7. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY In making yourjselection of Christ mas presents your attention is called to our handsome stock of footwear. Our aim is to keep our stock up to date at all times, and for the holiday shopping a visit to our store will well repay you for the time spent. FETZER'S SHOE STORE. We do First Clnss Shoe Repairing. HE RESTS IN PEACE LITTLE LOCALS. BUYS ROAD TO GULF Home Canned Fruit Note the prices below. First class iroods at low cost. New crop English walnuts 20c lb. Fresh dates 10c lb. Fresh I-'igs 10c lb. Home made jelly, per glass 10c Home canned peaches, 1 qt. Mason jar.25c Home canned Fears, lqt. Mason jar. .HOc Large can Tomatoes, 2 cans 25c Large can Plymouth baked beans.. .10c Mali's Cash Store j Remains of William W, Interred Saturday at Oak Hill Cemetery. I The mortal remains of William Wil i son Slater were laid to rest in Oak Hill : cemetery last Saturday, after a most ! impressive funeral service at the Metho 1 dist church, conducted by Rev. A. A. ! Randall, pastor. A large concourse of sympathizing friends gathered at the church before the hour started for the service. An honorary escort composed of members of the G. A. R. preceded the acting pall bearers as they tenderly bore the remains from the late resi dence of the deceased to the church. The acting pall bearers were C. E. Wescott. George Dodge, Frank Schlater, D. C. Morgan, J. E. Doug lass and John bchulhof. vocal music was furnished by the Euterpians. Rev. Randall spoke words of comfort to the bereaved relatives and friends and dwelt on the noble and en dearing qualities of the deceased. He was a brave soldier, a kind husband and a true and loyal citizen. Whether duty called to great or small things "Billy" Schlater was quick to respond He was equally careful in the discharge of the minor affairs of life as to the graver responsibilities which came to him. Hi3 disposition was always genial. his countenance frank and open. The speaker said that no eulogy from him could add anything to that which the life of the deceased had already pro nounced. The floral tributes were beautiful and profuse indicating in slight measure the warm esteem in which the deceased was held by his friends. ; C. A. Marshall, dentist. Slater January magazines are ready at Ir- , it in a, - - "i ' Photo card views of Plattsmouth," 2 br oc at Nemetz & Co's. ! G. W. Snyder of near Mynard was in ' Jim Hill has accomplished a bit of the city Saturday, looking after some i strategy which will extend the Burling- lmportant business matters. ton system to the Gulf. For the sum J. Hill Has Closed a Deal . Whereby Burlington Will Be Extended South. Photo post cards of Taft at Platts-1 west with the Gulf- at the same mnnth Vnw nn lTin HiffAiwit ElVUlg- HIS . Nemetz & Co. . next Time- Table Plattdir.outh, Nebraska TRAIN'S GOIN'G KAST i Nu. :: Pacific Junction 2:55 p. in. No. 2 Local Express, to Iowa points. Chi cago and the east C:03 p. in. No. 4 Lincoln to Pacific Junction, con necting with poinU north, east and aouth iExcept Sunday) a. m. ; No. Vtt From Omaha 3:50 p. in. I No. 20 Freight to I'acilic Junction 4:1." p. m. j No. 0 ThrJUjfh v"tibul eprca S:0S a. m. No. M KroniUmaha !-".o j.. m. ; TRAILS GOING VK?T j No. t'J lxcal expres. daily. Omaha. Lin coln. Wray. Col., and intermediate h tat ion H-" a. in. o. 7 Kant mail. Omaha and Lincoln j (Exct-pt Sunday) Vl:' P. tn. ; No. XI I .ocal -x pretiM. l.ouU villi". Ashland j Wahnonb! Schuyler S:'tt)p. m. I No. :V I .oral freight. 1ar Crek j Ixiuisvillo and South Pond 7:10 a. ni . Iai!y. except Sunday. DISCOUNT Commencing with Nov. 2 I will give 25 per cent ofT on all trimmed hats. E.B.MYERS l W&li Time i Table I 3 acorns THAINS COINT, NORTH. No. 103 Omaha Express No. 102 Nt-liraaka Mail No. lj" Local Freight TRAINS r.OINCSOl'TH. No. 101 No. 10; Local Freieht ij The Popular 5c Cigar. . .r.:27 a. m. . .r.:02 p. m. ..2:02 p. m. .Mia. ni. 1 2:0:5 a. m . . 9: 1" a. m FACTS BAILEY & MACH THE DENTISTS litest SDHCf s Bljh-Grdl OcntMry RflJ ibif rrlc. Bf.t-f)y;pf)fl lnM Of fice la tbt ViddieMfU. 9CCt O SCOUNTS TO ClT lrIO SJ floor rn. :. tvk . I'.rti f m nam. 0NI4H. NEB. Q The news items of the home com munity. Q The things in which you are most interested. J The births, weddings, deaths of the people you know. J The social affairs of our own and surrounding towns. Thci are the kind of facta tfcia paper riea job in every iarae. They axe certainly worth the abecriptioa price. Hurry! HurryR Hurry.II 1 H Only Three More Shopping Days 2 The past week's business has been far beyond our expectations. We still have some wagons, drums, dolls, go carts, mechanical trainsjumping jacks, magic lanterns, toystpyesorjsash-t 'Ami boards. In fact some of nearly all articles, while in some in stances there but one left, in others a dozen or so but do your Christmas I City And County f The Majestic, 5 and 10 cents. Adam FornofT was looking after business matters Saturday in this city. Waterman's "Ideal" fountain Pens at Irwin's. Send her a post card of your favorite float. At Nemetz & Co.s Fine Stationery and Xmas Boxes at Irwin's, on West Main street. We sell the Monarch Malleable Rangt . j Kroehler Brothers, Coates Block. ! Something new in post cards every week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O. Fine Chocolate Bon Bons in Xmas boxes 45 cents per pound at Irwin's. Mrs. William Renr.er of O'Neal. ' spent several days last week in the I vicinity visiting relatives. Charles Countryman and wife drove ! up from Murray Saturday and looked after business matters in this city. i Miss Crete Briggs is home from the University to spend the holidays with her parents, M. S. Briggs and wife. Dave Amick, the Murray Stock dealer was in the city Saturday look up some bargains at the Smith auction. Charles Hartford and wife departed for Boone, Iowa. Saturday where they will spend the holidays with relatives. S. H. At wood was looking after business matters in this city Saturday. He was accompanied by his son, Callie. Edwin White, returned Saturday from Lincoln where he is attending the Uni versity and will spend the holidays at home. County Judge Beeson issued marriage license on the 17th inst to F. Bokleman and Martha Rockwell, both of Weeping Water. W. N. Becker, editor and owner of the Ashland Gazette was a Plattsmouth visitor Saturday, looking after business matters. J. W. Reasnor of near Greenwood at tended the sale of short-horn cattle at South Omaha Friday. One nice cow sold for $325. A. M. Holms was a Plattsmouth vis itor Friday. Mr. Holms has spent several weeks in Oklahoma and Kan sas this fall, prospecting for gooH real estate. Toilet Set. I will give to the per son making the largest cash purchase during this week, (21st to 28th.) A six piece Toilet Set worth $2.75. D. P. Jackson. I Don't let the baby suffer from eczema sores or any itching ef the skin. Doan's j Ointment gives instant relief, cures ! quickly. Perfectly safe for children. All druggists sell it. Had dyspepsia or indigestion tori years. No appetite, and what 1 did terribly. Burdock j views at 5c each. to P. O. Henry Horn of near Cedar Creek spent the day Saturday .in the county seat, transacting business of importance. When buying candies, why not buy the best? We always have a fine line of the superior grades on hand. Ne metz & Co. next to P. O. Milford Bates came in Saturday morning from Lexington and will visit with his father, T. B., and grandfather Col. Bates, for a short time. Jacob Glenn, who has been spending a few days with his parents, T. W. Glenn and wife in this city, left Fri day for his home at Gothenburg. Mrs. Mary Campbell and son of St. Paul, Minn., arrived Thursday evening, being called here by the death of Mrs. Campbell's brother William W. Slater. Never can tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil instantly relieves the pain quickly cures the wound. Miss Patty Matthews of Auburn and Mis3 Pearl Nichols of Kearney, teach ers in the Plattsmouth High school, departed Saturday for their homes to j spend the Xmas holidays. j Pat Egan returned visit with his sister in Denver. Winter Elmer Root returned from the Uni-, of $18,000,000 he has at last become versity Saturday and will visit with the the owner of the Colorado and Southern, home folks during the holiday recess. . which will connect the Pacific north- system the shortest line from the Rocky Mountains to tide water. It has been known for gome time that such an outlet was desired by the Hill system, but it was thought j he had his eye on the "Katjv" Mr. ' Hill has always been a strong believer i in the future of the great south-west, and this in connection with the com-: pleting of the Panama canal will have an important effect on the transconti nental traffic east and west. After! the opening of the canal, Mr. Hillj thinks the gulf ports will increase in importance, and it may bo his idea; that railroad traffic in that direction j will increase accordingly. The com-! pany or lines just acquired operate i something near 2,000 miles of track, and is the shortest line to the gulf portsjfrom the Rocky mountains. i r fcr1 (V loleproof Sox IT IS A GOOD REASON 1 1 Plattsmouth People Can Give You Many Good Reasons Why it is So. pair, warranted to wear ill next July, makes one of A box of t; without holes, the men per be per box. We o.iV(. .J special Christmas carton. decoratCd witH holly, free with each box. This is just what you want. most acceptable Christmas presents u.r or women! ne nitI . ' x. The Women's stockings cost .j Buv it now C. E. Wescoff s Sons "Where Quality Counts." Doan's Kidney Pill cure the cause of disease, and that is why the cures are always lasting. This remedy Saturday from a j strengthens and tones up the kidneys. helping them to drive out of the body the liquid poisons that cause backache. has come in earnest out there, a foot of snow extending from the foothills of j headache and distressing kidney ami the Rockies as far east as Denver. I urinary complaints. Plattsmouth people Gerald Drew and Mr. Potter of Oma ha and George Mann of this city made an appraisement of the News-Herai.o printing plant this morning under an order of Judge Munger of the Federal court. In the county court Saturday Judge Beeson granted probate of the will of the late Mrs. M. Bickert deceased of Elm wood, and entered final decree in the estate of Leonidas H. Chalfant, deceased. Charles Bogue and son Ed of North Platte, who' have been visiting Sam Smith and family for a time departed for their home Saturday. Ray Smith accompanied them, expecting to visit relatives during the holiday vacation. testify to pennanant cures. , J. W. Hickson, employed with the I Plattsmouth Water Co., and living on Oak Street, between Seventh and ! Eighth streets, Plattsmouth. Neb., ! says' My experience with Doan's Kid-J ney Pills warrants me in giving them my strongest recommendation. OiT and ; on for twelve or fourteen years I was subject to attacks of pain in my back i and other symptons which gave evi- j dence of a deranged condition of my kidneys. Procuring Doan's Kidney Pills at Gering & Co. 's drug store, 1 1 used them as directed and the benefit j derived was so pronounced that I am j able to attest to the remarkable value ' and merit of this remedy. Not only ! did Doan's Kidney Pills give me entire j relief from the pain in my back Judge Travis, came up from Nebras ka City Sunday and held a brief session j they toned up and invigorated my of court Monday morning. Court was j tern generally. adjourned to Wednesday when all mo- i For sale bv all dealers. Price tions for a new trial must be argued. The Judge returned to Nebraska City this morning to take up his duties there. Improving Slowly. Joseph McCarthy who was injured in the brass foundry some daj's ago has had something of a backset, having left his room too soon. A second oper ation will be necessary and there are grave fears that he may lose the sight of his left eye. but sys- cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for the United States." v Remember the name Doan's and j take no other. ! BUY A PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS BUT BUY Pe GOOD ONE You must see our line of Pianos to appreciate the difference in tone, workmanship and mate rial, compared with the kind here tofore brought in by peddling: sales men. Here you are sure of getting a new PIVNO DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY Plattsmouth Music 'Co. Tuning and Repairing... PHONE 422 J. A. Becker Manager Returns to His Home. Clark Wellivcr, a brother-in-law of Dave Young, of Murray who has been visiting relatives in this end of the state for a few days, left for his home Thursday, after having a very pleasant visit. This is Mr. .Welliver's first visit in this part of the state. And he was very favorably impressed with Cass county. Pastor Called. Thomas Wiles informs the News Herald that the Christian church ha3 employed Rev. Moore, of Princeton, Mo., and that he will likely be here for the services next Sunday. Rev. Moore was here recently and preached for the congregation, and made a very favora ble impression. mtmmnmmmm'iimmmrammmmmniimmmiimg 16. G- Dovcy & Son,! eat distressed me Blood Bitters cured me. J. II. Walk- t er, Su nbu ry ,Q.hlo shopping now and do it at the Variety Store. While the supply lasts we quote the following prices on Xmas tree candles. Box of 36 at 10c per box. Xmas tree candle holders, per dozen 4c. Decorating tinsel per doz. yards 15c. Do your shopping now at Visits Former Home. Mrs. D. E. Wellman of Denver ar rived in the city Friday evening having come down on some important business matters. Mrs. Wellman is much im proved in health since taking up her residence at the foothills of the Rockies Mr. Wc'lman's health is also improved and they like their new location very much. Visit Cass County Friends. . Henry Winkler and wife of Peters burg, Neb., arrived Saturday to visit the News-Herald and amount to insure a newspaper to Mr. Winkler ler called on left the necessary. semi-weekly visit of this his premises for a year. Congressman Pollard arrived at his Nehawka home Saturday to spend the holiday recess with his family. We hope he may find time to attend the j3 Well pleased with the country where Farmer's Institute held here on the j he resides, having lived in Boone county last day of the year. Chris Parkennings and wife departed Wednesday for Bennington, where they will visit thier daughter for a few i days, Mr. Parkennings and wife , be lieve in scattering Christmas cheer and take advantage of the season to visit their children. for the past six 4 years. Lands there are about the same value as here. 2 THE VAC20ETV STORES miiiMimmimiiimmMMiMMUMn the post Dec. 21, , . List of Letters. Remaining uncalled for in ofiico at Plattsmouth, Neb. 1908. . ' i - Mrs. Geo. Craig, Miss Kitty Jensen, I Mrs. Elizabeth' Oliver, Miss Luaiel Ed. Barker, who has been spending a j Strayer, George Craig, Geo. B. Craig, few davs with friends in this citv. left G. B. Craig. G. Hodge, W. F. Mc Second Annual ? m 3 i Handkerchief Sole 1 December 17-18-19 Those who attended our handker chief sale last year will kno what to expect this year. Our collections are from the great handkerchief centers of the world. We buy early and get the cream of the wheat, fine Swiss and French hand embroidered, cross barred hem stitcJiecLhaiiaklsre men, women and children, silk hand- 3 ' kerchiefs and linen handkerchief den- for his home at Plainview Friday noon. He regreted very much that business called him away before the funeral of his friend, William W. Slater. Ed. is a genial fellow and has hosts of friends in this vicinity. Jfeantb of lfc Km Yoi Hrt Always BSCgSt Danald. ; These letters will be sent to the dead letter office January 4, 1908, if not delivered before. In calling for the above please say "advertised" giving date of list. C. H. Smith, P. M. O Bwntli 8ifutnr Of-:. ,m Kmtf You Haw Always Bought 5 iv e ters. Our reason for this sale is to you an opportunity to see every hand kerchief we have, as they will be solar ranged for your convenience, and every handkerchief will be where you can see it. Yours E. ior Christmas G. DOYEY V V Handkerchiefs & SON aiuiaiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiuaiiiiiiiiUiiiUiiiiiiUumiiniiUiuiiiiK 1 V Vi