Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 08, 1900, Image 3

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Itritisli Vine Now Flies
Transvaal Capital.
Rather Than to Defend ths City, and
Asks fot Term.
"Unconditional Surrender" All tVat
I Ottered, and Accented a to
to the City, but the Boers
AiMar to Have
;ottt'ii Away.
London, June (. Lord Roberts re
ports to the war office that the Thir
teenth battalion of the I mix-rial yoe-
manry (Irish wan "overwhelmed hy
the Hoers at Llndley." Lord Metlmeu
made a inagiiitieent march to the
rescue," but was too late.
London. June O. The war office lias
received the following from Lord
"I'retorla, June 32. ."." p. 111. Just
before dark yesterday the enemy were
beaten back from nearly all the posi
tions they had been holding, and Ian
Hamilton's mounted infantry followed
them to within 2.o yards of Pretoria,
through which tliey retreated hastily.
I)e Lisle then sent an office with a
flag of truce Into the town, demand
ing its surrender in my name. Shortly
before midnight I was awakened by
two officials of the South African re
public Sa fibers, military secretary to
Commandant General Kotha, and a
general officer of the oHer army who
brought me a letter from Botha, pro
posing an amistice for the purpose of
fettling the terms of surrender.
"I'ntundltional Surrender" Robert.
"I replied that I would gladly meet
the commandant general the next
morning, but that I was not prepared
to discuss any terms, as the surrender
of the town must be unconditional. I
asked for a reply by daybreak, as I
had ordered the troops to inarch on
the town as son as it was light. In
his reply Itotha told me that he had
decided not to defend Pretoria, and
that he trusted that women, children
and property would be protected. At
1 o'eolck a. in. today, while on the line
of march, I was met by three of the
principal officials with a flag of truce,
stating their wish to surrender the
SIrsilames Itotha and Kruger in Town.
"It was arranged that I'retorla
should betaken possession of by her
majesty's troops at 2 o'oclock this aft
ernoon. Mrs. liotha and Mrs. Kruger
are both in Pretoria. Some few of the
British prisoners have lieen taken
away, but the majority are still at
Waterval. Over a hundred of the of
ficers are In Pretoria. The few I have
seen are looking well."
four tod Ills Wife by Mail.
Omaha, June 6. Louis Dunn, a
well-to-do contractor of Corning, Cal.,
arrived here Monday with his bride,
formerly Miss Josephine Wiltsie, of
Lyons, Neb., whom he won after an
introduction and courtship by cor
respondence. I Minn has an employe.
Warren Everett, who was formerly
of Lyons, and the woman's praises
were sung by Kverett until Dunn pro
posed an introduction by letter. Court
ship followed and last week Dunn
came for his bride and they left yes
terday for his California home. He
is 40 and his wife 42.
Object to Negro Enumerator,
Omaha, June . Among the census
enumerators here is one colored man
and his troubles are greater than all
others. Some people claim the right
to be addressed by none but Caucas
ians and when the son of Africa puts
bis feet Inside of the door they imme
diately forget all that they knew about
themselves or point blank refuse to
answer. As a result a special enumer
ator will visit several households and
the heads of some families may find
themselves defendants in the United
States court.
Death of Stephen Crane.
B.idenweiler, Baden, June C.
Stephen Crane, the American author
and war correspondent, is dead here,
aged 30 years.
London, June 0. The afternoon
newspapers chronicling the death ot
Stephen Crane, speak in warm terms
of the American novelist. The tSt.
James Gazette says: "The loss of
one of the most brilliant of present
day writers will le as deeply felt by
the Kuglish as by the American na
MiiHotirt Democrats.
Kansas City. June ;. The Mlssoirrl
Democratic state convention, called to
nominate a full state ticket and adopt
a platform, met here in a huge tent
In Shelley park with over 4,)o0 dele
gates and Piectators In attendance.
The convention was called to ordler
6hortly before noon by S. B. Cook,
atate chairman, who introduced Con
gressman William S. Cowherd of
Kansas City as temporary chairman.
Hanged for a Butchery.
Wniiamsport, Pa., June 0. William
II. Hummel was hanged hero for the
murder of his wife and her three chil
dren on Nov. 16, lSlt'.l. Hummel mar
ried a widow with three children, and
a week after the wedding while she
and the children were sleeping, he
killed them with an axe.
Wealthy Han Commits Suicide.
New York, June 7. George J.
Browne, a wea.Mhy New York dry
good man, with an estimated Income
of $o0,(0 a year, committed suicide
yesterday in hi bed room, shooting
himself through the forehead near the
right temple. He had grown despon
dent from threatened Bright's dis
ease, and recently developed nervous
prostration. He was 57 years of age.
President May Visit Fort Wayne.
Washington, June 7. Senator Fair
banks called at the White House yes
terday and invited the president to at
tend a reunion of the Union eteran
Legion in Fort Wayne, lud. on Sept
ember 10, 11 and 12. The president
took the matter under advisement.
Toting Thug Caned the Judge.
Grand Rapids, Mich., June 7. Jerry
J. Morris, a young man with numerous
aliases, was sent to Marquette prison
for twelve years for passing a forged
check on a local hotel man. He cursed
Juat'e Aewnham when sentenced.
it tne predisposition to worms in
children is not cured they may become
emaciated, weakly and in danger of
convulsions. White a Cream Vermi
fuge is the most successful and popu
lar remedy. Price 25c. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Tlils Is the Report of the Weekly Crop
Bulletin For Nebraska.
University of Nebiiaska, Lin
COLN, June 5. The past week has
been warm, with (sufficient rain for
crop needs in nearly all sections of the
state. The daily mean temperature
averaged about four degrees above the
normal in the eastern counties, and
about six degrees above in the west
Heavy showers were general through
out the state on May 31 and Juoe l,and
with the exception 0 the southeastern
section the rainfall was generally
equal to or above the normal. In
many counties in tho northeastern, cen
tral, and southwestern sections from
one to over two inches of water foil.
The heavy rainfall relieved the
drought conditions in tho western por
tion of tho state.
The weather for the week was very
favorinle for the progress of all crops
Corn continued to mako good growth,
and much of the crop is cultivated tho
first time. Some fields were washed
considerably ic the region of heaviest
rainfall, but no serious damago is re
ported. Small grain is generally in
good condition in all sections, but some
wheat and oats is too rank in a few
northeastern counties. The outlook
for hay is excellent, and alfalfa cutting
is in progress. Cherries and straw
berries are ripening in a few southern
Southeastern Section.
I'utler Favorable week; corn a good
stand and looks well, being cultivated;
rye and winter wheat heading; plums
and cherries poor.
Cass Warm week; corn growing
nicely; all grasses good; alfalfa fine
crop and ready to cut.
Clay Splendid growing weather;
crops doing well; corn cultivation pro
gressing rapidly; eomo alfalf-i being
cut; some fruit blighted.
Fillmore Corn up, looks well and
being cultivated; small grain in lino
condition; grass excellent.
Gage Corn up and making good
progress; small grain excellent; pas
tures fine; fruit promises good crop in
most sections.
Hamilton Favorable ' week, corn a
good stand and looks well, early
planted- being cultivated; small grain
looks fine; wheat heading.
Jefferson tiood growing week;
and oats looking fine; winter wheat
heading out; corn cultivated first time;
cherries ripening.
Johnson Fine growing weeu; corn
doing well, somo cultivation being
done; wheat mostlj' headed oui; alfalfa
large growth, ready to cut.
Lancaster Splendid week for corn;
small grain very promising and mak
ing rank growth; Thursday's storm
damaged oats; some alfalfa cut.
Nemaha Excellent woek; corn
nearly all planted; wheat looks fine,
heading out; oats making fine growth;
strawberries and cherries ripe.
Nuckolls Corn looks well, roiirly all
cultivated first time; wheat heading;
heavy rain caused wheat and o.ts to
lodge in parts of county.
Otoe Week generallj' favorable for
all crops, although hail did some dam
age and heavy rain washed consider
able corn on low ground.
Pawnee Fine growing woather;
some corn being replanted; small grain
looks well; pastures fine; cherries and
peaches promise fair crop.
Polk Iloavy rains did some damage;
corn doing well and some cultivated
first time; wheat, rye and oa's doing
Ilichardson All crops look fine;
corn a good stand and being cultivated;
wheat fine; oats good; npplos not
Salino Good weok for all vegeta
tion; corn doing fairly well, although
backward; peaches have been some
what blighted.
Saunders Fine growing week for
crops; corn cultivation progressing
rapidly; rain needed in portions of
county; jotatoos excellent.
Seward All crops making good,
healthy growth; corn a good stand,
cultivation in progress; oats very
heavy; winter wheat in head.
Thayer Good growing week; corn
generally a good stand, cultivation in
progress; small grain growing rapidly;
wheat and rye heading.
York All crops havo grown well;
some corn and fruit damaged by wind
and heavy rain; small grain growing
well and heading.
Company D Mastered lu.
WEEriXO WATEK, June 6. (Social
to The News.) Weeping Water has
a company of rational guard-". Adju
tant General Barry came down from
Lincoln yesterday and last night mus
tered in Company D, composed cf fifty
five members.
The,election of cfEcors resulted as
follows: Captain, W. M. Stoner; fi st
lieutenant, H. J. Peck; second lieuten
ant, Victor Holmes, and W. A. Cog
lizer was appointed first sergeant. The
boys have rented the old city hall,
which they will use for an armory.
Card of Thanks.
To all the many friends, who so
kindly assisted us and sympathized
with us in our great loss, we desire to
extend our never ending thanks.
Louis Ottnat and Childken.
Ladles Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. It makes tight or new
shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to
corns and bunions. It's the greatest
comfort discovery of the ago. Cures
swollen feet, blisters and callous spots.
Allen's Foot-Ease is a cettain cure for
ingrowing nails,, aching
feet. At all druggists and shoo stores,
25c. Trial package free by mail. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmstead, LeRoy,N.Y.
J. C. Ptak, the leading tailor, has
a process to clean your suit that no
one else has.
New Public Library Building
AVill He of Cottage Style.
Library Hoard Will Hegln m Canvass t
the City Tomorrow With m View of
Kalslng m 8 mail Amount Vet Needed
Shop Men Uttve Made t Generous Do
nation of 8367.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The library board met in executive
session last evening and accepted the
plans and specifications for the new
building, Mr. Fisher of Omaha, the
architect, most generously donating
all labor in furnishing plans.
The building is to be of cottage
stylo, and will bo a very great orna
ment to the city. The amount to be
raised in addition to tto brick donated
will bo $1,8C0. The library board will
begin a can vass tomorrow, and Platta
mouth people will certainly respond as
generously as possible when called
upon. .
Tho men of the B. & M. shops have
most generously subscribed $267, and
if the business men and citizens will do
as well a fine public library building
will be an assured fact. Mr. Schiap
pacasse has generously donated his
parlors and ten gallons of ice cream,
to bo served whenever the library
board shall select the date. Thi9 is
for the beneCt of the library building
fund. Mr. Schiappacasse's generosity
is greatly appreciated.
Former l'luttsmouth Koy (lets Himself
Into SeriouH Trouble.
It is reported that word has been
received in this city to tho effect that
Elwin Belville, son of William Bel-
ville, is in serious trouble in Missouri.
It will be remembered that several
3-ears ago Elwin was arrested in this
city at the instigation of Kansas
authorities, being charged with the
theft of hogs, and for this crime he re
ceived a two yeirs' senteica in the
state penitentiary in Kansas. He
afterwards escaped, so The News is
informed, and while a Missouri officer
was attempting to arrest him, Elwin
whisked out a revolver and shot him.
lie had a trial on the charge of mur
der and was sentenced to bo hung Fri
day, June 8 today.
Tho parents of tho boy could not con
firm the report, as they havo not
hoard from him for some time, but are
inclined to believe it is untru.
Explaining Club Work.
Tne Milwaukee con esp indent of the
Omaha Bee, in reporting Tuesday'o
proceedings at the meeting of the Gen
eral Federation of Woman's clubs,
quotes Mrs. Stoutenborough of this
city as follows:
"Mrs. Stoutenborough of Platts
mouth spent Tuesday at the Milwaukee
public library. She is ore of the com
mittee of six women to spend a dty at
the library explaining- the woi k of the
Hbrarj dopartroent of the club. She
says that while Ohio stands first in this
work, with its circulating library of
10,1X10 volumes, Nebraska is near the
he. -id of the list."
Quarantine Is Kilned.
The quarantine regulations which
have been str:ctly enforced in On. aha
for the past several inonths,on account
of the smallpox cases at that place,
have been raided. Only two cases are
reported in tho metropolis at tho pres
ent time, and they are 1 th convales
cent and tho patients will bo Tutly re
covered in a day or two.
The health authorities of Omaha are
to bo commenced for tho effort- they
put forth to prevent an epidemic of
tho dread disease. In all, eighteen
cases wero registered, but not a death
was reported.
Meeting of the Fraueu Vereln.
From 'Thursday's Daily
The members of the Gorman Frauen
Verein met at the homo of Mrs. A. II.
Week bach this afternoon. The ladies
enjoyed a "coffee klatch," and n very
pleasant time was had.
Thoe present were Mesdame Wil
liam Hassier, Chris Koehnke, Jacob
Horn, l'hil Thierolf, Joseph Fetzer,
Fred Goos, William Weber, Herman
Spies Fred Ebinger, E H. Heitz
haue.i, Paul Wurl, Joe Droege, Wil
liam Schraidtmann and Misses Clara
and Maggie Weber and Iva Spie.
Flag Raising at the Shops.
From Wednesday's Daily
E. S. Barstow has just received a
fine flag, Sxl2 feet, from Hon. E. J.
Bui-kett. The flag was sent for the
purpose of having it put up at the
shops, and this portion of the program
was carried out during the noon hour
today. F. II. Steimker and John A.
Gutsche made appropriate little
speeches, and Mr. Burkett was ex
tended a vote of tbanKs by the shop
boys for having kindly remembered
Have your suit cleaned and pro?sed.
It will look like new. Hudecek & Mc
Elroy will be glad to do the work for
The Chicigo, Burlington & Quincy
railroad ha filed a petition in the
United States circuit court at Omaha
to restraiu the Board of Transporta
tion of the state of Neb-aska from in
any way interfering with the freight
rates established by that company.
Martin Covalt, the hammer boy at
tho B.- & M. blacksmith shop, got one
of his fingers caught between two
pieces of iron yesterday quite bidly
mashing that member.
Andrew Matous of the coach shop
was sent up to Omaha this morning to
do some fancy carpenter work in the
Burlington's general office.
For Sale Residence property in
Murray, Neb. Apply to J. Kinkin.
C. E. McEnteemade a trip toO.naha
today on business.
Emmons IUcbeycime in from Lou
ville this morning.
The thermometer reached 96 in the
shade this afternoon.
Rev. J. T. Bird visited in O.nah
today for a few h ur.
F. M. M tssie and w;fe of Weeping
Water were in town today.
Willihin Schneider acid wife were in
town today from Cedar Creek.
Miss Mollie Lmenslul was h pas
senger for Omaha on the fast m iil.
Dr. L. F. Polk came in from R.ii
mood this morning to attend th wed
ding of Lis brother, C. w.
MissAmtnda Nickels returnc d this
morning from a visit of several months
with Mrs C. F. Kichling at Gretna.
Charles Sleeley, the bridge contrac
tor of Lincoln, was in town today on
business with the county commission,
Attorney O. B. Polk of L'ncoln, and
his father. J. F., came in this morning
to attend tho Polk-Eikenbary wed
ding. Professor J. G. Vcllugh departed
this morning for hid home at Galena,
III., where he will spend the summer
Hon. E. M. Pollard of Nehawka was
in town today shaking hands with
friends. He came up to attend the
Polk-Eikenbary wedding.
Several of the large trees along the
river bank, opposite the depot, were
cut down today, thus enabling one to
get a better view of big bridge.
'Colonel" Daniel Burris came up
from Union this afternoon, enroute to
his home at Omaha. He has been vis
iting with his son, George, down near
The deed, whereby Ella Robbins be
comes the owner of the south one-half
of lots 3 and 4, block 10, in ReeC's ad
dition to Weeping Water, was filed
with Recorder Hay today.
Joe Muck came up from Nebraska
City this morning, where he has been
visiting with his brother. Joe was en
r. ute to Lincoln, being employed as
an assistant at the insane asylum at
that place.
Invitations are out announcing the
forthcoming marriage of Harry North-
cutt and Miss B anche Kennedy. The
happy event is to occur at the Presby
terian church in this city on June 14,
at 7:30 p m.
August Bach's delivery team man
aged to get away from their driver on
Lower Main street shortly after din
ner today. They were captured, how
ever, before they bad run far, and no
damage resulted.
T. S Becker was Appointed to the
office of justice of the peace by the
county commissioners today. 1I3 has
filed his bond for $1,0 0, and the same
has been approved and M-. Becker is
now a full-fledged justice of the peace.
William Deles Dernier came in from
Elm wood last evening to attend a
meeting of the Masonic lodge. II
went to Omaha thi morning, where he
will represent Canopy lodge No 209,
A. F. and A. M.,of Elmw iod, at the
grand lodge in session at that place.
Dr E W. Cook and wife and the
latter's mother, Mrs D. Hawksworth,
returned from Keokuk, la., this morn
ing. They report the doctor's sister.
Mrs. Reeves, as being greatly im
proved in health, and bright hopes for
her early recovery aro now enter
tained. Thaddeus S. Becker yesterday closed
a deal whereby L. D. Curtis traded hia
farm to I. Pearlman for the "White
Elephant" luilding on Lower Main
street, recently bought by Mr. Pearl?
man at sheriff's sale. The farm in
question c insists of 127 acres, and is
located some ten miles south of town.
Dr. Butler was in town today from
Weeping Water.
A. Wright of Kim wood was in town
tday on business.
John B.-cker was a business visitor
in the metropolis today.
Mies Sarah Baker was a visitor in
the metropolis this afternoon.
D M. Johnson of Weeping Water
was a county seal visitor today.
Miss Kate Russel came over from
Weeping Water to attend the wed
ding yesterday.
Attorney O. B. Polk of Lincoln and
Dr. L F. Polk of Raymond returned to
their homes last evening.
Mrs. John Campbell of Uuion was in
town for a few hours today. She was
enroute to her home from Pacific Junc
tion. J. F. Polk, who came in yesterday to
attend the wedding of his son, C.S. , re
turned to his home at G.eeowocd thia
Hon. Jack Welsch of Humbo'.d dem
ocratic candidate for state treasurer,
was in town today shaking hands with
his friends.
Dr. W. H. Schiidtknecht and wife
left this evening for Chicago, where
they will attend a series of lectures at
the Ruth Medical college.
J. A. Mt-Fall and U. S. Hayes, two
of Elm wood's most promising young
men, remained in the city over night.
They were enroute toMalvern, It., on
Hon. E. M. Pollard and wife and
Mies Lottie Pollard of Nehawka, re
turned home on the late Missouri
Pacific train last night. They came
up to attend the Polk-Eikenbary wed
ding. The public library board has ac
cepted Mr. Chiappacasse's generous
offer of ten gallons of ice cream, and
will sell the same at bis ice cream par-
In some cases the external signs of Contagious Blood Poison are so slight that the
victim is firmly within the grasp of the monster before the true nature of the disease
is known. In other cases the blood is quickly filled with this poisonous virus and the
swollen glands, mucus patches in the moutfc, sores on scalp, ulcers on tongue, sore
throat, eruptions on akin, copper colored splotches, and falling hair and eyebrows
leave no room ior aouDi, as tnese are ail unmisiaitaoie signs oi woniagious ciooa
- Doctors still orescribe mercury and potash as the only cure for Blood Poison.
erals never vet made a complete and permanent cure of Contagious Blood Poison.
back into the system, cover it up for a while, but it breaks out again in worse form. These powerful minerals produce mercurial
rheumatism and the most offensive sores and ulcers, causing the joints to stiffen and finger nails to drop off. Mercury and
potash tnako wrecks, not cures, and those who have been dosed with these drugs are never after free from aches and pain.
S. S. S. acts in an entirely different manner, being a purely vegetable remedy ; it forces the poison out of the system, and
Instead of tearing down, builds up and invigorates the general health. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this specific virus, and
therefor the only cure for Contagious Blood Poison. No matter in what stage or how hopeless the case may appear, even
though pronounced incurable by the doctors, S. S. S. can be relied upon to make a rapid, permanent cure. S. S. S. is not a
new, untried remedy ; an experience of nearly fifty years has proven it a sure and unfailing cure for this disease. It is the
only purely vegetable blood medicine known.
Mr. H. !. Myers, too Mulberry St.. Newark, N. J., says I was afflicted with a terrible blood disease, which was In spots at first, but afterwards
oread all over tnv body. These soon broke out into sores, and it is easy to imagine the suffering I endured. Before I became conrinced that th
J . . i . , . i .i . v... . I t i : i it . i a .
ever for this. All correspondence is held
lora Thursday, June 21, during the
day and in the evening.
Wallace Carter, who has a position
as book keeper for the Armour pack
ing company in Butte,Montana, writes
that he is getting along nicely and is
very much pleased with bis position.
He wishes to be remembered to his
Rev. Ratz, who has been the min
ister at the German Presbyterian
church in this city for several
years, has resigned his position, and
the family left yesterday morning for
Shelly, la. Mr. Ratz will have charge
af a church at that place.
T. S. Becker had his first case as a
justice of the peace this morning. It
was the case of Oliver Rakes vs. Tom
Schlegel, In which the former sued
the latter on a claim of $2 for cleaning
out a well. A satisfactory agreement,
however, between the parties was
reached Mr. Schlegel paying the dif
ference and costs of action rather than
having a lengthy trial, and the case
was dismissed.
The "Junior Tigers" of this city
char.ered a carryall yesterday and
drove down to Murray to show an ag
gregation of ball players at that place
how to play a real game of ball. They
neatly cleaned up the Murrayites to
the the tuno of 21 to 14 The local
boys say they would have made the
score larger if the weather had been a
little cooler it was too hot worK run
ning around the bases.
For relief and comfort in Asthma
Ballard's Horehound Syrup has no
equal. Price 25 and 50 cent?. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
L. E. Holmes made, a tiip to O.naha
last Friday.
The schools c osed last Friday with
out any exercises.
Miss Whipple returned to her home
in Ashland Tuesday.
Mable Peck bam has been inst illed
as assistant postmaste -.
Born To Mr. and M . John Row
land, June 1, a bouncing b w.
Mrs. Fannie Garnett was a passen
ger for Weeping Water Monday.
Prof. Mcllugh has accepted the
principalship of the Unadilla tchools.
George Woiler left forSewird Mon
day, with the intention of locating
Gustavo Buss can now bo soen in the
postoflice. He took charge tho first of
the month.
F. W. Ruhge, John Nutzmm and
Guss Buss were Omaha passengers one
day last week.
The Gorman-American Medicine
company, who were here all last week,
pulled up stakes for Berlin Monday.
Carroll Quinton m taking the census
for Avcca precinct this month. Be
sure and answer all questions asked
Miss Mary Ogdon received tho prize.
a water set, for the ' roost popular
lady in town at the medicine show last
Thrown from a Huggy.
From Thursday's Daily.
A team belonging to D. VL Young, a
farmer residing six miles south of
town, became frightened at an engine
in the shop yards while going out
L'ncoln avenue yesterday, afternoon
and ran away. Oae of Mr. loung's
daughters and a son were driving the
animals, and near the south end of the
shop yard they were thrown out of
the vehicle. Fortunately, besides re
ceiving a bad shaking up, they es
caped uninjured.
The team was stopped soon after, but
the buggy was a complete wreck.
The young people of the E:ght Mile
Grove Methodist church will give a
basket and necktie supper Saturday
evening, June 16, at the home of Will
iam Wettenkamp. A cordial invita
tion is extended to all.
Aside from the serious inconvenience
and pain caused by piles, there is a
tendeney to fistula and to cancer in the
rectal regions. Piles should rot be
allowed to run on unchecked. Tab-
ler'a Buek-ye Pile Ointment Is an in
fallible remedy. Price, 50 cents a bot
tle, tubes 75 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
GosriEN, III.
Genes-iee Pure Food Co. , Le Roy.N. Y. :
Dear Sirs: Some days since a pack
age of your Grain O preparation was
left at my office. I took it home and
gave it a trial, and I have to say I was
very much pleased with it, as a substi
tute for coffee. We have always used
the best Mocha and Java in our fam
ily, but I am free to say that I like the
Grain-O as well aa the best coffee I
ever drank. Respectfully,
A. C. Jackson, M. D.
UOClurS COUIU ao mc DU uuu a uu sv:u uuuui w uun. i , wnnu was i ny imuwa wbt. a idcd
tried Tarious patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease. When I had finished my first
bottle of S. S. S. I was greatly improved, and was delighted with the result. The large, red splotches
on my chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I regained my
lost weight, became stronger, and my appetite improved. I was soon entirely well, and my skin aa
clear as a piece of glass."
Send for our Home Treatment Book, which contains valuable information about
this disease, with complete directions for self treatment. Our medical department is
in charge of physicians who have made a life-time study of blood diseases. Don't
hesitate to write for any information or
in the most sacred confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, 6A.
Railroad Expects to Hani a Tremendous
Yield of Corn Tbls Fall.
The rustle of the corn blades can be
heard, even in their infancy, through
out the whole west, say the freight
agents of the various railroads of
Omaha, whose duty it is to keep posted
on tho crop outlook, in order that cars
may be provided, months in advance,
for the movement of the yield.
All of them report that there has
never been a brighter outlook at this
time of the year for not alone a big
corn crop, but a small grain yield as
well. The government has "experts"
employed throughout the country to
gather information regarding the crop
outlook, but business men generally
have long since ascertained that no
governmjnt report on crops is as re
liable as information gathered by the
railroad freight agents. It is not a
theory with the latter, but a science,
which his oeen worked out to perfec
tion. Nebraska' will have a wonderful crop
of corn, and a big crop of wheat, oats
and barley, unless a long, hot and dry
spell comes at an inopportune time to
blight it. The same is true of the
com crop, say the railroad men. To
move this vast amount of grain the
railroads have even now begun to get
their rolling stock in shape and some
of them have ordered new freight cars.
Freight cars, like wagons, wear out in
time, and must be rebuilt, or in haul
ing them a serious accident may occur
at any time.
From Colorado, especially about
Greeley, comes the report to the
railroad men that the crop of potatoes
will be very large this season, and
Utah has also put in her claims for a
big yield. The same sources of infor
mation report that the sugar beet crop
of Western Nebraska will be larger
this season than last year. It is said
that sugar beets can be grown with
satisfactory results all over this state.
and that the farmers of the eastern
portion of Nebraska Rre experiment
ing this season on a larger fcuo than
Wanted Several persons for dis
trict office managers In this state to
represent me in their own and sur
rounding countie. Willing to pay
yearly $fi00, payable weekly. Desira
ble employment with unusual oppor
tunities. 11 -ferences exchanged. En
close self -addressed stamped envelope.
S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chi
cago. If vour eight is blurred with specks
and spots floating before your eyes, or
you have pains on the right side under
the ribs, then your liver is deranged,
and you need a few doses of Herbine
to regulate it. Price 50 cts. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Is BabyThin
this summer? Then add a
to his milk three times a day.
It is astonishing how fast
he will improve. If he nurses,
let the mother take the
Emulsion. soc.aadfi.0oj alldrantsts.
helps the team. Saves wear and
expense. Sold every where.
Restore Vitality, Lost Vlcor and Manhood
Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem.
orv, an waslinar diseases,
all effects of self-abuse or
excess and indiscretion.
A nerve tonto and
blood builder. Brings
the oink slow to Dale
cheeks and restores the
fire of youth. By mail
50o mp nrn. A Krt for
S2.SO, with our bankable ffaurantea to cure
wr niiuiiu tne money pio. Bend for circular
ana copy oi oar bankable guarantee bond.
Immediate Results
Positively gnaranteed cure for Loss of Power,
Tsncoceie, Linaereiopea or bhrunken urgens.
Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra
tion, Hysteria. Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the
Kesnlts of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor. By mail in plain package. Sl.OO a
box. 6 for S5.00 with onr h&nk&hla S-uar
svntee bond to cure) In SO days or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton & Jackson St CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold by F. G. Fricke 6c Co.
lightens J
the (
load j
hottest r
road. K
These poisonous min
Koi cores
They drive the disease
advice wanted, we make no charge what-
Standing Committees.
Following are the standing commit
tees of the board of education, ap
pointed for the years 1900 and 1901:
Grounds, Buildings, Repairs, Fuel
and Janitor William Ballaoce, John
11 Cox, Horatio Dovey.
Furniture and Supplies F. G.
Fricke, John R. Cox, C. M. Butler.
Teacher?, Text Books and Rules
John R. Cox, William Itallance, Ho
ratio Dovey.
Printing C. M. Butler.F. G. Fricke,
William Ballance.
Finance Horatio Dovey, C. M. But
ler, F. G. Fricke.
By II. B. Windham, President.
Would Not Suffer So Again For rifty
Times lis Price.
I awoke last night with severe pains i n
my stomach. I never felt so badly in
my life. When I came down to work
this morning I felt so weak I could
hardly work. I went to Miller & Mc
Curdy 's drug store and they rec
ommended Chamberlain's Cholic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It
worked like magic and one dose fixed
me all right. It certainly is the finest
thing I ever used for stomach trouble.
I shall not be without it in my home
hereafter, for I should not care to en
dure the Bufferings of last night again
for fifty times its price. G. H. Wil
son, Liveryman, liurgettstowo, Wash
ington Co. , Pa. This remedy is fo
sale by all Druggists.
t Don't tU to try t
mrhon mufforlna from anjr bmd
X condition oi thm Stomach
T of Uvor. ' J
. lOrrntsMDd ascents, at drags! ores.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans, ltls the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it In efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Ileadache.Gastralgia.Cramps and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and ft. Large size contains 24 times
small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free
Prepared by E. C OeWITT A CO., Chicago.
ClasiMM mod beaatifus UM hals.
Promote :ourini ffowui.
Henr Tmitm to HMtort Onj
Hair to Iti Youthful Color.
CwM lp d.MM a hair foiling.
(Pennyroyal pills
11 -cCTV Orlalaal Only eeaala
Sirs. AiwTi raiiBD!. L.aaui.ui ururrn
la ItED aoa al4 BMtaUla bazw. mjS
fcttt ia rtbboa. Taka a atbar. BeTaaa
Dtaamu BakatUatiaaa aaa lamll.
CUaa. B.j of jaar Dri. at mm - la
tamp r Partlealar. Teatlaaaalala
aaa " Rail aT tmw lilra." Im MHr, r ra
ta) rai Mall. 1 TaitlaiooiaU. Bala b
all Diuftau. Cblehaater 1'beamlaal Oa
MaaUaa tal papar. Maoism Ssaara, VUILA 1A.
Legal Notice.
In the district crfurt oi Cass county. Nebraska.
Emilie Kathje. V laintifl.
Fred Otte, Defendant, )
The defendant. Fred Otte. will take notice that
on the seventh day oi May. law. the plaintitt.
Emilie Kathje, hied her petition in the district
court of (.'ass county, Nebraska, against Fred
Otte. the object and prayer of which are to re
cover the sum oi j4.14.43 and interest thereon,
now due and payable from the defendant to the
plaintiff upon a judgment recovered in the su
perior court of Coon county, Illinois, by the
&laintiff herein and against the defendant. Fred
tte. on the 5th day of May, 1SX); said plaintitt
caused a writ of attachment to be levied upon the
following described real estate to-wit:
The northeast quarter (ne') of section twenty
four (24). township eleven (11). range ten (!'),
east of the rjth V. M.. in Cass county. Nebraska,
as the property of the defendant, Fred Otte. Vou
are required to answer said petition on or before
the th day of lulv. 19W. Emilie Katiijk.
By O. S. Folk, her attorney.
First publication May 294.
Legal Notice.
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Addison P Wes
ton, deceased. William O. Weston, Francis E .
Bixby. Fletcher B. Weston. Abby Sprague.Sarah
G. Hemingway. Lydia Ann Kelsey. Mary Buck.
EmmaKuggles. I. Fage Weston. Wallace Wes
ton, Almina Davis. Marion Hall. Edgerton Bald
win. Abby Bailey. Addie (Orvis) Spaulding
Thomas Baldwin. Albert A. Johnson. Albert J.
Bixby. Alma E. Bailey; the children of Ferris
Barton, deceased. William F. Barton.and Hattie
May Barton: the children of Joseph Baldwin, de
ceased. Elmer Baldwin. Eldon Baldwin. Wallace
Baldwin, and AugHsta M. Spauldine; and the
children of Mary Sheldon, deceased. Irwin I..
Sheldon, Mrs. Abby Shelters and-Mrs .-Cora M.
McKinney: and the children of Jane Hall, de
ceased. Jennie Hall, and Mrs. Ida Frost; and the
children of Joseph Weston, deceased. Frank A.
Weston. Arthur Weston and Cynthia A. Orvis:
you and each of you. and all other persons Inter
ested, are hereby notified that pursuant to an or
der of the county court of Cass county. Nebraska,
dulr entened on the 2Sth day of May A. li , 1SJ0.
in the above entitled cause, on the 21st day ol
June A. !., 1WJ0. at 10 o'clock a. m . in the
county court of Cass county, Nebraska, the ac
count of the executor. Levi C. Follard. hied in
said court, on the auh day of May A. D.. 1JU.
embracing the period from May 22nd. to
Mav 2Kth 1MUU. both dates inclusive, including
charges made lor extraordinary services not re
quired of aa executor or administrator in the
common course of his duty.will be examined and
adjusted and a final judgment entered therein.
All of which you and each oi vou will take due
notice. Witness m v hand and the seal of the
county court of Cass county, Nebraska, this, the
ffiKh day ot May A. D.. 1WJ0.
SealJ J. r.. uuui.lass, oubit juage.
i i