Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 30, 1900, Image 2

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    1 11C kJCIIll liccnij nmj iiuuiu
6EO06E L. PAULEY, proprietor.
One Year, in advance, . . . . . t5 00
Six Month 2 50
One Week,
Single Copiei 5
One Year, in advance, .... tl 00
Six Months, . 50
Of any Case Couaty Paper.
Treasurer DR. E. W. COOK
Police judge JAMES HUNTER
For Members of the VM. BALLANCE
School Board ( H. N. DOVEY
First ward B. A. M'ELWAIN
Second ward W. H. RHOADES
Fourth ward F. R. BALLANCE
Filth ward M. M. BEAL
C" A. Rawls for mayor.
In times of peace or in times of war
C. A. Rawla is the man on whom the
people can implicitly rely.
We wonder what fuaionists who are
opposed to a third., term thtok about
giving a man a fourth term?
Remember that the republican pri
maries for selecting delegates to the
county convention, will be held next
MORE trouble in Kentucky. Tne
secretary of stata has been sent te jail
on the charge of murder. The judge
would not accept ball.
The Republican is the name of the
new paper started iu Nebraska City.
Bedford and Berry are the publishers.
It is to be an evening paper, while the
Press (republican) is published in the
NO ONE doubts but that Mr. Fox is
perfectly capable of filling the office of
city clerk, but there are others who
could fill the position just as accept
ably who have not already had it for
three terms. Why not give some one
else a chance? '
Weeping Water did not grant a
franchise to either of the rival tele
phone companies, but its citizens will
put in an exchange of their own and
connect with the independent system.
This action is very satisfactory to the
Plattsmouth Telephone Co.
Speaker Henderson is strongly in
favor of the Porto Rican tariff bill, and
"Stales that the ajndicatoa and truste
are fighting for free trade for what
they can make on the goods now in the
island. He says the tax would be tem
porary and solely in the interest of
Porto Rico.
James B. Dill of New York re
ceived $1,000,000 for the worlc per
formed in the Carnegie-Frick combine,
nis fee in this case is said to be the
largest sum earned by any lawyer for
one case. He is said to be a lawyer
of tact, perseverenoe, energy and un
bounded integrity.
Captain J. H. Culver of the Thirty-
second United States volunteers, who
recently returned to this country to
recuperate from the effects of adislo
cation of the hip bones, caused by a
fall from a horse, was in Lincoln yes
terday enroute to his home in Milford
Speaking to a correspondent of the
Omaha Bee in regard to the conditions
in the Philippine islands. Captain
Culver said that the insurgents are
being made to believe that their inde
pendence will be granted after the fall
election in this country. He said the
various tribes on the islands were al
ready hostile towards each other and
that several hundred of the Macca
bebes have taken up arms against the
Tagalos or insurgents.
"We have the larger bodies of in
eurgents well dispersed," said Captain
Culver, "and the natives are now di
vided into small bands. They ecatter
and then concentrate into bands of 200
or 300 and attack our men in a manner
quite similar to the Indian warfare on
the plains in this country years ago.
In private dispatches' and proclama
tions that we have captured the in
surgent are instructed to scatter and
annoy the enemy until after the fall
election in the states, when their
friends will be elected. And besides.
they have extracts from Bryan's
speeches in Tagalo language, together
with their own comment. They have
no hope for securing the independence
asked for. except by the election of
Bryan. A few days before I left we
captured insurgent officers and the
first thing they said was: 'Is Bryan
going to be elected.' They all know
Bryan's name as well as Aguinaldo'e.
'When the insurrection first began
several tribes joined with the Tagalos
on the representation of the latter that
the American soldiers would help them
in their revenge against Spain. They
have since withdrawn from the insur
rection and we sow have seven com
panies of Maccabebes organized as
corps of scouts. They even asked for
the privilege of fightiug the Tagalos.
There Is no doubt that the insurrection
is held up by the encouragement re
ceived from the United State?. With
very few exceptions, throughout the
Tagalo provinces, the business men
are petitioning for our troops to be
garrisoned in their towns for their
own protection and for the protection
of commercial Interests In general.
A 4b A A A A A A A
0 -- J " -
0 a o-O J 0 -O 0 fJ
5 MO -o -o o o o o
J&aster I A7ear6.
And we are prepared for it. We have secured an elegant
line of Dress Goods and there is no reason any lady customer can
not be nicely dressed on that day. Our line of Plaids cannot be
equalled in this city. Fancy Wool Plaids.for Skirts that will please
you, and a nice line of Brilliantines. We have an extra fine line of
Table Linen, which was bought at a low figure, and we are going to
give our customers the benefit of it.
ij wO m J
J J - J o -o mO j
"I think that with the exercise of
territorial government, with the
United States affording protection to
life and to commerce, the Philippine
islands will make a very wealthy and
prosperous country. Everywhere they
are welcoming American schools.many
of which are taught by our soldiers."
As to the effect of a republican vic
tory at the next fall election, Captain
Culver said:
"So far as any organization i3 con
cerned they will certainly lay down
their arms if they 6ee the present ad
ministration is to be continued, while
on the other hand, if Bryan is elected
there will be trouble throughout the
islands and thd insurgents will have
trouble among themselves. In the
event of his election, each people of
any considerable number would assume
to have a government of its own."
"It is very noticeable," continued
Captain Culver, "that the more intel
ligent peoole on the inlands,! mean the
natives, of course, feel the need of a
uniform language. While no tribe
will accept the language of another
tribe, they are, in most cases, willing
to compromise on English. "
The republican electors of Cass
county are hereby called to meet in
convention, to be held in Weeping
Water, on Saturday, April 7, 1900, at 1
o'clock p. m.,for the purpose of elect
ing delegates to the 6tate convention,
to be held at Lincoln May 2; also dele
gates to the First district, congres
sional convention, to be held in Lin
coln April 12, 1900.
Primaries to seltct delegates to
county convention will be held on Sat
urday, March 31. Representation is
based upon vute cast for governor in
1898, Deing one delegate for each
twelve votes or mijor fraction thereof,
nuil ouo delegate at large fur each pre
cinct or ward. Following is given tho
time and place for holding primaries
and number of delegates to which
each ward or precinct is entitled:
Precinct. Time. Del.
Avoca. Avoca 2 pm 8
Center. Manley 3 pin H
Fiirht Mile drove. Heil school house.. 8 Dm H
Elmwood. Murdock 8 pm 11
Greenwood, Alvo 4 pra 8
Salt Creek, Greenwood 8 pm
Libertv. Lynn's hall. Union 8 pm 12
Louisville. Louisville 8 pm 1:
Mt. Pleasant. Pleasant View school
house Tom fi
Nehawka. school house 7 pm 11
Plattsmouth orecinct. Tavlor school
house 8 pm 8
Stove Creek, opera house, Elmwood... 8 pm lti
South Bead, school house M ti
Tioton. Eaele 8 pm 1
Kock Bluffs, first district. Murrav 7 pm it
Rock Bluffs, second district Kock
Bluffs 7 pm 5
Weeninc Water orecinct. Cascade
school bouse 3 pm
Weeping; Water citv:
First ward. G. A. R. hall 8 pm
Second ward, council chamber 8 pin 7
Third ward, Powell's hall 8 pm
Plattsmouth citv:
First ward. Perkins house 7 pm fl
Second ward. Turner hall 7 pm 11
1 hird ward. Ridley's lumber office 7 pm 15
Vniirth vard nnlir iurltrp'a office ..7 Dm
Fifth ward, Bach's store 7 pm 5
M. M. Butler, Chairman.
R. S, Wilkinson, Secretary.
'I used Kodol Dyspepsia cure in my
family with wonderful results. Itgive9
immediate relief, is pleasant to take
and is truly the dyspeptic's best
friend," says E. Hartgerink, Overisel,
Micb. Digests what you eat. Cannot
fail to cure. F. G. Fricke & Co
Some Important KiperimenU.
Aseiiesof very interesting experi
mentsarebelngicarried on by W. H. C.
Moore, of the department of geology
of the University of Nebraska, and
Mr. Mania, who is interested in the
Nebraska quarry industry. The ob
ject of these experiments is to find out
whether a commercial cement can be
manufacture 1 from Nebraska rocks.
The experiments include the making
of cement from the lime rocks that
are found in the southwestern part of
the state acd the comparison of the
article with cement that is successfully
made for commercial u?es. Flatter
ing results have been obtained by this
investigation in the laboratory. A
cement has been made from native
rock that compares favorably with
the cement that is on the market. The
question yet remains to be solved as to
whether this product can be manufac
tured profitably in large quantities.
University News-Letter.
Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind.,says:
"De Witt's Little Eirly Risers alvays
bring certain relief, cure my headache
and never gripe." They gently cleanse
and invigorate the bowels and liver.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Salt on BjN'ote.
The suit on a note, entitled Anselmo
B. Smith vs. C. Lawrence Stull, occu
pied the greater portion of the day in
district court. It is not thought the
case can be concluded today. A. J.
Beeson and J. L. Hoot are the attor
neys for the plaintiff and Matthew
Gering appears for the defendant:
J. B. Brownell, James Jardine and
W. J. Brownell of Ashland were in
town today in attendance at the trial
of the case of the State of Nebraska vs.
Dr. I. D. Jones, in justice court.
WILL, lil A 15IG AFFA1K.
Annual Picnic of Modern Woodmen to be
Ilrld In Plattsmouth.
The meeting of the delegates
of the Cass County Log-Boiling asso
ciation of Modern Woodmen, was held
at Fitzgerald hall this afternoon. One
delegate was present from each of the
twelve diflerent camps in the county,
and Piattsmouth was decided upon as
the place of holding the next picnic,
which will occur some time next fall.
Besides selecting various committees
ttf'make arrangements for tho coming
affair, the following officers were
elected to look after, the interests of
the association:
President H. R. Gering.
Vice-President J. P. Wood.
Secretary R. S. Wilikinson.
Treasurer George N. LiRuo.
There will undoubtedly be more peo
ple in Plattsmouth on that occasion
than there has been at any one time
for mary years. Woodmen from. all
parts of the county will be present, and
it is the intention of the local camp to
leave nothing undone to entertain the
Tried to a Jury.
The cae of the First National bauk
of Green wood vs. T. J. Wilbern was
tried in county court yesterday after
noon before a jury consisting of the
following gentlemen: Frank Richey,
Douglas Shinn, Fred Wehibein, Fer
dinand llonnings, Henry Goos and W.
L. Street. This is a case wherein the
plaintiff prays for a judgmenton a note
in the eum of $400, with interest at the
rate of 10 per cent per annum from
Ma-ch 31, lSUfi, together .vith costs of
At 70 o'clock last night the jury re
turned a verdict for the plaintiff in the
sum of $100, also iV.G (iU as interest and
costs to the amount if $61.40. C. S.
PoIk appeared for the plain UTI anJ S.
M. Chapman and A. N. Sullivan ft. r
the defendant.
Aii appeal bond was filed this morn
ing, and the case will be carried to
the supreme court.
Wanted on a Serious Charge.
From Wednesday's Daily.
A postal card was received by Sher
iff Wheeler yesterday from O. T. Iler
ron, sheriff of Pij mouth county, Iowa,
requesting the local officials to look
out for, aud, if possible, capture a
young man named Herman Mohr,who
is wanted on the charge of rape, the
crime having been committed on a lit
tle eight-year-old girl about a wiek
ago. A reward of $25 is otfercd for his
He is described as a GermiD, about
twenty years of age; height, live feet
eight inches; weight, 153 pounds; has
smooth face, light complexion, light
hair, long in front; nose large at point
and a little turned up; blue-grev eyes;
good teeth; right eye blood-shot in
outer corner, and mark on face near
corner of right eye.
lie wore a bl?ck, soft felt hat with a
flat rim; short, light-weight dark over
coat; dark grey check coat and double
breasted vest; grey pants with small,
narrow stripes; black laco shoes; ear
ned small brown leather grip H-j is
very tnlk.itive and speaks English
somewhat brokenly Is supposed to be
headed in the direction of Omahn.
A Fleudidh Attack.
An attack was lately made on C. F.
Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly
proved fatal. It came through his
kilnejs. His back got so lame he
could not not stoop without great pain,
nor sit in a chair unless propped by
cushions. No rtmeJy helped him
until he tried E'cctric Bitters which
effected such a wonderful change that
he writes he feels like a new man.
This marvelous mediciuo cures back
ache and kidney trouble, purifies the
blood and builds up your health. Only
50c at F. G. Fricke & Go's drug store.
Mr?. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111.,
writes: "I never fail to relieve my
children from croup at once by using
One Minute Cough Cure. I would not
feel safe without it." Quickly cues
coughs, colds, grippe acd all throat
and lung disease?. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. Frank Thomas, of Nebraska
City, is in the city visiting the families
of Hirry Dickinson and Martin llouck
for a few days.
He Fooled the Surgeons,
doctors told Renick Hamilton,
4- West Jefferson, O., after suffering
18 months from Rectal Fissula, ho
would die unless a costly operation was
performed; but he cured himself with
five bottles of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
the surest Pile cure on earth, and the
beBt Salvo in the world. 25 cents a
box. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., drug
gists. 4
What you now need is a good spring
blood cleaner and Gering & Co.'s Sy
rup of Trifolium Compound has no
equal as a spring medicine. Guaran
teed to give satisfaction or money refunded.
Death of tieneral Joubcrt.
Omalia, March 28, 4 p. m. (Stecial
to The News.) General Piet Joubert,
commander-in-chief of the Boer forces,
is dead. His death is reported to have
b en caused by Hsense.
Ilttttrict Court Notts.
Sirilda Sutton vs. George Sutton.
Petition of plaintiff and cross petition
of defendant dismissed each of the
parties to pay one h ilf of the court
Samuel M Chapmau vs. Hanry R
Neitzel. IV'oTion for additional secur
ity for costs withdrawn, and defendant
given thirty days in which to Sie an
Charlotte Waldron vs. the Bank of
Eigteet a'. Demurrer of defendant
is overruled and twenty dnys given in
which to answer.
Grain O! Grain OJ
Rememtar that name when ;ou
want a delicious, appetizing, nourish
ing food drink to take the place of
coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked
by all who have used it. Grain-O is
made of pure grain, it aids digestion
and strengthens the nerves. It is not
a stimulant but a health builder and
the children as well as the adults can
drink it with great benefit. Costs
about one-fourth jis much as coffee.
lc and 25c per package. Ask your
grocer for Grain-O.
John M. Ley da is still making farm
loans at the low rate of 5 per cent in
terest. If in need of a loan it will pay
you to see him before making con
tracts elsewhere. Office in Waterman
block, Plattsmouth.
WANTED Several persons for dis
trict office maaag 'rs in this stato to
represent me in tneir own and sur
rounding counties. Willing to pay
yearly S600, payable weekly. lK-sirn-ble
employment with unusual oppor
tunities. Ji-.fereucos exchanged. En
close eclf-addrpsfcd stamped envelope.
S. A. Park, o20 Caxton Building, Chi
cago. hitt'n lour Fact? Worih ?
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if
you have a sallow oomplc xion, a jaun
diced look, moth jtitcht-s nnd blotches
on the skin, all sipnsof liver trouble.
But D,-. King's New Life. Fill give
clear skin, rosy checks, rich complex
ion. Ouly 2 i cent at F. G. Fricko &
Go's drug store.
Much pain and uneasiness is caused
by piles, sparicg neither age nor sex.
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment cures
the most obstinate cases. Price, 50
cents in bottle, tubes 75 cents. F. G.
Fricko & Co.
"Fill up tho beakers. t the bria:
there is life in every drop,'' was writ
ten by a man whose I unp of life has
long ceased to burn. If this man
had stayed on earth leng enough to
have called at th IViltsmout h Majr
notic infirmnr-jr he would have bt"?ri to
day healthy, we:ilthj- a'd wise.
To secure the o-iginal w i ch hazo-1
salve, a?k for DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve, well known as a certain cure
for piles and skin dieasts. Beware of
worthless ccunterfeits. They are d in
gcrou?. F. G. FricKe & Co.
Spring Suit
The question of the best place
to buy the Spring Suit is now
confronting most young men.
The question is not a debatable
one, however, as it is a well
known fact that we can fit you
out just right. We are now giv-
A Discount
of 20 Per Cent
on all Spring and Summer Suits
and those in need of suit9 should
look to their interest and call
early. Our spring and summer
Simples are now in.
Hudecek & McElroy
Rockwood Block.
Millinery Opening
Special Sale of Hats,
Trimmed mid Untrlmmed.
Bonnets, Street and Sailor Shapes, Flowers,
Plumes and all Goods Embraced in
Millinery Department.
And Continuing Until Saturday Evening,
April 7, Inclusive.
The Ladies of Plattsmouth and Cass county are cordially
invited to attend the -Millinery Opening-. We are showing- the
very latest creations in High-class Millinery. Goods of every
description at popular prices.
We Will Be Pleased to Show You.
Combined with above and between dates specified we will
place on special sale our entire line of...
Ladies' Tailored Stiits,
Silk, Safin and Wash Waists.
Ladies' JVIan-Cailored Suite
At S5, ?(.50, $7.50, 89 50, 810.50 and 812.50;
Real Worth, 87.50 to S10.50.
Silk ai?d Satirj Waists,
83.90, S4.75 and 85.75 WASH WAISTS, 35c, 50c,
75c, S5c, 81, SI. 25 and up to 82.50.
SOLOMON & NflTflflN.
Three Doors East of Bank of Cass County.
oi my 20 to
A New Discovery ior the Cei tarn Cure of INTERNAL and
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor. - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
rm l. UUAj ..KEIf..
Wagons and Buggies.
He handles the BADGER RIDING
CULTIVATOR Also Riding Listers,
Plows and Cultivators, tongue and
tongueless. For good quality of
goods, his prices are as reasonable
as can be found in Cass county.
Our Stoci..
of House Liirnishinrsf
Furniture, Carpets and
Bn1y Carriages
Is something" to admire. We carry onlr reliable
grades a mean article can't come into this store or
g-o out of it. We are home-makers. We sell for
cash to those who have the ready money and on
credit to those who want to buy that va3-. We
like to have people come in and see our goods, even
if they have no idea of bid ing-.
Thomas Janda & Son
Furniture Dealers and
(Successors to J. I. UNRUH.)
0- c" O" O"' C) r rm cy 0 O' 0 T
. '7 The preat remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of the K ncr:itlve
K-L C , . - . . . 1 f ... ; ;..... V.i.thfnl !.-.. t- T ' :
or Tobacco or Opium. wicQ leaa 10 umsuoipiiDD aoa insanity.
With ov.-i-ir
ICTCB ItCIVC 5 order we guarantee to eiin or refund th money. Sold at $1.00 per box.
ArlCn UOlnOt e boxes for $.OU. DH.nOTT'S IIIK.TIICAI. CO., Cleveland, Ohio
Gering & Co., Druggists.
Worms vERMiFucEB
) y .. in Quan'ifT. Ii-tin .lity.
For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Rerccdtes. -jffiSSS
0OXX 11Y Alilj X It- XT O- G-1 S T S .
Job Printim