Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 12, 1900, Image 1

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Alex Sclilegel state capital
n rr
TIIE NEWS. Established Not.5,1891. 'consolidated Jan. 1. 1S95.
YOL. IX, NO. 19.
: - i .w.rcxr TVQ vm I
Owin; to the backward season, being- overstocked
and having- heavy bills to meet, we will offer you for
SPOT CASH a Discount of from 20 to 25 per cent on
All Winter Clothing,
Underwear, Suits. Gloves, Caps, etc. To give you an
idea of how cheap we are selling-, we quote prices on a
few articles:
ft Nice Suit,
Formerly $8
Reduced to $6
A Fine Black
Kersey Overcoat
Formerly $10
Reduced to $7-5
All Wool
Formerly 50c
Reduced to 35c
A nice Wilson Bros.' Percale Shirt, which fermerly
sold for S1.25 and $1.50, goes at $1 and $1.25. Gloves
and Caps at your own price. Come in and see what we
can do for you. No Trouble to Show Goods.
Waterman Block.
Define Relations Ketween Civil
ami Military Authorities.
Military Commanders to VHH Prisons
Once a Month Controversy Between
Ueneral Ludlow and the Cnbano Af
fairs of Island to be Gradually Turned
Over to Cabana.
HAVANA, Jan. 11. Tomorrow Gen
eral Wood will issue an order defining
the relations between the civil and
military authorities. Except in a
supervisory sense the military author
ities will not interfere beyond matters
I of sanitation and public undertakings
! of a sanitary character. The military
'authorities will have general super
' vision of all the rural guards of the isl
I desire to state that I have a well-selected
stock of Watches, Gold Jewelry, Silver
ware and Novelties, which will make suit
able. ...
Birthday Gifts..
Prices will be AWAY DOWN and we
mean to sell the goods if prices will do it.
Every article guaranteed just as represented.
Beautiful Medallion given
purchase of $5 or over.
Free with every
Th! Leading and Oldest Jeweler.
Engineer officers will act under the
direction of Senor Villalon, secretary
of public works. Cuban engineers
have been appointed as rapidly as pos
sible and thus the department of pub
lic works will gradually come entirely
under Cuban control, subject only to
General Wood's approval.
The military commanders through
out the island have received instruc
tions to visit the prisons in their juris
dictions at least once a montb,to make
full reports and to prevent the recur
rence of such abuses as have long ex
isted but are being rapidly remedied.
All department commanders have
been notified that tne military must
not be employed, except where the
civil power is ineffective.
Senor Federico Mora, the supreme
court fiscal, has addressed a letter to
the judges of the supreme court say
ing that the judge in charge ot the
custom house fraud cases claims that
the proper course of law has been
ignored by the intervening govern
ment in that individuals, sanctioned
by Collector Bliss, can be prosecuted.
He further claims that Collector
Bliss refuses to deliver the original
ji nininn aviilenRA nf the cuilt
. i the questloa
or trie accuseu ".ti'.h parks and city institutions.which have
and that lawyers nominated by the P y
ntervening government intervene to " . :imt
irect the methods of investigation.
Tha facta, the iudcre declares, consti
tute a transgression of the law and the v, v
upreme court should request all such
restrictions to be removed lmmea-
Qaeer Dispatcher From the Front-to
Recalled at Once.
CHICAGO, Jan. 11. A special cable
to the Tribune from London says that
Lieutenant General Lord Methuen,
commanding the column advancing to
the relief of Kimberley, is to be re
lieved of his command within two
weeks. Later he will be sent to Cape
town and eventually ordered home.
When he reaches England he will be
retired. These facts have been con
firmed by an official of the war office.
Lord Metbuen's case is a sad one.
Always a man of grand physique a
clever boxer and an all-around sports-man-his
constitution began to show
signs of breaking down almost immed
iately after he took command of his
Three days after the battle of Bel
mont General Wcolsley suggested to
the officials of the war office that Me
thuen be relieved. His advice was
not heeded. The wisdom of the aged,
but keen, commander-in-chief of the
British army is now realized to the
fullest extent by the war officials, who
scoffed at his suggestion.
Friends of Lord . Methuen insist he
is only broken in health, that the
6train of many campaigns has 'shat
tered his naturally nervous system.
Those who know the circumstances
and the situation on Modder river
equally well, and who are willing to
state facts plainly, say that Methuen'a
mind is unbalanced. The commander
of the Modder river forces has bom
barded the government with some of
the most remarkable messages ever
received from a general. Oae re
ceived a few days ago is a fair sample
of the rest. It contained just three
words: "Darkness after dawn."
Citizens Decide to Visit Legislators and
Demand Municipal Lights.
Sr. Louis, Jan. 11. A mass meeting
of several hundred indignant citizens
was called to order at noon today in
the Real Estate exchange to consider
of lighting the alleys,
Filipino Rebels Retreat Before
American Soldiers.
Insurgents Settle Down to Guerrilla Plan
of Warfare Number of Reconnols
sances, -But Only One Real Engage
ment Catholic Archbishop
Known Bis Demands.
0 -4
"TJ Zh i
m t-Blr-t
in jjm to i
-o ms m Til
M I SSM Mr--vBBU m
i-vr :
- p-
m-viW ff l Ik IK
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, 120.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
- THE NEWS does
Job Printing
Cubano says it has receiveu two
notes from General Ludlow, military
governor of H ivana, one imposing a
ne of $-5 upon the paper lor not nav-
ng answered questions put bj General
..udlow in a former note and theotner
declaring that the CuDaoo, instead of
ectifving the false statement, has re
iterated it, and that, if the paper doe?
not make proper rectification it will
be lined $10.
Senor Varona, secretary of finance.
asserted today that General Wood had
assured him of his intention to de
liver the management of the finances
of the island by degrees into the hands
of the Cubans.
Weekly statements of the customs
receipts are to be handed over to Senor
Verona, as statements, of various
moneys handed over by the mterven-
i ni nnrfirnmnnL
r 1 Vr.A alun tr r h'm.hfl B&VB. I UO YOU "Oiin "- J
ueucini " ' ' I - a l i.
to arrange the personnel of his office this season t ui cours , , -
so as to get the work done to the best is probably time for it ou in-
Senor Varona observed tenu to ouy wan -j
!ffir matter, other paper in two or mrco JCD
first of the year, owing to the neg'.ect
of the municipal assembly to make
for it. Ex-Governor h.. J.
Stannard presided and addresses
were made by prominent businessmen
present," denouncing the members of
the house of delegates for the prevail
ing conditions. Suggestions that the
municipality should own a lighting
plant were frequently mado and
Rpaolutions were adopted, declar
ing the present condition of things in
tnlra.ble aud denouncing the mem
bers of the house of dele
gates because of their failure to pro
vido for the temporary lighting of the
city. The resolutions further provided
that when the meeting adjourn it be
to the house of delegates, tomorrow,
to demand of that body "instant ac
tinr. that shall rectify the infamous
wrong which has been committed and
upon their refusal to act to seek such
remedy for this unparalleled violation
of their sworn duty as public officials
as may be directed ty an outraged
sense of justice."
rooms up
especially in the existing state of pub- Now, let me talk to you about haying
- . .. I a nA Vi nn jn atirlian ana
lie opinion, which regards public em- ,
plovmentas a legitimate reward ror up-io-uaio uu y
i it. Get your rooms painted and deco
pohtical services. -v , . , .
H Patria says a solemn manifesta- rated in a modern style and you are
........ .:. ,t,Qi,tiiHiinn through with your house for many
lion ui uruicok oguiuo i
nf R fnrAiirnftr to the bishopric ol ua- years.
To Look Around
Before you make purchases.
After you have looked elsewhere,
come to us and we guarantee you
will bo pleased. Our new winter
stock has arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour
and Feed. A square deal to all.
Main Street, Plattsmouth
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
ft General Llveru Business
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Low prices ana court- .
eous treatment assured.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
PAID UP CAPITAL,. - 850.000
Offers the very best isclllties lor the
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business
BTOOKS, bonds, gold, (covernment and local
securities Dought and sold. Deposits re
ceived and Interest allowed on the certfl
oates. Drafts drawn, available In any
Dart of the TJ. 8. and all the principle
-towns of Europe. Collections made and
Vromptly remitted. Highest market
orloe oald for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
vana Is being signed and will be signed
by many prominent Cubans.
Carlos Garcia has been named in-
annirtnr creneral of orisons. The Cu
bano Bays the appointment is a good
one. as Garcia is well qualified for the
Santa Fe Increases Wages.
Chicago. Jan. 11. The Atchison,
Topoka & Santa Fe Railway company
has signed a new contract with the
trainmen in its employ granting the
conductors and brakemen what
amounts tr a 15 per cent increase in
watres. rne agreement was emereu
into between General Manager Henry
TJ. Mudge for the company and J. C.
Ramsey chief of the conductors, and
W. R Scott, chief of the braKemen on
the entire system. The increase will
amount to about 4a,wu annuany.
Slot Machine Stamps Letters.
English postal authorities are mak
ing experiments In an automatic letter-mailing
device which will do away
with the old style of "stick-with-a-lick"
postage stamp. The new appara
tus resembles a slot machine, and Is
an adaptation of this idea. It can be
placed on the Btreet corners or In the
postofflces. By putting a penny in the
slot the letter is thrust into the slot
and a dry or ribband stamp puts a
stamp on the corner of the letter,
when It can be dropped into the box.
The machine cancels the stamp with
the date, time of day. etc., all at one
operation. -
H. N. Dover. D. Hswiswortn . waugn
F. E. White. G. E. uovey.
Hm. K Dover. Pres., 5. Wsngh. O ashler.
H. N. Dover. Awt. Cashier.
Don t paper every two years
and ruin your plaster with it. Call on
Louis Ottnat for full explanation of
the economy of frescoed rooms. He
has the experience of many years and
a great many references in town.
Plattsmouth telephone 253.
The Beaoty of It.
Muggins "What have you there
Browning? You don't mean to say
you enjoy reading that stuff? ' Sweet-
low "Stuff? .Why, sir, It i3 beauti
ful." M-igEins "But do you really
understand what he is driving at?"
Sweetlow "Of course I don't. That's
the beauty of his writings." Boston
The worst after effects of influenza
arise from deranged functions of the j
liver. Clear the blood at once with
Herbine, for it will strengthen the
liver to withdraw from circulation the
hilinrv nninons. P. ice 50 Cents. F. G.
rf r
Fricke & Ccn
Living Without Salt and Water.
Many people have accustomed them
selves to do without salt, and the
other day we recorded with some
skepticism a story that a busy medico
of Hawic (N. B.) was in the habit of
stoinz entirely without water for
drinking purposes. This gentleman,
Dr. John Haddon, now writes to us:
"I should like to be allowed to assure
you and your readers that it is quite
possible, if a strict vegetarian diet is
adhered to. We tret nlcnty of fluid
In a cud of tp nr tn tmit nr other
Manila, Jan. 10. Reports from the
movements of the American com
manders south of Manila show that
General Bates and General Wheaton
are at Perez das Marinas and General
Schwan at Silang, all awaiting the ar
rival of provision wagons. Recon
noissances have shown that 2,000 armed
insurgents have retired to the moun
tains from the district between IndaDg
and Maig, and that others have re
treated along the coast from Isoveleta
toward Bataogas.
Last night Nolan's squadron of the
Eleventh cavalry drove a body of in
surgents from Malg. One American
was killed and two were wounded.
Thirteen dead Filipinos were found.
The movement largely resembles Gen
eral Schwan 's experience in the same
country, except that the towns are
now being garrisoned and that the in
surgents refuse to fight, retreating
southward and dividing into small
bands, with the apparent intention of
reassembling later. The plan of
catching a large number between two
brigades has failed. About a hucdred
insurgents have been killed, but com
paratively few arms have been taken.
The region is full of amigos, who
doubtless have been bearing arms
which they have hidden. The women
and children remain in their homes
and the insurgents, as they fall back,
release all prisoners they have cap
Claims of Catholic Church.
It is asserted on high authority that
Archbishop Nozaleda contends in his
interviews with Monsiegnor Chapelle,
the papal delegate on behalf of the
Roman church and the brotherhoods
that the titles to all property held by
the church and the brotherhoods in
the Philippines should be recognized;
that the Roman Catholic doctrine
should be taught in the primary
schools; that the existing religious or
ders should continue to administer the
parishes; that other parishes should be
established under the same control.
and tbat the parochial control of ceme
teries should continue.
He also lays stress, in his conten
tions, upon the importance of allow
ing the church to administer its own
affairs without state interference.upon
the necessity of a regime that will
guarantee the liberty of the church,
upon the desirability of European
clergy, the establishment of a new col
lege for the instruction of native
priests aud the continuation of indi
rect contributions for the maintenance
of churches and clerey, and upon the
expedieccy of ma'ntaining the system
of parochial f es, including revenues
from births, marriages, funerals, dis
pensations and apostolic indulgences.
In addition Archbishop Nozaleda ad-
.. . . r . i
vlr'es tne continuation oi iuo cuunu a
control of pawnshops and certain des
ignated hospitals and schools, together
with the establishment of a special
form of parochial administration, ex
acted by the actual .conditions in the
Philippines. Finally be makes a plea
for the continuation of the present
missionary work of the church.
Rebels Levy Tribute.
The inhabitants of the islands of
Lyte and Samar are Buffering from
lack of food, resulting from the long
blockade, the arbitrary confiscation of
property and the levying of tribute by
the so-called government of the fill
pinos. The governors of both islands
are Tagalos, wno are appomiuu ujr
Aguinaldo, and they hold the termor
ies completely in their power.adminis-
tering local affairs according to their
own whims and accountable to no one.
Thpi; have armed foices wnicn terror-
Izo the peaceful inhabitants. The rebel
forces, oo the other hand, have never
lacked food or money, 'lne mnaDi-
tnti. driven to desperation dv me
npcAsitv for having: to pay four times
the normal price for foodstuffs, organ
ized against insurgent depredations,
but bavine no arms they were unable
to resist their oppressors.
Are Past
But we are still doing
business at the old stand.
Our stock comprises everything
usually kept in a first-class
drug store. All the leading
i nes.
..Physicians' Prescriptions..
Goring & Oo.
Representatives of Antiquity.
When we read of the men who In
habited the caves of Europe at a time
when mammoths dwelt on that con
tinent we Beem to have gone back to a
period so Immeasurably remote that
we can hardly picture In the mind's
eye the appearance which the repre
sentatives of our race then presented.
Yet, according to Prof. E. B. Tylor, the
natives of Tasmania "remained within
the present century representatives of
the immensely ancient Paleolithic pe
Hod." Recent studies of the relics of
the Tasmanians, who became extinct
when brought Into touch with modern
civilized man, show that the work
manship of their rude Implements was
below that exhibited by the "drift and
cave men" of Paleolithic times.
Youth's Compaion.
How's This.
Wfl offer Ohe Hundred Dollars Reward for
any ease of Catarrh that cannot be eured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. 9. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
hlin perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by tbelr firm.
West & Tbdax, Wholesale Druggists, To-
Waldno. Kiwnaw & Marxist, Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo. O.
U all's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally
acting directly upou the blood and mucous
., .. -r d nf th nvstem. Price 75o. Der bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials
Hall s h amiiy mis are me oesi.
A Historic Orange Tree.
The first orange tree Introduced into
France, known by the name oi tne
'Grand Counetable," was planted at
Pathpelune, about 1416. by Eleanore ol
Castllle. wife of Charles HI., king ot
Nazarre. It was later taken to Chan
tllly, then to Fontalnebleau, and final
ly. In 1684. to the orangery of Ver
sailles, where, we believe, it still lives.
Beside the orange trees of Versailles
of the Luxembourg and of tne ruii
eries, the orangeries of the palace ol
Comprlegne yet contain about thirty
very beautiful specimens, uauus cer
tainly from several centuries, some in
troduced under Napoleon I.
The Naval High-Water Mark.
An attempt to build a channel steam-
. . . i
er to make forty Knots an nour icu
through after It was ascertained that
nothing less than 50,000 horse power
would give that speed. The very best
that can be done and which will soon
be done will be to build a ship with
only 1,000 tons displacement, which
will require 18,000 horse power to send
it thirty knots an hour. The Parsons
Atlantic liner is to have a speed or
knots, 18.000 tons displacement and
38,000 horse power. This mams, so
to speak, the high-water mark In na
val engineering.
Smallest Current Coin In Europe.
The smallft current coin in Europe
at the present time and the one having,
the least value Is the Greek lepton.
The lepton Is, according to the decimal
monetary syste, current In all coun
tries belonging to the Latin union.
Some idea of this modest little disk
of copper may be gathered from the
fact that the lepton is the one-hundredth
part of a drachma. The Greek
drachma usually passes for the same
value that a franc piece does; that Is,
It is about equal to 20 cents of our
J. I Bevry, Logan ton, Pa., writes,
"I am willing to take my oath that I
was cured of pneumonia entirely by
the use of One Minute Cough Cure
after doctors failed. It also cured my
children of whooping cough." Quickly
relieves and cures coughs,colds,croup,
grip and throat and lung troubles.
Ohildren all like It. Mothers endorse
it. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Could Afford to Lose It.
"Mr. Hardcash." said the private
secretary, as the old man entered the
office after an absence of several days,
"I regret to Inform you that the head
bookkeeper has eloped with your
daughter while you were away." "Is
that so?" said the old man, indiffer
ently. "When do you expect them
back?" "We don't expect them back
at all," replied the secretary. "He
took 110,000 from the safe before he
left" "Ten thousand dollars, eh?
Well, he'll need every cent of it if
he's going to support my daughter."
A Wonderful Grape Tine.
At Walleck, near Workshop, the
duke of Portland possessed one of the
most magnificent vineyards In the
United Kingdom. One of his vines
produced a luxuriant bunch of Syrian
grapes, the weight of which was esti
mated at nine and one-half pounds,
and was Bent as a present to the Mar
quis of Rockingham at his residence,
Wentworth house. Four peasants were
employed in carrying it on a staff
sharing the handsome burden by
turns. At Hampton court there it
still another very famous vine called
the Red Hamburg. It produces on an
average 1,500 to 2,000 branches, and tht
number has even been known to
amount to 2.200. Another remarkable
fact concerning this vine is tbat its
age is equal to that of the oak. and a
tree of 100 years' growth may be rcc
oned in its prime.
Many an innocent little darling is
suffering untold agony and cannot ex
plain Its troubles. Mark your child's
symptoms, you may had it trouoiea
with worms; give It White's Cream
Vermifuge and restore It to quietness
and health. Price 25 cents. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Ksadlcant Students of Russia.
Their mendacity Is passive rather
than active. Unlike the mendicant
friars, they never ask, but they know
much will be given them. They know,
toc strange country that the uni
versity Is open to all, irrespective oi
means or position. Thus tne univer
sity becomes the poor Russian's golden
opportunity, for here, as alsewhere,
there are many posts for which gradu
ates alone are eligible. A stroll
through the streets of Moscow during
term time furnishes abundant evidence
of the popularity of Its university
The uncompromising military blue
and green uniform which stamps the
student, and which he can never, save
under dire penalties, exchange for
plain clothes, Is to be met with at
every turn. A few rich students are
caught sight of driving; the many are
Fald In His Own Coin.
Greedy grocer to farmer's wife, who I on foot.
i nnnnlvlnz him with butter, inis
pun' o butter is ower licht, gude wife
J I 9 . TJln m a. wacciaI' V An
liUUe Wile uiamc - , . ... . TV-
weighed It wl' the pun' o' sugar I gat tne laraous uttie Pis T
frae ye yestreen. Tlt-Blts.
The modern and most effective cure
- . t i 1, lfA. .nnVlaa
1 1 ior constipation nun n oi
the famous little pills known i
win'. T.lttlfl Farlv Risers. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
The Department store has just put I foods, and I find It to be a great ad-
in a complete line of groceries. Far- antage, more especially when travel
T1 may be secured by
our aid. Address,
BlHUBara, MO.
Subscrtptloas t t0 Patent Becord 11.00 per aasam. j
mere should take notice that butter,
eggs, chickens, corn, etc, will be
taken in exchange for all kinds of
merchandise. The Metropolitan stock
of millinery goods is also now in the
Deoartment store, and trimmed hats
which sold at from 3 to $5 are now
from 50 cents to tl. 19.
Shinn keeps a full supply of candies.
fruits and nuts. Perkins house block.
A Clean Sweep.
"Somebody broke Into my stable last
night and stole my best harness.
"Didn't he leave any trace!
"None. He took the traces and alL"
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my health and life. It cured
t 1.A.1V.U f ,,11 uri n it trwin '
Thousands owe their lives to the
prompt action of this never failing
It cures cougs, colds, croup.
f SDecial notices under this head will be charged
for at the rate of one-hall () cent per word
for each insertion.)
lng. to be able to do without drinking
either water or milk, the well-known
vehicles of so many diseases." So
there are teetotalers who do not drink.
water. London Chronicle.
Cl TT Artnlatnn inatliu nt mam ..m.
... t . 1 . . 1 i-: j . . . k , n n itr wi 1 n ....
Clarksburg, N. J., says, "De Witt's bronchitis, pneumonia.grip and throat L leaWsame it : th5 "office or at home of Ed
Little Early Kisers are the best pills and lung troubles. Its early use pre
OR SALE A desirable house and lot.between
Seventh and tig!
l" Seventh and Eighth streets, on Locust.
quire ol I. H, Thresher. 412 Mam street.
made for constipation. We use no I vents consumption. It is the only I i.i anted Two furnished rooms for light
others." Quickly cure all liver and harmless remedy that gives imtoedl-, SmIT Tlw TordMC
bowel troubles. t U. Fricke as jo. aie results. i. Munger.
Is based on scien
tific formula, su
perior quality of
ingredients, a nd
the care and skill
with which it is
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
Hay. Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Foot
Constantly on Hand.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Stand tonic No otter preparation
can anoroach It In efficiency. It ln
S?ntlv relieves and permanently cures
Dv?DeL?aV Indigestion, Heartburn,
faience. Sour Stomach, Nausea,
?ckHehGastralgla,CramPS Land