Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 03, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weeklj News-Herald
OEOR6E L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Tear, in advance $5 00
Six Months, . . 2 50
One Week, . ..- 10
Single Copies, 5
One' Tear, in advance, .... 91 00
Six Months. .......... 50
Of aay Caaa Couaty Papr.
TUESDAY, JULV 3, 1900.
The true populists will hold their
state convention at Grand Island July
W. J. Bryan has decided to sit on
his front porch during the proceedings
at the Kansas City convention.
John G. Wooley of Illinois and
Henry Bt Metcalf ef Rhode Island
have been nominated by the prohibi
tionists for president and vice presi
dent of the United States.
On JULY 12 President McKinley
. will be officially notified of his re-nom-'
.nation for president of the United
States. He and Mrs. McKinley have
gone to their home in Canton, and will
there remain until the committee
shall have., given the official informa
Ms. Croker, when asked as to
- whether he thought the plank calling
. for the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1
should be reaffirmed, said: "Yes, I do.
The people are just beginning to
.: understand the silver question."
Croker is a funny old boy. He is about
as much for silver as he is against the
George Fred Williams of Massa
. ohuaetts says to make any concessions
on the money question today would be
- an admission that Grover Cleveland
was right and the greatest man in the
democratic party. There is no ques
tion but that Mr. Cleveland is a much
more brainy man than the gentleman
from Massachusetts.
Hon:. E. M. Pollard of Nehawka
' was honored by be lag elected presi
dent of the Nebraska Republican
' League at their convention in Lincoln
.'. Thursday. The position was entirely
.unsolicited on his part and Mr. Pol
. lard and Cass county may feel justly
proud in his being placed at the head
of the republican clubs of the state.
Nehawka republicans are wide
. awake. They have decided to organize
amounted Rough Rider club. After
: 1 they get their uniforms they will select
Z the finest horses in that section and
.". then show the boys in other towns how
to ride and shout for McKinley and
Roosevelt. We shall hope to see them
ride into Plattsmouth some evening.
' The prohibitionists met In county
convention at Weeping Water last
Saturday and nominated F. C. Taylor
of Weeping Water for state senator
and B. F. Judkins of Eagle for the
bouse. The balance of the ticket will
either be left blank or filled by the
central committee, of which Rev. D. S.
Donegan is chairman and C. A. Rats
ton secretary.
Richard Croker is said to be the
only gold democrat of 1896 of national
:, reputation who has openly announced
himself for Bryan and silver at 16 to
fn 1900. Since the great American
people have no confidence whatever i
- the notorious Tammany leader, Mr
Bryan can hope for but little assist
ance from the democrats who were for
Palmer and Buckner four years ago.
The Conservative says: A good
many "plain people" are wondering
how a vote for 16 to 1 and Bryanarchy
la 1900 can improve the condition of
the industrial classes of the United
States. And the same plain peopl
. read the prophecies of Bryan as to the
scarcity of dollars and the high rates
of interest which his defeat in 1896
was certain to bring about and wonder
who licensed Bryan as a prophet? They
also wonder how he can have the ef
frontery to again appear in 1900 as
soothsayer and ask to be believed?
: The Conservative says: Mr. Jeffer
son Levy is a reputable and eminent
JefTersonl&n democrat who represents
..In. congress an important district
New York. In a recent conversation
r : Mr. Levy remarked that the gold
' standard law could be repealed within
one year after Bryan's election and
' that Bryan himself had so declared.
If it is not repealed until the post-el ec
tion period indicated, it. may remain
indefinitely upon the statutes of the
country. Mr. Levy is a gold standard
advocate, itrong and staunch.
Hon. C. H. Dietrich, republican
4 candidate for governor, tells what he
thinks of our candidates on the na-
tional ticket, and seems to have no
i, doubt but that Governor Roosevelt will
play an important part in national af-
v falra aven if elected to the office of
1 , vice president. He says: "I regard it
Jm the strongest possible ticket. Mc
" Kinley's record in the past speaks
stronger and louder for him than any
thing' I or anyone else can say. As for
; Roosevelt I regard him first of all .as a
' .'man of action. I think that he pos
. aesses too much vigor and ability to be
sidetracked by the nomination. He
" will always be conspicuous in the af
fairs of the nation. When he presides
over the senate its members will find
t that mere 'senatorial courtesy' and
politics are laid -aside, for business. I
think he will be even stronger in 1904
' than he is now."
Plattsmouth is to be well repre
sented at "Weeping Water July 4.
For fear of frighteniog the populists of
Mr. Croker, the ice min, thought he J
had better call upon Mr. Bryan before
going to Kansas City.
CHARLES A. TOWNE is making quite
a hustle to secure the endorsement of
the Kansas City convention. He isn't J
saying what he'll do if not nominated Knglish to the children of the rorelgn
by the democrats. - ers of all lands who come to our shores.
Governor Roosevelt will spend
Sunday in Chicago the guest of Paul
Mnrtnn wW with others, will accom-
pany him to Oklahoma to attend the
annual reunion of the Rough Riders.
A SPECIAL from Washington states
that Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn
cxDects to be elected United States
senator to succeed Mr. Thurston in the
event of the election of a republican
David B. Hill was the distin
guished guest of Mr. Bryan Sunday
He came up from Kansas City to talk
matters over, presumably at the IS e
braekan's request.
LOCAL democrats talked of Hill for
vice president for several days after
but I
the Philadelphia convention,
there's been nothing said about it now
for about ten days.
TlllS will be the first Fourth of
July I ever spent away from my
youngsters. They won't hold their
Fourth until I get home, and then we
will celebrate it together." Roosevelt
AFTER all that has been said about
Mark Hanna and notwithstanding the
abuse heaped upon him it is now gen
erally admitted that he is honest and
open in his methods and that they will
bear the fullest investigation.
Congressman Sulzer of New York
called upon Mr. Bryan yesterday
Many who met the Tammany repre
sentative were disappointed. I hey
were expecting to see an older and
more distinguished looking man.
Governor Roosevelt attended
services at the Trinity Dutch Re
formed church in Chicago yesterday,
It is the governor's custom to attend
church in the morning, and the Dutch
Reformed is the church of his cboice,
It looks as though the silver men
were going to insist upon a specific
declaration for the free and unlimited
coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1
at Kansas City. The democrats are
afraid to oling to it quite as fearful as
they are of dropping it.
Theodore Roosevelt is to be com
mended for his good judgment and the
courtesy he has shown the opposing
part' in not stopping off at Kansas
City ani making speeches there at
this time. The fusionists thould le
permitted to have full sway.
IT IS thought ex-President Harrison
will take an active part in the coming
campaign. Ho is said to be in perfect
accord with the management of the
campaign, and is impressed with the
excellent condition of the country as
compared with four years ago
INDIANA expects to organize a
Rough Rider regiment in every county
in the state. The plan is to organize
a company in each precinct or town
ship. Cass county might organize a
regiment with about ten pood com
panies and have a great time. The
News would suggest that the matter
be given serious consideration. Such
a move would result in an increased
majority for McKinley and Roosevelt
and for the county ticket as well.
IN eulogizino the wonderful war
record of Colonel Bryan tho Omaha
World-Herald says: "He possesses in
a remarkable degree tho essential
qualities of a soldier, viz: A strong
physique, courage, bravery and strat
egy." The truthfulness of this state
ment can bo verified by nearly any
member of tho Third Nebraska regi
ment. Strong of physique; courageous
in enlistment; brave in drawing his
pay and strategic in deserting his
regiment at the front and returning
home. Ord Quiz.
Convincing assurance of tho broad
minded, beneficent purpose of Amer
ican occupation of the Philippines is
furnished by the opening of the non
sectarian college of primary and sec
ondary education in Manila on lat-t
Friday, says the Chicago Timus-IIer-ald.
The event was made especially
significant by the presence of Judge
Taft, president of the civil commission,
and his colleagues, thus giving to the
enterprise the friendly indorsement
and encouragement of the federal gov
ernment. The institution is the first nonsectar
Ian educational enterprise in the
Philippines which must depend for
support upon the voluntary contribu
tions of the people instead of the rev
enues of the church. That the oppor
tunity presented to the Filipinos to re
ceive a liberal education, not under
the control of the priests, is fully ap
preciated is evidenced by the fact that
five hundred pupils were quickly en
rolled, many of them leaving the sec
tarian schools to enter the college.
The nonsectarian school and college
must become important factors in the
Amerioan regeneration of the Philip
pines. Between the foundation of
Spanish dominion in the Philippines
and the installation of a system of pub
lic schools three centureshaye elapsed.
During all this time the clergy have
had unlimited autbority,and they have
tolerated schools
by ignorant
two or three
natives who were paid
dollars a month An idea of the work
the public schools under Spanish
dominion may bo gained from the fact
that in 1S97 the proportion of natives
able to speak the bpanisn language
was estimated to be one in Tourteen,or
only 600,000 for the whole archipelago.
Contrast this witu the worn oi ine
American public schools in teaching
Moral order and stable govern men i
can be restored in the Philippines
only by offering the elements of a lib-
eral. nonsectarian education along
with the fundamentals of Honest gov-
eminent and respect for law.
For burns, injuries, piles and skin
diseases use Do itt a Witch Hazel
Salve. It is the original. Coun-
terfeiU may be offered. Use only
DeWitt's. F. G. Fricke & Co.
"I do not make political speeches on
"Every memler of the Rough
Riders' regiment has the right to vote
as ho sees tit to.
"Every dog has his day, but the
night is for cats. I don t think we will
8loP at Kan8aa City this trip."
"In this campaign every principle oi
ethics and civics that I believe in is an
issue, has a besring."
'I have gone on Lincoln's motto:
4Do tho best; if not, then tho best pos
sible.' "
'The one all-important foundation of
our system of orderly liberty is obed
ience to law."
"In the lone run it is tho doer of
deeds, not the critic, that counts."
The Decaloguo and the Golden
Rule have precisely tho 6ame placo in
public as in private life."
"Whether a man is a party man or
an independent he must, if a good cit
izen, make honesty the fir!?t requisito
of a public officer."
"There must be some loyalty and
some organization among men, or they
are at the mercy of tho bad.
After many intricate experiments.
scientists have discovered methods for
obtaining all the natural digestantn
.These have been combined in tho pro
portion found in the human body and
united with substances that build up
tho digestive organs, making a com
pound culled Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It
dierests what you eat and allows all
dyspeptics tr eat plonty of nourishing
food whilo tho stomach troubles are
boing radically cured by tho medicinal
agents it contains. It is pleasant to
take and will cive quick relief. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
rhicago News.
The crow-har opens hut it never
Do not stone the baby when you rock
the cradle.
The circulation of the blood is an af
frtir of tho heart.
About tho only kind of hoods used in
summer are false-hoods.
When a woman is in love it is very
apt to increase her signs.
Although a man doesn't dance he is
frequently engagol for a set.
Patients and long suffering seems to
ho the motto of a good many doctors
Ace is venerable in man and it
would be in woman were she. to become
old. m.
Words resemble sunbeams the
more they are the. condensed deeper
they burn.
Troubles and thunder clouds usually
soem very hlaek in tho distance, but
grow lighter a-ihey approach.
White Mmii Turned Yellow.
Great consternation was felt by the
friends of M. A Hog-irty of Tjexington
Ky., when they saw he was turning
yellow, II is skin slowly changed color
also his eyes, and ho f-uffered terribly
His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He
was treated by the best doctors, but
without benolit. Then ho was advised
to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful
stomach and .Liver remedy, anil he
writes: "After taking two bottles
was wholly cun d." A trinl proves its
matchl ess merit for all stomach, liver
and kidncv troubles. Only f0c. Sold
by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
General Miles says that hi? first pro
motion was backward. Having1 been
e'ected second lietenant in the Twenty
second Massachusetts voluntoers at
the outbreak of the civil war, he eoon
received a captain's commission, and
then a few days later a lieutenant's
with the information that the first was
sent by mistake.
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics
whose stomach and liver are out of
order. All such should know that Dr.
King's New Life Pills, the wonderful
stomach and liver remedy, gives a
splendid appetite, sound digestion and
a regular bodily habit that insures
perfect health and great energy.
Only 25c, at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug
While the northwestern spring wheat
crop is in danger from persistent
drought, cotton and corn in the south
are suffering from incessant rains.
Since April 1 last twenty-two inches
of rain has fallen in Central Alabama,
one-third of it during the current
The holds both maker and circulator
of a counterfeit equally guilty. Tne
dealer who sells you a dangerous coun
terfeit of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
risks ysur life to make a little larger
profit. You cannot trust him. De Witt's
is the only genuine and original Witch
Hazel Salve, a well known cure for
piles and all kinds of Bkin diseases.
See that your dealer gives you De
Witt's Salve. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Georgian UrliiRS Matrimonial Kxrtir
ion to Nfcw York.
A ''matrimonial excursion" reached
Now York Tuesday, personally con
ducted by W. S. "Witham, who con
trols thirty-three banks and cotton
mil's in Georgia and who thinks that
his cashiers ought to be married, says
the Chicago Times-Herald. In order
to realize this he organized "matri
monial excursions," which are at
tended enmasse by his unmarried cash
iers and marriageable ladies. Tho un
married cashiers on this trip have
eight young ladies to chooso from.
and Mr. Witham hopes that his mass
bridal tour may have good results.
Tho eight young ladies ore: Miss
Julia Bacon, daughter of General
Racan, Albany-, Ga.; Miss Louise Cary,
Cartersville, Ga.; Miss Elizabeth
Englebach, Atlanta, Ga ; Mis Pal ma
Phelan, Atlanta Ga.; Miss Carrie
Wilhain, La Grande. Ga.; Mi3S Lulu
Galloway, La Grande, Ga.; Miss Dennio
Thompson, Thoraaston, Ga.and Miss
Isoline Wilberloy, Macon, Ga.
Cupid was inyoked before tho excur
sion left Atlanta eight days ago. Mr.
Witham believes in matrimony for
bank cashiers. That,hc does not hesi
tate to say, is ono of tho purposes of
this tour. This is why ho selected the
most charming young girls ho could
find. Ho hopes each will win a cash
ier. There is a clergyman along. At a
moment s notico a marriago can bo
porformod and another brido and
bridegroom added to tho present list.
Mr. Witham is ready with his bless
ing and a check for $500. Whenever
one of his casl'iers marries he always
presonts him with $500.
Thoro are 104 in tho party. Not all
oi tneso, oi course, are nriues anu
grooms. Thoro are throo bridal
parties in tho excursion and another of
tho cashiers Will marry as soon as they
reach Atlanta. Ono wedding took
placo just beforo they left Atlanta.
Regarding matrimony Mr. Witham
"A married man is more reliable in
a position of trust than a single man.
To marry the cashiers off I always in
vite a number of what I cull 'sponsors,'
young ladies of tho best southern
families, to join our excursion party.
"I havo picked out every variety of
young lady for sponsors. Wo havo
blondes, brunettes and attractive
young girlsf every kind."
Tho Witlvam party is slopping at tho
Oilsoy house. Today they visited
Grant's tomb and Central Park. To
morrow tho cashiers will muke a trip
to tho clearing houso and the cotton
exchange, and courting will le side
tracked for a while for bu-iness obser
vations. Next Monday- tho excursion will re
turn to Atlanta, and Mr. Witham can
learn how profitable in matrimony the
jaunt has been.
It has been demonstrated by ex
perience that consumption can le pre
vented byvty.e early u-e of One Minute
Cough Cure. This is the favorite
remedy for coughs, colds, croup,
asthma, grippe and all throat and iung
troubles. Cures quickly. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
KiGiir nin.K ;kok
Samuel Barker shelli d corn last
Frank Richardson made a business
trip to Piatlsmouth Tuesday-.
Ben DeefendelTt'r departed Sunday
for his home in Harlan county.
A pen tin rain fell Wednrslayand
crops of all kinds are looking line.
As. W ill and Charley li.-verago re
turned last week from a trip to Col
Walter Perry and family of Wabash
visited over Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. Perry.
The people of this placi are pleased
with the new beil which was placed in
tho church tower last week.
Miss Elizabeth Spangler of Platts
mouth spent last wo' k - visiting her
brother, Chris, and f imily.
A. S. Will took 100 line cattle to
Chicago Monday aiu! his son, Newton,
shipped 10 head to Omaha Tuesday.
Albert Pappo accompanied A. S.
On account of tho storm Juno 10 and
li tho Children s nay program was
postponod until Sunday evening, Judo
24, when it was attended by an over
flowing house. Tho church was beau
tifully decorated and tho little folks
aro to be complimented.
Tho necktie nnd ha?kot social at Mr.
Wetenkamp's Saturday evening was
largely attended and a thorough good
tirao was enjoyed by all. Tho boys
wero much pleased with their new
ties. Something over $'i0 was made.
Depend upon Eight Mile Grove to
givo successful socials.
A gentleman recently cured of dys
pepsia gave tho following appropriate
rendering of Burns' famous blessing:
"Some have meat and can not cat, and
some have none that want it; but we
have meat aod we can cat, Kodol Dy
spepsia Curo be thanked." This pre
paration will digest what you eat. It
instantly relievos and radically cures
indigestion and ail stomach disorders.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Ladles Can Wear Shoes
Ono size smaller after using Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to bo shaken into
the shoes. It makes tight or new
shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to
corn9 and bunions. It's tho greatest
comfort discovery of tho age. Cures
swollen feet, blisters and callous spots.
Allen's Foot-Ease is a ceitain cure for
ingrowing nails, sweating,hot, aching
feet. At.all druggists and shoe stores,
25c. Trial package freo by mail. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmstcad, LeRoy,N. Y.
De Witt's Little Early Risers famous
little pills for liver and bowel troubles.
Never gripe. F. G. Fricke & Co. I
Trainruister Carter of the Burling
ton was in town today.
liert Thomas wont to Deerfield this
morning. Ho is employed on a bridge
gang which is working for the Bur
lington near that place.
D. S. Guild returned this morning
from his trip to the Black Hills.
The Burlington's latest crop reports
from Nebraska, SIS in all, which will
bo published in the July edition of the
road's paper, the Cora Belt, indicates
that corn is in a good way. Seventy
throo of the reports have it that the
prosnecta for the crop up to Jnne 20,
are "excellent," 217 "good," twenty
tivo "medium" and only three "poor."
Three hundred of the reports speak of
the general stand of the corn crop over
the stato as good to excellent. Ab
compared to the crop of 1S9!) the re
port of 1,131 correspondents have it as
being . "earlier and more forward."
Sixty-seven reports speak of the pros
pects for winter wheat as "excellent,"
Hi) "good," forty-four "medium" and
twonty-nino "poor." Reports from
Northern Kansas have It that the
stand of corn in nino counties is good.
Switchman Fry camo in this morn
ing from Lincoln, where he visited
over Sunday with his family.
Agent Pickett informs The News
that tho Adams Express company has
authorized him to accept money for
the India famine fund and forward it
free of charge to the proper committee
in New York. Those who wish to con
tribute to tho fund should bear this in
One Minute Cough Cure is the only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results. Trv it. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
In Honor of HIm Kellogf.
JNlr. and Mrs. L. A. Moore very
pleasantly entertained a few of Platts
mouth's leading musicians at their
home Saturday evening in honor of
Miss Louise Kellogg of Omaha. Miss
Kellogg is considered one of the best
teachers in vocal music in Omaha, hav
ing taken Miss Lillian Terry's place in
that city. On this occasion she fav
ored tho company with several beauti
ful selections and all speak in the high
est terms of her singing. Almost the
entire evening was spent in music,
there being no lack of excellent talent.
Ice cream and cake were served dur
ing the evening.
Those prosont wero Mesdamos Paul
ino Kossler, George W. Thomas,
Charles Black; Misses Louiso White,
Mathilda Vallery, Alice Dovey, Ethel
Dovey, Lillian Kaubie, Antonia Kes-
sler, Elizabeth Waugh, Bertha White,
Cleomo Thomas, Nellie Hopping;
Messrs. Eric Goede and Herman Kes
Letter front Mark Hanna.
Robert Hayes yesterday received the
following letter from Mark Hanna, in
reply to a telegram announcing the
organization of the first McKinley
Roosevelt club in the state:
Cleveland, O., June 27, 1900.
Robert Hayes, President, Plattsmouth
?xeb. My Dear Sir: 1 am in receipt
of your telegram of the 23rd inst. and
greet you as the presiding officer of the
tirst Mchinley-Roosevelt club of which
I have been advised. Wishing you
success, I remain, very truly yours,
M. A. Hanna.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aid3
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Ileadache,Gastralgia,Cramps and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50e. nnd ft. Large size contains ZH times
small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., Chicago.
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem
ory, an wasting diseases,
all effects of self-abuse or
excess and indiscretion.
A nerve tonic and
.blood builder. Brings
the pink glow to pale
cheeks ana restores the
fire of youth. By mail
,50c iwr hox. d hniM fur
$2.50, with oar bankable gmurantee to cure
or refund the money paid, bend for circular
ana copy ot our oankaoie guarantee dodo.
Positively guaranteed enre for Loss of Power,
Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs,
Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra
tion. Hvsteria. Fits. Insanitr. Paralysis and the
liesults of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor. By mail in plain package. SI.OO a
box. 6 for $5.00 with oar bankable guar
antee Dona to care in ou aaya or reruna
money paia. aaaress
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold bv F. G. Fricke & Co.
..II. .IEiXSKiV..
R. Ph.. M. D. C,
Weeping Water, Neb.
To PATENT Good lisu
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Battimor. M4.
Subscriptions to patent Record i.uupcr a
. . LA. 1
M,, rails to HMtore Otj
Hair to ita Youtnxui
Discount on Summer Goods
a. '
Shirt Waists,
Marlboros, Madras,
Muslin Underwear,
Ladies' Neckwear,
And All Other Goods
Belonging: to the Hot
Weather Line.
Zuckweiler & lutz.
Corner Sixth and Pearl
Discount on
Road and Spring Wagons.
See our Racine Buggies the best manufactured. Wc buy our
buggies in large lots and get them at the right figures. We
also sell them reasonable.
Hand-blade Harness
Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather.
. . AUGrUS rJT G ORD J Z JL. .
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
For Thirty Days-June 25 to July 25
In order to advertise ray Finn Photos during? tho
dull season I will make J'hntog.'raphx at
Greatly Reduced Prices
3 00 Aristo Platino Mantcllo Cabinet 91
3 50 Aristo Plalino Coleron Panel 2
2 50 Aristo Platino Cabinet 1
1.75 Aristo Platino Half Cabinet
1.50 .Aristo Platino Card Oval
1.50 Aristo Piatino Square
2.00 Glo8 Finish Cabinet 1.
1.50 Gloss Finish Tlalf Cabinet
1.25 Gloss Finish Card Oval
1.25 Glows Finish Squaro
NOW IS 1 HE TIME to have that picture
taken while you can take advantage of the re
duced rates. Remember the place
Corner Fifth
1 , in
ui nw 20 in
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
, Tubes, by mail, 75 cents; bottles, 50 Cents.
JAKES F. BALLARD, Sola Prcprltfor, - - 310 North Mala Street, ST. LOUIS, UO. '
F. G. Fricke & Co.
J tine 1Q
Summer Goods
in Vehicles
5 Pkotoraphcis
and Main Streets.
2 2
5 c
m Z
?wz M;T