Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 19, 1900, Image 3

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H 11 1
ll'licv-I Itocrs Are Contesting
ItrUk fc.tctiUK of Hhells at Modder River
Toesriay Murolug-Tuvker Will Prob
Hlilr Knrrt-t'tl the .Man Responsible for
Magrrnfontvln Defeat Demonstration
by MHtncro'D Troopn.
London, Jan. 17. A dispatch to the
Dally Mall from Pletermnritzburg,
dated TueHday, eaya:
"There whs very hevy firing to the
ik rth yestoi day. I bollevo the BoorB
are contesting (Jenora! Huller'a pas
Hugo of tho Tuyela. Howitzers were
evidently busy, as tho firing 13 des
cribed aa the hoavicHt yet heard in
Tho Exchange and Telegraph com
pany haH received the following dis
patch, dated Tuesday, January 10,from
"There is no news from the front,
but heavy firing was heard today in
the direction of l-'rere. It is probable
that General IJu'.ler is engaging the
enemy. A rumor is current here that
a portion of tho British force is near
Tho Times publishes the following
from I'iotormaritzbui g, dated Tueeday :
"V:ry heavy artillery firing was
heard ytptcrdy in tho direction of
i:i-rw Kt-lurn llrltUli rlrr.
Moddku KlVKii, Tm-siay, .J;in. 16.
Thero whs brisk exehango of shells
this morniiiL', Uiu B icrs returning our
lire for the ti t time in r-evoral days.
The B iiish ontr nchinents are be
ing continually strengthened and ex
tended. The permanent railway
bridge is almost completed.
Heavy rains have fallen in the hills
recently and tho fords of Itolt river
are all impassable. It is reported that
it will be necessary to relay the rails
ovor almost the entire distance from
Modder river to Kiunberley, the Boers
having used the rails and sleepers in
building their fortifications. Stories
still reach camp that the Free Staters
desire to end the war. Tho latest re
port is that a council wa? held re
cently at Bloemfoi toin, at which Pres
ident Styn aid General Cronje were
present. It was then stated that un
less the British began the attack by
January 17 the Free Staters would re
turn home. The enormous difilculty
tho Boers must xperience in provis
ioning their Speytfontein army, which
is far from the railway he .d, is very
Troop Lose Confidence In Methuen.
LONDOX,Jan 16. Evidence accumu
lates that General Methuen's blunder
at Magersfontein has lost him the con
fidence of bis entire force to such an
extent that, it is declared, it is doubt
ful if tho troops would follow him in
another attack on tho Boers.
The war office is understood to be in
possession of p. letter written by Gen
eral Wauchopo the night before the
battle, saying that would be the last
letter ho would ever write, as he had
been asked to perform an impossible
task, and he had either to obey or sur
render his sword.
An immediate change in the com
mand of the force may therefore be ex
pected. It is anticipated In some
quarters that Lieutenant General
Tucker will succeed General Methuen.
The complete absence of news from
Natal proves that the censorship will
allow nothing to pass until General
Buller's plans aro executed or have
failed. Even General Roberts, in his
report of yesterday evening, refrained
from mentioning a word about Natal
or General Buller. From the other
columns there is little news of mo
ment. Modder river advices of yester
day's date only report daily long range
shelling, from which the Boers are
supposed to have suffered severely.
A dispatch from Sterkatroem, dated
Monday, January 15, reports that Gen
eral Gatacre's troops had made a dem
onstration beyond Molteno, in the di
rection of Stormberg, in the belief
that the Boers intended to seize Mol
teno. The burghers were not sighted
and the British remained at Molteno.
Arrivals from Stormberg estimate
that there are 4,500 Boers at that
place, mostly revolted colonists and
Free Staters. President Steyn's
brother is the landdrost.
General French continues to shell
the Boer positions, but nothing decis
ive has taken place.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them; also old, running and fever
sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts,
cuts, bru'ses, burns, scalds, chapped
hands, chilblains. B. Pile Cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 2.5 cents a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
I n Ion Soldier.
I will purchase additional rights of
all who homesteaded less than 160
. es prior to June, 1S74, even if they
- uoned their claims. Will buy
... .-tionals if ever so small. Great in
ducements offered agents.
W. K. Kellky, Kansas City, Mo.
Manager Martin, of the Pierion
drug ore, informs us that be is hav
ng a great run on Chamberlains
Tough Remedy. He sells five bottles
that medicine tj one of any other
-ind, and it gives great satisfaction,
in these diva of la grippe there Is
nothing like Ch mberHin'a Cough
- Remedy to stop the cough, heal up the
sore throat aDd lungs and give relief
within a very 6hort time. Tae sales
are growing, and all who try It are
pleased with its prompt action. South
Chic igo Dally Calumjt. For sale by
all druggists.
From Wednesday's Dally
A epecial from Dead wood says; "The
Burlington Railway company has an
nounced that it will put on a through
train from Omaha to the Pacific coast,
by way of Elgemont, Billings and Se
attle, in the spring. Stopping privil
eges will be given at Edge root, t ' and
the' company proposes to push tourist
traffic to the Hills during the season."
Vard master Chet Manchester of the
Burlington went to Lincoln this after
Burlington trains are now running
across the bridge to Bridgeport, the
first station on the North Platte river.
south of Alliance. Bridgeport will un
doubtedly be tho county seat when
Cheyenne county is divided. At pres
ent the county is in size about as
large as three counties in Eastern Ne
braska. and Bridgeport is nearly in
the center of the northern half.
The transaction of business in the
Burlington yards in Lincoln Is facill
tatod bv the use of threo circuits of
private telephone lines, on which
nearly twenty telephones are placed.
The company buys the 'phones out
right, puts them in and uses them as
its own. They save a great deal that
would otherwise be spent for messen
eror service, and allow the men to
transact their buaiuess mare rapidly.
Within the last few davs quite a
number of udditional men have been
put o'l ut the shops.
At Minot, N. D , a strike of serious
pro(ortions is threatened by freight
train operators of the Great Northern
railway. A meeting of trainmen has
been held, and it was decided to go out
unless a modification of the rule lately
introduced compelling freight crews
to do switching at terminal points was
granted. In case the men go out the
entire system will be affected.
A boycott has been declared by the
order of railway telegraphers against
the Colorado & Southern road on ac
count of the refusal of the management
to accede to the demands of the oper
ators regarding wages and working
The traveling passenger agent of
the Illinois Central railroad has made
arrangements to celebrate that road's
through Chicago service by bringing
to Omaha an excursion of newspaper
men from all the towns between Du
buque and Omaha. It is said there
will be about fifty newspaper men in
the party.
D. C. Woodring, superintendent of
bridges for the B. & M., was in town
today on company business.
Muster Mechanic H. J. Helps went
to Omaha this afternoon.
The Burlington has issued a watch
inspection order which will effect the
conductors and engineers of that road.
After February .1 each watch must be
taken to a designated inspector at the
nearest division point and gone over :
. m . v. a.'
once each quarter auring me nrst
week in February, May, August and
November. If found up to the re
quired standard a card certifying to
this fact and thoroughly identifying
the watch will be given the owner.
Tnis card must constantly be carried
with" the watch. This ne rule is
made with the idea of decreasing the
number of accidents caused by miscal
culations of time and defective watches.
Superintendent of Motive Power D.
Ilawksworih left on the early train
this morning for a trip through the
western part of the state.
General baggage agents now are
voting upon the proposition recently
made at a meeting of the executive
officers of roads in the western pas
senger association to cease the check
ing of unlocked articles as baggage.
The general impression is that the
western roads will adopt the proposi
tion. A great many persons would
complain against a rule disqualifying
telescopes and other lockless things
from the list of legitimate baggage.
It is claimed that the roads should
agree not to check unlocked articles
in justice to themselves. If telescopes
were thrown out of the list there
would be fewer claims for the value of
articles presumably lost in transit.
Hereafter truuks weighing over 250
pounds will not be checked as baggage,
but must be Bhlpped by express or
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a won
derful deliverance from a frightful
death. In telling of it he says: "I
was taken with typhoid fever, that
ran into pneumonia. .My lungs be
came hardened. I was. so weak 1
couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing
helped me. I expected to soon die of
consumption, when I heard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle
gave ureal relief. I continued to use
it, and am now well and strong, I can't
say too much in its praise.'.' This
marvelous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in the world for throat
and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50
cents and $L00. Trial bottles free at
F. G. Fricke fc Co'a. drug store every
bottle guaranteed. 2
I j pulmonary trouble, the direct ac
tion of B .llaid's Horehound Syrup
upon the throat, chest and luigs, im-
mediately hnest the rrnlady, by re- ble employment with unusual oppor
llevlng the distreps,cutting the phlegm 1 tunlties. References exchanged. En
and fieeirg the vocal and breathing close self -addressed stamped envelope,
organs. Price 25 and 60 cents. F. G. S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chl
Frlcke&Co. ,cago.
ProfesHor J Hair's Father Kesonts
III Son's Arrest.
It Is Claimed the Arrest Was Made With
out a 'Warrant Pleaaant Surprise
Party Extension of the Poatal Tele
graph Company Linen Other New
of Local Interest.
It will be remembered that several
weeks ago Marshal Slater received a
telegram from the sheriff at Kohoko,
Mo., asking him to arrest and hold
Prof. Blair, the magnetic healer. The
marshal followed instructions, and in
due time the Missouri officer arrived
and took the eentleman to Koboka. It
now develops that Hon. J. G. Blair,
father of the professor and cx-con
gressman of the First Missouri dis
trict, is in the city and is looking up
the facts relative to tho recent arrest
of his son.
It is alleged that tho arrest was
made without a warrant by Chief
Slater, and, it is said, a suit will be
brought bv Mr. Blair against the
chief and his bondsmen in the United
States court at Omaha for false Im
A New Telegraph Line.
The Omaha correspondent in today's
Lincoln Journal has tho following to
6 ay in regard to the extension of the
Postal Telegraph company's lines to
PlaMsmouth and Nebraska City :
"The Postal Telegraph company has
just completed a new line to Platts-
mouth and Nebraska City and within
the next week or two will open offices
in both cities. The location in Ne
braska City has been chosen and the
work of preparing it for occupancy is
going on.
"The new line will terminate, tem
porarily, at Nebraska City, although
it is believed to be the ultimate inten
tion to extend it as far as Kansas City
by way of Atchison, taking in a num
ber of lively little Nebraska and Kan
sas towns on the way. This, when
completed, will make the second line
of this company between KanshS City
and Omaha. A recent purchase of
6,000 miles of copper wire is believed
to be significant of the commence
ment of heavy construction work in
the near future, but the head office
has so fir given no intimation as to
what new field is to be invaded."
Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more
good than anything I ever took." It
digests what you eat and cannot help
but cure dyspepsia and stomach
troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
An Unfortunate Lad.
The twelve-jTsar-old son of Ad Boe-
deker of Maple Grove was taken to
Omaha Tuesday to have his leg am
putated. The boy and one of his
friends attended the fire tournament
at the metropolis last fall and were
quite Impressed with the rapidity with
which the firemen hitched and un
hitched their horses, so thought when
they goi home they would attempt
similar feats. Coming in with a load
of hay one evening they scrambled
down as quickly as possible, just as
they would were there a fire to put out,
and in their haste the Boedeker boy
hit his knee on the single-tree, inflict
ing a wound which has finally made it
necessary for him to have the limb
L. T. Travis, agent Southern 11. R.,
Selina, Ga., writes, "I cannot Bay too
much in praise of One Minute Cough
Cure. In my case it worked like a
charm." The only harmless remedy
that gives immediate results. Cures
coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, and
all throat and lung troubles.
A Surprise Party.
The home of E. B. Perry was the
scene of a very pleasant little surprise
party last evening. A number of
friends of the family planned the
affair, and when the party called at
the Perry home and announced their
intentions, it proved to be a complete
surprise. During the evening a fine
supper was served, and all report a
good time.
Among those present were: Messrs.
and Mesdames U. M. Dungan, M.
Archer, C. S. Twi9s, George Hawkins;
Mrs. B. C. K-:rr, Mrs. Worden, Mrs.
Stultz, Mrs. L G. Larson and Miss
Myrtle Worden.
Judge Fawrett Will Preside.
Judge Jessen made an arrangement
with Judge Fawcett of Omaha to come
to Nebraska City and preside over the
next term of the district court, which
convenes next Monday. This is done
iu order that Judge Jessen can dispose
of the cases in which he is interested
as an attorney. Nebraska City Press.
It has been demonstrated repeatedly
iu every state in the union and in
many foreign countries that Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is a certain pre
ventive and cure for croup. It has be
come the universvl remedy for that
disease. M. V. Fisher of Liberty. W.
Va., only repeats what has been said
nround the globe when he writes: "I
have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in my family for teveral years and
alwiys with perfect success. We be
lieve that it is not only tho best cough
remedy, but that it is a sure cure for
croup. It has saved the lives of our
children a number of times." This
remedy is for sale by all druggists.
Wanted Several persons for dis
trict office managers in this state to
represent me in their own and sur
rounding counties. Willing to pay
I yearly $600, payable weekly
W. If. Itoyal of Rock Bluffs was in
the city today.
Dr. T. P. Livingston went to Omaha
on the early train.
Attorney Matthew Goring went to
Lincoln this morning.
W. W Coates was a passenger for
Omiha on the fast mall.
George Poisall, jr , was a passenger
for Omaha on the mall.
M. P. Meisinger of Cedar Creek was
a county soat visitor today.
E. J. Kruger and D. O. Latta of
Murray were in town yesterday.
Postmaster Fred Crosser of Murray
was a visitor in Plattsmouth today.
A concrete floor has been put in the
engine room at tho city steam laundry,
Carl Kunsman wont to South Omaha
this morning to purchase some stock.
Justice W. A. Cleghorn and M. Be-
ham of Louisville were in town today,
W. O. Tucker, from near Weeping
Water, was a Plattsmouth visitor yes
A little bay mare belonging to John
Rowland disappeared from his barn
last night.
M. D. liuby and W. A. Cleghorn of
Louisville were among the visitors in
town today.
W. H. Pilzer ha9 been granted a
commission as a notarv public at Ne
braska City.
Clarence Fry, who has boon visiting
for several days at Atlantic, Is., re
turned this morning.
Divid Sampson, one of Rock Bluffs'
prosperous farmers, was a caller at
The News office today.
Miles Drake and Otto Becker of
Louisville stopped off between trains
today, enroute to Omaha.
Charles Sheeley, the Lincoln bridge
contractor, was in town today on busi
ness with the county commissioners.
Charley Donat, the cigar manu
facturer, went up to the metropolis
this morning with a f upply of cigars.
W. A. Swearingen and wife were up
from Mynard last evening to attend
the chicken pie supper at the Presby
terian church.
The habeas corpus case of Corporal
Fair and Private Jockins was taken up
in federal court today at Lincoln by
Judge Munger.
Mrs. C. II. Parmele and Mrs. Perry
Walker were passengers for Lincoln
this morning. They were accompanied
by Citherine Atwood.
Hon. J. G. Blair, a leading attorney
of Northeastern Missouri, is in the
city for a visit with his son, Professor
Blair, the magnetic healer.
Otto Wurl went to Omaha this morn
ing with big supply of his famous
cigars. The out of town demand for
his cigars is increasing daily.
Maurice Beham was in town today
from Loui3ville. Ho has recently re
turned from Cape Nome, Alaska,
where he went on a gold prospecting
Mrs. Lute Boedeker of Louisville was
taken to Omaha last Friday and today
submitted to surgical operation. Her
many friends will be anxious to learn
the result.
County Judge Douglass granted a
marrirge license today to Theodore
Miller, aged thirty-6ix, of South
Omaha, and Miss Bertha Frey, aged
twenty-five of Cedar Creek.
The News Male quartet will appear
for ODe number at the concert to ba
given by the B. & M. band. The boys
are practicing regularly and hope, in
time, to be able io give Plattsmouth
some home talent music that will be a
credit to the city as well as to them
The second scientific lecture by
Professor Pratt at White's opera house
last night drew another large crowd.
Several of the citizens in the audience
permitted the professor to take scien
tific examinations and calculations of
their heads, and learned many things
in regard to their future destiny.
The chicken pie supper given by
the Auxiliary Aid society of the Pres
byterian church last evening was a
genuine success, from both a social
and financial point. A large orowd
was in attendandce, the supper was
delicious and well served and the la
dies scored another success in their
ever-popular suppers clearing about
O. M. Streight was a visitor in
Omaha today.
B. Cecil Jack was a pHSsenger for
Omaha on the mail.
Mrs. Joo Klein was among the pas
sengers for Omaha this morning.
James Kinkead, one of The News'
compositors, was on the sick list today.
Mrs. C. S. Johnson and daughter
came in this morning from Schuyler.
Postmaster Geoge Mattison of
South Bend was aPiattsmouth visitor
Miss Agnes Beach has again been
installed as book-keeper at Cummir.s'
lumber yard.
Mrs. Roee Hyers Williams, who is in
the city visiting relatives, is reported
as being quite ill.
Walter Sundel', a prominent farmer
from near Oakdale, Neb., is visiting
friends in the city.
John Wright departed this morning
for Salt Like City, Uth, after a few
days' visit in this city.
Mrs. Henry Steinhart, accompanied
by her two children, left this morning
for a visit with relatives at Havelock.
C D. Quinton, a prominent citizen
of Avoca, was a county seat visitor to
day and made The News a welcome
The mud on Sixth street, south of,
Miln, was being removed this aftor-
noon with a largo scraper.
F. 1$. Brown is building a fine dwell
Ing on Pearl, between Tenth and
Eleventh streets,
The 1'lnttf mouth club is arranging
to entertain their lady friends at their
rooms Monday night.
County Clerk James Robertson, ac
companied by his wifo and little
daughter made a trip to the metrop
oils this morning.
J. M. Robertson has rented the Hy-
10 9 Property, on Seventh and Rock
streets, of Tom E. Parmele, and is
h iving tho house papered and painted.
William Peter Christopher, aged
twenty-three, and Gra'cia Bell Lin
nlng, aged twenty, both of Eagle, were
granted a license to wed this morning
County Judge Dougluss porformed
the third marriage ceremony,sinco his
term of office began, last evening
The happy couple whom ho united
were Andrew Jackson Miller and
Stella Maude M Inkle, both of this
"Buck" Neligh, the blacksmith, lost
a valuable horse yesterday. The ani
mal lost its foothold in the mud near
his shop and fell to tho ground, break
ing its collar bone. It was found that
the horse could not recover from tho
fractu re, and it was killed last eve
Louis Ottnat and his assistants have
just finished the froscoeing work in
tho district court room at the court
house. It is a beautiful pieco of work,
and the room now has a fine appear
ance. They aro now at work in the
equity court room and the hall on the
second floor.
K. H. Patton, of the firm of Patton
& Bulger, has just completed a fine
job of painting on the interior of The
News office. Ho has treated the walls
to a coat of beautiful pink tint, while
the office fixtures which he painted
and varnished have the appearance of
being new. In fact, in can bo truth
fully said that The Neavs office is the
best equipped and neatest appearing
of any of its size in the state. Now is
the time to stand up for Plattsmouth
and home enterprise by sending in
your subscription for The News.
The Piatt smouth Telephone com
pany yeBterday completed its copper
metalic circuit line to Union, and the
linemen were at work today putting
up tho line between that place and Ne
hawkn. When this is completed the
company will be able to make connec
tions with Nebraska City, Falls City
and many Missouri points. Manager
Pollock informed a News reporter
yesterday that it was the intention to
serenade the Nebraska City people
some time next week by furnishing
some fine music nt the local central
office and tranemitt:n;r it over the new
On Chicago avenue, between Ninth
and Tenth street, there is a plank
sidewalk that is b div in need of re
pairs. The walk has been doing serv
ice so long that in places the boards
have rotted away, leaving openings
which are liable to cause a ferious ac
cident one of these days. List even
ing a citizen who lives out that way
caught his foot in one of these open
ings, and the force with which he
struck the sikewalk was enough to
knock the breath out of any one. He
finally succeeded in extricating the
imb, and limped away, murmuring
something about always having paid
his taxes.
Graln-OI Grain Ol
Remember that name when jou
want a delicious, appetizing, nourish
ing food drink to take the place of
coffeo. Sold by all grocers and liked
by all who have used it. Grain-O is
made of pure grain, it aids digestion
and strengthens the nerves. It is not
stimulant Out a health builder and
the children as well as the adults can
drink it with great benefit. Costs
about one-fourth as much as coffee.
16c and 25c per package. Ask your
grocer for Grain-O.
The brick work (veneering) on the
new high school buiiding began this
morning. Several gentlemen were
down from Omaha yesterday looking
over the steam plant and making cal
culations relative to connecting it with
the building.
No high school in the state has a
more gentlemanly and ladylike collec
tion of pupils than the Plattsmouth
high school, and notwithstanding the
crowded and uncomfortable conditions,
they have, as a whole, done the most
excellent work during the entire term,
and have put up with the conditions
without complaint, although they are
put to considerable inconvenience. It
will be a source of immense relief when
the climbing up and down stairs, to
reach the top floor, and also between
classes, can be avoided, and the pupils
can have a room capable of seating
them all. Then they will not have to
be seated in recitation rooms as at
present, and thus be disturbed every
period by having to give up their seats
to classes reciting.
Gift of a Lincoln Woman.
A Nebraska City special says: The
ladies of St. Mary's Epit copal church
for some time past have baen creating
a fund to purchase a pipe organ and
have about $500 on hand. They have
been most agreeably surprised by Mrs.
A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln, who has sent
them a fine reed organ of the best
make, which will be pi iced in position
and used for the first time on the 28th
Inst. The gift is highly appreciated
by the members of the church.
F. B. Thirkield, health inspector of
Chicigo, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
cannot be recommended too highly.
It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It
j digests what you eat and cures indi
I gestion, heartburn and all forms of
Mtiperiutendent Smith Wed.
A Weeping Water special to the
Slate Journal says: This morning at
10 o'clock Walter C. Smith and Miss
Mary Francis Goodulo oro married at
tho residence of the bride's father In
this city. In tho presence of about
fifty invited guests, most of whom
reside outside cf tbo city. Tho
ceremony was performed by
Rov. Philip Smith of Sutton,
Nebraska, brother of the
groom. MUb Goodale Is one of the
most prominent and most highly re
spected young ladies of this city, and
will be greatly missed in social and
church circles. Mr. Smith Is superin
tendent of public instruction of this
county, being elected last full. Ho
was principal of the Ul'h school here
for two years.
Coughs and colds come uninvited
but you can quickly get rid of them
with a few dosos of I Ul lard's Horo-
hound Syrup. Price 25 and 50 cents.
F. (. Fricke & Co.
No Right to Uollness.
The woman who is lovely in face.
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would be attrac
tive must keep her health. If sho is
woak, sickly and all run down, she
will bo nervous and irritable. If she
has constipation or kidney trouble.
her impure blood will cause pimples.
blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch
ed complexion. Electric Bitters is the
best medicine in tho world to regulate
stomach, liver and kidneys and to
purify the blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety
skin, rich complexion. It will make
a good-looking, charming woman of a
run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at
F. G. Fricke & Co.?s Drug Store. 2
Tho worst after effects of influenza
arise from deranged functions of the
iver. Clear the blood at onco with
Ierbine, for it will strengthen the
liver to withdraw from circulation the
biliary poisons. Price 50 cants. F. G
Fricke & Co.
Notice of .Sale I'nilcr Chattel Mortgage.
Notice is hereby eiven that by virtue of a chat
tel mortgage, dated on the eighteenth day oi
July. A. 1. 18H, and duly hied in theofhee of the
county clerk oi Oasa county, Nebraska, on the
25th day of July. A. I), lww, and executed by A,
L. VanUoren to 1 he Aultman & laylor Machin
ery company, (an incorporated company) of
Mansfield, Richland county, Uhio, to secure the
payment of two promissory notes; one for the
sum of :J8, payable March 1st. !'.. with In
terest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent from the
lnth day ol July, iHvn: ana one lor the sum ol
$ir0.0U. payable October 1st. I WW. with interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent from the Kith
ay of lulv. and upon which two notes
there is now due the sum of H'.i:i.S, default hav
ing been made in the payment of said sum, and
no suit or other proceeding at law having been
instituted to recover said debt or any part
thereof, therefore, 1 will sell the property therein
described, viz: One "Aultman-lay lor' separa
tor, complete, with straw-stacker, belts and all
fixtures with or belonging to the same; also one
truck wagon under the same; also telescope
loader, l.Vl feet of ft-lnch be t and one Parsons
feeder, at public auction at the residence of A. L.
VanUoren on the northwest quarter of section
17, town 12, range 9, in Cass county, Nebraska,
on the 7th day of February, 19J0, at 11 o'clock a.
m. of said day.
Aultman-Tavlor Company,
O. S: Polk. Attorney for Mortgagee.
First publication Jan. 16.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat
tel mortgage, dated on the Hth day of June, 1897,
and duly riled in the office of the county clerk in
and for Cass county. Nebraska, on the 20th day
of July, 1897, and executed by D. D. Draper and
I). S. Draper to the Keystone Manufacturing
company to secure the payment of three promis
sory notes, one payable October 1st, 187, one
payable January 1st, 1898,and one payable March
1st. lsyg. amounting in all to the sum of :i00.89,
and all bearing interest at the rate of H per cent
per annum from the 8th day of Jute. 1M7. and
upon which there is now due the sum of $242.4..
Said chattel mortgage and notes were duly sold
and transferred by the said Keystone Manufac
turing company to Theodore W. Castor and,
default having been made In the payment
of said sum, and no suit or other proceed
ing at law having been instituted to recover said
debt or any part thereof; therefore I will sell the
property therein described, viz: One bay mare,
eight years old, star in face, weight 1.300 pounds,
named Pet, and one bay mare, eight years old,
star in face, weight 1,301) pounds, named Molly,
at public auction, at the residence of Isaac
Wiles, on the southwest quarter of section 13,
township 12. range 13, in Cass countv, Nebraska,
on the 31st day of January, 1900, at 10 o'clock
a. m. of said day.
Dated this 9th day of January, 1900.
Theodore W. Castor,
Assignee of Mortgage.
C. S. Polk, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgage.
First publication Jan. 9.
Notice to Creditors.
STn o?C.""- Ia bounty Court.
In the matter of the estate of Sarah M. Wins
low, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of said
estate before me. County Judge of Cass county,
Nebraska, at the county court room in Platts
mouth. in said county, on the 6th day of July, A.
D.19U0, at 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months are allowed
for the creditors of said deceased to present
their claims, from the 6th day of January, 1900.
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 9th day oi De
cember. 1899.
George M. Spurlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
First publication December 12, 1899.
Wa wish to rain this rear 200,000
new customers, and bene oner f
1 Vk. City Garden Beet. luo
1 Pkaj.Earl'at Emerald Cocnmberlte m
I " La Crosse Market Lettuce, loe Z
t - strawberry Aleioc, ito
1 M 13 Day Radish, lue
1 Erly Ripe Cabb(te, luo
1 Early Dinner Onion, 100
g Brilliant J lower Seeds, ISO
Worth 1.00, for 14 ee.U. fTuo
AhnralO Pkn. worth Cl.00.we will
mail yon free, together with on 1
wroat riant ana seea bauiofiu
ing all about Salzer'a Million 11-
Ur Potato, upon receipt of this
notice A 14c. stamp.. W
re In Tito
oar trade and know when jroo once
l try Halzer's needs yon win new
do withont. ine law otraw
c bears
bears 1L0U0 qnarta twioe yearly. Hi AOi
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem
ory, all wastins? diseases,
all effects of self-abuse or
excess and indiscretion.
A nerve tonic ind
,blood builder. Brines
the cirJc glow to pale
cheeks and restores the
fire of youth. By mail
loOo per box. tJ boxes for
$2.50, with our bsvnluible gmurnte to cure
or refund the money paid. Send for circular
and copy of our bankable guarantee bond.
(yellow label)
Immediate Results
Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power,
Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs,
Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra
tion. Hysteria. Fits, Insanity. Paralysis and the
tfesulta of ivxcesiive Use ol Tobacco, Upturn or
Liquor. By mail in plain package, 81.00 a
box, 6 for $5.0O with, our bankable guar
antee bond to curs in SO days or refund
money pat a. Address
Clinton A Jackson St& CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
il l
-ijva si
27io Jutest
JoD Printing
The Aeivs office has recently
received a lare amount of new
type and is now better than
ever prepared to do Job Printing-
of any kind on short notice.
Among- the selections of type
are the latest designs, so there
is no necessity for sending" out
of town to g-et your work no
matter how fancy you desire it
to be.
We desire to call especial
attention to our facilities for
printing- wedding or other..
We have the very latest style
of Script Type and it is of a
beautiful design. This type is
also very nice for printing
Ladies' Calling Cards.
Lawyers Briefs
and other Book work we are
prepared to do in the best man
ner possible, having" purchased
new type for that particular
All kinds of Commercial
work printed in metropolitan
style and on short notice.
Our prices arc correct
ami Ihc same to all.
305 Main Street.
Cro 9C" r-cv- or-Or-o- r cr-Cf ry-rr r-
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis nd all
points East and
San Francisco
All points west.
No 1. Denver express 2:44 im
No ft. OnlcaKO exuresB 7:12 arn
No 20. Local express, daily, St Joe,
Kansas, bt Louis, all points
south ft 'Aft
No 4. Local exp. dally, Burlington
DnioaKO, an points east.... I0:.(0 am
Sundays take No. 20 (10 a ml
No 92. Local exp, daily except Sun
day, racino Junction 11:25 pui
No 30. Frelitht, dally exoeptSunday
Pacltlo Junction 2:40 pro
No 26. Vestlbuied exp, dally. Bur
lington, uriicatco ana all
points east. Through train for
St. Louis and St. So K
No 12. Local exp, dally. Bt Joe. Kan
sas uny. bt Louis. Unlcavo
all points east and south a 9A rim
No 19. Looal exp, dally.Omaba.Lln-
coin, Denver and Interme
diate stations 7.30
No 27. Looal exp, dally. Oman a. 10 47 am
No 2U. Looal freight, dally, ex Sun
day, (Jedar Creeic, Louis
ville. South V.nnn v-io
No 7. Fast mall, dally, Omaha and
Lincoln 2:17 urn
No 3, Vestlbuied exp, dally, Den
ver ana an points In Colo
rado, Utah and California,
Orand island. Black Hllle.
Montana and Pacific N. W 4a:ki nm
No 9. Local exp, dally except Sun-
nay. L,ouisTiue. Ashland,
Wahoo. Schuvler a n
No 11. Local exp, dally exoeptSun-
uay. vmana ana Lincoln.. 6-00 pm
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair oars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage eheoked to any point In the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets oall or write to
W. L. PICKETT, Agent,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. Agt..
Omaha, Neb.
No. 1 4:50 a. ui
No. 9 1L51 s.Hi
No. 121, looal freight 3:35 .ui
No. 2 10:43 p ui
No. 122, local freight 7:S5 a m
No. 10 a. 35 u rn
Arrival and Departure of Malik .
7:00 a. m. Omaha and North, South on M. V.
7JH " West, East and South on Burlington.
:40 " Omaha, West on U. P.
10:28 " Lincoln and local to Omaha.
10:45 " Schuyler, East on N. W.
11:56 " St. Louis. South on M. P.
2:20 p. m East on B. & M.. North on St. Paul
Sc S. C.
4:04 " Omaha, East on C. M. St. Paul and
R. I., also West on R. I.
6:00 " Omaha. West and South on B, 3c M.
':10 a. m Omaha, West on R. I. and Burlington.
i:20 " South on Burlington.
10:05 " East on Burlington.
Ui30 " Omaha. North on M. P.. West on
Elkhorn, North on St. F. M. A O.
2K p. m Omaha, West on B. A M. and U. P.,
North on St. P. & S. C. East on R.
I..N. W.. and C. M. St St. P., South
on Wabash.
3:30 " South on M. P.
3:40 ' West on Burlington, South on sub
branch M. P. Schuyler.
4:30 " Omaha, East on Burlington, West on
9 .-00 " South on M. P.. Wast M. P. to Lin
coin. North on M. P. via Louisville.
Omaha, East and South on Bur
lington. West on Burlington west
nt Bastings.
Classast sad baamiTM tas bala
Pmom tunnsnt growth.
Hvr Tails to Baatore Oray
Hair to Its Youtfcful Color.
Cans scalp tfnm hair teliinc. !
stte.sad Sluot DrufrlMs
1 "in 1