Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 05, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
GEORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance, $5 00
Six Months. . 2 50
One Week, . . . ........ 10
Single Copies 5
One Year, ' in advance tl 00
Six Months, .-' '50
Of any C County Paper.
' E. Rose water has acceptod G. M.
Hitchcock'a invitation to meet him in
joint debate.
Hon. E. M. roLLAKD had the honor
of accompanying Governor Roosevelt
and his parly October 1 and 2.
Some 400 mounted roujrh riders from
various town9 in Sarpy county will po
to Omaha this evening to taKe part in
the Roosevelt parade.
TnERE is said to be rivalry between
New York's leading democratic news
papers for the "honor" of producing
the coal minors 6trike.
MAitK Hanna has consented to 6pend
two days in Nebraska along about the
20ih, accompanying Senator Frye of
Maine on his western trip. Wo may
see those dollar-marked clothes yet.
The pcc-ple of the First congressional
district of Nebraska have not forgotten
that Mr. Bryan represented them in
congress in 1S03. At that time he cast
his vote in favor of giving $40,000,000
of tho people's money to the sugar
When the Wilson-Gorman tariff bill
had been passed by the bouse and re
ferred to the senate for concurrence
note what happened. Mr. Ilavemeyer.
president of the sugar trust, went to
Washington, opened headquarters in
the finest hotel in the city and sent for
the leading democratic senators to call
on him. As a result of these confer
ences Senator Voorhees championed
the sugar trust article of the bill, aad
the Rami wan adopted by the senate.
The Wilson Gorman bill, as amended.
wa returned to the house for the con
currence of that body. Mr. Wilson,
the father of the original house b II,
mado a desperate fight against the
senate's sugar trust amendment. In a
powerful speech against this amend
ment Mr. Wilson m.ido a complete ex
position of the nefarious work of Mr
Ilavemeyer of the sugar trust. What
was the result? When the vote on the
sugar trust nraendmenf was taken M
Bryan, in the very face of the fact that
Mr. Wilson h-d exposed the corrup
tion, cast his vote in favor of tho sugar
trust,and tho amendment wasadop'el.
Mr. Ilavemeyer returned home having
gained $40,000,000 at the bands of dem
ocracy. A tree is known by the fruit it boars.
When a former gold democrat con
cludes to support Bryan the Grst thing
he does is to prepare a written apology
for so doing. lie feels that much is
due to his conscience, if not to the public.
Mb. BitYAN explains his ice trust
affiliations by saying that the ice trust
of New York is a mere local issue. A
presidential nominee said the same of
the tariff in 1880. Genoral Hancock
was beaten because of his tariff viowp.
In ins speeches Congressman Bout
well admits that Bryan's election would
disturb business, but adds that this re'
suit would "only be temporary." The
assurance that the panic would end
some time would hardly induce men of
sound judgment to help bring it about.
No OTHER nation on earth supports
so few soldiers. Notwithstanding the
rebellion on Liuzon, the troubles in
China and the temporary intervention
in Cuba, lees than one person in every
thousand of our population wears a
uniform or carries a gun, a record
without parallel in the history of any
people, ancient or modern.
Commercial Advertiser.
People take no chances with a presi
dent unless they are forced to do so,
and then the least possible. Nothing
could be more damaging to a candi
date than the appearance in ordinary
business contracts of a clause condi
tional on his election. This is a com
mon occurrence in various parts of the
country now, reading substantially as
follow: "This agreement to be null
and void in case William J. Bryan is
elected president of the United 6tates
in November, 1900." There is no poll
t:c9 in a proceeding of that character.
It is a simple business precaution
arising from a situation in which there
is an element of risk. The moral
effect of it is Incalculable. It carries
to tho mind of evory person who heirs
of it a realization of what Bryan's elec
tion would do in the very first instance
it would destroy confidence and thus
paralyze business and enterprise.
Ho Makes Eighteen Speeches In
His Day's Tour, Aggre
gating Six Hours.
Roosevelt Visits the Democratic Lead
er's Home Massachusetts De
. mocracy Nominates.
Governor Roosevelt's reception
at various points in the western part of
the state has been magnificent. People
of all classes and conditions admire
him for his honest courage and
straight forwardness. He is distinct
ively a man of the people. One does
not associate him with the governor
ship of the great state of New York.
TnERE are those who think of Gov
ernor Roosevelt only as a soldier of
the "rough and ready" type, not ap
preciating the fact that be is quite a
writer and the author of a goodly num
ber of books. We notice in the Oa
tober number of tho Review of Reviews
the following, which is only a partial
list of the books written by him:
"Biunting Trips of a Ranchman," "The
Wilderness Hunter," "Naval War of
1812," "American Ideals and Other Es
says," "Winning of the West," "Oliver
Cromwell," "The Hough Riders."
Colonel Bryan's moan over the
money expended in restoring the Phil
ippines to law and order and the good
that might have been done with it in
other directions was evidently sug
gested by the Pharisoe who was
scandalized by the cott of that ala
baster box of ointraont in the old days.
If sold and the proceeds given to the
poor he would havo been happier.
State Journal.
Tn other words, Bryan asks to be
elected to the pro.-idency in order that
he may upset existing conditions. He
comes before tho country in tho midst
of a period of untximplod prosperity
and development and says. "Put me
at the head of the government and I
will change all that!" Is it strange
that the American people are not enam
ored of his offer? An yet it is the only
one he enn make, for change is his
only lino of business.
In Minnesota a few days ago.ppeak
ing of the Philippine question, Mr.
Bryan repoated that he was willing to
assume all the resontibility for the
ratification of . the treaty, hut not for
the treaty itself. This treaty carried
with it the purchase of the Pnilippiue
islands from Spain for $20,000,000, which
the " United States paid. Now Mr.
Bryan urges that Spain had no title to
the islands, and thereforo the United
States got nothing for tho money paid
Spain. Take his admissions and his
contention that Spain had no titlo to
convoy it must be said that Mr.
Bryan aided and abetted in defraud
ing the United States out of $20,000,000.
The following special from Chad ron
to the State Journal would indicate
that there are- a goodly number of
socialists in the western part of the
state, and that they are not likely to
assist the Bryan cause very much:
"The fusionists of this section are all
disturbed over tho socialist vote that is
coming out of populism. Thero is a
large per cent of the populist and dem
ocratic vote that has gone over to the
socialist cause and made correspond
ing decrease in the Bryan following.
There are some active socialists out
working hard for the defeat of Bryan
and Poynter.' They prefer tho election
of McKinley and Dietrich while estab
lishing the socialist party. They havo
been working under cover, but have
now come out and are working openly.
Among the most "active workers are
William Martens'and R. M. Stanton."
After his speech at Alliance Gov
ernor Roosevelt was escorted from the
platform to the carriage, and in the
center of a cloud of dust, sun ounded I
by a hundred yelling, galloping cow
boys, was driven off down the street 1o
the train. In the race tho boys in turn
rode around tho carriage and each
leaned over from his broncho as he
panned and grasped the governor's out
stretched hand.
TnE following dispatch from Lead
to the Bee gives one some idea of
Roosevelt's reception in the Black
Hills country: "The City of Mills Is
making a wonderful roception tonight
to Theodore Roosevelt. The narrow
streets of this, the second largest city
in the state, are packed for standing
room. Homestake miners, who wield
the vote of Lawrence county, are out
enmasse. Americans, Frenchmen,
Finlnndara and nil rlftHuAi apr alike
shouting for McKinley and Roosevelt
From Dead wood comes tho sound of
steam whistles and bells, - and the
Bound is swelled by a dozen sirens from
Lead. Voters of Lawrence . county
have tonight witnessed an object les-
on which will tell at the polls."
Judge Wakelt-y on Bryan.
Omaha, Oct 3. Mr. R. W. Richard
son, Chairman of Reception Committee,
Dear Sir- I have received vour f aver
notifying me of my selection as a mem
br of tho committee for the reception
in this city of Governor Roosevelt and
party on the evening of October 4. I
appreciate the courtesy, but must ask
that I be kindly excused from aciive
duty on the occasion.
lor good reasons I have resolved to
avoid for the present a "strenuous
life" in politics. The party of my
youth and earlier manhood, by deser
tion ol the true faith and by impure as
sociations, has perished and I am con
tent to remain a political widower,
awaiting the day Then, from the seeds
of mournful experience and expiated
error, it may spring Into a new lease
of life. If, happily, that shall come In
my time. , ,
I am in full accord with McKinley
and Roosevelt on the chief issues of
this campaign and shall support them
with my vote. I perceive no sensible
reason for exchanging the safe states-
mansnip, abounding prosperity and
recognized honor which exist under
the present administration for the
financial chaos, business disasters and
national humiliation which would fol
low the deliberate popular approval
and execution of the heresies of the
Chicago and Kansas City platforms.
' "Imperialism" is a distorted image
born of political nightmare and un
worthy partisan purpose. To deny
that the constitution and inherited
principles of this nation are adequate
to enable the present generation to
possess, hold, govern, improve and
bless any land which destiny may
bring under tho sway of tho American
flag is to impeach the wisdom and fore
sight of those who founded the most
august and beneficlent republic of all
the ages. Very respectfully,
E. Wakelky.
LaCrosse. Wis., Oct. 3. When Bry
an concluded his last speech here last
night he bad made eighteen addresses
and had covered about fifteen hours ot
time during the day. Beginning at 8
a. m., he talked at Intervals until 11
p. m., putting in. all told, fully elx
solid hours, of speech-making. The
erst speech was made at Shakopee,
and after that appearance be epoke In
succession at th? following places:
Jordan, Belle Plaine, Henderson,
Leseuer, St. Peter, Mankato, Janes
vllle, Wasecka. Towatona, Dodge Cen
ter, Kasson. Rochester. St. Charles.
Winona, and three speeches here last
night. Most of the talks were com
paratively brief, not running over ten
minutes, but at St. Peter, Mankato,
Rochester, Winona and at this point
he spoke at greater length.
Paid Attention to Trusts.
Almost all the meetings alone the
line were held In the immediate vU
cinity of the railroad stopping places.
mus saving mucn or isrvan's thne and
giving the people more time to listen
to in is remarks. The region traversed
yesterday is a rich agricultural section
and Bryan 8 remarks were addressed
especially to farmers, the trust Ques
tion receiving even a greater share of
attention than usual. The audiences
were large as a rule.- There were es
pecially good crowds at Mankato.
Towatona, Rochester, Winona, and at
tnis place there were three lare-e an.
aiences. tie was met at the station
nere by quite a large concourse of neo
pie, put ty no organization. He did
not arrive until almost 8:30 o'clock and
he was driven raridlv to th rink
where he made his first speech here.
He then spoke at Germania hall and
the opera house, and all three of these
Duuaings were filled.
Roosevelt Visits Lincoln. Neb.
Dincoln, Neb., Oct. 3. For some days
iJiciraiauuus uave oeen niaae for a
monster demonstration at this place
the home of Bryan and the capital of
iue ware in Honor or (Jovernor Roose
velt. Nothing equal to It has been
seen during the progress of this Jour
ney, wuicn nas now extended some 9,'
000 miles and covered a period of thir
ty days. The line of march of the car
nages rrom tne station to Capital
xiuuse square, something over a mile
ana a nair, was lined with people ev
erywnere. Arriving at the capital
square the governor was conducted to
a reviewing stand on the street and a
grand procession passed In review, oc
cupying more than an hour. After the
procession bad passed 1n review Gov
ernor Roosevelt addressed as many of
iue rrowa arouna tne stand as his
voice would reach.
Robert Treat Paine, Jr.. Again to Lead the
Party for (iovernor.
Boston, Oct. 3. Robert Treat Taine,
Jr., will again head the ticket which
tne uemocrats or this state will be
asked to support at the coming elec
tion, having received the nomination
for governor at the state convention
Held in aneull hall yesterday. The
remainder of the ticket follows: Lieu
tenant governor, Hon. John B. O'Don-
nell, of Northampton; - secretary of
state. General Luther B. Stevenson, of
Hingham; auditor, E. Gerry Brown, of
Brockton; treasurer, John L.Challfoux,
of Lowell; attorney general, John C.
Crosby, of Pittsfleld.
The platform adopted declares the
dominant question to be the continu
ance of government by consent of the
governed; that the rorto Rico law is an
outrage on the liberties of the people;
calls for a free constitution for Cuba,
and In the Philippines a speedy restor
ation of independence; opposes any al
liance, open or secret, with any for
eign nation; condemns company stores
in the coal fields; condemns useless
commissions In the state; calls for re-
auctions in railroad rates and more
power for the railroad commissioner;
calls for the Inltative and referendum,
also an Inheritance tax and municipal
ownership of public utilities, and con
demns the Albany lease as a robbery
or the state.
An Innovation was the reading of the
Declaration of Independence previous
to beginning the work of the conven
tion, this preliminary being deemed
fitting In view of the fact that this
convention was held on' the anniver
sary of the first election of Jefferson.
Hon. William S. McNary, of Boston.
was permanent chairman of the con
Board or Trade auditorium. The so
cial yesterday made the run from Fort
Wayne, Ind., including a total of eight
Nothing- Political at Canton.
Canton. O.. Oct. 3. The usual quota
of visitors appeared In the McKinley
home yesterday, but none . of them
occupied a position either In political
life to make their movements of pub
lic Interest. Th ey were either social
callers or people looking after personal
Connecticut Election Results.
New Haven, Conn.. Oct. 3. Witk
two towns to hear from, one of which
went Democratic and the other Repub
lican in 1899. the Democrats have
gained seven towns In the "little town"
ejections held Monday.
Perry Belmont Nominated Again.
New York. Oct. 3. Perry Belmont
was yesterday nominated for congress
by the Democratic convention of the
First district, which embraces Queens,
Suffolk and Nassau counties.
Remit Is That the Whole Criminal Docket
la Invalidated.
Mattoon. Ills.. Oct. 3. In the Mat
toon city court Monday Judge James
F. Hughes decided that the whole
criminal docket of the September term
was invalidated because of the illegal
manner In which. the grand Jury had
been drawn. The Coles county court
of supervisors met Sept. 11 and picked
grand jurors, but failed to specify for
what term tbey had been selected, nor
was the list filed with he clerk until
the morning the grand Jury convened.
The grand Jury returned ninety-one
indictments, and 153 counts were re
turned against liquor men, keepers of
gaming houses, etc. The statute pro
vides that the Jurors must be selected
twenty days before the convening of
the term of court for which they are
named, and must be notified of thier
appointment by the sheriff or his offi
cers at least ten days before.
Boggy Breaks Down and the Wedding; Is
1'nla.lilonably Delayed.
Franklin, Ind., Oct. 3. A sensation
al runaway wedding took place at 8
a. m. Saturday, at the home of George
Ilollenbac-k, In Union township, the
parties being Clarence Cutsinger,
youngest son of Martin Cutsinger, and
Miss Rebie Thompson, only daughter
of John A. Thompson, cashier of the
A. C. Thompson bank, both of Edin
burg. The young people, accompanied
by Homer CuLsinger, brother of the
bridegroom, came to this city Friday
night and procured a marriage li
cense. They then drove away from
the city In a westerly direction. In
the darkness their buggy was upset
and at 4 they arrived at the Ilollen
back home.
After daylight Elder Simeon Riggs
was summoned and the knot was tied
by him. Afterward the young couple
drove to this city and registered at the
up-town hotel. The father of the
bride reached the city on a morning
train In a very angry frame of mind.
The bride will he 21 on her next birth
day, and the bridegroom is '2'2. Homer
Cutsinger. who accompanied his broth
er, roamed some months ago Miss
Mauzy, of Rushvllle. and after a short
career as a married man 'he left hla
wife and they have not since lived
Dr. Agustus Rnggles, Treasurer f the
Greater New York Medical Association,
says, ' There Is j nst one scientific compound
known as Diamond Digest Tablets which
can be relied upon to cure dyspepsia anil
constipation so they will stay cured. Posl-.
tively the only ad vertlsed dyspepsia remedy
ver endorsed by prominent physicians.
They promptly digest erery particle of food tafcea
Into the stomach, and are positively guaranteed to
cure the worst forms of Dyspepsia, inaigea
tlon. Heartburn. Soar Stomach, and Con
stipation, restoring- the bowels and liver
to perfectly natural action in two weeks or
money refunded, by all drug-gists. 85 and 60c.
DIAMOND DRUG CO.3-86 W. B'wsy.N. V.
A truly wonderful discovery containing
none of the dangerous drugs found in ALL
U InKK headacne remedies.
One Tablet Cares
Um horrible Headache In Just
One Minute, for only
One Cant-GUUAinitn.
. Ask your Druggist for StrMf Pej
Headache Tablets.. - -f
(Special notices under this head will be charged
for at the rate of one-half (V4) cent per word
for each insertion. No notice accepted for less
than ten cents.)
efh WW cAa lA ofia r cf
Mr5 sr Mr5 Mr Vr" . Vr'
It Would Alateo
You Smile . .
To Cull oti
To see our eleyant line of ''ikkIs.
month and expenses. Permanent position
penence unnecessary- Write quick lor particu
iars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust streets.
f hilaUelphia, fa.
COR SALE Good orean. set of dininz chairs.
r elegant sideboard, large mirror, writing desk,
oak center tables, wood baseburnrr and air tight
stove. Inquire at Shinn's restaurant or Nebraska
'phone 1W-
A BARGAIN Three lots and two cottages, all
-t- (or $250 if sold soon. Also cottages for $ftu
cash down; balance ol purchase price in mostniy
payments. Also a good uu acre larm at s-t .tu
Apply at once to K. b. Windham.
I?OR SALE A good saddle pony; weight about
-- i-ni. .enquire ot Julius repperDerg.
Our . .
Mensp Overcoats
$4.35 to $18.00
Our . .
Children's Overcoats
$1.50 to $8.00
Our . .
Heavy Under Suits
$3.75 to $20.00
Our . .
Nobby Youth's Suits
$2.90 to $15.00
Our . .
Elegant Child's Suits
$1.25 to $6.50
POUKD-A small
L it might be a night key
key. Looks as though
.nquire at tins ol-
O V W Trio lodge No 84. meets second and
n lourtn rridays at A U U w hall on Chicago
avenue. V W Taylor. M W ; F R Brown. Re
U W Germania lodge No.
and third Wednesdays at A. O.
Chicago avenue. John Wichnian.
Drucker, Recorder.
81 meets first
U. W. hall.on
M. W; Joseph
Our Hat deparlmont is
Our Gloves and mitts, 5c
to $2.00.
Our Shirts and Drawers
for 45c are daisies.
Our Boot and Shoe de
partments are also full.
n O V W No. 8 meets first and third Fridays
ilatAUUW hall, on Chicago avenue. Mat
thew Gering, M V ; W L Witherow, Recorder.
n O O W Svea lodge No. 297 meets first and
1 1 tnira Saturdays at A u u w nail, una
Hillstrum, M. W; Anton Carlson, Recorder.
Will you
with us?
come and smile
DOP H Star lodge No. 4. meets 1st and 3rd
Thursdays of each month at A O U W hall.
Mrs Jennie. Johnson, C of H; Mrs J Kuhner,
FU OF A Howard lodge No. 125. meets third
Tuesday evening in each month at G A R
hall. Morgan Waybright. F M ; Mrs Flora L
Slater, secretary.
f. A R McConihie Post No 45. meets every
vs saiuraay evening lo A it nan. u L. Mar-
Elsonn the Clothier,
FOUND THE SHERIFF "EASY." I na- Commander; H J Streight. Quartermaster,
for "a I I M L Golden Rod Castle. No 15. meets fourth
cw cft cfr ctki c-V rn- ri
4 4 if v
Trainp Talnter Mulcts the Official
Trip on the Railway.
LnCrosse, Oct. 3. Rlioriff Carnahan,
of Sparta, was nicely taken Id by a
smooth Individual, who stated that be
was a United States detective and said
that if he could be brought to La-
Crosse and he were put In the cell of a
suspect now under arrest here he could
ferret out the Gates murder 1n about
fifteen minutes. He got Sheriff Carna
Aan to pay his fare to LaCrosse and
take him to Chief Ilyrne.
The latter gentleman has had Just
such callers before and after some
cross-examination the man acknowl
edged he was a tramp painter. Upon
Deing searched his available assets ng
nred up a partly drank bottleof whisky
and 2 cents. At first he stated that he
had left his credentials at home In his
other coat. The man was given his
choice of leaving town or being prose
cuted for Impersonating an officer, and
after a night In Jail he chose the chance
to leave town.
Breaks Up the Foot Ball Game.
Lake Forest. Ills., Oct. 3. The death
of Lawrence Pierson. of the Lake For
est university foot ball eleven, from in
juries received In a game a week ago,
has resulted in action by tne parents
of other players. Six players Car-
stons. Howell. Roosevelt ana tnree
others, have been forbidden to play the
great college game. The game witn
Wisconsin scheduled for next Satur
day, as well as all the other neavy
games down for the season, will have
to be cancelled.
Thursday evenine at A O U VV hall. A W
Magowan, W R, h. W ritt. Secretary-treasurer.
I O K Cass Lodge. No lf, meets every Tues-
day evening at r itzgerald hill. A F Hunger,
fcT r- . I. -y . 1 ' - . I .- . V . . I a ?
ii v , n u, VJ , I iri iuuilis. IV o.
Commandery No 5 meets
it each month in their ar-
F E White. E C; J O Petersen, recorder.
! X Mount Zion
IV first Wednesday of each
Administrator's Sale
I will sell at public sale at the farm of JOSHUA C. AIM-IN.
deceased, three-fourths mile east and one mile south of Mynard
ineo., an me siock anu macninery oeioniny to the estate ot
Joshua Gapen deceased, towit, sale UA(,, fliijnlmi, If)
to begin at 1 o'clock sharp, on If llJIIlo'ltU, ULIUDI I l(J
55 HEAD OF HOGS 17 head stock ho.-s. 3S shoals and i.i"S
e wFi.wc;jc Petersen. 12 HEAD CATTLE 4 cows, 2 steers. 0 cul ves am! vearliiiLrs
HORSES AND MULES 2 brood mares, 1 sucking colt, 1
2-year old mule.
FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 pair bob sleds, 1 hay rake, 1 corn
drill, tan mill, seeder, cider mill, stirring plow, spring
wag-on, pair scales, cultivator, sprayer, cook stove, etc.
TERMS Sums of 110 and under cash. On f-uma over that amount r credit of
one year win oe given, purchaser lopive hankablo noto. rntid not.j to draw H
per cent interest irom aale. Z per cnt
discount for cash. All property must
be settled for before being removod.
W. D. JONhS, Auctioneer. Administrator
K uauntiet Loage, wo 47 meets every
Monday evening in the O'Neill block. DO
Dwyer. C C; J W Newell, K of R S.
Kami L. of 8 Piatt Council No 371 meets sec
ond and fourth Mondays of each month in A
OU W hall. Mrs Nellie Smith, Corresponding
I ML A Plattsmouth council No 123 meets
L. second and lourth Mondays each month in
r itzgerald s hall,
worthy secretary.
vv A Cass Camo. No 332. meets everv sec
ond and fourth Wednesday at Fitzeerald
nan. jonn corey. v u; w ri. uoolldge. Ulerk.
WO W Kvergreen Camp, No 70. meets every
second and lourth Thursday at Fitzgerald
nan. d r rtonoway, v. u; u n, witnerow, Cleric.
He Will Come In oa the Home Stretch for
for the Republicans
New York, Oct. 3. Concerning the
report that ex-President Harrison,
who came to the city Monday night
with his family from the -mountains,
would make a few speeches during
the campaign, It was learned yester
day that the national campaign com
mittee wrote him atmnt a month ago,
asking him to take some active part
in me campaign. Harrison replied
asKing me committee not to press him
to mage any speeches earlv In the
campaign. He explained that he had
overworked himself in the Venezuelan
Dounaarv dispute, and needed several
weeks of complete rest. He added that
ne would be in New York psrlv In fV.
luu ? "NSai business, and
wouiu men put uimseir In communica
tion with the national committee.
Tt (a i , . . ...
fc 4i uwv sum on tne Highest au
thority that General TTa rrlarvn will w
- . ..wU V 111 ilUI
be asked to make any speeches until
ieuny me close or tn Mmn-.)n
after Governor RoospvpI ha ,o.
his tour of New York Rtnto Tfcon
tn . "
viu take tne stumn and make
peeches, at lesat two of which are to
ue ueuverea in cms eitv.
Senator Scott r.nllHl
narrison at the latror'a
day and said afterward h tt --ion
will remain here ten
Will le Able trt KnaaL- nfnftiahlv
within that time, .if ci..m
a - - V- 7USUlft
De able to dVllvnr an oH-ooa .oil
Senator Scott, he will write a letter
giving nis views and showing his po
sition, and the letter will favor McKinley.
Prohibition Special la Ohio.
LOlUmDUS. O.. Oct. .1 Tnhr. fl
iey, f rotubitlon eandlrlnta fni nival
dent, arrived here t 730 p. m. yester
day and) concluded the day's pro
gramme with, aa evening j-ally At the
Racine Waterworks Troubles.
Racine. Wis.. Oct. 3. At a meeting
of the comanon council the report of
the special committee appointed by
Mayor Iligcins to consider propositions
from fhe Kucine Water company was
referred back to the committee or the
whole. The report was to the effect
that the company's franchise be ex
tendied thirtv years, for which the city
will receive 1." per cent of the annual
fiydrant rental for the remainang
eleven years or tne rrancnise mm w
rer cent, of the annual rental for the
extended period. Taxpayers In general
are against the extension.
Too Many Hornets for Comfort.
TyaOrosse, V1s.. Oot. 3. LeiCrosse Is
having n hornet invasion antt tne or
fices down town literally swarm with
them. A regular, crusade has been
begun against the troublesome visitors
and it Is not a all uncommon to see a
-X. A.a.1
man going down town witn a uumc
of benzine in one hand and a squirt-
gun in the other, with which to get
after the hornets. Several people nave
been frightfully stung.
Rain Rulnei Much Oraln
KnnH StP. Marie. Mich., Oct. 3.
n.-intr tn Mcossive rains hundreds of
r - - . . . , a
acres of grin In Chippewa county couiu
not be harvested anu roneu in me
fipid' Many or the farmers are now
endeavoring to burn their crops In or
der to get the land In shape for plow
ing. The devastation wrought by the
rains cannot be appreciated by persons
who have not driven througn the coun-
trv. and tne loss to rarmer wm
amount to thousands of dollars.
Sap posed Train Robber Arrested.
Portage, Wis., Oct. 3. Charles
Tfiiffhes. who was arrested with two
others, suspected of having robbed two
mn on a Northwestern train near aier-
rlmac. has been held for trial. The two
other men escaped before they were j
brought to this dry.
Many a man 'a good name isn't good
for a pound of sugar at the corner
A Remarkable Octogenarian.
The Duchess of Cleveland, mother
of Lord Roaebery, la one of the most
remarkable octogenarians in England
society. She can remember every in
cident of the queen's wedding, where
she officiated as bridesmaid, and her
memoirs, should they ever be pub
lished, ought to prove one of the most
fascinating books concerning the so
clal and political life of the Victorian
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Core Im potency. Night Emissions, Loss of Mem
ig diseases,
elf-abuse or
excess and indiscretion.
A nerve tonlo ind
Iblood. builder. Brings
the pink glow to pale
cheeks and restores the
.fire of youth. By mail
50o per box. 6 boxes for
nimauiu uuiu, nniu lioi j iu 11 raw
Lloyd Gapen,
Oeliability in Vehicles..
Buggies, Carriages..
$2.50, with our bankable gaurantea to core
or reruna tne money psaa. teud for circular
and copy of our bankable guarantee bond.
rlorifif q Tohlnfo extra strength
1,0 ' P"A0ld ImmedUte Rett,
Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power,
Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs,
Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra
tion, Hysteria. Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the
Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor. By mail in plain package. l-OO a
box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guar
antee bond to cur In 80 days or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton & Jackson Sts CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold by F. G. Frlcko & Co.
Road and Spring: Wagons.
See our Racine Buggies the lcst manufactured. We buy our
buercfies in larcfe lots and rrct them at the riht fifrures. We
(also sell them reasonable.
Hand-Made Harness
Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather.
Be Was fnloadlag Instead.
A pale and disheveled Frenchman,
who had not found "a life on the
ocean wave" all that could be ex
Dected. was slnklne Into hla steamer
chair when a passenger asked cheer
lly: "Ah, good morning, monsieur;
have ou breakfasted V "No. mon
sieur." answered the pallid French
man, "I have not breakfasted; on the
Hmir o It. z onuui
Oaxm ma diwm kuf tama
the frequent etue of AppnidlcrUa sua suay Klw aetfe
ftous tUa should aver b. aeg-tocted. Tha gtijactka to tao
uxu&l eatfearUe rwnedle. I. Ulr eoxiv rwtoUun which
tncroMu. eorutiuaUon lnte4 ut carina It. FAKKiCK'B
UI.NUKK TO-NIO I. th. propsr reoMdy. It acuoa M
I Liver, and wbea naed aa dlracud, pennaiMaUy ,rmeva
UM euiulipaUua. IM cU. A Lm St aii iX-UtftfleV.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Sherwin-Williams Paint.
Covers Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most
Economical. Full Measure.
For sale In Plattsmoutn by
F. G. FRICKE & CO.. Druggists.
Mt In Qnantilr.
Be. tin' Jitf.
Fcr 20 mrs lias Led ell Vcrm Remedies. iWSl jffEfflS
Pir-pare by ass, JAMES F. It ALL Aim ft f