sxtt News HebJ THE NEWS. Establshed Not.5, 1891. nn ,,.,, T. i mo THE HKHALU, Kstablisbed AprW 10. 14. f Consolidated Jan.l.imra. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.. FEBRUARY 6. 1900. Semi NO OR IN KENTUCKY KOBBE TAKES NINE TOWNS iCepiiltlican ami democratic t'nlr'os Keach Agreement. Taylor to Send the Troop Home Order Convening the I.-KlHlature at Ixniluii It to lt- Kevoked Leading Men of I'artle S-iil Mont of the Day In Con ference at the Metropolis. Loi'isville, Ky., Feb. 5. If the agreement drawn up tonight at the conference of representatives of the democratic and republican administra- Two Regiments Scatter Ten Thousand . Kebels, Leaving Garrisons Behind. Manila. Feb. 5. 3:55 p. m. Briga dier General Kobbe's expedition in RICHES OF THE TRANSVAAL. 14 fioing Some Idea of What England to Wtr to fiecare. Just now, when the eyes of the world are on the Transvaal and various re ports are being put forward as to what the islar da of Luzon. Lyta and Samar reason exists for plunging that country has occur iod permanently and gar rfsoned nine towns with the Forty' third and Forty-. even th regiments This has placed on the market 180,000 bale j of hemp Five thousand insurgents armed with rifle?, and over 5,000 armed with wooden swords, bows and arrows, were encountered during- the entire trip. The troops killed seventy-five natives. eleven of whom had rifle?. The others tha Gall house in this . . itv is accented and carrkd out the were v'agers, armed with wooden strife which has rent Kentucky from ot:d to end for the last few weeks will be endc'. The agreement was reached shortly after midnight and arrangemehts were immediately mad to have it drawn up am1, signed. This was slow work, how ever, si'id it was after 2 o'clock when the conferees heparatcd. The demo crat? gained nearly every point they contended for ai d the republican rep resentative?. Lieutenant Governor John Marshall. General Dan Lindsey aud Attorney David Fairleigb, gave assurances that the agreement would he accepted by (Joveinor Taylor to morrow. The agreement provides that in or der It) leave no question as to the title of William Goebel and J. C. W. Beck ham to the oflices of governor and lieutt nunt governor, respectively, the general assembly shall pass a resolu tion in joint assembly validating the acts on that subject, since the legisla ture h:is been prevented by troops from holding its regular tessions at I St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 4. IVopertyof Frankfort. As soon as the legislature the estimated value of $1,500,000 to does this Beckham's title to the office J $2,000,000 was burned today, the of governor is not to bo questioned. I greater part of four blocks of buildings The democrats grant immunity to and their contents, between Third and Governor Taylor and his associates I Sixth streets and Franklin avenue and swords The American loss was one killed and nine men wounded. man Into war with Great Britain, a report furnished this government by Consul Macrum at Pretoria is interesting. He says: "According to a report Just pub lished the output of diamonds in the Pretoria district during 1S98 amounted to 11,025 carats, valuled at 8,867 (43, 151.25). In December, 1897, the output was 166 carats, valued at 146 ($710.51) and for the same month In 1S98 the output was 3,100 carats, with a val ue of 2.389 ($11,626.97). The largest stone found in 1898 was thirty-eight and one-half carats. Although the dia mond Industry is not developing with abnormal rapidity, there Is every cause CROSSES THE TUGELA Duller Kecrosse.s Ifiver to At tempt to Relieve L.alysmitli. AN ANTARCTIC OASIS. th A Queer Discovery Made Daring Recent Expedition. Recent antarctic discoveries by the Belgian expedition, are described In the Century for January by ,Mr. Fred erics: A. Cook of Brooklyn, whose art! 1 m ... tie is very ruuy illustrated. An oasis in a snowy wilderness" is the phrase ne employs in characterizing a certain bit of the antarctic land. Being still A BOON TO I for satisfaction, the first stone having Ihe Americans captured $:),000 in been discovered at Reitfontein only In gold, the enemy's money, and forty muzzle-loading brass cannon. At Caibagog, Samar.the enemy evacuated the town, the Americans chasing, fighting and scattering them to the mountains. At Catba&iogan, Lukban, the Tag- log general, fired the placo with kero sene just before the Americans landed and then fought with cannon and rifles from the hills encircling the town for two hours. When the Filipinos were driven cut the Amaricans did their best to save -the town, fighting the fire for several hours. Thirty stone and sixty other houses in the business por tion were consumed. The soldiers prevented the lire from spreading. A CJKEAT Flit I IN ST. LOUIS His Artillery Practice Braces Cp Troop Shot l'p In Ladysnilth Onndouald Aids by Bluff Movement Advices from Ma- febing Indicate Little Change la the I unwilling to advance into the unknown region before us while enshrouded In mist, we drew near a prominent nioun- Lokdox, Feb. 4. News agencies I tain peak to make a debarkment. The under Durban date declare the British I clIfr was a perpendicular cliff, free of crossed the Tuirela at fords west of snow to the seashore. It was one of a Trichard's drift late Friday night, and ""- extenaing iar into the south also report that the owner of Spionkop " we 1arned, n the Allowing , , .j day- 'e made a debarkment at its farm s a refugee now acting as guide base. Here wag ,ife Jn profuBlont t0Tv"i!r; , !?.deed t.h.ere wa3 051 ev"y rock where. J,uluau BU' ucuiaro mere is uu me could gain a footing. The noise doubt that Bailor's force has crossed, I from the birds, which re-echoed from August, 1897. The average value of I but do not give the exact location and I cllh to cliff, was dtafening. The lower stones found in this district is 61 shill-f say that do reports will be allowed to I rocKS were lined with snoring and Ings ($3.9S) per carat, the average I DO 6ent to lxndon untit Ladysmith is I grunting sea-leopards. Columns of value of Kimbprly diamonds 2t5 shill-1 reiieved. I vapor rose above the water, followed ings (56.33) per carat an.1 those found , . . oy a hiss Use that of a steam engine at jagersiontein, in tue uran;;e Free . '., . , 7. ' ana a second later the blue back of State. 34 shillings X.27) per carat. on. lne Da9,s loal "unaonaia is tnreat- whaie. with its Ion? fin and ponder,,;, Tne diamonds in the I'retona district I "'"k -mibuu numoiuiuuim bh, lashed the water into a foamy are found in pipfs. as on Schuller's I mounted troops, moving upon the I whirlpool. The great wall of land-ice mine and on Montrose. A similar I 1 ransv.ial border of Zululand to d is- rose to each side of the black c!i;T formation nas neen iouna on uooje-1 tract attention while infantrv and nr. wnicn gave v.3 a shelf .is n tillery under Buller are making an other attempt to push direct to Lidy smith. Messages by heliograph show White's troops moving as if to aid Buller'o combined effort?. Special dispatches to morning pa DRTABL m !"- o c tn mUi ."O u Mi assy CUR plaats. on the Punaars river, and an other Is also reported a Kamoclfontein and Buffelsduff. On the D? Kroon farm, about twenty-six miles west of Pretoria, diamonds have been found, but, according to the state geologi.-t. not In a blue ground formation. At Byrnespoort an alluvia! deposit is be- place. From this wall came frequent sounds like the explosion cf a cannon wnicn were followed by a splash and a commotion m the water. With su h reports parts of the wall would cu;i j "'"i 2uj iiiitt i.t.i ai:o a n...- UOn pieces, snowing the- water w:.h small fragrr.rias of ice. but LM Some of It Largest Ntorrit in the Ketall .Section. ing worhea; a,o one on ine aajomin? pors, all of which are apparently cen- icebergs. Above us rose a cliff to ;:n poruon or tne r.iannsronzein farm. rn. SOred, show that a general movement aItude of about 2.000 feet area ui uiam'Jiin.ifn.iis Rionna is very Heie l.. d;) n Wo r.i ($171,437.06), were found, while from the pipes 10,560 crrnts. valued at 8. 502 ($41,374.98). were obtained. The difference between alluvial and pipe from prosecution for treason, usurpa-1 Morgan street, iu the heart of there- diamonds consists in the fact that river lion of ottice or cnnierv.pi oi court ior i tan section, being destroyed. what has h.en done since the shooting I One fireman was killed, nine other of G Kihel. These matters are to be I members of the lire department were held in abeyance until next Monday. I injured more or less seriously and five No oi.Ktruction from itruubiirann. I or six citizens slightly hurt. The republican legislature is to be ueiinite ngures or losses are exceed withdrawn from London immediately. l"Sly hard to obtain. The fact that n aud i o filibustering or other attempt was unuay anu mat neither propt le- .... . i . 1 I f Y 1 r a n f inailnunna . el i . . . . . . cl tins cnaracier is to oa resurieu - c..v..j oujiutoi n tcm by the republican-t to obstruct the their places of business contributed! cRrrvimr nut of this airreement in the I mucn lo this. - j r - legislature. out from of Homo Lrlnrt ia in Tk T il I miS Were nrOlOCtillir Ill'llfp!-liVo vni--i Z.ll,:: ;. ' " ? .r uu' Telemnh announces BlcirmUh- nnrt wnicn served as i-sting places for th? consiaerauie. i ne local quantity oil. " " I cormorants n.. i j. . , . I heaw homhanlmant nt r'hiouolo- o 1 m I ' o'""' uiaiuuuus luiijid in iu me irans- - -- "" ' ,c" young ones dieted in tiv vaal was 22,843 carats, valuled at 4'..- that Piper's relief wagons ca-ryingtc- coaxed their -i the.s for foo l t-1-"'-"1 ' ' lIJt "viai u.s- .uAu.ia ior i-auysmiin gar- pected to see th littl things drop t . i gings 12.2S3 carats, valued at 35.223 risen are loaded readv to leave, as their narrniv rf,-..-. i ' ar 1 " - v J. 1UV C3, It 1 H' well ns a large train of government I stroyed on our h'.-adj or on the ro stores for the same purpose. 1 helow, but such an cccident rarely hn;v Loxdos, Feb. 5. A special dispatch Denea- Unr greatest surprise here w from Durban, dated Sunday, and re- stones are of a far better quality and ferrin? to General Ruller's recrossing are generally larger." A Blft- R EM ARK ABLE SIOHT. Orange Crow Growing In San Francisco. me discovery of large quantities ,;f moss and lichens, which save the sp.t an unexpected aprarame of vegeta ble life and color. After seeing no.h ing but ice and black ro. ks for so many days, this sight cf -:-n and brown and red amid an imilfs.? exnanse :.! A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by mail, 75 cents; bottles, so Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor. - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, K3. F. G. Fricke & Co. the Tutrela in an ndvancj unon T.idr smith says: "It is probable that General Buller crossed at a pot above Trichaid's drift, and that, U i v; i p 1 1 e r m n to M0 desert was a z.-ev reli?f. It w vi There is an orange grove right here the right, lie is marching to Acton an oasi3 in a snowy wilderness In the city limits of San Francisco, Homes, whence the road to Lidrsmith says tne ban irancisco Examiner, not runs a'moft due enst. throucrh .1 f .lrW 1 LAWRENCE, INFANT PRODIGY. , -e - J I open country. J ''It is expected here that b.3 will reach Lady9mitb tomorrow (Monday) niynt." The Pietermaritzbur correspondent a stunted collection of shrubs bearing bitter seedlines with marble hearts nnd Few proprietors or leathery skins, but luxuriant trees ten owners couid be found and those who feet high, that vearly yield several Tne deraocratssut'sested thatio view wfre declared their inability to give hundred fine large navel oranges. The .Upvn -ptpfi in Frank- I definite information. There were six I &rove is not a pretentious one as to fort during the Goebsl funeral cere- retail concerns which were heavy size- Thre are only twenty-five of J of the Daih Mil, telegrnphingycster .1 c.'A;,a riih. losers. The ba ance of the loss i di- "c ""t,c iic-a uuB yiua a jo , ...... I .,, . - ker's dozen but that does not altPr thP drawn. Tho republicans asked thatn'"eu in varying prop irtions among a ainiana nt t. ... r- ' Qa an adequate gumd be left to protect score or more small shopkeepers or Francisco citizen who wants an or- Goveri or Taylor nnd his associates. I nrms. chard in town can have it, providing Ir rlt.-iilcil In lfAva to General I Arranarinar For Fnneral. I the area is his in u-h1-h in o-rnw ir Daniel Licdsey, one of the republican Frankfokt, Ky , Feb. 4. It has Mr. R. H. Partridge, a retired lumber Mecl of tbe .Boer9 in occupyiug Ngutu, "General Bulier has undoubtedly se cured the road to Lidjsroith and should reach his objective point this week. It is b.lieved here thit tho oh- conftrecs, the decision as to how many practically been decided that the re t-oons should be used to prevent a mains of Governor Wiliiam Goebel, I . . clash at the Goebel funeral. As a re- wnose tieatn occurred Saturday even suit tho reDublicana are to begin at me. wi'l be buried in Frankfort in the on.-e the withdrawal of troops from cemetery overlooking the Kentucky Frankfort. It was agreed that the river, where lie the remains of Daniel board cf election commissioners, bit- Boone and several Kentucky gover ting as a content board, should be al- J nors, eminent jurists and soldiers. From this point a private road leads lowed to meet at Frankfort without Arthurs and Justus Goebel, Senator- to his gate. The air here is laden mnift;nn ih iiom.vrnta Btrrftninc elect Joseph BUckburn. S. J. Shackal- with the perfume of fruit blossoms. that no summvry action be taken on IOf u. cierK 01 ine court 01 appeals, and uuu" .v.-. ih;.. ku Warden visited Ihn r .moiArv I lucJ "c merchant, owns this small but pro- Zululand, is to secure the road from ductive orchard, which makes him in-L)undee to Vryheld in case of defeat, dependent of the fruit market, so far ...... as yellow navels are concerned. He " a- can drive from the ferry to bis proper- "I learn from a reliable source that ty in forty minutes. His way lies I General Joubert wae seriously injured luruugn souin ban francisco. over tne bv a shell in the fiaht at Willow Bay View road to the shore of the bay. Grane-e. and that ho will .i.r huKia command. Gen ; fog. leral Lucas Meyer played the coward to com man u agjin on horseback. Mv informant says that he has in fact re tired from tbe field '"The Boers admit that the attarlc on . t. u rnan 1 1 1 i-iiii r 1 a 1 t -v s- . . --- - lib luc n uc- . - these ---in" Ld.: ";r:.r..: VZ in th. distance to te Uy W&,serio blunder and uone wnnoui me ncarmg ii onuonco - 7-" V 'UM northeast and Hunter's point to the would not havo occurred if Genernl - 1 1 1 v m 1 mm iriiii nil mr 1 w n a rr 1 a ibv r-v - - - na argument. The republicans atked that some r i .l I Dlace of Goahf?!. Thniuh no Aafi nita I Tn v. n 1 .. i i p v.s.o.. .or a rCp..i u ,uu...wu.. ualul3, plult-llt-u p.ace it is at TalaBa. and sheltered himSlf in a j i i j j r t e n in whs r ion oil a cnt- v A i en mm a y At . i oi tne itoeoei I'lw oe inciuiieu in iii" i . . . .vvuv, u iuc uummci mc gicaiei yau ji nit? jeti. H?,eem,nt. The democrats agreed :V'C'DUy i.ln.? lmn! .8Qa.rt erected Mr. Partridge had experimented so sue- " i id nonor oi nxniiiRKv -a noun an rtio.9 i i..ii. :.l i , , that to two leading republicans and ,y the highest point ITh. Buft m.h.t h. thought it two democrats shoubl Deleft the matter ful cemetery, was favored and will nrartirahi to riot m i . 1 1 i , t m i i nronn n v n n a 1 1 v ri ae I a a. i . oi cnanpes in me uoenei iw. x ho i r-j ..j ooienou ... ... i acceptance ot this agreement by the M.pard- r.mou Minstrel.. barren stretch of clav round into a principals is the only e'ement of un-1 That famous organization, Shepard's semi-tropical garden. It is an inter- certainty now remaining in the situa- I Minstrel Jubilee, will be seen at Rock- I estlng fact not generally known that lion. Xtturally there was no objec- wood bail Tuesday evening. Febrnarv San Francisco is the only city occu lion from the democrats nnd the atti- 6. The best musical noveities.the fun- pylDg an cntlrc county. The term "city tmie of Govern, r Tavlor will certainly nicst nnmP.linna th mnar cniif..i umjlb nere "ciuaes an tne peninsula he known tomorrow. ,nh..,. ..hi. as ,ar south 13 0eean vlew- where . .. """"" i sm Mateo and San Francisco are sep i, ural,,w, money, enorgyann arated bv a llaepole sign. liiHurnrcal ly Hnmlor Iebot. II. w nccurately the republic n c n I experience with this class of attraction ferees represent Governor Taylor dm I can do, has been done to lu-tKe Shep only be determined by the events of lard's minstrels lh peer of all similar Ihe next twenty-fi ur hr urs. Il is I organizations lrbl!e that the republican policy was materially inll'iencfd by the fol lowing telegtam: "Washixston', Feb. 4. 1900. Hon. V. S. Tiy!o-: The unanimous senti ment here is that you are wrong in preventing the legislature from meet ing and that you should submit the disputed questions to the civil courts Federal assistance cannot be given you on your requisition so long as thelegis lature is in session or can be convened There is no doubt but it can be con vened if vou will permit. The demo crats intend that if any violence oc curs you shall be the aggressor. You will by forcible resistance alienate those who formerly sympathized with your case. So assistance. "W. J. Dkhoe." 1'repHring to Agree. Louisville, Ky., Feb. 5. A confei ence between accredited representa tives f the two t-tiite governments was held at tho Gait house in this city tonight as a step toward bringing about a peaceful settlement of the dis turbed political conditions now exist ing. After four hours of preliminfry tnlk the conference adjourned at 9 o'clock for one hour. Up to that time satisfactory progress had been made, considering the bitter estrangement of the factions and the seemingly irrecon cilable differences in their contentions on the most important points at issue. William Gilmour has a few Clever's Model, Woodburn Medium and Wilk's Poland China hogs for sale. A rare and pleasing treat is promised frcrn a musical standpoint. The 'liv ing music sheet" is a distinct novelty in this line, having been an enormous hit in the eastern cities. The great street carnival takes place at 2:30 p tn. N t wot Idea In Homlnjr Plreona. weekly Telegraph: At Huslet. near Leeds, a breeder of carrier pigeons is crossing his homing birds with par rots, so that In flying long-distance matches they can ask their way. Varied Foaalbllltlea In Feu. Peru possesses such a diversity of elevations and clln.atic peculiarities as to be able to produce almost any prod uct known to mar. For the Ruble. There is no better medicine for tbe babies than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Its pleasant taste and prompt effectual cures m ike it a favorite with mothers od small children. It quickly cures their coughs and Culds, prevent ing pneurtonia or other serious conse quences. It also cures croup and has been us d in tens of thousands of cases without a single f ii!ure so far as we have been able to learn. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. In cases of whooping cough it liquefies the tough mucus. making it easier to expectorate, and lessens the severity nd frequency of the paroxysms of couching, thus de priving that disease of all dang-rous consequences. For sile by all drug gist. Iled,Cross wagon, shamming Bickness Ho h;s been unable to face tbe Boers I since and they threaten to shoot him 'The Boer9 say Great Britain made oranges. He has thus transformed a la mistake in not sending General Sir Evolyn Wood. I understand that they still have thousands of bags of flour stored in reserve at Delagoa bay." War Offlre Keeping; Stcret. London', Fob .". 4:30 a. m. Al though there is no actual confirmation of tho report tht General Buller has reerossd the Tugela on a third des- city or Maple. i peraie attempt to relieve LiMdysmiln Angelica. N. Y., is famous for the!11 ,s known that the war office has re size ai.d number cf its maple trees Iceived several South African dis- Its principal street, which runs in alpatehes which have not yet been pub- biraigut line ror over a miie. is bor-lli-hed and if the advice is an actual oeied ;n enter side with a row of immense maples, in the center of the village is a flowing well, which spouts water ara nre at the same time. The water is clear and cold, and the eas which riies to the surface through the I advance had been begun, and il is of- same r'Pes, burns fiercely when iz- I sumed in some nuarters hero that Lord Cited. I Tl.jndon nlil'j rprnnnniaaHiifA in tha district of Iloonsoor's poort may be the nnlv inn fop tho chtamonl Apropos of the statement that several thn, rnorai c,t portraits of Charles I. by Van nrckJ 7 .V . . T. . . showed the same fierce mustache which L anu. epaicDea irom the kaiser is so fond of. a German -J,n" miner indicate that the monthly now comes forward and ob- advance is in operation by reporting serves that the "upturned mustache" eivy flrirg on Friday and Saturday was really invented at the court of from the dirtclion of Potgietersdrift x-uuip iv. oi fepaln. Charles I.. bein and Colens.v fact the secret is being well kept. There are newspaper dicpatches in plenty from Spearman's Camp up to Sunday, bu thero is no hint that an Attracted the Attention ol Garrlek, Foote. Itarke and Sheridan. Raphael, with genius at his back, did not come to maturity so quickly, nor did Rubens, triumphant at Antwerp, hold popular applause so long; for Lawrence kept hi.s admiring public to the last, and was something of a won der both as man and bov. savs the i entury. His whole career was bril liant, yet not through intrinsic force; his art was successful without - being sreat; he was honored and praised ilown to his grave, and yet he possessed uot genius. There are men who ! achieve popular success without genius. Lawrence was one of them. The father was a man of some birth and educa tion, but what is called ' the poetic temperament," and never got on very well in the world. He was at different times a barrister without a brief, an A Remarkable Tribute of Respect. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe received a remwKaDle tribute of respect a few days ago at a gathering of Unitarian women in All Souls' church. New York Mrs. Howe, 80 years old, but still m her prime in wit and charm, erew tired before her speech was finished, and was unable to pitch her voice so that the women in the rear could hear. "Can Mrs. Howe raise her voice?" came a call from the back. "No." re plied Mrs. Howe, frankly. "I said yes terday I should not kill myself, even for this august body. You can't ex pect an old lady of 80 to explode In one gigantic effort." There was a ripple of laughter at this, and then the women in the back seats rose, making their way toward the front, where seats and platform were already crowded They deliberately sat down on the floor, where they stayed throughout Mrs. Howe's address. Gray-haired women mingled with youne itirls in this humble position. Mrs. Howe's ad dress was on "The Proeress of th Century in Manners." There was a general call for Mrs. Howe to recite "The Battle Hymn of the Republic which she did amid great applause. first- NATIONAL BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. PAID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Biff Contract for an American Company. After being carefully guarded for over two months it has leaked out that the tramway committee of the Glas gow (Scotland) corporation has award ed the contract for tne supply ard lay ing of the conduit for convejlng the cable for Glasgow municipal tracways to the National Conduit and Cable company of America. The work of laying the Ipe under American super vision has already begun, and some 500 navies are being employed. This con duit contract is reported to be by far the most important one ever placed outside of England. Already 2,000,000 feet of piping have been ordered, and it is said that the chances are that the entire requirements in this line will be filled by the Americans, and that the cable on the superior manufacture of which English manufacturers have long prided themselves will also be ordered from the United States. The curious part of the conduit contract is that a lump sum has been agreed upon with the National company that will Include the supply of pipes, the ex- Offers the very best lacillties lor the prompt transaction ol Legitimate Banking Business. i STOCKS, bonds, gold, ffovernnient and local counties DouKht and sold. Deposits re ceived and Interest allowed on the certfl oates. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the D. 8. and all theprlnolple towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for eounty warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: H. N. Dovey. D. Hawksworth S. Waugh F. E. White. G. E. Dovev. Geo. E. Dovey. Pres.. S. Wauzh. Cashier. H. N. Dovev. Asst. Cashier. IT PAYS To Look Around Before you make purchases. After you have looked elsewhere, come to us and we guarantee you will be pleased. Our new winter stock has arrived, including Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed. A square deal to all. F. S. WHITE, Main Street. PlattsiMHith V" " p ' J liri'":' U1 luc cavatlon of the earth as well as the White Lion inn at Devizes without I f h nin. El. FITZGi;itAI, Has new stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever to take care of fl General Liveru Business Qu'ck trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and court eous treatment assured. TUH,ES SIXTH D VINE STS., IMattsmotith, Nebraska. guests enough to make it pay. When young Lawrence was 3 years old his father made a change of base and moved into the Black Baar inn. It was here that the boy was placed upon How's This. We offer One Hundred Dnllnra Rwrri t..r ii iii' ?? 1 JatIPPn that cannot be cured by a-ac a vo, vn i g ii vurO. r . . UUENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. v. l 4 ... n,. - . . , b " uiiucreunou, nave Known t. J. iaUic lu rec-iie DnaKespeare ror tne I Cheney for the last 15 years, nnd believe guests. Here. also, he deveioned a I h,u Peffectly honorable in all business a-nn,inrfi :. . , . .x . I transactions anu nnanclally able to carry Wonderful gift of making portraits in out any obligations made by their 6rm. pastel of the passing public. A guest IwPSTr,ac lBrx' Wholesale UruRjtlsts. To- could have a portrait painted while he Wal'dinq. Rinnan & Marnin, Wholesale waited, and the speed of the artist was uffmW;a."Vehaft..Vi ,.. not less wonderful than his age. The I acting directly upon the blood and mucous duchess of Devonshire and Lord and "ttt0Unli71.,.t.ce II ' --3 a to vtuiuiiiais umiy ivenyon were among nis eany i rree. sitters and tho rwnH i nrcarVaA ih9 a" 8 ramuy ruis are tne best The Upturned Mu.t:i'lte. Philip's brother-in-law. subsequently set the fashion in England, and thence it spread to Belgium, Germany, Swed en and France. Louis XIII. was prac tically the last monarch to wear this type of mustache, until its revival by William II. The reports fiat the Iioers are recon- centrating around Ladysmith are the only indications that preparations are neing made to resist General Bulier or for an i.ttempi at re-attack on the gar rison in conscq-i nce of his advance. The Best Medirlne for Kheuuiatixiu. I think I would go cra?y with pain were it not for Chamberlain's Pin Lady Kenyon's likeness was drawn in profile, because, as the child artist de clared, "her face was not straight." In a short time he had attracted the attention of Carrick. Foote, Wilkes, Burke, Sheridan and Johnson, and his father began traveling with him about the neighboring country and exhibiting him as one of the wonders of the age. lusurln; r'tn'it-id Frtitnm. Something new in the insurance line Is offered In I-inkm!, where the news papers have surlerrd so severely In cir culation and receipts from censorship and suppicbsioii tnat a concern has been oiganized to secure tbem from loss for a fee oi 5 per cent of their gross income. The insurance consists of a guaranteed indemnity not to ex ceed CO per cent of the loss of gross income due to suspension. A Thief's Cleverness. We do not remember to have seen for a long time a more curious case of a thiet s cleverness than that which was recorded at Clerkenwell. Solomon Buffler, who, with a companion, was convicted of burglary in a jeweler's shop, managed to conceal two diamond rings in spite of the most thorough search by the police, and contrived to pass one of them away to his wife when he was in the cells, "putting It Into her mouth by means of his tongue when kissing her." The other he kept under his tongue all the time he wa. under arrest, and it would probably never have been found at all if bis companion had not exposed him in court, and so induced the judge to order a careful Inspection of his mouth Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY HARD COAL. CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OP WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Fo. d Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-S'rs. Cure Dyspepsia Work Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr, tiprnnenis win. a leprosy cure. King's New Life Pills. Everv pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that An ingenio., Lulv sn,! n oov - .-li-.u.ruicill mftnOH Of hn l. r.-l c-11 ..!, ..v... i i iii v i n 1 1 ii i iil ui mi .iiii -i iiii mi. .- " " j'Uk 1- collar around the thrnnr ti.. UOU1' "ir. . xi. diapieton, i . rV i I .cmbui mieaa- collar around the throat. The little Herminie, Pa. "X have been afflicted izfJ a I.S e htld Letween tha; creature, finding itself unable for days with rheumatism tn. a-, hIrd and httle "f f the left hand..' together to swallow ,, .! - , . instead of by thumb and fora-1 catches irivps tin trvin 6 have tried without number, finger raim u- -r-o-t The advan-' w ,', I f P l V lB to do so' and but Pain Balm is the best medicine 1 1 tacm nV fhia "t. ! ! brings to the bank all the niA 7A. "'T . . "u nsn " captures, uuo application re-1 uuger can De use.t ir xnp the smallest lieves the pain Experiments are being made in Ha waii with o new lpnrncv nnr. wKik I - ! ... "J " uiK.ll l3 i .. . oalH tn havo acpnmnliihM rmi.,iiiJluouKCT "cttnucBS ,ulu svrengtn, list results. It is the product of a v.n. lessness into energy, brain-fag into zuelan shrub, the culture of which has menlu power, ihey're wonderful in been introduced into the islands under building up the health. Only 25 cents the care of Dr. Carmichael of the Unit- P1 hox. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co ed States Marine hospital, who has -A Sharp Rarfaln Jenkins (who has agreed to sell his farm to Thompson for a srood nr'e. but wants to get a little more)! d'no but I sh 1 hev ter back out er this 'era business, my woman, she's a-takin on so bout leavin' of the old nlace, Thompson My wife'll be dretful dis'- plnted. She's sot her heart on our hevin that farm fur so long. Jenkins Tell ye what I'll do! You jest glm me a nuther hund'ed, an I'll let Liddy Ann oawi. judge, been directed by the department at Washington to make experiments with It Training Otters. Chinese and Indian fishermen have en Ingenious way of training the otter. For sale by all drug-1 of the threa gists. Wait for the mnsquerade which will be given by tho Turners at their hall next Saturday evening. A good time assured to all who attend. . .oon as it pro trudes from the eye. a. method prefer- able to that of let: go the thread who Is t0 marry a lnce ,T ' and endeavoring to ?,t hold of the end have ner photoiAJh to JSiS Tnl JiLVVl. , s Drevent3 Editor-She won't, "eh? Tlt Fair Substitute. Artist Miss Brownle-Vere de Vere, us on. the fore- A bee's wings are said to beat the air at the rate of 190 strokes per second. , and to propel the bee at the rate of 30 mites an hour. tne weight of the cotton from draz- . rr e""iK 1,Ke "e,n 8na 17 ' in6 the end out of the eye again. ltrZ TaklnV" 8 labeIed Maee,d r uisville were county Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps, and all other results of i mperf ect di gestion, Prepared by E. C DsWltt A Co.. Chicago. F. G. PRICK F & CO. UniAPI I ' Isespeclally ben nWCLU O eHcial to speak- Ml ers. singers and To PATENT fiootf Ideit may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD. BaHlmora. Md. Subscriptions to fstent Record ii.w per anoaia. WM H1H .i if fail. Anv one send in IT sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our oPmn free, ""cerainf the piteaUbility of same. " How -Obtaian Do-VT .,Vn reaucst. Patents secured through ns advertised for sale at our expanse. r....... i.i,.. through us receive tpecxal ioice. withoutcharge, in Thb Pate RBCOao. iiintfntni nl widely circulated journal. consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. j- SP s& ET SP A n n i"0&G Sena tor sampic cupy vk. VICTOR J. EVAN 8 & CO. (Pmtcnt Attorner,) I i seat visitors icaav. ewsasBuJiii: