The Semi-Weekly News-Herald GEORGE L. PAULEY, Proprietor. DAILY KDITION. One Year, in advance t.1 00 Six Months, 2 60 One Week, 10 binglo Copies, 6 8KMI-WKKKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... 81 00 Six Months, 50 T,,.E LARGEST G1RGULATI0N Of any Csss County Paper. Fill DA Y, PKCEMIJER 8, 1899. Ik you want to bo in tho ewim and sell your holiday goods, place an "ad" In The News. It will 6urely bring good roHults. Tim silver republicans are evidently determined to forco Uryan and froe silver upon tho democracy in 1900 whothor they arts wanted or not. Gkkat activity in gold production continues. Ollicial reports indicate that the 1899 production of tho yellow metal in Australia will be at least $17, 000,000 groater than that of last year. Few men in public life became bo popular with the masses as did Sena tor Hayward. lie was admired by people of all classes from the highest to tho lowost. The ears of Brigham II. Roberts must tiogle. If he succeeds in getting his seat in congress his admirers ought to purchase a lino residence in Wash ington for each one of his wives. The year 1899 will go down as a record ono in industrial history, es pecially as relates to substantial and widespread advances in wages, and a general increase and activity in em ployment. Colonel, Hitchcock of the World Herald will probably be appointed to fill the vacancy in the United States eenate, caused by the death of Senator Hayward. It is presumed ex-Senator Allen would just as soon wait for John M. Thurston's place. Tom E. Pahmele, having sold his bank at Louisville, will now be able to give most of his time to the Piatts mouth Telephone company. The business of this company has reached such proportions that it is necessary for those in charge of its business to give it their entire attention. A movement was started in New York last Sunday for the raising of funds for a memorial orphan asylum for Cuban children. If this effort is a successful one, the name of the home will be "The Thurston Home for Or phans and Homeless Children in Cuba." This would be a fitting tribute to the lato Mrs. Thurston. Organization of trusts goes merrily on in free trade England, quite to the confusion of those who asserted a few months ago that the protective sy6tem was the only soil in which trusts could flourish. The British newspapers bristlo with announcements of the formation of new trusts and great cor porations of this character, while re ports from other Europen countries, ehow that the trust is not in any sense pecuiiar to the United States, but that its development comes with business activity and produciion on a great scale wherever these conditions exist. President Sciiurman, of the Phil ippine commission, announces that he not only originality opposed expan sion, but that he said to President McKinley, when tendered the chair manship of the commission, that he was opposed to the acquisition of the islands. The president, however, in sisted that he wanted only facts, what ever they might be. As a result, Mr. Schurman obtained them, and in do ing so became convinced that the islands should be retained and that the United States could give -them a vastly better government than they would obtain under any other circum stances. An evidence of the increasing inter est which the United States has a right to feel in the Pacific is found in the fact that practically one-half of our enormous sugar imports of the present year came from the Pacific, including Hawaii, the Philippines,and the East Indies, while nearly one-half of the remainder came from Cuba and Porto Rico. From the Philippine islands the amount for tho ten months ending with October is ovar 50,000,000 pounds; from the Hawaiian islands, 534,000,000 pounds; from the East In dies, over 1,000,000,000 pounds; and from Cuba, 683,000,000 pounds. Oyer two hundred million dollars' worth of tropical products have been imported into the United States dur ing the first ten months of the present year and for the entire year the total will be fully $250,000,000. Practically all of this money, whicn we have been spending among the people of other notions, can, in the future, go to peo ple under the United States flag in the islands which have come into closer relations with us by the events of the past year, and thus benefit, not only the people of those islands, but Amer ican citizons, whose investments there are being rapidly augmented every day. "The time has passed.for the people of the United States to discuss the question of what is to be done with the Philippines. We drove out the Spaniards, who had been the govern ing power nearly four hundred years. A, Busy Store, ZUCKWEILER & For us to withdraw would leave a con dition of anarchy, and foreigners who own property in the country would cer tainly have a strong moral claim against the United States for their losses. Americans will Gnd this an excellent field for their energies and the wealth-producing powers of these islands, under American influences, will bo great," Letter from General Joe Wheeler, in the Philippines. INFORMATION AND OPINION. Nelson II. Drew and Bessie McCord, a young couple of Rochester, N. Y., who eloped after saying in a note that their dead bodies would be found in a park, wore arrested in a neighboring town. The British Ambassador at Wash ingfon, Pauncefote, has informed the secretary of state that a state of war has actually existed since the 11th of October between England and the South African republic and the Orange Free State. Colonel Church, chairman of the New York Dewey arch committee, characterizes the attacks on the Admi ral as shameful, and says there is no thought of changing any of the plans looking to the perpetuation of his fame in the construction of the memor ial. A Brooklyn man solved the question of compelling a train to stop at a cer tain station by standing in the middle of the track in front of the approach ing train until all passengers bad got aboard. Isaac Loveless, the oldest man in Pike county, Ind., is dead. lie was 107 years old. He was born in North Carolina. He came to Pike county over a century ago. He has been the subject of many newspaper sketches. The largest walnut tree ever cut in Northeastern Kansas was recently felled near Fanning, in Doniphan county. Its age was estimated at near 120 years, and it made 769 feet of lum ber. The base of the tree measured four feet two inches. Most of the wal nut timber now cut in that section is young timber. Mi99 Annie E. Gunning, Tyre,Mich., says. 4-I suffered a long time from dys pepsia; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure com pletely cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give im mediate relief in the worst cases. F. G. Fricke & Co. List of Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the post office at Plattsmouth, Dec. 2, 1899: Cole. P H Ebersole. J B Hatcher, Wm G Miller. Chas Patterson. G W Smith. Mrs A 8 Thompson. W H Voile. P Wolf & Co. J 2 When calling for any of the above letters please say "advertised." C. H. Smith, Postmaster. Brave Men Fall victim to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of uppetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, headache, and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner Idaville, Ind. He Bays; "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 60 cents at F. G. Fricke & Co's. drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 Angora's Silky Far. A recent writer on the Angora goat calls attention to the fact that the cli mate of Angora possesses some re markable peculiarity causing the de velopment of a silky coat on animals of various kinds. Not only the famous goats, which produce mohair, are thus furnished, but a similar tendency Is exhibited among such animals as cats and greyhounds living in the same country. Try6raln-ol Try Orala-O! Ask your Grocer today to show you a package of Grain-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without in jury as well as tho adult. All who try it, like it. Graln-O has that rich 6eal brown of Mocha or Java,but it Is made from pure grains, and the most deli cate stomach receives it without dis tress. One-fourth the price of coffee, 15o and 25c per package. Sold by all grocers. . A. W. Atwood sells glass. ' ..."We Offei a Dress Goods We are handling- the JAMESTOWN LINE they need no further recommendation. As a special thing", we offer our entire line at a remarkably low price. We quote a few: 38-inch Serg-e, worth 50c, at - - - - 37.1c 38-inch Suitings, worth 65c, at - - - - 50 c 40-inch Wool Storm Serg-e, worth 75c, - GO c 40-inch Covert, worth 65c, at - - - - 50 c 50-inch Wool Flannel, worth 60c, at - - 45 c OHITDAKY. Mrs. Martha (Seeger) Forbes was born August 26, 1820, near North Lewsberg, Cham plain county, O., and died December 3, 1899,at P.attsmouth, Neb. Her parents were active mem bers of the M. E. church at Lowsberg, into which church she also was re ceived in childhood. When a younggirl she moved to Lr. Porte, Ind., where she was united in marriage with Austin Forbes in 1853. Two children blessed their union Charles E. Forbes of this city and a daughter who died in infancy. They moved from La Porte, lad., to Ne braska in 1882 and resided in this city a short timo, when they removed to Lincoln, where they lived until lS'JG. Since that time they have made their home with their son, Charles, in this city. Mrs. Forbe3 was unassuming and re tiring in her nature, unselfijh in hor devotion to those she loved, and while always patient and uncomplaining, seemed to realize that the sands of life were running low. But death had no terrors for her; it rather came as a loving benediction at the close of a busy.eventful life. It opened the gate way that her soul might have abun dant entrance into that blissful abode "where the wicked cease from troub ling and the weary are at rest." With loving good byes to her family, not forgetting the infant grandchild, and with a prayer on her lips, and her son clasped in her last fond embrace, her spirit passed calmly and peacefully out into blessed immortality. Grandma's place is vacant. Tho grandchildren who loved her dearly, and to whom she ministered so ten derly, will listen in vain for her foot step. Hr voice is hushed, her tired hands are folded, but her loving spirit calls them to join her, where she awaits their coming. The husband, 6on and daughter-in-law who cared for her so faithfully in her declining j'eurs will miss her more than wot as can expre?. But the drama of life will soon be eDded; the curtain will fall, and when it shall ri?e may it be on a reunited, unbroken family circle. Funeral services were he'id at the home of her eon, conducted by Rev. J. T. Baird of the Presbyterian church. As usual, his remarks were appro priate and comforting to the. bereaved ones. Text: "Blessed Are the Dead Who Die In the Lord." Sweet old hymns were rendered by the choir. The flowers were beautiful and gen erous, contributed by the D. of H , W. R. C. and the friends associated with Chnrles E Forbes in tho B. & M. shops. Other floral ofteriogs were re ceived from neighbors and friends who held the deceased in high eateem. J. B. Clark, Peoria, TU., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. A Marvel. "I can't help admiring Necker, he is so extraordinarily far-sighted and pru dent." "Nonsense. Why, he's failed in, every business he's tried." "Yes; but he never forgets to buy another bottle of cough syrup before the bottle he is using is empty." New York Sun. Abreast of the Time. "Is Aguinaldo civilized?" "I used to have my doubts," answered Senator Sorghum, "but I must say he talks up for money miehty prompt." What Do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new food drink called Graln-O? It is delicious and nourish ing and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when properiy pre pared tastes like the choice grades of coffee but costs about one-fourth as much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c. Took the Same. Lawyer "You say that you were In the public house at the time of the assault referred to In tbe complaint?" Witness "I was, sir." Lawyer "Did you take cognizance of the barmaid at the time?" Witness "I don't knoW what she called it, but I took what th fest did." Stray Stories. Accounted For. Lady Oh I what a nice, clean little, fcaby that Is! Little girl Yes'm; she's only 1 weeks old yet! Puck. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt.,says, "Our baby was covered with running sores. Dewitt's vvitcn uazei oaive cured her." A specific for pilts and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. With lov Drives m LUTZ, COKNEB SIXTH AND PEAEL STEBETS MOLIXKUX MUimiMt TIEIAL 1'roneou tlon Produce Strong Temlmony to Show Kilter Kniuity. New Yoi'K, Dec. 5. The suroHse of the day in the trial of RMand B Molineux for the murder of K thorine Adams was the sudden production by the prosecution of testimony that Mol inrux harbored bitter enmity toward Harry Cornish and A. A. narpster, a former employe of the Knickerbocker Athletic club and n friend of Cornish; further, that Molineux sought in a roundabout way, by having an agei t write to Harpster's former employer, over a false signature, to obtain in'or- mation reflecting on Harpster's char acter that ho might U9e the informa tion to Harpster's injury. This new testimony which was extracted from an unwilling friend of Molineux is im- j r ortant, not only in showing a motive ' for Molineux in seeking the death of Cornish, but as confirming: the theory i of the prosecuton that Molineux wrote' or caused to ba written, several letters falsely signed, asking for drugs and . medicines. The witness who testified concern-j ing the letter writing methods of Mol ineux was Rudolph Heiles of Newark, N J., former cashier of the Knicker bocker Athletic club. Ileiles worked beside Harpstcr, who wos a clerk at the club. In biliousness, IIerbiae,by expelling from the body the excess of bile and; acids, improves the assimilative pro cesses, purifies the blood, and tones up find strengthens the entire system. P. ice 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co. Making: Up a Boston Mind. 'Do you love me, sweetheart?" he asked passionately. "I think I do, Henderson," she replied, demurely. "But love Is such a funny term, and means so many things. In Boston it Involves so much that is abstract, in Chicago so much that is passionate, and in New York so much that Is plainly business, that I hesitate to say." "Still, dear, you love me?" "I think I do, Henderson. I am an Amer ican girl. Born in Boston, I think of you as differentiated from yourself. Educated in Chicago, I am not indif ferent to love. And since you are rated as a millionaire in New York, I rather think I can be happy with you. Yes, Henderson, I will come to your arms." Harper's Bazar. Mr. J. Sheer, Sadalia, Mo., saved hi? child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had given her up to. die with croup. It's an infallible cure j for coughs, colds, grip, pneumonia, 1 bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. F. G. Fricke & Co. Snicicie In Niagara Rapids. Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 5. An after noon paper fays: Evidence accumu lates to support the theory that John Webster, husband of Nellie McHenry, the actress, ended bis life in the rap ids just ab -ve the cataract at Niagara Falls. There is presumptive evidence that ho had business troubles. He was seen at the falls on the afternoon of Monday, November 20. Friends of tho missing man are convinced be is dead. The disposition of children largely depends upon health. If they are troubled with worms, they will be ir ritable, cross, feverish, and perhaps seriously sick. White's Cream Ver mifuge is a worm expeller and tonic to make tbem healthy and cheerful. Price 2oc. F. O. Fricke & Co. Card of Thanks. "We desire to express our sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness performed by our neighbors and friends during the sickness and death of our beloved wife and mother. A. S. Forbes, C. S. Forbes, Mrs. C. S. Forbes. In sluggish liver, Herbine, by its beneficial action upon the biliary tracts, render? the bile more fluid, and brings the liver into a sound, healthy condition, thereby banishing the sense of drowsiness, lethargy, and that gen eral feeling of aDathy which arise from disoiders of the liver. Price 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co. Up to the present time Messrs. Gering and Coates have issued 126 contracts for their Missouri land. The increase in the price of this land, mention of which was made several days ago, will take effect on De cember 23. For broken limbs, chilblains, burns, scalds, bruised chins, sore throat, and sores of every kind, apply Ballard's Snow Liniment. It will give immedi ate relief and heal any wound. Price! 2-5c and 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co. Plenty om On We quote below a few prices from our Grocery 10 bars high-grade soap, - - - - - 4 pounds Our "Monarch" quality. If E. G. DOVEY & SON See Our Line of (ff-fCf 'f'C All stvles of the celebrated Gage Down WVX lDZD Corsets. The "Chicago" Corset Waist. $1.00. Call and see the "Flex bone" Corset the strongest one made. T I'M fl fT'Wfa T Ladies heavy Fleece-lined Under U,imA WWCH Wear, 25c. Ladies' heavy Fleece lined Union Suits, 50c. Ladies' Dress Skirts ohe city L-arge line Cotton Blankets at 48c. Home-made Comforts, full size, $2. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ..Substantial Cfistfpas Goods.. E. G. millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the pub- i lie to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The propri etors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds, have j given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis.hoaraenesa and all diseases of tbe throat, cheat and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on F. G. Fricke & Co. druggists, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c and 91. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. laughter Did It. New York World: Ten-year-old Herman Silverman laughed so heartily last night that he dislocated his Jaw. Nobody else seemed to have laughed so powerfully, and it was a genuine sur prise to the rest of the family to see the boy's face set In laughter after he wanted to stop. Then he cried, but still seemed to be laughing. The fam ily thought he must have been struck by another boy, and he was rushed to Gouverneur hospital. There a surgeon grasped his head firmly, gave it a tweak and Herman resumed his serious face. Then he said he had felt his Jaw move out of place when he was in the middle of his cachfnnation. UeWitt's Little Early Risers purify the blood, clean the liver, in vigorat the system. Famous little pills for constipation and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. Rl Chick iter's EacUaa Dtaataaa Braa. rEllUYROYAL PILLS Tv Oriel ob1 aae oaly waaaiae, FyTtK twl. alwtra rali&bto. umii uk Drwdrt for ChlclUr ntM m-A ma.k. Kmfttmm I wil MhiwIMwim. AtDrafuu.rt m, Im unit tot Bu-ttmlm. mil-Mlili m Belief tmr Ladle," tatc. T rmmn Mall. !. Tminlill. 0mm rm? ar CfcleeterihMlielCwl1 . Ml bj all Lacal IMvtctata, riill.A,iA r -a. - rf of BARGAIN Greneral Stock, Groceries California prunes, - - - ' - b pounds good rice, - - - - -3 cans tomatoes, - - - - -7 cans g-ood corn, - - - -Good Gunpowder Tea, per lb, Canned Peas, ------ line of canned g-oods cannot be you want the finest on earth, we ...ARE SHOWING... Some Special Bargains For the present and Holiday Season. SfinP 1 iPT T awr.VW MJ V Q $3 shoe in the country. display. Dress Goods and Colors. A fine line of Black Crepons from 50c up. In connection with this department, we wish to say that we have put in special machinery for sponging and shrinking dress g-oods and cloths. Dress goods and cloths sponged at 5c a yard by the l itest improved meth ods ; dress patterns spong-ed for 25c. Buy your dress g-oods of us and give our method of Shr nking a trial. SHAWLS Fur Collarettes from $2.50 to $15 DOVEY & REMOVAL THE COAL OFFICE AND ..SHEDS OF.. A. H. WECMACH & CO. Have been removed to SECOND and MAIN STREETS. Orders for m COAL Will receive PROMPT Attention. Here are some of the grades they handle: JHCKSON HILL. ILL. TRENTON. ILL. -f MENDOTK LUMP. WHLNUT BLOCK LUMP, -r HND TILL GRHDES OF H7TRD COJTL. A. H. WECKBACH & CO., TEU 5 IT PAYS To Look Around Before you make purchases. After you hare looked elsewhere, come to us and we guarantee you will be pleased. Our new winter stock has arrived, including Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed. A square deal to all. F. S. WHITE. Main Street, Plattsmouth Department: - 25c ft - 25c Z5c 25c 50c 40c 10c equalled in have it. e are agents lor the Queen uality Ladies' Shoes, the lvjst The latest styles are now on We have an elegant line of these troods in Black Bought at a BIG DISCOUNT, will go fiom $2.50 to $9.75 SON NOTICE I? KD. FITai.KAirD Has new stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever to take care of fl General LIveru Business Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and court eous treatment assured. STAHLES SIXTH AND VISE STS., Plattfmouth, Nebraska. m