The Semi-Mf ekly News-Hera'd 6E0RGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor. TIATT.Y EDITION. One Year, in advance, 2J Six Months On Week, Single Copies, siMl.TIEKLT EDITION. SI 00 Uae X ear, m - ' Six Months 50 10 5 50 T.E LARGEST GIRGULATION Of any Cass County v aper. TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1900. MaRYVIIXB, Mo., baa three cases of smallpox. a iv,n'.iata and free vv Heat. j kw - Bilver republicans come in on the fu sion tieket? T.-wp-a TTttnter id keeping bis oppo nent euessing. They are bolh making a quiet campaign o o o j -O -J -J - wo o -o o -- JO o JL 1 11 f Dry Goods o -- o -o o -o MO 3 0 0 0 3 -O Easter Is And we are prepared for it. We have secured an elegant line of Dress Goods and there is no reason any lady customer can not be nicely dressed on that day. Our line of Plaids cannot be equalled in this city. Fancy Wool Plaids for Skirts that will please vou and a nice line of Brilliantines. We have an extra fine line of Table Linen, which was bought at a low figure, and we are going to give our customers the benefit of it. MOKE StFJRIXG GOODS COMING. ZUCKWESLER & LUTZ. 25 wo -o o wo wo J Dress Goods V A A A A A AAA w3 j 5 j "j S3 j o wo wo AAAAAAAAAA 53 5o -o o wo o wo wo o wo .ii a .mi'"' . .!!" f iiJ.r" I -- n, II. ,1 ''II .il V Grover Cleveland denies the statement that he favors the renomin ation of W. J. Bryan. DR. BEARING PROMOTED IT TOOK the jury less than an hour te decide on a verdict of "not guilty" in the Horlocker case. m - 1 . Governor I'oynter jiik. Good Selection. Gov. Taylor is going to stand his ground until the points at; isr-ue are passed upon by the United States su preme court. That Official Appoints Mr. Wearing to the Suprint-ndency of the Institue tor the Feeble Minded Vonth At Beatrice -John lloedecker Dies Suddenly At Louisville. W. H. Dearinpr,formerly of this city, who has been the assistant superin- tnrlnt at the Lincoln insane asylum. It is rumored that Ed Morrison, Beacon, will start a paper at Murdock has been appointed to the position pi uc ' I . . 3 t Ylo. tntft Institute in the near future. PAWNEE county, in its convention endorsed E. J. Burkett for congress. CaBS will do the same trick at Weeping' Water next Saturday. IT LOOKS as though the Porto Rico bill would be passed by the senate. Nehraska'a senators were both absent ohon thfl vote was taken on J COkUl V . " " " " I the proposition to strike out the pro- of Cass county was .nnArintAndent cf the State lostnuie for Feeble Minded Youth at Beatrice. r i : ta nnnr.intment. the speaKiu): i vuw f t Omnha Ree savs: "B. F. hang of York, one of Gover nr Vnvnter'a aPDoiatees, no longer holds the title of superintendent of the State Institute for Feeb'cj Minded Youth at Beatrice. He was relieved of this position by Governor Poynter thU morninff and Dr. W. H. Deering nnnointed as his ' I vision for a 15 per cent duty on Rican products. Forto THE scenein district court this morn ing reflected no credit on the attorney who participated in it. The efforts to bulldoze the court were ineffectual and al conduct in with- drawing from the case because the couit's rulings did not suit him met with the rebuke it properly deserved. SOME POLITICAL ASPIRANTS. Weeping Water Republican. The Nehawka Register suggests the name of E. M. Pollard for governor. This paper seconds the nomination. Mr. Pollard is a gocd, capable man, and we believe with his splendid abil ity for organization he could carry the party to victory. J. A. Donelan, J. I. Corley and Fred flnrddr. three nominees on the license ticket, sent written declinations to the city clerk, but as they were not sworn to the names of these gentlemen will appear on the ballots. Mr. Donelan requests the Republican to say that he declined in good faith and he did not e-rnect his name would appear on the ballots. He hopes no one will vote for him, as he will not qualify if he should ba elected. Mr. Thompson of Lincoln is "gain an aspirant for senatorial honors. The republicans of this state have not forgotten that after Mr. Thompson saw that he might secure the prize he failed to secure republicans enougn, however, who were willing to go back on their party caucus to make the scheme win. This bit of treachery on Mr. Thompson's part should, and we believe it has, buried him for all time as a possible candidate for office in the republican party. A man who will sell his party out for his own selfish ends is capable of doing great wrong in the United' States senate and he should not be trusted for a moment. INFORMATION AND OPINION. . Ml 1 . . . A n successor. JNo ctiange win ub ui, the institution, however, until about May 1. and M-. L.ang will remain at the head at the head of the institution until that time- Governor Poynler issued a statement this morning of the result of his in vestigation at Beatrice last ween., ex onerating Dr. Lang from all charges preferred against him but that of being incapable of governing his subordin ates. Governor Poynter announces that Dr. Lang voluntarily tendered his resignation, but in tne light ol tne fight waged during the past few months by the superintendent of the Beatrice institution, it is the general impression that he was given the alternative of resigning or being discharged. It is announced thatDr. Deering will be permitted to choose his own stew ard and that Governor Poynter will accept his recommendation and appoint the man preferred. From Saturday's Daily. Charles C. Parmele vs. the Peoples' Building, Loan and Savings associa tion. Defendant is given leave to tne answer. Theo. Boedecker vs. Wm. J. Welsh ans et al. Motion to dissolve restrain ing order submitted and sustained. Fred Patterson vs Ben McCulloch. Motion for additional security on bond sustained. Whitman vs. Bennett. Motion to modify order appointing receiver sus tained. Tighe vs. Farmers Mutual Fire In surance company. Motion for new trial overruled. Sattler vs. C, R I. P. railway com- .. .. V--. J t rl pany Motion lor new iriai suuum"." and overruled. Goos vs. Goos. Motion for new trial submitted. First National bank of Greenwood I vs. VanDoren. Defendant is given ten days in which to answer. State vs. Hughes. M -lion for re heating overruled. Dyer vs. Wiley. Objections to confirm tion overruUd. Wilkinson vs. Wilkinson. Evidence oil talfon. trial concluded and cause taken under advisement. The republican electors of Cass county are hereby called to meet in convention, to be held in Weeping Water, on Saturday, April , 1900, at l o'clock p. m.,for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the state convention, to be held at Lincoln May 2; also dele gates to the First district congres sional convention, to be held In Lin coln April 12, 1900. Primaries to select delegates to county convention will be held on Sat- Mnrt, .11 - Rnrpsentation is urutiv. uittivu " ---i based upon vote cast for governor in 189S, oeing ODe delegate for each twelve votes or mnjor fractiou thereof, and one delegate at largojor each pre cinct or ward. Following is given the time and place for holding primaries numh,r nf delegates to which each ward or precinct is entitled: Precinct. C1J Avnra. Avoca 7. v'" Center, Manley ......... L Kioht Miletirovc. tici. mjiuw nu.a-- - . On being asked the other day to what he attributed his long life and good i,..ith Wm M. "Evarts reDlied: I do not know, unless it is that I never took any exercise." The questioner re garded this as a joke, of course, but it is a fact that the ex-senator objects to any physical exertion, and often hires a cab to avoid walking a block. Half a dozen foreigners appeared be fore Judge Lnt of Worcester, N. Y., last week, applying for naturalization papers. The judge looked them over, Sadden Death in the Field. John Boedecker, living two miles scuth of Louisville, was at work plow ing in his field yesterday morning. At about 11:30 o'clock he brought his team to one end of a furrow, turned the team about as if to start back on the next furrow. He then dropped the lines, took his hands from the plow bandies, and fell forward on bis face dead. His little four-year-old-3on had been in the field with him, and when be saw his father fall, ran to him and tried to arouse him by his cries, but to no purpose, and he ran to tne uouse and told his mother. Word was soon sent to town, and Coroner Gass was telephoned for. No inquest was found necessary, however, as it was apparent that he had died of heart failure. Deceased was about twenty-eight years of age, and leaves a widow and ihn snn ahnve sDoken of. He was in apparent good health, and his sudden charea . . . l. . . . t r r tViA r r m I demise was a Breni tuim .w -" munity. He was the son of Theodore Boedecker, one of the pioneers of that vicinity, and was farming on the home nlace. His brothers, Louis, of Louis- oillp and Charles H.. living west of Murray, are well known residents of the county. The funeral has ben set for tomor row at 2 o'clock, from the residence the old Boedeker homestead. Pound For the Defendant. The case of Brenizer vs. Stam, which was on trial to a jury yesterday in Justice Archer's court, was com n'eted last evening, the jury bringing i n ii VP rdirtt f r the defense. The suit was on a note given in Custer county as a commission for a loan. The de fense claimed the note, in addition to ihn Interest eivea on the loan made it HUV c- usurious. The jury may have thought both defenses proven. Nobody but the jury knows, however. Valuable Art Kxhlblt Free. Couotv Supetintendent Smith has fortunately arranged to give interested citizens of Plattsmonth and vicinity an oDDOrtunitv of examining the art ex hibit which has been on display at Weeping Water during the pendency of the teachert, institute this week The exhibit will be displayed in the ennntv Riinerintendent's rooms at the court house on Wednesday and Thurs dav next. April 4 and -5. This exhibit should be seen to be ap nrociated. More than a hundred val uable pictures representing the work of most of the world's most famous artists, will be found in this collection It will consist of carbons,photographs, platino print", photo prints, platin- ettes, black-and-wbite& and a large number of the famous - "Penny t'ic tures." These works come from the Perry Picture company, the J. C. Wit ter company and the Chicago Art Edu cation company. The general public is invited to visit this exhibit. No one interested in school and home decora tion shou'a fail to it. No admission is u i 9! it i 15 ll.-i i.;i?.,or( Mnrdock Pm ;rnnwood. Alvo r fait Creek. Greenwood J S Liberty. Lynn s na . union Louisville, Louisy nle . ..... - pm Mt. Pleasant, r.easaui house -j ' ... N.-hawka. school house...... Pl" 1-lattsniouth precinct. laylor scnooi house I",. . Stove Creek, opera house. t.Imwooa.. j pm ,..,ti, Hiriii. school house ' Tipton. EjBie... y,-,;; f" Kock Blurts, second district Koclc lilutts r Weeping Water precinct, cascaae school nouse ' Weenine Water city: First ward. G. A. K hall...... J P Second ward, council chamber tj H Third ward. Powell's hall P1" Hattsmouth ca: , First ward, iVrkius house P" frond ward, lurner nan. ; 'I hird ward, kichey s lumber ottice.... . i Fourth ward, police luuge uliltc . , Fifth ward. Bach s store ?m,a.i. i K. S. Wilkinson. Secretary. Grain O! Grain Ol Tfr-member that name when .u want a delicious, appetizing, nourish ing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all grocers aua liKea by all who have used it. Grain-U is made of pure grain, it aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant out a health builder and the children as well as the aduits can drink it with great benelit.. Costs about one-fourth as much as coffee. Uc and il'ie per package. Ask your grocer for Grain-O. Knrradu Like Wild 11 re When things are "the best" they be- ... . . 1 .91 AVtMftria m come "the best seumg- auiu- Hare, a leading druggist,of Belleville, I) writes: "Electric miters are iuo best selling bittero I have handled in 20 years. You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of the stomach.liver, kidney?,bowels,blood and nerves. Elec tric Bitters tones up the stomach, reg ulates liver, kidneys and bowels, puri tVi Wood, strengthens the nerves, i-H-O Vw T o honnp iMirea manv maladies. It builds ; up the entire system, puts new life and vigor into any wcas, oiviwj, man or woman. Price 50c. Solb F. G. Fricke & Co., druggist. What you now need is a gocd spring blood cleaner and Gering & Co.'s Sy- TUP Ol irllOllUHl UU1U(JUUUU equal as a spring medicine. Guaran teed to give satisfaction or money re funded. Shinn keeps a full supply of candies, fruits and nuts. Waterman block. oooooooooooooooooooooooooool Your Spring Suit The question of the nest p:ace to buy the Spring Suit is now confronting most young men. The question is not a debatable one, however, as it is a well known fact that we can fit you out just right. We are now giv ing A Discount of 20 Per Cent on all Spring and Summer Suits and those in need of suits should look to their interest and call early. Our spring and summer Samples are now in. HudeGek & McElroij Rockwood Block. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooc ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 d a When You Paint, Paper or Decorate in any way, it will lay you to engage the services ot reliable men. Our work in the past is our recommendation, us figure with you on any work that you may have, make a specialty of.. Let We Frescoing and 2?ine Fainting and Graining. For honest work at honest prices, call on us, word at Fricke's or At wood's drug stores. or leave eaburg & 3LToline, Reliable Vainters. D ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) J Millinery Opening IrJMlrEIMIrll! H (1 d BiOI W mmmmm mm yi - A. I OCJA, ..i:il. KEEPS A FULL LIXE OF. -- FARM Mfl6nlNERY. Wagons and Buggies. He handles the BADGER RIDING CULTIVATOR Also Riding Listers, Plows and Cultivators, tongue and tongueless. For good quality of goods, his prices are as reasonable as can be found in Cass county. GIVE HIM A CALL AND BE CONVINCED. .l.NJ ' Special Sale ot Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed. Bonnets, Street and Sailor Shapes, Flowers, Plumes and all Goods Embraced in Millinery Department. Meeting of the Woman's Club. Millions Given Away. It is certaiDly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in tne lanu who are not afraid to be generous to the needv and suffering. The propri etors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds, have given awav over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine: and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, broncnitis, Hoarseness OK ii lii, 9s And Continuing Until Saturday Evening, April 7, Inclusive. aud instructive meeting last eveuiag in the club parlors. The department of Parliamentary Law occupied the first part of the evening. Mrs. Toiiff, the leader, being well prepared on and proceeded to lecture them soundly jtionai Laws of Nebraska.". These louna to oe auiie as roou ua t.-,.iw of PintfRtuntith and Cass count3 are cordially Tha Wnman'a club held a Dleasant nnd nil diseases of the throat, chest :.:l o if "Tillinprv OnoninD". e are SllOWin& tne j. Uw - - I . - ' U1V1 LU UlLl uu i.v. m I I r V 9 M - -w- IT m 1 V very latest creations in High-class JMiinnery. -- i 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on F. G. Fricke & Co. druggists, anil get 50c .... . .1 1 . a 4 . . 'i nAnii nr nnrpc a free trial bottle, naguiar size ucstujniuu u.b t'miui il.-.-.J. and $1. Lvery bottle guaranteed. Our Stock.. of House Furnishings, Furniture, Carpets and Baby Carriages Is something to admire. We carry only reliable rrrades-a mean article can't come into this store or out of it. We are home-makers. e sell for cash to those who have the ready money and on credit to those who want to buy that way. W e like to have people come in and see our goods, cen if they have no idea of buying. Thomas Janda & Son Furniture Dealers and to j. i. UNRUM.) ,-,-.---7-tw('(eino;2'22lM 4T5 y y y y g g 9 w A X'4 l i i I i I I I l I on their dirty appearance. "Cleanli ness ii one of the most Important qual Ccationa of American citizenship," said the judge, and I adzise you to made generous and daily use of soap and water." were found to some of tho older etates, but room for improvement, manifestly in the en forcement of the truancv law. and compulsory education was pointed out No Flood This Spring:. A strantre thing has happened with the Missouri river this spring. Usually at this season of the year the river is in a high stage, and it is not unusual tht the early spring freshet is the greatest of the year, but this year the Th. i.iti.tnrA mrimnnt. -a Vw water has risen not more than a foot or Miss Gass, continued the study of two from the ordlnarJ' winter stage. Evaneeline." This beautiful poem na inere no inaicauon at present Great Grain Shipments. The recent rise in tne price 01 corn i Lvangeiine." inis oeautuui poem w . has had the effect of putting a good gains new interest as the study pro- Pf a noticeable rise during the coming . . .i I I . I month. Old river men say this is wu.j r - ,. -i. j:. i.v, sai nf Caa pniintv corn on the mar- UUU. V. j - - I O -I ket and also of cash into the farmers' fort to bring out the characteristic-- pockets. The News has no figures at with which Longfellow has invested hand covering the number of bushels his heroine, Evangeline, handled by the elevator men in this A special meeting of the club is county-but it is informed that the First called for Tuesday evening at 7:30 National bank of this city, alone, has o'clock, at which time plans for the .Ti-lra renrasentinc more than Mav meetinc will be discussed. A 75 000 for corn purchases exclusively I full attendance is requested. -within the present montn oi Aiarcn snows and raio9 in the Dakota s, with such a gradual melting of the snow as to cause it to be mostly absorbed in the soil. This is good news to occupants of the river bottom lands. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used nij 7imnrmnn. MUfiahnrcr. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands -kJ.I Oa V-Cfc a u i . Ml T3a ,-,o. A ft Bneedv cure for of sufferers have proved their match r-t -mun and sore throat less merit for sick and nervous heeA One Minute Coueh cure is unequaled. achea- Thsy mako Pure blood and Tt f j nioitnni for children to take. T strong nerves and build up your the month. And the beauty oi n is, heartil y recommend it to mothers." It neaun. jasy to taKe. Ary tuem. that the corn has all been soia at io ig thQ only harmies3 remedy that pro- my m oue, .(-.- thAt are DrofiCable to I mmo,tiot rV..ita Tt onpP cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. On & fair estimate forthe whole county this fact indicates that at least a quar ter of a million dollars has been put i-v i--J.i,lation In Cass county during iu-u"'v . . . 01 onnts prices that are promame vo a a immediate results. It cures WA vv 1 I hronchitis. pneumonia, grippe and a aa ai a aa .1.. 3 1 . J:.apA-( ii. t. ctIobs to be sola at tnroat ana iunK u-so.doo. hqb jiuo b To Cnrc a Cold In One Day ft will nre- I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. J 1 dnigeists refund the money if it fails to cu rlcke & Co. J E. VV . Grove's signature is on each box. 2! AH cure :5c We Will Be Pleased to Show You. nui ,v;l, .1,nvc and between dates specified we will VVUI 1"V place on special sale our entire line of... Ladies' Tailored SUits, Silk, Satin and Wash Waists. Ladies' Man-Tailored Suits At $5, SG.50, $7.50, $9.50, ana Real Worth, $7.50 to $16.0. Silk and Satii? Waists, . ttt ctT WATSTS .5c. 50C. $3.90, $4.75 and j?d.o vaou . 7fvv S5c. SI. $1.25 and up to $2.30. SOLOMON & NfVfflflN. Three Doors East of BanK oi wass wu.j. PLATTSWIOUTH, NEB. PATTON & BULGER, t JPainters 6 6 ? t t t and Paper Hangers SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PLATTS MOUTH "PHONE ( Shop 278 ) li 'S. 75 Mm UITAUTV f-neratlTO" Manhood- excessive use' With . re refund th money. Sold at 1.00 per box... nrostration ana alt diseases or tne ( The ereat remedy tor nervous pro prostra.tin. Failing or Lost organs of either Be "c " youthful Errors. Mental Worry. cnmnlnn n.nr1 Tnsinir v 1FTFR l!5!Vfi. Gering & Co., Druggists. THE NEWS does Job Printim