Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 31, 1908, Image 1

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NEWS. Established Not. 6. 1891 I CoMolMtl Ju. 1. IMS
NKWS-UfcKALU. Established April 18. 19641 wm1"1
WIMb ' News
- ' - . - . r "". ;: :. .; : : ' -
Bonds of Stite Officers.
Owing to the fact that bonding
companies hive lnrrcue.1 .tho price
of bond for stato office, ra nboiit 300
per cent, several of the otfloera-elect
are planning to give personal bt.nd.1,
These range from JlO.tiOO to $50,000.
with tho exception of the state trcas
urer'a Loud, which la for fl.OOft.OOO.
Tho bonding companies have nob In
creased tho premium for tho stato
treasurer's bond. A tho . bond of
other state, officers aro rather . small,
they uro In position to glvo personal
bond without much trouble,: Attor
noy Uoueral Thompson, consulted per
on In regard to signing hU official
bond Tom Auld, u Llntolu. bunker,
Is unvi who hni promised to' algu Mf,
Thompson' i bund.
Governor Sheldon, thu ritll'lug v
eruor, will be required to pas on the
bond vr t h Incoming state teipurer,
I.. (I, Jtrt.t it. who sucooedH himself
ll expect lo Rive u Rimiunty bond
a he did during Ma first term. The
alato pns the premium.
Athletic for the Guard.
Tho adjutant itrncrnl bus forwarded
to each company commander In thu
Nebraska Ou.ud u in Amu I
of physical ill III.. At the stale rl lie
camp the KU rd-men' weiv much U
pteaied with the dilll given dully
by two companies of icauhir i a
Honed near the earn p. The hook' tut
to captain of the gu ird enmt uuh
contain instructions In'rlfl.' drill,
drill music, ninny athletic exercises
and limine and contents., A book of
up to date drill regulation .-u'm nu
Hum of Hi st aid for hospital.' corps
his been Kent to each captain in the
guard for the ue of bis company
Volumes! of tho mriitary law of the
United dtntej ha vo .been forwarded .to
officer of the guard wbjnrefaitjtxb
Iiik government garrlsou schools
Copies of International laws', have
been ordered by the adjutant general
to be furnished these student s.
State Banks Report.
With only three state bank failures
In tho past six years., an . Increase of
nearly $ 1.000.000 fu deposits" In on
year and an increase of, half u million
dollars In paid up capital slock; Sec
retary Royse of ;the . stat : .biuktTi
board U proud of the quarterly." report,
of sUte banks at 4he close of" bu'4lne-i.'
November 27. He. haa just completeil
a auinmary of the' reports of theCa.
banks under the control of tUA sta
banking board. It shows.- total .. de
posits amounting 'to JG5.S9S.7S::. 'This
1s not far from the high mark made
in August. 1907. when there was. over
$7l.tMH',uu0 on deposit. As. deposits
alas shrink between the summei
mouths and the close of the year,
which is a period or general liquid
lion, the report is considered extreme
ly good
Time Table
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Nu. Ai t'acifle Junction ii 6 p.
No. 2 Local Kx press, to Iowa poinU. Chi-
caffo and tha raot 6:03 p.
No. 4 Lincoln to Pacific Junction, eonj.: .-".
nectinsr widt points north, cast
and south (ffceept Sunday) 9uA a.
No. 2C Prom Omata v .-35 P.
No. 80 Freight to Pacific Junction'. . .v. i4&2 p.
No. 6 Through venttbule express. . .r)0ri a.
No. 14 From Omaha fl!30p.
No. 19 Local exprS. daily. Omaha,' Ciw---
coin, WrajijCol.. and Intrrmedial "
stations... j .'.,':;,8-0! a
f o.7 Fast mail.-. Omaha and Lincoln ; ,
(Esc-pt Sanday) tf,ia-l&.
No. S3 Local expreas.Louta11le. Ashland.-.
Wahooandjchturler .'. .. F ftflO p
No. ?3 Local f wiUfht. Cedar Crok .-
LouiavilInd South Bend MD
Daily, exmpt Sunday. I
M. P.
': Table
Ho. 10 Omaha Expreaa. . .
No. 10U Nebraska Mail
. ..627 a. m.
. . .5:02 p. m.
...2-fK p. m.
No. 103 Local Freifjht.
No. J04 .1
No ,0G
Locsl Freight.
.9: id a. m.
123 a. m
, ..9:45 a. tn
Comracncinff with
t Nov. 2 I will give
25 per tent off on
all trimrhed hats.'
laiffig- FnojjLLom
If Ts aeta a bu sa larv Fsna
lui, tt rtuaatU ntt sf burnt. Write
sm. HsDeUy. I. STMUXSER.
203 hsctsa Stan Bit. Osaka.
- ... . -
Legislative Pacta and Qosslp Nswa
of tha Stat Capital.
. SMprems Court Calendar,
: Tbw following U a list of ca that
will be callwd for bowl Inn lu the mt
prvtue court, commenclntf January Tti
rVr heitilutt Tues.1, Jununry ft:
OiiVIs t'hleato. .11. 41 U H. To.,
aundois; C'ltUnns' lUnk va, Prod
rlo:isn. l)iilas; Livingston . 1
lick, Admis., Douglas; t'adwell vs.
kiutllii, Custer; Krbol v, Kilxd, Cil
tor; Klikpati-kk x. Klrkputrlck. t'ua
ter; lvld Hrudley 4 V(t. vs, Mall?,
('uiler: State Drayton' (on motion
for rehearing), Antelope; Kenntaoit
vs. Hiato, Kimball; llitrnea va, State,
Cass; Foil so va. HlMtt, Douglas; Pos '
ton vm. Stato, Harlan.
Kor bearing Wednesday, JauuAry Hi
UructwotMl va. King (on motion for
ruiesilQK). l.VUar; Minor vs. Morgan.
Webster;. Jackson vaH. tlrrenwood,
Kr., T)toe; (intea va." TebbeltM, tlage;
KtrrV"- Maugua. Uagn; Winkler vs
Clty.'s of Hastings, Adam: South.
On aba - National Hank vs. McUillin,
Chase; Callahan vs. State. Douglas;
Peterson vs. llatier. Cass; McCauley
vs" State, Douglaa; Berger vs. Wilcox;
Dawson; Uoeaen v. Omaha Hi reef U.
Co., Douglas.
jVo:1 hearing Thursday, January 7:
Lench va. UUby, Hayes; Motrin va.
Miller,' Buffalo; Foster Vs. State.
Cass; Russell vs. Estate of Close,
Dodge; Ballard vs. Cerney. Saline;
Palver vs. State, Kearney; Lillite vs.
State, Uagv; State, vs. Merchants'
Bnk (before commission), Lancaster;
Shults vs. Chicago, U. tc Q. R. Co.,
Lajioaster; . Shelley va. Tuckertuao,
Tor hearlug Friday, January 8:
AV'orrall . Grain Co. " vs. Johnaou, Lan
caster; Hlbner va. Wilson, Lancaster;
Schweitier vs. SUte, Lancaster; Stato
va. Dudgeon. Lancaster; Rlgga va.
Stato, Lancaster.
Stats Blda for 91,000,000 Bonds.
At & meeting of the board of edu
cational landi and buildings the board
decided to make no change In . the
offer made by State Treasurer Brian.'
October 13, for fl.000,000 or, Douglas
county court house bonds. The bonds
bear 4 'per cent Interest. The state
treasurer offered to take tbem at par.
the. Douglas county board to deliver
'.he bonds at their pleasure, or. when
ever money la needed for the work
or .construction, sixty days' notice to
be; given of delivery. The county
board waa given the accrued interest
up', to the date of deliverr of bonds.,
This would enable the county to save
accrued interest on a large part of the
Issue. If they are sold to brokers the
county will have to deliver all of the
bonda at tine time and pay accrued
futerest. The state board stands by
this offer of the state treasurer. Some
members .thought the offer was too
riberal--in View of 'the chances of a
gJrMN : - many school district bonds be-'
ing offered" to the state ditririg" the
next-i Wf- -years.' . ,' : '. , .., -
fleoents Ask"Legislators for 4150ob:
" The , ni'tieteeiitb' bienniil report "of
?ie. .board of regents Hf the state ttnf
versitx , was" submitted to 'Cov-ernor
Sheldon Wednesday ,-afternorn by
President. C. S. Allen. The report con
tains a general' survey of th-e j-f
or the university, the 'est! mate by. the
regents of its needs,for the next two
years, and the reports of various offi
cers. together ' with ike financial
statement of the secretary.' J S.
In tutdition to the iM0u4ar funds of
1729.090 which accrne frosn' the' 1 'mill
assessment "on j)39l.7Ot,00O frfpro'p
erty In the state, the board of rwgenta
ask an additional appropriation of
S415.0oO for the erortion of buildings,
the purchase of additional campus
institutes. Ttie ananas 'revenue from
the taxable property Is used up in
the current expenses. The .annual
salaries amount to tlOjOOO, toe run
ning: expenses 91S4.0OO and the com
pletion of the present " Vtasineerlng
bdHdiag will take op -the balance of
the fund, ilafiOO. It Is estimated that
the-new buildings aad lots that are
needed will cost JSSO.aCft.
Deputy Land'Commiscivnsr. :
,',At :lat. Land Commisssoner-elect
CowJes haa a deputy, though ' the in
formation " Is ;'-' not official. He has
named George Bmery of Beatrice for
the ' place . now occupied' liy J. v M
Shively. Mr. Emery is a retired busi
ness man of Beatrice aad inaoaged
the campaign of Mr. Allea..-wtjK came
very near beias nominated' by the re
poMicans for state auditor." ;
MiliUry Bat).
Governor and Mrs. SheJdon. triH en
tertaln the colonels on the gsernor'a
staff and the .officers .or th. Mattonai
Ocard at a grand 'military.' ball Ion" tha
night of January 4., Invitations to the
aalr will be sent tmt shortly., The
ball will be give at the executive
mansion and. will be strict! r mfMtarj.
Now Matting in Stat Kosi.
For the first time ia aevn yvaara
or thereabovts new matltiis- fa bAiru
laid on the third, floor of the- state
MU la. tts qgrrttora A
Stats News and Net a In Condensed
' Form. ; , . ,y
, Cklckenpox provalla at Edgar. .
" The Oatette at Thurston haa ' Bone,
The city f Ord wanu'V mwru
.Toe Farrneis'. bnk at IVgo la put
Uhf la new Kft." . . '
A pow.. telephone line I. going up In.
the Ylclttltyv'of Lane, . . .V'V.
Nortdlt U mU to have" a n-iiatlter,
of oases of diphtheria. .
The Northwestern bulldlug near
depot platform nt Qurdon, , ,
The Monitor mill At Bcrlbner ar
toutpslIM to run overtime, ,
Thi,KlmbaU vcouutjr taclt ' Hst.
elation will utnol JftOtiary V'-V , " .'
NeU Johnson aoM hla half 'r1lo't
farm near Wausa tor $l.00o ,
Tl I'nlted WoihittiMt ul ('atloltm
am buildiug au addition lo their hall.
Wlusine jrtmlse to bnll.k looiv
ofiieit walks naxt year than fyec,.
Th Rook, Island has u Urge, to ice "
sf Italians at work ratslnu" 'h' i
vast or MaJow. ,
The Ttaptlst; ladles . , at , L"f"P ('U'v
tlearetl 0 on a tipM' they tf ii
few ev'enttias aati. ' ''
; Tltsr 'l'awnttf. county farmeia"' 111 M
(utVWl 1m held at Pawner. City le
cthbi.31 MO' JannnrV 'V ' ,v
Angiist lUaacsnn kaa sold hla faint
ini Dawsioi county to a MfV '
celvlitg $?' per acre for It.. ,.
.A poultry dealer,' at "ayb"i'ahl
124.48'. Tor fifty-ont ld -heaan aver
tut or nearly titty cents each,. .
W T. Owens postmaster at LotiH
City, hus ' resigned. D. C. Orow was
at mire named "to succeed hi in.
'GrattdpaV 'Lnmbrecht celebrated.
IiIh elghty-flftu blithduy at Ueemer
luring the. week, lie Is still ale and
boa rl y. ' '
Mr. -aiul Mrs. P. L. Rbrfc. of Te.
kawah..were married fifty eara ago
this week. They celebrated the .event
properly. -
A Union Pucillc Mipply car caught'
Ire In the: yard at North lleml sriJ
bunted up before anything In It cowld
be saved.
The t-'O.OOO bonds of tho vlllage..,of.
Seott's Bluff, for thb construction of
a . waterworks system, have been soli
to a Chicago firm. . . ..
.Complaluu have, been tiled against
numerous grocers throughout tho
state charging them with violations
of the pure food laws. . t
rrhe Pilger Herald Ktatea that How
ill Reea sold his champion young bull
Ruberta's Goods,' for G,S00, with tho
privilege of keeping him until Msrch.
Citizens or Arlington . are utlllxlng
the waste steam Trom the electric
ightlug plant to heat their residences,
and the plan in said to work admir
ably. ' ' '
Paul Miller, or Stanton, fell rrom a
ladder at hla home southwest or town
and broke his ankle. It id an injury
.hat will prove very tedious and slow
In healing.
C. D.j Casper, who established the
first paper in Butler county, is a can
didate Tor clerk in the new county
of .Morrill, with a good show of land
ing the position. . . '
Mrs. . Matt Bozaiih. 'formerly of
Union, whose husband ..was sentenced
rhe other day to 'life imprisonment
for killing .1. S. Dyer, has sone to
Oklahoma to livt.
Landlord Whitman at Kimball found
a pearl nearly as large as a pea in
the oysters he was eating; the other
iay. The specimen vls saW an
unusually good ne. "
L. F. Koplin, h saloonkeeper at Pil
ger, was fined -$75; and-costs on. three
counts, for selling, liquor "to' 'minor,
pleading guilts-.;!.' the" charge. The
village board then revoked his license,
A deal .was consummated at Utica
vhereby Eugene -Morgan purchased
tbe SO-acre ,'fa'rrii"- from , Will 'Cross
which he purchased last summer from
Mike Sullivan, the consideration being
jier acre. . ..
A valuable deposit ot pumice ston
has been discovered in the ' hills
t round Eudicotti Jefferson county. The
stoue is said to be of very fine quality,
ind will make the hills In that locality
very Taluable. '
It is reported that after January 1
Rosebud mail and all pf the govern
ment freight will be taken by Crook
ston. The change is made because
. u e i uu to .is
come to Valentine.'' '''.
The Lincoln Land company is tak
ing a lively Interest in the contest
between; Bridgeport, and Bayard as the
county .seat of the new county of Mor
rill. anf have -offered to donate a city
block and S 10,000 In cash toward a
court house. ' ' y
Work on the new municipal light
plant at Fremont is rapidly nearing
completion and"- if' no' unexpected
source of delay arises-patrons of the.
plant will be supplied light by the
new engines within the course of the
next two weeks.
. The business men of Arcadia . held
u meeting . recently for the purpose .of
determining whether the town should,
hare a new electric ' light" plant or
not and -it now looks as though It
would, as all the progressive citlxens
favor such a move. "A"' -Stanley
WIMama,hVs' 'sold - forty
acres ot land In. Scotta Bloff county
to Miss Lettie Mayo of TJambrfa, Iowa,
for $2,200 cash. Miss Mayo, was ne
or .the eariy. residents of the ralley.
and ' badr a tract of land there for
a long time which the sold not long
ago,. ' ;, ',.'.-;
Cuming county has seventy-four
rural school districts, employing sev-
from S25 to $50. and the lour towns
four IOWD8 I
in the county employ forty teachers,
at salaries Tanging from $45 to $S5.
exclusive of salaries of the superintendents
0ral, Political, Rallflleus. Snertlno,
Foreign and Other Events Rt
oerdsd Here anel Thrt.
Cabinet olhceis are suWutUlliti to
President Roosevelt their reports in
answer to tha Aldrlch resolution a to
lite art-ret service and It Is considered
pohahl the president will have ready
lit submit to the apprtipi-latlon coiiuuti
lt t.r the seuale all. these reports
sboaafer Ibe re anthlU of cott'
vresi. t U U the president's Intention
bt ar promptly lit Ihla utatier,
At 111 letniesl f Menalor Hrown
(be library al MadUon, Meb , baa been
plactMl, on the list to receive sHth pnb
;lK)'ttlns as are available for pnhllo
yltHh and college libraries.
. k Sctmtor Iturkelt" had a conference
with (he War dcpiu intent ttulclals re
nardlttR n bill ror enlargeinent of the
lnal corps pot.itt )rl' Omaha. The
Mil has a tptd cbuitce of becoming a
law; "
., It, Is believed the spet lal aembm of I
rVi'trgroaa for rcvhlon f the tariff i
ttay be callel Immediately after the I
inauguration of President Tart.
The revenue realure or the tariff bill .
tno!ves more difficult problems than
?ilher the protective or oilier phases
if I he tnr.lff. revision ntestlou. It Is
claimed by .aome that the government
has. been deprived of millions of dol
ls fs" of revt-hne during th oratlon
o-'rhi Dlngley tariff because of the
Sttmr-rouH changes madv In the bill af
ter jt, passed the hotis of representa
tives. ThetJe' change' were made'
prlnclpnliy in the wordlug of the bill,
rather than in the rates of duty. .
Indication are that pornt who
tpoct President . Roosevelt to ay
t-omt thing of a personal nature in bis
lihissage ' to congress reply lug to the
inquiry as to the basis ror that por
tion of : his -message dealing with the
secret service will be dlsappoluted.
While the president has not yet writ
ten his reply he has collected a, stock
of information which wfl sorve for it.-
Secretary Root "will be placed on
the committee on foreign relations
when he 1 elected to take Senator
Piatt's place lu senate.
A hundred thousand persons were
killed by earthquake shock which de
vastated three provinces In' southern
Italy; The cities of Messina and
Roggio and about twenty smaller
places were .destroyed. It-Is supposed
Tht ,a gootl many American tourists
, The will' of the late.CIaus Speckles,
the sugar king, which was filed for
probate, leaves life interest in the
estate to the widow. At her death the
property-is to be divided among three
of her children.
A number of ' prominent engineers
have been invited to accompany President-elect
Taft to Panama.
Eruption of Mount Etna has' added
to the terror caused by earthquake in
southern Italy.
The county treasurer of Sanborn
county, South Dakota, was held up
and robbed of $.1,000 of the county
money. : . ' . . , .
AH -candidates for United States
senator r in Ohio except , Charles . p.
Taft are opposed to holding caucus .of"
republican legislators. . .
Consul Max Baehr has been offered
the post at Bttenos Ayres. btrt n'iy no
accept it. - - : -
Tho Presjdent invite Canada and
JTexico .to participates in the move
ment to conserve resources of the
N'orth American continent. ..
Very little spurious, money js being
passeii in this part of the" west at this
time. ' ' "'.".'
i Abraham Rttef; the San Francisco
sraftet.. was sentenced to-" four I eon
years 'in'' the. penitentiary. ' ' . . .
Burlington crop reports show winter
w heat-to be -in good-condition. .
An . earthquake . at'.-. Virginia . City.
of eomnission. '-.
- .The foot and mouth disease among
New York cattle is thottght to '"be: com
pletely radicated. ' ;. ...
. Troops in Cuba will be withtlrawn
bi tnerfirst day: Of the year.
Every ship arriving at. Ve.nez.nolan
ports brings many returning exiles
Venezuelan people think s bright, era
has dawned. .-';: . "
"The proposed Irish '."purchase" land
law has been abandonee' because the
Brit is! 1 Parliament had ' ho" 'time vto
consider it. " ' ' . : I- s -
A large' numWr of convention -of
agricultural and similar bodies are tc
be held in Lincoln.. Neb., in January
' The Eastern ! Illinois . roail . .' has
asked shippers to co-operate In main
taining a popular. tariff. " '"""
Revisers of the tarff have reached
schedule B.Tn framing. Ihe bUl. .
"President iloosevelt sais the famllt
'home is the . best place to care- fot
dependent children. t-S" i. X4'; - ' .
-State j Alitor ;.8eaS ot Nebraska
will give judges increased' pay for De
cembef J" mrden.ii: the constitutional
meDdmao.C--tbahkj ar -repdrtecl
in prosperous1 co'ndi'tfoh. -''!"- -:- c ..
The next encampment ofathe Grand
Army .will probably be, held In I Cin-
cinnatl or Pittsburg instead of Salt
-UJ-IIWBf '.111 "I'lllJI'HBn I
. '
The chief of the secret police of
Moscow was killed In a battle with
Prvsldout Rotiaevelt has issued a
statement lu whh-h he says he can
not now interfere- in the matter of tho
seutence of th labor leaders bt-atue
the caso is not through the courts.
Prospects are good for a resump
tion of friendly relatlous between (he
I'nlted State and Veiieauela. !
dent of the Mutual Reserve Lire lu-.
surauee company, Is dead from luhal- j
lug gas lit his homtt in New York,
Hie Hoi-ate PiunUetl visited Preal- j
dent elect Tall ami discussed conser
vatloit of national resources with him,
Vive Presldt-iU (lomew has ake for
an Anieiteitn wai'shi lo b. sent to
VriteKtiebi and lias betiuu iiegiltullotti ,
for the resumption of relations with, j
the I'mied Slutcs, i
Five members f the Nitttth family !
landed In the hoard of aldermcii of i
4oinci-vllle, Mass,, lat elet-lltMi day, j
James Contgan, who has befit In j
niiauclitl olniBslo w li It .Itihii I), Itot ke
frllrc fl' eais, died Hrtturda, , follow,
tta an oietlloit for appeudleltts,
I'lt-fldfiil CtiMiro kttoss ttolbina of
the .eoiidlilous In lilt home mutiny,
The supreme i-ourt of Mlouil tr
deled the Slattilaid till eomp,itv of
Imllana, lite Itoptiblic OH tttinpiiy of
Ohio and lli W aters .pierce t-otnpsiiy
f Hi. I.tntls out of btiatnesa In the
male ami rittnl litem $,'.i.uou e-h,
t'blna xxatttw the IrarttliMt at Vh !
'iiaion talxed lo an embnssy,
The in'eitldriti may return to hi
nrst plan tf reforming the navy.
The order of Mayor MfClellnu of
New York -losing movie picture
machine wan temporarily suspended
by Justice tiayttttr of the
Twelve tm-mbi'i-M of the lower bouse
f eongress have unite Panama t
ratiilliarlxe themaelvea with the tllg
ttitt of (he big canal.
A new Pompeii Iihm been unearthed
n tho plains of Arizona. It Is by far
'he most important of the archaelolo-i;l-al
discoveries that have yet been
made in the I'nlted Slates, and prom
.ses to enable scientists to throw
sottitf lisht on the remarkable peoples
who at one lime. In a remote antlqnl
'y. inhabited the far southwest.
Many arrests' have- b.en. made of
Pittsburg councilman fnu ..grafting
nd more are t.o.follow. .::','"'i
,The labor luutiers or the.' United
States sent messages by the wholesale
to the threo officials of the Amerlcau
federation who were sentenced to
prison and the information was given
out that the Mucks cuse would be
ought to- a ilnlah.ln rt.e highest court.';
Justice Wright of the court of ap
peals of the District of Columbia sen
tenced President Com tiers of the Fed
eration of Labor to one year. Vice
President John Mitchell to ulna
months and Secretary Morrison to
six mouths in prison for contempt in
the Bucks stove case fur violating a
court Injunction. They have appealed
to a higher court.
The location hi this city of statues
f John Par.l Jones and Commodore
John Barry, both of whom ate herald
ed as the "father of the American
iavy" by their respective admirers,
will prove :i difficult task for the spe
cial commission charged with that
Germany's black-, while and red Mag
will tly for several days from a local
hotel, which temporarily is the home
jf the now Oerman ambassador to the
I'nited Stales. Count Joahe'nn llein
ri h von Bernsiorff. who arrived in
this city from New York last week.
He was accompanied by bis- wife and
daughter and by several servants.
United States consuls in China re
port that Imports are largely In
fluenced by the fluctuations In the
orice of silver. i
The resignation of President New
man of the New York Central is taken
to indicate Harrinian has secured con-,
'.rot of that, system.
; Senor Marrlos. the -Guatemalan min
ister, of foreign affairs, who was
seriously injured in an automobile ac
cident nar the. Virginia end of the
highway bridge, called at ' the' White
House and will sail for honi Decem
er sn.
Tl'.e Chinese desire to have their,
liploniatlc representatives totre raised
to the. Importance-of. an. embassy.
. Krienrily relnlions are resumed be
tween . the Cnited States and Vene
zuela. ' '
President-elect Taft will spend only
about a 'week in Panama.
Ways :iml means committee, is work-
new bill is finished .Reprc'.r'rronT ' h min r
until the new bill is finished.. Repre
sentative Clayton saya the .position of
tjemocats must not be one of negation
v- Spreckels. tho - sugar millionaire,
died n San Francisco on the 2Sth. "-
I :'"The iHJst way. to care for depend-
I ent Children is the family home." says'
.President Roosevelt In a letter madr
publlc; calling a conference to ber heW
Nh Uiis city on January 25 next .for the j
-discussion of the problem of caring
for dependent children. With approxi- '
vately 150,000 youngsters coming
.within that " classification . in the
United States the question' has awak
ened 'the interest of many leaders Itf
thought throughout the. country. The
president sent his letter to about 'one
hundred prominent men. .
... .Persona. !
"Mayor DohJmaa of Oamaha. an-.
aounces he will be a candidate for re
election.- ' . . .
i Andrew Carnegie, believes the joint
stock system wherein the laborer
shares In the profits of the employer ts
the 'solution of the labor problem , in
December 28; President Raorcrelfs
raunsest dauehter. Ethel, made her
formal bow to society.
1812 was organized at Omahu.
President-elect TaTt will deliver
message to the whole south at
banquet at Atlanta January 15.
What It Going On Hers and Titers
That Is of Interest le the
era Throughout Na
Chat-gad With Thaft.
Thlt'Yltiu of all kind lift Keen !.,,uij
oil III HU- V I -1 1 s 1 1 of MVMII fiti mi,)
inoiilUs, iitnl all were si u Iok i,, .iH
cover I In aullly si lies. W .ht.,, i
Sheilrf Mtllonbei -leai..,l ii..
mystery aflei i.eaitltlite
.,....,1. ....., 'ci. .... . .
telli articles ie ntlitl fit. in Him .1...
I ol platform an. sesirlt tyssll
lliene aillcles In posswssb.n nf i'im
Cbtlk Hltd I lent y llelt lrn fmmxis
of lite lielghboi hood. Hlblita: lhat
these men liiltl'il be at n 1 1 1 of i.ilisf
thefts, eomplalnis were nid sit, I iK.r
places searched Tit sheriff fitmt.1
on their fsint TU? pounds bin. I qur
let's bpef, pittinds coito'fl lt.f,
jtwn rolU of wire, m iitsnilty of lmn
! ber, it number o,' biattded lifter. ImR-
H.v ioli: Mini ipilie a Ioiir lli of oiuor
. . . t ft A
liirtiries 1 lie raimeiH nave iieeu ar
tested and confined In the county
' jail.
Lives Were Almost Lost.
tVp one-story dwelling on the Pell
latin, four miles northwest of Tecum
sell and occupied by J. W. Mort is. wa
btiined lo Ihe ground al 4 .i.'c'.oek
Monday morning together with the
contents. Mr. Morris had .lifflcnlty In
ssviuc; the lives of his wife ami five
little children after lis discoveied the
l,oue 10 be on lire. The fire ttteil
Iiotn a Hue, and the whole roof was
iibla.e. the (lames beiug in the rooms
when the struggle or a choking infant
awoke Mrs. Morris. . Mr. Mot 1 is grab
bed the children one by one and threw
them out of Uie window and then took
I hem to the barn where they were
kept - warm until noighlxirs brought
them clothing. The Morris family are
renters and did not save a thin. He
had 110 insurance Insurance on the
house not known.
Y. M. C. A. for Schuyler.
Schuyler has never had a branch
of the Y. M. C. A. Now a number ot
Its best disposed young uien think it
would benefit the city to have one. So
l hey held a meeting an.l took prelim
inary steps looking to an organization,
in which many . good citizens hope
they will succeed. The foreign ele
ment ul tiie city maintain an orsa li
gation for physical culture which -Is
well patronized, but the American
youths set no benefit from ii. A Y.
M. ('. A. with a gymnasium aitacb
nsent would remedy this, besides lite
other usual good results accruing
from it. A not he,- meeting will v hHd
soon, when a committee' repori is rx
peeled. Sold After Fifty Years.
Mrs. R. A. Cottle Monday snlil hr'
eiRhty acre frrni near Colon in Saund
ers county to Charles Davis for $'i.i).
Mrs. Cottle when a youns: wonts n sot
title to this land by preemption. She
was a girl about twenty years of. ge
then firty years ago this winter, - lier-maiden-name
was Rebecca KeHfr aint
sbe was abonx the earliest ett!er.9j.4
having .come to Saunders comity '. in
1S57. . An.. interesting item i" connep.'
tion with tiie transfer just ..recor. ted
is that Mrs. Cottle conies into posses
sion by it of a 'large automobile vslud
t $l'.btM.- Mi-8. Cottle when she came
west came in 0 prairie.schoonei' drawn -hy
an t. team! t "
Neligh Makes a Donation..
WVTS.' Neligh. whose father; the
late John I). Xellsh, was the founder
of 'Hie' city of AVe..t Point, lias donated
to the city the use-ot three acres of
low-lying land in the vicinity of Sher
man, pafk. for the purpose of 1 public
race to convey' UW-4-
water to: the tract which wiH.'ber floods'
ed to the depth of three feet, making
an ideal and perfectly safe TecreatfosV
ground. A toboggan slide is also pro
jected by Mr. Neligh, who lias tloha'ted
these. .-muchf-prlzed privileges -to- tjie"
people or 16- town. Mr. "Neligh-ias
roved "hinw- lf a worthy successor of
his father. : ..v.-'-'.i- , .:
' Will Build an Elevator.
At 'a pubMc meeting, held. In ihe
city hall ai Overton, Saturday :4ijght,
for the puJ:pose of organizing an-fn:
dependent, elevator company, a tem
porary organization was-effected and
a soliciting committee appointed
.solicit subscriptions of stock' sfaatea
to ibe, $25 -; and limited:; to eght jihat'p
to one person. -i 1 -j--j- V f
y. . -. 1 -1 j- '")
, ' Tuberculosis tCattie.
The government 'inspector "" was)
called to ' Auburn . Wvaturda'y ' to. ex
amine the cattle inti oaly hefd. ol
Nixon t Harrla, and twehtytwo hea4L
cf the heft-d wer nmmnuncsH affected
.j with tuberculosi?- JhBfuctue naa
i been apnaraiprt'vJn Thp .rows that
! were giving milk for the trade, "d
tonUwin Its ' iit.iilhaiL lUHlUi t'
' cause of the fact that Harris & Sous
j bad fouud that they were not dolus
a weli, though they had kept in goo 2
order in all cases.
1 Railroads Refute to Pay.
SUte Oil Inspector A. II All.-u in
.yecleJ 22. 5lu barrel's of oil in Now tn
I or 'of which to i.uii.N su i,
lifted. He had $I.U'i on li.tti.t.
I letted $'.Sti.Vto. paid out $l.'.t "I
i!si'les and olbc. cxp-ii-n hiu! i,.t.,i
tnt. stale treasurer i. i . . i.-.
K balance of Sl.lo" o: ill.
fnion Paoirtc Ral!ro.i cotupMitx -in.
isflise l'-N ,r"' ln!l,o'l ion ! u
tj; barrel and me nurininion in. u
J filed to P" f"r iio.'Ci ion : ,M
' litlirU. No le-.l,ca-c In - -. ".-:.
I tbe.l l deieruiiu' kIkmIh i m n.,i
; ,Ust be paid for llo- inii-, i ion oi
: ur offered for Kale I" lb- l"i'i
1 skipped lulo 1 ii h' t
-i iorailoii.
I'm II..-
Supreme Court Adopts Nv Mules.
Tll IteW I'llb-' of lli' ii in i nu' t on M
urovlde for a uit'.-iliu iMi- a m
.... MondavH imU .id ul Tn !,u
i ll l
, ,,it l I be bek'.iunln -1 ! ,u ii o, i
IVko lei ms of com I, Wto-n Ho- 10
i. nidi ntrel oil Tu"d.t , i.i! ,-l
I slsiule,
itt m ni.'d .mi of
1 1 n.,'
1 ... 1
V I 1
11..I be ted uule lb.- op,.
o., .lli.nlrtte Hum .-.I1.1II
I' '.
IV. -.1
il I
t'aes ill
a. I .1 n' il
W 1 1 . I
apinttrttt Ibat
litlaMttuil HI
lllll ...I .1 III '.l t II.
fuiil!.-. Wh.i.
inotlotts for t.lii'tiin.
Uissl be iici'otiM'.'iiii' l
support of ihe nii'i
.1 1 II 1 II.
. In I. I . Il
ti in, In 1 ,1 In 1
wold, the ntoMott
lll'lx! in In, I.' .1
Roe for Suprintinlrnt,
It was repot ti'd In It.-. 11 ' ..
nesday afternoon iioiin
stl,lleiilMie.M bad .itil.oin c.l t
.; 1
1. 1.
Koe superlnteiidpnt of il. 1
minded Institute to .u.- I s
1 hi
lendent Osbotn. This t. u.t
,, , . n
firmed by a teleph.ue hh-m 1
5haller.beraer. Dr. It.n n.' ,
oldet and most prominent .ln
In llnalrice. lie Is M denim l it
old school. Ills appointment aives
gwnersl satisfaction.
Hamer Wants Another H:anng.
Judge Hamer, attorney f r . T.
Turley. -.whose triplication for e-itt
acy was turned down l Acting toiv
eruor Hopewell. Monday, bis til.-, an
appilcatlon for another hearitm. Th
new Hearing na
srv tSoveruor
been s.-t tor .1 . 11 n
Sheldon v. ill be out
uf office before the nece.ui pitiilica
tlou ciiiYid be-made of tin; at' iicatioit
Turiey .Is servins: a sev.-nte. ti . -at
sentence for ' nnii ifer.'
Thompson May Be Appointed.
Coniiug lo the front' of the li-,1 ot
men who have beeii inen-ion.l Tor
appointment to the supreme, bench ii
W. H. Thutupsou, of Grand Island, thu
"Linle f'.lant" in democratic isdiiici
la the state. .
It is knowu tbitt .Governor Sheldon
haa had at 'least a brief conference
with W. 11. Thompson and it is al
known . iot v the Grand Island man
would accept" the position ir ii etc
tendered ..him...
Of other western aspirants the most
prominent iire .1. R.. Dean of p.rokeu
Bow and Silas IIol.Nnib
Homcscckcrs' Low
Round Trip Rates
' .. . ' ' -To . -'
, AND THi:
i -
Every 1st Arid 3rd Tuesday
- - ' ."ovei: 0 '
--IrOn -' IMQimtain
. ... Liberal .Stf-p-overs
.. .RetiH-n'Limit 25 Days
When the wheat is patheretLtiike
a trip to tl.e country of lowprtcecl
L-frtds." aml-we what. is. oili-rtvcl to
Vyou there. Ask for pstrticulnrs
. antj ljtv'ra'.'jr. 7
: rtuh NoxtrSn, fluent
: M. P. Raflway.
Jdrsee guch liindsomc turnontsas
L.m)e3; ftvmjfin.peaker's livery
s?ariey-:OUr rigs are iip-io-arc,
onrxaflh'agcs arc swell in style
andotnfortablo lo' rifle in, and
L-iJur.i horic.-t are' always -well
..frroomed.twell dressed and well
viftdV Wlirn you want a chive
come to Sflanfpeakcr's for your
tnrnout if ' - '
Jo--?8' Old Livery Ham
STenth Vfr- nSts. Plattsmouth. Neh.
. .
,tt Kind Yaa Ha Maan H?l