emiWe eoly New EftAID. THK IlKKALD. hstaWmhed April 10. IWL f Consolidated Jto. 1. 1815. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.. DECEMBER 8. 1899. VOL. IX, NO. 9. WOOD AND ROOTIWER mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammm Talk Over Future IMans For Currying On Work in Cuba. K. -! That Mllltnry form Will tin KoIuokI, When i-ii-ritl Wooil Will U I'lnn il t lleaal of A ITlra llrookx Will I'rolxhly Krlurn Hum. Washington. Dec. 7 -General Lo onnrd Wood had aconforonce with the Ft'cretiioj' of war today reHprctlrif; his future. Whilo noither of tho princi ple hud anything to nay fop publica tion a- to tho concluniona roached It is (fathered that fJonoral Wood is to ho tho uoxt t'ovornor of I ub Huncocd ine (jcnuriil Ir-ook', who will return to the United States. It in expi cU d that tho military force in C'uha can l; greatly reduced in tho near future, po that while General Wood, by commanding tho troops re maining, w.ll be a military povornor, there will bo ho little left of tho mili tary establ'iHhmen tthat his oRico will bo much more civil than military in fact. Tho reduction in force will en able the war department to withdraw Bomo or perhaps all of the general officers in Cuba. IFire Smoke Smoke Fire Nnif tti KulfH Committee. Washington, Dec. 7. Tho eoasion of tho house lasted only half an hour today. Overstreet of Indiana, in charge of tho finance bill, attempted to reach an nRrettment for its consider ation next week, but Richardson, on behalf of the minority, rejected all pro posals on tho ground thtJt a bill eo im portant as this ehould go through the regular channels. Tho speaker thereupon appointed tho committee on rulos, which is to in elude himself,Daizell of Pennsylvania, Grosvenor of Ohio, Richardson sf Ten, nessee and Uailey of Texas. They will hold a meeting tomorrow and de cide upon a rule for tho lsmits of tho debate, which undoubtedly will con sume the whole of next week. Roberts, the Mormon representa tive, despite the adoption of tho Tay- lar resolution, which in terms deprive him of his seat during the pendency of his case in committee, was in the hall throughout the session and occu pied the seat he selected on Monday AOUIXAIIM) GO 11S TO CAVITI3 The Great FIRE AND SMOKE SALE is still on. While we have sold a large amount of goods at prices which our customers will testify to as being the cheapest ever offered in Cass county, we still have a great many bargains which none of our com petitors are any ways near able to duplicate. This is a genuine BARGAIN SALE of the largest and best selected line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Over coats ever offered. The Insurance companies paid us the profit and you are getting the goods at less than manufacturer's cost. Men's All Wool FIR NOW Suits and Overcoat, $ 5.00 $ 3.45 7.50 5.20 10.00 6.95 12.50 8.70 15.00 11.90 18.00 14.20 Boys' All Wool F2SiiR NOW Suits and Overcoat, $5.00 $3.45 6.00 4.40 7.00 5.20 8.50 6.40 Children's All Wool FSRJiR NOW Suits and Overcoat, $2.00 $1.38 2.50 1.80 3.00 1.30 4.00 2.90 5.00 3.85 IiiMurjrf nt K-aler Suce'f ully EvacleH the Americana. Manila, Dec. 7. 10:30 p.m. There has been a mutiny of native police in one of tho towns of tho island of Ne- gros. An American officer was killed. No particulars b've yet been received. The expectation of catching Aguin- aldo in the north has been practically abandoned and the probability now is that he will turn southward, if ho is not already there, with bis destina tion Cavito province, his hopt, where the insurrection began and where it etill has its greatest strength. The Filipino soldiers in that pro vince havo recently been showing in creased enthusiasm and boldness and captured insurgents say that Aguin- aldo is coming to join them with a large army. The same belief prevails among the natives at Manila and else where that Aguinaldo intends to make his headquarters in Cavite province There are 3,00H insurgents before Imus and Bacoor. keeping the Ameri cans sleeping on their arms and niehtlv awiting attack. The Fili pinos have several cannon. The first mayor of Imus, under the American regime, who ultimately deserted, is their leader in the assaults and is am bitious to take the town. Three sol diets of the Fourth infantry have de eerted and are now with the enemy. The American furces in the north have separaled into many small com mands and are pursuing bands of Fil- ioinos. General MiiCArthur is en gaged in clearing the mountain coun try west of the Manila-Dagupan rail road. General Grant is moving from Angele9 toward Suing with 400 men. Colonel Bell is sweeping south from Mangalaran. Thus far the American commanders have been unable to lo cate large bodies of insurgents, al though there were about 500 in San Clementine, nine miles south of Man gatarem, early in the week. Colonel Hood with the Sixteenth regiment and cavalry and General Lawton with a force from San Isidro are operating against General Pilar's army in the San Mateo valley. Major Matchelor with a battalion of the Twenty-fourth infantry is making a daring expedition. He left Bayam bong a week ago to march through Cagayan valley to the north coast of Luzon, intending to reach Aparri, at the mouth of Cagayan river, the most important northern seaport of the is land. While no large forces are known to be in his path it may be that he has soma fighting,althougn the friendship of the inhabitants is counted on to give him help. When he arrives at Ap arri he will find a gunboat awaiting him. The transport Manauense, which arrived here November 28 after a ter rible voyage from San Francisco, was scheduled to start for home today with sick and disabled soldiers. A large force has been employed in re pairing its machinery, but it was im possible to get it in condition to leave today and its departure was postponed until next week. The captain secured a crew of Chinese at Hong Kong to San Francifcco. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity of a lifetime in Bargain Prices. flORGAN, The Leading No. 502 flain Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 3 I FRANK J. Clothier, 3 RUSH FINANCIAL BILL Republican Caucus Unanimously Indorses tbe House Measure. Overstreet and Assistants Who Framed the Measure Receive Congratulations on Presenting the BUI Final Vote Will Probably lie Taken At Close of the Week. Washington, Dec. 6. The repub lican members of the house of repre sentatives gave their unanimous ap proval today to the hi;use financial bill recently introduced and recommended its immediate consideration and pas sage. Tnis was accompusnea at lue caucus held in the- hall of the bouse during tho afternoon by the adoption of the following re-olution: Besolved, That house roll 1, entitled A bill to define and fix the standard of value, to maintain the parity of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States and for other pur poses, be and the same is hereby ap proved, and its immediate considera tion by the bouse and passage after reasonable debate is recommended and urged. In pursuance of this resolution Over- street of Indiana, who introduced and who is in general charge of it, tomor row will submit a resolution asking that a special rule be made for the consideration of this measure. The terms of this special rule are practically agreed upon and provide that the debate will begin next Mon day with a final vote at the close of the week. The unanimous approval given to the bill came after two hours' discus sion and the adoption of two amend ments approved by the framers of the bill. When the meeting began Cannon of Illinois surrendered the chair to Hep burn of Iowa in order to present his views on some modifications he thought desirable. These related to the na tional banking features of the bill and Cannon gave it as his individual opin ion that this branch of the subject might ba better modified or omitted. He distinctly stated, however, that he supported tbe bill as a whole and would vote for it, which was further snown when he voted lor the resolu tion of approval. Cannon's sugges tions did not take the form of amend ments and were not pressed. The main amendment was proposed by the framers of the bill to clear up some ambiguity of the present law. It is to be a new section, numbered 9, and is as follows: Section 9 That section 10 of an act approved July 12, 1882, entitled "An act to enable national banking associa tions to extend their corporate exis tence," be and the same is amended so as to read as follows: Section 10 That upon a deposit of bonds as described in sections 6159 and 5160 of the Revised Statutes the as sociation making the same shill be en titled to receive from the comptroller of the currency circulating notes of different denominations in blank, reg istered and countersigned as provided by law, not exceeding the par value of the United States bjnds 60 transferred and so delivered and at no time shall the total amount of such notes issued to any such association exceed the amount paid in of its capital siock; nnd the provision 5171 and 5176 of the Re vised Statutes are hereby repealed. Another amendment Is to section 4 of the bill, inserting the word "re demption" before "fund" to mk more plain whee redeemed not-s and c r tificates are to be held. Warner of Illinois offered an amend ment relating to that feature known as the impounding of the greenbacks, but be was satisfied from explanations given that the amendment was not essential and it was withdrawn. Tnere were some other suggestions and ten tative amendments, but none of them were pressed, and the resolution of ap proval was then unanimously adopted. Overstreet and his assistants who framed the bill were warmly congrat ulated on having been able to secure such complete unanimity and approval, which is regarded as giving assurance that the bill will be passed before the Christmas recess. Crosee and Supe'ior and for several years was president of the American Protective association of tbe state. Sharp Advance In Crude Oil. Chicago, Dec. 6. Another sharp advance in crude petroleum was made by the Standard Oil company today, the Pennsylvania product being pushed up 3 cents to $1.64 a barrel and j Indiana oil 2 cents to $1.11. Alto gether since the upward movement began four months ago oil has risen over 40 cents a barrel. Production is said to be 20,000 barrels a day below the shipment. The deficiency is be ing made up trom the reserve stocks which the Standard carries, princi pally in Indiana, while an activity un equalled in the industry in the direc tion of searching for new territory pre vails throughout the country. Refined oil, which is burned in the houses of the people, has gone up from 2i to 3i cents, and at today's quotation was at the highest point in years. Preacher Shot Bj Burglar. RACINE, Wis., Dec. 6. Rev. David B. Cheney of the First Baptist church and his wife were shot bv a burglar at 10 o'clock today at their home on Lake avenue. Mrs. Uneney was enot in tbe breast. The ball glanced downward and is believed to have lodged in her left lung. Mr. Cheney was Ehot in the abdomen and in the center of the breast. Both are in a critical condi tion. The desperate burglar escaped. A large posse of police officials and pri vate citizens is scouring the country for 'him. The city is all excitement. If he is caught it is believed the law will be powerless to prevent his being lynched. Rev David B. Cheney is one of the best known Baptist preachers in the state. He has occupied pulpits at La Itar AsHocixiion Meeting. From Thursday's Daily. The meeting of the C iss County Bar association at tho district court room last evening was called to order by President R B. Windham and A. J. Graves acted as secretary. Th committee appointed by Judge Ramsey to draft appropriate resolu tions on the death of Senator Hny ward was also s lected by the associa tion. Upon the suggestion of Byron Clark, a committee of three Messrs. Spur lock, T avis and Clark was appointed to ascei tain the pmn ble cost f pur chasing portraits of th vari us men who have e vt d on the b- ch in the Second judicial district since the ter ritorial days. Red Hot From the Gun was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in tin Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped fer 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggist. Glove and Mitten Sale At Ilerolds,' 600 pairs of manufac turers' samples of ladies,' misses and children's gloves and mittens just re ceived at a very liberal discount, en abling us to sell at retail for less than other dealers can buy at wholesale. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the sest of disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutiona! disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is com posed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such won derful results in curing catarrh. Send for testi monials, free. F. 1. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ternr. Wii Do you beneve that peopl get to resemble the things they eat? Wag Well, It seems so. My boy ate some unripe apples yesterday and he was actually green when the doctor ar rived. Philadelphia Record. Wheels. "I feel as if I had wheels in my nead!" groaned the man. "It must b the truck you ate for dinner," rejoined his wife, innocently enough. Detroit Journal. m m m m m A. W. Atwood sells the best paint on earth. There Is a Class ot People Who are injured by the use of coffee, Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called Grain-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it with out distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over one- fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15c and 25c per package. Try it. Ask for Grain-O. 20 m 25 Per Gent Discount ! Owing- to the backward season, being" overstocked and having- heavy bills to meet, we will offer you for SPOT CASH a Discount of from 20 to 25 per cent on All Winter Clothing, Underwear, Suits. Gloves, Caps, etc. To give you an idea of how cheap we are selling", we quote prices on a few articles: fl Nice Suit, Formerly $8 Reduced to $6 A Fine Black Kerseu Overcoat Formerly $10 Reduced to $7.50 All Wool Formerly 50c Reduced to 35c A nice Wilson Bros.' Percale Shirt, which fermerly sold for $1.25 and $1.50, goes at $1 and $1.25. Gloves and Caps at your own price. Come in and see what we can do for you. No Trouble to Show Goods. Waterman Bloclc ?He Carry a Complete L4ne of i Cigars m m m m m m and all Smokers' Materials Gerino; & Co. ..DRUGGISTS.. m m m m A BOON TO MANKIND! DR TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE PILE TUBE. 5 CURE z Z rrj 4 x r m A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; bottles, 60 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Mala Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. THE NEWS does Job Printing i i ? i i !