The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 18, 1909, Image 1

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    e HewsHeralb
HERALD. EttablUhc d April 16. Ml S CoUilci J,n-
Wonderful Strides Made by the
Telephone in the Past
Ten Years.
With the presidential election nearly
two month3 pa3t the excitement at-,
tending thereon has died away. But ;
there are stories andjanccdotes connec-1
ted with the campaign that will not die !
for many years. ;
Many of these stories, and perhaps a
majority, have to do with the getting i
of returns. Every instrument, every j
news getting agency and every being '
who is directly concerned in getting
results on election day and night arc J
kept on the qui vive. Press associations,
newspaper correspondents, news tickers
and every other news getting agency
make supreme efforts to be first in get
ting returns before the public. The
extent this competition reaches, the
intensity of the rivalry and the means
employed to get the results first are
hardly believable to one who has not,
directly or indirectly, been a partici
pant. In the presidential election of 190S
this rivalry was unprecedeed. The
utmost efforts were pu. forth and un
usally large expendi.ures of money
were made to score what in newspaper
parlance are known as "beats." In(
the late campaign the plum for the
most efficient, feasible and datisfactory j
way of getting complete and authetic ;
returns, went to an agency which a i
few years ago was considered imprac- i
ticable and too expensive.
This agency was the telephone.
Some years ago the telephone compan
ies gave out their bulletins direct in the
large cities. In the last election they
gave them to the newspapers, who, in
turn, gave them to the public over the
telephone or on screens. In these large
cities extra stations and lines were in
stalled in newspaper offices without
extra charge. The completeness and
accuracy of the telephone companies'
bulletins taken in conjunction with the
smooth manner in which they handled
the extra rush of business have
prompted the various newspapers
throughout the coutry, who enjoyed the
benefit of tie service-, -to give liberal
credit to the telephone companies.
Tke Philadelphia Times, a new even-
ing paper, in expressing its appreciation
says:-This is the first time we have
received anything without pay for it
since we have been in business."
The Baltimore World says:-"The
(telephone) service was perfect and
enabled us to put a more complete
"extra" on the street by eight o'clock
than ever before."
Although the bulletins of the tele
phone company were first at hand in
nearly every instance, the accuracy of
the reports was not sacrificed to obtain
this result. In so far as possible every
bulletin Iwas rigidly censored. Wild
cat guesses, prophecies based en hear
say, etc., were eliminated. Consequent
ly.the the bulletins had a real value, t .,
Department head and traffic officials
of the telephone companies are elated
at the highly successful outcomeof this
rigid test of their system. As a result
made Gloves
and Gauntlets
VIII nod ill kind, of ftithtr, work
ad weir better tbin in? oibtr lov
Iwcium tbey in pcrfectlr reinforced,
be Mime ere properly pltced and tba
leather tborouf hi atretcbed.
There are no plnchlni, binding rldfea
r aeama la grip or palm.
Long vear la Insured beeanaa matc
rlala if the beat to be bad and iba co
etrnctioa perfect.
. The are alwaya comfortable beeanaa
the are
C. E. Wescott's Sons.
"Where Quality Counts."
of the work it performed, stacks of
letters are carefully filed in the execu
tive office complimentary to the effi
ciency of the organizations.
Other tests the telephone has been
subjected to would make interesting
reading. For instantce, during the pen
nant winning game3 at Detroit last fall
the city was base ball mad. During
the last two weeks of the season the
enthusiasm of the "fans" was bubbling
over with every game. The climax was
reached on the pennant winning Tues
day, however. The telephone exchanges
were beseiged with enquiries.
To prepare for the emergency the
the telephone companies organized bul
letin squads whose duties were to an
swer base ball i nqu;ries. The large num
ber of young ladies who comprised
these squads handled in some cases over
7000 calls an hour, or, in other words,
some operators handled about seven
calls a minute, although each one in
sisted she handled thret times as many.
One operator on that memorable day
handled, by actual, count, twenty-one
calls a minute from an outside exchange
apparently without confusion. This
was at the rate of 1200 on hour.
These are but two instances out of
many that are happening day after day
which prove that the telephone has be
come our most indispensable Eervant.
It is becoming a necesity in every home
and office, whether in towr, city or
country. It is lock-stepping with prog
ress at every stride.
These two instances also serve to in
dicate the increased number of purposes
for which the telephone is Ufed. and
also tends to show the dependence the
general public places upon it.
But to get a deffinite idea of the
growth in popularity of the telephone
and the number in use, one should take
note of the growth of the Western
Electric Company, trie principal manu
facturers of telephones and telephone
supplies in this country. In 1902 tele
phones shipped by this company num
bered one million and a quarter, in 1904
a million and a half and in 1906 two
million and a quarter, an increase in
five years of a million telephones, or
approximately ovez 80 per cent.
Recommends Dorsey.
The dispatches of Wednesday the 13th
inst to the state press from Washington
state that Congressman Pollard has re
commended the re-appointmcnt of W.
C. Dorsey as postmaster at Louisville,
Neb. Mr. Dorsey has made one of the
best postmasters Louisville has had for
many years.
Dr. Walker in a Wreck.
Monday morning while returning from
a call in the country, Dr. Walker had
the experience of a real Missouri Pacific
wreck, with about the same amount of
As he was coming down the hill this
side of Rynard Kettlehut's one of the
little roan ponies kicked over the tongue,
throwing itself and breaking the
tongue. The short part of the tongue
ran in the ground, throwing the Man of
Medicine out and tangling the horses up
in the wire fence. The-rnedjcal gentle
man escaped, but one of the horses re
ceived a bad cut on the leg, and pills
were scattered broadcast over the corn
field. Nehawka Register.
20 0
Discount ft r cash
on all sheep lined
duck and corduroy
coats, also fur coats
and buffalo coats.
These are all new
first class ''quality"
goods. Worth the
price on one cold
day. Buy now and
save this discount.
Mainly Historical Showing How
Former Administrations
Viewed It.
George Washington, the first presi
dent of the United States, in his first
annual message to congress, on Janu
ary 8, 1T91), made the following recom
mendation: "The advancement of
agriculture, commerce, and manufact
ures by all proper means will not, I
trust, r.eed recommendation: but I can
not forbear intimating to you the ex
pedience of giving effectual encourage
ment as well to the introduction of new
and useful inventions from abroad as
to the exertions of skill and genius in
producing them at home." And in an
address co the house of repre? cntatives
only four days later Washington said,
"We concur with you in the sentiment
that agriculture, commerce and manu
factures are entitled to legislative pro
tection." And again in his eighth an
i.ual message, on December 7, i7'J6,. he
said, "Jongress have repeatedly, 'and
not without success, directed their at
ti n to the encouragement of manufac
tures. The object is of too much con
sequence not to insure a continuance of
their efforts in every way which shall
appear eligible."
Thomas Jefferson, the third president,
and the great apo3tleof the early demo
cracy, in his second annual message to
congress, on December 15, 1802, said,
"To cultivate peace and maintain com
merce and navigation in all their lawful
enterprises: to foster our fisheries an
nurseries of navigation and for the nur
ture of man, and protect thk manu
STANCES; to preserve the faith of the
nation by an exact discharge of its
debts and contracts, expend public
money with the same care and economy
we would practice with our own, and
impose on our citizens no unnecessary
burthens; to keep in ail things within
the pale of our constitutional powers,
and cherish the federal union as the only
rock of safety these, fellow-citizens,
are the landmarks by which we are to
guide ourselves in all our proceedings."
James Madison, the fourth president,
and a president chosen by Jefferson to
be his successor, in a message to con
gress, on May 23, 1809, said, "It will be
worthy at the same time of their just
and provident care to make such fur
ther alterations in laws as will more es
pecially protect and foster the several
branches of manufacture which have
been re:ently instituted or extended by
the laudable exertions of our citizens."
James Monroe, the fifth president, in
his first annual message to congress, on
December 2, 1817, said, "Our manufac
tories will require the continued at
tention of Congress. The capital em
ployed in them is considerable, and the
knowledge acquired in the machinery
and fabric of all the most useful manu
factures is of great value. Their pre
servation, which depends on due encour
agement is connected with the high in
terests of the nation."
Andrew Jackson, the patron saint of
democracy, in 1824. then a United
States senator, declared, "We have too
long been subject to the policy of the
British merchants. It is time we should
become a little more Americanized, and
instead of feeding the paupers and la
borers of Europe, feed our own, or else
in a short time by continuing our pres
ent policy (the tariff for revenue only
of 1816) we shall be rendered paupers
ourselves. It is my opinion, therefore,
that a careful and judicious tariff is
much wanted."
Millard Fillmore, in his second annual
message to congress, on December 2,
1851, said, "The policy which dictated a
low rate of duties on foreign merchan
dise, it was thought by those who es
tablished it, would tend to benefit the
farming population by increaring the
demand and raising the price of our
agricultural products in foreign markets.
The facts, however, seem to show, in
contestably, that no such result has fol
lowed this policy."
Of the above Jefferson, Madison,
Monroe, and Jackson, were democrats,
but none seem to be Bryan democrats,
and all favored the principle of a pro
tective tariff.
We're in a Hurry.
Even when a newspaper is growing
like The Lincoln Daily News, its pub
lishers are not satisfied but want thou
sands of farmers and other state folds
to be reading it, and the quickest way
is to make a cheap trial offer in the
hope that you will like the paper and
keep on taking it. This offer beats
them alt, only 25 cents for a daily news
paper f.-om now until the close of the
legislature, April 1. 1909. We stop it
then unless you send in money to re
new it. Don't pay your money to
strangers for any newspaper. Send
direct to the paper or hand it to your
postmaster. The Lincoln Daily News
is always a live one, bui just now dur
ing the legislature, you will get a dol
lar's worth for trial quarter, and if
yoti decide then to not stay with us,
we're the loser, but we want you to try
it, even if we do lose money on your
trial. If you don't say that The News
is the plainest, frankest and fairest
paper you know of, we miss our gueBH.
No nasty medical ads, no liquor adf, a
paper for the whole family. Watch
your man in the legislature The Lin
coln News will print the truth about
him. The sooner you send in a quarter
the1 mora papers you will get.
J. B. Meisinger Succumbs to
Heart Trouble Friday Eve
ning at His Residence.
J. B. Meisinger nn old and highly re
spected citizen of Cass county departed
this life at his home west of Platts
mouth Friday evening at the advanced
age of seventy-three years. Mr. Mei
singer had been ailing some for a few
months, but was not though to be dan
gerously ill until a few hours before
his death. Although rhuematic trouble
had bothered him for a few weeks, he
was taken suddenly worse Friday
morning with heart trouble and his
sons, C. A. of Springfield, and J. B. of
Lincoln were summoned and arrived
Friday evening.
J, B. Meisinger was born in Boclstein
Hessen Dermstadt, Germany, June 13,
1836, and came to America with his
parents when he was eleven years of
age. Ilia parents settled in Tazewell
county, Illinois near Pckin. Here the
subject of this sketch grew to man
hood, and in 1856 was married to Miss
Anna Eva Meisinger who preceded her
Habandto. tha batUr world almost two
years ago. To Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger
were born ten children, eight of whom
survive thorn, all of them married and
having families. The deceased is sur
vived by nineteen grandchildren. He
also leaves six brothers and one sister
to mourn his death.
The surviving children are, Mrs.
Eva Dreezen of Unadilla, Neb., Mrs.
William Heil of Cedar Creek, and their
six brothers, G. G. Meisinger of Cedar
Creek, C. A. Meisinger of Springfield,
Neb., P. M. Meisinger of Benson,
Neb., J. B. Meisinger, jr., of Lincoln,
W. G. Meisinger and L. A. Meisinger,
brth of Plattsmouth. The deceased
was the oldest of seven brother.', and
the first to be called to his long home.
His brothers are J. M., II. J., Conrad,
Jacob, George P. and P. H. Meisinger,
who acted as pall bearers and tenderly
bore the casket containing the remains
of their beloved brother to its last
resting place.
The funeral occurred Sunday after
noon at the residence of the deceased
and was conducted by Rev. Langhorst
of thia city. Interment was made in
the family lot by the side of his wife
in Oak Hill cemetery. The funeral
was one of the largest seen in this part
of the county for many years and at
tested the great respect in which the
deceased was held by his neighbors who
sincerely mourn the daath of a friend.
The deceased was a member of the
Lutheran church and was an exemplary
law abiding citizen. He was a kind
husband and father and a man of rare
business ability, and amassed a con
siderable fortune. He came to Cass
county thirty -seven years ago, and was
always a leading spirit in the commun
ity in which he lived. J. B. Miesinger
will be greatly missed from our midit,
and his bereaved children have the
sympathy of the entire community in
their loss.
Mr. Tidd at the Helm.
The Plattsmouth semi-weekly News
Herald has been changed to the
News-Herald, with A. L. Tidd as
editor. Mr. Tidd states that the politi
cal complexion of the paper will re
main republican, and that it will be
the aim of the editor to give everybody
a square deal. The first issue under
the new management shows a decided
improvement. The Courier wishes you
success. Louisville Courier.
I have a good 5 room house in first
class condition with 2 lots, barn close
in. A snap if taken at once. I aho
have Dakota, Western Nebraska,
Kansas and Texas lands for sale or
trade. J. H. Thrasher.
John P. Thacker, of Near Union,
Is the Victim of Shoot
ing Affray.
On last I'rtlay afternoon, at the
farm of James Darrough, a few miles of the villago of Union, John
I . Thacker, a well known farmer, was
shot nigh unto death by John Clarence,
a resident ot the same neighborhood.
James Darrough was having his corn
shelled and a number of the neighbor
ing farmers were assisting in the
work. Among those thus engaged were
Carter Albin, and his nephew Earl Al-
bin, who became engaged in a quarrel.
At this time John P. Thacker put in his
appearance, and in some way became
involved in the quarrel, ha did also
Johnny Clarence. It is reported that
Thacker, either struck Clarence with
a club, or was attempting to strike him,
when Clarence drew his revolver and
shot Thacker three times, one bullet
taking effect in the breast, one in the
abdomen, and the other in the left
thigh. Either of the first two shots
may prove fatal. Thacker is a large
and well built man, while Clarence is
a small man and a cripple.
After the shooting Clarence camo to
this city, and surrendered himself to
the officers and was placed in jail.
It was about two o'clock in the after
noon when the shooting took place, and
as the last Bhot was fired, Thacker fell
to the ground. The wounded man was
picked up and removed to his home.
Medical aid was quickly summoned and
Dr. Livingston, of this city, and Dr.
Davis, of Omaha, made a complete ex
amination, removing two of the bul
lets and dressed the wounds. The
bullet which entered the breast just
above the hearti inflcted a dangerous
wound, as Is also the one which entered
the abdomen and lacerating the bowels.
Mr. Thacker is a man about forty
seven years of age, having a wife and
six children. He is regarded as an in
dustrious and thrifty farmer, nd, tn
1905, was the democratic for county
commissioner against L. D. Switzer.
John Clarence is a young man about
twenty eight years of age, and had re
sided in that vicinity all his life. He is
a cripple. Attorney Byron Clark has
been retained to defend him.
The real causes of this affair has not
been learned with any certainty.
Dr. Livingston called on the patient
Sunday evening, and he still survived,
and one of the neighbors of Mr. Thacker
was in the city this morning and re
ported that the wounded man was still
It was an unfortunate occurrence and
the neighbors and friends of the par
ties hope that the shooting may not
terminate fatally.
At the hour of going to press the
News-Herald is in receipt of informa
tion to the effect that Mr. Thacker has
a very high fever today, which the
doctors consider a dangerous symptom.
County Attorney Ramsay went to the
wounded man.s bedside- this afternoon.
R. O. Walters transacted business in
the metropolis Saturday afternoon.
:..l..j.,-H.,..K-4-M I I.'MhH'M 'M"H"M
We're Here to Slay
And we have on exhibition one of the finest lines of strictly
high grade pianos that was ever brought to Plattsmouth. There
is a distinct advantage n buying anything from a local dealer,
and especially is this true of Pianos. If you get hold of a poor
package of canned goods, if the calico or print doesn't measure
up to the standard, if you get a shoddy piece of clothing, -the
local dealer will make it good. His business is to make you
satisfied. His future in the community depends upon his giving
vou exactly what you pay for. With the mail order houses it is
largely a question of getting your money. And this is especial
ly true in the Piano business. We represent only houses of un
questioned standing and integrity, aim in addition to the guar- X
artee of the manufacturers we place our rock bound guarantee
on every Piano that leaves our store. And we are in the same
class with the rest of your local dealers. Our fnture in your
community depends upon our living up to our advertised prom
ises. We shall appreciate tho courtesy if you will call and in
spect our stock, even if you are not now in the market for a
piano. A handsome souvenir will be given to every lady caller
this week. Now is the time to have your Tiano tuned and put
in good shape. We make a specialty of this line of business.
" "v miiuiuuviUI i lUOlt VUt t
I Twin and Repairing
"Crandpa" Propat.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Propst jf Mynard
were in the city Thursday and called at
the News-Heiiald ofiice to get ac
quainted with the new management.
They arc entertaining at their home
Mr. J. Nearhood, of Ong, Neb., whom,
they had not seen for eighteen years.
In the early duys they were neighbors
in Kansas. Mr. Propst incidentally in
formed us that he had recently become
"Grandpa," a son having been bom to
his daughter, Mrs. Maud Test, at Mit
chell, S. D., on the 9th inst. And it is
very plain to be seen that Grandpa
Propst appreciates to the limit the dign-.
ity which has been thurst upon him.
Bridge Across the Platte at Louis
ville Will Be Opened
For Travel Soon.
The Louisville correspondent to the
State Journal under date of January 14
gives the following account of the work
on the bridge spanning the Platte at
that place, which will be cheering to
those desiring to drive their autos to
Omaha next summer:
The work on the wagon bridge across
the Platte river at this point is rapidly
being pushed to completion, and it ia
the opinion of the contractors that it
will be ready for traffic by the first of
February. The workmen have passed
the middle of the river with the most
difficult part of the work done. When
the work was begun it was prophesied
that the structure would not be com
pleted until in the summer, but barring
accidents traffic will be opened by the
first of the month.
The recent announcement of the
names of The Platte River Bridge com
pany, by Secretary James Stander of
the organization, shows that the inter
est in the completion of the bridge ex
tends to Lincoln and Omaha and the
towns in the Immediate vicinity of
Louisville. Tho list of stockholders in"
the company follows:
Louisville-C. A. Richey, W. F.
Diers, II. E. Pankonin, James Stander,'
M. L. Williams, Fred Wegner, F. H.
Nichols, J. P. Ellis, P. A. Jacobeon,
Dr. E. A. Worthman, Frank Johnson,
Robert McCarty, B. G. Hoover, Geo.
Frater, C. E. Urwin, J. W. Waldron,
W. C. Dorsey, E. Palmer, Ernest
Pautsch, C. II. Phelps, L. Bocdeker.
M. N Drake, Chas. Vanscoyoc, John
Ahl, A. J. Hoover, E. A. Pandonin, E.
C. Twiss, Walter Blake, August Oa
senkop, W. T. Starkey.
Omaha II. F. Cady Lumber Co., C.
W. Hull. J. J. DeRight, N. B. Updike,
G. H. Kelly. D. C. Bradford, C. B.
Haven & Co., Gould Dietz, Byrne
Hammer D. G. Co., Mrs. Alice E.
Sunderland, Dr. C. Allison, H. D.
Lincoln Cornish Brothers, Curtis
Towle, Payne Co.
Plattsmouth-Tom E. Parmele, F.
G. Egenberger.
Springfield-Chas. Thompson, W. H.
Mantey Peter Vogler.
Cedar Creek -C. E. Metzger.
V HI MM 1 iM.t..H-llH"H"M"H-4
J. A. Becker, M&n&Jer
-H. " 'Illll HI t MHIIHIH