DOINGS OF A DOLL DAY. ltainy Weather Make9 News Items Kather Scarce. Tb-Tmlt-0:I Son of Cooatabl Denaon DccM I to Follow tn Example of t . Bad Urchin And Bon Away From Borne Knight and Ladle of Security Install OfDear. Harry, the ten-year-old son of eon Constable Jack Densoo, started for school vesterdav morning about 8:30 and since that time nothing has been Been or heard of him. The lad played truant last Thursday and Friday after noons, and, fearing the consequences, be perhaps decided that it would be the best thing for him to run away. As no other boys in the neighbor hood have been missed up to the pres ent time, Harry must have started out lone. Any one who can furnish the father information as to his where abouts will confer a great favor. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Riley W. L. Partington, Kansas City; L, W. Teegarden, Weeping Water; Robert Wenawk, C. M. Reis man, Chicago; D. Spencer, New York; E. A. Holyoke, Louisville; Adam Noll, I. W. Sweeny, Omaha; If. TL Weetheck, St. Louie; A. Bettinger, Council Bluffs. Plattsmouth John H. Becker and wife, Plattsmouth precinct; W. Mont gomery, Broken Bow; J. J. McMahan, Vlllisca, la. Perkins W, E. Lewis, Council Bluffs; P. R. Shelly, Neoraska City; Edwin Jeary, Elm wood; L. W. Stone king, Cedar Creek; W. T. Wilcox, Zaneszille, O. Officers Installed. At the meeting of the Knights and Ladies of Security last evening, the following officers were installed: President R. B. Windham. Vice president Morgan Waybright. Second vice president Mrs. J. H. Thrasher. Corresponding secretary Mrs. Nel lie Smith. Financial secretary Miss Carrie Holloway. Treasurer C. H. Smith. Prelate Mrs. H. C. McMaken. Guard Mrs. George Longenhagen. Sentinel George Longenbagen. Devoe's paint at Gering & Co. 'p. Guaranteed. PERSONAL MENTION. business trip to J. W. Barwick and wife spent the day in Omaha. Charles McEntee made a trip to Omaha this morning. Sheriff Wheeler made a Omaha on the early train. Edwin Jeary, the Elm wood banker, was a county seat visitor today. Ed Martin and daughter, Florence, were visitors in the metropolis today. D. Bredenkamp and Andy Seybert were in town today from Cedar Creek. T. H. Toliff and daughter, Helen, returned last evening from their visit to Alliance. Attorney C. S. Polk went to Lincoln last evening on business in the su preme court. Miss Teresa Hemoel returned to her work in Lincoln this morning, having spent Easter at home. W. H. Newell returned last evening from Kansas. He reports heavy rains in the eastern part of tbe state. Mr. and Mrs. J. Desterhouse came down from Omaha to spend E.iater with Mr. and Mrs. Jce Droege and family. Mrs. H. G. Bullitte of Red Oak, la., visited in this city over Sunday with her daughter, MUs Ethylin. She re turned home yesterday morning. Mrs. C W. Sherman, who has been visiting her daughter and family at Knoxville, la., for several months, 19 expeeted to return home next Satur day. August Reinhackle and wife de parted this afternoon for Mankota, Minn., their future home. The News and their many Plattsmouth friends wish them success in their new location. RAILROAD .NOTES AND PERSONALS LIQUIFIED Altt SCANDAL. Nothing of a Practical Nature iiai Been Accomplished By Its Cse. Of all the inventions, improvements and discoveries which have lately been called to the attention of the public, liquid air was and is the most promising, and yet up to this time, since tbe beginning of the present liquid air revival, absolutely nothing of a practical nature has been accom plished by it, says the Patent Record. Not a single result of any value has been brought about, despite the ex tremely roseate predictions made for It. The fact is that liquid air is la boring under a crushing burden of scandal. This commidity is not new at all. Air has been liqufled in the course of laboratory experiments for a great many years, but its manufacture was attended by such great expense that it was prohibitive for any practical application. Professor Linde and M. D'Arsonval. within the last decade. took the subject jointly and did much to popularize it and to reduce the coat of its manufacture. The Linde ma chine for the manufacture of liquid air is the basis on which most of the machines of the last few years are founded. Yet a dozen companies are in the market, each claiming to be the "only original," and every one of them seems to be working more vigorously in the direction of disposing of the stock than to perfecting of the ma chinery on which they purport to hold valuable patents. As a matter of fact, the patents held by these com panies are worth almost nothing ex cept for the purposes of displaying their puzzling paragraphs to their wonder-stricken dupes. These patent papers in almost every case cover minor features of the machine, which are of little value from a mechanical or scietific standpoint, but are indis pensable for the purpose of forming companies and selling stock. Professor C. E. Pellew of the Col umbia University said some months ago: Liquid air is intensely interest ing to every scientific man. It is more so than the llaentgen ray. It is the most theatrical thing in chemistry at present." And this is the secret of its downfall. These spectacular possibil ities were worked for all they were worth by the charlatans posing as scientists and by other sharpers mak ing no such pretensions. The sensa tional experiments witnessed by thou sands of persons all over the country had their desired effect, and today these same thousands have their money invested ia shares not worth the parchment on which they are printed. Without serious thought or investigation men and women rushed pell-mell to the offices of the liquid air companies and eagerly stood line for the privelege of pouring their money into a hole from which it can never return. Liquid air has suffered a blow by these methods from which it wilt not recover in a generation. The boom will take the course of all oher booms. There will be assessments on stcck, to which the dupes, already roped in. will feel compelled to respond, with the hope of getting back their first "in vestment." When the end of theso levies have been reached, there will be auction sales of "effects," which will be found microscopic. Thon, re leased of all this scandalous incubus, the cause of liquid air will settle back on a solid basis in the laboratory, where it will eventually be developed into an invaluable commodity, taking the place of ice and coal, ns well as filling a mission in medicine and sur gery. Jf the matter ended here we wou'd have little comment to make, ha the questionable -methods pursued in the exploitation of liqid air will be felt in every branch of science, industry and invention. Worthy inventors, with ideas and devices of undoubted merit, are the ones who will suffer most from tbe effects of the liquid air scandal, for those persons caught by the glittering bait of the liquid air fellow will view with susDicious eye any offer presented for the legitimate investment of their money. NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD. Prepared by masters in their work Devoe's paint. POINTED rAKAUKAPHS. The Nebraska state fish commission ers' special car was brought in from South Bend this morning on No. 4 and attached to No. 27, en route to Harrison. Within tbe past ten days the Bur lington has received five new Rodgers engines, which are to be used on pas senger trains on the western divisions. Two of the new engines are now at the local shops, and will soon be turned out ready for active service. More medicine in one bottle of Syrup of Trlfoleum than in one half dozen bottles of ordinary Sarsaparilla, etc. Conan Doyle, In praising the British mounted infantry, who have been in South Africa long enough to get used to fighting, and In looking over the world for something to compare them with, finds nothing . finer to which to liken them than the American cowboy. Judge Ramsey received a picture recently of a school located seven miles southwest of Hay Springs, Neb., and which is taught by his niece. Miss Ruth Waterman. Miss Waterman is only sixteen years of age, and one of the peculiar features of this school is the fact that some of the pupils are older than their teacher. She was born in Louisville, this county, and is the daughter of Dr. J. M. Waterman. Motlce. My safe and fixtures are now for sale to be delivered May 1. JOHN T. Coleman, jeweler. Chicago News. It's usually tho bottom duller that counts. A first-class watchmaker gets credit for his good work. An energetic man like an emetic is hard to keep down. Without decision of character no man or woman ever amounts to much. Proverbs are the fruits of long ex perience conveyed in the fewest words. Strong butter on the breakfast table doesnt't make up for weak coffee. If a man doesn't lose his sweetheart when he acquires a wife he is indeed lucky. The woman who can make a good pudding in silence is better than the woman who makes a tart reply. Says an old bachelor lawyer: 4,The three most troublesome clients I ever had were a young lady who wanted to marry, a woman who wanted a divorce and a spinster who didn't know what she wanted." Try 6rln-Oi Try Graln-OI Ask your Grocer today to show you a package of Grain-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without in jury as well as tho adult. All who try it, like it. Grain-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java.but It Is made from pure grains, and the most deli cate stomach receives it without dis tress. One-fourth tbe price of coffee. 15o and 25c per package. Sold by all grocers. A. W. At wood sells the best paint on earth. Use Devoe's paint and be sure of ij utility. , Anything in the wall paper line, at-J Gering & Co.'s Wanted An ironer at the City Steam laundry. Call at the Vienna bakery for fresh bread, cakes, pies, etc. Why have that tired feeling when one bottle of Trifoleum will remove it? A full stock of dry plates in amateur Bizes at Gering &Co.'. Highest grade only. Keedy & Co's. photograph gallery is over Oliver's meat market. Call and eee their work. A W. Atwood has the largest stock of wall, paper in the county from 5 cents per roll up. F. G. Fricke and son, Albert, went ud to the Platte this morning on a hunting expedition. If you want a new spring suit, made in the latest style, call on Hudecek & McElroy in Rock wood block. I have a fine line of ladies' pocket books that will be sold at less than half price this month. John T. Cole man, jeweler. John T. Coleman's entire stock will be sold this month at less than whole sale price, as be will not be in business here after May 1. Cuts, wounds, burns, sprains and bruises quickly heal if you apply Bal lard's snow liniment. Price 2octs and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. A large party of local Masons went down to Rock Bluffs this morning to attend the funeral of their deceased brother Mason, Harrison Smith. T. E. ParTnele stated last night that work on the new opera house would begin this morning at 7 o'clock, pro vided it did not rain but it rained. News reached this city today to the effect that Mrs.Tom Julian died at Ler home at Gibson last night. Pneu monia was the cause of her death. The regular meeting of Mrs. Stoutenborough's bible class, which usually meets with Mrs. Hasse, has been postponed until Friday, April 27 Have your suit cleaned and pressed. It will look like new. Hudecek & Mc Elroy will be glad to do tho work for you. Mrs. John Boone and daughter left this morniner for Loean, la., where tboy will reside in the future. Mr. Boone has ODened a barber shop at that place. All mv cut elass must be sold this month, as it cannot be shipped as eas ily as jewelery. Call and get some of it at less than cost. John T. Col maD, jeweler. The Vienna bakery now has a bread wagon, and anyone wishing bread de livered at their homes can leave or dera at the store or call up Nebraska telpbone No. 216. Syrup of Trifoleum compDund is not a cure-all, but it is the best remedy on earth for impurities of the blood; nie ther does it require a half dozen bot tles to do the work. The weather bureau continues to eeud out predictions of rain and colder weather. Those who have planted the seed for early vegetab'es will probably have a chance to replant. The wheels of justice in Judge At cher'o cour t were at a standstill today. owing to the fact that his honor went down to Rock Bluffs tnis morning to attend the funeral of Harrison Smith. John Thomas Porter, aged thirty, and Jessie I. Fleming, aged twenty- three, both of Murray, were granted a licent-e to wed today. The bride-to-be is a daughter of the late Samuel Flem ing. The ice cream social which the Christian Endeavor society of the Christian church had announced for this evening, has been postponed in dfinite'v on account of the inclement weather. I will handle a full line of nursery stock from the oldest reliable nursery in the west, D. S. Like, Shenandoah Ia. Come and see me before you place an order. Headquarters at John R Cox's hardware store. I. N. Cum- mings. W. B. Allen, who was employed in tho Burlington shops in this city for a cumber of years, has gone to Bickle ton, Wash., near which place the Cass county colony is located. His family will ioin him as soon as ho becomes settled. W. L. Street is going to build a one story addition, 14x14, to his residence on Seventh and Locust streets. The contract for building the addition has already been let. and the work on the same is to begin at once. Miss Florence White is expected home in about five or six weeks. Wnen she left she expected to return about this time, but her work being so pleas ant and profitable she has decided to remain a few weeks longer. Lin vitatins are out announcing ma forthcoming marriage of Thaddeus S Becker and Miss Harriette Sullivan on April 25 at 8:30 p. m. The happy event will occur at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Sullivan. The work on the int'eridr of the Presbyterian church is progressing nicely. The walls and ceiling of that edifice have always been an eye-sore and the church people and the general public will rejoice in the much needed improvement. City Tax Collector Hansen has changed his headquarters from the council chamber to the room adjoining the latter on the north, known as the "tramp room." The rush of business Mr. Hansen's office will heVeafter be locked and the officers will allow no more "hoboes" to stay around tbe place at night. Adjutant General Barry inspected the company at this place last Friday highland was very much pleased vfith their appearance. He reserved his decision, but it is confidently exp-cted they will be mustered in as part of the national guards. Jack Denson reports that his home on Winter6teen hill was broken Into fl 0 HER EYES 1 yesterday afternoon by some party, or parties, but, upon Investigation, noth ing of any value was missed. Things were found scattered about inside, ana it is thought to have been the work of some mischievous boys. Miss Clara Talmer will bo married at her home In Omaha tomorrow to Mr. Herman Kountze of New York city. It will, without aouDi, oe a very swell wedding. Both families are well and favorably known. Mr. Kountze is a prominent businessman in New York city, and has a beautiful home elegantly furnished iu waiting for his bride. Miss Palmer's many friends in this city wish her unbounded joy and happiness. "His Better Half." What a capital titlo to give a farce comedy. It is not only suggestive, but implies a mean ing concerning which there has been many a humorous misunderstanding. But there can be no such a misunder standing about the farce, "His Better Half." The object for which tho title is given will strike anybody who at tends the performance at White's opera house Wednesday evening, April being applicable to a htgniy funny degree, and the complications arising out of it will not so be forgotten by those who know how to appreciate a wholo quantity of merri ment. CKEENWOOl) ITEMS. Mrs. Oliver was a L'.ncoln visitor Saturday. norre B. Pickett visitod Omaha rr Saturday. O. P. Stewart of Murdock was a vi iter here Saturday. n K. llarr has ononed an othce in the blue front building. nrWl bns three doctors ana a dentist, and all are busy. nnrv Tlnnat of Plattsmouth was a Greenwood visitor last lnursuay. Humor savs wo are to have another newspaper in mo near iuiua'. Town property is changing owner ship, which indicates prosperity. T?nv r?arr has moved his slock of goods into the Fitzjerald buildng. A C. T.oder who has ben ill the . ! 1 1 past two years is rtcovennp rapiuiy. J. It. Barr visited Lincoln and Ilave- lock lust Thursday on re:il estr'e bus iness. A new boy of regula'ion weiirht at th hnmn of Frank H3U33 is doing nicely. Mr. Kern, the lumberman, has added o lino rf n crri cultural implements to his stcck. Corn is bringing 9 cents" in (Jreer- . , . . nlAnt.T 1 1 lMTCfn H It n TM II.H L( 11 3 UlC lliVUH cents a bushel . Mr. Hall, our now justice of the i i.. .i , : rt tMcp tins tieen aointr a ihuu i iu--e i . business the past few weeks. It rained almost all day Sunday acd the lady with an taster bat wore a look of disanointmcnt instead cf the bat. Two millinery stores are located in our village ana iuuy rj oiu-n. that would bo a credit to a city many times its size. County politics are not being dis cussed to any alarming extent as yet, but it is conceded that AV. II. Newell will bo renominated and that his rec ord at the last session entitles him to that honor. A gentleman by tuo name of Howard has been hero the pist two weeks in the interest of an insurance company. Wonder if he remembers the B. & M. 11. Loan and Building association stock ha sold a few' vears ago to the Platts mouth boys. If bo doesn't they do. D D B. A. McELWAIN, will brighten when Bhe re- cieves one of those Sterling Silver Bracelets $1.50 while they last. Tbe Jeweler. NE.W : ADVERTISEMENTS PAKKEK'S HAIR BALSAM Never rails to Bntort Oray Hair to its louinini w"or. Curc ralp dimm hair tailing. tiig.and $1 ion PEEgj The Coat Uncle Sam Made for Porto Rico does not seem to fit. Do you have any trouble getting a coat to fit? We want to see you we want to show you our coats we want you to try on one of our coats. We want to convince you that we can fit you. See our Extra Long- and our Short Pat Suits. WESCOTT 1 E. G. DOVEY & SON. Spring 7Fe are now prepared to show you the largest stock of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to the city. Our goods were pur chased at last year's prices, which means THE LOWEST, and patrons the lenejit. we are giving our Dress Goods All the latest Novelties in Tailor-made Suiting's, Cheviots, Coverts, Poplins, Venetians and Serges. lilies . An elegant line of Silks in blacks and colors bought direct from the mills. Wash Goods In imported Dimities, Egyptian Tissues, Satin Stripe Dimities, Foulards, etc. Best shirting prints, 5c; fine line of Ginghams reg-ular 15c kind for 10c ; nearly 100 styles to select from. Carpets We are the recognized leaders in this department and carry the larest stock in the count v. All an d Call and see our line wool 2-tilv Insirains at 5'V, our very best, Extra Superb, at 65c; present value, 75c. NEW PATTERNS.. Ve'vets, Moquettes and Axminsters. Made and Put Down for $1. Slioes, Shoes ! Cloth Top SEE THAT THIS C"""VS BRANDED I Vftw WS J 0N EVERY - T SHOE. We are sole for agents Light as A Feather Queen Quality Ladies' Shoes--$3 And Budd's Baby and Child's Shoes LACES Everything- in EMBROIDERIES, and YOKINGS. New Mattings, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Rugs. We are Window i axles still showing the best Shade in town for 35c. Onx'tains Lace Curtains from $1 per pair up. We are showing- NOTTINGHAMS, BRUSSELS and IRISH POINT. Agents for ..Butterick Patterns.. Most outward trains are at ! in Judo-a Archar'a court has neceSSl- tho expense of Inward losses. I tated this move. During his absence WKKFISCi WATER OTKS. Mrs. Chaflln, daughter of C. Brush, was buried Sunday. "William Spangler has been ver3' sick the past few days with pneumonia. Mrs. Beatty was buried Sunday. Her death was tho result of old age, being about eighty yeirs old. Mrs. Elmor llutchins died Saturday niht, and the funeral occurs Tuesday at 2 p. m. Consumption was the cause of her death. The rain Sunday interfered Fome what with the attendance at Easter . . . i i i services, but an me cuurcnea u ia r ranged splendid programs. J. P. Parkins is gradually improv ing. He has had a very long and crit ical anoll of Rickness. the result of rheumatism which affected the heart Tho annearance of show bills on tho bulletin boards remind some of the citizens that the shell game is simple, but hard to beat. April 27 is the date Of the ne xtcircus. - Editor A. U. May field has sold his residence property to S. J. Ambler. Mr. Mayiield will move his family to Omaha about May 1, where he is en gaged as reporter on the News. The band boys cleared over $60 on their concert. The entertainment was very fine, and it will not be long be fore the boys will be in a position to uniform. Dr. Fred R3ed of Colorado dropped in on a visit with his old friends Satur day evening. -Now gossips wTiisper there will be a wedding, and say the doctor will not return to the west alone. Miss Lillian Kauble and Miss Olga Hajek left this morning for leoum seh, where they have gone to take part in a concert to be given in that city tonight. Misses ivauoie anu HajeK are two of Plattsmouth's finest musicians and will please tho music loving people of Tecumseh. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The propri etors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis.hoarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on P. G. Fricke & Co. druggists, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c and 41. Every bottle guaranteed. Has just recieved a new stock of Woolen Goods which no Sample house jr. o. The Leading Tailor, i : Tf trmrli easier to nick out a Suit Miuwa in ottuin.oi - " - of clothes or pair of Trousers when you see the whole Diece of troods. The stock was bought prices, and you pet the benefit of the same, inff and repairing neatly done. Work of on first class. Shop in Leonard block up stairs at the old low Also clean- only one kind Notlca. To the People of Plattsmouth and Cass County: Save your money by buying your wall paper of the undersigned. I will save you 25 to 40 per cent. Compare my piper with any in town as to grade and price, and convince yourself. Call at cornerof North Seventh and Locust streets, or drsp me a card and I will bring Bample books to your home for examination. ALLEN STULTZ. Plattsmouth telephone 183. "I think De Witt's little early risers are the best pills in the world," says W. E. Lake, Happy Creek, Va, They remove all obstructions of the liver and bowels, act quickly and never gripe. P. G. Fricke & Co. Shinn keeps a full supply of eandies, fruits and nuts. Waterman block. The cigarmaker has left, and this reminds the writer that a cigarmaker who can make good goods can find plenty of customers to keep biui busy, and will receive every courtesy from the business men. We take pictures on any kind of a day fair or cloudy; rain or shine. Keedy & Co. For Sale Hedge posts. Inquire of William Morrow, Plattsmouth. IPATTON & BULGER, j JPmn ters and i Paper Hangers t SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PLATTSMOUTH 'PHONE (Shop 278 ) Ties. 75 "No family can afford to be without HI T U Yf)IR WANTS. une miuuie oouu vuro, a a cough and cure a cold quicker than any other medicine," writes C. W. Williams, Sterling Itun, Penn. It a .! J nil V. aano cures crcup. oronenms anu on mi.. and lung troubles and prevents sumption. Pleasant and harm'ess G. Fricke & Co. con- F. Try The News a week 10c. Base Ball Good TENNIS, J CROQUET, J HAMMOCKS J Spring" goods endless va- riety prices right. i LEHNHOFRS ; BOOK STORE. Z (Special notices under this licad will be charged for at the rate of one-haK (t-i) cent per word for each insertion.) FUK 8AI.K. FOR SU.E-Karly Ohio seed potatoes at 2D cents a bushel. Call at depot at Oreapoh. ,OK SAI I-.-A ole Eighth street. F,.', sound. A a uW&Zn COK S M -K Kitfht ro'iii house, with lot . at &th and'l-ocust sts. Address C. Uoyle.Tl North Sixteenth st. Omaha. Neb. Thirty stand of Italian bees and a large ice refrigerator. Inquire ol D. K. liarr. rOK SALE I FOK SALE Good four-room house, six lots, with well and cistern. Five minutes walk from 11. & M. shi ds. li vou want a bargain, sec James Kebal, at tie broom factory. w MISCELLANEOUS. ANTED Men and women for soliciting. Good territory and eood waues. ror par ticulars address K U. box No. 1U77, I'lattsmouth, Neb. WANTED Ladies to learn to cut from actual measure. We have nice positions for the right persons. Standard Dress Cutting acad einy. 118 North Sixth street. Opposite postorhce