W I For a, Christmas Present Semi-Weekly News-Herald hours. The game might be worth the ! powder. Globe Democrat. tween 7th and Sth streets on Marble. Call up Platts Thone No. 19.1. PL ATTS MOUTH NEBRASKA. I - Buy Entered at the postoffica at Plattamonth. Cms canty. Nebraska, as aeeond-claaa mail matter. J. . Douglass, Trustee. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION IF AM '. One Tear in Advance tl.50 1 1 ix Months 75 TELEPHONES Plattsmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 j Speakixc of- innovations, how do you j like that word "yegman" as compared i with the old-fashioned burglar? A Fine Line of Sheet Music at Popular Prices Must be sold by January 2. Now is your opportunity. You must see our fine line of Pianos to appreciate the difference in tone, workmanship and ; material, com pared with the kind heretofore brought in by peddling salesmen. Here you are sure of getting a new piano direct from the factory, and an absolute guarantee both from us and the makers, r.- '"r . - - - ... 1 '" j ' . - -: - i wtmm mm w. J. A. DECKER, MGR. .TTrTi It's bad enough to write it "Xmas," but the Kearney Hub reached the limit when it "made a- display line read "A Xmas. Present." It doesn't sound much like hard times when burglars go about dressed in silk hats and things and make their get-away in automobiles. TO SAVE THE COYOTE. For the first time in all history, it is believed, the coyote who serenades the moon to a distraction of wierdness has a defender. -The fruit growers of the j northwest find the jack rabbit a multi plying ' enemy, His appetite for the bark of young rfroite trees concerns ! them greatly. They reflect that the hunted and all but exterminated coyote is the only thing on earth that can arid docs run down a jack rabbit, and so they propose laws ordering man's hands; to no longer be raised against the coy ote. What the poultrymen think of this ha.s not yet been reported. The most significant point to the situation is the admission it involves that the balance of nature cannot' be disturbed by the extermination of even so sneaking dirty and altogether unlovely a beast as the many tongued coyote without unexpect ed and menacing results. It suggests, moreover, something of interest to Ne braska. May not' Mr. E. F. Stephens' devoted efforts to turn the sand hills in to a land of orchards end in time the biennial demand for a bounty on wolf scalps? -State Journal. FOR SALE. of bargains i Cottages for I John D., Jr., doesn't propose to let the old man hog all the newspaper notoriety. His bid took the form of a criminal libel suit against Hearst's New York American. If municipal ownership of water and light plants is a good thing in one lo cality, why not in another? If it is successful in Fremont, Grand Island, Hastings, Wahoo and Broken Bow, would it not also be in Plattsmouth? Contest Getting Close. !" Bring in your checks. We mean j I your cash register checks, which are of 1 great value to you, or your friends in ! the piano contest now, but in a few days they will be absolutely valueless to you or anyone else, as the piano contest closes Friday, December 31. Someone is going' to win thi3 beautiful $430 piano j but tfre do not know. who it.xvill be; you don't know, your friend may be within reach of the winning point, and a light lift from you might do a great deal of good. ' Bear in mind that checks issued upon ! credit sales will not be voted in this contest. It only includes cash sales, or F0R SALE. -My 160 acre farm, 21 ouch Tmia in on oceount. Wo simn v Mmlmvc:1 ul wcbjkmw anu or remind you of this fact for two reasons, j First, that you might think that you j can vote them on the last minute; sec- j ond, because we wish to give you an j opportunity to settle your account at this store, and secure your cash register liming and Repairing Telephone ! 2 19 0 8 m MINTING IT7S that the kind of .'print- . 1 !ll incr troii wn:nt.9 '"R.ior"h TJp-to-Date in the, mat ter of Stock, Type and of Composition? Do you like teat, tasty and stylish sta- onery or other printing at iasonaole prices? And do 7tm sometimes need a job mo 111 u, 1 uau r rneii 1 CM V w m pfUR Job Printing De partment isrihtUDto y 1908 in every resDect. Wehave a reputation for G-OQd Work and prompt Delivery. We have expert Letterpress artists whose taste and knowledge of the craft are well known. Our iDriceaare consistently low. NEK mm PRINTERS x : The Farmer's institute which meets at the District court room in this city December 30 and January 1 is being extensively advertised. The secretary W. C. Ramsey has had some fine pos ters printed on cardboard outlining the program for the two days. Since the programs were prepared AT. O. Eld ridge a specialist on roads ha been se cured to address the institute on the last day of the session. Mr. Eldridge is connected with the interior depart ment of the government, and has de voted years to the subject of good roads. It will be worth while to hear his lecture on this important subject. Farmers are as much interested in eettinjr their products to market as I 'he merchants are in having them do j so, and the transportation of the farm j products can be much facilitated by , proper attention to the subject of roads. TnE people of Havelock have a griev ance against tho Lincoln Traction Com lany, and public sympathy is with them i.i their effort to obtain concessions in r.ites and other accommodations. '.But Havelock is injured by the ae- ions', of the few men and boys who tried to work damage upon the prop erty of the company. That is not the wa to fight, and that is not the way the majority of people in Havelock bc lievo in fighting. Havelock is not that kiod of a community, and the disorder of ilonday night must not be charged agair st the town as a whole. So. far as the individual offenders aie concerned, the names of most of them areltrown and they will probably be dealt with as they deserve. But the lawless acts of the few should not be held jagainet the entire town, which as a whole is as orderly as any community in Nebraska. 1; It IS to be regretted that the leaders of tho 1 iboring class have seen lit to push their ideas of what is legal and right totiie extent of forfeiting their privilege "of liberty. No one will deny the laborer, or anyone else, the right to trade with whom he pleases; but the law stops, vith this and does not accord him the privilege of forbidding others from trading with a concern distaste ful to him. The infliction of drastic jail sentences upon Gompers, .Morrison and Mitchell, president, secretary and vice president of the American Federa tion of Taborr by Judge Wright of the supreme court of the District of Colum bia, punishing them for contempt of court for violating nn :rder enjoining them from ; placing on the "unfair" or "we don't "patronize" list the Bucks Stove and Rang"! Company of St. Louis, C3mcs like chip of thunder out of a clear sky. --Judge -Wright's arraign ment of the labor loaders nor Mr. Gompers well-worded "reasun why sentence should net be'passed" relieves the situation. The : tenseness of the t struggle is regretted' by conservative men in all walks of life. HERE AND THERE. Plattsmouth merchants all report a good holiday trade. , , . 000 Even if you can't be happy tomorrow be as cheerful as possible. 000 If you haven't bought that Christ mas present yet somebody's likely to lose out. 000 Somebody will get a royal Christmas present a week from today when the Department Store's cash register checks are counted. ' ..; f ..... . 000 Can you remember when you thought there was a real Santa Claus? How Christmas was . looked forward to for weeks with fondest anticipations, and finally how you carefully hung up your stocking where. Santa could find it with the least trouble and then tried to com pose yourself to sleep, with a calm con fidence that upon awakening your hopes would be realized? Sweet are the days of childhood! 000 "Summer Is Over" is the title of a new song just, published by Mrs. G. F. S. Burton of this city. The poetry is admirable and tho music quite up to Mrs. Burton's standard of excellence. One sometimes wonders what t an be the excuse for the infliction upon the public of much of 'the socalled music of today, and at such times a production of the character of "Summer Is Over" is hailed with delight. 000 A couple of strangers dropped into town one day this week and gathered in about $25 on an advertising scheme the value of which (to the advertisers) was questionable to say the least. It is noticeable, however, that those who spend any considerable sum annu ally for publicity, confine their appro priations to legitimate channels, and they do so because experience has proven the wisdom of this course. 000 Henry Speck, Geroge Morrison ahd Oleander Barnes, the triumvirate of irrepressibles responsible for the me chanical efficiency of this household necessity, have joined in a petition to Santa Claus to be remembered in the distribution of good cheer tomorrow. Speck thinks he cofcltl be perfectly hap py with a sack of Duke's Mixture, Morrison wants a teddy bear, while Barnes avers that he would be satisfied with a string-of beads. ' 000 It has been suggested that the mer chants of Plattsmouth might find it profitable to agree upon a date and hold a big discount sale the latter pait of January, the object being to sort up stock by cleaning out the odds and ends before the arrival of the spring in voices, and in doing so to make prices that will draw trade for miles around ancTserve as an object lesson to all be holders that, barring possibly a little better display, better merchandising may be done at - home than in Omaha or any other town. As a special in ducement to the outside, trade arrange ments might be made to refund railroad fare; to purchasers of a stipulated amount.. The News-Herald believes the suggestion to be a good one and would be glad to see it carried to a sue; cessful termination. What Others Haj ! A Texas paper . opiplains that the latest American battle ship ordered will cost $9,000,000. that one broad- Cannon For Speaker. Congressman Pollard has returned to his home at Nehawka and will spend the holidays with. his family. The Lin coln correspondent to the Omaha Bee talked . with Mr. Pollard relative to the speakership, over which there was considerable discussion during the cam paign, during the congressman's stop over in Lincoln. The correspondent says:. Mr. Pollard is firmly convinced that Speaker Cannon will hang to the j job and that the next election, which ! will come up with the special session in March, will see the opposition line up in docile fashion for the autocratic speaker. Before election Congressman Pollard would not state his position publicly. He said to his friends that he. did not i wish to jeopardize his committee posi j tions by going against a sure thing or words to that effect. He said immed iately after election that he did not think his defeat was'due in any measure side will burn up $17,C00, 1 and that at j tn hi3 att iturlo toward the Cannon mat BETJ the end of two hour fighting her guns will be worn out. T ' complete the picture.lt is necessary to. show what I would happen to the enemy in two ter. Chas. Herren ahd wife were mouth visitors Wednesday. Platts- FOR SALE A number in cottages, easy term. rent. Vindman Investment Company. i j FOR SALE A nicely located five acre?., for $1000. Improvements j worth more than half this. Windham Investment Company. miles northwest of Plattsmouth. For j terms call Plattsmouth 'phono No. 8 j lino H. George Halmas. f.S-St WANTED. j CIGAIi SALESMAN WANTED In checks before January 1, that can be ; voted for yourself or your friend in the ! contest. ! Wo also wish to remind you that this j is the greatest Christmas trading place j in Cass county, when it comes to strict- j ly dependable merchandise for such! WANTED Girl at Riley Hotel, gifts. Gifts that will be appreciated j by every member of the family. Re your locality to represent us. Ex periencc unnecessary ;$1 10 per month. J and expenses. Write for particulars, t Monarch Cigar Co. St. Louis, Mo. If 11 n r t. IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to see such handsome turnouts as goes from Manspoaker's livry stable. Our rigs are tip-toVatc, our carriages are swell in .-tylo and comfortable to ridt- in. and our horses are always well groomed, well dress-d and well fed. When you want a drive come to Manspeakt r's for nr turnout. M.E.MANSPEAKER Jones' Old Livery Barn Seventh & Main Sts. Hattsfr.nulti. N.-b. member that we still have a great many of those popular Wooltex gar ments that will be sold at thirty-three ! and one-third per cent off from former ' price in order to close them out before January first. This great reduction al so applies to everything in the millinery department, and the clothing depart ment. Here is where sixty -six and two-thirds cents buys $1.00 worth of good depend able merchandise. Come and see us now, buy your goods ; and get your cash register receipts. MfFANGER. LOST OR STRAYED Red calf with white face, about G months old and . weighing about 175 pound, Finder will be paid for his trouble by return-' ing same to Kunsman and Ramge r notifying them of the animal's where abouts. ;V-tf William Chapman Die. A special from Nehawka to the Bee under date of December 23rd. gives a brief account of the death of William j Chapman, an aged citizen of that com munity which occured at his home early Wednesday morning. The special says: This morning William Chapman was j working in his yard as usual and on go-: ing in the house sat down, expiring in stantly from heart trouble. He was 73 years old nnd a veteran of the civil war, serving in an Iowa regiment ami : was severely wounded. He leaves a wife and three daughters, Mrs. New man of Frontier county, Mrs. Neil of Mcpherson county and Mrs. Duclos of ; Otoe county. Send her a postvard of your favorite lloat. At Nemetz & Cols' r B 6 Want Column "1 1 1 s J FOR RENT. FOR RENT Four-room cottage on Vine, between 12th and 10th streets. For further particulars inquire at News office. tf FOR RENT Five-room cottage, be- SALESMAN WANTED-Exmneiue unnecessary. 1100 per month and expenses. Royal Cigar Co., Chi cago, 111. ."hj-5 ; BIG MONEY AGENTS, FREE SAM PLE OFFER, (15 days only. ) bright, sparkling, famous, $5 Barnatto Sim ulation Diamond Ring; brilliancy equals genuine detection baffles cx-; perts fills every requirement of the j most exacting pleases the most I fastidious at only one-thirtieth the j cost of the real diamond. A a j means of introducing this marvelous ' and wonderful scintillating gem, ! and securing as many new friends as quickly as possible, we are making a special inducement for the new ; year. We w ant you to wear this j beautiful ring, this masterpiece of man's handicraft, this simulation) that sparkles with all the beauty.and flashes with all the fire of the gen uine diamond. We w ant you to show t it to your friends and take orders for us, as it sells itself sells at sight and makes 100 per cent profit for you, absolutely without effort on ; your part. We want good, honest ' representatives everywhere, in every locality, city or country, in fact.' in every country throughout the world, ! both men and women, young and j ' old, who will not sell or pawn the Barnatto Simulation Diamonds under' the pretense they are genuine gems, i as such action sometimes leads to j trouble or embarrassment. If you ; want a simulation diamond, a . in stitute for the genuine - don't wait -act today, as this'atlvertisement may 1 not appear again first eome, first' served. For free sample offer, beautiful ring, earrings, stud orscai f (stick) pin, address Tiik Baknatto Diamonm Co. Girard Building, 5i)-i Chicago. Homeseekers, Low Round Trip Rates -To- TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday OVER Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain Liberal Stop-overs Return Limit 25 Days When the wheat is gatht-red.take a trip to the country of low-priced lands, and see what is offered to you there. Ask for particulars and literature. Hugh Norton, fluent M. P. Railway. PILES GOilEFjj All Rectal Dlaaaata Trotted: Posltlva Guarantee. Mild Method: no anaes thetics; NO MONEY IN ADVANCE. EX AMINATION FREE. Write tor Book on Rectal Dlseasee and Testimonials. PR. E. R. TARRY, 224 Boo Uldc .Omaha. 2223922 MONEY FOR FARM LOANS. If to reti loan an myui Turn Lui. at rtasapaVJt tile af lattrtit. Writt N.DtUy I SIBBEINSL. 208 bastaa Stare 6U . QU YOUR DOLLAR u vn.i corre oacie to you ir yen pr3 it at I lisrne. I: is nva forever if you sf d it I j tae Maii-Order House. A rUnce I.VMi'i our atfvertisin column w I gi9 jrou a.i idea wnera it w;U tuy trie n.DSt. . DC DC 0 MEN'S KID SLIPPERS in Opera or Everett Style. Tan, Wine, Brown or Black Colors. New designs and styles. All appropriate to warm your shins in MONEY SPENT FOR XMAS SUPPERS AND HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR is money not thrown away. We selected his and her slippers some time ago. and it you'll drop in and see them we'll put them aside and say nuthin. We invite you to take a peep into our store and see our carefully selected, quulitv giving SLIPPERS all DISPLAY ED and yon'll say we've enough tor the whole state. But we havn't. r n : II 65c to SI.75 Ladies' FElt Fur:T''m RDMEOS y DR. REED CUSHION INSOLE SHOES make appreciative gifts. AH doctors (Best Quality) Black colors in Brown, Wine, Green and for Men and Women recommend them. We Never Forget the INFANTS S a n i t ajry, Horse Hide something new Washable, p f Moccasins: lliP Dainty, Cute Little Bootees, all colors of the rainbow r You couldn't helo from H P I J buying them....' WUU SGBU1I! SI.25 TO $1.50 FELT SLIPPERS 50c to $1.25. BUSTER BROWN SHOES FOR BOYS! FOR GIRLS! Overshoes and Rubbers! WJSTER BROWN SHOES 0 n LEGGINS 50c Boy'sSlippers$l.25 Infant's Red n.eos; white Eur Trim . . fo- 50c DC DC DC 3C DC For Fine Job Printing Come to This Office 1 1 ,-; r ! 1' 1 i ' '