HOLLER IS AT WORK. r II in 3Ien Drive the l.ocrs From Strong Positions. HIS OBJECTIVE IS LAING'S NEK. Which He Believes He Has Made Un ter.ab - L'ttle from Roberts. Iiotlia Swears ti Take tothoMoun lain The Far 1 lantern Difficulty o Change Apparent iu the .Situation. Ix)nlon, June !. The war office has received the following dispatch from ;-ueral I'.uller: "Yellow Hm Farm, Juue 8. On June 0 Ccneral Talbot Coke, with tli Tenth brigade and the South African Light horse, seized Van Wyke hill. The t iieiny wade soiue resistance, and a good ileal of guiping occurred. Our casualties were about four killed aud thirteen wounded. Krll-r a I'nm tal Attack. "During that day and the followinj; we got two 4.7 and two Impounder naval guns on to Van Wyke hill and two 5-inch guns ou to the southwest ern .spur of lukewelo. Under cover of their lire General Ilildyard today as saulted all the spurs of the berjj be tween Ilotha's pass and Inkewelo. May Make Jains' Neck Untenable. "The attack, which was well planned -iy lliidyard and carried out with im- meuse dash by the troops, for whom no mountains were too steep, out ' Hanked the enemy, who were forced to retire from their very strong position. I think we did not have any casual ties; and I bojie I have obtained a po sition from wlii h I cau render Laing's tick untenable.' Kohertn ISottle V the New . jArd liobeits has communicated nothing for three days, nor permitted the correspondents to wire what is go ing on. London's inference Is that he is restincr. although he is possibly dis posing his army for a reach after Comma ndan General 1'otha. A block ade of the wires owing to the crush of ottici.il correspondence may account for the scanty press dispatches. Some telegrams tiled a week ago are only just now arriving. Among these are spirited descriptions of the fighting at Klandsfontvin. According to one of them the streets were filled with wom en and children. Rifle-shots could be heard everwhere. The British soldiers would stop firing and Join in the ohase after chickens. The burghers sur rendered to any one. Kaffirs went about looting the Jewish stores, and mounted infantry galloped hither and thither. 8nld to Have Deceived the Prisoner. "Tlie DiV 'ires-s has the following from Pretoria, dated Wednesday: "The 1,00) prisoners who were de ported from Waterval were told that they were about to be given tip to Ixrd Roberts. They entrained cheer fully and were conveyed to Jsoolt Ge dache, instead of Pretoria. General Jxnils Botha, with a rear guard of 2, 000, left Tretoria during the night The British advance guard, .on entering, was upon the very heels of the retiring Jloers. Botha has sworn to carry on "?tfhe war In the mountains." THINGS ARE WA It SI IX CIIIN'A. . Continued Fightlnj; with the Boxers. Be gun by the Kussian. Forces. Washington, June 9. That matters are In a serious condition in the "Flowery Kingdom" is evidenced by two cables received at the navy and utate departments yesterday. One i3 from Admiral Kempff and says that there was a battle Wednesday be tween Chinese and Boxers near Tien Tsui, and that a large number of Box ers exiected to reach Tlcu-Tsin to day, lie also wired tha tho "ltussian forces began the fighting" and that lie wants the Helena and a battalion vt marines at once. Minister Conger's message said there was no improvement in the situation, and asked lor instructions. It was not deemed proper by the officials to Indicate upon just what point Conger needs advice, but there is an intimation that he wishes to know to what extent be is to co-operate with the diplo matic representatives of the European powers at Peking. Secretary Hay took the message to the cabinet meet ing. Conger will be instructed to do whatever is necessary to protect the lives of Americans and their property and to maintain the dignity of this government. He will be instructed to form no alliance withan y govern ment. Then there was a cable from Tien Tslu. dated yesterday, which said that Cie Chinese refuted that 4.0O) Box ers surrounded l.oOO Chinese troops between Lofa and Yong-Tsun Thurs day, and, according to the latest news, fighting wa still going on yesterday morning. Officials say that 500 Box ers were killed, but give no account Of the Chinese casualties. London. June 0. The Spectator, commenting on the Chinese difficulty, g,-ys It considers that If the situation becomes acut the "only alternative to a European concert which will be ef fective only In theor would lie for Upgl.md and Russia to act together In ft definite agreement." The papers ndds: "They alone possess physical power near enough to the scene to be of Immediate use. English could In tills case use her Indian troops." Continuing The Spectator strongly opposes any partition of China, and thinks it unsafe to assume that the Chinese soldiers cannot fight. Tt adds: "The court of Fekin Is In action the most Imbecile In the world, but it may fiuC a "Wallcnstein who will not steal hi soldiers powder and then Europe will h.ne a new problem to solve. Mrs. Skott Gets a Divorce. St. Paul. June 9. Mrs. Mary Lee Scott has been, on ground of desertion, granted a divorce, from Thomas B. Scott, a resident of Chicago for the pat two years, previous to which time the Scotrs were prominent In the most exclusive and wealthiest socil circles of this tit v. They were married ten years ago "in Nashville, Tenn., where Mrs. Scotfs family was very promi nent. So muter Weather lu Dakota. Minnewaukan, N. D., June 9.. A hard freeze Thursday night formed a quarter of an Inch of ice. Much wheat was cut back to the ground. The dam age Is hard to estimate, but the crop cannot exceed one-half the ordinary yield Will Raise the Stamp Duty. Berlin, June 9. In the reichstag, aft er a debate on the amendments to the xtamo law necessitated by the In cTeastt In the navy, it was agreed to raise the utamp duty on home shares to two marks and on foreign shares to marks per hundred. KOIilNSON'S 150DY FOUND.1 A Letter Keceived From Kaunas City Throw Light L'pon the Mystery. B. J. Reynolds yesterday teoeived a letter from Kansas City, containing the description of a body recently found in the Missouri rivor at that place, which Sir. Reynolds ia confi dent id that of his cousin, Jack Robin hod, who so myteriously disappeared fiora his home near Nebraska, City during the early part of April. The detcrjption is identical with that of Mr. Kobinson even to the missing thumb acd Mr. Reynolds has tele phoned to the coroner at Kansas City to learu what disposition was made of the body and for further particulars. if any are to bo had. He also received notice from the Odd Fellows' lodgo at Tar.Uo. Mo., of the finding tf the b.dy. Mr. Reynolds is more certain than ever that his cousin's Uking ctT was a cafe of foul dIuv and the matter will be thoroughly io vestigated. Unless food ia digested quickly it will ferment and irritate the stomach After each meal take a teaspoon ful of Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all you need oi what you like. It never fails to euro the worst cases of dyspep It is pleasant to take. F. G. Fricke & Co. - Enjoyed a "Stag" Party. D. S. Guild invited a large number of his gentlemen friends to his homo Saturday evening to enjoy a "stag" party. Tho host proved himself to bo a very successful entertainer, and the guests spent a very enjoyable evening at various social amusements. Rsfreshments were also served and the only thing which in any way mar red the pleasure of the occasion was tho fact that quite a number of the "boyo" were caught in tho rain while returning home. The following gen tlemen wore present: Dr. W. 15. Ul ster, Fyron Clark, J. M. Robertson, C. C. and Tom Parmele.Thomns Kemp ster, II. J. and Arthur Helps, S. C. Wilde. J. K. Pollock, Dr. K. W. Cook, Dr. T. P. Livingston, F. E. White, D. Ilawksworth, W. L. Pickett, G. M. Spurlick, L. 11. Egenberger, II. B. Groves, W. Heed Dunroy, Will Str.dol mann, V. L. Laonard, II. N. Dovey, Joo Klein, Clayton Barber, A. W. White, J. M. and T. M. Patterson, Philip Thierolf, W. K. Fox and F. A. Murphy. A sallow, jaundiced skin is a symptom of disordered liver, as it springs from biiinry poisons retained in the blood, which destroy energy, cheerfulness, strength, vigor, happiness and life. Herbiiio will restore the natural func tions of the liver. Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. A Popular Bachelor Wed. The Courier is in receipt of a neat announcement card of the marriago of Miss Millio Beatly Bell of Ashlat.d to Mr. Miles Niekson Drake of this city at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Bell, on Wednes day, June 6. Tho bride and groom are well known to Louisville people, the bride having taught two very successful terms in tho primary department of tho Louis ville schools.. The groom is one of Louisville's popular business mon and a member of tho village council. Mr. aud Mrs. Drake will occupy their elegant new home on Third and Vino streets July 15, after which time they will bo at home to their friends. They have started down the pathway of married life in the month of roses, and may it ever be strewn with flowers is the hearty wish of their many friends. Louisville Courier. Starvation never yet cured dyspep sia. Persons with indigestion are al ready half starved. They need plenty of wholesome feod. Kodol Dyspepsia cure digests what you eat so the body can bo nourished while the worn out organs are being reconstructed. It is tho only preparation known that will instantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suffering from indigestion. It will certainlj do you good. F. G. Fricke & Co. Twenty. Five Dollars K w sinl. Keakxey, Neb., June 8. Editor F.VKXixu News Dear Sir: I hear that someone in Plattsraouth has started the malicious report that I forgt d a certain letter, purporting to be written by Mrs. Z. M. Fisher, and other tilings derogatory to my char acter. I wish, through tho columns of your valuable paper, to otTer a rewar J of twenty-five dollars ($25) for the namo of the person, together with proof positive that he is the insti gator of said report. Very truly. A. Disbkow, M. D. Goshen, III. Geneseo Pure Food Co., Le Roy,N. Y. Dear tsirs: borne uays since a, pack age of your Grain O preparation was left at my office. I took it homo and gave it a trial, and I have to say I was very much pleased with it, as a substi tute for cotTeo. We have always used the best Mocha and Java in our fam ily, but I am froe to say that I like the Grain-O as well as the best coffee I overdrank. KespectfulJy, A. C. Jackson, M. D. Attention, Taxpayers. The board of county commissioners of Ciss county, Nebraska, will sit as a board of equalization for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of Cass county for the year 1900, in the com missioners' office at the court house, Piatt smouth, begiouing Tuesday, Juno 12, l!00, at 10 o'clock a. m., and con tinuing from day to day up to and in cluding June 20, 1900. (thirteen days. not including Sundays). All persons owning real or. personal property sub ject to taxation should call and ex amine their assessment, that any er rors &s to valuation may be adjusted by said board as the law provides. By order of the county commissioners. James Uobektsom, County Clerk. ARM HOUSES BURNED Isaac Nelson Loses All of His ltesitlenee Property. The Loss Is Estimated at About Sl,500, With No Insurants Owing to the Pre vailing High Wind and the Absence of Aouaratna to Fight the Flames the Buildings Could Mot Be Saved. Isaac Nelson, residing five miles south of Plattsmouth, lost all of his residence property including three buildings by fire at 6 o'clock Friday evening, the origin of the same being from a defective flue. One of tho build ings was a substantial new residence, another the original home and the third a temporary building which his son, Lafayette, was occupying during the construction of a new bouse about. ei?htv rods distant. The buildings t n destroved stood within six feet of each other, and, with tho prevailing high wind and the absence of apparatus with which to fight tho flames, they soon went up in smoke. The furniture in tho buildings was nearlv all saved. Tho loss was about about $1,500, with no insurance. The senior Mr. Nelson was In Weep ing Water aEd knew nothing of the conflagration. Twelfth Wedding Anniversary. Friday being the twelfth anni versary of tho wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hoot, it occurred to twelve friends to invade their domicile and assist them to celebrate tho occasion. Mr. Root pretended that surprise parlies were an every-day occurrence at his home, but when the guests pre sented Mrs. Hoot with a set of ex quisite green and gold dessert plates. he concluded thcro were surprises and surprises, and this was tho most enjoy able of any he had experienced. A dolightful social evenin was tpent and delicious refreshments wore served. The guests were Messrs. and Mesdarr.cs li. O. Fellows, L D. Ben nett, Byron Clark, C. M. Butler, II D. Travis, J. N. Wise, Mr?. Cooper and Mrs. Wilson. A Monster Devil Flub Destroying its victim, is a type of constipation. Tho power of this mal ady is felt on organs, nerves, muscles and brain. But Dr. King's New Life pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in tho world for stomach, liver,kidnoys and bowels. Only 25c at Fricke & CVs drug store. Au -l imnuttl" Social. The King's Daughters gave an "un usual1' social last evening at tho resi dence of Dr. C. A. Marshall. It was a very pleasant affair, and all present seemed to have a good time. The at tendance was not very large owing to tho numerous entertainments which have been held during tho past week or ten days. The ices left were taken down to the storo of E. G. Dovey & Son today, where tho Indies succeeded in easily disposing of tho samo to customers who felt the need of a little refreshment. If tho predisposition to worms in children is not cured they may become emaciated, weakly and in danger of convulsions. White's Cream Vermi fuge Is the most successful and topu lar remedy. Price 25c. F. (J. Fricke .St Co. A liouiu Iu it en I F.Atate. J. II. Thrasher, the real estate agent, made several largo sales today. lie closed a deal whereby James Newell becomes the owner of tho Tusker property, .on North Sixth otroet. Consideration, $500. The Black property, on Lincoln avenue, was also sold by Mr. Thrasher, but the name of the purchaser or the consideration was not learned. As agent for C. C. Parmele, ho also sold a half section of fiuo farming land in Merrick county. A 11 who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will give them instant and per manent relief. It will cure eczema and all ekin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. Files His Report. Warden Hopkins of the state peni tentiary tiled his report of tho condi tion of that institution during the month of May. On the first day of June there were 290 inmates of tho re formatory. April 30 there were 279 prisoners, there being seventeen re ceived from tho courts during the month of May. flvo whose term ex pired and one released on order of the supremo court. The report shows that there was 10 cents a day difference between the cost of keeping tho prisoners and the em ployes. The stato paid 17 cents a day for the food of each employe during the month of Jlay and but 7 cents for each of the inmates. In the shoe department work amounting to 102 days for one man was done. The total value of tho out put was $21)1.75, the net profit being flOD.So. Tho P2r capita earnings in this department were 89 cents. In the repair department one man worked twenty-six and one-half days, averag ing 91 cents per day profit. Lincoln News. A Wealth of Beauty Is often hidden by unsightly pimples, ccz.mn, tettor. Erysipelas, salt rheum, etc. Bucklyn's Arnica salvo will glor ify the facu by curing all skin erup tions, also cuts, bruises, burns, boils, ulcers, and worst forms of piles. Only 25e a box. Cure guaranteed. So'tl bv F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. The youbg people of the Kieht Mile Grove Methodist church will give a basket and necktie supper Saturday evening, June 16, at the home of Will iam Wettenkamp. A cordial invita tion is extended to all. For ' Said Residence property in Murray, Neb. Apply to J. Rmkin. CITY AND COUNTY. SATURDAY. M P. Fleming of Murray was a Plattsmouth visitor tody. Dive Livingston, the idanist, left this morning for Nebraska City. A. A. Wetenkamp and Phi".ip K&p ler of Plattsmouth precinct were ic town tcday. D. C. Rhcden of Murray wns in town today doing some shopping with the local merchants. Byron Clark returned last evening from K-tnsa-, where he httd been on legal busine.-s. Mrs. S. E McKlwain has returned from an enjoynble visit with hereon, Hoy, at Bock Island, 111. Dave S impson. accompanied by his wife and little d ughter, weie passen gers for Omaha this afternoon. J M. Iwbeits, or tho commission firm of Puritan & Roberts of South Omaha, was in town today on business. J. G. Lemon, a prominent fatmer from cetr Nehawka, was in the city today and made The News a pleasant call. Uscar Ken, a prosperous young farmer from near Avoca, was in town today and made this office a pleasant call. F. M. Young of Murray was a caller at this office today to renew his sub scription to the Semi-Weekly News- Herald. John Weyrich, who has has been working at the cirpenter trade in Omaha for some time, has returned to Plattsmouth. Levi Rusterholtz,from near Murray, was a county seat visitor today. Levi made a welcome call at this office be fore returning home. Mrs. Perry Walker and daughters, Misses Cora and Clara.expect to spend part of the summer on their Colorado ranch.- They will leave about the 19th.. Judge Douglass this morning issued a marriage license to John Ray Funk and Miss Alfa Lewis. Both parties re side at Ashland. Miss Edna Shipman came down from Omaha this morning for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Mharshall, before departing for New York city to spend tho summer. John Wichman went to Omaha this morning to meet his wife, who is re turning home from Scribner, she hav ing accompanied Mrs. H. M. Soon nic ri sen to that place last week. In the report of the Thursday even ing band concort yesterday, THE News neglected to mention the fact that after the concert Mrs. M. A. Street trealed the bojs to ice cream at Holloway's pirlors. A bearding house is being erected near the Burlington bridge for the i c- commodation of the men who are working with the steam shovel. A blacksmith shop will also bo placod near there in which to make repairs. A number of letters have been re ceived from Mrs. Fisher by different parties in this city, and all of them to the effect that ehe is getting along very nicely, and is very much pleased with the assistance Mr. Disbrow is giv ing her. lhis statement is made in view of the fact that false statements have been made as to her actual con dition. The new time card which goes into effect on the Missouri Pacific tomor row calls for several important changes in the arrival and departure of trains on that road. No. 10, the south bound passenger train, has been changed to No. IS, and instead of ar riving in this city at 3:51 p. m., it will hereafter come in at 10:45 a. m. No. 9, the north bound train, has been changed to No. 17, and will hereafter arrive at 5:44 p. m. instead of 11:51 a. m. Mike McCool was assisting in the work of painting the Gund Brewing company's storage house in the Bur lington 3'ards Thursday afternoon, when he performed an acrobatic feat which was a surprise to his fellow- workmen. Mike was at work on a lad der about thirty feet from the ground. when he took an nreonautic leap through the air. Instead of going up, as is customary iu such feats, however. be went straight down to mother earth, alighting 6quarely on his feet. Aside from being shaken up pretty badly he sustained no injury. Mike will probably be engaged by the Cass County Agricultural society to give a like performance this fail. MONDAY. Commissioner Turner Zink came in this morning from Wabash. Mrs. A. Hoffmann and daughter, Al- mina, spent the day in Omaha, Ho". William Neville was a business visitor in Omaha this afternoon. Dr. E. W. Cook made a trip to Oththa this mornii g on business. J. T. A. Hoover and son, William, wen in town today from Louisville. Mrs. D. Ilawksworth and Mrs. E. W. Cook spent the afternoon in Omaha. Mrs. J. D. McBride and two chil dren 'ire visiting relatives at Nehawka. . M rs. Alice Post of Chicago, a sister-in-law of Lmis Ottnat, came in this afternoon for a short visit. Miss Ada Hay, deputy recorder of deeds, went up to Omaha this morning to get some indexes rebound. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Tartsch came in from McCook yesterday for a short visit with relatives and friends. Miss Anna Pollock has just closed a successful year's work in school dis trict No. 45, just west of Mynard. D . Rudolph Itauen, who is employed by the Richardson D ug company of Lincoln, spent Sunday in the city. Miss Cora Alexander came down from Omaha yesterday for a visit with her parents, returning this morning. Is due to an acid poison which gains Organs to carry off and keep the system 1 f I ruin the digestion l'JaAJSwri remedy which builds up the general health and at the same time rids the system of the poison ia the only safe and certain cure for Rheumatism. S. S. S., made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful solvent, purifying properties, attacks the disease in the right way, and in the right place the blood and quickly neutralizes the acid and dissolves all poisonous deposits, stimulates and reinforces the overworked, worn-out organs, and clears the system oi au unhealthy accumulations, o. t. i. cures permanently ana taorougnjy, ana Keeps the blood in a pure, healthy state. Mr. J. O. Malley, tijW. 15th Street, Indianapolis, ind., for eighteen months was so terribly afiicted with Rheumatism he was unable to feed or dress himself. Doctors said his case was hopeless. He had tried4ifty-two prescriptions that friends had given him, without the slightest relief. A few bottles of ' S. S. S. cured him permanently, and he has never had a rheumatic pain since. This was fire years ago. We will send free our special book on Rheumatism, which should be in the hands of every sufferer from this torturing disease. Our physicians have made blood and skin diseases a life 6tudy, and will give you any information or advice wanted, so write them fully and freely about your case. We make no charge whatever for this service. Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. 6a. Mrs. Jenoie Stiatt and Mrs. Ruth Gish of Omaha spent Sunday in the city the guest of Miss Grace Stouten borough. Nelson from his ports the Jones returned Saturday trip to Osceola, la. He re crops out that way in fine condition. Mrs. F. R. Guthmann returned this morning from Murdock where she spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. H. R. Neitzel. Miss Olga Martin returned yester day morning from Des Moines, where she has held an important position a- trimmer in a large millinery store. Mrs. Lillie McGuire and children of Havolock, who havo been enjoying a ten dys' visit with relatives in this city, returned home this afternoon. During the electric storm Saturday night tho Methodist church at Wabash was struck by lightning. The belfry of the structure was ruined. The Childrens' d iy exercises at the various churches yesterday were largely attended. . The programs ren dered by the young loiks were gen erally considered fine. C. W. Taylor, accompanied by his wife and child, went to South Omaha this afternoon to attend the wedding of Mrs. Taylor's sister. Miss Lily Mathews, whiph occurs this evening. Misses Louise Smith, Mty Baird and Ethel Dutton went to South Omaha this morning. They will attend the wed ding of their friend, Miss Lily Math ews, which occurs at that place this evening. A telephone message from Papillion was received at the sheriff's office to day, asking the local officials to be on the lookout for a team and harness, which had been stolen at that place last Saturday. The funeral of Mrs. Matthew Spader, whoso death occurred in Omaha last Friday from the effects of an operation. was hold jn Wab tsh yesterday. Rev. Myers of the Methodist church at that place conducted the services. Mrs. S. D. Chandler and son, Ray, who have been visiting with the fam ily of the former's brother, E. W. Fitt, left last evening on the Burlington for London, England, where they will join Mrs. Chandler's mother. Together they will make an extended tour of Europe. Mrs. Byron Clark and M"8. S. H. At wood returned home fron Milwaukee yesterday morning where they atten ded the National Federation of Wo man's clubs. They report a pleasant trip and are very enthusiastic over the good work accomplished at the national meeting. Golden Rod Castle of the Imperial Mystic Legion has received a cordial invitation to visit the Murray Castle tomorrow night. It is hoped that as many members as possible will take advantage of this opportunity to visit and become acquainted with the Mys tics of Loyal camp. Henry, the f even-year-old eon of L. B. Egenberger, fell "from a horse in the alley at the rear of Tck News office this afternoon. He fell on his rigtt shoulder and arm, and sustained a painful fracture of the forearm just below the elbow. The unfortunate lad was taken to the office of a physician and the fracture set and dressed, and he is resting as easy as could be ex pected under the circumstances. A Card Of Thanks. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have used it in eo many capes of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction. We feel greatly indebted to the manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to pleae accept our hearty thanks. Respect fully, Mrs. S. Doty, Des Mcines, Ia. For sale by all druggists. Two Young People Married. From Monday's Daily, Just as the court house clock tolled out the hour of 9 this morning, Julge Douglass performed the ceremony which linked the lives and fortunes of Emery Brant and Lucinda Marilla Parish, two well known and highly re spected young people from the vicinity of Elmwood. The happy event oc curred in the judge's office, and was witnessed by B. A. McElwain and William Coolidge. The groom is one of Stove Creek precinct's most prosperous young far mers, and he is in every way worthy of the charming young lady whom he has chosen for a wife. The bride is the handsome and accomplished daughter of Simon Peter Parish, one of Cass county's wealthiest farmers. The News extends congratulations. n VLJ access to the blood through failure of the proper clear of all morbid, effete matter. This poison through, the general circulation is deposited in the joints, muscles and nerves, causing the most intense pain. Rheumatism may attack with such suddenness and severity as to make within a few days a healthy, active person helpless and bed-ridden, with distorted limbs and shattered nerves ; or it may be slow in developing, with slight wandering pains, just severe enough to make one feel uncomfortable ; the ten dency in such cases is to grow worse, and finally become chronic. Like other blood diseases, Rheumatism is often inherited, and exposure to damp or cold, want of proper food, insufficient clothing, or anything calculated to impair the health, will frequently cause it to develop in early life, but more often not until middle age or later. In whatever form, whether acute or chronic, inlQerrUed! Rheumatism io Strictiy a Blood Disease, and no liniment or other external treatment can reach the trouble. Neither do the preparations of potash and mercurv. and the various mineral salts, which the doctors alwavs nrescribe. cure Rheumatism hut and break down the constitution. 'niSPOKT PROVES UXTItUE. Vouug Belvllle Still Io the Custody of Kansas Authorities. News received today from the super intendent of the state reformatory in Kansas indicates that the report which was in circulation last week in regard tj Elwin Belvilla was untrue. Jack Djnson, on behalf of one of Belville's relatives, wrote a letter of inquiry to the superintendent of that institution last Friday, and received the following reply this morning: Hutchinson, Kan., June 9. J. R. Denson, Constable, Plattsmouth, Neb. Dear Sir: In answer to your inquiry about Belville I have to say that he is still here and doing very well. He has never escaped and we do not intend that he shall. We do rot think that he would attempt to run away if he had a chance. Your information was entirely wrong. Yours truly, J. S. Simmons, Superintendent. Hardly a day passes, in families where there are children, in which Ballard's Snow Liniment is not needed. If quickly cures cuts, wounds, bruises Burns and Scalds. Price 25 and 50 ceuts. F. G. Fricke & Co. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doc tor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist rec ommended me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a 50 cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by all druggists. The Press acknowledges recoiptof an invitation to the nuptial ceremonies of Harry Northcutt and Miss L. Blanche Kennedy, which occurs at the First Presbyterian church at Platts mouth Juno 14. Congratulations are extended in advance. Mr. Northcutt is well known in the city of his nativ ity, and was court reporter under Judge Kinney in the district court. His many friends in Nebraska City ex tend to him and his bride congratula tions, and wish them nothing but hap piness and prosperity. Nebraska City Press. The Chinese ask "how is your liver?" instead of "how do you do?" for when the liver is active the health is good. De Witt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bowels. F. G. Fricke & Co. Johnny Likewise, the accommodat ing clerk for Weckbach & Co., hired a livery rig yesrerday and drove out to Louisville to see his best girl. On the way home in the evening, however, he had a little accident which, for a time, completely upset his presence of mind. and he was decidedly thankful today that he is among the living. A short dist ince west of the poor farm the animals began to run away, and it seemed the more Johnny pulled back on the lines the faster the horses per sisted in going ahesd Roalizing that something must be done quickly, he turned them in the direction of a steep embankment which spanned one side of the road. This move, oerhape.saved the vehicle from total destruction, but the horses stopped so suddenly as to throw Johnny several feet into the air,and the force with which he struck the ground gave him a bad shaking up. The tongue ef the buggy was broken, and John found it absolutely necessary to walk the rest of the dis tance about three miles. He is feel ing very sore today as a result of the shaking up he received, and is think ing of hiring Uncle Ned Baker's horse hereafter when he makes the trip to Louisville. Glorious News. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her ctre is com plete and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils, and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. druggists, guaranteed. 4 If your fight is blurred with specks and spots Moating before your eyes, or you have p .ins on the right side under the ribs, then your liver is deranged, and you need a few doses of Herbine to regulate it. Price 50 cto. F. G. Fricke & Co. Bistorts muscles, Sbatters Kepves, StiffdalS JOalOai The fishermen's Lurk M. M. Beal and B. L. Kirkham went up to the vicinity of Swallow hill Sat urday evening with a camping outfit. Everything went well with them until the storm came up about 10 o'clock and then they had to make a lively scram ble for shelter. They ' got under a small iron bridge on the Burlingtou track. This place served to shelter them to them to some extent, but the cold water persisted in dripping upon them especially down their backs and the hours they spent in that posi tion were far from comfortable. They finally managed to reach home about 2 a. m. , thoroughly drenched and ex ceeding weary. The saddest part of the experience, however, is the fact that when they drove up to the camp-, ing ground Sunday morning to get the outfit they wore unable to find any trace of it some one having taken ad vantage oj their absence to carry it off. They had set out a number of lines the previous night, and they are qu'te cer tain the thief must have removed four' or five hundred pounds of fish from these lines. Messrs. Beal and Kirk ham had looked forward with much pleasure, and the proverbial fisher man's luck which has attended them is to be deeply regretted. Would Not Suffer So Again For Fifty Times Its Frice. I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomach. I never felt so badly in my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & Mc Curdy's drug , store and they rec ommended Chamberlain's Cholic, Cbob ra and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my homo hereafter, for I should not care to en dure the sufferings of laBt night again for fifty times its price. G. II. Wil son, Liveryman, Burgettstown, Wash ington Co., Pa. This remedy is fo sale by a'll Druggists. Charles II. Marks, while acting in the capacity of nurse at the Second di vision hospital of the Fifth army corps at Santiago de Cubas, used a few bot tles of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remcdv for diarrhoea and found it to work like a charm. For sale by all druggists. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Keferees' Notice of In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. Annie Mary Huber. George F.) Huber, Minnie nuDer ana 1 Carl Huber, minor heirs of John G. Huber, deceased, by their guardian, William A. Cleghorn. vs. Philip F. Huber. Christine C. Huber. Carrie K rouse. Cath erine TariDer. Marv Duerr. H. E, fankonin. Bank oi Cass County and Margaret I Green. j We, the undersigned reterees. will on the 14th day of July. A. D . 1WJO. at 2 o'clock p. m. otter for sale at public vendue the west half oi the northeast quarter ot section twenty-two pK), in township twelve (12), north range eleven (11). in Cass county, Nebraska, and sell the same to the best bidder tor casn. inissaie is nisae unuer and by virtue of a decree entered in the above entitled cause on the SHh day of May. A. I)., lyuo. by the Honorable Paul lessen, judge of the district court, after continuing said referees re- oort that said oropertv could not be divided among the owners entitled thereto. OH N t. rtKi.usus, I. E. Pankonin. George Woods. Byron Clark & C. A. Kawls. attorneys for plaintiff. First publicationIune 8 . Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. Emilie Kathje, Plaintiff. vs Fred Otte. Defendant. ) The defendant. Fred Otte, will take notice that on the seventh day of May. the plaintiff, Emilie Kathje. filed her petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, against Fred Otte. the object and prayer of which are to re cover the sum of $4.K4.42 and interest thereon, now due and payable from the defendant to the plaintiff upon a judgment recovered in the su perior court of Cook county, Illinois, by the plaintiff herein and against the defendant. Fred Otte. on the 5th day of May, lfOU; said plaintiff caused a writ of attachment to be levied upon the following-described real estate to-wit: The northeast quarter (neU) of section twenty four (24), township eleven (11). range ten (10). east of the 0th V. M., in Cass county. Nebraska, as the property of the defendant. Fred Otte. You are required to answer said petition on or before the th day of Jul v. 1900. Emilie Kathje. ' By C. S. Polk, her attorney. : First publication May 29 4. " Legal Notice. In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Addison P Wes ton, deceased. William O. Weston. Francis E. Bixby. Fletcher B. Weston. Abby Sprague.Sarah G. Hemingway. Lydia Ann Kelsey. Mary Buck. Emma Kuggles. 1. Page Weston. Wallace Wes ton, Almina Davis. Maiion Hall. Edgerton Bald win, Abby Bailey. Addie (Orvis) Spaulding Thomas Baldwin. Albert A. Johnson. Albert J. Bixby. Alma E. Bailey; the children of Ferris Barton, deceased, William F. Barton.and Hattie May Barton: the children of Joseph Baldwin, de ceased. Elmer Baldwin. Eldon Baldwin. WallaceV Baldwin, and Augusta M. Spaulding; and the children of Mary Sheldon, deceased, Irwin L. Sheldon, Mrs. Abby Shelters and Mrs. Cora M. McKinney: and the children of Jane Hall, de ceased. Jennie Hall, and Mrs. Ida Frost: and the children of Joseph Weston, deceased, Frank A. Weston, Arthur Weston and Cynthia A: Orris: you and each of you. and all other persons later-, ested. are hereby notified that pursuant to an or- , der of the county court of Cass-county. Nebraska, . duU entened on the ZMh day of May A. I) . laiw, in the above entitled cause, on the 21st day or iune A. !.. 1UU1. at 10 o'clock a. m , in the v county court of Cass county, Nebraska, the ac count of the executor, Levi C. Poliard, tiled in said court, on the 28th day of May A. 1UU, embracing the period from May 22nd, to May 2Sth 1900, both dates inclusive, including- charges made for extraordinary services not re quired of an executor or administrator in the common course ot his duty.will be examined and adjusted and a final judgment entered therein. All of which you and each of you will take due . notice. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court of Cass county, Nebraska, this, the 25th day of May A. D.. 1SW0. I Sea I j J. E. DouGl-ASS, County Judge-