llacon m dares i favor of a
bill providing for right of senate to de.
Iiiatld pa els of pnv de'i.irllllellt.
Pies dent Reotevelt V I 111 s til pre
i tl' tii- ( 'al'fornla le"i:;l rure pass
ir.g an iidver.e Ja'iur.eses bill.
i . i . i . . . .
umiiuu'uii coimy, iiioi!",a. pro.
(Iiluied Presiih iii cl.'i I 'in, 'i an on
( I lis Cllizells pet-ause lie W,ls living
there when he w;e; f irmallv elected
pn side. it.
llel'eeit F.r
dent of the
i Ik : been clociod prc-d
Wisconsin Central rail-
C.eotiP K. I h'iMliel ) 1 1 1 1
been chosen l liiicl Kit-
from Oregon.
Judge Anderson is to preside at tb
retrial of the standard Oil case.
T IS 135,000,000
An Appropriation that Calls for Two
New Battleships and Five Tor
pedo Bort Dcctroyers.
Yv'iiidiingtoii---lixaetly ns repotted
y the committee the naval program
for the ilseal year PMn was adopted
by the house of representatives and
the ii v a I appropriation bill was
passed. The opponents of tlu nay
increase feature of the bill found
themse lves In a hopeless minor i.v.
The only vital alteration made In the
measure was Hie striking out if the
provision restoring marines to navr.l
vessels'. The aggregate amount ap
propriated by thp bill is $i::r),iM)0,tiiio.
As has been the case in the pa:t,
the incrense in the naval estimate
gave r!sn to extended and heated de
bate, in which members were afforded
an ppori unity to air their views of
the Japlanese question. The peace ad
vocates were much In evidence in op
position to such Incrense, while tli
adherents' o.f the proposition were
alive at nil times to every move mad"
to cut down the number of vessels
Speaking in support of un iinieud
nient. by Mr. Finley (S. C.) striking
out the battleship provision, Mr. Hart
hold (Mo.) declared Ihat If there ever
was a time when such an appropria
tion was unwise and unnecessary it
was now. "It Is unnecessary," he
stiid, "because we arc at peace with
all the world and what Is more, we
have wisely niaiv.iM'd to safe-ginrd
cur pence us it lias never been sttfe
gllfrded before."
lie would have congress provide for
the necessities of the peaceful de
velopment of the country. "There is,"
he declared, "something besides Hie
big stick which secured our national
The Finley amendment was rejected.
Hy a vote of 108 to l.r8 the house
sustained the committee provision of
the bill calling for two battleships.
The house overwhelmingly refused
to strike out the provision for five
torpedo boat destroyers.
Mr. Waldo (N. Y.) advocated nnd
Mr. Hardy (Tex.) opposed naval In
crease. Chairman I'awney of the ap
propriations committee attacked the
proposition for incrense and support
ed tne Dinloy amendment, bor?us
he said, he did not believe it neces
sary nt this time to add two of the
greatest battleships simply to excel
other nations.
Mr. lawney spoke of the Jap.tnese
fit nation.
"I am getting somewhat tired," he
said, amid Inud Miplause, "of these
annually recurring wars with Japan
which c-ctir simultaneously with the
consideration of the naval appropria
tion hill."
"During every week of the year.'
said Mr. Tawney, "we hear much
about our peaceful relat'oti with Ihat
or other countries, but when wo come
to consider the n.'ivnl rpnroprlnCon
bill the newspapers Immediately are
tilled with ured'etions of whrtt is go
ing to happen."
Leiter Operated Upon.
Chicago. 111. Joseph l.eiter, well
:own in New Yt rk nnd Chicago so
(dal nnd business circles, nnd whoso
attempt to corner the wheat ui'iket
some years ago caused a sensal'en
was oper.ited iinon for annendiclts.
A Grave Problem.
Rome Italy is confronted
wnti a
grave problem, the caring I
or Hit
o.efin persons mnde home
less by
i he earthquake of last
("icily ?nd Calabria, and
nmnih in
who have
Interior of
have gene
(Csporscd not only to the
lln ir native provinces, bu;
in great numbers to Naples
: un-
other of the large cities ef the
Daughter cf W,
Unci In, Neb.
daughter of V.
suit tor divorce
l.cavitt. The
J. Bryan Files Suit
- Ruth Hryau I.eavitt
J. ltryan, has liled
from W'lliam II
petition w :.-, inline II
a'oly withdrawn. T. S. Allen,
in law of Mr. Hryiin. Is the
for the plaintiff. I.eavitt is
Paris. Service will bo secured by pub
lent Ion.
Shahan Head of a University.
Washington. Rev. Thomas J.
Shahan ef llartfi rd. Conn., It is
stated in well informed circles, has
luen selected to si!( ceed H'shop Den
nis J. O'Connell as rector of the Ca
ihollc university of America.
Receiver cf Nebraska Central.
Omaha -.Indue Di Kin. -on has- been
npprliUed receiver of the above road
New Airship fcr Zeppelin.
Fi led vU hshafci --Count Zeppelin
building utioi her airship which will
bear the tnnie of Zeppelin 111. and
which he expect;' to be finished by the
end ef March. He is also constructing
i Heating tent for bousing the new
airship. The count has Introduced a
new method for discharging gas
from balloons. Heretofore the gas
has been dlcchargcd wiihln the cigar
diapul covering, but with the new
rlrsb'p tubes will roach upward, tils
hulking H Into the open air. thui
uitulmUuig danger from expleslou.
Engaged in the Noble Mission of
Protecting and Saving Desti
tute and Helpless Children.
The chief object cf the work of tho
Child Saving Institute is to save nnd
protect destitute and helpless chll-"
dren. For the most part it is support
ed by ihe free gifts of philanthropic
n.eii an 1 women of O.uaha. Such an
ii.stitute could not long in a
mail community where the peoplo
are as a r de iinaiiie to make large
contributions. Experience shows that
charitable organizations of the magnl
tule and effectiveness of the Child
Saving Institute can subsist only In
large population centers, where, of
course, there is the greatest need of
Its kind olllcs. In the absence, of
such organization in the small towns
dependent children must he taken
Into the hornets of benevolent men and
women who thus assume the burden
for the community and in some cases
these good people enn ill afford to do
ro. In every town and village there
re examples of this work of humani
ty, so that everybody has come to
now nnd to realize the absolute
necessity for providing some system
atic means of caring for uiifuriunatt
children. This Is why well-to-do.
ptople In the country towns express a
willingness to oontribtit" to the sui-
port of the Child Saving Institute.
which has from itn origin received
destitute children from many places
outside of Omaha. In every case of
this kind the Institute not only re
lieved the local community of tho
burden of caring for such children,
but it brought to tho relief of the
children a f.vstematic. efficient means
of protection nnd care as the result of
much study mil experience an equip
ment impossible to a small town.
The olllcers of the Institute do not
stop to Inquire whether the people of
any community have done their full
duty hy the dependent children re
commend d for admission to the in
stitute; they taken In ard givett
the best possible care, nnd later
placed i'lJo good homes in this or
some other community. It is purely a
work of humanity, deserving of tho
sympathy nnd support of every man
and woman in the weft. The hoard
of trustees make an .".lineal to ben-
evolent-minde t men hi the towns nnd
villages of Nebraska for contributions!
in support cf the Institute and to help
erect n new building now contemplat
ed nnd which I.-; a necessity to the in
( reusing deinnnds of the work.
3ill Based on Bryan's Idea Intro
duced in Legislature.
Trenton, . J. Following the linen
of William J. Hryan's bank guarantee
deposit. Idea, a bill was introduced
the New Jersey legislature. It Is
fathered by State Senator Gebhardt
nnd provides for a tax on hanks nn.1
trust companies, t: lie held as an in
solvency fund, by means of which
losses of institutions which .fail can
be liquidated. 1
Vital Statistics in Fr.ince Shew
ce3S of Births Ov.r Deaths.
Purls. The vital statistics for the
first six months of lues show a.
gratifying decrease In the proportion
of deaths in France, j, condition at
tributed to the more stringent appli
cation of laws of hygiene. During
this period the births exceeded tho
deaths by ll.tino, ugaiust nn excess of
uu. Out) deaths for tho corresponding
period of lficiT.
W. L. Seeley Kills W.fe and Daughter
and Commits Suicide.
Penttle, Wash. W. I,. Seeley, (,n at
rorney nnd lormer batik ex
aminer for Illinois under Comptroller
of the Currency Eckles. his wife, .Mm.
Kale M. Seeley, a member of the na
tional society of the Daughters of tho
American Revolution, and his daught
er. Miss Rene Seeley, a student at the
I Diversity or Washington and a mem
ber of the Delta Gamma society, were
found dead In a hath room of their
home In the fashionable Capitol 11:11
dl'-trlct Sunday.
The victims had been dead since the
previous Thursday. The women, each
rf whom was clad in night robes, had
been murdered by being struck on tho
head, evidently with a hammer. There
was no nu.rk of violence on See'ey.
That Seeley killed his wife's daughter
while Insane over financial worr'e
and then committed suicide Is tho
theory of the coroner and the pollco.
Mr. Bryan Will not Attend.
Tampa, Flu. Wort! was received
from ". J. Hryan, that he would not.
nttetid the Inauguration of President
Home. In Cuba, but instead would cxl
tend his visit in Tampa until that
Chlcaco. The wool a. id far ware
house of Silverman Hroihers, Michi
gan street and l.asnlle avenue, was
burned today. The tirm dec lard that,
the contents. Including 2.."i(i,nno
pounds of wcol were w.irth ieverr.1
thousand dollars.
Iroquois Theater Cases.
Chicago-It was made public hero
that after live years' of litlgat'on set
tlements had been made !n the c:;ses
o' tllilty of the deal lis cused l.y the
Ir.iquois theater fire. It Is s'nted that
$ 7 T t a case is tr be paid by on of
.lie firms responsible tor the lire in
the theater, prosecut. o:is aalnst tho
company in iliese cases having I ecu
withdrawn from court. In one In. t.inco
a man vh: loci hi" w'f nnd thro-
children in the lire, received $T."i(1 for
eacli dentli. Ma'iy other u'iC I8lut
Anns are still roudirt;
Agricultural, Social, Religious, Politi
cal and Cher Matters of In'erest
The Midwest Lift of Llucoln has In
surance in force amount to $l,4Hi2
utm. Its otlleers are: N. Z. Snell,
president; Dr. H. B. Davis, Omaha,
vice president; A. J. Sawyer, secre
tary; 11. S. Freeman, treasurer; Dr.
M. H. Everett, medical director; p. R.
Easterday, actuary, and J. 11. Mockett,
jr., superlntendeit of agents. The
Midwest Life Issues all the standard
forms of Insurance. Local agents
wanted In every town in Nebraska.
Home office, 107 "O" street, Lincoln
Nebraska. ,
The moth anniversary of Abraham
Lincoln's birth will W appropriately
celebrated at Mlnden.'
The Nebraska hen laid ,200,uu0,tim
ggs In 18. worth $18,OUO,nOO and
then Eome.
Catholics of St. Paul are making ar
rangements for building u new
The general store of M. V. Duncan
at Unadilla, was robbed of all the jew
elry therein, amounting to something
like $::uo.
While serving oysters In his res
taurant, Jesse Perry of Plittsuiiouth,
found a pearl for which he was of
iered $14. ,
Eire destroyed the large two-story
house of Frank Trlha, a farmer resid
ing live miles east of Silver Creek. It
was caused hy a defective flue.
Stockholders of Ihe Farmers'
Elevator company at Sterling received
a dividend of 23 per cent on their
stock for tho year 1908.
Tho McCook Cc lnmercial club has
appropriated Sibil to build a piece of
experimental road, as an object les
son, and to stimulate better and more
scientific road buildln?.
The Johnson County Hoard of Com
missioners estimates the expenses of
conducting the affairs of the county
for the ccniing year to amount to
Edward Vernon, foreman of the
Hniilngton car repair gang, was killed
at Wymore. He was working under
neath a car, when a switch engine,
pushed three cars over him.
The school cf agriculture and domes
tic science ended a most sucessfnl
week at Broken How, between 2n0 and
:;nt farmer students having enrolled
nr.d token advantage of the fine lec
tures and practical demonstrations.
Cieorge Williams, a Nebraska con
vict who broke his parole and left tho
state with almost a year yet to serve,
of a five-year sentence, has been ar
rested in Minnesota. He will be
brought back to Nebraska.
'r S. West of Wcod Hlver has just
returned from Europe, bringing with
him twenty head of Belgian and Per
cheron stallions and marcs. He sold
three head of them at New York and
a stallion In Chicago.
The gasoline motor car which car
tics the passengers between St. Haul
and Loup City over the I'nion Pacific
had its share of trouble dining the
cold weather. At times it refused to
go until hauled by a locomotive.
George 1'den living north of Juni
ata, sustained a severe fire loss. A
large $2.irh0 barn, eighteen head c f
horses, 500 bushels of corn, many
tons of hay, harness, etc., were to
tally consumed.
James Summers of DeVUt litis lr
gun suit against Gage county for $!."."
damages resulting f rem the loss of
one cf his horses last spring, which
stepped through a hole in a bridge,
siista'ning injuries which made it
no(CssTry to kill tt.
The Tecumseh School beard has
just paid off $1,(100 more of its bonded
indebtedness on account of the new
high school building. The building
was elected four years ngo nt a cost
of $i(i,(i()0, nnd of this amount $7,000
has already been paid.
Tho Dodge County poor farm is
not only self-sustaining but last year,
in addition to keeping an average
number of twelve Inmates, it actually
cleared $i8.9t) over cost of fuel sup
plies, salaries and clothing. Improve
ments, etc.
The dwelling on the Han.s'on nuil
Oleson farm, about six miles north ef
Neligh, was burned to the ground
with nil the contents. The tennnnt,
Mr. Klssell, lost all of his household
goods. The dwelling was Insured for
The new school buildm; ut Leigh,
has been thrown open for occupancy,
i," consists of eight large rooms he
sides several smaller ones, and Is
heated by steam heat. The building
stands second to none In the state in
towns the size of Leigh.
Word was received in Heat rice that
11. L. Colby, a young man well known
In that city. Is In jnil at El Paso. Tex.,
charged with robbing a restaurant of
$100 worth of jewelry and clothing.
His father, General L. V. Colby,
went t: his assistance.
John P. Thacker was slu t and prob
ably fat. illy wounded by John Clar
ence. Clarence, who Is nbout
twenty-three years oil, came i n 1
Plattsmouth and gave hiniseir up
to the sheriff nnd i new confined in
in the county jnil. The trouble was
tho outcome of ni old feud. Both men
reside about six miles from Plaits
mouth. Tininns are clven lodging by Ash
land authorities, hut after that, they
are lie t alowed to beg, but are
marched of town and told to hike for
pastures more green.
i.-, stekes. a farmer, whosj
residence Is nine miles north of Alns
w..ith. was In town with a four hors.i
team, and at 5 o clock p. m. lie was
last seen unhitching his team to start
lw.mi. At tl Sunday morning tie was
found In Slsson's pasture ut the hot
toui of a deep gulch, with the wagon
bed across his neck. His neck was
iirokeii. lie leaves a wife and seven
Kidney Trouble Contracted by Thou
sands in the Civil War.
James W. Clay, f.Gt W. Fayette St.,
Baltimore, JId., bays: "I was trou
bled with kidney
complaint from the
time of the Civil war.
There was constant
pain In the back and
head and the kid
ney Eecretions were
painful and showed
a sediment. The first
remedy to help me
was Donn'a Kidney Pills. Three boxes
made a complete cure and durins five
years past I. have had no return of the
Sold by al! dealers. COc a box. Eos-ter-Mllburu
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Wag (referring to Miss Oldbird)
I'm, I should think it would be more
suitable if she were standing under
"elderberries" instead of mistletoe
berries. Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
2ASTOKIA a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
TInof.Q flu
Signature ofJ27Sfe
In TTsc For Over .'JO Years.
The Kind You Have Always nought
Teacher's Orders.
"Here, ma!" requested the boy, htir
jylns? In from school before time;
"hnns my jneket up behind the stove."
"Is It wet?"
"No; but teacher sent me homo to
Irll you to warm my jacket for me!"
A Giveaway.
"I tell you my wife Is hard to beat!"
"I thought you told me that you got
that black eye splitting wood?"
Houston Post.
PII.KS ( I I!KI IX 6 TO 1 DAVB. (HNTMKN'r is Rimrnntpod to euro nnr on!
nt I t .-In Tin. Ill iii.l . llli'i'iiiiiK nr I'rointdlng Ulloin
6 tn 14 lu or uinni'jr ri'fiincl. d. (Of.
The average woman is fond of pets
but lier husband is not lu that class.
Pe-ru-na Pc-ru-nn,
Third Ave., Moline, 111., writes:
' 1 have been su ft'erinff from ca tnrrh
in (lie head for the past two months
ami tried innumerable so-called reme
dies without nvuil. No one knows how
1 have suffered not only from the dis-
ene itself, but from mortification W'hen
in company of friends or htrnngers.
1 have used two hot lies of your med
icine for a short time only, nnd it
effected a complete medlcal'cure, nnd
what is better yet, the disease lias not
"I can most emphatically recommend)
Pernntv to all sufferers from this dis
Rend This Experience-
Mr. A. Thompson, liox CI, R. R. 1,
Martcl, Ohio, writes: "When I began
your treatment my eyes were inflamed,
'hum wns s:oppcd up half of the time,
ami was wire and scabby. I could not
rest nt, night on account of continual
hawking and spitting.
'I hud tried several remedies and was
about to pive up, but thought 1 would
try Perumi.
'"After 1 had taken about one-third of
a bottle I noticed a difference, I am
now completely cured, after suffering
with catarrh for eighteen years,
'I think if those who' lire afflicted
with catarrh would try Pcruna, they
would never regret it."
I'erunn is manufactured by tho
Pei iina Drug Mfg. Co., Columbus, ."(Uio,
Ask your Druxzlst for a Free Pcruna
Almnnac for 1909.
A Safe and Sure
Cough Cure.
Ifempi Balsam 1
Dots not contain Opium,
Morphine, or any otbrr rarcolic
or hublt-forming drag.
Nothing of ii poisonous or harm
ful character enters into its com
position. ThU clean r ml pure cough cure
cure coughs that cannot be cured
twr n,,t. .t1,.. 1;..:..
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t 11 sau'(1 thousands front ecu-
J sumption.
t a1 J-" vc'1 tlionitula of lives.
A -.ic. Mtle contain -to il
At all druggist', .Kv. nn.l 1. I
...... , .r.p, artythina t-