WO LIVES ARE LINKED .Nuptial ofeo. r.CJHli and MImm Grace Stoutenboroiiglj. Km. Ir. Baird Perforin, lb Carauiuoy la Bit Canal Impraaalva Uiootr, In Accordance Wltb tba Baaatlfat Kit ! of tba fraabjtarlMU Church Ulu Alabla Laa flaya Wadding March. At 2 o'clock thla afternoon, at the home of the bride, occurred the mar riage of Mlas Grace Stoutenbor ough to George F. Uleh. The par lor were beautifully decorated with cut flowers and aaparagud ferns, the bouquetsof poppies and nasturtiums be ing particularly attractive. The bridal party descended the talra to the beautiful strains of Men delssohn's famous wedding march, played by MUs Mabol Lee of Fremont, and took their places under a dainty festoon of asparagus-ferns, ribbons and flowers, arranged with graceful etlect, and forming a moHt pleasing back ground. The bride was becomingly attired in a dainty gown of white Swiss, with trimmings of narrow, white satin rib bon. The ceremony was performed by the iter. Dr. Baird, with impressive sol emnity. The bride is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C F. Stoutenborough, being one of Plattsmouth's most charming and accomplished young women. During the past year she has occu pied a position in the schools of this city, having proven a most eflicient teacher, who takes with her the love and respect of pupils, parents and co workers. The groom is a young man of gen uine worth, and enjoys the respect and confidence of a large circle of friends. At present he occupies a lucrative po sition with the Illinois Central rail road, and is located at Denver, where he has a home in readiness for his bride. The happy couple left on the 3:33 train for Denver over the Burlington. The out-of-town guests were: Will J. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Spratt, Dr.Gish, H. W. Stoutenborough, Omaha; Miss Mabel Le, Fremont. Partial arrange ments had been made for a more elab orate wedding, but owing to the re cent death of the mother of Mr. Gish, only relatives of the family were in vited. The News joins the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gish in wishing that happiness and success may be theirs. Bid Farewell to Young Couple. Last evening a small company of young people gathered in response to invitation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stoutenborough, as a farewell to their daughter, Grace, and Mr. G. F. Glshe, who departed this afternoon for their, new home in Denver. The guests of honor were Miss Edith Pat terson, Mr. C. F. King, and their wed ding party. The early part of the evening was spent on the porches, but as the allur ing strains of Mendellsohn's wedding march were wafted from within, a line of march was formed and all en tered where selections of vocal and in strumental music were listened to with great enjoyment. A dead silence fell upon the com pany as the hostess, entering, an nounced a conference of ghost to be held in the adjoining room, in which all present were expected to partici pate. With measured tread and gloomy .foreboding the awe-stricken ones assembled about a large table upon which appeared a pile of tooth picks, three of which might be taken by each, and arranged with care be fore him, but never touched again, lest he be forced to forfeit one of his precious tallymen. Cards on which were written num bers ranging from one to twenty were passed, which must be placed beside the tooth picks, not to be touched until the ghostly thrice-repeated rap was heard, at which time he was at liberty to look. If the number were large he forced his ghostly right hand neighbor to exchange with him. The person holding the highest number must forfeit a toothpick, thereby in creasing his chances of becoming a ghost. For when his toothpicks are gone he turns to a ghost and is there fore ostracized, and avoided as a thing too horrible to be seen, heard or touched, and to whose pleadings and questions a deaf ear must be turned. To talk to a ghost is to pay a forfeit. The one who succeeds in holding his possession is tne "angel, "having with stood the persuasive allurments of the wary restless spirits. When the guise of human failings was withdrawn from the "angel" of last night, although pleasing, so great was the surprise at the revelation, as to be almost overwhelming. The ghosts and angel, feeling the need, took flight to the open air, whence all emerged at the request of the hostess and found tables spread as by magic, inviting the haunted spirits to be at rest,' and refreshed by cooling nectar and ambrosian dainties. To add the finishing grace two chairs luxuriantly arrranged Irom natures greenery awaited occupancy by the brides to-be, but, shamefully ignored bv them, were acknowledged ty tne Messrs. King and Gish, though but for a passing moment, when order reigned supreme. The eayety continued until a late) hour when all were loath to leave, having spent so delightful an evening. Good-byes, hearty hand-shaking, well-wishing and congratulatory ex pressions were copiously bestowed upon the two happy couples, as all realized that this was about the last of the festivities at which these cher ished friends would be present,for some time, at least. Goshen, 111. Geuessee Pure Food Co., Le Roy.N. Y. : Dear Sirs: Some days since a pack age of your Grain-O preparation was lf t at my office. I took it home and gave it a trial, and I have to say I was very much pleased with it, as a substi tute for coffee. We have always used the best Mocha and Java in our fam ily, but I am free to say that I like the Grfcln-O as well as the best coffee I ever drank. Respectfully, A. C. Jackson, M. D. 8. P. Keil and wife were in town to day from the vicinity of Cedar Creek. NEWS JIKIKFIjY TOM. A. W. Atwood soils the best paint on earth. Buy the Hhh tjulc,k Meal Stove Kbiuger Hardware Co. Call at the Vienna bakery for fresh bread, cakes, pies, etc. A. W. At wood's drug storw is head quarters for wall paper. A. W. Atwood has the largeet stock of wall paper in tbe county from 5 cents per roll up. Tbe library board will servo ice cream at Schiappacasse's Thursday both day and evening. If you want a new spring suit, mado in the latent style, call on Ifutlocnk & McKlroy in Rock wood block. For cherry stoners, ice cream freez ers or any other st'aaouable goods in this line call at Kbiuger Uurdware Co. Huve your suit cluanud and proesed It will look like new. Iludecek & Mc Klroy will be glad to ilo tho work for you. Zeno, Barnell & Zono, hypnotists and mediums, at (r. A. 11. hall for one weok, commencing Monday, Juno 2". Free for all first night. There will be a Fourth of July pic nic in the grove of F. M. Young, sr. one and one-half miles east of Murray on July 4. Everybody is invited to at tend, briug a diunor basket and have a time. The roomters of tne Loyal Mystic Legion and their families had a very pleasant social time at Fitzgerald's hall last evening the affair being in honor of the fifth anniversary of the local order. Refreshments wore perved and a general good timo was had by all present. The Tigers went over to G on wood this morning to play tho ball team at that place another game. Sinco thei last game the local boys have pur chased uniforms, which are of a deep red color and have the word "Tigers' in green across the front. The boy have arranged several games for the near future the next game being scheduled for Thursday with the lied Legs of Union. Utmtb of Tboiuas Mitchell. Thomas Mitchell, who has been making his home with the family of his daughter, Mrs. Dave Miller, died at 11 o'clock last night of old age. Deceased was eighty-nine years of age, and had been a resident of Piatt- mouth since 1857. He was born near Cincinnati, O. , and was a carpenter by occupation. Mr. Mitchell was one of the three surviving charter members who assisted in organizing the First Presbyterian church in this city. He leaves five children to mourn his loss Mrs. Dave Miller and James Mit ohell of this city; Rev. George Mit chell of Franklin, Neb., and Mrs. M B. Murphy and Mrs. Thomas Carter of Salt Lake City, Utah. The funeral will occur from the resi dence of Dave Miller in tho Third ward at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon Rev. J. T. Baird of the Presbyterian church conducting the services. Friends who wish to view the re mains are invited to call at .the home between the hours of 9 and 11 tomor row morning. Right O'clock Ltluuer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gering gave an elegant 8 o'clock dinner last evening in honor of Consul Leonard Kluftinger and Mrs. Pfeiffer, a sister of Mrs. Ger ing, of Cedar Falls, la. After partaking of the sumptuous re past which had been prepared, the guests listened to interesting toasts by the following gentlemen: Consul Kluftinger, Judge Jesse n and Messrs White. Gering and Windham. The toasts related largely to American people, institutions, etc., and were ful of thought, wit and humor. Those present were Messrs. and Mes dames George E. Dovey. F. E. White Jacob Vallery, Henry ilerold, Mrs. S Warren, Newton, la.; Mrs. Anna Britt, li. II. Windham and Judge Paul Jessen, Nebraska City. Lively School Klectlon. There was a decidedly lively pchool election yesterday out in the Stull dis trict, north of town. For some time there has been more or less of a war between the Stull and Otto factions, and a climax was reached yesterday during a contest over the treasurship Two of the women folks became po en thusiastic over their respective candi dates that a clash could not be avert ed, and they proceeded to settle mat ter a la Jeffries. It is understood this trouble nearly caused a riot, but the dispute was finally settled, and the election concluded without bloodshed Lint of Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the post- office at Plattsmouth, Neb., June 26, 19C0: 1 Frank Barloulk. Miss Lizzie Gardner, Mrs. Etty McHotten. Col. lohn Hiokey, Heuerich Limber, Miss Emma Miller, Frank Moor. Miss Adelaide Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miss Addie Phillips. Philby. . Mrs. J. T. Richey. Isabel Sixing, H. P. Sheldon, G. C Van Horn. When calling for any of the above letters please say "ad vertised." C. H. SMITH, Postmaster. AUeottna, Taxpayers. The board of county commissioners of Cass county, Nebraska, will sit as a board of equalization for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of Cass county for the year 1900, in the com missioners' office at the court house, Plattsmouth, beginning Tuesday, June 12, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m., and con tinuing from day to day up to and in cluding June 26, 1900. (thirteen days, not including Sundays). All persons owning real or personal property sub ject to taxation should call and ex amine their assessment, that any er rors as to valuation may be adjusted by said board as the law provides. By order of the county commissioners. James Robertson, County Clerk. A. B. Todd has returned from his trip in the we9t. DDL1!) PM PAN i iiui mil 1. 1 in nil 1 Ull Vililll A1GN i;-iilli-;ms 3Ir-t Tor (lit) I'nr pose of Orjiiiii.in u Club. Robert Hayes Selected as I'resldent and It. H. WlOflliaui lbo.ru as Vice Fre.ldeul leles;ales Also Selected for State Letts;" of Kepubllcau Clubs to be Held at Lin coln Thursday, Juue '-if. From Monday's Daily. The republicans met iu Judge Arch er's ofllce Siturday evening for th purpo.so of organizing for the coining campaign. 4Inorge L. Farley, chair man of the republican central commit too, called tho mooting to ordnr. II. II Windham was elected chairman and F. R. Ballanco secretary. After a few remarks by the chairman relative to tho importance of the work before u and tho excellent prospects for succors a motion was mnde that wo proceed t tho election of oflicors, which rcsulti-d as follows: Provident Robert Hayns. Vice President 11. 15. Windham. Secretary--A. L. Tidd. Treasurer J. M. Robertson. The following were elect d delegates to tho convention of the state league of republican clubs to bo held at Lin coin Thursday, Juno iiS. II. N. Dovey F. 1L l.allance, Logan Brown and A J. Boeson. Alternates, A. N. Sullivan Washington Smith, II. C. McMaken and Ir. Plimpton. Several commit tees were appointed to look after tho various branches of tho work pertain ing to the organization. The boys feel that tiiis is a republican year, and tha with a stroug organization and faithful work the victory will be decisive, if not overwhelming. Have your friends join tho McKinley and Roosevelt club, and work for con United prosperity. IIOLl A SHORT Hl-ISSION. DKOWMM) IN Till PL ATT ! Kay Wright, a Fourleeu-Vear-Oltl. Itoy Meets an I iitimly leath. From Monday's Uaily, A fourteen-year-old boy named Riy Wright was drowned just west of the mouth of tho Platte river a bout 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. It appears tha the boy was wading about in tho wate when be stepped in a hole, and, before he could be gotten out, had disap pearod. The local oHicers were noti fied, but were nuable to find out until this afternoon where the unfortunate accident occurred. In the meantime they had searched along tbe banks of the Missouri south of this city in an effort to find where the lad hud been drowned, and, being unable to' do so, had coine to the con elusion that tho report was untrue However, the boy's father was in town today, and stated that he was with the lad at the time the accident occurred having plunged in after him but Ray disappeared before he could effect a rescue. Thus far no trace of the body has been found, and it is quite likely that the current has carried it below thi city. Speut a Night In Jail. Marshal Slater collared a hobo last evening near the old canning factory site, on Third street. When asked where he was from, the fellow replied that ho had just come down from the mouu tains, but could not state for cer tain where he was going. In view of the fact that night was coming on and tho man appeared to be hungry and homeless, tho officer sugosted that he stay at tho jail over nijjht. The strangor nearly choked in his eager ness to thank the marshal and the in vitation was forthwith accepted. This morning tho visitor was given his walking papers tho marshal nccom paning him down the track for a dis tauco and when they reached a place where a good view of tho fertile fields of Iowa could be obtained, the officer proceeded to give him advice and in formation regarding the bright pros pects and pleasant conditions which a hobo was liable to meet with in tho state across the rivor. Before part ing, the stranger, with a tear in his eye, again expressed his gratitude for the kind hospitality shown him in Plattsmouth. Case In Justice Court. Justice Aicher was engaged this af ternoon hearing tho case wherein llob ert Johnson sues Ilattie Harkins to re cover the sum of $35. Johnson claimed that ho worked for Miss llarkins three days and loaned her small sums of money at various times. The defendant admitted that the work had been performed, but claimed that Johnson had agreed to do the work free of charge rather than to be idle. She denied absolutely that she had ever prevailed upon the plaintiff to loan her money. After the testimony had been con eluded, Justice Archer decided to take the matter under advisement until Thursday. Turner's Picnic. The Plattsmouth Turner societ3' held a very enjoyable picnic out at Nick Hal mes' grove, west of town, yester day. A large crowd went out in carry alls and private vehicles, and a general good timo was had. The fine weather and the fact that the affair had been Dostpoued a week had a tendency to draw out a far larger crowd than had been expected. Tho Bohemian band furnished the music for the occasion. Burned His Hauds. Tom Dabb, who looks after the boil er at the electric light station, met with an accident yesterday afternoon which resulted in his hands being badly burned. He was painting the front of a boiler, which happened to be hot at the time, when the oil in the paint suddenly became ignited, with the result above stated. The burns were very painful, and will compel him to take a lay off of several days. Council Decides 1 hat a Vault 1. Needed In Which to Keep City's KrcnrdM. Tho city "duds" held a rather short Hossion hint night owing, pcrhapH, to tho hot weather. llerolil wus the only absentee. Clerk Fox rend the rninutt-s of tho previous meetiug; and, after a few miner corrections had l.oet. suggested, tho same were adopted. The property owners on the north side of M tin ctreet, between Fourth and Fifth, petitioned the council to tako boiii" action with a view of keeping tho water in tho alley from runuinginto their cellars. On motion of Whelau, tho matter was referred to the streets committee. The finance committee then reported favorably upon tho claims, and, on mo tion of Lutz, tho clork was instructed to draw warrants for ,ho various amounts, together with the salaries of tho city officials. Whelan, chairman of tho claims com mittoo, to whom had been referred tho bills of I. I'c.irlman for $5 -0 and tho Kningor 1 lard ware company for $l(J..r0, recommended that they be paid. W. J. White's claim for ! for haul ing naptha for the city was refused it being found that tho city has a con tract with Andy Smith for doing the work, and that Smith had hired tho work done. It was d cidod to pay Mr. Smith the rate agreed to in the con tract and iio in turn can settle with Mr. White. A motion was also made by Mr. Whelan to have tho clerk instructed to make out a list of all tho tools pur chased for the liiiht plant during tho timo Boyer acted as superintendent. and also to make out a list of tool which wero missing the mayor am city attorney to tf.i.e action to recove the letter. Carried. The report of the police committee was adopted. Buttery asked that tho street com missioner bo instruct oil to have a ditel dug on North Tenth street. Carried Lutz stated that the recent Hood had played havoc with tho road leading south from Clara street, near the O'Neil property in tho Fifth ward, and his motion to have tho street com missioner repair tho same at once, was seconded. Lutz also suggested that Mr. Wet tenkamp bo asked to make a few re pairs on the walls in the council cham ber. Clerk Fox volunteered to look af tor that matter. By a vote of f to 1 Fitzgerald's mo Hon to rent one of the rooms under tho Ciss County bank to be used as tho clerk's office, carried This action was deemed necessary, in view of the fact that the present quart ers of the clork does not contain t vault, and tho city's records are filed on tho floor, and would undoubtedly be destroyed iu case of lire. It was agreed to pay $5 a month for tho room A motion to adjourn then prevailed FKKSONAL MKNT1UN. RAILROAD .NOTES AM) PERSONALS Mrs. (ioorgo Dodge s( ent the day in Omaha. George Jack man of Louisville was in town today. Fritz Fricko wont to Omaha on tho early train. W. 11. Stoner was in town today from South Bend. J. II. Benson returned today from their visit at St. Joe. Hetor Hanrnhan made a business trip to Omaha today. L. A. Moore, the llorist, made a trip to Omaha this morning. Mrs. G. W. Noble of Omaha is visit ing relatives in tho city. Frank J. Morgan made a business trip to Omaha this afternoon. Charley Richoy, tho Louisville lum ber dealer, was in town today. Mrs. J. M. L?vdaand little daughter spent tho afternoon in Omaha. (J. W. Long left Saturday for Mon tana to look after mining interests. R. B. Windham mado a trip to Omaha this morning on legal business John Schiappaeasse,the fruit dealer, made a business trip to Omaha on tho fast mail. Miss Mabel Loe of Fremont came in yesterday to attend tho Gish-Stouten borough wedding. Bal Stoutenborough of Omaha came in last evening to attend the wedding of his sister, Grace. Miss Harriett McMaken left last evening for Atchinson, Kan., whero she went to visit relatives for a few days. Mrs. George Pugh of Platte Center, . - 1 1 who nas oeen visiting relatives ana friends iu the city for a week past, re turned to her homo this morning. Her brother, Will Carmack, accom panied her. Hardly a clay passes, in families where there are children, in which Ballard's Snow Liniment is not needed. If quickly cures cuts, wounds, bruises Burns and Scalds. Price 25 and 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. While one of tho Burlington's yard engines was miking a Kylng switch near tho depot this morning a heavy inetchandite car juiiijmmI the track and ran along tho ties for a short distance. A rail on the main line, where the de railed car crossed, was bent out of bhupo, while the hoards at the cross ing were also torn up. The s.-ciion gang was put to work and suocetded in repairing the track without causing delay of any of the trains. No. G, the fast Denver-Chicago train which usually brings iu the Lincoln and Omaha papers, was over three hours late this morning. The delay was caused by the engine breaking down soveral times. From Achland the train started east over the old main line, but the engine again broke down, and the rest of the train was takon out by No. 4, the Schuyler train. WILL UNCLE SAM BE POPULAR .is jnrifflirm f tip Nuni.t i;u ti can.il? Tli.it niti. tins to In sec . 'I'll-n- is no ti slifn nboul i lie- j n 1 a lit v ol mir White Duck ;uu! I:lannel Trousers. Nothing s and stylish tor hot wt.-a.thi r. Our prices art Si. 25 up We have lu-lts, outing shirts, blue sertfe eoat s and (it her aeeoinp inimcnts. w WE HAVE CRASH PANTS r) CT ... for Boys or Men V U j ESCOTT& ..ON THE CORNER.. SO Hyron (.'lark and C. A. I taw In, Attoru-y. Probate Notice. In County Court, Cass county, Nebraska. In tbe matter ol the estate ul Isaac l)e. de ceased- To Jacob Uyu. I.ietilia Keed, Augeline Mills, Incraham lye. arali Ulive uye. Mary Jaue Johnson, Isaac Clyue Dye. Kzekiel Dye. Biouctte I.aDhani. lames W illiam Dye. and all others interested iu said matter, take notice. hat on theAlth day ot June. l'JM. I. C. Dye tiled a petition in the C junty L'ourt ol Cass County. iSebraska. alleging among oilier inuigs. tnat saac Dve. sr.. departed tins lile on or aoout the fth day ol October. A. D.. 1W, in Cass County. Nebraska, possessed ot personal properly and real estate ot about the value of il.ilHJ WJ to be administered: that the said deceased left no last will and testament, l'etitiouer asks that George N. LaKue be appointed as administrator of said estate. You and each ot you are notilied that a hearing will be had on said petition at the County Court Kooni in I'lattsnioutli, iu said ountv. on the 1Mb dav ot luly. A. D.. Ifu". at IU o'clock A. M.. and unless vou appear at said time aud contest said petition, the prayer thereat will be granted aud letters of administration is- ued by the court to ceorge is. 1-aKue. or some ther suitable person, t the end that all things pertaining to said estate may ba tiualiy de termined. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this the Mlh ay ot June. A. D-, IS). 1SEAI..J J. t. !IUlliLA, . County Judge. 8 I 8 E. G. DOVEY & SON. SPECIAL SALE ON 5 CENTS and 8 CENTS. ORGANDIES AT 121 6t$ FORMER PRICE, 30c and 35c, JUST THE THING FOR Cool Wrappers. E. G. DOVEY & SON. fcl Flood Sale! Flood Sale! fl WM. HEROLD & SON K will have their stock of Merchandise that was stored in their base ment and flooded by the stoppage of the sewers during last Satur day's downpour of rain, ready to place on sale... Monday, June 25, and will give the people of Plattsmouth and vicinity an opportunity that seldom comes to buy good merchandise much under their real value. These goods arc ) only slightly soiled by dirty water, which a little clean water will remedy and make good as new. They Are Only Slightly Soiled $5,000 Worth of Merchandise ! 4 consisting of $2,500 worth of Ingrain, Brussels, Moquette and Hemp Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings and Rugs; all our reserve stock of Muslins and Cotton Flannels, 40 bales of Cotton Batting, several hundred pairs of Blankets, over $1,000 worth of Under wear, 200 lbs Yarn and CarDet Waro. S300 worth Muslin Under wear, reserve stock of Summer Underwear, $300 worth of Ladies Wrappers. Men's Shirts and numerous other articles of Merchan dise that we store in-basement. We have a large force at woftc cleaning and drying them and sale will open Monday, June 25. THE NEWS does Job Printiti v. j. wiiiti:, DKALKK IN' HARD COAL SOFT Jjeave orders at F. S. Whitfc'a Store or at Brick and Tarra Cotta works. Satisaction Guaranteed. Neb. Tel. 71. T 4 T