The Semi-Weekly News-Herald 0EOR6E L. FARLEY, Proprietor. DAILY EDITION. gne Year, in advance 00 Lr Months. . . 2 50 One Week, 10 (Single Copies, ...... o SMI-WIKKXT EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . . tl 00 8ix Months 50 T.B LARGEST CIRCULATION Of aay Cass Couaty Papar. FRIDAY. MARCH 9, 1900. HON. E. J. Bcrkett will be re-nom-i Dated by acclamation unless all signs fall. -- The woods are full of business men who do not care to be mayor of Flatts moutb. Rx-Jitdgk VAN WYCKof New York has been mentioned for the democratic nomination for vice president. TnE Bee says the citizens of Omaha voted to keep the Stars and Stripes iyingfrom the flagpole on the city hall. A DISPATCH from Austin, Tex., states that Bryan is quartered in his winter homelthere and will take a few weeks' needed rest. Mr. Bryan hascer talnly put in nine weeks of very hard wurk ion tuvu uu.u i i. ii OTAr havo inn Arnurance .th .hiohh Is blessed. GAUIS W. PERKINS, a freshman in V-l nnwn with small- I XU - pox a few days ago and his 300 class- i wn vaccinated. Perkins' -i .o. r nt home, while he Vlixra i.reu.. v I v ,vni. t,n.i.a n hlmsfilf and Drc- -ia-a .iik t.A tminml nurses. TUUV " " v I Kino OSCAR of Norway and Sweden jusw K!r,,r f.rnr. I BU CXprtJBBtU uiuioou & .wtnth British in the South Afri- mii -ar. He feels that if Great Brit- .u..n,M nnwer is once broken it I rmild ba but a short time till Russia would swallow up the the two little , I CARL ScmTRZ says the tpeeches oi I Washington and Lincoln are as "ami- auated nursery rhymes." He is not 1 one of the men who believe that every I n 4 anil OVAFT idA nrnmul I vvru utioicu uv- r- iratea oy vno Kr. r their day will apply to existing cir- m . a, in cu instances. "has I The Journal says Bryan tudied the Declaration of Independ nee, the Constitution of the United States, the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount and from these he has learned his political News wculd suggest J duty." TnE k. k. nr.w-.KRAD the "handwriting I on the wall.7 LAST Saturday night the fusionists I hauled down the American flag float- ing over Mayor Moores residence and J tore it to shreds. They then substi- luted in Its place a red cloth intended to represent the British flag, hoping! by ao doing to prejudice Boer sympa- 1 thizers against the mayor. Sober, thinking people, regardless of their political faith, denounce such proceed- tags. - Judge G. M. Spurlock is being fa- vorably considered as a delegate to tne national repuoucan convenwou beneiaint-nuaaeipniamoune. uy not push tne matter ana eee tnai, w im renouwu iu Nebraska. Ex-Senator H. C. Lindsey of Pawnee is also mentioned in this connection. The state is entitled to Igh; and Spurlock and Lindsay would do for two of them. PERHAPS our "popped" republican friend will act upon the following sug- jestlon from the JNeorasica cnzzira: "If Mr. Bryan would call off his fool newspaper friends who give his horn a toot in every line they write, he would do himself good and the public a great favor. People generally uo not look upon him as supernatural nor yet as a tain? to be worshipped. Too much nonotony gets monotonous. General, Joe Wheeler is once more on American soil, and after a brief visit in San Francisco, will go to Washington to take, his seat In con- vresa. He says the war in the Bhilip- pines Is over "except for the guerrilla bands which ambush our troops and do a. little damage." He states, further, that he firmly believes that after the establishment of a wise civil adimms tratlon of affairs an era of great pros- Mpitv will bless the people of the w -m archipelago. The News editor found Messrs. Pol- look and Ewing- in Weeping Water jesteraay '"'""' men to ascertain wneiuor ur qui a our flcl-nt number would subscribe for 'phones to justify their putting' in an exchange. They said they would put one In as soon as thirty subscribers were secured. At noon they had al ready secured twenty-three, so they will doubtless succeed in getting at least forty or fifty. This will be a good thing for the town as well as for the company. The republican state convention has been called to meet in Wc.l eaday. May 2, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of selecting four delegates and four alternate delegates to the na tional republican convention, which convenes in Philadelphia June 19, and to plaoe in nomination candidates for the various state offices. The repre sentation ia based on the vote,for Julge Reese last fall one delegate for every 100 votet and major fraction thereof. CaM county is entitled to twenty -four delegate. TnE Boy's Junior HUtory class tak ing up the cigarette problem is practi cal. Boys, to refrain from smoking must rise above their surroundings. They must do better than their broth ers and fathers, whose example they are naturally disposed to follow. They do not have the funds at their disposal to pu-chase pipes and tobacco or cigars, so they use something cheaper but more injurious. Fathers do not want.their boys to smcko but they are unwilling to deny themselves what pleasure (or misery) they get frbm the haDit for the sake of their own child or for that of another. While the evil effects from a cigar on a man may be slight, the effect of cig arettes on a child is very damaging to Its growth and development. All praise to the boys for their splendid efforts. . OXLY about one-fourih ot the dele gates elected to attend the democratic county convention in Weeping "Water put in their appearance yesterday The bad condition of the roads kept many away. The World-Herald is given most of the credit for the de'eat of the fusion candidate for mayor. It usually wages a campaign that everybody is ashamed of after the battle is over. INFORMATION ANI OFINION. Prof. Ogden Doremus of New Ybrk city recommends the use of phosphate m ammuDis w - duuoi i,so..i.n v , parel, curtains ana oiner siarcneu goods, as well as furniture, non-innam- aoie . ., . 1A xnai me rusn io me u. at Cpe Nome will far exceed that to the Klondike of three years ago, , . A U evident irom ms aarei buoUjt gun to be reaped by the transportation and oulntiing companies at. oao rrau- . . c 171 Cisco and Seattle, Tacoma and other mast Doints. istories oi me iaouious richness of the mines are coming i from miners wno nave ueeu prou- log tnere ana mausiriousiy cireumicu at great advertising expense oy iraDt- portation xueao u l'HU3CU tllO UJailS liVf LTO UUUWI.U I' i plications irom an pans oi me country for berths and freight accommodations, The first steamers, which will leave the latter part of the month, will be crowded to their fullest capacity A- t all the town3 in Siberia are d incandescent lights for houses and the larger proportion of the people in Si beria have never seen gas which they regard as an illumanent of a past age. Edward Turncr,an American locomo tive engineer, who was imprisonea some ten months ago in .Orizaba, Mexico, to await triai on a uu;rKO Is 1 1 UJ . u u ,,, - . I V the wreck of a train, has died in prison according to advice ju9t recieved by the State department at Washington, and the expenses of a trial have thus been avoided Ia a recent address before the Mon tauk c'.ub of Brooklyn, Charles W. j prjce stated that over $600,000,000 had I been invested in electric lighting in tne United States, and that the total I horse power required in the electric lirhtinc of ftreatar New York was not , . d th . . th . , thirteen yeara since the blrlh of the eleclric railway there had been an ex- penditUPe of raore than $1,700,000,000, ftnd thal nQW aDy one could travel by I electric cars from later son. jN. J., via New York, to Portland, Me., with only three insignificant interruptions, which collectivelv amount to less than fifteen miles Sousa, the musician, savs one hears m0re music whistled on the streets of Jour cities than in any other country in i lne world. He cites the fact as a cause for congratulation, but the prop- I osition is somewhat doubtful, even I though much of the whistled mus e is I Sousa's own. a The "bloodieet battle of the century" was that of Borodino, a Russian vil lage, where Napoleon fought the Rus sians on September 7, 1812. Nearly 1 80,000 men were placed hors du com- I bat. A man who lives in a thriving town I not far from Kansas City, a blacksmith J by trade, makes quantities of toma- I nawKs ana sens tnem to Indians at I western agencies, and they in turn sell them to eastern tourists as curiosities. Chase S. Osborn, one of the candi dates for the republican nomination for the governorship of Michigan, was born January 22, 1860, in a log house in Huntingdon county, Ind. As a young man be worked as a lumber lifter at 50 cents a day; he is now one I of the railroad commissions of the state. At Atlantic City, N. J., Phillip Top- pin, a cigar dealer, 40 years old, has been suffering severe pains for some time from what was diagnosed by the attending physician as neuralgia. Tuesday the interesting discovery was made that he wa3 cutting three teeth. his third set. Two of them are in the uPPer 3w. and tne other ia a molar in tne oacK oi tne mourn Senator Perkins of California has in troduced a joint resolution in congress providing for the acquisition by the government of certain lands in Cali fornia which include the big trees of Calaveras county. The idea is to pre serve the trees from vandalism, but, judging from past experience, making a government reserve of the ground on which they stand is no certain way of accomplishing this object. DOINGS AT WASHINGTON. Washington, D. C, March 6 Special Correspondence.) The past w ek has witnessed the ending of the Or-bate on the Porto Rico revenue bill in the house. It has made a party measure, and the democrats hope to make use of the question In the com ing campaign. For this reason they were able to ho'.a nearly all tneir members In line in opposition to the bill. In the course of the long debate the democrats, as usual, tried to tnrowi dust in the eyes of the pecple, and in I this they partially succeeded, as there -seems to be much misunderstanding about the real provisions. The minor ity party made the argument that it was intended to "rob the poor people of Porto Rico." A few of the republi can members were led off by this de lusion. The real purpose of the new bill is to raise revenue to build up the schools and public works, and maintain the local government of the island for the next two years. To do this all goods shipped from Porto Rico to the states, and from the states to Porto Rico are to pay a customs tax equal to 15 per cent of the tann on simuar guous entering into or coming from a foreign market. All the money collected in this way, both in tne states ana in me island, goes to the benefit of Porto . A 1 .11 Rico. Those wno iramea me diu thought it would be better to levy this tariff on the business of the alien and eon-resident merchants and importers who now have a monopoly of the trade on the island, rather than to directly tax the Inhabitants. So that is what the "robbery" cry amounts to. It Is quite evident that some of those who opposed the bill were inspired by a de sire to aid the capitalists who cootrol the export business of the island, or flse thev were on extremely friendly terms with the merchants of the south who want the privilege of shipping products to the island free of duty. No matter where the inspiration came from, the democratic leaders have de prpml that "f ree trade with the colo nies" will be one of the issues of the campaign. They are looking for snm ethinff like this to detract atten tion from the money question. The fusion members from Nebraska have been quite active of late formulat ing speeches to be printed in the Con rrrpRHinnal Record. No one listens to the delivery of this class of speeches, which are intended only as campaign documents to be circulated at the ex pen9e of the government. A simple app ication for "leave to priut" with out delivery is ortdn a relief to the other members. The member who has a large number of these dummy speeches printed, however, is often able to delude his constituency into the idea that he is a tireless worker -v,n la Miner ouite a "fisffer in con gress. 113 is more ouen mntpd unon as a joke or a nuisance by the members who do the real work,and who tell the small fry how to vote. Mr. Sutherland, In a speech the other day, referred to the fusion forces as "we democrats." This agrees pretty well with the oredictions made in the "Harrington letter." The national treasury makes snother good showing for lebruiry. Ine statement for the month shows that the receipts of the government have exceeded the expenditures by 7,b04, 265 08, representing a reduction of the national debt by practically that same amount. For the eight months of the present fiscal year the surplus receipts amounted to $37,674 785.22. This is in direct contrast to the con dition of thiogs when the democrats had full control. In a time of pro found peace they could not pay ex Denses. but found it necesjary to in crease the national debt many million dollars every month. A FlnidlBh Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly Droved fatal. It came through hi kidneys. His back got so lame h could not not stoop without great pain nor sit in a chair unless propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Electric Bitters which effected such a wonderful change that he write he feels like a new man This marvelous medicine cures back ache and kidney trouble, purifies th blood and builds up your health. Only 50c at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store That Telephone Ordinance. A. H. Murdock and other members of the committee appointed by th Commerciaf club to investigate the proposed Plattsmouth telephone fran chise have prepared an ordinance to be submitted as a substitute to the ordi nance now before the judiciary com mittee of the council. This special committee is composed of H. M. Chris tie, J. J. Breen, A. H. Murdock, C. M. Hunt and Richard O'Keefe. Mr. Christie, the chairman, has an ordi nance in view which is largely a copy of the Lincoln ordinance, the special features being an occupation tax and a deposit with the city treasurer, to cover possible defects in street and sidewalks repairs. Attorney Cohn has stated that the Murdock ordinance is entirely satisfactory to the company he represents and if such is the case it will likely be submitted to the council as a substitute for the one now on file. Omaha Bee. Rev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Caton, N. Y., Writes: "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was pursuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea for all forms of indigestion." It digests what you eat. F. G. Fricke & Co. - Where can you always get a good cigar? AtGerlngit Co's. , to be sure. SEHAWKA ITEMS. George Mark held a sale March 1. F.P.Sheldon took a trip to Omaha Monday. The noon train was six hours late Tuesday. The Masons had degree work last Wednesday night. William M. Tucker has moved into the house vacated by O. Baier. The democrats of Nehawka precinct held their primaries Saturday night. The Misses Frank of Union visited here with friends Saturday and Sun- ay. The Odd Fellows conferred the sec ond degree upon F. C. Schomaker Sat- rday night. Miss Jessie Foxwell of Union spent Saturday and Sunday with hor sistor. Miss Gertrude Foxwell. The local photographer spent a few ays in iancoin last wee" auoncucg the Buttermaker's association. Miss Grace Holmes gave a party Saturday evening in honor of her riend, Miss McWilllams, of Dunbar. IL F. Kropp had his fucu injured while assisting R. C. Lyle last Satur- ay. They aro both on good term?, so it was only an accident AVOCA ITEMS. Fred Nutzman shipped a carload of cattle to Omaha Tuesday. A. E. Jones and wifo drove to Weep- ng Water Tuesday niht. . v Joe Walker left for Logan, la , last Wednesday to begone all summer. Henry Brockrnan made a trip to the western part of the stite last week. B. C. Ma-quardt left for St. Joe last Sunday to buy his spring stock of goods. Mrs. Jo3 Malcolm of Weeping Water came up to see he r husband one day last week. Fred Miller h is sold his property to Wm. Bartels, who wilitko possession the first of May. " D. Koster and T. P. Peckhim made a trade last Saturday of their property to take possession next weeK. Mrs. Henry M U?on of Plattsinouth, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Durham, ono day last wek. The Brown-Perkins Comedy com pany of Avcca, played to a crowded house in Weeping Water Tuesday night. Geo. Crr, our village marshal, took Sam Wilson to Flatt-tnouth iail last Mondny to serve a twenty days' sen tence. Alfred Nutzman aiul wifo left for their home in Bdrtrand. Neb., after a few divs' visit with relatives and friends. If your chiid is cross and peevish, it is no doubt troubiea wnn worm White's Cream Vermifuge will remove the worms, and its tonic effect restore its natural cheerfujues. Price 2o cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Internal Revenue DrrlHiona. A new ruling has b?en rendered by the department of internal revenue in regard to the applications for stamps for the sale of oleomargarine to retail dealers, says the Bee. Heretofore the city salesmen of the wholesale houses have made apj lications for the stamps and have filled out and certified to the return", but by the ruling of the de partment tho return and certificate must be signed by ono of the firm com posing the wholesale house. In connection with the sale of a bus iness required by the internal revenue law to operate under a special tax and the right of the successor of the firm takiner out the license to do business under tho original name of the firm, decision has ben rendered which will appear strange to the ordinary citizen It is held that where the original li cense was issued to a firm and one or more partners soli their holdings to one member of the firm, that member can continue the business under the original license, but if he takes in an other partner or sells his holdings the firm continuing the business in either casa must secure a new license and pay a new tax. Hanker Kotits a Kobbrr. J. It. Garrison, cashier of the back of Thornville, O., had been ribbed of heath by a serious lung trouble until he tried Dr. King's New Discovery for consumDtion. Then he wrote: "It is the best medicine I ever used for a ss vere cold or a bad case of lung trouble I always keep a bottle on hand." Don't suffer with coughs, colds, or any throat, chest or lung trouble when you can be cured so easily. Only 50e and $1. Trial bottles free at-F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store. February SlaoRhterinff Ugaren. At this time.of the year receipts of live stock run light as a ru'e, but tak ing all things, into consideration, the business transacted at the packing houses during February holds its own with former years, says the South Omaha correspondent of the Bee. For the month of February 36,271 head of cattle were slaughtered and packed here, while 1P9,572 hogs were killed and prepared for market. Sheep re ceipts were smaller than usual, but notwithstanding this fact 79,071 head were slaughtered here. This makes a total of 255,814 heal bandied by the packing houses in the du'.lest month of the year. As compared with other years this showing is all that can be expected, and those interested in the live stock business here are more than pleased. The South Omaha market is steadily forging to the front, even dur ing dull times, and it is predicted that the coming summer will see an extra ordinary increase in receipts. Much pain and uneasiress is caused by piles, sparing neither age nor sex. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Price, 50 cents in bottle, tubes 75 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. EAGLE ITEMS. Mr. Frolick has been delivering con siderable corn lately. A. U. Maj field, editor of the Advo cate, was in town Tuesday. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kettle hult, Friday, March 2, a fine baby boy. Misses Horsh and Blodgett attended the teachers' meeting at Elmwood Fri day. P. F. Wa'dron has recently moved from his old place to the farm of Pete Conner. Sandy Morrison seems quite discon solate since the Boers have been beaten so many times. Harold Cooley has purchased a news paper at Arcadia, and from hence forth will be editor. The writer is glad to announce that Henry Miller is 6lowly rooovering rom aa attack of pneumonia. Corn reached the 25 cents and 252 cents mark in Eagle Tuesday. As a result much corn was sold. Dr. Rijhter is advertising fresh vac cine for sale. Rither a queer kind of merchandise, though very necessary. Samuel MeClintic and daughter, Stella, have returned from a pro- racted visit to his old borne in Mich gan. Quite a number of the teachers in this vicinity attended tho teachers' as sociation at ivmwood last Friday. They report a very pleasant, time. The Epworth League is giving con test literary programs the boys and girls being the rival side. This liter ary effort is to be commended. There was quite a scare in Eagle over the report that Mrs. Kemper, a lad j- living only eight miles from town, h'id died of smallpox. It seems the immor proved groundless. The "Thimble social" given by the ladies of the Congregational church last Friday evening proved to be a very unique and enjoyable occasion. Q lite a sum was realized from the entertainment. A rain and eleet storm vNited this place Sundsy evening, and since that time Eigle has bean the s ickest town in the sta.e. The boys utilized the opportunity for skating, and cou d be seen enjoying themselves immensely. The entertainment given by the Junior L.2 sue of the M. E church FriJay evening was highly appre ciated by the audience. The entire management of the meeting was in the hands of tho little folks, and they cer tainly did their parts well. Mrs. C-ilvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, Pa., says: 4,s a speedy cure for coughs, colds, c-oup and sore th-oat One Minute Cough cure is unequaled. It is pleasant for children to take. I heartily recommend it to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that pro duces immediate results. It cures bro-;chit:s, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will pre vent consumption. F. G. Fricke & Uo. Wanted for Murder. Marshal Slater received a letter yes terday from the chief of detectives of Chicago, asking that official to look out for and, if possible, arrest Harry Uouden, wanted at that place for th-j murder of Hugh O'Neill. The letter states that the man has not been seen since February 7 last, on which date the murder was committed. A photo graph of Bouden also accompanied the letter, and a description given, as fol lows: Ha is 28 years old, 5 ft. fi inches in height, light brown hair, small, dark brown mustache, hazel eyes, and was fairly good looking. When last seen he wore a dark brown suit and a dark stiff hat. To allay pains, subdue inflammation, heal foul sores and ujcers. the most satisfactory results are obtained by using Ballard's Snow Liniment. Price, 2" cents and 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Stander-Spangl r. Louis II. Stander, Manley, and Miss Mary Spangler were united in marriage at th-3 home of the bride yesterday at high noon. Itov. Calvert of Louis ville performed the ceremony. Only relatives and immediate friends were present, numbering some sixty-five. An elaborate breakfast was served im mediately after the ceremony. The groom is a prosperous farmer, and the bride is the daughter of Chas. Spangler, residing three miles south of Plattsmouth and is a very estima ble young lady. The News extends congratulations. He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Reuick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering IS months from Rectal Fissula, he would die unlets a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself with five bottles of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on earth, and the best Salve in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., drug gists. 4 turner Found tloilty. M itt Gamer, the man who was cap tured in this city several months ago by Deputy Sheriff McBride, has been found guilty in Omaha by a jury. Speaking of the case the Bee says: "A jury in Judge Baker's court brought in a verdict yesterday finding Matt Garner guilty of assault with in tent to rob. Sentence has not yet been pronounced. Garner was ac cused of being with William Cum mings in his attempt to hold up Harry Trumble .iu South Omaha last Decem ber. Trumblo shot and killed Cum mimr3. The attempted robbery was not successful. Trumble was immedi ately acquitted of the charge of shoot ing Cummings. The dead man was the son of a respectable Chicago fam ilv and his father came to South Omaha to take charge of the remains." There are a great many kinds of lights, but when you want-window lights go to Gering'. RAILUOAI) NOTES AM) PERSONAL? Colorado will be greatly benefited by the como'.etion of the Pruh-Allian o line which the Burlington road is now constructing. When tho new line i;. completed it will bo possible to leave Denver in the afternoon and to reach Dead wood the next morning. Tu raiku the trip now requires two nijrhts and the greater part of two day. The l ew line will effect a remarkable having in time between Denver and Montana points. Asa consequence Denver job-; hon-s ho t.-tutind, sa ng the dccior bers have every expectation of extend-' need not come, as the child w:n much ing their field of operations, and ot . bet' or. Tho druggist,Mr. Otto Seholtz, competing with Omaha and St. Paul ' tays the family has inco recommended for the trade of Montana and 12 iste u j Chamboi Iain's Couh Remedy to their Washington. i neighbors :ind friends, until he has a constant demand for it from that part The Burlington will soon tear down ()f hQ country. For sale by ell drug its old passenger depot at Hastings gists. and erect a fine new one. Steel i being laid on the Burling ton's Alliance-Guernsey line tit tho rate of two-thirds of a mile per day. The steel gang is clo-e up on the grad ers and will follow the latter l ight into Guernsey. Owing to the unsafe condi tion of the rocks, seveial long tunnels have been abandoned in the vicinity of Fort Laramie, and doepcuts construct ed instead. It is expected tho rails will reach Guernsey not later than April 15. Ben F. Grirlin, ticket agent for the Rock Island at Omaha, was h-ild up Monday night by two masked men and robbed of a fine gold watch and consid erable money. A special from Houston s tys: ' Tiu southwestern p-tsserger bureau has r.u'horized a rate of one fare, plus $2, for the Transmississirpi Coir tn re:ai congress, which meets at Houston. April 17 to 21, tickets to bo on sale April 13 and 14, limited to twenty one days. This rate will apply from all states and territories west of the Mis sissippi river." It is undcrt-tood that the Missouri Pi-cific expects soon to builJ a steel bridge ucross the Kaw river ai Khiis-is I City, in order to co-meet the Cypre.-s j yards with the freight yards. tVht' Vonr Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth ratches and blotches on the skin, nil signs of liver trouble. But !) . King's New Life Fill give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich c mp'ex ion. Only 25 cents at F. G. Fricke & Co'o drug store. Keaolntlons of Synm'liy. The Winslow Memorial W. C. T. IT. of thiscity express sympathy with their bereaved sister, Mrs. Allen Beeson, with the fol'owin: resolutions upon the death of her husband: Whekeas. Ii the dislocation of an all-who Father, our sister has been called to mourn the departure of her beloved husband, and WnERKAS, Tn his death she, with her family, sustain an irreparable less yet mourn they not as "those without hope; therefore, be it Resolved, That we extend our sin cere sympathy to her an 1 her family, and pray the loving Father to soothe their grief and comfort their hearts with the consolation of the Holy Spirit. Be it further ll sovcd, That n copy of these reso lutions bo presented t3 tho family of the deceased, and a copy be set t to THK Evenino News, and ono phiced on file. Mks. C. E. Wesl OTT. Mks W. T. Cole, Mrs. J. F. Sciiii.pknfxht, Committee. Wra. Orr, Newark, O., says: "We never feel safe without One Minute Cough cure in the house. It saved my little boy's life when he had the pneu monia. We think it is the best medi cine made."'' It cures coughs and U lung diseases. P easant to take,hann less and gives immediate results. F. G. Fricke & Co. DISTRICT COURT NOTES. First National bank vs. Harry Johr. son. The court found tba(, tho-e i due plaintiff from defendi.n, upon a note, the sum of 8"2 90, with interest from date; decree cf for. c'.osu-e granted accordingly. James Pine vs. M iyer & Morgan. Dismissed because plaintiff is dead. State of Nebraska vs. Claus Ila-v-child. Hearing on a motion to amend tho original complaint argued, rub mitted and sustained. Motion to qua-t. the amended com-ls:nt argued and submitted. Natural'. ii n p-p"rswero granted to G. W. But m -is'er ard IVier Fred Goos. Mrs. Hnr iet Evar,s, Hinsdale, LI., writes: "I never fail to relieve my children from criup at onto by using Oie Minute Cough Cur. I would not i feel safa without it." Q rickly cured coughs, ct lis, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co. "A BretzyTime," the new farce comeiy, which will be at White's opera house Monday evening, M irch 12,has one or the best casts now travel ing. It has beeu the purp jst of those interested in the production to make it such that every one that sets it will be glad he has b en there, and will not be ashamed to ad vis.) his friends to fal low suit. In following out this nur- pose, the very best" talent that could te secured, tho v ry best music thai has been composed recently for Amer ican and Eog'ish v iriety ar.d ; conce-rt hall stage, and ye ve-y best costumes and co ierv that can bs made by theat rical firms b ive been eeeurt d. You can be cheerful and happy only when you are well. If you feel "out of sorts" take Herbinc; it will brace you up. Price 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Cx Whxt In ! I'iii II the Icx torn Arrive. It is vo y h trd t stani idly by and seo our dear mu s uflr wliilo await ing th' arrival of trK dnctor. An A:-harij- (X. Y.) dairy mnn rallt d at a drug t-toro there fiir a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left wo d fir hi in to come at unco on his ntu n. 11 a'.M boutf ht n r.ottl of Cliani'. ct la'.'i's Cuigh K liu dy, which lie- h 'lxd would givj Hjmt; relief until thu doctor should arrive. lu a few H ive you a covijih? A dose oi Bal lard's Il'nchouiid syrup will relievo it. Ft ice, 25 cents and 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Tlironi;l NlerjitiiK Car to Irmiclnfii. Xochatige-s, no delays, no chance of niis-ung connections, if you go to Cali fornia via tho Burlington Route. Tho B itin g on runs sleeping cars from Omaha, Lincoln and llistings, to Salt Like City and Sin Francisco daily. Dining cars all the way. Library cars west of Og.'.en. Finest scenery in tho world. Sen nearest Burl i n gto:i tickt t agent, or write J. Francis, G. P. A., ! Omaha, N b. Little Pimples Turn to Cancer. Cancer often results from an im purity in tho blood, inherited from gone-rations back. Few people are en tirely free from some taint in the blood, and it is impossible to tell when it will break out in the form of dreaded Can cer. What has appeared to be a mere pimple or scratch has developed into tiie. most malignant Cancer. 'I had a severe Cancer which wm st flrM rnly a f"w I.IoioUed, Unit I thought would siioll pays away. tri ni. il l.y st-vpral alle j)hysietnim. Iiut In niiite of tlietr efforts the tjun rerspreuil until my con (iitioii tM-cnnic alarming. After ninny month el treatment ami growing V! fry. 1 J v cllel to try S. S. v ' , vilileh was no strotiirly M.'aoily worte. 1 u rtT j V ' j -jv. - reeonimeinled. 'llienrsl F, j i Uilflf prooueeil an im- ( -'.: 1 N, jrWI', 4 pyovement. I continued i.' ' f ,lie niethetiie, and in N r' four moi.ths the last lit "N. i A i 'J tie scab tiropiied off. ''.'"V' ' Ten yea m have, elapsed, ud not a sigu of the diaeuse has returned." K. V. WlI LIA. tjillsliurg, .Miss. It is dangerous to experiment with Cancer. The disease is beyond tho skill of physicians. S. S. S. is tho only cure, because it is the only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Cancer. 5 (Swift's Specific) is the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable. AW oi hers contain potash ami inor fiiry, the most dangerous of minerals-. Hooks on Cancer and blood diseases nailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta. Georgia. 1 J i-T wax Gsridlcs in f h linrni of fie lirn wing room dr lmiMtr t tin Hift y rn i it lit-ht fnm OKIlV A 'Hrniln. . tt . tt, a will nmi runjt nun to t he rttif tUi-cf- it tint itin-hMn. i I or ttjnm-r. Tbh"t r1rornt ivt rami lr the imilf-.t r t he rm-f i-lnrorifB fim't mri for put t nc nr turtrwion. M.i) in nil color mud t h mo-t l'ljYt tint hjr KTA.N It A U 1 OIK O. Aiul boM everywhere. rES7IOR PLUNGE BATH, KOT. SPRINGS, South Dakota. I All A5I Year Resort WATERS HOTELS j DATHHGU3EG ' SCENERY ; All coirioii.c- to mak" this ivmj; I the : best health Itlid plea-Liie re. i t i.i i America. ..REACHED BY THE.. j KsjilVosferB Ling r.( E i M. V. P. R J. R. BUCHANAN, G-Ter.i Pas rr R-.t. Omaha, Nob. I O FOR 14 CENTS! . rt A wa widfi to pin hi j par SUi.nui w one-fi, aim tieuc oner v r Oanl'Ti Meet, iijc b 1 .i lV"5l " Strawberry Al.-lun, l'o Vv.ii v"ti " n ur K.ii-h, ic i ' i Knrlr Ripe t'sl.biee, loo liiiiu'- V 1 Krlr DinnirOnion, 1"0 ' k- ft 8 Brilliant 1-lower SbJ, I'io ICroMA Alirkit Lettuce, lc Worth !., 14 rant. l.uU AboTOlO Pkr. worth fl.00, w will 9 mail you fr.j, torethr with our Rr-t i'lantaml Swd ll0(r,tll- iuK all alniut blT Xllllloa Uol- 0 lar I'olato. npon rweipt ot thiaZ nottre A 1 lr. aiamp. We nvlt J y .urtrnde and know when yon oner Y &. .-r.aclo with.'mt. The 1 Straw herry M a-.. - bcarsll,ii)qiiartatwireyariT. H40' M i . . v I i tr a von wiii nfi JAM A. DiL7F.H Mf:KI.. I CKOSP, wia. Blood tfB j R i Lfc. . i 'i ii ii x r LiL m V