Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 31, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
GEORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance. . .
Six Months, .... ...
One Week, . . .
Single Copies,
One Year, in advance, . . .
Six Months, ... . . .
. 5 00
. 2 50
tl 00
. 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
TUESDAY, JULV 31, 1900.
ADMIRALDeWEY is tirod of politics.
WHEN were wages ever higher than
they are today?
The annual og rolling will hrin?
Cas county to Plattamouth August IS.
There's nothing1 to prevent C. II.
Dietriches getting about .KM) majority
in Casd county.
RUSSIA has ordered her admiral to
bombard Chinese coast cities when the
Peking massacre is confirmed.
The European powers scarcely know
how to move in the Chinese trouble.
The Uultod States is the only nation
with a policy.
REPUBLICANS of New York feel con
fident they will carry that state by
300,000. They say they will bo satis
fied with nothing less this year.
Goveunok 1'oyxteu will consider
Dr. Lang a real pood man until Aug
ust 15, when Dr. Dearing will take
charge of the Beatrice institution.
Indiana friends of the democratic
imperialistic candidate are forming
Bryan Soldiers' clubs to "hoop" up
martial patriotism for tho Nebraska
Kino Hcmbeut ol Italy waa asaasai
ated .Saturday-evening at lOiioTdylng
nated Saturday
at 11:30. The assassin baa been ar
id aiti
rested and aitrnts hoTing committed
the crime,'
ltEi'UBLid.Bs of Iowa expect to or
ganize lOO muching clubs within the
next two we -ts after the rough rider
style. Some bf them will be supplied
with horses
It is tatiM that ' China has one
fourth of f" th Pworld"s population, oner
twelfth of its illnd surface and is likely,
in the nearjature, to have the largest
graveyard ot Record. '-
The Bee 'says that our popocratic
friends are haying a hard time ii get
ting their Sutaw man of imperjjHlisai
to stand "loiift enough for thbui to
knock him 3 Jkn.'T . ,
- 'Hfe-.--- - - .
a n Y A m j be tco busy to talk
about the rati?, but his opponents may
be depended pon to remind him of it
about twent'ffive times a day from
now on to th -fides of November. " -
'1 -
AUCUSifll 's the date fixed for the
republican primaries to select dele
gates to the jfhQUnty convention to be
held at Wet jpicg Water August 1
The voters unouia Keeplhe uate in
TlIE people are wondering whether
or not the Journal's "free trip' to
Colorado Springs or Hot Springs was
burned or simply damaged by water.
and whether there was any insurance
on the same.
THE fifteenth United States infantry
numbering 1,300 oflicers and men, is
enroute to San Francisco, where trant
ports will be boarded for China. The
regiment is in command of Colonel
Robert Moale.
Conductor schuliiof expects to
have fiftr in the band before another
year has rolled around. Watch him
and see if he doesn't get thorn. If
Plattamouth doesn't have tho best
band in the state it won't bo Ed's fault
The beauties of political nomon
clature may bo seen from the fact that
Mark Hanna is a "boss;" Cleveland
lor insisting on navmg his way, was
"stubborn," but when Bryan dictated
the Kansas Ulty platform be was
"firm." x
' Louisville republicans organized a
McKinley and Roosevolt club Saturday
evening. Committeeman L. J. May
field was in the city Saturday and re
ported that ho thought the republi
cans. would make substantial gains in
Louisville precinct this year.
Thk question being asked today is:
fill the people exchange the business
confidence, industrial security and
sterling - Ajnericanisin of the present
administration, at this critical time in
our history, for tte insecurity and un
certainty of populism" ..and Bryanism?
THE Weeping Water '"Republican
says: The calm, wise judgment of
President McKinley appeals to the
ftolid, mature element all over the
country, while "Teddy" is the idol of
the boys everywhere. The combina
tion can't be beat, and it already baa
the country going its way.
: A prominent republican of Elm
wood was heard to remark that if
Stove Creek precinct did not give the
head of the ticket 100 majority this
fall he would be fooled. Republican
ism seems to be in the atmosphere.
The present administration will re
ceive a hearty indorsement in. Cass
county unless all signs fail.
- (Omaha Bee.)
A preai deal of interest is felt as to
the altitude of German-American vot
ers. The democrats are confidently
predicting that a majority of these citi
zens will support the Kansas City
ticket because of their opposition to so
called imperialism. Republicans, on
the other band, expect the German
Americans generally . to support Mc
Kinley. for the reason that they
strongly favor a sound currency and as
a class are believed to regard the finan
cial question as of first importance.
The Chicago corresponded of the
New York Times shj-s that the Ger
mans will vote this year as they did
four years ago. Speaking for this e'e
ment iu Illinois, Indiana and Wiscon
sin, he expresses the opinion that if
this vote stands by its present inclina
tions it will be cast against Uryati and
his financial theories. Prominent
German-Americana in St. Liuis have
declared their intention to support the
republican ticket. 1 h i do not favor
expansion, nut they regara me
menace of free silver as a much taore
si-nous mHlt-r. As one oi mem re
marked, the former question is acad
emic, while tne latter is practical.
We do not believe that the intelli
gent aud discriminating tierman
Araeriean eit'zwia can he misled by
tho democratic fustian about imperiil-
sm and militarism. They know that
their is absolutely no danger of such a
condition and no b.isis whatever for
the outcry of tho Hryanito party.
They are a very practical people and
are enjoying their share of tho pros
perity that has prevailed during tho
ast three years. This experience has
vindicated their judgment, in voting
again&t free silver four 3ears ago and
t is not concoivable that they will
stultify themselves this year by giving
their support to the cheap money and
anti-prosperity party.' We have not
the slightost doubt that the creat ma
j nity of this intelligent and practical
element of our ci'izens will vote nt xt
November for the of the
gold standard and tho continuance of
Tub Fremont ; Tribune sayB: The
'borie laugh" is very common now. It
is wholly justified. The price of horses
has so advanced that he has good rea
son to feet like laughing. When bids
were opened a few days ago by the
quartermaster of the Department of
the Missouri at Omaha for horses for
tht?' artillery arm of the service, the of
fers ranged from 8144 to $148 per head
Of course these prices 'were for select
animals, but four years ago they would
have brought nearly flOO lea?.
TnE Baltimore American says: Lost,
strayed, or stolen one iiwfwe- tax
plank from the Kansas City conven
tion. Supposed to have been abstracted
by s;,me evil-midCTl ptvson bjr
treacherous trick played pon unsus
pecttng innocence. Of positively no
value except to the owner, who is at
tached to it. through lender associa
tions.' Reward offered and no ques
tions asked anyone returning it in good
order to W J. Bryan, Lincoln, Nob.
senator jjrye estimates that as
soon as the shipping bill, which he ex
pects to put through - congress at the
next session, has built up a substantial
fleet of . Aniericin ships, there will be
a JargO ..and, permanent olmUo. it
ocean freights tho'honefit of which
would go more Inrgely to our farmers
whose products compose nearly three
quiir:ers of our entire exports, than
to any other class of our citizeno.
The German emperor, from tho in
t-tructions to bis soldiers means busi
nesa and does not intend to be lenient
with the Chinese, bu, on the otfier
hand, intends making an example of
them. He says: "If you close with
the enemy, remembor this: Snaru no
body. Make no prisoners. Use your
weapons so that for a thousand years
heneo no Chinaman will dare look ask
anco at any Gernau. Open the way for
civilization once for all."
Tiik battleship Oregon i9 now
dock undergoing necessary repairs.
It has been discovered that the
crystalline lens of the human eye is
slightly diamagnetic, or subjoct to
magnetic repulsion. As astigmatism,
the cummouost cause of defective vis
ion nnd tho most frequent excuso for
spectacles, is merely a slight distor
tion of this lease, it has beon sug
gested that treatment with a powerfu
magnet, properly applied, may result
in forcing this lens into proper shape,
or, at least, in gre itly remodying tho
Sometiraos a joke reacts, as the Ban
gor (Me.) Commercial proceeds to
3 prove by relating that a young man
in Auburn, to play a joke on a barber,
paid him thirty-five old fashioned
cents. Later, when he found that the
barber had sold one of the cents for
he did not feel so well satisfied
with his joke or at least thought it
had becojne misplaced.
, T.ho population of China has alway
boer? a matter of guess work, and esti
mateMiave run all the way from 3j0,
(K)0,000 fo,4 50,000,000. the number be
ing usually-set at 400.000,000, in round
numbers. William Barclay Parsons
an American engineer, who has trav
eled in China, thinks all these esti
mates too high and would put the num
ber of Chinese' at 1200,000,000 or less
In India, however, since careful enu
merations of the population were be
gun by the British authorities, it has
been found that the actual number of
inhabitants has outrun the traditional
estimates and since China is larger
and, according to common report, much
more crowded than India, which has
some 300,000,000 people, it seems quite
impossible that the population should
fall greatly below the 400,000,000 com
monly assigned, whilo it is possible
that a complete census would t-how
much larger population. But the
matter is of little consequence no one
disputes that there are Chinamen
Colonel George L. Farley, the bach
elor editor of the Plattsmouth Daily
News, advocates the adoption of shirt
waists by meu. "This," says he,"would
do away with hot coats and vests." If
one be permitted to read between tho
lines, it might be inferred that Editor
Farley would prefer to have a female
wear the shirt waist he would adopt.
Omaha New.
In a mad cirnival of blood and
rapine, a new Uhina r ai neen norn.
The change might havo come other-
wire could have como, one is tempted
to believe.had tho crimo of September,
1898, not been accomplished with the
trcit consent or active symimthy of tho
representatives of the great powers of
tho wost. An awful price h s been
paid for the trustful optimism of tho
legations, nnd tho policj of creating
trouble by seeking to avoid it. vh:ch
has been so much in fuvor in quarters
to which tho Chinese reform p;iry
looked for encouragement and sujp rt.
But tho awakening has boon t o hor
rible to permit of a lapse into indiffer
ence again, lint uiplomttic precedent
be strained ns it may, order must come
out of this chaos of savage passions and
mad ambitions, and a regenerated
China will bt the result. Punishment,
just and ex raplary, mut have its
course, which should, however, be all
the shorter because thoee primarily re
sponsible for all the namele.-s atro
cities of tho reign of torro- arc high in
place and power. B-it reconstruction
must g har.d-in-hand with judgment.
If ono-fourth of tho human race is to be
saved from falling a prey to tho con-
tag ion of their own lawless p issions,
manifested on a scalo unheard of in
the history of mankind. John Footd,
It your sight is blurred with specks
and spots floating before your eyes, or
you have pains on the t ight side under
the ribs, then your liver Is deranged,
and you need a few doses of Hot bine
to regulate it. Price. 50 cts. F. G.
Fricke & Co. '
The republican electors of Cass county are
hereby called to meet in conveotiou at Weeping
Water. Neb., on Saturday, August 25. 1900. at
10:90 o'clock a. in. for the purpose of placing in
nomination candidates for the following ollices.
viz; , . . '
County attorney, one senator, two nienibers for
the legislature, one member of board of county
commissioners from First district and for the
transaction of such other busiiifss as mjy
properly come before the convention-
The committee recommends that there be no
proxies allowed but that the delegates present
fruiu each precinct or ward cast the lull vote.
The primaries to select delegates to said con
vention will be held on Saturday. August 11.
Representation is based upon vote cast for gov
ernor in 138, being one delegate lor each twelve
votes or major fraction thereof and one delegate
at large for each precinct or ward. '
Following Is given the time and place for hold
ing primaries and number of delegates to which
each ward or precinct is entitled:
lime no.
Precinct Voting Place p. in. Del.
Avoca Avoca 3 - 8
Center Manley S II 3 H
Klmwood... Murdnck S 11 5 11
jiU W-l tiM UMl' I-H..J -rT-.-rjai-!
iireeuwuou. Alvo 4
Liberty Lynn's hall 3
Louisville Louisville s
Mt Pleasant, Pleasant View S II 7
Nehawka Nehawka S II 7
I'lattsmouth pre laylorS tl X
Plattsmouth 1st wd, Peril's house
Plattsmouth id wd. Turner ball 7.4 7
Plattsinouth:d wd,KicheyTs oltice 4-7
I'lattsmouth 4th wd. Police j's otlice 4-7
Plattsinouth 5th wd.Hai h's store 4-7
Rock Blurts 1st dist, Murray 7
Kock Bluits 'd dist. Kock lilutts 7
Salt CieeW I.eiuou s hall 8
Stove Creek, Hobb's opera house !
South lieud S it 7
Tipton Kagle 8
Weeoina Water tre. Cascade S It 4
I 'J
Weep'g Water 1st A K hall 8 5
NVeep'n Watered wd. Sheldon's hall 8 7
VVeep'g Water 3d wd, Powell s hall 8 5
Uf.okge L. Farlkv, Chairman.
George A. Hay. Secretary.
The holds both ranker and circulator
of a counterfeit equally guilty. Tho
dealer who soils you n dungerous coun
terfeit of Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
risks ysur life to make a littlo larger
profit. You cannot trust him. Do Witt's
is the only genuine and original Witch
Hazel Salve, a well known cure for
piles and all kinda of skin diseases.
See that your dialer gives you T)o
Witt'B Salve. F. G. Fricke Sz Co.
A Frenchman has invented a tobacco
pijwj which has a whistle In the stein,
in order to onabio tho smoker to sum
mon a cab without taking tho pipe
from hie mouth. Tho inventor thinks
that when his device shall bo put upon
the market, people will wonder how
they ever got along without it.
It Saved Ills Leg.
P. A. Dan forth of LaG range,
sugered for six months with a fright
ful running sore on his leg, but writes
that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly
cured it in five days. For ulcer's,
wounds, piles, it's the best salve in the
world; cure guaranteed. Only 25 cts.
Sold by F. G. Fricke &.Co., druggists.
The crack of a rifle startles the av r
age woman less than the crack of a
dish in the hands of the hired girl.
- Hardly a day passes, in families
where there are children, in wh'ch
Ballard's Snow Liniment is not needed.
Tf quickly cures cuts, wounds, bruises
Burns and Senilis. Price 25 and 50
cents. F. G. Fricke & Co.
An Irish physician 6iiys that a man
never begins to take care of his health
until after he loses it.
If the predisposition to worms in
children is not cured they may become
emaciated, weakly and in danger of
convulsions. White's Cream Vermi
fuge is the most successful and popu
lar remedy. Price 25c. F. G. Fricke
Physical couraga can be bought
cheap, but moral courage is unpur
chasable at any price.
Roosevelt Removes Cover From
leoeitl'ul Face ol Fusion.
Quotes General Lanton In Say In j That
tlie Ulooil ot American Soldiers Is On
tho IIauI of American Sympa
thizers of Aguinaldo.
Fpeaking to the National League of
Republican clubs in session at St. Paul,
Governor Roosevelt gave utterance to
some things v Inch in a large degree
show the true character of the man.
He said: "A politician who isn't hon
est, no matter how able or smart he is,
is a curse to the community. Don't let
any man delude you by trying to con
vince you that he can help you by
being a little dishonest on your side.
Ho will desert you when the crisis
"I have met here today a few men
from my old stamping grounds in the
Dakotas and Montana, where I used to
be a delegate to the cattle conventions.
There are a few of my fellow delegates
here tonight. I was then in the cow
business myself. Out there the cow
puncher and the branding iron took the
place of the fence. We used to brand
the calves evrry year, and if a calf was
passed over it became a maverick. It
was the rule in those days that a mav
erick when found might be branded
with the bmud of the ranch on which
it was found.
"And one day I was riding over the
ranch with a cow puncher and we came
across a maverick. It was on th
Thistle brand ranch. The cow puncher
roped and tied the maverick and
got off to pur a brand on it. I remem
ber that I took oif the cinch iron to help
put on the brand. Aud i said to the
cow puncher: 'Remember, it is the
Thistle braiid. Ho grinned and said
he knew his business. I3ut I saw he
was putting on my brand. 'Hold on
there," I said, 'j-ou are putting on my
brand. 'I always put on my boss'
brand,' he replied. I said to him: 'You
can go to the ranch and get your time.
If you will steal for me, you will steal
from me.'
- "And that applies impolitic as well
aa in rne cow Dullness. - xou nave got
to have honesty first, and yon have
got to have courage with it. I have
mighty little use for the honest,
timid man, the man ' who takes
out his honesty in his own parlor,
but who can't trust himself with it out
in the world to do bis work among his
fellows. He may be very nice and
pleasant, but he is no use. .
"But no matter how honest and brave
a man may be, if he is a natural born
fool you can't do anything with him.
He must have the .
Saving C-rce of Common Sense.
Honesty, courage and common sense-are
needed in public life just as they are
needed in private life. And it is be
cause I belie ve that associations like
this club, associations like this league, for tht: elomentaxjr decencies of
political life that I take such pleasure
in addressing you tonight. .
"I do not address you as a Repub
lican addressiug Republicans, but as an
American addressing his fellow Ameri
cans, urging them to stand for honesty
and the honor of the flag. We hav
come here to begin the work of a cam
paign more vital to American Interest
than any thnt has taken place since the
close of the civil war. We appeal not
only to Republicans, but to all good
citizens that are Americans in fact as
well as in name, to help us in re-elect-
of infinite importance to elect him
four years ago. Yet the need is even
greater now. Every reason which then
obtained in his favor obtains now, and
many more have been added. Four
years ago the success of the Populistic
Democracy would have meant fearful
misery, fearful disaster at home; it
would have meant the shame that is
worse even than misery and disaster.
Today it would mean all this, and in
addition the un measurable disgrace of
abandoning tho proud position we have
taken, of flinching from the great work
we have begun.
"We ask support for President Mc
Kinley because of what he has actually
done, of what he now stands for and
typifies, and because of the marvelous
work that has been accomplished under
his administration. We ask the sup
port of all upright citizens because
against him are arrayed
The Forces of Chaotic Evil;
because of the brooding menace to our
moral and industrial welfare which is
implied in the present attitude and pur
pose of the Populistic-Democracy.
"We know definitely what we be
lieve and we say it outright.
"Our opponents, who represent all
the forces of discontent, malice and
envy, formed and formless, vague and
concrete, can hardly be said to know
what they really do believe, because
the principles they profess, if put forth
nakedly, are so revolting, even to their
own followers, that they like at least to
try to wrap the mantle of hypocrisy
around them. They ran about trusts,
but they have nothing practical to ad
vance in the way of remedy.
"Nor is this to be wondered at, when
one of the makers of their platform, the
representative from New York, and the
nf that organization in New
York, are both themselves among the
most prominent stockholders in tho
worst trust to be found today in the
United States the ice trust, which has
Justly exposed itself to the critioism
which our opponents often uajustly ap
ply to every form of industrial effort.
We now come to the Philippines and
to the general question of expansion.
Many of the positions taken !y the
Populistic-Democracy at th moment
are so palpably dishonest aid main
tained in such palpable bad faith that
to state them is safiicient. Is is hardly
necessary to discuss what they say
about "the constitution following the
flag." The Democratic party never
championed the doctrine thus set forth
save in the dark days, when it had be
come the
Handmaiden of Slavery
and rebellion, and danced to any tune
which the apostles of slavery chose to
pipe. When, under Jefferson, the great
West beyond the Mississippi was ac
quired, when, largely through the in
strumentality of Jaokson. Florida was
added to the Union, the new provinces,
with their Indian populatioaj, Jiffire
governed precisely and exactly on the
theory under which the Philippines are
now governed. President Jefferson se
cured the Louisiana purchase just as
President McKinley secured th Philip
pines and Andrew Jackson warred
against the Sexninoles when w had
acquired Florida from Spain, precisely
as General MacArthur is now waiting
against the bandits among th Tafala
in Luzon. Unless w are willing to de
prive Jefferson and Jackson of th
meed of honor which has been held to
be peculiarly theirs, w cannot deny
the same high praise to President Mc
Kinley. At Kansas City, tho zaen an
gaged in preaching the gotpel of dis
honor and repudiation solemnly assert
ed that 'imperialism abroad will lead
quickly and inevitably to despotism at
home.' Yon men of Minaesota and th
Dakotas who are her this evening can
appreciate the fatuoasness of that state
ment by the simple process of thinking
whether year liberties hare been
abridged by the return of the Miane
sota and Dakota troops who won such
honor for themselves In the Philippines.
There are geometrical propositions so
essentially absurd that mathematicians
hold their mere statement to be equiv
alent to their refutation. So it is with
this proposition. If it were worth
while I would point out its dishonesty
and insincerity. But flagrant though
these are, its absurdity is so much more
flagrant that nothing need be said.
"So it is with their cant about mili
tarism and 'intimidation and oppres
sion at home' as following what they
are pleased to call 'conquest abroad.'
We cannot aigue with them on this
proposition, because no serious man
thinks for one moment that they be
lieve what they assert. Daring the great
civil war there were many preachers of
the gospel of disloyalty among the so
called copperheads of the north, and
these men, like their representatives
among our opponents today, propaested
the subdivision of th country wheat the
great armies of Grant and Sherman
should come back from the war; bat the
great armies of Grant and Sherman re
turned to civil life and were swallowed
up among their fellow citizens without
a ripple. A considerable army was
kept for a year or two on the Indiaa
frontier and in some of the soataern
6tates, but it never entered the head of
a human being to attempt what
The Copperhead Prophets
j f jjiaaatrt bad fctkUf fu BftM.ia
'98 aud '99 on yourselves saw regi
ments and brigades and divisions re
turn from Cuba, - Porto Rioo and the
Philippines, to be disbanded and swal
lowed up in the mass of th people, IX
volunteers, and if regulars to aasamo
their ordinary work in fort and canton
ment, and after greeting them on the
day they returned the bulk of the peo
ple "would neer have been able to tell,
except by the newspapers, whether they
had come back or not.
"Of all idle chatter the talk of the
danger of militarism is the idlest. The
army we have now is, relatively to the
population of the country, less in size
than it has been again and again dox
the last century and a quarter, in times
when we had only oar own Indians to
guard against. Iu Washington's admin
istration Gen.' Wayne spent some three
years in Ohio warring against the
Tagals of that day, witkt an annyimdar
him larger in proportion to th then
population of the nation than all oar
present national foroes, regulars and
volunteers combined, and there is joit
as little danger from the evils of mili
tarism now as there was then. It is as
utter folly to talk of our liberties as
menaced by the existenee f a force
capable of keeping order in ear outly
ing possessions as It would hare been r
talk of their being menaced in the
seventies by the soldiers who followe-l
jCn&te-and -hi fellows -against Oo
manohe, Apache and Sioux.
"I would ask those who by their
words have encouraged the warfare of
the Filipinos against as to recall the
letter f General Lawtoa, written just
before his death, in which he poinUfl
out that the blood of bis soldiers red
dened the hands of the men at home
who encouraged
Our Foes Abroad.
"Some yeai-4 ago when certain east
erners were u.amoring in the name of
humanity against the army officers who
warred to protect the western settlers
from the Indians, General Saeridau
wrote: 'I do not know how far these
humanitarians should be excused ou
account of their Ignorance, but sorely
it is the only excuse that oan give a
shadow of justification for aiding and
abetting such horrid crimes.'
"The scheming politicians at Kaasae
City have noc even the excuse of ignor
ance when they incite the insurgents
to fresh warfare against our soldiers
with the base hope that thereby they
may further their own political advance
ment." Do Your Feet Ache and Barn?
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder for tho feet. It cools
the feet and makes tight or new shoes
feel easy. Cures corns, bunions swol
len, smarting, hot, callous, sore and
sweating feet. Allen's Foot-Ease re
lieves all pain and gives rest and com
fort. We have over 30,000 testimon
ials It cures whilo you walk. Try t
today. All druggints and shoe lores
se'l it, 2". Simple sent Frte. Ad
dress Allen S. O mated. Le Roy, N. Y.
Washington', D.C
Genesee Pure Food Co., LeRoy, N. Y.:
Gentlemen: Our family realize so
much from the use of GKAIN-O that I
feel I rauit say a word to induce others
to U9e it. If people ate interested in
their health and the welfare of their
children they will use no other bever
age. I have used them all, bit
GRAIN-O I have found superior to
any, for the rettson that it Is f-olid
grain. Yours for health, C. F. Myers.
Things are not always what they
Beera. There are not so many men in
th 3 world as there are heroes in the
novels written by women.
A gentleman recently cured of dys
pepsia gave the following appropriate
rendering of Burns' famous blessing:
"Some have meat and can not eat, and
some have none that want it; but we
have meat aod we can eat, Kodol Dy
spepsia Cure be thanked." This pre
paration will digest what you eat It
instantly relieves and radically cures
indigestion and all stomach disorders.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Marlboros, rimics, Dimities, Lawns
All our 20 c linr of Du -s (1 K o - .it Its'
15 c " ' 1V
12.'.c " l'
10 c "
Light colorril IVivaUs
Fancy Gingham mv grs at 'K'
20 per cent discount mi Muslin Umlcrwc ir
20 " I'arasr.K
35 44 44 Shirt Waists
35 44 44 Wa;s!i Skirts
Our line of 35c atnl 40c limits n..w r, at 2c
Corner Sixth
Road and Spring Wagons.
See our Racine Buggies the best manufacture !. ffe Itiy our
buggies in large lota and get them at the right li ir We
also sell them reasonable.
. . aju G u rr oi o i i i : i .
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
-I. iim.
2 Zm a
in m 4i 20 o
A New Discovery few the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
' 1 rf nt a - -t m 4 r A taLwt a a a..-, -9 g.
Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, so Cents. J
JAKES F. BALLARD, Sole Preprlifor, - - 3!0 K:rth Hiia Strezt, ST. LOUIS, W3.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Sherwin-Williams Paint
Covers Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest. Mn-t
Economical, Full Measure.
Fur sale io PlatUuoutn by
F. G. FRICKE &. CO.. nriiKfjist.
Worm s
Fcr 20 Yews Iks Led &IJ
" V
2c I'm- jrot at 1"
and Pearl Sts
& liifz,
in Vehicles.
Oak-Tanned Leather.
5 h n to '. QIJRE
! vz&m puce $
. .
Vorw ncr.;e&$. Ul' a : f