HOLD A BRIEF SESSION Members of the Council Look After City Interests. Many Repairs On Sidewalk! In Different Part Of the City Are Ordered, Wbil the "Dads'' AUo Talk About a Gen eral CleanlnK Cd of the Street and Alley. The city council met Jn regular ses ion last evening, every member being - oresent except Lutz of the Third ward. Clerk Kerr read the minutes of the last meeting, and tne same were an proved. A communication from Mr. Charles Don at, reporting the erroneous assess ment of taxes for a period of several years, was next read. As this matte does not come under the jurisdiction of the council, a motion by Sattler that it be returned to Mr. Donat, with the suggestion that it be filed with the county commissioners, carried. The quarterly report of Chief Mur ray of the firo department, showing the condition of the hose, the number of fires, etc,, was read and referred to the fire and water committee. Ilerold. of the claims committee reported that he had a bill from Sny der & Co. for a clock which had been placed in the power house, and recom mended its rejection, as no one had been authorized to make such a pur chase. The recommendation was adopted. Sattler, of the street?, alleys and bridges committee, reported upon the work which had been done with the large road grader on Washington and Chicago avenues. The police committee returned the reports of the police judge and city marshal as correct. A big batch of sidewalk resolutions were next presented and, on motion of Lutz the same were adopted. C. C. Parmele's request for permis son to move a house from a lot west of the Hotel Riley, to the lot on the northwest corner of " the block, was granted. Buttery reported the bad condition of a ditch on the south side of Elm at Seventeenth street. The ditch on Tenth street.between Locust end Oik, Is in need of repairs, while an old well on Washington avenue was covered with only a couple of rotten boards and ia a dangerous menace to people in the neighborhood. Buttery's motion to have street committee eee that the re pairs referred to be made, and that the police notify the owner of the old well to repair the covering on the same. carried. Binshaw asked that the road on the north side of Dey street, between Tenth and Eleventh, be repaired, while Whelan requested that the owner of certain property on Wintersteen hill be notified to repair bis fence, so that it would not lean over the sidewalk to seriously obstruct the same. It was ordered that these matters be properly looked after. The matter of the cleaning up of the streets and alleys was brought up by Sattler, who thought this an import ant subject, in view of the fact that warm weather will soon set in. Marshal Slater was instructed to ssrictly enforce any orders which the board of health might see fit to issue. Hinshaw thought the curfew ordin ance should be more strictly enforced, and the police were instructed to act accordingly. Superintendent uoyer s report, in regard to the number of tools he has purchased since taking charge of the light plant, and also the number which were there at the time he took charge, was read and referred to the gas and light committee. The finance committee repor ted fav orably upon the following claims, and, upon motion of Sattler, the clerk was instructed to draw warrants for the same, also for the salaries of the city officials: Zuckweller.Sc Lutz. mde 30 10 Gid Archer, labor 3 00 John Geingery. same 10 30 John Martin, same 3 Oo Ebinger Hardware Co. mdse 4 30 George PoisalUdrylng hose 4 50 Frank Kauble. drayage 1 -Vl Andy Smith, same 1 00 Ed Weborg, hauling hose cart 1 50 J R Cox. mdse 3 00 Ed Ackerman, pi pern an ., 6 99 J W Bookmeyer, same....'. 15' Bert Cooper, same 1 30 D B Ebersole, blacksmithing...'. ... 1 35 B & M RR. freight 4 81 A H Weckbach & Co, coal .- 101 00 C Hennicson. street work 3 00 L Kildow. same 50 HC McMaken, same 2 90 I Patridge, same . ' 3 00 Al O'Neill, same 50 Nebraska Telephone" Co. rent 08 Fred Kunzman. foreman hose cart A W C Benfer, same 6 25 J A Murray, salary chief fire department.. 0 25 F M Bichey. lumber 28 05 Wm Slater.cash for burying dog 25 Eeenberger & Troop, wood 9 00 There being no further business be fore the meeting, a motion to adjourn prevailed. PERSONAL MENTION. H. B. Groves visited in the metrop olis : : Mrs. Dr. Hollister of Louisuille was in the city today. Dr. W. A. Humphrey made a trip to Omaha this morning. -. Justice J. P. Wood of Louisville was s county seat visitor today. Wash Smith was a passenger for Omaha on the early train. Mrs. P. H. Steimker was among the Omaha passengers.this mornin Dr. I. D. Jones and E. Sturzneggt r came in this morning from South Bend. Henry Gering and W. W. Coates made a business trip to the metropo lis this morning. Shinn keeps a full supply of candies, fruita and nuts. Waterman block. NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD. A. W- Atwood sells hoarhound syrup. - The oldest and most reliable the Vienna bakery. Mm. John Hartman is reported as being quite seriously ill. A. W. Atwood'a drug store is head quarters for wall paper and p&iot. Everything is being sold regtr lle?s of cost at Coleman's jwelery stoie. Gering's Syrup of Trifolium Com pound irakes you feel like a new man. A. W Atwood sells the best medi cine for the blood known to medical science. John T. Coleman, jeweler, is selling ladies' twenty-year filled case with Elgin movement for less than cost. Sheriff "Wheeler and Jack Murray this morning took II. H. Eggjrp, the insane man, to the asylum at Lincoln. ITudecek & McElroy, for the next thirty days, will m.ko a discount of 20 .-or cent cn all suitings and trous ers. Mrs. James Mitchell, who has been on the sick list for several days, is re ported es being somewhat improved today. "Trifolium Compound" is the name, and Gering & Co. are the only ones who sell it. That's what you need for your blood. There will be a meeting of the re publican city central committee at the office of F. M. Richey on Thursday evening at 7:30. Have you a cough? A dose of Bal lard's Ilrehound syrup will relieve it. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. There is no spring blood purifier like Gering's Syi up of Trifolium Com pound. Remember they give you your $1 back if it is not satisfactory . You can be cheerful and happy only when vou are well. If you feel "out of Eorts" take Ilerbine; it will brace you up. Price 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. The ladies of St. John's Catholic church will give an entertainment at Waterman's hall Monday evening. April 16. Further notice will be given later. M. B. Smith, Butternu, Mich., says "De Witt's Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever used for costive- ness, liver and bowel trouble?." F. G. Fricke & Co. The Modern Woodman lodge will meet Wednesday evening. Every mem ber is urgently requested to be pres ent, as there will be something of in terest on tap. All members of the P. E. O. society are urged to attend the meeting at the rooms of Mrs. C. C. Parmele Wednes day afternoon, March 23. at 2 o'clcck to meet the state organizer. II :rrj- Nostheutt, late reporter Judge Ramsey's1, court has accepted a position with the Missouri Pacific railway, and goes inioMr.Pbiliippi's office in Omsha next week. Mr. Northcut is an all- around good fellow, and his friends here with him every possible success. Street Commissioner Hanson had u force of men and teams at work yester day Hfternoon with the larjre grader out on Chicago avenue, and the road way is now in smooth condition. Washington avenue as far as the cem etery has also been gone over with the grader. 'Fill up the beakers t the brim; there is life in every di op," was writ ten by a man whose lamp of life has lonsr since ceased to burn. If this man had stayed on earth long enough to havoc tiled at the Plattsmouth Mag netic infirmary he would have been to day healthy, wealthy and wise. A party of about twenty lady friends called at the home of Mrs. Peter Mat son yesterday afternoon to help that lady celebrate her birthday anniver sary, i ne time was very pleasantly spent in social coaversation, and be fore leaving for their homes the guests were also seated to a dainty little lunchoon. Mrs. Matron was pro nounced a vuiy tuccet-sful entertainer. The Greuiel contest was appealed from county court to district court yes terday. This is the action in which Judge Waters hld that Mrs. Greusel was not tho legal wife of E. S. Greuiel, deceased, becausj she maTied him within the limit of 6ix months allowed for an appeal after the granting to her of a decree of divorce from her former husband, Allensby. Lincoln Journal The Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor meeting last evening at the home of MirS Ella Ruffoer, wan well attended. The regular business of the society was soon transacted, after which each person was hunded a slip of paper which required them to give a number of conundrums, give several Mother Goos rhymes." or tell a story Evidently a number of years hi.vd passed since they have heard the fav orite rhymes, but owing to the effort put forth and their aptness and origin ality in 6tory-telling, the several pro ductions afforded the compaiy much merriment. ItECEIVES HIS SENTENCE. Le, the Operator, Mast io to the "Pea" For Fifteen Months. J -idge Jessen this afternoon sent enced Geoge S. Lee. the operator, to fi 'een months servitude in the peni tentiary. 15. fore the sentence was pronounced MnUhew Gering made a plea to the co irt to be lenient with the prisoner, ;u d when he read a letter which Lee had recently received from bis wife, the young man completely broke down, and wept bitterly. The sentence is generally considered a light one, but as this was Lee's first offense, it is thought it will teach him a lesson which may prevent a rep etition of the ofiense. List of letters. Remaining uncalled for at the post- office at Plattsmouth, Neb., Marco 27: 19C0: George B. Bartram, Mr. Hennings. Mrs. W. J. Majwood, William Jones Miss Isabe, King, Willis L. Logan, W. C. Noran, Mrs. James Vickory, T. M- Grocer. H. J. Hennings. Mrs. C M. Hall. John Johnson, Miss Mary Maud Iowe, Mrs. Henry Hanath, M. Nelson, Miss Minnie Webster. When calling for any of the above letters please say "advertised." C. H. Smith, Postmaster. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. They are dan gerous. F. G. Fncne & Co. District Coort Notes. Charles Williams vs. Edward L. Parish. Case dismissed for want of prosecution, without prejudice. Firc-t National Bank of Omaha vs. the Dank of Caes County. Motion for a new trial set for hearing on M.irch 28ih, at 1:30 p. m. The motion tor a new trial in the case of George Ilurlbut vs. the C, B. & Q R. R,, was overruled and judg ment given on the verdict, to which defendant excepts, and . is given forty days in which to file bill of exception. Myer, Binnermin & Co. v. First National bank of Plattsmouth. Plain tiff has leave to file a reply instanter. Trial had to ccurt and cause sub mitted. The County of Cass vs. M. N. An thony eta'. Sale- confirme 1 and deed ordered. Lulu N. Humph iey vs. Wiiliam A. Humphrey. P.ainiifT given until April 9 to file an amended petition, to which defendant excepts Aniio Wilkinson v. John Wilkin son. Case set for trial Match 30 at 9 a. m. Annie Goos v. Hans Goose, et al. Set for hearing tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Christian E Mtckinhaupt vs. R. T. Itochford, et a'. Louis Nei'zel ap pointed as receiver. Pleasant Itlrlhday Party. Miss Ora Hutchesou entertained about forty of her friends al her plea-j- ant home near Keck Bluffs Thursday evening, M irch 22 J. it being the occa sion of her fifteenth birthday. The time was passed in piayiner games, and at 11 o'clock delicious refreshments were serve J, and all had u most en joy- ub'.e time. Among those present were Misses May McCulloch, E la Samson, Jennie Sehrader, Evelyn Taylor, Fej-n Ch;i! fant, Gene Mattox, Essie Miles, Belle Taylor, Myrtle Gullion, Edna Patter son, Lillie Suns, Anna Taylor, Pearl Carey, Winnie Hutchesou, Nettie Smith. Beulah Sans, Florence Hutcho- s;-n; Messrs. Howard Graves, E l. Mc Culloch, F.ovd Chalfant, Will, Ernest and Roy Hu'cheson, lirald ltjyal, Homer Sehrader, Dennis Mattox, Tom Saiith, Charles Ratcliff, Walter Sans, Elmer Miles. EJ. Jwi, Guy Patter- eon, Lloyd Lewis, Sigel Carey, Rmert and Ray Gullion and Ray Smith. N trHhk'g Swell Ilrariqaartrm. Since Nebraska is to furnish the candidate for president on the dem ocratic ticket, it is quite the proper thing t tr its delegation to have fine headquarters. The following dispatch from Ivin-sas Cilv to the Bee states what arrangements h ve been made "Three delegates to the national democratic convention from Nebraska and J. C. Dahlman, ex-chairman of the Nebraska democratic central com mittep, came here today for the pur pose of deciding upon the quarters for Nebraska's delegation at tho conven tion. "The X-hra-ka delegation will at tend the convention in style. Tho committee engaged at the Coales hous the club room on the first floor and three banquet rooms on the sec ond floor for headquarters, and re served space for six sleeping rooms. "These headquarters are by far the most elaborate yet engaged by any- state delegation. The Nebraska dele ga'es believe that the Nebraska dele gation will be a cenltr of attraction at the convention and that for this reason adequate headquarters should be m attained." Spring: Opruiog. Miss Tucker's millinery opening will occur Friday and Saturday of this week. A cordial invitation is ex tended to the ladies to call and see the elegant line of hats, trimmings, etc. There is more Catarrh in this section ot the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last tew years was supposed to be in curable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly tailing: to cure with local treatment, pronotinced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspcon ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for and case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by druggists. 75c. Hall's family pills are the best. Program Ciceronian Debating Society. Following is the program of exer cises for this society's next meeting, Saturday evening, March 31: Select Reading Minnie Twiss Short Talks Max Chapman, Bert Sherman, Leon Pep-perberg current events .- can Travis It formal debate: Resolved, That the study of Greek and Latin is need less. Formal debate: Resolved, That the Unt'ed States does not need a standing army. Yeas: Geo. Clark, Margaret Wells, Halsey Duke. Nays: Charles Guthmann, Laura Da Fellows, Ivey Spies. BURGHERS ARE TAKING TIIE OATH, Gen. Clements at I'Uillppolls British, Cavalry In the Transvaal. London, March 20. A war bulletin posted here is ns follows: "I'hilippolis. March 2:5, via Norval's Font.'March 24. General Clements en entered Philippolis at noon today. The assembled the burghers, addressed them, and read Lord Roberts' procla mation in Dutch and English. The W. H. RHOADES, Carpenter ftnf Builder... 2 Twenty-two Years Experience in Omaha and other cities. Plans and specifi- 4 t. t-- ctofrv i, ,w.loT.r..i ui i. isucu uu -ppm anon, lontracts iuiuic ui ixic a. ivrvr uiuii , unianu, iaKcn in any part ot the county. would have to be decided by her ma-1 Jesty's advisers, but the hurghers I might be cehtalu that the late govern-1 JOBBING OF ALL KINDS ment at Iiloemfontein would never be iromittv iTTuvmrn restored. He advised all the Inhabi-1 'h' M1TLT attended to. tants to accept the Inevitable and to obey all the orders of the military and ; Shop at Ninth and Elm streets other authorities duly appointed, inti mating that the landdrost and sheriffs haqVbeen reappointed under the queen. The burghers began taking the oath of allegiance and surrendered their arms." A dispatch to The Daily Te-legraph from Kimberley, dated March 25, says: "Prisoners brought in here report that a force of Uritish cavalry has entered the Transvaal and penetrated to a point eighteen miles north of Chris tiana. The liritish forces at Fourteen Streams arc being strengthened. A movement northward is expected 6oon." lUoemfontein correspondent of The Daily Telegraph, in a dispatch dated March 12.'?, says: "The late allies are now bitter foes. So strong is the popu lar feeling here that, were it desirable, a large body of Free Staters would take the field and fight Immediately against the Transvaalers." A special dispatch from Iiloemfontein dated March 24, says: "The ISocrs are reported retiring from Kroonstad after haVins blown up the bridge." Ladysmith, March 20. The scouts frequently engage the l.ocrs beyond Meran, under the Biggarsberg, but no Important fightings has taken place. The Free Staters contiuue to enter our lines, surrendering under theproclama tlon Issued by Lord Roberts. They de clare that the Transvaalers are deter minins: to fight to the bitter end. Tho majority of those who have hitherto taken part in the fighting have been Free Staters. Tho Transvaalers have been held in reserve. The lioers are preparing for another campaign and will occupy a strongly fortified position in the Transvaal necessitating heavy fighting before thoy can be driven out. The Itorrs are not expected to make a stand at Jorwnne.sburg, but to concen trate at l'etoria. Will lie .la.l to Acn pt AM for Imlia. AVashington, March 20. The secre tary of state is informed by tlie viceroy of India, with reference to offers of aid to the suffering faminers in India, which have generously been communi cated to him ly charitably disposed persons in this country, that while the Indian government is devoting Its en ergies to fulfilling its duty to save five million souls from starvation, contri butions from any American friends of India will lie thankfully received and will be devoted to the material relief of suffering. tory to Chip :laai. Hartford City, Ind.. March 2'. The new chipped-glass factory of C. II. Hubbard went into operation Satur day. The company will not manufac ure glass, but purchase its product from the independent trust factories and put it through the chipping process. Raid on CamTTlins Houes. Springfield, Ills., March 20. Deputy sheriffs raided the gambling houses conducted by C. M. Lane and Edward McDonald, and seized paraphernalia valued at ?.".Xif. Attorneys for both of the proprietors of the houses are making efforts to recover thegambling devices. IMward J. Flynn, a gambler, whose place was closed by orders of Mayor Wheeler, filed the complaint. This was the seventn time lie has caused the prosecution of his former Rock Island Sun eying a New live."" Sioux City la., March 2C Tho Chi :ago, Itock Island and Pacific is sur veying a line from its terminus at Audubon to this city and it will be uuiu mis summer. lUlcliran Win nil Indoor Meet Detroit, Mich., March 20. Michigan won the indoor athletic meet with Notre Dame university at Ann Arbor Saturday -night, by a score of 431.& to 20V2- NEWS FACTS IN OUTLINE. I'latttitiionth 'Phone 184. HOWELL'S AntMawf Cures Coughs, Colds and So re Throat. It re lieves cough at once. Perfectly harmless. All "ruKfrists sell Anti-Kawf- It's the most popular ougti remedy on the matket 25c and iOc. All driitf stores. 1 em 5 f fe5R JV f i .- K " It Kruger' Offers of nn'ico have a string tied to them. Thelrt aro ur ffor of no st' injj tied to nnw gin mn ntvle Fedora at ?1 Oar co ner win, low is i v.-rit-ale "H tdom" f new things w.rih your while to h-ok at them . Wo a e eh wing th new l'oarl (Jolf nat. Also new plaid- in mens' and boys cap". WESCOTT SON, TIig "Boss" Clothiers. E. G. DOVEY & SON. Spring We are now prepared to show you the largest stock of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to the citt. Our goods were pur chased at last year's prices, which means TIIE LOWEST and we ate giving our patrons the benefit. All the latest Novelties in Tailor-made Suiting's, Cheviots, Coverts, Poplins, Venetiansarul Series. An elegant line of Silks in blacks and colors bought direct from the mills. Wash Goodssi In imported Dimities, Egyptian Tissues, Satin Stripe Dimities, Foulards, etc. Best shirting prints, 5c; fine line of Ginghams regular 15c kind for 10c; nearl- 100 styles to select from. lioej, Siloes ! Cariets We are the recognized leaders in this department and carry the larest stock in the countv. line 59c, All-antl Call and see our wool 2-pl3' Ingrains at our very best, Extra Superb, at 65c; present valuts 75c. NEW PATTERNS.. Velvets, Moquettes and Axminsters, Made and Put Down for fit. Card of Tbanks. To the maDy friends and neighbors who were so kind and helpful uurirg our recent bereavement we desire to extend our sincere thanks. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mixhlixski. Only a little over $."?.000,000 of the English war bonds will come to this country. James Lyall, acting British consul at Ciudad Itolivar, Venezuela, was fa tally stabbed. Nine large hotels have been planned and located at New York. They will cost $20,000,000. Mayor Van Wyck says New York is the most moral city in the world and denounces the reformers. The Greek government has signed a contract for the construction of rail ways to connect with European roads. It Is reported that the Duke of York meditates paying complimentary visits, after the war, to all the great colonics. The sultan of Turkey has asked that all Germans honored with Turkish decoration return the emblems at once. The "Clover Leaf railroad when It is disposed of by foreclosure sale April 2, will be bought in by the Erie com pany. The Norwegian three-masted schoon er Triton has been wrecked at Dun kirk, Frauco, and ten of her crew drowned. Representative I'.ailoy has opened his campaign for the United States senate from Texas in opposition to Senator Chilton. William J. Smith. Peter F. Bowen and John J. Grady, fireman, were killed, and two others wounded by the floor of a burning building giving way at New York. Israel Banning Brown, president of the Brown Cotton Gin company, and a pioneer manufacturer of cotton gins. died at New London, Conn., Saturday, aged IK) years. Ballington Booth is so much "out" with his father, the Salvation Army chief, that he wants his son's name legally chamrod. The boy was named for his grandfather. J. B.. Schweitzer, a young artist of Beno, New. has fallen heir to a fortune of about $500,000 bequeathed to him by his uncle. John Bryan Griffith, who fecentiy died in India. New Milk KoiUe. C. C. Despain has engaged in the milk bu-iness in this city, and those desiring pure, fresh milk may be served by calling l'iattsmouth tele phone 1S9. Milk delivered to any part of the cky and satisfaction guar anteed. Give him a trial. ' Cloth w Too. vS7 see yj V7 THAT 's sTrIS BRANDED YS. VtJ ON EVERY V 1 1- frf SHOE. Light as A Feather We are sole for agents Queen Quality Ladies' Shoes$3 And Budd's Baby and Child's Shoes Everything in and YOKING S. EMBROIDERIES, LACES ..Butterick Patterns.. New Mattirgs, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Rugs. We are still showing- the best Window Shade in town for 35c. Lace Curtains from $1 per pair up. We are showing NOTTINGIIAMS, BRUSSELS and IRISH POINT. Agents for I'OINTKO PAKAUKAPH1 If your child is cross and peevish, it is no doubt troubled with worms. Wnite's Cream Vermifuge will remove the worms, nnd its tonic effect restore its natural cheerfulness. Price 2o cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Try The News a week 10j. Chicago News. IVide keep more peoole down thaa actual want. If a man deee: ves success ho seldom fai's to achieve it. Some men are pensive because they fit d life f-o ex-pensive. Originality is 6imply a new way of expressing an old thought. Levers often keep the parlor dark while trying to strike a match. Tho iron will of a 6elfish man is un doubtedly made from common pig iron. When a small boy is quiet he's either asleep or planning some new mischief. Tho theories a man gets in his head cause a lot of trouble when they a'e exploded. The average stock speculator ia apt to discover that there is too much room at the top. Don't be too keenly critical. The worm has a peculiar habit of turning when you least expect it. The man of moderate means is more desirable as an acquaintance than the man of immoderate meanness. Al sixteen a girl declares she will marry only for love, and at twenty -jix she proceeds to fall in love with a rich man. Through Sleeping Cars to San Francisco No changes, no delays, no chance of missing connection, if you go to Cali fornia via the Burlirerton Route. The HjtliDgion runs sleeping cars from Omiha, Lincoln and II tetinga, to halt Like City and S.n Francisco daily DiDing cars all the way. Library cars .oat .r nrinn. Finest scenery in the world. See nearest Tiurlingtoa ticket agent, or write J. i-ancis, L. 1 . a.. Omaha. ieb. With brand-new type, excellent com positors and fine presses, The News is prepared better than ever to turn out brief work in short order in tact tnai applies to all kinds of job work. When you need anytbingio thit line, call on The News. To Care a Cold la One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. K V. Grove"s signature is on each box. 25c t 4 4 ? t t t PATTON & BULGER, JPam tors Mill Paper Hangers SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PLATTSMOUTH 'PHONE ( Shop 27S I 1 - 75 THE NEWS does Job Printing Not a I'lMiint u I... k From Puck: SLe-rl told father you wanted to see him the next time you called. He What did he say? She He said for you to come in; he wasn't afraid of you. FILK YOUR WANTS. (Special notices under this hrad will be charged for at the rate of one-haif ltf cent per word for each insertion.) French Coa! Miners. There are 81,000 ooal miners France. in Blank Books Business and professional men will find most any style of Blank Book they want here. We get them direct from the factory, get a complete assortment and undersell everybody. LEHNHOFPS BOOK STORE. FOR SAI.K House and lot. Nn Tl! I.orust st . 1'rice, $'" cash. AfMres C.IJ )ic. H South Sixteenth st, Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Thirtv stand of Italian bees and targe ice ref igerator. Inquire of I). K. Uar FOR SALE Several well improved farms ir: Fillmore. Thayer and Adams counties. Wii be sold at a bargain. J. II. Thrasher. FOR SALE A good six room house and two lots, with a variety of f'uit. About seven blocks from postorlice. For further information inquire of A. W. White. MISCELLANEOUS. lil ANTED Men and women for soliciting. uuuu icrruorv ana pooa watrp. hir rt.r. ticulars address F. O. box No. 1077, Flattsmouth, Neb. il 11 To PATENT Cool Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. Subscriptions to .- fstent Record tl.uupcraiuinza. 4