Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 28, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
GEORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance, 5 00
Six Months 2 50
One Week, 10
Single Copies, "
'semi-weekly jedition.
One Year, in advance, .... fl 00
Six Months,
Of any Cass County Paper.
WHEN Ii Hunfr Chnnp talks the al
lied forces pretonil to ho from Missouri.
Uncle lion Fitzsimmons was an
easy winner in th contest with
Uncle Sam will send no more troops
to China at present. Those now at sea
have been ordered to Manila to await
. .President McKinley has notified
the Chicapo people that pressure of
work at tho national capital will not
permit him to attend the G. A. R en
campment. The storm of Thursday oveninpr
seemed to bo genoral throughout the
Btato. Crops wero damaged somewhat
and many buildinps wrecked but no
loss of life is roported.
Republicans aro jubilant over the
result of their county convention. The
tickot is a very stronp one and there
are no eore spots. The News has
heard no doubt expressed but that it
will bo a winner.
THE convention at Weeping Water
Saturday was one of tho best and most
harmonious ever held in the county.
Everything conducted in a most
tusiness-like manner, and a general
good feeling prevailed.
IN accepting tho nomination by the
populists at Topeka, the democratic
leader discussed the silver question at
considerable length. He appreciates
the fact that they will stand more of
the 16 to 1 business than the democrats
Mention tho namu Mark Ilanna to
the child of a populist out west and it
will crawl under the bed and stny un
til driven out by hunger. Such is the
mischief that comes of telling wrong
stories in the presence of little ones.
Bixby. '
XEnAffKA is eoing to lead all other
towns in this section of the state in
organizing a mounted rough-rider
club. Captain George I. Sheldon has
been placed at the head of the club
and Netiaw.ka rough-riders will be
heard from this fall.
The republicans of Hastings oponed
their campaign Friday. Tho meet
ing was held at the court house and
was presided ovor by L. A. Williams
of Blair. Hon. John Ij. Webster,
Charles II. Doitrich, W. K. Fowler
and George D. Follmor wero the speak
ers. A McKinley club was organized at
Barlin last Saturday. Sixty voters
were enrolled, mostly Germans. Four
of the membors were democrats who
voted for Bryan four years ago. The
Germans down there aro said to be
solid for the republican ticket. Weep
ing Water Republican.
.President McKinley will not bo
expected to travel ovor the country
making campaign speeches. His
"duties in the public service will de
mand his entire attention unless mat
ters are soon settled. He will rely
upon "the public knowledge of- what he
has done as president and let others
impress tho facts upon the people.
Omaha isn't saying much about her
population. Tho recent census shows
a decrease of about 35,000. Platts
. mouth anticipates quite a falling olT.
There seems to havo been an immense
amount of padding in 1S00. It looks as
though tho census takers of this year
aro more honest than eomo we have
had in times past, or else they didn't
take time to get all tho people.
The Denver Republican, one of tho
two leading papers of Coloralo that
supported Bryan in ISfWJ, says: "So
far as we are able to learn after care
ful inquiry in many quarters not one
silver republican in a hundred in Colo
rado is willing to accept either the
ticket or the platform adopted at Kan
sas City. Nobody need be surprised to
see Colorado give a majority for Mc
Kinley. President McKinley fears the
Chinese are going to keep him so em
ployed that he will be unable to visit
. Chicago during the Grand Army of
the Republic encampment. It is said
that the president fully realizes that
another crisis is rapidly approaehiDg
in China and that momentous ques
tions, which may involve life or death
of the empire may at any time bo pre
sented for solution.
Ex-Governor Crounse has been
nominated for state senator in the
Tenth district. He is one of the best
and most able men in the state, and he
has Accented the nomination at a con-
' siderable personal sacrifico on account
of the importance of the campaign. It
is quite unusual, however, for a man
who has held so many higher positions
to accept a less important one, but in
so doing Mr. Crounse has 6hown a dis
position to serve the people and bis
party whenever needed.
Falls City Journal.
Now, gentiomen,let us view the situ
ation calmly and unbiased by political
predjudices and survey tho situation
just as it is. William Jennings Bryan
is the nominee for president of the
United States. He is billed to speak
in a town of 4.000 people,, the county
seat of one of the most populous coun
ties in his own congressional district.
The bills are widely circulated aud
every mrans used to draw a crowd.
The night for the epoaking arrives,
the weather is all that could be de
sired and yet when tho presidential
nominee of a great party rircs to ad
dress the voters of a stctioa of the
country that should be favorable toliira
he finds himsolf facing less than 1,000
people. Four yeirs ago in tho same
town 10,000 people was considered a
conservativeestimiUe of the crowd
that listened to his address. Gentle
men, you know the facts, draw your
own conclusion.
The voter to be, reminded of tho
hard times we had four yoars ago
should reflect on the terst, eloquent
and briof remarks made by President
McKinley in his speech accepting tho
nomination, as follows:
"Wo have lower interest and higher
wages; more money and fewer mort
gages. Tho world's markets havo been
oponed to American products, which
go now whero they havo never gone
before. We have passed from a bond
issuing to a bond-paying nation; from
a nation of borrowers to a nation of
lenders; from a deficiency of revenue
to a surplus; from fear to confidence
from enforced idleness to profitable
employment. Tho public faith has
been upheld. Public order has been
maintained. We have prosperity at
home and prestige abroad. "
The young voters do not realize
what a groat blessing a sound and uni
form currency is; all dollars are alike
to them; yet they won't have to go
back in history very far to read up on
the miseries that were endured in this
country when all sorts of money, of
varying values, or no value at all.
wore in circulation. Jct them ask the
old men about tho trade dollars, and
the paper money that was worth a
hundred cents on tho dollar one d iy.
and fifty cents tho next. A vote for
Hryan is a vote for experimental
money. Beatrice Express.
TnR posters entitled "Undo Sam's
Balarco Sheet" and "That Terrible
Eel ipso," published by tho American
I'rotecti ve Triff leigue. are perhaps
the most striking illustrations of the
difference in conditions between 1S!)G
and 1!00 which have been issued thus
far in tho campaign. TheBe posters
can be seen in the rooms of any local
republican eomruittee, or will be sent
to any address for 8 cents. Ask for
posters "G"and "II". Address, Amer
ican Protective Tariff League. 1 :.."
West Twenty-third street. New York
September 12 is the date fixed for
raising the flag over the headquarters
of the State Republican league at Ne
hawka. Hon. E. M. Pollard, its presi
dent, asslstod by the county central
committee, hopes to make the Any a
memorable one. Several of the enndi-
dates for stale offices will be present, as
will a number of able speakers. Tho
meeting will bo held in tho grove and
people aro expected to bring their din
ners and have a general pood time.
Armour & Co. have received an or
der from the Russian government for
0,000,000 pounds of "beef on the hoof,"
to feed the soldiers of tho czar in
China. Tnis is the largest order of
the kind in the history of tho Chicago
meat trade. It will take 5,000 fatu d
cattle to fill the order. The cattle
will lie sent from San Francisco via
Hawaii and Japan. v,
Joe Mutton of Nebraska City,a young
man twenty-five years of age, com
mitted suicide yesterday by shooting
himself through tho head. His lifeless
body was found on tho railroad track
a mile from his home. No motive for
his self destruction is apparont.
A disnateh frnm rtnrlinntnn T ;n
today's state papers says: "Two detec-
"" uuuiiiiua lomgtii ior some
point east, where it is claimed they
will arro3t men enneornml in thn on
000 express robbory. Abnolutoly noth
ing is Known oi tne point that it is
stated that thero are th
and it will bn in the hands of tho de
tectives oy noon Monday. The point
of arrest is said to be some city be
tween Burlington and Chicago."
The family of William Hechtof York
had a narrow escape from death as a
result of eating canned salmon.
Within thirty minutes after eating
tho salmon all were taken violently
sick, and but for the timely arrival of
a family physician would not have sur
vived. j
Cass county farmers generally ad
mit that their corn fields never looked
so good as at present,and are confident
the yield will bo from fifty to sixty
bushels per acre.
The wolf in the fable put on sheep's
clothing because if he traveled on his
own reputation he couldn't accomplish
his purpose. Counterfeiters of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve couldn't
sell their worthless salves on their
merits, so they put them in boxes and
wrappers like DeWitt's. Look out for
them. Take only DeWitt's Witch
nazel Salve. It cures piles and all
skin diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Crushed fruit all flavors At wood's
drug store.
For President
For Vice President
For Presidential Electors
J. T. NESBlTcf Burt.
K. 15. WINDHAM ol Cass.
F.D ROYCE of Custer.
L. M. HAGUE of Kearney.
P. DAVIDSON of Johnson.
L. JACOIiSON of Douglas.
J. I.. KENNEDY of as.
JOHN L. LANGKK of Saline.
CoucrrmiiunHl. .
For Congress, First District
E. J. BUKKETT of Lancaster.
For Governor
C. II. DIETRICH of Adams.
For Lieutenant Governor
F. P. SAVAGE ol Custer.
For Secretary of State
G. W. MARSH of Richardson.
For Treasurer
For Auditor
' For Commissioner
GEORGE I). FULLMER of Nuckolls.
For Attorney General
F. N. PROUT of Gage.
For State Superintendent
V. K. FOWLER of Washington.
We have heard in song and story till the theme
is old and hoary.
Of the "man behind the gun" and "with the
We have heard it by the column, cither humorous
or solemn.
That without 'em this old world would
never go.
Rut I want to tell my brother of the guti, there
is another
Who's entitled to a notice now and thon.
For he keeps all business going, whether gun
ning, whether hoeing
He's the man behind the hand press with a
"To the man behind the hand piess'' diiuk the
toast with gladness and stress.
For he's making waste place pleasant
evry day
He is saving this great nation from dire trouble
and damnation.
By guiding back to right when wo would
At his coming all thrones ctunible, haughty
x tyrants take a tumble.
Justice tears the bandage from her bliuded
For in paths of goodness guiding, and all tonus
of wrong deriding.
The mau behind the hand press takes
the prize.
While for millions men arc scheming or oi offices
are dreaming.
He unselfishly is pushing them along:
And while furthering their chances wcarcth
patches on his pantses.
And b.nveth himsolf backward from a throng.
He'd the mainstay ol the village; saves the state
Irom loot aud pillage.
Keeps the his'try straight that other people
And at warning men of old tricks, such as green
goods aud as gold bricks.
The man behind the hand press takes the
When it comes to good advising his ability's
For he's able to run all things by himscll;
But howe'er you may abuse him you're not able
to accuse him.
Ol a miverly desire to gather pelf.
For he freely gives for nothing yards and yards
of church fair putting.
And the "Card of Thanks" he runneth
every week.
Yea, in standing imposition, with a happy
The man behind the hand press is a freak.
He's always rebuking error, to wrong doers he's
a terror.
And he makes officials line up to the scratel
He keeps congressmen all level, else he gives 'em
all the devil
As a roaster he has never had a match.
Overall ol earth's dominions he ml s men tt
his opinions.
And he keeps the record straight and all
So we hope that all who know him will go pay
him what they owe him.
For the man behind the haul press has
to eat.
Could I sing like Mason, Howard. "15ix" or Jeff
StoQL". I'd go forward
And enumerate his virtues one by one.
But the list is too extended, and your patience
surely ended.
So a final word and then this song is done:
"Here's to him whose chief ambition is to see
the full fruition
Of all virtues as the ages onward roll;
Him whose courage never talters as he guardcth
freedom's altars
The man behind the hand press, bless
his soul."
Will M. Maupin. World-Heral. Omaha.
During the civil war, as well as in
our late war with Spain, diarrhoea
was one of tho most troublesome dis
eases tho army had to contend with.
In many instances it became chronic
and the old soldiers still suffer from it.
Mr. David Taylor vt Wine Ridge,
Greeno Co., Pa., is ono of these. He
uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy anil says he
never found anything that would give
him such quick relief. It is For sale
by all druggists.
Wind Ruins the Toliarro.
Janesville. Wis.. Aug. 2.". A terrific
hall, rain and wind storm visited this
section Thursday doing much damage.
In many Instances whole fields of
tobacco were destroyed. Leaf tobacco
dealers estimate the damage at SlOO,
000. That Throltlttng lla-Mtlaclie
Would nnleklv Irncn vnn if mil njrr1
-l j j j
Dr. Tvinix'rf Kcw fifo nill. Thousands
ef sufferers have proved their match
lees merit for sick and nervous head
aches. They make 'pure blood and
build up your health. Oniy 2i cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by F.
G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
C. E. Cotton, ex-casuior of the
First Nationnl bank of Syracuse, Neb.,
charged with falsifying tho books of
that institution, was arraigned before
United States Commissioner Jackson
Thursday. He waived examination
and was bound over to tho federal
court in tho sum of $7,000. Ho will
have his trial in November.
Millions will be spent in politics this
year. Wo can't keep the campaign
going without money any more than
wo can keep the body vigorous without
food. Dyspeptics used to starve them
selves. Now Kodel Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat and allows you to
eat all the good food you want. It
radically cures stomach troubles, Jr.
G. Fricke & Co-
Whiskey is an accurate senses taker.
Gen. Gazclee Reports.
London, Aug. 23. General Gazelee,
the commander of tho British forces
at IVking, telegraphing from that
place Aug. 10, via Chefoo, Aug. '23,
?ies details of how he is disposing
of his troops there. He says the Brit
ish losses were extremely small, an
nounces that he is very short of food,
that he was arranging for convoys,
and that he hoped to assault the im
rierial city that day, when the men
had been fed. The general also says
the good spirits and endurance of the
troops were be ynd praise, and refers
to the extremely arduous march owing
to the heat and heavy roads.
They Want Porcupine' Quills Drawn.
Fort Y;ites, N. D., Aug. 2o. Porcu
pine, an old Cheyenne chief who orig
inated the dtfhces of 1S00, started out
again with seven followers ghost
dauoing. Ife was caught at Fort Hall
and put in the guard house. Three
hundred and eighty Indians have peti
tioned the Fort Yates to aslc
Secretary Hitchcock to take Porcupine
to some distance part of the country
where he will not be so troublesome.
Fay Train Thujj Is Caught.
Frankfort, Ind., Aug. 25. The fact
that Clover Leaf pay train was robbed
of several hundred dollars last week
while in the yards here paying off the
shop iner was made public Thursday.
The thiol, who was the colored porter,
was arrested In Toledo Thursday and
the most of the money recovered. The
stolen package, which contaimnl about
$.1(10, was slipped from the safe while
Paymaster Powell's back was turned.
Rorkllle Would Like a Ilooui.
Ilockville, Ind., Aug. 25. This city
is making au effort to secure at least
one of the glass plants said to be leav
ing the gas belt. Five thousand dollars
in cash, and from four to live acres of
ground near the railway will be given
to the manufacturer who will locate
here. The money has been subscribed,
and options have been taken on several
nearby tracts. Kockville lias an inex
haustible supply of coal.
Old Resident Arrested for It or gin ry.
Wrightstown, Wis., Aug. 2.. An old
resident of Colby, Clark county, was
arrested Thursday on a charge of
breaking into and robbing houses near
l'epere, lirown county, nlxiut ten days
ago. Svhen he saw the officers, lie
started for the woods. The oliicers
fired, taking off two of the fugitive's
fingers. This brought the man to a
stop and lie was arrested and taken
to Green Day.
lie Could Not Hear '.lie Train.
Taylorville, Ills.. Aug. 2.". Thurs
day morning a Wabash passenger train
killed Abraham Wilson. He was aged
70 years, and being deaf did not hear
the approaching train, lie was an old
resident of this place.
Reunion of Soldiers and .Sailors.
Ithacn. Mich., Aug. 23. Elaborate
preparations are being made for the
coining reunion of 'the Northeastern
Soldiers' and Sailors' association to be
held at thi plate Sept. 11 to 11 in
clusive. Nominated for Congren.
lies Moines, la., Aug. 25. llopert J.
Dale, of Iloone, was nominated for
congress by the Tenth district Demo
cratic convention at Alcona.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the sest of disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional disease, and in order to cure it
you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by
one of the best physicians in this countrv lir
years, and is a regular pie-cription. It is com
posed ol the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of
the two ingredients is what produces such won
derlul resu Its In curing catarrh. Send lor te; ti
monials. free.
K. I. Ciiknf.y Si Co.. Props., To'edo, O.
Sold by Druggists, price ."c.
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
Wisconsin Soldiers Uo Hoinf.
Camp Douglas, Wis., Aug. 27. The
sixteen companies of the Third regi
ment and the Tenth battalion, Wiscon
sin National Guard, were paid Friday
morning, after Which they turned in
their supplies from the state at the
quartermaster's department and
cleared up camp preparatory to leav
Miss Nancy I.eiter a Chicago.
Chicago, Aug. 27. Alter an absence
in Europe, Asia and Africa of nearly
nineteen months Miss Nancy Leiter,
youngest daughter of L. Z. Leiter and
sister of Lady Curzon, wife of the
viceroy of India, has arrived in Chica
go and is at the home of her brother,
Mr. Joseph loiter.
It Helped Win Rattles.
Twenty-nine officers and men wrote
from the front to say that for scratches,
bruises, cuts, wounds, sore feet and
stiff joints, Iiucklen's Arnica salvo is
tho best in the world. Same for burns,
skin eruption and piles. 25c a box.
Cure guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold by
F. G. Fricke &, Co., druggists.
Nebraska State ratr.
Special train for Cincoln via tho Dur-
lington routi leaves I'lattsmouth nt
7:40 a. m. Tuosday, Sept. 4, and on
Wednesday and Thursda3', Sent. 5 and
0, at 7:15 n. m.
Round trip only $2.15, including ad
mission to state fair.
Blotches and exeresences, which so
often annoy people, aro simply efforts
of nature to throw olT impediments to
the proper performance of her duties.
Ilerbino will a'd nnd ns?-ist nature in
her work, and ensure a skin clear and
beautiful, entirely free from all imper
fections. I'rico 50 cts. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
'Homo Yinltor" Kxenriiloii,
Nebrafkans can go east very cheaply
September 10 and 20.
On these dates tho Rurlington route
will sell tickets to all points in Iowa,
Wisconsin and Northern peninsula of
Michigan nt rate of ono fare pus $2
for the round trip.
Same low rates will apply to points
Southern Minnesota, Northern Mis
souri and Central and Western Il
linois. Tickets will be good to return any
timo within thirty days from dale of
For further information, consult
nearest ticket agent or write to
J. Francis,
General Passenger Agent, Omaha.
The quicker yeu stop a cough or
cold tho less danger there will be of
fatal lung trouble. One Minute Cough
Cure is tho only harmless remedy that
gives immediate results. You will
like it. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Thoso who have triod a "Gut Ileil'
or a "Silver Wreath" cigar will smoke
no other. These famous cigars are
made at Wurl's factory, and all first
class dealers handle them.
County lMrectory,
Probate judge.
J L Karton
James Robertson
Wl) Wheeler
J K Douglass
George A Hay
.....Jesse L Roo'
Schools W C Smith
PF Gass
K E Hilton
liistrict judge. .
Clerk of court..
First rl ist I P Falte
Second dist'., I W Cox
Third dist 1 uruer -iu
... Paul Jessen, Nebraska City
George F Houseworth
Statement oft lie Condition
ilia Ass'n
On the 3Ulh ly of Jnn. 1900.
First mortgage loans fJS.lOS 11
Stoi k loans 2.:8 00
Profit and loss I.Mti 51
(Jash 8.:tH0 51
Deliunueiit interest, premiums aud
lines 1 .201 l
Expenses 5 W4 Iti
tlier assets 2 t
Taxes advanced 1.0H5 47
Total 4tf.5tfa t3
Capital stock paid up
Undivided profits
.$3.t.f.4i 00
. 10.(61 y.i
Total 93
Receipts and expenditures lor the year ending
June iw:
Balance on hand July 1, 1J I.75W 2
Hues Jll.fiOl U)
Interest, premiums and hues 2.944 01
Loans repaid 4.f;iU X9
Rents -.7 ir
Total 20,Mrt 32
Loans 5.51 H 00
Expenses 439 25
Stock redeemed and matured r.4.?3 29
Cash on hand B.390 M
Tax certificates t0O 99
Insurance 2 00
Real es.ate 12 28
20,xia 32
State ol Nebraska, )
Lass I ountv. I
I. T. M. Patterson, secretary of the above-
named association, do solemnly swear that the
lorcgoing statement ol thecoudition ol said as
sociation is true and correct, to the best of my
knowledge aud belief. I. M. Patterson,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th
day ol August, l'JUO. !I. N. Dover.
SKALJ Rotary t'ublic.
My commission expires June l 1903.
. I. KITE. 1
lisoRCK F. Houseworth, J-Directors.
John A. Gutsche, J
Bookmeyer's Cigars
PURO, 10c
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially di crests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Ileadache,Gastralgia,Cramps and
all otherresultsof imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and (1. Large size contains 2 times
small size. Book all about d yspepsla mailed tree
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO Chicago.
Arsenic Beauty Tablets and Pills. A per.
fectly safoand (ruaranteod treatment for all bkin
disorders. Restores the bloom of youth to fade laces.
10 days' treatment TOr- SO dava' 1 m hw mail-
Send for circular. Address,
MEItVITA MEDICAL CO.. Ciiatos ft JactiM SO., CalcifO
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
..ib. ji:si:..
R. Ph., M. D. C,
Weeping Water, Neb.
Best thing to
take on your
vacation ia a
bottle of Anti-Kawf. Yoj are sure to
catch cold. It will cure vou.
! Creditor's Sale !
The undersigned is in possession
of the entire stock of . . .
Clothing;, Furnishing Goods
Hats, Caps, Trunk's, Satchels
and Fixtures nm
Belonging to the firm of JOE & FRANK,
and must realize his money within Thirty
days. Everything must be sold,
Regardless of Cost !
The Stock is Complete, and you will never
again have such an opportunity.
I must have my money.
Road and Spring Wagons.
See our Racine Buggies the best manufactured. We buy our
buggies in large lots and get them at the right figures. We
also sell them reasonable.
Hand -Made Harness
Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
We have
on Sale
this Week
If you have any
trouble in getting
a Corset to fit, call
on us We can fit
. you out with the
W. B.. Corset
fuckweiler & Lutz
Corner Sixth and Pearl Sts.
Fcr 20 Yccrs I!ss Led dJ
Pi-nr by s JAMES F ' BALLARD, fit. LouIsM
- - -
in Vehicles..
" w. 13 r
Table Linens,
Towels, Napkins,
Shirt Waists,
Wash Skirts,
Lawns, Dimities
and Marlboros.
Mo.ttBQuMUt7. Ittla Jitf.
Vcrn Rcr.:dl:s. WSl
- - - - - - " " . - .. ,, nri