The Semi-Weekly News-Herald 6EORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, 5 00 Six Months 2 50 One Week 10 Single Copies 5 SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... 51 CO Six Months, 50 w LARGEST CIRCULATION Ol any Cass County Paper. Thk News-Herald could take eomo wood on subscription. President McKinley's recommen dations to congress are awaited with more than usual Interest. GOVEKXOR Poynter will attend the Capital Commission centennial at Washington December 12 TnE opening of congress and tho president's message constitute the next number on the program, aud it is awaited with considerable interest. According to Secretary Wilson's report the American farmer enters upon the new century with brighter prospects than the farmer in any other part of the world. New Jersey democrats my sup port Grover Cleveland for United States senator. It is said a committee will call on him to lenrn what he thinks of the proposition. Ex-President Krvger of the Transvaal is soon to depart from France, He has all kinds of sympathy, but ia still shy of the relief of real value to his Boers in South Afrlci. The twentieth annual conference of the American Federation of Labor will convene in Louisville, Ky., next Thurs day. Delegates from England have already arrived. The minds of the people are being directed to Christmas. What you are eoing to get your friends acd where you can And what you want are the questions soon to be solved. Santa Claus will receive more mail during the next three week than the newlv-eleeted governor of Ne braska. He will need about 400 ste nographers to keep up with his cor respondence. The recent disaster at San Francisco is said to be the worst the city has ever known. The dead now number seventeen, and all tho hospitals are crowded with tho injured, many cf whom will die. The Blair Pilot says if Mr. Dietrieb 19 gUlliy as cuttreu uy iue luaiuuiow there isn't a fusionist in Nebraska who was elected in November but that is also guilty, and when one republican goes a fusionist ur two will go with him. THE Northern Pacific llailroad has decided to substitute a longdistance telephone system for the present tele graphic method of communication be tween general offices acd stations This is the first westorn road to adopt this method. The presidential electors of this etate will meet in Lincoln January 12. Six of the eight would appreciate the honor of carrying the returns to Wash ington. Plattsmouth and Cass county hope our townsman, Hon. 11. Ii. Wind ham, will be the favored one. W. K. Fowler, state saporintetd ent-elect, used' erood judgment in the selection of his deputy. J. L. McBrien of Geneva is one of the best school men in the state and an all-around good man. He is well known over the state and has the confidence of the people generally. The terribfe tragedy which occur red near Pacific Junction, la., last Saturday, should be a warning to peo ple not to leave firearms within the reach uf children. Imagine, if you can, the feelings of the parents of both the children concerned in the shocking affair. The leading representatives of Texas are holding a conference at Fort Worth for the purpose of devising means for the restoration of Galves ton's deep water port and further pro tection of the harbor opened at Fort Worth. Resolutions rill be adopted calling for national and state aid. Governor-elect Dietrich is jiv ing particular attention to the matter of securing the best possible material for the positions in the various s'ate institutions. His appointments thus far are meeMng with general approval. He selects men who are experts in their particular business or profession. Att'Y M. O- Breland tells Wash ington, people that Secretary Meikle john and Congressman Mercer will be the two new senators from Nebraska He thinks that neither townsman Mr. Rosewater nor D. E. Thompson will be in the race. Its a little early yet to tell who are going to be the successful candidates. The petty conspirators who want to prevent C. H. Dietrich from taking his seat as governor of this state will have to get out from under the con stitution before they can do it. They have damned the constitution and at tempted to amend it by fraud, so it is not surprising that they are not using it now a3 a beacon light. Kearney Hub. NATIONAL IKKIOiTION. The holding of the national irriga tion congress in the eat, as it turned out, wr.s a wise trove. The people of that hai of the country have had the subject of national irr'gation brought home to them in a manner not other wise possible. The far-reaching im portance of the problem has been pre sented to them and a genuine interest has been awakened. Instead of find ing opposition in the east,the congrea found that eastern men of prominence were more than interested in a p-op-osition which promised an increased western population of millions of pao ple. As the "enemy's country" his been invaded, the myth of eastern opposi tion has faded away and its people are found to be anxious to see inaugurated a national policy of western arid land reclamation. m .The western delegates went home with the feeling that they have the hearty support of eastern interests in securing action whiel will open to set tlement a half a continent, capable of supporting fifty million people. They cannot but ft-el thnt this support is growing; that it is developing into a great movtment; that many people are realizing that national action would meet such a western development as would increase the national wealth be yond measure. ritOBAULE KCCALLi (Beatrice Express.) It is related that A'inister Conge r's relations with the administration are not very harmonious, and it is prob able that he will bo recalled. Mr. Conger has long been in the public service, and has won sn admirable reputation, but 6ince tho ordeal he went through lrst summer, when he was shut up in P.kin for weeks with others, whrso lives were threatened day and nicrht, he has come to lock upon the Chinaman as a kind of ver min that doesn't need to exist. He would like to see all the Chinese con demned to death something linger ing, with boiling oil in it. His hatred of the race is said to be eo intense that he is no longer a safe man for an offi cial place among the pigtails. The dispatch announcing his robeble re call s iys that "be advocates mea-ures which are loo ri.dical." It is a pity that he no longer dovetails with the administration, but before censuring him people should consider what he has gone through. "Go feel what be ha9 felt, go bear what he has borne." The charitable aud educational in stitutions rf Nebraska must cease to be the plaj'things of practical poli tic, snj's The Conservative. The laws should be revised and so amended that each establishment may be gov erned by a board of trustees, who shall be named to the senate and confirmed by that body. The trustees should be non-; artisan. They should be sele rted because of character and adaption to the duties of tho place. They should have free power to employ and to dis charge all employes. With such a system, scindals, t xtravagances and inefficiency would soon disappear. TnE wonierful growth of the cities of the country and incidentally the growth of the entire population rniy be partially realized when it is known that in 1000 Chicago has moro people than were in all the cities of the coun try in 1S40, and New York has more people than were in all tho cities of the country in ISoO. When it is known that the rural population ba-t more than kept pace with the urban a faint realization of our growth may bo had. Beatrice Express. So many people write Mi3- Helen Gould, asKing her for money, that she has found it necessary to havo a circu lar letter printed to send to her un known correspondents. It may seem as tho she did not give these people the proper consideration, but very few people, under such circumstnnces, would even go to the trouble of mak ing any reply whatever. No doubt thousands of the applicants arealto sether unworthy. Mark Hanna thinks the republi cans will remain in control of the gov ernment for some time to come, giving us the principal rta-ion the fan that the joung men of the country are raliying to its support. There is no question but that the party that gets tho young blood is going to be the winner. The older men the most of thm stay with their party organiza tion. Tliiug You Can't Do. You can't stand for five minutes without raoving,if you are blindfolded. You cun't etrml at the eid-a t-f a room with both of your f jet touching the wainrcoting lengthwise. You can't get out of a chair without bending your body forward or putting your feet under it, that is, if you are sitting tquire'3' on tho chair and not on the edge of it. You cai't crush an egg when placed lengthwiso between your hands, that is, if the ejjg is sound and has the ordi nary shell of a ben's egg. You can't break a match if the match is laid across the nail of the middle finger of either hand and pressed upon by tho fi st or third finders of that hand, df spite its seeming so easy at first sight. Topcka Capitol. Cares Catatrrti Punanently, Nasal catarrh, catarrhal, deafness, catarrh of head no cure no pay. All druggists are authorized by the manu factures af Bunsen's Cream Catarrhal to refuud the money where it fails to oure any case of Nasal Catarrh no mat ter of how long standing. One appli cation gives ease and rest. Bunsen's Cream Catarrhal is a new discovery and is the only Catarrh remedy sold on a positive guarantee. No cure. No pay. Price 60 cts. For sale by Ge ring &. Co. LAYING OUT BUSINESS Conferences at Washington Decide What Shall Be Done by Congress. to THE QUESTION 01 TAX EEDU0TI0NS How the Senators View the Same Biff Stock, of Gold Chicago Canal Projects. Washington, Dee. 1. There were a number of Republican senators at the Capitol yesterday, and they were in Informal conference during the great er part of the time concerning the bus iness likely to come before congress during the approaching session. Among those who participated in these meet ings1 -were Allison, Lodge, Tlatt of Connecticut and Hale. They were not all together at any one time, but there was no effort to conceal the fact that there was a general exchange of views. Prominent in their delibera tions was the contemplated amend ments to the war revenue law. Aid rich, Allison and Piatt were together for some time on this latter subject, and had with them Representatives Tayne and Dalzell, of the house com mittee on ways and means. Discussion on General Lines. It was stated at the close of this talk that the discussion had been on very general lines, and that as the house people had not completed their nieasdre and the treasury estimates had not been received no conclusion had been reached. So far as the sen ators expressed themselves their ex pressions were favorable to making the revision so thorough as to relieve the work entirely of the possibility of having it considered of a temporary character. They expressed the opin ion that whatever changes are to be made should be made at the present session in order to prevent the reopen ing of the subject at the next session of congress, as they think that if the question should be entered upon at the beginning of a long session an entire revision of the tariff might be at tempted. Senatorial Views of Chan ares. They also gave some Indication of their views of the changes to be made, in a general way favoring the removal of the extra tax from articles not re turning a large revenue, and leaving it on the more productive articles. The tendency seemed to be against any re moval of the leer or tobacco taxes, and also against the removal of the tax on exchange transactions. Theie was also considerable discussion of the shipping subsidy bill, and it was made evident that there will be a strenuous effort to have this measure made the unfinished business in place of the Spooner bill for the regulation of public administration in the Phil ippines. Kill for the Kiraragr.a Canal. With reference to the Nicaragua canal bill there was manifest in the various talks some disposition to have it await action on the llay-Paunce-fote treaty, and the suggestion was made on the part of at least one Re publican leatler that the canal legisla tion of this session should be con fined to an authorization to acquire a property right of way for the canal. LAKE AND RIVER CONNECTION. Report on tbe Project to I nit Chicago with the Gulf. Washington, Dec. 1. The chief of engineers at the war department, Gen eral John M. Wilson, has received from the "board of engineers recently ronvened In Chicago two reports au thorized by the last congress on the conversion of the Chicago -lrainage canal into a ship canal connecting Lake Michigan with the Mississippi. The first of these reports deals with the cost of engineering problems of a seven and eight-foot channel through the drainage canal, striking the Mississippi by way of the Illinois and Desplalnea river. The second is similar, except that It provides estimates for a ten. twelve and forteen-f oot channel over the same route. These reports will go to the sec retary of war and be submitted to congress as soon as possible after it convenes. Sixty-seven reports of a similar nature, covering river and har bor Improvements all over the country, will be submitted to congress about the same time. BIG STOCK OF 1KLIOW METAL, More of It in the Treasury Now Than Ever Was Held There Before. Washington, Dec. 1. The largest stock of gold coin and bullion ever held in the United States is now ac cumulated in the treasury and its branches. The total has been rising steadily during the whole of the pres ent year, and is now $474,10S,33U, or about $7C,0M,0U0 greater than at the close of 1800. This gold is not all the direct property of the United States, but some is held aprainst out standing gold certificates. The amount of these, less the amount in the treas ury and Its branches, was ?J30,753, 809 Wednesday. All the remaining gold, amounting to about $243,000,000, belongs to the treasury as a part of the reserve fund of $150,000,000. The Influx of gold into the treasury comes partly from the new gold from the Klondike and other mines, but its retention Is due to the pressure for currency, which leads to the acceptance of gold certificates and other paper money In preference to coin. The gold supply of the country on the last day of lSOti was estimated at $002,947,212. The estimated amount Nov. 1, 1900, was $l,OS0,027,407. Sixcy Postoffiee Nominations. Washington. Dec. 1. The nresidpo in the nrst week in the session of con gress will submit to the senate for confirmation sixty nominations for presidential postofflces. This includes those appointed during the session and postmasters whose terms of office ex pire previous to Jan. 1 next. Listened to Root's Adventures. Washington, Dec. 1. For the first time in many months all the members of the cabinet were present at yester day's meeting. Much of the time of the meeting was given up to listening to Secretary Root's account of his Cu ban trip. New Committee Place for Babcock. Washington, Dec. 1. It seems to be pretty generally understood that Bab cock of Wisconsin will be appointed to the vacancy on the ways and means committee caused by the resignation of Dolliver. Sam Small In Trouble at Havana. Havana, Dec. 3. The evangelist, a-. - ii a Bain rami.. as recem.y arreeu anu . , d fftVOrable con placed in jail for contempt of court In ! 1 , ' , being absent from his trial on a charge Iditions, in five years cumber over a of swindling. He has been released, j million. I CITY AND COUNTY I SATURDAY1. William Stitzer came in from Il-tve-lock last evening. Attorney A. J. Graves has been on tho sick list for several days. Charles Sheeley, the Lincoln bridge contractor, was in town today on busi ness. James Colbert of Wabash came in this morning for a visit over Sunday with the family of George Hay. I have several applicants for farms, do you want to sell? Address, R. 13. Windham, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Da Witt's little early risers are tbe best liver pills ever made. Eiey to take and never gripe. F. G. Fricke & Co. W. J. Shallcros?, principal of the Lyons, Neb., school, visited in tbe city over night, the guest of William Baird. When you want prompt acting little pills that never gripe use DeWiti's Littlo Early Risers. F. G. Fricke &. Co. It will ho worth the price of admis sion to see the "Major General" in the Pirates of Peczmce. This part is very ably takerr-by Mr. Kccb. For family use in numberless ways Ballard's Snow Liniment is a useful and valuable remedy. Price 25 aDd 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Stephen Wilcox and llan-iah Whea dn, who gave Plattsmouth us their place of i evidence, were granted a marriage license in Omaha yesterday. The large eagle which young George Black recently killed has been stuffed and mounted by J. L. Graves aDd may be seen in Wefcott's west display win dow. For Sale Fifty-five full blooded Ply mouth Rock cockerels at $1 each, or four for $3. They are of the Hawkins and Westbrook strains. Ecquire of or write Mrs. L. H. Young, Nehawka, Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment has been thoroughly tested for many years aud is a positive cure lor this most dis tressing and embaratsing of troubles i'rico ou cents in boUUs. luoes o cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Mike Warga loaded up onto) much liquor last niht and was landed in jail. Judge Archer tiut-d him $1 and costs this morning. Ha furnished satisfactory security for the payment of tho same acd was relented. Worm take refuge in the small in testioe, where they can easily multiply. White's Cream Vermifuge will destroy thee parasites. The verdict cf the people tells plainly how well it has succeeCol. Prlc3 2T cents. F. G Fricke st Co. W. 11. Ilhoad s, the c-jntractor, has just completed the work of remodel ing C E. Wescott'd cottage on High School hill. This is undoubtedly one of the finest jobs f carpenter work performed in Plattsmouth this jear. If you have ever s- en a child in the agony of croup you can realize how grateful mothers are for Ojo Minute Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as it is administered. It quickly cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. The old Ilolshuh farm, consisting of 10t acres, located northwest of town. has been purchased by Thcmns Yanda; consideration, $4,000. J. M L?yda, as the agent for tho Columbus, Neb., parties who owned tbe farm, closed the deal. Praise the bridge that carries you over either a flood or cough. Ballard's Borehound Syrup has brought eo many over throat and lung troubles, such as coughs, colds, bronchitis, etc , that its praises are suug everywhere Price 25 and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co Mrs. Isabel Richey was in the city yesterday and gave this o.lice friendly call. There is a woman who is doing much to sweeten tho social atmosphere, and she doesn't believe the salvation of the country depends upon women having the ballot, either Lincoln Journal. I? Jth makers and circulators of coun terleits commit fraud. Honest men will cot deceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original is infallible for curing, piles, sores, ccze ma. and all skin diseases. F. G. Fricke &Co. IleDry Donat owns a pet badger, which he has been keeping chainod in the yard at tho rear of his saloon, on Lower Main street. Saveral days ago, however, the animal managed to pet loose and since that time has b'en en joying itcelf exterminating the chick ens in that neighborhood one citizen reporting the loss of fourteen fat fowls The indignant neighbors have loaded their thot guns and set traps for the "varmint," but thus far it has not been captured. Tnere is no pleasure in life if you dread going to the table to eat and can't rest at night on account of indi gestion. Henry Williams, of Booo ville, lod., siys he suffered that way for years, till he commenced the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, and adds, "Now I can eat anything I like nd all I want and sleep soundly every nig-bf" Kodo' Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat F. G. Fi icke & Co. J. I. Sanders is getting quite a col lection of rabbits, or, correctly speak irg, hares. He received this morning three fine Fashoda does and one Dex ter buck from tbe Pcific Coast Bel gian Hare company of San Francisco, Cal. He has rented a five-acre tract south of town, where he expects to establish a rabbitry. These animals multiply rapidly, it beiag claimed by some fanciers that the increase from MONDAY. Sheriff Wheeler drove out to the vicinity of Avoca today to serve some papers. B3 sure you see Plattemouth's police force in the Pirates of Penzance De cember 11 and 12. Benefit of library. Judge Douglass this morning' iasued a marriage licensa to George A, Bird of Weeping Water and Miss Lucy M. Murray of Elmwood. Dana Sleeth returned to hia studies at the state uciversity t day, having spent his Thanksgiving vacation with his parents in this city. Miss Fern Miller, one of the local teachers, who spent her Thanksgiving vacation at her borne near Glen wood. Is., returned yesterday. Augusta "Boeder left today for Bat tle Creek, this state, in response to a message relating the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Moser. W. II. Newell made a business trip to Woodruff, Kan., yesterday. From there he expects to go to Furnas county on a hunting expedition. Miss Minnie Bullette has closed her engagement as trimmer at Mrs. Street's millinery store, and left this afternoon for her home at Rod Oak, Ia. Mrs. A. C. Hakestraw of St. Paul, Minn., who for some time has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Atwood, departed this morn ing for her home. The Pirates of Penzance, which is to be given for the library December 11 and 12, promises to be one of the best home talent entertainments ever given in the city. E. J. Ryan, who learned his trade as a telegraph operator at the B. & M. station in this city, has been assigned to a permanent position as operator at that company's round house in Lin coln. Miss Clara Street sang a solo, en titled "Face to Face," at the Method ist services yesterday morning. At the evening services, Mi8s Gertrude Fletcher favored the congiegation with the solo, "Where Is Heaven?" Misses Eunice and Margaret Davis. who have been spending theirThanke- giving vacation in this city, returned to Lincoln this moraine, where they will resume their studies at the state university. DeWiti's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal tha worst burns ar.dsoalds and not leave a scar. It can be ap plied to cuts nod raw surfaces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. F. ii. Fricke & Co. Richard Wilkinson of E-gle, representative-elect from Cass county, has moved his family to his residence, 2S15 P street, Lincoln, and will occupy the same until after the session of the legislature, when he expects to return to Eagle. Lincoln Journal. Many people worry because they be lieve they have heart disease. The chances are that their hearts are a'l right but their stomaches are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and prevents the formation of gas which makes tbe stomach press against tbe heart. It will cure every form of indigestion. F. G. Fricke & Co. Louis Olson,who left about ten weeks ago on a trip to his old homo la Den mark, has returned. He reports hav ing enjoyed the trip very much, al though severe storms were encountered on the sea voyage going over. He was called to the old country on business connected with his father's estate. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lung troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doc tors use it as a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. F. G. Fricke & Co. NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS UAI.Q BALSAM ifcfcifefc Jfc' Never yils to Eertor Oray f&vTrVl ir to it Youthful Color. ' CONSTIPATION the f rcjuent cause of Appendicitis and many other ar. Jous ills should never be netclerted. The objection to the usual cathartic remedies Is their costive reaction vhkh Increases combination Instead of curing-It. PAKKKM'S GIMiKK TONIC is the proper remedy. It acta on the Liver, and when used as directed, permanently i the constipation. 60 cts. A $1.00 at ail lTugtcUU. IrENNYROYAL PILLS II r.k. Orlclael a Only Oeaalae. CHICHflTtd'a ENGLISH 1ST tnivnMlsna juinnra la KJEI 4 iiai sMtallls sexes, sealea tta sleerlbbsa. Take m sums. Buraee DsifersM Sabetltatteaa aaa laaltsf tieas. Bay af yaar Oraaflst. er ssM a t D-ii-r 1 .4 I far, bv r rai-uealare. esiiesuaas n Mall. Iv.tV Taauaiaalaia. aaiaar Havtlea this ipr. MaaUea laun. mil. " t iii'tu. . 'aleaesMS- " if HOW TO STUDY ART! We give in our illustrated catalogue, FREE, valuable information and advice to those contemplating the study of Art. Send postal for cata logue. IIALb'EY C. IVES, Director. ST. LOUIS SCHOOL Or FINE ARTS, Dyspepsia (Sure Dfaests what you eat It artificially ditrests the food and aids Nature ia strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic, jno other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Tl ntnlnn . Cam K imo V - YkTottoAo Sick Headache. Gastralsria. Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion; Price 50c. and fl. Large stee contains m times small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free Prepared by E. C De WITT A CO.. Cljlcaao , ar il fc-u It Would You Smile . . To Call on . . Elson To see our Our . . Mens' Overcoats $4.35 to $18.00 OUr a a Children's Overcoats $1.50 to $8.00 Our . . Heavy Under Suits $3.75 to $20.00 Our . . Nobby Youth's Suits $2.90 to $15.00 Our . . Elegant Child's Suits $1.25 to $6.50 Our Hat deparlment is complete. Our Gloves and mitts, 5c M to $2.00. Our Shirts and Drawers Jjfc for 45c are daisies. Our Boot and Shoe de partments are also full. Will you come ami smile with us? . Eison0 the Clothier DOVEY Plattsmouth, V f V f V y v -j" F IT IS ANYTHING IN . . Queensware, Glas swn re , Chinaware, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets;, Lainl'S you are looking" for, remember that Bennett R Tutt have the finest line ever brought to the citv. Remember also that their stock of . . OROCJEKIKH . . is always fresh ami complete John C. Ptak the xa,lor CLEANING Xeonard Block, leliability in Vehicles.. .THAT'S WHAT ..Buggies, Road and Spring Wagons, See our Racine Buggies the best manufactured. We buvour bug-gies in large lots and get also sell them reasonable. Hnnd-Alncle Heirnoss Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather. AUGUST Plattsmouth, 7 , Malce 41 the Clothier . . elegant line of floods. 4 BLOCK. Nebraska 1 Is receiving more line Woolriis. These oh1s are all like th out worn in larfje cities up-ti-Iate AND BEPAIRINC. - Plattsmouth YOU FIND IX OUR. Carriages.. them at the right figures.' We Nebraska. ) ) )