"3 - ;:- . t 11 X - - I; 1-- i I r. The Semi-Weekly News-Herald 6EORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor. DAILY EDITION. On War. in idv:tnce. . .... 15 00 Six Months 2 50 One Week, Single Copies, SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . . SI 00 1 Six Months 50 F LARGEST CIRCULATION I Of any Cass County Paper. FPIDAY,' FEBRUARY 2, 1900. James Pyle. one of the greatest of American advertiser?, died recently io Bostou. It is hardly necetsary to add that he was very rich. The Woman' club is poingtoeee what can be done to lessen, if riot stop the si'e of cigarette to minora in this city. Let the pood work eo op! Mayor Riciiey has done the proper thicg in ordering that teams shall not be hitched on Main etreet. Tbera will not be half so many accidents and the street can be kept much cleaner. Clearance Sale of A Winter Goods ...UNTIL COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED, OUR ENTIRE WINTER STOCK, CONSISTING OF... Flannels. Oirtlno Flannels lankets. Ladies iieavy Skins, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear, Flannel Wrappers, Outing Flannel Nightwear, Fascinators and Headwear, Gloves and Mittens MUST GO AT SOME PRICE -Call and Get a BARGAIN--No Goods will be Carried Over by this Store. ZUCKWEILER & LUTZ, CORNER SIXTH AND PEAEL STREETS of the sup-eme court can be brought I ud to dte. It now takes between four and five ye-ir for a case to be beard j after it is decided In the district court. ! In this way many persons who may recover a judgment In the district court arr compelled to compromise or I j . I . , 3.rt -folra rt Hfioth to stBnd on without being in constant unuerKu n.o .l0uU.... , removal oi witnesses or iiitsvivcimy Henry Wattekson says this caun try is in "a hopeless state of prosper ity," and that the fusiomsts are seek' irg in vain for an issue broad enough danger of falling off. liOURKE Cockrax and W.J. Bryan are represented in a cartoon. Their interview is short and to the point: Cookran: "Cast off free 6ilver and I will support and vote for you. " Bryan: 4,Nay, Nay, T.jurke, my boj, the leop ard can not change its spots." 1 1IE house of representatives, a ma ioritv of the governors and most of the peopla favor the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. It will be but a short time until the senators themselves wil- have to 'Vet into line" or out of office. the defeated ptrty, or their own finan cial condition may be such. that tbey cannot wait the tedious process of the court. It is now a common practice to appeal cases to the supreme court for the sole purpose of compelling a com . i -n I 1 1 : promise by tne aeiay. especially ia this true when the defeated party is well-to-do. Wo are all interested in the court, as we do not know how soon we may be- -w 1 1 . 1 1 come a party. Liei an neip me imr association in this matter. COT HIS CLEAN CLOTHES. Ho Had No Money, bat Had tier-re and an Kasy Chinaman. That there are more ways than one to accomplish a thing If a man only has the necessary nerve is illustrated hv the eznerience of a young man. The HER MOTHER'S STOCKINGS. Of Course the Bride Thought of Them at Her Marriage. A good story Is being whispered around about one of the beautiful brides of last week. She was married in a big church with the usual accom INFORMATION AND OPINION. young man tells the story himself, so ' panioient of flowers and pretty brides lueie ia uu ucu.jai printing it. It seems that he had a big bundle of collars and cuffs and shirts at a Chinese laundry a night or two ago, some articles in which he needed very much. The night was the furthest In the week from his pay day. and be wa3 "broke." Still he had to have clean linen in order to keep an important engagement. "I didn't know what to do," he said, in relating the incident. "I felt sure that the Chinaman wouldn't extend credit to me, for it is a well-known thing that Chinese laundryroen never 'trust At last I hit upon a scheme. Going to my room, I bundled up all the soiled linen I possessed. Hurrying around to the laundryn:an'. I produced the bundle. 'Sixty-five cents!' he exclaimed bland- All business men are improving their financial conditions in these nrosDerous times, but the city of w Plattsmouth, with a democratic coun ell. is not makincr hdt Drogress. It is time that the business men of Ptatts- mouth should be placed in the council to do its. business.- Peaat -poMticIaaa should be left in the background. The hest should be retained and the bal ance speedily retired. The report of the republican mem bers of the ways and means committee commits them to the theory that Porto Rico and the Philippines are not the f inn Vinraua ill t i matel v designed for use by the English government in 1. holding cut his hand for the coin. I " J , . - . u... nicked up the c ean linen and. deposit ee Transvaal, are being bought just D'cKf" . ... nn hla ponntor. now i-' Kacs isCity. Owing to tho de-, - .'. aa y,ta rfP mand at present the supply of horses in Ensrlind ia becoming low, and so Englishmen are in Kansas City buy ing and shipping to England for the purpose cf suppling the demands there. The result is that there is Dl advance in the price of noises suitable for gov ernment purposes. Itta estimated mat the English government has already bought about 2,1 00 horses on account of the South Africin war. ii8&BT,Ti -WLLnlted States, within had begun to gru F etliutiob n tcif -v wM in ca 8tom 8 hall be unnorro Slates. In and revenue laws throughout the Qnitid other words it means that our new pos sessions can be governed as colonic- Miss Anna M. uowen, oean oi AVoman's Hall of Northwestern Uni versity, Evanston, Ind., died very sud denly Saturday evening. She fell to ..aAnT..ir ..!.rucr time wun- sShe is loe uuur, out eaining consciousness. said to have been a very brilliant and accomplished young woman and her death has cast a gloom over Evanston. All college exercises were suspended yesterday. Funeral services were held at Woman's Hall. Strands Played the Chant. The teacher who influenced Strauss most was one Joseph Dreshler, the choirmaster of St. Steven's church in Vienna." who- tried to get the waltzes out of the boy'a head and put ia their place anthems and chorals. In this undertaking ho met with Indifferent success, for the worshippers in one of the Vienna churches were startled on a Sunday morning when there poured forth from the organ, filling the gloomy bulli'iug, by its enchanting notes, a waltz instead of the solemn Gregorian chant tc which they were accustomed. It was Johann Strauss, Jr., who had taken the organist's place and substi tuted his own favorite selection for the nsual sacred music, much to the dls- 7w, 'iV ffvi- ana tne amuse may of the piouo io... meat of the younger people of the con gregation. Edward A. Stelner In tne January Woman's Home Companion. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this started for the door as if my me ce pended on n-.y being half a mile away within five miuute3. 'That's all right,' I shouted back in reply. 'Just mark it on that bundle and I'll pay you for both together.' Then I was gone, but not hfifore Iranhts gllrapR nt Tthe laundryman" hastily unwrapping the bundle I had left, as If he was anxious to see whether or not the contents were worth the 65 cents I had 'hung him up' for. He was evidently satis fied, for he didn't yell for the police or make any commotion, as I was afraid he might do. and I had all kinds of freshly laundered collars and cuffa and shirts to wear that night. And all on account of a bit of nerve." Philadelphia Inquirer. Senator Pettifrew's attack on tin.iai nnsii Tttrdv will do " J J- - 1 - -i- i- lr 7 -- ' " . , - T . . A a wn. i tiA a rift ner vikai orgaus wm c uuuci4uiuo death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not 6leep. She floally discov ered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's Nw Dta- oouerv for Consumolion. and was so rou h relieved on tauing first dose. that the slept ll night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. r nme is Mrs. L,utner l.uiz. inva write vv. u. MamnicK at v.o., or neiDy N. C. Trial bottles free at F. G expose thetkeleton of trtasbn so deli ciouslv hu"-ffed to the bo otn of anti- pdministration members of congress and their bac' ers in the rank1. The idea of accenting the word of AEUin- aldo rather than that of Admiral Dewev! We might as well believe the statement of Benedict Arnold in pre. erdnce to that of George Washington Tbem of Green Felt with Feathefi b-Wff,r-J'h Those who are knowing In cuch things have been heard to say of late that the prince of Wales is not the absolute arbiter that once he was In mattcra rwrtAlnlnr to tnpn'n fashions. country. "Lisease iasieneu. n b . t he ls Btlll reCognized as mas clutches upon her and for seven rears! ierhejeJiatsareLj:onxfirAea. IttfeU Kentucky is now enjoying (?) two gevdrnors. We trust the better judg ment of I.er citiz -HS will prevail and permit the matter to be adjusted in the court9 without further bloodshed The neode must abide by the veidict of the majority of the voters or gov ernment will be at nn erd. It cannot be enforced with a gun. The present conditions arise from candidates foist iiu? themselves into nominitions - "9 against pa-ty will through mtinip u'.atirer oirtv machinery. Parties nhoulci cnll the candidate not tho cundldite ih pnrty. In steakino of the Gcebol a-sas-! nation, Mr. Bryan says: "We can afford to permit the republicans to enjoy the monopoly of force and threat?." It is well to remember that the respectable, law-abiding demo omta of Kentuckv are against the Uoebel machine and are more loud in the denunciation of its methods than are the republican?. Who did the shooting is not yet known. Time may disclose an assassin who can be com passed in the word "we." The rovolt is againBt corruption in the democratic party for which Mr. Bryan fights so valiantU at 60 much per word. It a republican governor who Is trying to maintain peace. It might oe well to wait and find who Sred the shot be fore condemning either party. The only circumtan :e now known that points to a republican is that tlve shot wa9 fi-ed witn smokeless powder, but even that might be done by a business democrat. STATE BAR The State Bar What Do the Chllarea Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new food drink called Graln-O? It is delicious and nourish ing and take?) the placo of coffee. The more. Grain O you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grain, and when properiy pre pared tastes like the choice grades of Coffee but costs about one-fourth as much. All grocers sell it. 15oand25o. WALES ODD TASTE IN HATS. maids. Every one remarked how per feet'.- beautiful the bride looked as she R-al' ed up the aisle on the arm of her father to meet the bridegroom waiting at the altar. After the wedding break fast, and just as the bride was prepar ing to start for the depot to catch the afternoon train for her honeymoon, an old schoolmate friend of her mother came to her. kissed her on both cheeks and said: "My dear child, you were the most perfectly lovely bride that I have seen this winter! As you walked up the aisie to meet the man that was so soon to be your husband, every one ! could see from the half-frightened yet j trustful look i! pon your face and the firm yet tender f mile about your mouth that you were thinking of the serious importance of the step that you were . taking. Your very look seemed to say 'I am leaving my girlhood behind m-:-and gofr. fo;ih upo:i an untried sea but so sre-a' is my trust in him whom I have chosen that I step forward with out fear an.i in perfect confidence' Tell me. my dear, just what the thoughts were which brousht that love ly expression upon your face this mornIng.!lJlYcii2I. I 41 said the bride, 'exactly what my thoughts were ss 1 walked up the aisle My mother, who. as you kndw, Is a much smaller woman than I am. ror some sentimental reason Insisted upon my wearing t the altar the very silken hose in which she was married to my father twenty years ago. They were so tight for me that at each step I kept repeating to myse'.f: 'This time they will surely rip!" And when I reached the altar without accident I was so much relieved that I probably tiid -r tH look of bliss which every body mentioned." Washington Times. Fricke A CoV dng st-e. Regular aizefiOc and $1.00 teed. Ev-rv bi'tle guar-4 AN INFANT INDUSTRY. ACCIDENT TO BUFFALOES. Driven Over a Precipice by a Bllzsard la Destructive Sandstorm. Near Cheyenne Wells is a long stretch of level prairie, which sudden ly terminates In a precipice, making a perpendicular descent or perhaps fifty feet to another plain below, says the Denver Field and Farm. In the winte. of 1858 a great blizzard raged for sev eral days. The snow was driven at o terrific rate before a hurricane of wint: and the buffaloes were obliged, in self preservation, to turn their backs ant' run with the wind. The result was that vast numbers of the buffaloes were carried over the precipice and their dead bodies were covered with twenty or thirty feet of snow. For many years people visited the spot to look at the bnes. which lay In piles ten and fifteen feet high as far as the eye could reach along the precipice, and it was commonly estimated that 100, 000' buffaloes found a grave on that fa tal spot. Sandstorms in tnose aaya were so destructive that it was not un usual for freighters to lose their entire outfits. During the prevalence of a storm no attempt was made to move forward and drivers cleared the sanu out of the nostrils of the horses and oxen, as otherwise the animals were threatened wuh death from suffoca tion. A sandstorm usually lasted only two or three hours but its effects were i eit-for- day'tty"KmpTr and "animals ex posed to the fury of the blast. A curi ous phenomenon noticed in different places on the p'ains was the immense excavating power of the wind in a sandstorm. There were areas of three or four acres where the wind scooped out the sand forty or fifty feet deep and whirled it away in the air. It seemed as If the work began at a cen tral spot no larger than could be cov ered by a man's hat. In an Incredibly short time a round hold would be ex cavated. The wind then took hold in real earnest ancVthe probabilities were that an entire sand htit would it, lev eled in the next thirty minutes. It Black r? ? ? ? ? 4? S S 4? 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Stylish LkI s . tt t. ok t Mis ScottUh Zoo. 'Ike .ait'bt wi'.tiiit.u to the Scottish Zoo is a vlacke vark or emgalla, direct from the 'lran&vaal. It is an ungainly- looking animal, v.Ith long tusks and a portentously ugly head. One of the j chief peculiarities cf this animal is the enormous projection which flanks the ; face on either side just below the eyes, j So large are these excrescences, and so j deeply sunk are the eyes, that the : be so, Englishmen are in for a cnange of headgear, for the prince of Wale3 has been buying hats, the color, shape and decorations of which are all new According to the Dally News the prince has a kind of passion for buying hats and giving them to his friends. He bought nine In Germany, and they are of new pattern, and some of them of a new color. The color is green and the material soft felt, and stuck in the back as if toe wearer, in his hurry, had put his Ii.it on wrnn? is a little tuft of raDTaiizie feathers. Most of them are capf rcailzie, but there 13 lati tude for rooice. The head of a wood cock as a sort of center for iU own fine feather. t-o teeth of a wolf with a tuft of wo:r3 bristle teeth ami bris tles of a dog will do if the rarer artl- cles are not obtainable he curied tal! ' feathers of a black cock; tree a:e the 'chief varieties of ornament up to this j The Dally News, indeed, accuses the prince of being mere plagiarist of the . composer Offenbach, who 35 years ago. I after a tour In the Tyro!, returned to Paris with the full equipment or a Tyrolese sportsman, an 1 appeared on the boulevards wearing the ?rren hat Has Been Planted In the Hills, and Is Being- Nursed. The recent flagging of a train by a Black Hills boy and the generous treat ment accorded him by the passengers and railroad officials have resulted in inaugurating a new industry among the Black Hills boys. The other day some passengers, when at a station near where the flagging episode oc curred, noticed a, -bright faced, ragged urcLIa near the track. Hoping to get a sight of the boy who had created so much favorable comment by his action a few days previously In flagging the train and preventing what might have been a serious accident, some of the kind-hearted and hero-worshiping pas- 1 fceaiwa.i a-thai-tjCio..Uwia . He promrf!yTPr"ed: I m ae Kia-woi flagged tic k'cers t' other day." With out stopping to verify his claim, they at once Lesan tossing him nickels, dimes and quarters, and the 1-ul profit ed by liii- deceit. Every urchin who puts in l.is time at the depots in thai partici:; ! .ncality to see passing trains Is now :!.e boy who flagged the train," and unsuspecting passengers have am ple opportunities to part with their spare change One Question Too Man?. From the Boston Evening Tran script: Tomewell It's a wise man who knows when he is well off. Page Yes? Tomewell Jackard told me that everybody was talking about my new book. Page And what then 7 I ome- well I was foolish enough to ask what they said.- For the Same Reason. She Why does a woman take man's name when she gets married? He Why does she take everytning else he has? Cincinnati Enquirer. In Training-. Yabsley The amount of time you owe tne nve is worm mmc iuau money. Mudge I know it is. but 1 have a hope that some day I will owe an amount worth dodging for. Indian apolis Journal. not look behind It in tho usual manner of animals, and is there- wim curi or lexers. iMu,n fore obliged to hold its head perpen dicularly to cast a glance over its own back. As it always holds its tail per pendicularly when it runs, the general effect is exceedingly ludicrous. ASSOCIATION. association is now being reorganized and, among other laudable purposes, it is propose to evolve eonn plan by which the work Always glad to see you at the Vienna bakery. j 0 How Lahonchere Helped a Friend. Labouchere tells an amusing story of how he did a good turn for a legal friend, who. although accustomed to address Juries and judges, was afraid of the house of commons. "Oae day. walking home with him." says I a bouchere. "I told him that hs should get over this curious dread. A matter was coming under discussion whi-.i involved a good deal of law. I said to him: 'If you like, I will get up and speak against the government view. Yon must Jeer at me. I will complain of this, and suggest that as you are an eminent lawyer you should express your objections accurately, then you having prepared your speech must get tip and crush me.' This was arranged. When I laid down the law, he laughed. 1 looked indignant. I went oc; ne ut tered sarcastic 'hear, hears.' I protested sat down, and Invited him to reply to me. He got up and made an excellent speech." The Argonaut It spread from Paris to To Core a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Ouinine Tablets. All .(...trrricta r.fimrl the niniiev if it fails to cure Grove s signature is on eacn dox. sac. caught on. London. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is the only remedy for blind, bleeding rr O'Otruding piles, indorsed by phys ician; cures the most obstinate cat s. P iue 50 cents in bittles, tubes 73 ctp. v. G Fricke & Co. Wise Precaution. It Is a Sanford man who has thU statement sewn in his undershirt: "My appendix has been cut out," and he explains his case in this way: "You see these are the balmy knifing days of the surgeon. If a man happens to fall In a fit, faint or lose consciousness for any reason, they cart him oft to the hospital and operate for appendi citis without waiting for him to come to and say what alia him. I've been sliced open once and don't hanker for encores." Persons who leal a life of exposure are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago, will find a valuable remedy in BtUard's Snow L nament; it will banish pain and subdue inflam mation. Ppma 9J unit FJl ranlt. V Ci. On this;Fricke&Co Delicious refreshments will served at the tlCafe Chantant." Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the most obstinate diseases, and hence the most difficult to get rid of. There is but one way to euro it. The disease is in the blood, and all the sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures in the world can have no permanent effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cific cures Catarrh permanently, for it is the only remedy which can reach the disease ana iorce it irom the blood. Mr. B. P. McAllister, of Ilarrodsburg, Ky., had Catarrh for years. He writes: 'I could see no Improvement whatever, though I was constantly treated with pprays ana wsnes, ana ciiuer ent inhaling remedies in fact. I could reel mat each -winter I was worse than the year previous. nally It TAILORING... That is what you can depend upon at our shop. And that is only one of the many gfood points. We have a lare assortment of foreign and domestic goods from which to make selections and every suit or garment we turn out is guaranteed to be satisfactory. The Only Union Tailor Shop in Cass County... Members of labor organizations are invited to call at our shop, where they can get the union label placed on their garments, and where they can get the best for their money. Iludecek & 3JLcJbGlioy5 Rockwood Block-Main St. i I bk b ? i 5 c bp i i & & l l if .1 REMOVAL NOTICE THE COAL OFFICE AND A f ?HFn5 OF s mm "ens? " s A. H. CE(BACH & CO. 1, MAIN 4 rvTT .1 ittvvI LfJ li. w IN LJ UIHl STREETS. Orders for COAL Will receiv PROMPT Attention. Here are sorai of the grades they handle: I JACKSON HILL. ILL. TRENTONILL. -f MENDOTH LUMP. JdSLNUT BLOCK LUMP. h3l 7T.ND TILL CRHDES OF HKRD A. H. WECKBACH & CO., C07TL. TEL. 54 Fleece Ton. The Maid "Oh, how I should love to see a real live train robber." Conduc tor "Sorry, miss, but the Pullman car porter has gone up in town somewhere." C. A. Marshall. Dentist. FILE YOUR WANTS. (Special notices under this head will be charged lor at the rate of one-hall (V4) cent per word for each insertion.) HISCKltANEOl't OR SALE A goad six room house and two F r further information EC llots. with a variety of f'uit. About seven blocks from postoffice ii q lire of A. V. White 4. S. S anrt VI ly brought to my notice that Catarrh was a blood disease, and after think Ing over the matter, I aw it was unreasonable) to expect to be cured by remedies which only reached the surface. 1 then decided to try after a few bottles were used. I no- tin m m.nuntih) i mnmvemen &. GontinoinK the remedy, the disease was forced out of iny system, and a complete cure was the resnlt. 1 advise all who have this dreadful di.ease to abandon theirloeal treatnient.whieh hasnever done them any pood, and take S. 8. S-, a rem edy that can reach the disease and cure It. To continue the wrong treatment for Catarrh is to continue to suffer. Swift's Specific is a real blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases, which other remedies have no effect whatever upon. It promptly reaches Catarrh, and never fails to cure even the most aggravated cases. Tor Rlnnrt lheuiuuu is Purely Vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no be U Books mailed free by Swift Speciflo Company, Atlanta, Ueorgia. muse aggravate! S.S.SJ WANTED-Men an I romei for soliciting. Good termor? and R oj wages. or par ticulars addre-s P. U. box So l'77. Plattsmouth. Neb. FOR AI E A desirable house and lot.betweeu Seventh a-d Eighth streets, on Locus'- In quire of 1. H. Thresher. Main street. $6H). rOK SALE Home of seven rooms; three large litt covered wun irun. oacn mm i"si Good outbuildings, cost. Inquire of D For about one-half what it K. Barr or H- R. Gering. 60 PILLS SO CTS. I UERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency. Night Emissions, Loss of Mem. ory, au wasting uhw. all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion. A nerve tonic nd blood builder. Brines 'the Dink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mau !Krw, mrhnt. r hnYM for 82.BO, with our bankable g-aurantee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of oar bankable guarantee bona. EXTRA STRENGTH immediate Results (TXLLOW LABEL) Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele. Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous rrostra tion. Hysteria. Fits, Insanity. Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco. Om" r Liquor. By mail in plain package. box. 6 for 5.00 with ourbanksblegwj an tee bond to cur In 30 daya or refund money paid. Address NER VITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Stsw CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by F. O. Fricke & Co. Paint for Everybody And for everything under the sun. Every home has need of paint Each kind of The i Sherwin-Wiluahs) PaInts I specially suited to Gotn home use either outside or los&e. It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it on the right tdace that makes painting a success. Tell us what you want to paint, and we'll tell you the ritcht kind to use. For -ale in Piatttm u'.n oy F. G. FRICKE & CO.. Druggists. THE NEWS does Job Priutin Worms! For WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE! Kost In Quantitv. Betln Jitr. sXI Vcrra Remedies. E35ffif irE A.XXs XH.TJG-GIST8. JAMES F. BALLARD. St. Louis. Fa G. FRICKE &, CO.