Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 05, 1900, Image 1

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S5tLab.,SV?dNri!hi.8M,; imai. .Consolidated Jan. 1. 1W5.
'flit U fc. HALL, Established April 10, 1S64. (
VOL. IX, NO. 94.
-Germany and the United States
Approaching Each Other's
,? Views as to China. .
And Oar Reply Thereto - Ku6la and j
France Present a Proposition of
Their Own Costruction.
Washington, Oct r. Propositions of , toki mm at.o.u me request, ami. ac
a far-reaching character coining
China are being presented hi rapid , pfM(, but a p(jor stick ha.
succession to this government. The
Btate department had no sooner dis
posed of one of these proiositions yes
terday, by delivering a response to tlie
German government than It was con
fronted by an even more iuiiortant
proposition submitted by the French
government, and within half an hour
formally seconded by the Itussian gov
ptgm.piit The answer to Germany
eJvered the subject of punishing Chi
nese offenders and made known that
the United States had Instructed Min
ister Conger along the lines suggested
by Germany. These instructions look
towards securing the names of the
persons deserving chastisement; also,
whether the punishments accorQ with
the gravity of the crimes committed,
and nnally, in what manner the Unit
ed States and the other powers are to
be assured that satisfactory punish
ment is Inflicted.
La trie Proposal Is Much Broader.
The Franco-Russian proposal takes
a much broader scope, and submits a
programme under which the negotia
tions for a complete 'settlement can
be carried forward. The French
charge, M. Thiebaut, banded the prop
osition to Secretary Hay shortly after
noon yesterday, and held a "brief, con
ference concerning it. Half an hour
later M. de Wollant. the Bussian
charge, arrived at the state depart
ment and handed to Hay a note ex
pressing Bussian approvalof thepropo
sitions just submitted by France. Hay
gave no formal answer to the two
communications as they will go first
to the president at Canton.
Pith of the Proposition.
The Franco-Russian proposition Is
under four heads, namely: First, pun
ishment of the guilty parties; second,
interdiction of the shipment of arms
Into China; third, payment of ind.mnl
ty to the powers: and fourth, sufficient
guarantees for the future. In addi
tion, a suggestion Is made for the es
tablishment of a permanent legation
guard at Peking: for the razing of the
Taku forts, and for the maintenance
of n line of communication ln-tween
Peking and the sea. The impression
.-Jjero, In advance of action on these
proiositions by our government. Is
that they contain nothing essentially
unfitting them to be subjects of con
sideration In a final settlement. As to
the interdiction of arms, the state de
partment already has Intimated that
there may be a question as to its wis
What Oar Government Said In Reply to
the Document.
The German note is not long and its
Importance is in three questions It asks
of the governments. It refers to Em
peror Kwang Hsu's edict for the pun
ishment of titose responsible for the
that the edict is genuine, "in further
ance of the procedure,, originally fig
ured by Germany of demanding pun
ishment first and then negotiating,
asks the powers to Instrict their diplo
matic representatives in China to ex
amine and give their opinion on the fol
lowing points:
"1. "Whether the list contained In
the edict of persons to be punished is
(sufficient and correct. 2. Whether the
punishments proposed meet the case.
8. In what way the powers can con
trol the carrying-out of the penalties
Our reply to the foregoing was given
the German charge yesterday arid be
gins with a summary of the Chinese
iuijH'rial edict of Sept. -3, degrading
and punishing Tuan and others for
-riines against foreigners. The reply
then proceeds:
"The government of the United
States Is disMised to regard this meas
ure the edict ) as a proof of the desire
wf the Imperial Chinese government to
satisfy the reasonable demands of the
foreign iowers for the injury and out
rage which their legations and their
nations have suffered at the bands of
evil-disposed persons in China, at
though it has been thought well. In
view of the vagueness of the edict In
regard to the punishment which some
of the inculpated persons are to receive
to signify, to the Chinese minister the
president's view tliat it would be most
regrettable if Prince Tuan, who ap
pears from the concurring testimony
of the legations in Peking to have been
one of the foremost In the proceedings
complained of, should escape such full
measure of exemplary punishment as
the facts warrant, or If Hang LI and
Chao Shu Chiao should receive other
than their just deserts.
With a view to forming a judgment
on these points, the United States min
ister In Peking has been instructed to
names the persons deserving chastise
ment: whether punishments proposed
accord with the gravity of the crimes
.committed; and in what manner the
United States and the other powers
are to beassured that satisfactory pun
Ishment -Is inflicted. It is hoied that
Mr. Conger s replies to these lntemv
gatories will confirm the government
of the United States in the opinion
which it now shares with the imperial
German government that th eedict in
question is an inqwrtant initial step
in the direction of peace and order in
Barron, Wis., Oct. 2. Thomas Ros
so, an Italian, has been convicted of
the murder of George Bromley in No
vember. 1S08, and sentenced to life
imprisonment at Waupun. Both men
bore questionable reputations. The
murder was the result of a quarrel
over a Mrs. Allen, the wife of a con-
Shot by rier Little Brother.
.Wichita. Kan., Oct. 3. Guy Riggs,
4i years old, shot his sister, 16 yean
old, with a target gun because she
would not give up $2 of bis moaey
-which she held. The girl was taken to
the hospital dangerously wounaea.
Lmy tie I Due to Ituy Bryan a Tair ol"
Irounen if He Is Elected.
Pana, Ills., Oft. 4. William Far
row, engineer at the Price & Wilkin
son mill, Is a Republican, but be Is
for Bryan because of a p- sohal at
tachment He tells a story in this rela
tion. Shortly after tue birth of Will
Iain J. Bryan, Farrow says, li is folks
bad a bis dinner, and lie was sent with
some dainty over to the Bryan home.
While there he was shown the baby
and was allowed to buldit for "a while.
He asked Mrs. Bryan ifit had Wen
named and wh-u she said no he
plucked up courage and suggested
that they name it' William.
Judge Bryan coining in. . Sirs. Bryan
told him aooiit the request, anl. ac
"That mennt me." says Farrow,
"but I told them if they would name
the lny William and he g7t to tie
president I would give him a pair of
trousers. The judg- replied that if he
made a common judge he would "oe
doing pretty well. But they named him
William, and if he's elected president,
and I belit-ve he will he, I'll keep my
promise a bout the trousers."
We lave
It with I s Always and I uc
"Wliil- lou Wait."
Clinton. Ind., Oct. 4. Sum Johnson,
a prize tighter of Lyford. a mining
camp across tle river from this place,
was threatened with lynching by a
mob of indignant citizens here Tues
day. Johnson called at the homo of
Mrs. Charles Brookbauks during her
husband's absence and. it is alleged,
made improjrer proposals to her. The
woman, who is highly rcspeetc.l. tnM
of his insulting behavior, and a pi s-e
of citizens made a search for Johu-mi.
He was dragged from bis hmi-e to a
telegraph ioli a rope was placed
about bis neck, ar.d all arrangements
made for a lynching. Johnron pleaded
clemency and on promise of Ik-Hit be
havior was released. He was. bow
ever, given a severe leating and then
taken in custody to Rosvdale. loiter
1n the day Johnson was released and
be returned to Lyford. Residents of
that place are Incensed at bis treat
ment of Mrs. Brookbanks and say that
-he will not 1k permitted to remain
Surveying a Itailwny I inc.
Merrill, Wis., Oct. 4. The work of
surveying between this city and An
tigo, which has been quiely carried on
during the past few wee Vs. lias now
reached a point four -miles east of the
city, and in two weeks tin Northwest
ern Railroad company will have a Hii"
surveyed between the two cities prcp-
iratory to grading for a branch lire
-... . ... t --1,1.. wl .liiiui.m 'I'lm ltnitil-
. 1 il Lit.' I Ml 1 I. 1"1U - .rf.i.t
frig of this branch is the result of a
contention, which arose when the Mil
waukee Railway company built a line
1no Fscanaba to compete with the
Northwestern road.
Not Pearl Bryan's Heart. '
Chicago, Oct. 4. The tlu-ory of the
ofrlaIs"at Crown FojaK-.d. t5at th
head which was iikijcw inmi teuar
lake, near 'that - city, last Saturday
was that of-Pearl Bryan, the girl from
Greeneastle.-Ind., who was murdered
in Covington. Ky., Jan. SI. 1 has
been shattered by advices from Green-
castle. Officials of that city claim that
the description of the teeth and dental
work found in the head prove that it
cannot be the head of Miss Bryan.
State Letter Carriers In Session.
Toilet. Ills.. Oct. 4. The third an
nual state convention of 'Letter Car
riers was hel here yesterday, lorty-
one cities were represented. Business
sessions were held in the morning, and
the afternoon was devoted to sight
seeing. At night a Danquet was given.
The old officers were re-elected. They
include P. J. Cary, of Rock Tslaud,
president, and M. T. Finnan, of Bloom-
ington, secretary.
American Bunkers' Association.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 4. The session
of the American Bankers association
yesterday morning was devoted large
ly to a call of the states as to the
conditions of business. Responses were
made from three-fourths of the states
and the reports were most encourag
ing. United States Treasurer Ellis U.
Rolierts addressed the - convention on
"The Treasury and the 'Money Mar
ket." .
Suicide anil Mnrder.
Two Rivers. Wis Oct. 4. Mrs. Val
entine Rouillier committed suicide by
drowning Tuesday night, taking with
lier her 2-year-old daughter. The
lodies of- both, clasped in a last em
brae, were recovered at P n. nu yes
terday. The terrible deed is attributed
to constant worrying because her hus-
bnad Intended to take up farming, to
which sbe had a decided aversion.
Heavy Storm in Minnesota.
Minneapolis. Oct. 4. Specials from
Lake City, Red Wing, and other south
eastern Minnesota ioints say that there
was a tremendously heavy rain and
wind storm at 2 p. in. yesterday.
There were fourteen landslides ami
washouts on the Chicago, Milwaukee
and St. Paul river division between
Bake City and Wabasha.
Babe Was Urad in Her Arms.
Pinckuey, Mich.. Oct. 4. A little
child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns-oii.
wlw live near Unadilla, had lx-en quite
sick for several days. Sunday even
ing the motlier took it to a doctor's of
fice at thait village, and upon handing
it to the dtwtor the child was found
to be dead. The babe was G months
old. . . .
The fifteenth national encampments
of the Union Veterans Union and the
Woman's Veteran Relief Union are in
session at Washington.
Major John C. Sihroeling. of Tort
Washington. Wis., who has Keen coun
ty clerk of Ozaukee county for about
thirty yenrs, has decided to retire rrom
public life.
The Michigan supreme court, in a
unanimous opinion, has declared the
beet sugar bounty act unconstitutional.
The king of IHmmark has conferred
on Jacob A. Rils, the author, the gold
cross of the Order of Dannebrog.
Helen Southgate, -who was shot by
nenry Grosvenor Barbour ncfore;he
killed hinisvlf. was exonerated by tBie
coroner's Jury In Brooklyn.
Mrs. Frank Leslie has retired as edl
tor of Leslie's Popular Monthly and
I asserts that she tias been ousted by a
Democratic Leader Speaks to a
- Great Gathering at the
. . Indiana Capital.
Club Convention Adjourns Sine Die
Its Closing Proceedings Koose
velt In Iowa..
Indianapolis, Oct. 5. The hall la
which was' assembled the National As
sociation of iH-mocratic Clubs was
thronged with people during yesterday
afternoon, 'probably 5,000 being pres
ent; but as the hour approached for
tlio advent of Bryan 4 o'clock the
aisles were, filled and the hall packed
to the degreo-tif almost suffocation.
After Adlal E. Stevenson had con
cluded un eloquent speech dealingwith
"imperialism" principally James R.
Sovereign, ex-grand master workman
of the Knights of Labor, spoke, deal
ing -with the workingman from a politi
cal standpoint. He said labor is the
foundation of liberty in all the world.
Sovereign was followed by Bishop J.
Milton Tnrner, minister to Liberia un
der Grant's administration, who spoke
brielly and, claimed that he negro vote
would nvt be cast this year so much
for tlie-Iiepublicans. As Bishop Tur
ner concluded Bryan appeared tipon
the platform.
Bryan Given an Enthusiastic Greeting.
Bryan's arrival was In every way a
notaile event, aud it served to. Instill
Into the meeting a greater degree of
enthusiasm than liad so far marked
the proceedings of the convention. He
reached the city a few minutes before
3 p. m.. but did not arrive" at the nail
until 4:15 p.m. He was escorted through
the streets by a number of marching
clubs, and he was welcomed at every
turn by throngs of people.. As soon
as the Democratic national candidate
appeared on the platform there was a
wild shout of greeting, and this noon
developed 'nto a' demonstration which
continued for about six minutes, until,
lndcwdi tliere was a call for a cessa
tion from Bryan himself. The speech
was ' liberally applauded throughout.
Sand when it was concluded there "was
n rush to the tage on the part of
J hose in the audience who -wished to
rdmko bands with him. He, however,
avoided this demonstration and soon
found liis way back to his hotel.
Convention Closes Its Session.
" Bryan left here at fi p. m. over'the
Big Four r:ilroad for Lebanon, Ind., to
deliver an address in the evening, to
return to Indianapolis at midnight,
leaving this morning on his tour of In
diana. The concluding session of the
convention, of which Hon. Bourke
Corkran was the speaker of the even
ing, witnessed a densely packed hall
and rampant enthusiasm. Governor
MeMillin.of Tennessee.called rhemeet
ing to order at S p .m. and introduced
Cock ran. who was received with great
nnnlaiise. The speaker was apparent
ly" laboring under' difficulties from
hoarseness, but desnite the fact he
endeavored to make liimself heard.
Kontlne Convention Proceedings.
Puriug the last day's work the con
vention re-elected President Hearst,
fSeeretnrv Max F. Ihmsen and Treas
urer Marcus Daly. The resolutions
adonteid. besides indorsing the Kansas
City platform and candidates. proclaim
"sympathy with the coal -miners or
Pennsylvania in their stand against
the anthracite coal trust, and hope
they may siM-uro such speedy settle
ment - as will afford them better
wages:" and assort that the "election of
McKinlev would mean the perpetua
tion of war taxes, entangling alliances
with the monarchies of Europe and
colonial exploitations in Temote parts
of the world. Among the speakers
vesterdav were Mrs. Eva McDonald
Valllsh. of Washington, and Mrs. Marl-
bah E. Walker, of Chicago, president
of the National Women's Bryan
League. Tle convention adjourned
sine die at 10:10 p. m.
Nominate Mnrruy Crane for Governor
Senator Lodge I. Senator Hoar.
Boston. Oct. ".' The Republicans of
Masicuhsetts met in the Boston thea
tre yesterday to hold their state con
vention and the following ticket was
romlnated: For governor. W. Murray
Crane, of Dalton; lieutenant governor,,
John D. Bates, of Boston; secretary of
state, William M. Olln, of Boston.
treasurer,. Edward A. - Bradford, of
M. Knowlton.of New Bedford; auditor,
Henry E. Turner, of- Maiden. Hon.
Roger, of Boston, and Hon.
Wililam Whiting, of Holyoke, were
choseu presidential " electors-at-larg
and an elector from each of the thir
teeu congressional d istricts was named.
The only contest of the convention
was for the office of auditor, for which
there were three candidates. It took
three ballots to decide the question of
who should be tlie nominee. The chief
feature of the convention outside ol
the regular programme weis the pres
ence of Senator Lodge, who made a
speech In which he eulogized Senatoi
Hoar, urging his re-election and de
claring that the doctrine of Bryan and
his followers Is that of hatred of one
American for another, theoutcome ol
which is to array one section of the
country against another.
ve the City at Midnight on a Trip
Through the Ilnwkeye State.
Om ilia, Oct. 5. Governor Roosevelt
was met at the train last evening a3
it rolled into the station, after a day of
strenuous effort in which no less than
ten speeches were made, by the recep
tion committee of this city, and after
a parade through the streets he was
conveyed to a tent where a large au
dience had assembled to hear him
sneak. The great reception accorded
iTi. irovernor was a n iriml v wurin
and brilliant affair, and great crowds
lined the street. He spoke an hour
and a half, and was listened to with
Lnrnfoimd Attention. At nnlilnlo-lit- Cle-w
ernor uooseveit departed on his Iowa
trip.-,.-.;.. - - - .
Colduater Train In Tennessee.
Ilarriinan. Tenn.,' Oct. 5. The Pro
hibition special train arrived at Har-
rlman Junction at 7 p. m. yesterday
froo Cincinnati. In Kentucky stops
were made at Georgetown Lexington,
Nicholasrine.' Wilmore, Danrille and
Somerset, closing with the evening
meeting here.
Saal-wekty Njwj-II orald $1 per yr
Ei-Got. Flfer on the Stamp.
Fulton, Ills., Oct. 5. Joe Flfer, ex
governor of Illinois addressed a big
audience on the financial and Philip
pine questions at the Opera House
last night. A parade preceded the
speech. The speaker aroused consid
erable enthusiasm.
Methodist Conference Making War on
Gretna Green.
Lansing, Mich.. Oct. fj. The presid
ing elders of the Michigan Methodist
Episcopal conference have enlisted for
a fight to a finish against the quick
marriage business which Is the crown
ing feature o' Sunday summer excurs
ions to St. eph. That city is lo
cated in the M.chigan conference dis
trict and the presiding elders have
long been disgusted with the scenes
enacted there each succeeding Sunday.
This disgust was heightened by the
unseemly strife among the brethren
who sought the St. Joseph appoint
ment because of the opportunities the
marriage business gave them for ma
terially inereasit-g iheir meager in
comes. The result was a meeting in
Grand Rapids Tuesday, at which the
presiding elders adopted strong res
lirtions recommending the enactment
of law requiring either or both of the
contracting parties in marriage to pio
cure their licenses at. least five days
before the performance of the ceremony.
principal Feature of the Opening of a
Free Street fair.
Effingham. Ills.. Oct 5. The farmers
free street fair opened Wednesday
with a big attendance. The main feat
ure of the day was the crowning of
the queen of the carnival. Miss Julia
Austin under the auspices of the
Knights of Pythias. Four thousand
persona crowded around the grand
stand to witness the ceremonies. After
the crowning the keys"of the city be
ing given the queen, she and her at
tendants were given a drive about the
city. The music for the fair is fur
nished by Mattoonand Marshall bands.
The weather is ideal, and the attend
ance promises to be more than the
hotels can accommodate.
Ak man's Dreams Was Fatal.
Sioux City, la., Oct. 5. IM R. Ak
man was sleeping in a lox car on the
Milwaukee railroad and dreamed that
he heard cries for help from lieneath
the car. In his nightmare lie hurried
ly climbed through . the rear window
of the car to lend assistance and fell
lieneath the wheels of the moving
train. Both legs were amputated, and
he was brought from Luton. Ia.. to
Sioux City. He died In a hospital
here two hours after his arrival. He
was conscious. 'and told. of his dream
which was so terribly realized.
Old Folk on a Long Journey.
'Tomahawk. Wis.. Oct 5. William
Ellis. 7 years of age, accompanied by
his wife, who Is two years his junior,
passed through this city with a horse
and buckboard, oh their way from
McCord station, where Ellis had been
employed- as sawyer and tiler In a saw
mill, to New Richmond, 200 miles
away. They weiV victims of the New
Richmond cyclone a year ago last June.
SrsMii of Hunting Mishaps Is On.
Watertown. Wl., Oct 5. While out
hunting north of the city, Ernest
Krentzlger, 17 years old, received a
charge of shot in his back by the ac
cidental discharge of a shotgun In the
hands of a companion. James O'Brien.
A portion of the charge lodged in a
footrule which the victim carried in
his pocket, and this Is thought to have
saved his life.
Missing Boy Heard From.
T?ae!tw wis.. tct. 3. Frank Peters.
rraftno irv. who disaniH-ared sev
eral years ago. has been heard from.
His mother lias received a letter irom
iho tvian.1 of Luzon, in the Philip
pines, bringing information about her
lost son. runup iterricK, a unciue
.man oorvinir in the -war. writes tnat
n.-iin out. "hikins" he ran across Fe-
ters who 1s playing In one of the
regiments bands.
Preferred Heath to Marriags.
Whitewater, Wis., Oct3. Frank
Whitehead, a farmer 35 years of age,
lw-tntT noqr this olfev. committed suicide
yesterday, shooting himself with a
shotgun, ne was to have married at 2
p. m. Miss Lillle Taylor, of this city.
The families of both are highly respect
ed and In good circumstances. No rea
son is known for his action. Miss lay-
lor Is prostrated with grief.
Some More o' Our Civilisation.
Montgomery. Ala., Oct. 3. LInfield
Tonwnsend, a negro, was burned at
the stake at Eclectric, Elmore county.
fifteen miles from Wetampka, Ala.,yes
terday afternoon. He Is alleged to
have assaulted Mrs. Lonnle Harring
ton, a white woman of that vicinity.
Looking for a Missing Census Man.
Fond du Lac. Wis., Oct 3. Several
detectives have been in this city look
ing for William T. Spaulding. the
census man, who mysteriously disap
peared several day ago. Spaulding
registered at the Palmer House the
week before he disappeared. He was
In the city for two days. He had con
siderable money with him.
Prince Lukaniflior of Cnmlodia ac
cuses the French government of tenl-
ble cruelty in Indo-China.
General Osman Paha, a near rehi
tlve of the hero of Plevna, has. fled
from Turkey to Paris.
Perry Belmont has declined a Dem
ocratlc nomination for congress. Hoechster, Democratic eandi
date for congress in the Sixth Illinois
cUstridt, was rohlted of his gold watch
and chain by a Chicago pickpocket.
It la reported that the police of Can
ton. O.. are watchinsr for three men
from Chicago Who are believed to have
plotted the assassination of President
Two large goats nte up fhe better
part of the records n;t the Woodlawn
tumcago suburb) police station.
Homer I,. Boyle, of Grand Rapid.
3iicn.. ana a number of prominent
men have organized a company to In
sure nations against war.
The four-story slioe factorv of J. E.
Dayton & Co., occupying almost an
entire block at WiIliamsiort, Pa., has
been destroyed by fire. I ass, $300,000.
The Boers have captured or killed
forty-eight out of sixty men convoying
a wagon train, and derailed a train,
killing five of the Coldstream Guards
and wounding nineteen.
They Start to Close a Working Colliery
and Are Stopped by Their
:f Own Officials.
Shenandoah. Ta., Oct. 5. At 10C
o'clock last night General Gobin re
scinded the order sending battery C
home. He said that owing to the un
setled condition in the Shamokia re
gion he thought it wise to keep the
battery here for a time,
Shamokln, Pa., Oct. 5. Three thou
sand strikers headed by a baud and
300 slate pickers boys, the latter carry
ing small American flags, left Mounl
Carmel at 6 p. m. yesterday to marct
to Treverton, sixteen miles distant, io
NorthumlerIand county, to compel the '
workmen of the North Franklin eol-j
liery to remain at home today. The
North Franklin operation- had not
ceased work since the strike started
and strikers from all over the region
wer eeingered over the failuie f tlm
Treverton men to tie up the colliery. ,
Meantime the Philadelphia and
Reading Coal and Iron company had
rushed a special traiu consisting of five
carloads of deputies from Schulykill
county to the scene. President Fa hey,
I.t -f Via Vlnth T'nitfwt llnA WnrlrurJ
district, telephoned from Pottsvllle to
George Hartline, secretary of the dis
trict, to stop the march. Hartline, ac
companied by several local memebrs
of the executive board, hurried up ths
road, and at Green Ridge, three miles
out from Mount Carmel. came upon
the marchers. The committee mounted
a platform and Hartline in a five-min
ute address to the highly excited men
persuaded them to go home.
Then he hurried to this place where
5,000 miners were gathered on Shamo
kln and Commerce streets, awaiting
the arrival of the marchers. From a
hotel balcony Hartline told of his uc
cessful mission and pleaded with his
auditors to disperse, which they did.
Some time later officials of the North
Franklin announced that to prevent
trouble the colliery would not be op
erated until the strike was settled.
Oskosh Exile Dies at New York.
Oshkosh. Wis.. Oct. 5. Benjamin
Henning, formerly mayor'of Oshkosh.
died in New York at the age of 72
years. He was engaged in the bank
ing business here and in Milwaukee.
During his term as mayor, in lw'0, he
guaranteed a large amount of railroad
bonds for the city. He was obliged
to pay, but could not and had to leave
the city to escape judgment lie nev
er dared to return to Oshkosh and bad
been an exile for many years. He
was quite wealthy.
Annnal Trust Notice Sent Out.
Springfield, Ills., Oct. 5. Secretary
of State Rose yesterday sent out 28,
000 notices to corporations, requesting
them to make affidavit that they are
In no manner connected with trusts
and return the affidavits to his office
within thirty days. If return Is not
made within the specified time the law
permits the secretary of state to pro
ceed hi the courts against the delin
quents, the fine for 11k first offense of
entering trust combinations lvelng not
less than $500 or more than $2,000.
And Only One Survives Her.
Bervllle, Mich., Oct. 5. Roxanna
Brewster, an aged resident and one
of the early pioneers of this place. Is
dad. She was married six times. The
names of her resivettive husbands
wereDoHe, Moor house, Green, Wheel
ock, Wycoff, and Brewster. Brewster
survives her. The cause of her death
was paralysis.
Jack Hoot Beats Creeilon.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 5. - Jack
Root, of Chicago, knocked out Dan
Creedon, of Australia, In one round at
Convention hall last night in the pres
ence of 5,000 people. The fight lasted
tW minutes- and thirty-four seconds.
Root landed a bard right swing on the
jaw, flooring Creedon and ending the
Ml.ldle-of-tlie-Koad Populists.
Yankton, S. D., Oct 3. A state and
congressional Mid-Road Populist tick
et was nominated yesterday at a con
ference held here. All parts of the
state were represented by delegates
and proxies Chairman Barker, of the
national committee, was present ard
addressed th cmeetiug.
Want Money to Endow a School,
Fort Dodge, la.. Oct. 5. Presbyter
ians in this section met In this city
Tuesday to perfect plans to raise $50,
000 endowment for the Bnena Vista
college, a Presbyterian school at Storm
Lake. 'Several hundred dollars were
pledged among the members.
.funeral Procession the Heath of Him.
Marlon, Ind., Oct 4. Ilarve Gullll
ford, a well-known contractor, fell
dead in bis yard while watching a
funeral cortege pass his residence.
Gnllliford ha9 been afflicted wrlth heart
disease for some time and the sight of
the funeral procession Is said to have
excited him and to have been the im
mediate cause of his death.
Now Watch the Men Who Bite.
Terre naute, Ind., Odt. 4. Postof
flee inspectors have discovered that
the large Increase in the saleof stamps
at Indianapolis In September and In
this city last week was due to the mail
ing of many thousand green goods cir
culars from both places. They were
addressed to points in states west of
Result of a Madman's Rage.
Albert Lea, Minn., Oct 5. As re
sult of the wounds received In Tues
day night's battle with the maniac
Hare, W. II. Jones is dead. Policeman
Kubby is suffering greatly, the bullet
from Hare's revolver having passed
through his lungs. Ills recovery is
doubtful. The maniac, blmself lies at
the point of death and will hardly ur
vlve. Ideal Weather for fhe Carnival.
Sioux City. Ia., Oct 4. Ideal weath
er favored the Second day or tue moux
City carnival, and the crowds in the
city were greatly increasea. it -was
Commercial day and beautiful parades
were given in the afternoon and even
ing. Thousands thronged the route of
the processions
Oldest F.ditor Hies of Injuries.
Denver. Colo., Oct 4. C. E. Gallo
way, aged 89 years, died yesterday
from injuries received by being struck
by a tramway car. He Is believed
to have been the oldest newspaper edl
tor !n the United States. He learned
tfct printing trade at Lawreneeburg.
Result Ia That About Fifty Students Take
an Unintended Hath.
Madison, Wis., Oct. 5. The fresh
men and sophomore classes of the uni
versity clashed Wednesday, and about
fifty students were ducked in Lake
IJendota. The "rush" occurred al
most Immediately at the close of a
epeech by Acting President Birge to
the freshmau class in the university
gymnasium. Dr. Birge urged the beys
to keep order, saying that last year
the faculty had been obliged to dis
cipline several students for a similar
affair, and he hoped that this year
would see no similar disturbance. As
the freshmen were leaving fhe gym
nasium at the end of Dr. Birge's ad
dress they were "rushed by the sopho
Filipinos Capture Half a Company of Oar
Troops on Mannduque.
Washigton. Sept. 20. General Mac
Arthur cables the war department from
Manila that on Sept 11 Captain Dever
eaux Shields, with fifty-one men of
company F, Twenty-ninth voluuteeriu
fantry. left Santa Cruz, Marinduque
island, for Torrljos. Nothing has been
heard from him since and it is sup
posed that the entire party. Including
Captain Shields, has leen captured,
with probably many killed and
The party was sent to Torrlgos In
the gunboat Villalndas, and the gun
boat was captured at the same time.
There Is no doubt of the party beng
missing, and it is not lost in the wodos,
so that It mnst be in the hands of the
Filipinos, th eonly actual news of Us
wherealionts is from natives and they
say it was captured.
And a Prominent Citizen and His Son Con
victed of Running the "Fence."
Mattoon, Ills., Sept. 20 Gabe E.
and Charles A. Colson. father and son,
were convicted Thursday by a Jury in
the city court of having received stolen
goods. For two years the Peoria, De
catur and Evansviile, the Illinois Cen
tral and the Big Four railroads have
been missing brass journals. The loss
amounted to thousands of dollars.
Shrewd detectives were set on thetrail.
but the party who bought the goods
were never detected.
Six little loys were convicted of
stealing the metal and sent to the re
form school. Last December a detec
tive broke open a car on the Illinois
Central road billed to Collltas. Zwick &
Co. in Chicago. In It was 4,000 poundg
of valuable brass journals, much of it
Intact. It had been consigned io C. A.
Colson's name.
Drops the Razor to Take t'p the Sword of
the Spirit Once More.
Detroit Oct. 4. Rev. J. J. Axtcll,
who gained notoriety by having a five
round go with a Rayol Oak saloon
keeper and who afterward was asked
to resign by members of the Congrega
tional church, set up as a barber there
and passed the examination before the
Fta'te board with the highest percent
mk of any f t&e eadldntes. He drove
the other two barters out of business.
Tuesday night he received an Invi
tation from the Baptists of Royal Oak
to take charge of their spiritual wel
fare. He will probably accept This
solves a vexed problem for the Con
gregationalists. who had s year's con
tract with Axtell. He demanded his
pay under contract and they de
refused. Axtell Is a versatile young
man and claims to have spent a fort
une in learning how to live.
Wanted His Wife Informed.
Portage, Wls Oct 4. Joseph S.
Bundy, of Darleu. Wis., committed sui
cide here Tuesday by shooting himself
through the head. He entered the gun
store of T. P. Camp and purchased
a 38-caliler revolver, which he had
loaded with cartridges. The gun was
no sooner loaded than he placed it
against the right cide of his head and
fired. The ball entered near the right
ear and came ont at the left temple,
ne left a note asking that his wife,
who lives at Oxford, be informed of
bis death.
Damage Snlt Jnrr Dlsagress.
Shcloygan, Wis., Oc. 4. The Jury
in the $12,000 damage suit for alleged
libel, brought by Dr. W. C. Irons
Strains Editor W. E. TalmndcA. vf rh
Sheboygan Telegram, disagreed yes-
rernay morning ana was aiscnarged.
The trial occupied a week and about
seventy-three witnesses were exam
It turns out that when the Fili
pinos captured Captain Shields and bis
men on Marinduque island, they did
not capture the gunboat Wlllaiobas.
Rock River M. E. conference Is In
session at Chicago.
Thomas Smith wounded James Bird,
Sadie Alexander and1 Louis Stxebe
while crazed with drink at Chicago.
The first telegraph message from
Skagway to Seattle has been received
over the new line.
Arkansas' population is given by the
census bureau as 1,311,564, an increase
of 10.25 in ten years.
Archbishop Ireland denies that the
Vatican intends to start a news agency,
In a landslide at Sattel, Switzerland,
an Inn and its gardens and outbuild
ings, with two elm trees, was carried
thirty-five feet down the hillside with
out injury.
Rev. S. B. Dexter, pastor of tlum
boldt Park Baptist church, Chicago,
has advertised for 10O young men and
women to aid In carrying forward his
City Councilman J. R. O'Donnell, of
Cleveland, has been arrested, charged
witn accepting a fOO bribe from
fire-alarm company.
There are about 30,000 lepers in the
Terry McGovem is tired of thedrama
and wishes "Harris would match me
against some one., I am anxious to
fight again."
Jim Corbett announces his retire
ment from the ring.
President McKinley has arranged to
go to vasnington Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Turney, of Bara
boo. Wis., were married at Water-
town, Conn., Oct G, 1840.
Proved a Haageroaa Mixture.
Jackson, Mich., Oct. 4. Fred Bailey
had his hands and face severely
Durneo. He was mixing, sulphur and
iuru near a gasoline store when an ex
plosion occurred.
Creat Demonstration of Anthra
cite Strikers Reviewed by
John Mitchell.
Strike Leader Makes a Speech, but
Gives Away No Points Gener
al Strike News.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct 3. The pa
rade and mass meeting of the striking
miners in this city yesterday was the
greatest labor demonstration ever held
la northeastern Pennsylvania. Th
weather was favorable for a larga
turnout. Early in the morning tae
steam and electric roads tegan hauling
the people Into the city and many thou
sands came by foot from the towns as
far off as thirty-five miles. The build
ings along the route of the parade were
decorated with flags and bunting aud
the city presented a holiday appear-
there an enthusiastic admirer of I resi-
arrived from Hazleton shortly after 1
p. m. aud were met at the station by a
Marchers Were Well Hressed.
The parade, headed by President
Mitchell and the officers of the nation
al executive board, started a little aft
er 2 p. tii., and It required an hour aud
twenty minutes to pass a given point.
It is estimated that there were ruiiy
15,000 men and breaker boys In line.
The great bulk of the paraders wa
made up of stalwart men. As a rule
they were well dressed, and some of
them from their appearance might De
taken for a body of farmers. They did
not march with precision, but were a
dense mass of humanity. They walked
six. five and four abreast. The music
was furnished by about forty brass
bands and drum corps. Many banners
and transparencies were carrier by ths
A Coaple of Significant Floats.
The parade passed over the principal
Streets of the city, and thousands of
people lined the sidewalks. Here and
nee. President Miteiieii -ami party
dent Mitchell would break through the
lines and iuslst on shaking hands with
him. The men from Pittston bad a
float with four men reperesenting
"Coal Barons." They were drinking
what purported to be champagne. Di
rectly following was a float with min
ers dining on bread and water. A
stretcher waB carried containing a
dummy representing a miner who had
Just lost his life in a mine. President
Mitchell reviewed- the great army of
marchers on the river-common. He
was generously applauded by the
But He Confesses That He "Almost Told
Something He Dvttnee No Position.
It was after 4 o'clock when the last
of the marchers swept past President
Mitchell. Then he and his colleagues
were driven to West Side park, where
the mass meeting was held. For sev
eral hours a crowd had been gathering
there, and It was estimated that nearly
20,000 people were massed in front of
the stand when the labor president be
gan to speak. The reception he got
from the vast crowd was most en
thusiastic. T. D. Nichols, president of
district No. 1. comprising the Lacka
wanna and Wyoming regions, was th
chairman of the meeting. After George
Pureell, of Indiana, member of the na
tional executive board, and Rev. P. J.
Dunn, of W'ilkesbarre, had made short
addresses, Mitchell was Introduced.
His fieech was a plea for stickiug to
the miners' uulon and a promise that
loyalty to the union would be reward
ed with victory.
President Mitchell's address as far
as outlining any future move on the
part of the labor leaders is concerned
was a disappointment. He intimated
strongly Monday night that he would
define the position of the union yes
terday on the 10 per cent eoneessliKi.
His failure to do so caused the im
prsslon to go out that he Is still nu
clei, .ded What should be done, and that
he is prolmbly waiting for local unions
to take some kind of action first. On
the other hand some people who are it
close touch with the situation argue
that his telling the men that they can
settle the IO per cent. Increase ques
tion by holding a convention wa a
broad hint to the local leaders to carry
out the suggestion.
President Mitchell, in answer to a
direct question last night, said that
not one local union In the entire an
thracite coal field had requested the
calling of a convention of tlie miners.
When the correspondent told Mitchell
that there had been some disappoint
ment expressed because be failed to
give out any Information in bis speech,
lie replied with a smile that he "al
most said something," but caught him
self before It was too late.
The national president was followed
by Fred Dileher, of Ohio: Benjamin
J Blues, of Pennsylvania both mem
bers of the executive board, sod
"Mother" Mary Jones.
Nowhere In the mining regions yes
terday was there any response to the
offers of the operators.
Some More Notices Posted.
Hazleton. Pa., Oct 3 The Lehlgh
and Wilkesbarre Coal company yester
day afternoon posted notices at Its
Audenreid and Honeybrook collieries
similar to those put up Monday night
by the Lehigh Valley Coal company.
Tbey are signed by General Superin
tendent Richards
awaysXnese aa iiatacay sear.
Mattoon, lis., Oct 3. Thirteen years
ago D. C. Mays married Minnie Mein
hold of this city. Tuesday of last week
he told his wife that he had lost his
job as brkeman on the Big Four
rod, but bad the promise of one a
another line between Indianapolis and
Chicago. He went to Danville. Ind..
where he married a Miss Stopp. Wives
Nos. 1 and 2 promise to give him the
full benefit of the law covering big
amy. Buried Alive and Killed.
Bars boo. Wis., Oct 3. Jacob Muel
ler was buried alive by the banks of
a ditch, fourteen feet deep, caving In
upon him, near Merrimae. When the
dirt was cleared away Mueller was
fc Krklng tm Oalvesten far Wsrk.
Galveston. Tex., Oct 2. Workmen
are beginning to arrive here in Urge
numbers. The exodus has almost
ceased, while every Incoming trata
brings artisan and otters. 0