lite MfitaiQiJ Time Table PlatUraouth, Nebraska TRAINS GOING: CAST No. 20 Pacific Junction 2-65 p. m. No. 2 Icallreas. to low points, Chi cago and the out ....6.-03 p. a. f o. 4 Lincoln to Pacific Junction. con nectia with points north, east and iouth (Except Sunday) 94 a. m. No. 26 From Omaha 2S& p. m. No. SO Freight to Pacific J auction 4-lu p. m. No. 6 Through vestibule express 8:08 a. m. No. 14 From Omaha 930 p.m. TRAINS GOING WEST No. 19 Local express, daily, Omaha, Lin cola. Wray. CoL. and intermadiata station 8K)S a. m. No. 7 Faat mail. Omaha and Lincoln (Except Sunday) 12 3 p. m. No.SS Local rtpmi, Louisville. Ashland Wahoo and Schuyler 8:30 p. at. No. 29 local freight. Cedar Crek LouUvLUe and Sooth Bend 7:10 a. m 'Daily, axeept Sunday. Semi-Weekly News-Herald PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. Entered at tha poatofflce at Plattamoutfa. Cass ccnty. Nebraska, s second-class mail matter. Qor0t L. Tultl, Editor and Proprietor RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year iaAdvsaee. fx Months ..SI JO .. .7S TtxcrttONEa Plattamouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 TRAINS COINO NORTH. No. lfti Omaha P.mivu fi:27 m No. 103 Nebraska Mail 6:02 p. m. j iliS diapelled. No. 103 Local Freight 22 p. to. TRAINS COING SOUTH. j No. 104 9:4u a. m. j No. 10C 12:03 a. m-i Local Freight 9:43 a. m. ' Acting Mator Sattler let the chance of a lifetime go by to catch the church vote by failing to have the crossings cleaned last Sunday. TrkSIDENT-elect Taft, in his quiet I way, is begining to line up the party t workers preparatory to carrying out ! ka. rvl1orpi made thp nennle. Thorp nre j .i"" I fl UlC I those who "didn't believe he would carry I out his program for reform but all I doubt an to his sincerity is rapidly be- i Old People Colonel Bates, of the Journal, confesses to having founded seven teen newspapers in Illinois and seven or eight in Missouri. While -we do not wish to appear inquisi tive, the question naturally obtrudes itself as to what he has done with ! all his money. News-Herald. i To be candid about the matter, it did keep U3 busy to make both ends meet on some of the paper?, but we never managed any of them so badly aa to he compelled to take the benefit of the bankrupt law and ! settle with creditors at about ten j cent on the dollar. Another thing. I we were never compelled to give up a "lucrative law practice" to work aa a local reporter for $12 per week and then net get the salary when it was due. Come again. Journal. It does not require a profound per- TVT' "1 I f lVTiNT '! ceDtim to recognize the fact that the JLXlijjEJD V -LlM vyj-ij "kunnel" a Mi3SOUrian a11 "ehty- it Strengthens and Vitalizes j When it comes to "showing" people he Vinol tones up the digestive organs, j is the 'candy. Hut oh, what a disposi aids assimilation, enriches the blood, i . . TU ,ot and rejuvenates every organ in the!tlon exhib.ts! The poor man must body. lu this natural manner Vinol J have taken hw patent medicine adver- replaces weakness with strenirth. : . . - , , ... , , s tising out in trade, and then consnmed We are positive it will benefit every . , , old person who will zive it trUl. the entire amount himself. It It don't we will refund, their xuony. any other statesman to solve this prob lem. Very naturally, he will avoid taking a stand on this particular ques tion as long as he can avoid doing so. As a general proposition the liquor in terests are lined up with the democratic hosts, hence democratic leaders are go ing to keep all vexing question like county option as far away a3 possible. Both old parties are afraid of it, but the republican forces in Nebraska will eventually adopt the progressive tem perance ideas and carry off the honors. It might have be done this year. to kill police who interfere with us," 1 exclaimed one of the followers of "Adam God" after the late battle in j Kansas City. Such a religion seems too obviously a cloak for law breaking to deserve -a respect. Proof is seen that it is a very human institution in the pleas made. "We are a peace loving people, but if the police try to stop us our religion teaches us to be lieve that they are wrong and should be killed," they say. Something like that has been heard from pious corpo rations in defense of bribery and po litical corruption. State Journal. GERING & CO. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB 'Peanut randy. Here is Relief For Women. If you haye pains in the back. Uri nary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, try Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf. It is a safe and never failing regulator. At Druggists r by mail f.O ct3. Sample package, ree. Address, The Mother Gray Co LeRoy, N. Y. ' Mr. Bryan's political friends seem I to think the temperance people ought i J to let the Nebraskan alone and not in sist his showing his hand on the county option question. That you know, "wasn't in the platform" which, of course, should excuse one from having, or at least from expressing, an opinion thereon. X Fortunately, the voters know enough abojut the temperance question to settle it without his assistance. They are not dependingupon Mr. Bryan or A VEXING QUESTION. The temperance question promises to be a vexing one for the members of the legislature this winter. The selec tion of .so many democrats to both houses was presumed to settle the mat ter of progressive temperance legisla tion for at least two years, but quite a sprinkling of these democratic mem bers are pledged to county option and others won't want to vote against it. A large per cent of the republican minority will fight hard for a county option measure. It is hardly likely that it will be possible to pass a bill of this kind, and yet it will have so many staunch supporters that the opponents of temperance legislation will find the situation more or less embarrassing. So rapidly is the sentiment glowing in favor of either prohibition or county option that very few of the members who see fit to oppose legislation of this kind this winter will be re-elected two years hence. In Cass county the candidates who were most pronounced in favor of tem perance reform fared the best at the polls. Had all of the republican can didates come out flat-footed for county option early in the campaign the party would have a solid delegation in Lin coln this winter. There are enough voters in favor of progressive temper ance reform to elect men who will sup port their ideas. They are not all in one party but there are plenty in all the parties. Thousands who would have voted for the saloons two or three years ngo are talking and working against them to day. As a business proposition the liquor traffic is looked upon as a failure. Cities and towns, large and small, are I coming to realize that they are much better off without the saloons and their accompaniments. The towns that are dryest are destined to be the best from both a business and a moral standpoint. As a matter of self-preservation and local pride, therefore, the towns are going to insist upon going, and being kept, "dry." We may have to wait another two years in Nebraska, but by that time the voters will be in a proper frame of mind to adopt county option or something better. Everybody Looking. Nearly everyone is looking to see j what is new on display in the way of i Christmas novelties. While you are looking, don't fail to drop into CrabiU's ; jewelry and see Mrs. Howland'sbeauti- ful line of hand-painted china. Brooches, 50c to $1.25; pin trays, 50c to $1.00; j plates, $1.25 to $10.00. You will also j find jewel trays, toilet articles, nut! bowls aud many other novelties especi ally appropriate for Christmas gifts, tf ' Send her a post card of your favorite float. At Nemetz & Co.s' j IT IS A GOOD REASON Plattsmouth People Can Give You Many Good Reasons Why it is So. Doan's Kidney Pills cure the cause of disease, and that is why the cures are always , lasting. This remedy strengthens and tones up the kidneys; helping them to drive out of the body the liquid poisons that cause backache, headache and distressing kidney and urinary complaints. Plattsmouth people testify to permanant cures. i J. W. Hickson, employed with the Plattsmouth Water Co., and living on Oak Street. between Seventh and Eighth streets. Plattsmouth, Neb., sas'3"My experience with Doan's Kid ney Pills warrants me in giving them my strongest recommendation. Off and on for twelve or fourteen years I was subject to attacks of pain in my back and other symptons which gave evi- l 1 A uence oi a aerangen conamon oi my kidneys. Procuring Doan's Kidney Pills at Gering & Co.'s drugstore, I used them as directed and the benefit derived was so pronounced that I am able to attest to the remarkable value and merit of this .. remedy. Not only did Doan's Kidney Pills give me entire Want Column l i I J FOR RENT. FOR RENT Four-room cottage on Vine, between 12th and 13th streets. For further- particulars inquire at ! News office. tf FOR RENT Five-room cottage, be- j tween 7th and 8th streets on Marble. Call up Platts Phone No. 193. I FOR SALE. Home Canned Fruit Note the prices below. First class goods at low cost. New crop English walnut 2ic U. Fresh dates Hc lb. Fresh Figs Kc 1!.. Home made jelly, per glass. . . . . . ..loc Home canned peaches, 1 qt. Mason' V Home canned Pears, lqt. Mason jar. ..'5V Large can Tomatoes. 2 cans 2.V Large can Plymouth baked lcans. . . He Hall's Cash Store FOR SALE A number of Bargains . in cottages, easy term. Cottages for ' rent. Windman Investment Company, j FOR SALE A nicely located live! acres, for $1000. Improvements worth more than half this. Windham Investment Company. j Ask Your Quahr far PlaRSlfter FIOUT anular.'rr ty Plattsmoatb Roller Bill 1 C iiei&F.L. Pioprl-tu euttsmowtlt. -- FOR SALE-38 acres of land under cultivation, adjoining Plattsmouth. ! relief from the pain in my back but at $85 per acre. A tive acre tract ; well improved for .1,000. Windham Investment Co., Plattsmouth, Ne- 1 they toned up and invigorated my sys- tern generally. For !ale -by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole acents for the United States. j i Remember the name Doan's ami ' take no other. ! braska. A great bargain, a fine si. room eot-, tage, other nice improvements close in for only $850, cost twice this. Also,, a good 8 room cottage other good improvements. Price $12M), ' a bar gain. Windham Investment Co , Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 5.V:jt L C. . MARSHALL, D. 0. S ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience mioe in ritziferaii! hiock n WANTED. f 7- MJ 1 9 O 8 !l! Ill . I! . ; 1 ill I JS that the kind of print ing Xyou want? Right Up-to-pate in the mat ter of Stock, Type and of tComposition? Do yon like neat, tasty and stylish sta tionery or other printing at reasciiable prices? And do you soinetimes need a job done in a Vrush"? Then come m, us kUR Job Printing: De-X partment is riht unto 1908 in every resoect. We have a reputation for Good Work and prompt Delivery. We have expert Letterpress artists whose taste and knowledge of the craft are well known. Our iDrices are consistently low. t What Others Say j HEMRflLD PRINTERS POINTS TO CHINA'S WASTE. A 'special dispatch under date of December; 8 to Globe Democrat from its Washinjpton correspondent touch ing the President's message says: "In the book if, which the president's message of today is printed for general circulation that portion, of his message which refers to ' the -necersity of forest reservation is illustrated by photographic views of denuded sec tions of China. Ten examples of waste of natural resources are set forth. One view represented a section of 263 square miles of barren mountain tops which the underline says paid a rich revenue a century ago." -' ; THE STATE OF LINCOLN. The proposal of Mr. Albert E. Pils bury of Boston that, upon New Mexico's admission into the Union the name of the state be changed to "Lincoln" is meeting with considerable approval throughout the country. It is general ly admitted that "New Mexico" ia a ratner meaningless designation tor a state and the need of a new cognomen is manifest, Names like New York, New Hampshire and New Jersey are fitted only for colonies. The opportun ity to honor the name of Lincoln by naming a state after him will pass with the admission into the union of Arizona and new Mexico. When Colorado be came a state it waS proposed to name the new commonwealth Lincoln, but congress did not look with favor upon the proposal. Washington Post. Brought Here For Interment. Dr. Clutter, the dentist who wasj found in an Omaha hotel dead, with the gas turned on, was a former Platts- ! mouth resident. His ? remains were j - brought here Monday morning forin- jVe have a purchaser for an SO terment, in their family lot in Oak Hill! farm. Have you one for sale, cemetery by the side of his child. . lr jress Windham Investment New Ar vertiscments A BIG STEP AHEAD Clutter was well known here eighteen years ago, and had a nice family. The causes of his untimely taking oh" are not known. ; The case looked like one of suicide, though it may have been an accident. Mr. Crowder Improving. Conductor Joe Crowder is improving so much that the physicians have con sented that he may go to his home at Creston Tuesday. Mr. Crowder has had a hard fight for his life, but his indomitable cour age has won and he will no doubt sur vive. There is quite a long time to elapse before he will Ik? well, but unless un forseen difficulties arise Mr. Crowder will recover his usual health. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. aire PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cltftiifi and lnuM.rt Li Proiuotrt ft Juiunant rri.:i Never Fail to Keatore Ury liif to It Youthful Coior. Cure .. ii rt-i fift.r t.u.. &".vii.J $1 '''tf lrulti WANTED Girl at Riley Hotel. tf LOST OR STRAYED Red calf with white face, about 6 months old and j weighing about 175 pounds. Finder . will be paid for his trouble by return ing same to Kunsman and Ramge or , notifying them of the animal's where abouts. 55-tf PILES CURED rbnmnntn ikinu nnirt U3LU All Rectal Dlaeaeea Treated: Foeltlva Guarantee. Mild Method; no anaes thetics: NO MONEY IN ADVANCE. EX AMINATION FREE. Wrtte for Book en Rectal Dlacasea and Testimonials. DR. E.R. TARRY, 224 Bee Bide-. Omaha. Xmaa at Dovey'o Store. W. C. Ahlstnd, one of the obliging clerks at Dovey's store has arranged a mail box for the youngsters of the city 6 mail their wants to Santa The com munication must be in writing and signed by the child, and it is guaranteed to reach the hands of good "St. Nick" before he starts on his rounds this sea son. The scheme is new and no doubt the box will receive plenty of suggestions to Santa. , Rural Carriers Examined. - William Nix, a rural mail carrier has handed in his resignation to Uncle Sam, and will quit the route very soon. Examinations were held in this city Saturday to fill the vacancy. Those taking "ttje examination were: Ray Chrisswissex Rex Young, Jeff. Brendel and Henry Sacs. The route is out of Murray and anyone of the applicants can handle the"buslfles8 nicely. ,amc iTM Kind Vw Ka Always bxtfl Baaratoa : SALESMAN WAN TED - Experience unnecessary. $100 per month and expenses. Roj'al Cigar Co., Chi cago. 111. " 56-5 MEN WANTED QUICKLY by big Chicago Mail Orderllouse todistribute catalogues,advcrtise,etc.,'$25 a week. $60 expense allowance first month. No experience required. Manager, Dept. 500, Wabash Ave., Chicago. 5T-2t it j,g'.?:gw MONEY FOR FARM LOANS. If yea ntra a ! as imprtrrf' Firei Land. t reataoik) ritt f latrrnt. Write tat fie DtliT I. SIBBEXNSEft. 208 BMUi Stare BI4(.. Osaka. "i rl In the making :ir,l littini: of SHOKS is rt pr's-ntc in tin "Francis" SHOKS at and $-UH) nr pair. Tin shoo for smart divssors. but also the shoo for the p rson who demands 'Old Sho " comfort. FETZER'S SHOE STORE. We do First ("m.-s Sl ie R ; a ru lt. BAILEY & MAG II THE DENTISTS lilft MUcrt SijVGrje- 0ti.r . fit la the M Uir tt Your Printing It should be a fit representative of your business, which means the high grade, ar tistic kind. That.s the kind we do. All EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF TYPE, GOOD PRESSES AI.T TYPOGRAPHICAL ARTISTS These represent our facilities for doing the kind of printing that will please you. The prices are right, and prompt deliver the invariable rule at this office. IF SANTA CLAUS BRINGS FURNITURE this year he will wi.e to ,-, t it from our splendid !!e ti ' of pieces and suites esp-ei:i!!v .im propriate for holiday trifts. i '..t.i. and pick out tin- furniture want, for it i certainly hen . Then you can tell S:r?.i O n. cor?,e :i:i, do hi part. W- w ,l reserve any furniture rho-.-r r ..w till wanted. Our haridsorm- li:., of rugs would rnak.,. jir.,. Christ mas present, ar.d w- haw : i merous other articled which you should tall ?trd inspect while !oir , i.r holiday shopping. Everything is htii tly guaranteed. M. HILD, THE FURNITURE MAN. I1 ''mr'n' A South Carolina paper says tho de feat of .Parker shows that the Demo cratic parry cannot succeed on u con servative footing, while Bryan's re verses prove tKat the party is a failure in radicalism. Vhile the South Caro linians are struggling with this dilemma the Republicans will tkJje excellent care of the country. Globe democrat. Religious liberty is at stakci.e. Kan sas City, and the torch will probe bjy have to be used. The Holy Rollers have reiigious scruples bidding them preach on the street and take up col j lections early and often during the pro i ceeding. If anybody interferes it is their religious duty to check Ins im pious opposition. "Our faith, you i i i , . Know, teacnes us mat we nave a ngnt t - United In the District Court of tho States for tha District of Nebraska. ' In the matter of J CaRe No. 45 Ueorse L. Farley. In Bankruptcy . Bankrupt- I At room CIS Brandeis buUdintr. in the city of Omaha. Douglaa County. Nebraska, on the 7th, day of December. 1906. before Charle O. Mc Donald. Referee in Bankruptcy. To the creditors of Geonre L. Farley. Bankrupt, of the City of Plattamouth. County of Cass, and District Aforesaid : Notice ia hereby given that on the day of December. 1908. Geonre L. Farley was duly ad judged a bankrupt, and the first meeting of creditors will be held at room 61S Brandeis build ing1, in the city of Omaha, county of Doujrlas. and state of Nebraska, on the 18th day of December. 1908. at two o'clock in the afternoon, at which meetinir said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business aa may properly come before the mectine. Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 7th day of December. 1908.. CnAELES C- McDonald. , !2-10-2t Referee in Bankruptcy. t TO! TIT ior SHERIFF'S SALE. j By virtue of an order of Sale issued by James Robertson, taerk of tne District (jourt witnin ana for Case county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 4th day of January A. D. 1909 at 10 o'clock a, ra. of said day at the south door of the Court House in Raid county. seO at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following- real estate to-wit : Lot numbered four (4 in block numbered eighteen (18) in young Hays addition to i beCity of Plattamouth. Cass county Nebraeka.Tbe atome heinr levied unon and taken as the property of Jz.ooh C. Sweetwood. Harrison B. Sweetwood, Ka.met. weet wood. Nathan t . sweetwood. tm A. Sweetwv-j. Floyd Sweetwood. Wildia filer and Charles .-. Defendants to satisfy a Jodsment of aaid court recovered by the Livingston Lean and Building- Association Plaintiff against said de fendants Flattacnouth, Neb. November 28 A. D. 1908 "a.. CD. QuwroJ sqeiVZ Casa County. Wsbraaka. MONEY SPENT FOR XMAS SLIPPERS and HOLIDAY FOOTWKAR is money not thrown away. We s -lected his and her slippers some time ago and if you'll drop in nnd see them we'll put them aside ar.d say nuthin. We invite you to take a peep into our btore and see our carefully selected, quality-giving slippers, all displayed, nnd you'll say we've enough for the nlu!( ttate, hut we haven't. 65c to $1.75 Men's kid sjippers in Opera or Kverett style, tan. wine, browner black colors, new designs and style All appropriate to warm your -hins in. Dr. Reed's cushlan insole shoes for men and women makcappreciativegifts All doctors recommenthem. Ladies felt fur trimmeaJJomeos, (host quality), brown, wine, green and hla-k. Felt slippers 50C TO $1.25. Buster Brown Shoes lor Boys and Girls. s. a I g r . . M . , t ntvtrt ruKUt I int. INFANTS 'ianitary washable horsehide moccasins, something n-v Infcjnt3 red Romeos. white ur trimmed - lW Tfti i i .: j r e'. ': . J $1.25 to $1.50 50C 50C Daintvute little htxt ees, all colors of the rainbowou couldn't help huyirir them BUSTER ERO'N mUmSilQLSZ: :.. Leggings in 50c 50c 1 or Rovs' Slinners . v lUO O VE RS H 0 LvSy i N I Rl'BRF-RS. IOI r X... 1 , ')