The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 18, 1909, Image 7

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    Dog with Tutor and Maid.
Nana. ;i French j.oodl. bcUuiKiiig Xv.
Mr. Edward Eh-swcrth, a real "estate
operator of New York, is sorely the
most pampered canine in tWo world.
A private room at tho ri:uo hotel, a
tutor, a maid, a private lath, and a
special menu are auuvm the items on
the list of t tie necessaries. if life pio
vided for the (log. The tutor Is en
gaged to teach Nana tricks mote com
plicated than the ordinary Jumping
through hoops and "shamming dead,"
and Nana's food is specially prepared
In the servants' Kitchen.
T1 It
4 mm
Mr. Knagg Iinfore you met mo you
laid you wouldn't marry the best man
In the world.
Mrs. Knagg And you are the only
one who thinks that I broke my word
Sure Slan.
Mm. Murphy Arrnh! Tis Saterdah
night an' th' facth'ry Is closln' down
an' Tlmmy don't know whether ho'll
git his pay or not.
Mrs. Flaherty Here he comes horns
Mrs. Murphy WIrra! Thin he ain't
been paid.
Chaucer's House Is Scld.
Hartford Manor, Farlngton, Berk
shire, England, formerly the homo of
the poet Chaucer, and the largest
farm on the Pusoy estate, has been
sold to tho leaseholder, George llnylls
of Wyfield Manor, Newbury, tho
largest producer of barley In England.
Pusey is said to have been granted
to the family of that name by Canute
by tenure of a horn, which is still in
Douviere I'usey's possession and bears
the." Inscription: "Kyng Knoude gave
William I'ewso ye horn to held by thy
Laundry work at homo would he
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order 'to get the
desired stiffness. It is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects tho wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou-,
bio can be entirely overcome by using
' Defiance Starch, as it can be applied
much more thinly because of Its great
er strength than other makes.
Sixty Miles of Logs.
The largest, raft of logs ever towed
from Nova Scotia to Boston was com
posed of enough logs to reach sixty
miles, if placed end to end.. It was
composed of 7,000 logs, rafted to
rether In a mass of 400 feet in length,
fifty feet wide and twenty-eight feet
In depth. It floated with ten feet of
Jogs above water and eighteen feet
Starch, like everything else, is be
ing constantly Improved, the patent
Starches put cm the market 25 years
ago are very different and Inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat
est discovery Pefinanee Starch all
Injurious chemicals are omitted, while
the addition o! another ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
strength nnd smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
Increases Liquor Duties.
The Hritish government has in
creased the duties in spirits for Sierra
Leone 25 per cent in response to the
agitation concerning liquor traffic In
Starch, like everything else, Is be
ing constantly improved, the patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago are very different and inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat
est discovery Defiance Starch all In
jurious chemicals are omitted, while
the addition of another Ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to the Starch n
strength and rnioothness never ap
proached by o:her brand.-?.
Omaha Directory
www WW ar, l'l ihiilit, IT., '.ml
qtinlitr.Kt: wn. wary, ihtiiuiint jt,'i;di1 tpm.iir. fi
p ptitTn. 1st uualitr, ?ni r)i::ili1v,t.t. Tntnslnnt a-
tlins irum III In 115. I'limpn'ImirM. lt nml Ti'l
J'KKH. hi'iirt Mint-In of Imlr with onlor. Hi. ill-prion
Uouds '""l ' o. li. mill iirlvlkv" t I'T.inuimlluu
Mil FARNAM ST., OMAHA. I .t.Ml.lifrt IftO
Toom from ?t.iNI ur hIuIc, 7;' rent up (IihiIiIp
M. Spiesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale Ellinv?y
The Best In the Wait.
Dr Hull T & Mirli. Thn
Lj M r. I'aitnn
iDXI-LJ('i.. 'Mn. Nm, Il-t finilppmf
JVntjO tftli' In thr Mi.M'm Vst. !wit.-..i ,-i)tiiiiuK'
ilibgrnd. Ih'nhklrr. Iti'iiKHMblo iiriri h
RUBBER 00008
t null at iut Priori, f-enil for frr-i Mtnti v'to
TIllltAn1 nmnntirtntt cf lolwi
Ki"' Hides and Ft.::
A Tliimr.n Sott-liinl once Lit in n Neihliorliood 1 hat knew mon1
almiit the Warner who Intilt Sleepers, tlmn tlie one wlio wrote Sonatas, and
lieM (iratnl Opera in aliotit llie same lltard a woman does lier luisliiind's
Steiiorajilier. 'I'his Harmonic Soul could sil nt a Ilarpsiclinrd nil Night,
Shtiniiii the I Hark notes and dealing ihem out with no visilile signs
ot lieini: J nfred. She Kpont two
Years and a jdle of Money, some
where on the Other Side, Knocking
(lie teeth out of a Piano and having
licr Voice Plowed anil Scraped over
I iy a Turk, who for decency's sake,
passed in as Si;nor. Ho charged fo
much the Minnie, so every time the
Warhler Juggled the Scales for half
mi hour it cost sotnehody nhout
Fourteen dollars. The Thrush want
ed to heroine Finished, so whoever
was her Check-hook allowed tho Sig.
to go right through Ids Jeans and
take out. enough to do a good Job.
Therefore, she went right up to the
Scales, running over them before
they could get out of (he way, and
Knocked down the Pins as fast an
the Signor set them Fp. She always
felt Safe in trying Swells, because,
thev kept the doors Hurred and hud
(Inards posted outside, till she had passed over the Kough Spots. She only
Rested long enough to have the Piano put bark in Shape fer another'
Thrashing. After trying out one of Piccthoven's Classics, the Music I5ox
was covered with humps from I.oud Pedaling while the Key-hoard was
smeared with I'laek and Blue Spots. Hrr work soon showed signs of
Techniipie, while her Pipes Churned out any note in the Hook, without
Tearing. Some of th Light Exercises she (irappled with, sounded o tho
untrained ear about the same as a Car Wheel running on a I ry Axle.
She could go over to the Piano in the Morning nnd (Jrind out pages of
Schiller, which in Professional Cir
cles is considered no Sinch on an
Kmply Stomach. Pie f ore the Canta
ta Player Wised up to the French
Dialect, and while she was Klunking
through the First Steps, it's Ten to
one that Sig. culled her a lot of
names not in our present Lexicon.
After she had Scared nil the
Pad Passages into Piehaving. and
could reel off the June Song
from Faust, backwards, the Pro-
fessor wrote out a Ifccom
mendation and told her when the
I'.oat Left. On gelling back to lh
neighborhood, she declared herself
Open to All-comers going right on
with her with her Musical Hiots
where she had left oil'. She could
n't understand why the surrounding
Natives didn't Heap on her Neck,
knowing how long she had stayed
away, (lathering a Polish. Finally she decided to hold a
nnd give the l.zics an excuse for laving Awake nights.
If they don't.
Love Art for Art's Sake, it's up to me to teach them, she said. One night,
a handful of Kgar Yaps grouped in the Parlor, wondering if there would
be anything to Fat and Hoping that the Concert would be Short. The
Human Lark came on and Dove, into a Hill of Cadenzas, lishing out
n (Jrouchy looking volume from which she said she would Chirp just
one Uriel' Section. Then she commenced Mowing down llie high cotes.
Some mean bring out Front .kept, count and afterwards said there were
jti pages not including the Home Kun. Everybody Yawned and wished
themselves homo among the Dress
ing Sacks and Carpet Slippers. The
Feminine Padercwski saw the
Score go up with no Hit to her
Credit, so again went to witli
hT eye on a 'Knockout. She Shook
up one of Liszt's Hoiling Special
ties till the.Spinnet Shivered all
ever and tin; Spectators had to get
a Strangle hold on their seats. P.ut
nnihing doing. The Crowd laid a
Wet P.lanket over her last KlTorl,
so she concluded that the only wav
to bring in a Kun was to Warm
them up with n little Tea then get
bark on the Diamond. While she
was out. Stirring the Cereal, some
Sellish Hoodlum sneaked over to
the Organ and lienl Out a Strip of
llag-titne and sang something about
That Welcome on llie Mat, ain't
meant for you. The Audience rose.
Sioimdivl and nearly Jerked his
Mil them where thev Lived. Out
ttin iim !! mi niahaaajumwiiiit'
Scattering Congrats
arms from their So.'
in the Pan; ry, they
concluded it was du'
nl l
toiitid mine one :,!! Mallei! up in a Munch, and
to lier working Overtime at the Music-chest.
Deduction: It's Prcttv Hard to ,- the old H,.rd 1'srd to New Feed.
r.ipyrlRl-t, irvi, by ll.iniii.ti ri.i-icl-i Xtmko.)
Career of Famous Tenor,
Andreas ldpel, tlv t :i-v, was born
In (.:.! In I SOU. lie was orlR'ually
connected wltu a bankiiiK linn In
r'asi.el, but Hledli'il lniisie n Jlerilll,
Milan i. ud Vl"ii:ia. and made his liil
appearance In lssT in in'ti as the
Pilot In "Tim Flying liuMiman.".
Kept Pastors Long In Ssrvice.'
After 2;l years' scrvlco Roy. Charles
Had don, who Is 80 yeara of nge, .has
r sinned the pustoruto of ltaM n
J 'ark 4 ConKrci:;U.Umal clmpH, ' ip'srr
Coalville I'a.. which has onl had four
luLil.;t' rs d'iriiii; l.".i years.
Change In Theatrical Tastes.
Managers of NYw York theaters
nsreo f h:.f there ha-; lie' n a reniaik
alite change In the piilillc dramatic
tavth In the last 1.1 years. In the drift
fioin the classic mid Intellectual to
llRht niiiaical nnd Kpectacutar ro-diu'tlotis.
Smoker Attains Long Life.
Mrs. Maria Ludiatii of Oadhy. !.!
cestershlre. Knland, Is Ko yearn old.
She Ins loin; been a smoker and her
fri:ida hnvo marked th antdver.;at y
of lier liiitll i H-ndlng Iht i:ikvU
cf loliact:'.
"Deep down in the nature of every
properly constituted man is the desire
to own Mime land.' A writer in the
Iowa State Kei'ister (litis tersely ex-j.resM-8
a well-known truth. The ipns
tion is where la the hc.-it laud to be
had at the lowest prices, and this the
same writer points out in the same ar
ticle. Tho fact is not dI.-Kuised that
llie writer has a personal interest in
llie statement of his iase. and there Is
!o hidden incaiiiiiK when he refers to
Western Canada as presenting meat-
er possibilities than any other part of
tho American Continent, to tho man
who Is inclined to till the soil for u
livelihood and possible competence.
What Interests ono are the arguments
advanced liy this writer, and when
fairly analyzed the conclusion Is
reached that no matter what personal
Intercut tho writer may have had, his
lea: tins appear to have tho quality of
i;rcat soundness. The climatic condi
tions of Western Canada are fully as
Hood as those of Minnesota, tho Dako
ta or Iowa, tho productiveness of tho
soil is as Kroat, the nodal conditions
are on a parity, 'the laws arc as well
established and as carefully observed.
In addition to these I ho price ot land
Is much less, easier to secure. So, with
these advantages, why shouldn't this
the offer of Western Canada bo
embraced. The hundreds of ihousiuids
of settlers now there, whoso homes
were originally In llie I'nlled States,
appear to be are Hatislled. Once In
awhile complaints are heard, but the
Canadians linvo never cpoken of the
country us tin Kldorado no matter
what they may have thought. The
writer happened to have at haiidii few
letters, writ I en by former residents of
the I'nited States, from which one or
two extracts ate submitted. These go
to prove t lint the writer In the Regis
ter has a koi1 basis of fact In support
if his slaieinentu regarding- the excel
lency of tJie grain growing area of
Manitoba, 'Saskatchewan and Alberta.
On the 2'.nh of April of this year W.
K. Conley, of Uiiigheed, Alberta, wrote
a friend In Detroit. He says: "Tho
weather Iish been just, tine ever since
1 came here in March, and I hellevo
ono could find If ho wanted to some
small bunches of snow around the
edge of tho lake. There Is a frost near
ly every morning: at sunrise It begins
to fade away, Ihen those blue flow
ers open and look as fresh as If there
had been no frost for a week. . . .
There Is no reason why this country
should not become a garden of Eden;
the wealth is in the ground and only
needs a little encouragement from the
government to Induce capital In here.
There Is everything hero , to build
with: good clay for brick; coal under
neath, plenty of water In tho spring
laker,, and good springs coming out of
the bank-."
Unique Visiting v.-d.
J.fme. .lohuniia Uad.kl lias brought
to this country a fad that has become
unite the rage in Germany, where It
was Introduced by lu less a personage
than the crown princess herself. H
Is a new form of vlsltiug fard. cou
talning not only nn elaborately en
craved border, but a silhouette of th
person It represents. The custom calls
uir a design appropriate to the hold
er's station. Thus, in Mine, (lardskl's
case Hie prima donna's head Is framed
in a herder of laurel, while a lyre
forms the base of the design. Tho
card Is not only unlipie but exceed
ingly pretty nnd effective
And the world would be Just as
well off If some Blagestruck people
were hit by automobiles.
Positively cured by
these l ittle Pills.
Tliry aim rnhtu Dl-
Itmsfrom DVimhnI, In-
I it lK-tlnnandToo Hourly
hat Ins. A ptrfeot rrm
'Iy (or liuzin, Ni-
I-' a, Iriwlnfit, Bait
I'uKtHnthf Jloutb.Cont-
I"l Tune no. Pain la th
Sldr. ToliPID LIVKR.
Tliry rt'KUlule llie llourW. Puri-ly Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
fnn I
ti' j itti r
li i wrn
i is i ur K
3 bill
"That's a fine looking maid you have
now. dear." i
"Yes, she's a darling, nnd ho. came j
io me highly. recommended.''..
"Knows all about Ihu latcBt styles ot 1
maiding, I suppose?" ' j
"Oh, so far as knowing the dutlcB j
of a maid goes, I don't suppose she 1
knows a thing."
"lint she came highly recommended,
you said?" '
"Yes, she broke the Jaw of the last
man who tried to kiss her." Houston
When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain
remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't
any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would
also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ?
I Icrc arc two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia
K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoupd.
Itcd I tanks, MIsh. M Words arc iimdcqiinteVto express what
Lydia IMnUliaiuN Vefretublo Coiiitoutul lias done for inc. I
uffc?(vl from a feinalo disease nnd wrftkiiONti uhlch the doc
tors said was caused ly a fibroid tumor, and, I commenced to
think there was no help for me. Lydia 12. Pinkhaiifs Vegetable?
Compound mado mo a well Woman after alt other means had
failed. My friends are all asking, what lias helped mo no much,
and I triad Iy recommend Lydia 12. I'lnkhaiii's Vegetable Com
pound." Mrs. Willio Kduards. . . '
Hampstend, Maryland.-" liefore taldnff Lydia 12. Pinkham's
Vegetable, lompound I was weak ami nervous, and could not
bo on my feet half a day without Nuffcrlng. The doctors fold
mo I never would bo well without an operation, but Lydia 12.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done more for me than all
the doctors, and I hope this valuable medicine may come Into
the hands of many more Buffering womcii.'VWrs. Joseph II.
Dandy. ' ' r-'
We will pay a handsome reward to any, person who will
prove to ustiiat these letters are not genuine and truthftil
or that either of these women were paid in any way1 for
their testimonials, or that the letters are published without
their permission, or that the original letter from each did
not come to us entirely unsolicited. ,,'
What more proof can any one ask? it y;
For years Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vcgefahlo
4'ompound has been the standard remedy for'
female ills. So hick woman does tustieo to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Mode exclusively from roots' and herbs, and
has thousands ot cures to its credit.
K1" Mrs. Pinkham invite's nil lck women
I mt to write her lor advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynu, Mass.
:t;: . !
I long to hand a full cup of happi
ness to every human being. Dr. ray-son.
I'll.t.S I Ithlt IN 0 TO 14 HAYS.
'A.( OINTMhVI' In irnarnntiwl to riirn hit rw ,
i.f Hi lil nir llllnil, lllii'.liiiK ir I'rc'ini.lliid 1'fic. In I
K lo U tin) ur itmiii r i. liiiMli'fl. WW. J
One woman can be awfully fond ot j
another if they are a hundred , miles i
apart. " ' !
Lewis' KinIi' HindiT rigar richest, most
satmfying Miiokc on the market. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory, l'eetla, 111. I
Know what thou canst work nt and i
"do It like a Hercules. CarU'le.
A Ha,,'. i.....t-.. i i.
rnrwnllrn. uti uiinif .-.-t .' (.ivpm inninul rrllnf. Thn
nglnul imnilrr i u: in i. "n- HiitU liruvzlktt.
lletter one discreet enemy than two
Indiscreet frlenda.
All shoes are made ' in much
the same way. ' ; v
Here's the difference. ' ' '
Stylish While House Shoes fit
Not the ordinary liinrlina fit '
the fit that takes three weeks to'
break in. But the graceful fit that '
feels snug the fir$t time. And stays
snuff ana rracerui an time.
l OK MEN S3.BO, 84. 00, fi.M) ami SIMM FOB WIIMK.S 93.50, t. 00 anil S.OO
t'pon rorplpt f 4- to nrT postnttn. i Wlll.ninlV tj INM n H'lyHllti-itln rm.prlf hr ii si it..;iliT. slhiolnirOin iiiiivNts. ni u tmimf "WlilUslUut,;; 4hm-iuiiniill4i((
tifluurTiiluiiifKof Ih.i -willio UuiHlfHi,iuMi:." or will M tint:, IvufiouUBfUUiale. . .
THE BROWN SHOE CO. St. touis. Mo.
A (lavourij IiaH ii'l i!i Kn'i as Ifrnon oi
vjihIU. H (ltvolvnu nunul.lril u(f in w
Inr unci adding .Vaplrinn, a, dnlicioui ayrup ii
iiudi-aml ai.ytup'liei't than in j pin. Maplaina
U sold hy (rncrra. Send jc "lamp for aampla
and rsripe buok. Crsicent Mtg. Co.. Seattle.
- - t
Rpf lslprc I
II t. !. i'ai. umo
Ask for the
akerps Cocoa
bearing this trade
mark. Don't be
misled by imitations
I'M ' . .el
The genuine sold everywhere
Catof morn goodi brjoMnr ind taiter coloft than mi Olhafdia. On toe oackac cotnn all Sbefi. Thti dln cold at bll than an. mk.. rf.. v... ... j
0 avnvnt lUioiit ripping iptrU Writ ttr tin ttolt-U to Die, Ulaach ini Mu Clan. M OtfRO CO Sue 1 OO ! , OufJwy, Tllh, o