Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 10, 1900, Image 4

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Committee of the Council
lected to Do the "Work.
Larz GrUt of Election Expanse Passed
Cpon FaTorably By tne Finance Com
mitteeNew City Office Present to
Get m Few Pointers Other Happen
ing of Local Interest.
The city 4,dad" held their regular
meeting laat evening, and upon roll
call it was found that" Ilerold was the
only absentee. Mayor-elect Parmele
and Councilmeo-elect Patterson, Bach,
Schlater and Neumann were present,
with a view of getting some idea how
the "thing is done" before taking
their seats.
Clerk Kerr read a communication
from a number of Fifth ward citizens.
wbioh asked the council to have a cui
vert put in on Cutoff street. Wise ad
dltlon. The matter was placed in the
hands of the streets committee, with
the privilege of ordering a culvert put
In of sufficient size to carry the water
from that street.
The resignation of Policeman Tom
Fry was accepted .
A communication from County At
torney Root, calling attention to cer
tain paving taxes on Main street ana
asking that the city attorney be in
structed to look up the same, was next
read by the clerk, and a motion to this
effect carried.
Beports of the police judge and city
marshal were referred to the police
The clerk's annual report, showing
the city's earning and expenditures.
was read and the same referred to the
finance committee.
Treasurer Cook's report was also
read, showing a balance on hand of
$9,255.64. On motion same was placed
In the hands of the committee on
While the finance committee was
considering the accounts against the
city, Mayor Richey appointed Messrs.
Buttery, Sattler and John Lutz as s
committee to canvass the vote of the
recent election. In the meantime a
recess was taken.
A number of minor changes in the
majorities of several of the newly
elected officers were made, and a re
vised table, showing
turns as passed upon
will be found below:
tne omcial re-
by the council,
O A Kswla. r .
T E Parmele. d .
B O Hadiey, soc.
W N Baird. r. ....
W K Fox. d
J Jacobson. soc
E W Cook, r
W BElster. d .....
L Lelner. soc
Police judge:
I. Huater. r
M Archer, d
F Eckley. soc
Council men lstward
B A MeElwain. r.
T M Patterson, d
Second ward:
H W Rhoades. r
F Schlater. d
Si Bajek. soc
Third ward:
Robert Hayes, r
J Oorey. d
A Carlson. soc. ........
Fourth ward:
B L Kirkham. d
F K Ballance, r
Frank Neumand, soc ..
Fifth ward:
A Bach, d
M M Beal. r
G O Co alt. soc
H 1) T H
rr o o
P- 3. ;.;
110 60 42 33
142 ION 841613
10) 10,
Mi 71 6C
74U9 445
93;73 4W
28 7 75
11178 604
60 50 334
16 4 49
The total vote for members of school
board was follows: Ballance, 550;
Dovey, 495; Dodge, 473; Bamsey, 418;
Herold, 121: Wolfenberger, 64.
The finance committee reported fav
orabiy upon the following claims, to
gather with a large number of election
expenses, and warrants were ordered
drawn for the same upon the various
W W Slater, salary $ 50 00
T T Fry. same 48 00
. WRishel, special police... 3 00
B Klldow. same 2 50
FMoir.wood 25
M Archer, uncollected fees 8 00
Journal, printing- 31 00
L Shoemaker, street work 1 SO
E loses, same 4 20
Tom Klldow, same 12 43
. Ed Fitzgerald, same 3 90
C Hendrickson. same 13 20
. H O McMaken. same 190
J Patrtdge. same 16 80
Eblnger Hardware Co, rndse 9 15
William Hassler. blacksmithing 7 30
M Hlatt, dray age 30
T J Hansen, salary 40 00
- L Klldow. building sidewalks 32 98
. A resolution, imposing a S3 occupa
tion, tax upon all fire insurance com
,. pan lea doing business in the city, was
presented and, on motion of Sattler,
the same was referred to the "judici
nary" committee.
After ordering some necessary re
pairs on sidewalks in different parts of
the city.a motion to adjourn prevailed.
Attempted Burglary.
- Saturday night thieves attempted to
burglarize the postoffice at Unadilla.
They gained admission to the postoffice
and drilled the safe, but were fright
ned away before completing the job.
Thar cot nothings As soon as Miss
Butt, the postmistress, saw what had
been done she secured some blood
hounds and the thieves were tracked
to Flmwood and there all trace of them
was lost. Nebraska City News.
Took a Mean Advantage.
Crum" Stewart filed a suit in Jus
tice Archer's court today against Isaac
Goohenhawer, alleging, among other
things, that the defendant entered
aid plaintiff's house while the latter
was serving a jail sentence, and re
moved certain fixtures therefrom, in
addition to turning the stock loose to
roam at large. 4,Crum" asks that the
court grant him the small sum of $175
as damages, and the trial of the case
has been set for April 16
Just a few more eight-day clocks
loft at Coleman's. They are going at
Henry Ahl of Louisville was in town
Prepared by masters in their work
Devoe's paint.
The wall paper samples are cow
ready at Geriof & Co.'s.
Atwood sells condensed smoke for
preserving meat.
Djugbnuts, cookies, buns, 'oils, etc
at the Vienna bakery.
Call at the Vienna bakery for fresh
bread, cakes, pies, etc.
Ed Tighe and William Heeney of
Manley were in town today.
A. W. At wood's drug store id head
quarters for wall paper and paint.
Why have that tired feeling when
one bottle of Trifoleum will remove it?
Reserve Tbur.cNy evening, April
19th, for the King's Daughter music
A full stock of dry plates in amateur
sizes at Gering &Co.'rf. Highest grade
W. O. Ogden, J. W. Sperry and O,
Keil were in town today from Weep
ing Water.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water transacted legal business in the
city today.
A large plate-glass window in the
postoffice was broken this morning by
the heavy wind.
Any number of attractive articles
will be on sale in the Easter window at
Snyder's jewelry store.
If you would like to be informed as
to what low prices are lock in the win
dows of Coleman's jewelry store.
More medicine in one bottle of Syrup
of Trifoleum than in one half dozen
bottles of ordinary Sarsaparilla, etc
Hudecek & McElroy, for the next
thirty days, will make a discount of
20 ?.er cent on all suitings and trous
The Lidie? Auxiliary to the Presby
terian church will give a supper in the
basement of the church on Tursday,
April 12.
There are a few more sets of Rogers'
spoons left at Coleman's. He is sell
ing them, at $1.65 per set regular
price $3.
Something good; something funny
at Steven Davis' Thursday evening,
April 12. Admission 15 cents; chil
dren 10 cents.
Sheriff Wheeler made another trip
to Lincoln this morning, taking the
two young prisoners, Jones and Lie,
to the "pen."
The C E. society of the Christian
church will open the ice cream season
Friday evening at the A. O. U. W.
hall. Ice cream 10 en 1 3.
Cuts, wound-", burns, sprains and
bruises quickly heal if you apply Bal
lard's snow liniment. Price 2cU and
50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Syrup Tri.olium compound is not an
ordinary patent medicine, but is made
after a well established formula, which
has stood the test for efficiency. Ger
ing & Co.
The entertainment to have been
given oy the ladies of the Catholic
church April 16 has been postponed
until April 24. Further announcement
will appear later.
The Vienna bakery now has a bread
wagon, and anyone wishing bread de
livered at their homes can leave or
ders at the store or call up Nebraska
telphone No. 216.
At 11:30 this morning Judge Doug
lass performed the marriage ceremony
of Max Price and Maud May O.lir,
both prominent young people of Cedar
Creek. A brother of the groom and
Mrs. Fredia Roble, a sibler, witnessed
the happy event.
Many people suffer unto'd tortures
from piles, because of the popular im
pression that they cannot be cured
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment will
cure them. It has met with absolute
success. Price, 50 cts in bottle?, tubes
75 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The fire alarm was again sounded
about 11 o'clock this morning. Some
one had started a bon - fire on Tbird
street, in the First ward, and the
heavy wind caused the flames to spread
rapidly, and for a time the adjoining
buildings were in great danger of be
ing destroyed. The fire department
made a run to the scene, but in the
meantime the flames were gotten under
control and no damage to property re
Pacific Juiitionite Miscalculates
the Location of a Bridge.
As a Result of Which He Is Suddenly
Sobered Cp Local Toughs Hold a
Lively Celebration and Start Oat On m
Toar of Destruction Other Important
Local Mews.
From Monday's Daily.
A couple of young men from Pacific
Junction came to this city on horse
back early yesterday morning to spend
the day. The nearest way to this city
from the ferry is round Rocky Point,
and over a small bridge which spans a
channel below the mouth of Happy
Hollow. During their stay in town
they managed to procure an ample sup
ply of liquid lightning and soaked up a
quantity thereof, and, by the time they
were ready to return were feeling
pretty good in fact,so good that they
didn't notice that the river had raised
several feet since morning. The bridge
and adjacent bar were covered with
water, to a depth of more than a foot.
When this little bridge was reached.
one of the young fellows was fortunate
enough to get across it without any
trouble, but the other one miscalcu
lated the location of the 6tructure,and
suddenly both horse and rider sunk
into a pool of water which, for a mo
ment, appeared to be bottomless; but
after a hard struggle, thev suceeded
in getting out of their perilous predic
It is safe to say that the young man
was suddenly sobered up, in addition
to getting a thorough drenching; but
otherwise no damages resulted, as far
as heard from, and the journey home
ward was continued without further
Young Toughs Celebrate.
Several young sports, whose names
were not learned, loaded up on "fire
water" Saturday evening and started
out to paint things red. They went
out to a residence located at the inter
section of Sixth street and Lincoln
avenue, opposite the B. & M. store
house, where they disturbed the peace
and quiet of the neighborhood by let
ting forth some loud yells, tearing up
the sidewalk and incidentally tossing a
stone or two through the windows.
while several shots from a revolver
were also heard.
Fortunately no one was killed, and
while no arrests have as yet been made.
it is safe to predict that the parties
will be called up to appear before
Judge Archer and explain this matter.
Demise of Father Kugrne Carney.
From Monday's daily.
Father Eugene Cirney, who" for the
past year has been making his home
in this city with his brother, Rev.
Father J. T. Carney of the Catholic
cnurcn, aiea at z o ciock tnis morning
with consumption. The deceased be
longed to the Albany, JJ. Y , diocese,
and his illness was mainly brought on
by over-work. He came to this city
about a year ago, in hopes of regain
ing his health.
The deceased was about thirty-three
years of age, and was a remarkably
bright young man having been a
regular ordained priest of the Catho'.ic
faitb for eight years.
The remains will lie in slate at the
parochial house in this city from 10:30
a. m. tomorrow until the departure oi
the evening east-bound train, at which
time they will be shipped to his home
in New York for burial. Rev. Father
Ftizgerald will conduct high mass at
10:1.0 tomorrow morning, and it is ex
pected that a cumber of other visiting
priests will be in attendance.
Commissioners Proceedings.
PLATTSMOUTH, April 3. The board
met pursuant to adjournment with the
full board present. The minutes of
the last session were read and ap
proved. N. D. Talcott was appointed county
physician in the fifth district. The
following resolution was adopted: It
is hereby ordered that the c runty
treasurer proceed to collect all per
sonal taxes according to law, and
Thomas Pollock was employed to as
sist in the treasurer's office or three
months, beginning April 1, at $00 per
month. Resolution was adopted re
questing the board of county commis
sioners of Sarpy county to enter into a
joint contract with this board to re
pair the Platte river bridge uear
The county attorney was instructed
to foreclose cn the following property
for delinquent taxes: Lot 3, block 1,
Park addition to Weeping Water;
lot 82, 18-12-14.
April 4. A contract was signed
with G. V. Allen as county physician
in the second district and his bond
was approved. Official bond of C. W.
r-t . -w .
opence, constaoie in J.ouisviiie pre
cinct, was approved.
The following claims were allowed
on the general fund:
J P Falter, salary and expense. $ 6 75
Turner Zink, same 2 70
J W Cox, same 32 40
Plattsmouth Telephone com
pany rents and toils 22 50
W D Wheeler, opening court. . 50 00
Mrs Fleeschman, care pauper.. 18 00
J D McBride, boarding prison
ers 53 75
A Gorder, Btock cutter for poor
farm 23 00
W D Wheeler, guarding jail. . . 42 00
F S Wrhite, rndse to poor 11 CO
R W Hyere, bailiff 44 CO
B J Hempel, salary 60 00
Ebinger Hardware Co, incise to
county 3 80
G L Farley, printing 11 !)
W C Smith, salary, etc 101 50
Robert Clark Co, mdse 5 00
State Journal, mdse to county . 12 0!)
will brighten when 6he re
cieves one of those Sterling
Silver Braceieti $1.60 while
they last.
(j The Jeweler.
Fill. I M
Clean-, and brautif-M tb hale.
Promotes -tururtanl growth.
Never Vails to Beatore Gray
Hair to ita Youthful Color.
c. am! 1 1 IM at Irurtritf
I Jl I 1 " V1
1 I
1 I 1
The "Boss" Clothiers.
Carnegie and Fricl. have be
oome friend again. The tie
that binds is the Almighty Dol
lar. It is the earn, kind of tie
that binds you to u, aod ret we
hope it ii not only the money
you save that binds you to us,
but that you appreciate our ef
forts to serve you with good
merchandise. Just notico the
new spring creations in our cor
ner window.
pring s a
36 00
A C Carey, salary 50 00
Lyman Kildow, work 27 00
Plattsmouth Tribune, printing. 43 00
A Helps, mdse to county 3 40
Mrs R E Yoder, care of pauper 10 00
A H Weckbach, mdso to poor.. 0 30
C C Smith, mdse to county 3
J Ilatt, mdso to poor 10
County judge, fees
Daily Post, p-inting 17
John Swoboda, mdse to poor.. .
J M Joronshek, tame 5
August Bach, same
A9her Clark, same 11
E E Hilton, work 8
S A Davis, oil
County treasurer, taxes paid
into general fund ,
M Gering, fees in Lee caso
Hammond Bros & Stevens,mdec
to county 3.5
Sam Kitts, tak'ng insar.o man to
Plattsmouth 12
E Palmer, mdse to poor 12
D M Johnson,'ion on
taxes collected
Ejenberger &- Troop, coal to
county 101
Wurl & Coffey, mdse to poor
G W Norton, rent for pauper. ..
Nichols & Echols, mdse to poo-.
S F Girardet, same .
J L Root, sal and exp tiret qua- -
Jurors certificates p iid
Nebraska Telephone company,
rents and toils
District road fund:
L B Cunningham, overseer's
settlement district No. 51 3100
Board adjourned to meet April 17.
mi 1 . . .
no litmous vnneuser-Lsuscn Deer 13
IFe are now prepared to show you the
largest stock of Spring and Summer Goods
ever Drought to the city. Our goods were pur
chased at last year's prices, ichich means
TEE LOWEST, and we aie giving our
patrons the benefit.
Dress Goods
All the latest Novelties in Tailor-made Suitings,
Cheviots, Coverts, Poplins, Venetians and Serg-cs.
. . lilies..
An eleg-ant line of Silks in blacks and colors
boug-ht direct from the mills.
Wash Goods
In imported Dimities, Eg-yptian Tissues, Satin
Stripe Dimities, Foulards, etc. Best shirting
prints, 5c; fine line of Ging-hams reg-ular 15c
kind for 10c ; nearly 100 styles to select from.
Siloes, Shoes !
00 x
25 do $ v.x. r
so Top. vcfeyZ SEE
y? r ?F"c7 AT TH,S
0 8 TS
5 50 V. A. SJ1 HTOlMAHK
X5 I ll. tTr BRANDED
7 83 & ... V J
g Light as
432 40 A Feather ,s,,-1,,
8 00
We are the recognized leaders in
this department and carrj' the
larest stock in the county.
Call and see our fine
wool 2-ply Ingrains at 5()c,
our very best, Extra Superb,
65c; present value, 75l.
Moquettes and
Made and Put Down for $1 .
We are sole
J. W. Sperry'a National Moaeam.
J. W. Sperfy, who has been gather
ing war scenes and relics far the past
fourteen years, will be in Plattsmouth
April 16 and 17. He has many scenes
of the recent war in Cuba and the
Philippines, showing a soldier's life in
actual warfare, the camp, the march,
the tiring lines, hospitals and buttle
fields. Old and young will eDjoy see
log them. Remember the dates
Apil 16 and 17.
Deserted Hla Wife.
From Monday's Daily.
Daniel McNeally, a stone mason,
who has lately been staying with the
family of J. B. Higley, packed up. his
belongings yesterday and departed for
parts unknown. McNeally has a wife
in the city, but, owing to domestic
troubles, they have not been living to
Beforo leaving, however, he re
quested a friend to deliver a message
to his better half, in substance to the
effect that he was going far from the
scene of his present trials and tribula
tions, and that she need not look for
him, as be had gone, like the waters
of the little old brook, to return ne'er
A pang of remore, a few tears, and
thus ends another unhappy marriage.
For Sale Span of "bay horses; six
years old; weight 2,200; also wagon and
harness. Inquire of Frank Davis.
Marriage of Or. W . A. Humphrey.
The following, in regard to the re
cent marriage of Dr. W. A. Humph
rey at Cheshire, O., is taken from the
Gallipolis Journal:
A quiet wedding that linked the
hearts and destiny of two estimable
people was celebrated at Cheshire at 8
o'clock Wednesday evening. The
couple alluded to is Dr. William Ar-
mine Humphrey of Plattsmouth, Neb.,
and Mrs. Alberta Armel of Cheshire.
The ceremony mentioned above
was recited by D Davis, president of
Rio Grande college, in the presence of
only a lew friends. The marriage oc
curred at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Daniel M iuck.
"Dr. and Mrs. Humphrey will spend
the week among relatives in this
county, leaving next week for Cincin
nati, Marion and Chicago. Mrs.
Humphrey has an extensive acquaint
ance in this county. She is a refined,
cultured and captivating lady, who
will make the gentleman of her favor
a most congenial helpmeet. Down the
stream of time a host of frieads wish
them happiness."
Impressive ironerl Services.
The funeral of Father Eugene C ir
ney occurred this morning at 10:30 at
the Catholic church, where a large
number of sympathizing friends had
gathered to pay a last tribute of re
spect to one, who, although he had
lived in the community but little more
than a year, they had learned to love
and admire.
There were ten visiting priests in
attendance, and they escorted the re
mains from the parochial residence to
the church. Father Emanuel of Ne
braska City was celebrant of the
requiem mass, while Father Ilenneesev
of Louisville acted as deacon. Father
McKenna of Nebraska City as sub-
deacon and Father Bor of Wahoo aa
master of ceremonies. The services
were very impressive and the tributes
paid to the departed brother priest
were of a high character.
The remains will He in state until 8
o'clock this evening, at which time
Father J. T. Carney and Miss Rose
Riley will leave with them on the east-
bound train for Col roes, N. Y., where
final services and interment will bo
now on tap at the Casino saloon.
H1.00 Ke ward SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
mat science has been able to cure m all its
stapes, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is tne only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity, catarrh being- a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting- directly
upuu .iic uiduu auu mucous suriaces oi tne svs
tern, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they offer One
Hundred uollars lor any case that it fails to cure
send tor list ot testimonials.
Address. F.J, hhney &Co., Toledo. O
Sold by Druggists 75c
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
Dr. Byron W. King of Pittsburg
well known to Cass county teacher?
was in the city for two or throe hours
this afternoon, earoute to Bellevue,
where he is billed to lecture tonight.
He has been lecturing in the south
and last night lectured at Clarinda,
Use Devoe's
paint and be sure of
Shake Into Your Shoes.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing, nervous feet, and instantly takes
the sting out of corns and bunions
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Allen's Foot-Easo makes
iigni or new snoes ieei eay. it is a
certain cure for sweating, callous and
hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today
Sold by all druggists and shoe stores
By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial
package free. Address, Allon S. du
sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Platte River irny.
I am again prepared to do a general
ferrying business over the Platte river
at Oreapolis. My rates are reasonable.
Public patronage is solicited.
Peter Noun, Ferryman.
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of weari
ness and lassitude. To dispel this feel
ing take ; it will impart vieor
and vitality. Price 50 cents. F. G
Fricke & Co
Practical Temperance Work.
Dr. Disbrow has commenced his re
formatory work in Plattsmouth. Sev
eral of our well known citizens are be
ing treated by the doctor. The
News will keep its readers posted as
to results. The doctor is highly en
dorsed by the press and pulpit.
And Budd's Baby
and Child's Shoes
New Mattings,
We are still showing- the
Window Shade in town for
Everything- in
..Butterick Patterns.. g
per pair
Lace Curtains from $1
up. w e are showing-
Spreads Like Wlldre.
When things are "the best" they be
come 'the best selling-" Abraham
Hare, a leading druggist,of Belleville,
O., writes: "Electno Bitters are the
best selling bittero I have handled in
20 years. You know why? Most diseases
begin in disordersof the stomach, liver,
kidneys, bowels,blood and nerves. Elec
tric Bitters tones up the stomach, reg
ulates liver, kidneys and bowels, puri
fies the blood, strengthens.the nerves,
hence cures many maladies. It builds
up the entire system, puts new life and
vigor into any weak, sicitly, run-down
man or woman. Price 50c. SolbB G.
Fricke & Co., druggist.
JP&m ters
Paper Hangers
Shop 278
'j Res. 75
Notice of Guardian' Sale.
In District Court. Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter of the application
of David Pitman, as guardian
of Atlanta J. Cable.
Sanfori I. Cable, David C.West.
E. K Maloney. Catherine Chi
dister. S. L. 1 urlonz and Mar
cus Furlong, next of kin, and
all other persons interested in
the estate of Atlanta I. Cable.
I. the undersigned cuarrlian will nn tVi 1?h
day of May. A.D.. 1900, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the
south door of the court house in the city of
Plattsmouth. county of Cass, Nebraska, offer foW
at puDiic sale the north half of the northwest
quarter of section twenty-nine (2. and the
south half of the southwest quarter of aection
twenty (Jit), all in township eleven til), north of
range thirteen (13). in said countv of Cass, state
ot Nebraska, including all the risht of dower
and homestead of said ward, Atlanta J. Cable,
as well as all the interest ot her husband, can
ford I Cable, therelc. and will convey to the
purchaser at said sale all the title of said San
ford L. Cable and Atlanta J. Cable therein, and
will convey said title to the purchaser by deed
irom in is guardian lor tne interest ot said At
lanta J. Cable and a deed from the said Sanford
1. Cable, her husband, convevincr his interpt
therein. aid sale will be he held nnen nn hour,
The right will be reserved to reject any and all
This sale is made nursuant tn an nri1r nf 1h
Honorable Paul lessen, judge of the district
court, entered on April 2, A D. 190"). in the above-
entitled cause. DAVID PITMAN.
Byron Clark and C. A. Rawls.
Attorneys for Guardian
First publication April 104
Legal Notice.
Tn niaener .fc Perzen. non-resident defendants
ou, and each ot you. are hereby notified mat
The Countv of Cass, in the state ot Piebrasica.
nn thr Uth dav of ADril. A D. 1900. filed its pet
tion against vou in the district court of Cass
county, Nebraska, in which also are impleaded
as defendants (jnnsiian n reiersen. ei ai; tne
obiect and purpose ot said petition is to fore
close delinquent taxes against lots 3 and 4. in
block 11, Young & Hayes' addition to the city of
Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, for the
taxes levied thereon for state, county, city and
school district purposes for the years lrfl to lft).
inclusive, in the sum ol $130.78, and to also fore
close delinquent taxes against lot 5. in block 8,
said city of Plattsmouth. for such taxes for said
years in the sum of $144. 85.- to decree the inter
est of all said defendants in said property sub
ject to said liens, to sell said DroDertv In satis
faction thereof and for equitable relief.
Vou are reouired to answer said petition on or
betore Monday, the 21st day of May. A D. lsrtO-
By Its attorney, Jesse L. Root.
First publication April 104 I
Referees Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Leroy Allison, )
James Allison, Robert Kendall.
Mary Kendall, children and I
heirs of Racheal Kendall, de- !
ceased, Mary Swan Davis. Win- f
field Swan, Clara James and Ada I
Swan Clark, children aod heirs
of Margaret Anu Swan, de- 1
ceased. j
We, the undersigned referees, will on tlie 12th
day of May, A. D. laOO. at two o'clock p m.. of
fer for sale at public vendue the north half of the
southwest quarter of section twenty-six t26). in
township eleven (11). north of range thirteen
(!'. in the county of Cass, Nebraska, and sell
the same to the best bidder for each. This sale
is made under and by virtue of a decree entered
in the above entitled cause on the 3d day of
April. A. U. 1900. by the Honorable Paul lessen,
judge of the district court, after confirming said
referees' report that said property could not be
divided among the owners entitled thereto.
David Pitman.
H. t.. OI.UHAM.
R. W. Hvehs.
Samuel M. Chapman, attorney for plaint rf .
First publication April JO 5.
(Special notices under this head will be charged
for at the rate of one-half (;) cent per word
for each insertion.)
FOR SAIK Kight-ro' in house, with Int.. at th
and Locust sts. Address C. Doyle, North
Sixteenth st. Omaha. Neb.
FOR SALE Thirty stand of Italian bfes and a
large ice refi igeratur. Inquire of I. K. fiarr.
COR SAI.E-A good
I lots, with ft variety of
blocks from pnstothce.
icquire of A. W. White.
room house anil two
fiuit. About seven
For further inlor inat:ou
Final Settlement of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob F. Huber,
All persons interested in the estate of Jacob
F. Huber, deceased, are hereby notified that up
on the 4th day of April, A D. 1MUU. the adminis
trator, John D. Ferguson, hied a petition in said
county court, praying that his final administra
tion account hied herein be settled and allowed
and that he be discharged from his trust as ad
ministrator, and that the residue of said estate
be assigned to such rersons as are by law en
titled to the same, and for an order of court fix
ing a time for the hearing and for examination of
said final report, and for the allowance thereof.
xnereiore. it you fail to appear oei ore saiu
court on the 3uth dav of ADril. AD. 1900. at 11
o'clock a. m . and contest said petition, the
court may grant the prayer of said petition and
make such other and further allowances and de
crees as to this court may seem proper to the
end that all matters pertaining to said estatemay
be finally determined.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and the seal of the county court this Sth
day of April. A. D. lfc'K). J. E- Douglass.
Byron Clark and C A. Rawls. attorneys for
the estate-
First publication April 10. 4
SALE Good four-room house, six lots.
h well and cistern, rive minutes walk
from H. & M. sh ps. If you want a bargain, see
James Rebal, at the broom factory.
One and a fourth
house and outbuildings.
acres of land, good hou
Enquire at Louis Olsen's billiard hall.
ANTED Men and women for soliciting.
Good territorv and good wages, fur par
ticulars address P. U. box .No t lattsrnouth.
m Attraction..
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
tt our store this week in our
di .pl ay of
nnJ Booklets. All the Egg dyes
you want for 5c.