Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 14, 1899, Image 2

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    Business and Professional
j. i. unrun
Dealer in
419 Main st.
w. B. Eisier
Waterman block.
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
GEORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
r- fin
One Year, in advance,
C: llnnthl ...... 4
One Week ' "
One Year, in advance 1 00
oiA aiuuius, ...----
O! any Cass County Paper.
and ....
Sixth and Main
Plattsraouth, Neb
Agent for the
Union block
They might as well have tnado it
unanimous in Pennsylvania. One
v,.inrirAd thousand majority is a good.
safe lead.
77TILLIAM A. COFFIN in the Cen
W4 tury for September has a list of
pictures which he call "Modern Mas
terpieces." The portrait of Berton by
M. Ingres.Bonnat'a portrait of Thicre,
Corot's "Biblis," Missonier's "1S94,"
Millet's "Gleaner?," Iiandry's "Count
of Polika," Rossean's "Le Givie,"Sar
cent's "Beatrice" Die says: "There
are masters in art today as there were
in tho days of old, but it is not so often
as to be a common occurence that we
find a picture which may be ju3tly
called a masterpiece. It is a weighty
word and it should not bo used unless
A Texas court has decided that a wo aro sure that the work to which we
though the statement of the total re
ceipts of all the postoffices in the Uni
ted States baa not yet been made up,
the total receipts of 100 largest cities
in the country show a very large in
crease over the rocord breaking lig
nrps of 1S9S and tho officials of the de
partment predict a total figure for '99
Of about $97,000,000.
The negotiations for the partition of
the Samoan Islands are proceeding
rapidly, and officials at Washington
would not be surprised if a final agree
ment were reached soon.
Wr Cuaoubtedly Encaied 10 tvmiioa
It is asserted in many books that the
ancients did not use stockings, and
that the art of knitting was unknown
before the beginning of the fifteenth
century. But that both 'these state
ments are wrong is proved by the ex
istence of knitted stockings found in
the grave of an ancient Egyptian mum
my and now preserved in the Louvre
in Paris. . These stockings are short,
resembling socks, and are knitted with
great skill; the material is wool, which
was probably white originally, but 1
now brown with age. The knitting Is
loose and elastic, and seems to have
been done with rather thick needles.
The stockings are begun, as they would
be at the present day, with a single
i q-
n i -ri 1 'io J r - I f . I 1 -r-' i t i ! '
has been added to the well
known Hosre
TEEttS: 323 CASH, $20 MONTHLY.
With Stool and Scarf.
Write For Particulars.
J-t .'i.v":.J!.ifcli'.
.7 '.. , .i is. i i.,o,n,-l,,WP trond. and thread; the heels are shaped as they
law by promising to reuuiw Fl contains iuu- uw however, is different from that
would be now. and are very well done.
canso such power also enables it to ad
vance them without restraint
An opora house and a public li-
. , 2 111 a-
hmrv are two essenuais in nmw
j .... .,,
mouth. Tt is pretty certain nom win
bo erected next summer.'
low A is all right. Governor Shaw s
..lnralitv is fiO.500 double that ol two
vnars aro. I n a f
r- .
will bo ft curiosity in tno jiaw
General Joseph Wheeler writes from
the Philippines that the wealthy
classes there fear that property rights
willsuiTorby universal suffrage, and
think9 a reassurance to the contrary
might have good effect.
the particular KinaoiacuiccmUut u r modern stocking; it ends in two
longing to tho subject tho artist nas tute-like projections which resemble
chosen to depict."
Each of tho pictures in tho list Mr.
Coffin has given us "is in its way so
good that there is not only nothing to
find fault with a negative merit but
each of them gives us a conception
and a rondering presented with skill.
force, individuality and certain spec-
the fingers of a glove. The reason of
this is that the stocking was made to
fit the sandal. In which there was a
6trap from the toe to the instep.
Infant mortality is something fright
ful. Nearly one-quarter uie oeioro
they reach one year, one-third before
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111., ISut Vvw of TUem who wn4)d
makes the statement, that she caught n:,r llav, Mt That Ft-.
cold, which sottlod on her lungs; sho J stytiics ,!:w that persons with red
was treated for a month by her family ! l;.iir :.! , far less likely to become bald
physician, but grow worse. lie told
her she was a hopeless vic'-im of con
sumption and that no remedy could
cure her. ller druggist suggested Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion; she bought a bottlo and to her
delight found herself benefitted from
first dose. Sho continued its use
tViw or tivA, Rnd one-half before they I . .i.: umii c,,.,.i
In a few years a democaat AUUMINUM IN L1THOCR APHY. ial qualities that maKe in their en- fifteen, Tfae timely ugQ of Whlte's lf Q fl d her
ii I inivii u-wi li-ivit lialr .r jink. nthr
().:. The average number of red
1; :'.va mi the human skull is i:!."00.
1: ..r f a ilaik color Is generally much
V i hii ii red hair, and three dark
h;'i:s cover as much space as a single
! ? l.-.i'.v As a rule, a dark-hatred per-
.-. h i:
National Bank
Plattsmoutn, Neb
Stocks. Bonds anJ Se
curities botiglit and
Fay checks
F. (i. Egenbergor,
Mineral and
Soda Waters.
and all kinds
Advantages of the Mtal riate Over the
I'uiubenoine Stone.
A steady demand ror aluminium is
rn tr elect
1 11 K - I . ... 1 I
1 1 1 .1 : 1 . -n 1 a 1 1 L m I j 1 T nrlTCE'
tne Bpn"s"5 "p "
thir man in tho legislature when
official canvass is made. The life of a
Kentucky republican is not the most
poaccful thins on the earth.
semble something bettor man iuw Vrfirmifuo-e would save a major
- ... I & vuau - - p
very good work of others to whicn we . nroc0u9 lives. Price 25
are glad to accord high praise, but I p G Fricke & Co.
which, as wo
are not convinced, wo
hesitate to call masterpieces.
ing processes, as well as in mnogra
phy. When its surface is properly
prepared It is capable of replacing the
ntniirir H t h nm nh ic stOIlP. . The ad-
j tNinriPttoa " which has como to us
vantage or naving, msicau ui c luu ui i.o . ,
nnd heaw stones, which can be printed during the past week with compli-
litno" ments of the author, L.u'.u l owers
Speaking of pictures, wo are re
minded of a dainty little oook,
The future succoss of Plattsmouth
oo,i hr nnternrises is of interest to oniy on special slow-running
, ..v. i I - - . . . , , . . I . ... ... w . ml-
reuublicans and democrats alike, hot machines, thin sheets or meiai. wnicu Huffakor, or JMarsnauown. la. ic
..a rlrnn nolitics and with one accora
u - I f
work for th best interesU of the town.
can be bent into a circular form ana
printed on rotary presses, is evident
In Germany flve-pcund sheets of alu
minum are being used as a substitute
for the usual Solenhofen limestone
Dealer in
Groceries and
414 Main st.
Are now in.
A Fine display of
Pattern Hats in a
few days.
Mi's. Rankin
AN'ADMIRKit of Admiral Dowey in
. ... ; . L I 1UI VUG UOUUi kjvy.t
Atlanta, Ga., has presonicu nim slabg weighlng 50 to 100 pounds. After
a valuable autograph letter written by Kj polished with ground pumice
Admiral Farragut, in which occurs the aiumjnum sheets are dried and
the phrase: "That young Dewey ia a washed with a patent acid solution,
and after a second arying are reaay
for the Imprint. The sheets cost only
The Othsrs.
WiggThi8 paper Bays that out of
every 1,000 girls that piay me piauo,
firm re afflicted with nervous troubles.
r,T-, v.a and the otner 4uu innici
fh.m an somebody else. Cleveland
Tbote Lot1b Girl.
Kila Was Charley cool and coilect-
a hpji he Droposed? Hat tie No; he
was awfully rattled. Ella Well. I al
thmisrht he had f tcrew loose
w aj j c
own housework, and is as well as sho
ever was. Free trial bottles of tlfn
Great Discovery at F. G. Fricke & Co.
drug store. Only 5o cents and 1.0,
every bottlo guaranteed.
st re
-.1 re
promising chap.'
Vow that the election is over the one-third of the stone; to correct an
CUU1 1UA iiao iaiuii'ij wvj
World-IIearld and the Bee have re
newed the Quarrel as to which one
smasnea tne ureaier -
tion. Tho people had something to
do with that by refusing to attend.
ti.- nn tii are trvintrto take advan- this country are now using aluminum
r th Rvmnatbv of the United plates and rotary presses.
KS V V . -
a?id Feed
Main and
Seventh sts.
and. . . .
States for the Transvaal by declaring j
that our course with reference to the
Filipinos is an identical one. lut any
straw is welcome to the sinking antis.
Dealer in
Anheuser- Busch
Brewine Ass'n.
Pens, Ink
and. . . .
Had the war in the Transvaal come
a little earlier, interest in the Fili
pino rebellion would have been lost
and so Mr. Bryan would have been
left nothing to do but abuse Mr. Mc-
Kinley because he did not ena me
brutal war in the South African re
public. tmmt
The vote in P.attsniouth for J. L.
Barton ehows conclusively that the
county seat red rl ig has lost its force
to scare people. Tho fusionist nery
little stories aro not only pretty, dui
there is a vein of loving sympathy
running through each one and, after
all, the world, tho people, need to cul
tivate heart but the picture story is
one sho calls "The Face of the Ma
douna. "
"There was once a painter who had
won wealth and renown from the beau
tiful scenes he put upon his canvas,
but he longed to paint one picture and
mulcA it his masteroiece a picture of
the Madonna. He traveled over all
the world to find a face that 6hould bo
beautiful enough for him to paint
One day in Spiiin ho met a girl of
.niunt on, manv establishments in I A r If . i n toxicatin tr beautv and he hur
,-r"t'"-' ' " . , .... ... ... ti...i:. V
ricd home, took up his brushes and uucieu, via ino uuniuKum iuu.u.
drew her face. It was a beautiful pic- don't, change cars. You make fast
. .., r,t a unnirn lie time. You tes the finest scenery on
traveled to the northland and one dav the globe
hp.awn. rirl with golden hair and Your car is not so expensively fur
pure white face. To himself ho said, nished as a palace sleeper, but it is
T have found her at last." but when just as clean, just as comfortable, just
nvoa it his pood to ride in and nearly $20
Oiai V w auuw vuv n -w I '
out with acid; there is no liability to
fracture under heavy pressure, and
both space in storage and labor in
handling are saved. The quality of
work done on the metal plates is ex-
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them: also old. runninsr and fever
sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, corns, warts.
cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped
hands, chilblains. Best Pile Cure on
earth. Drives out pains and acnes.
Only 21 cents a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold bv F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
The Way to Uo to California
Is in a tourist sleeper, personally con-
I'rolu'tiun of Salt.
The salt production of the t'nit
States, which the newest trust M
to control, amounts to l'.t1 i i, u
rels a year, valued at over $.".!in .i
Salt was first made in tli r
States in. Ohio in 179S, and the ! n
can mines have been worked
1S59. There are two methods of
taining salt, it beinj; gathered either
from mines or by evaporation. S':i
water is seldom evaporated for salt.
The more saline water in certain
springs and pools is used, being place. 1
In pans and exposed to sun or artificial
heat until the water passes away in
vapor, leaving the salt deposit.
For burns, cuts, bruises, lacerations
or Injuries of any description, Ballard's
Snow Liniment is a sovereign remedy.
It never fails to do good, and so
promptly that its wonderful curative
properties frequently create surprise.
Price 2-r and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke &
Co. .
The Hoy with the Hone.
The other evening as an open elec
tric car was going 6outh on Centre
avenue it passed a small youngster en
gaged in sprinkling grass with a hose.
Just s the car came opposite with
him he whirled and Innocently sent
the stream with full force into the
crod of passengers. The instanta
neous uproar which arose caused the
i .
appeal fell on deaf ears ana showed driver to shut off power and put on
that the republican party is unucu dui uranta wu.- v ...... v,-.
. , ficrhtinc over open-mouthed and stupefied, pouring
I LUC T aiCI 4 a W V V .u - I' '
(irramhlfxi nvpr pach other to set out
ANDRKW CAUNKOIF. announces tliat anM .tiretion until th car
he will not become a subject of Great conductor atd t for him. At this point
Britain, as ho says where his treasure ln the proceedings the boy seemed to
recover his faculties suddenly ana
bawled loudly, while the car went on.
Chicago News.
Sixth and
Pearl streets.
The News.
5a ia hi heart also. One WOHld
conclude that he had a lew roiling
mills in Luzon from the way he tries
to convince the people that his heart
is with the poor, patriotic Filipinos.
One lesson of the late campaign in
this state is that you cannot elect tho
head of the ticket when in almost
every county the republicans are en
gaged in killing off one another on the
local tickets The state has never
rully recovered from the injury it sus
tained when Uosewater convinced a
goodly number of republicans that Si
Ilolcomb was an honest man ana en
titled to their support.
I'.jccham's Pills dispel tho "blues.'
"I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years
and never found permanent relief till
I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I
am well and feel like a new man,"
writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Neb.
It is tho best digestant known. Cures
all forms of indigestion. Physicians
everywhere prescribe it, F. G. Fricke
& Co.
To Look Around
Before you make purchases.
After you have looked elsewhere,
come to us and we guarantee you
will be pleased. Our new spring J
stock has arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour
and Feed. A square deal to all.
Arrangement Completed.
Friday and Saturday, November 17
and IS. have been decided upon as the
dates for tho production of "Aber-
mT Tlrvan and Affuinaldo, tho deen." The work of preparing tne
three patriots and apostles of freodom preparing tho production has been
thus speaks tho official organ of the steadily progressing for the past
Filipino rebellion. Such a classifica- week, and tho cast, which embraces
tion would certainly make the eolonel some of the leading young people of
proud. There is a distinction, how- Plattsmouth, are assidously engaged
ever, whilo Aguinaldo is lighting our in perfecting themselves in their rcs-
soldiors with rille and sword. Colonel pcetive roles.
Bryan is fighting the government at Tho scene of tho play is laid in
homA with denunciations ana maie- Aoerueuu, "'D
wa a beautiful picture, but it was not
a Madonna. For yeaas ho wandered
far and wide, seeking and over seek-
infr but never finding. One day he
camo back home to tho heme where
he had spent those days bafore ho
learned that many of our greatest
longings Time can never batisfy. He
had ceased to think of his picture
now, but one day, as the breath from
the old lilac bush blew in through the
open window, he took up his brushes
and began to paint with feverish
haste. At length he laid them down
and looked at what he had drawn. It
was not a boautiful picture, but it was
a Madonna, for he he had painted his
"It was down at the orphan usylum, one day
That three little maids sat 'round the tire.
Each telling the thing she wished for most,
lf she only could have her heart's desire.
' "I'd like a pony as white as snow.'
Paid Maud, 'and I'd ride it each day. of course.
And people would stop as 1 rod along
An,l sav 'Look at that child on the sllow-
white horse.'
"Said Alice. "I'd like to own a ship.
And I'd sail clear 'rounnd the world, I guess.
And bring back presents for all of the girls.
Aula beautiful crutch for dear little Bess."
Then little lame Hess, with her gentle voice
Said, looking 'round from one to the other,
I'll w ish for the loveliest thing in the world -That
every one of us might have a mother.'
cheaper. It has wide vestiouios;
Pintsch gas; hih back eeats; a uni
formed Pullman porter: clean bedding;
spacious toilet rooms; tiblos and a
heating range. Being strongly and
heavily built, it rides smoothly; is
warm in winter and cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion party is
an experiencea excursion i-uuuutmi
who accompanies it right through to
Los Angeles.
Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lin
coln and Hastings every Thursday, ar-
riving at San Francisco the following
Sunday, Los Angeles Monday, only
three days from tho Missouri river to
tVo Pacific coast, including a stop-over
of one and ono-half hours at Denver
and two and one-half hours at Salt
Like City two of tho most interest
ing cities on tho continent.
For folder giving full information.
call at any Burlington route ticket
office, or write to J. Francis, General
Pasenger Agent, Omaha Neb.
Call for tho "Exquisite
retailer carries them.
Cah rrlf for I'holoRritpfis.
For the six best photographs of
farm scenes along its lino in Nebraska
and Kansas.the Burlington route offers
six cash prizes one of 20, one of $10
and four of &i each. Photograph of
growing crops, harvesting operations,
feed-lots, poultry, cattle, barns and
creameries are particularly desired.
No limitations as to si.a or finish arc
made. The contest closes November
HO, 1S90. J. Francis, General Passen
ger Agont, Burlington Boute, Omaha.
lit Any
George Noland, Rockland, O., says,
'My wife had piles forty years. De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her.
It is tho best salvo in America." It
heals everything and cures all skin
diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
You Can Flnil a 7"tvi'rl to
l-t'd Vim I in.
The pertion who intends to t . i k o the
old copybook proverbs as his standards
ln life will often find hinis. If in a very
perpleslng quandary. Thu. .vhlch of
the following will he decide to act by:
"Marry in haste and repent at leisure;"
and "Happy Is. the wooing that's not
long a-doing;" "Out of sight, out of
mind." and "Absence make? the heart
grow fonder;" "A rolling stone gathers
no moss," and "A setting h n gathers
no feathers;" "A stieh in time saves
nine," and "It's never too late to
mend; "There's honor among thieves,"
and "Set a thief to catch a thief;"
"Discretion is the better part of valor,"
and "Nothing venture, nothing gain;"
"The man who Is his own lawyer htu a
fool for a client," and "if you want
anything well done do it yourself."
Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. V.,
says, "I heartily recommend One
Minute Cough Cure. It cave my wife
immediate relief in suffocating
asthma." Pleasant to take. Nevor
fails to euro all coughs, colds throat
and lung troublos. F. G. Fricke & Co.
:.- about lOo.OOO hairs on the
Fair-haired persons, on tho
i:.:iid -men as well as women
r. .-in lhi.tiuu to 100,000. The
'. . ' nana, nowever, are inose o;
lo'.or. and hence they endure the i
i:L'e.-.t. It mav be added that red I
b-tire.l j.ei'si'ns are generally of a .-ym
i-'ie and passionate nature, and
. a i uie. far more apt 1,ie. op
timists than pessimists.
r-v r- 1 "TT i 1
ocroiuia, a vnei
Scrofula is the most obstinate of Mood 4
troubles, and is often tlu result of an
inherited taint in the blood. S. S. S.
is tlu! only remedy which goes deep
enough to reach Scrofula; it forces out
every truco of the disease, and cures
the worst cases.
My son, Charlie, was afflicted from infttticy
with Scrofula, and lie suffered so tht H wan
impossible todresa him
for three yoiiri. His
head a id body were a
muss of sores, and his
eypsifrht also became ' v 6
affected. No treatment V JJf
was spared 01.11. wn r1-
tnoupiii wouni rfiifvo k . j ; -j
hini.but heirrcw worse A T" J . 'L V
unUl his condition wiisJyT .
ln.leea pmaoie. i , I I "
almost despaired of hi mt ,
ever eured, when t J I J
by the advice of a frl.-nd 7 4
we if ive him S. S. 8. VTA
eided improvement was the result, and aft-r
lie had tiikeii a dozen bottles, no one w ho knew
..r l,u former dreadful condition would liavfc
recognized him. All the sores on bis bodv
i.uv.. his skin is nerfectly ! ur an,;
smooth, and he has been restored to ei(;cj
lulUl. MKH.S.S MillllV,
'MO Kim St., Macon, I. a
For real blood troubles it is a wn-t .
of time to expect a cure from tin- dor
tors. Illood diseases are lieyond theH
skill. Swift's iSpecihc,
For Rlianffi
I Tl,n
reaches all deep-seated cases whin
other remedies have noeffect upon. 1
is the only blood remedy guarantee
purely vegetable, anu contains no po
ush. mercury, or oiner mincrui.
Hooks mailed free to any address b
Swift Speeitie Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Cuiloas Seal Ia Unearthed.
A unique piece of jewelry has re
cently found an owner In Chicago after
a precarious existence among the
It is an old seal, lasa-
ioned oddly ol gold, with a curious in-
Story of a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for
years bv the chains of disease is the pawnshops
a. r -.1 r'rtM.rrn
worst lorm oi muvc-.j. , tion and a,most hieroglyphic In-
Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells mX Jnto the stone imbeuded in
how such a slave was made free. He thQ bottom Gf the queer pyramidal
says: "My wifo has been so helpless ,)endant. A secret spring sends part
for live years that she could not turn of the gold casing flying upward with
over in lied alone. After using two a jerky iAtlon, revealing an interior
A:.;a v,Q tbere is less danircr the southern portion of tho HueKcyo
Ultlll'UO, if hvi v - - 1
bottles of Electric liitters, sho is
wonderfully improved and able to do
her own work." This supreme rem
edy for fema'o diseaso quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, molan-
r.ivitv. with two additional secret
seals of drtferent stones. One is in
scribed in the odd cabalistic design of
the outer intaglio, but the tiny one
is left blank. The whol" design is so
strikingly antique anu unusual that
and more money.
old choly. headache, backache, fainting Jt haa attracted considerable attention
Ohio river.
F. S.
Main Street,
. Plattsmouth
Our fee returned if we fail. Any onesending
sketch and description of any invention win
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patentability of aanie. " How to Obtain a
i.i.i,ii sent upon request. Patents secured
throueh us advertised for sale at our expense.
1 vit taken out throueh us receive tpecial
"!ot thn nw form of rustic types and the story
th7officta it tends to con- natural as the lives of the people it
fuse the voter does not really rest upon portrays. In its simplicity lies its
the fonnof the ballot, but upon the strength, in its qu.etness its intensity
tne opening iluubs huj u
tor from his apathy to polite attention
bliiwc, o I n,i ,1 cnnlla Tl.iamirnelo worLintr . 1,1 n,1-
The characters are mostly . 1 b lIolu tuuuuiMcum JCtl.j, uuc
raeuicine is a gousunu to nuan, sitmv, ot wnom iuuk impressions ui me iwu
run down peop'e. Every bottle guar- Intaglia to forward to the authorities
a ri.. ,,iri v.,. ro n At Washineton for explanation. in
nilll'DU, . 1 1 1 -jo i.iiiva. ' ' . v. . v. i
simple and
Fricke & Co., druggists.
fact that candidates try to secure spe
cial advantage upon it through certi
ficates of nomination by two or three
different pirties. If each political
Dartv bad its own set of candidates ap-
Dearineou the ballot there would be
no cause for complaint. What con
fuses tho voter is the fusion manipu a-
notice, without charge, w i be -. tMncr tn i,n found in
illustrateu ana wiuciy v i"-'. i wivuc m,u j v
the provisions of the law.
v... xTomifiK-tiirers and Investors,
Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
. (Patent Attoraers.)
Evans Buildifif, WASHINGTON, D. C.
Dyspepsia Curer
Diaests what you eat.
TtftTtificiallydigeststhefoodandalds tration that makes the price or
T-ri!L tnnfftheninir and recon- mio-htv. but to make 6ure I am
ftructing the exhausted I digestWe or- gtay by the Almiehty and the
A DKMOCKATIC farmer was standing
on the streets Tuesday and the subject
of politics was mentioned, says the
Iiaatrice Express, lie cut tho matter
short by skying in substance: "You
may s:iy what you please, we never
had such times as we are having now.
I have forty head of steers and they
aro worth $-0 a head more than such
cattle were worth three years ago. I
don't know whether it's the adminis-
the Al-
am going
. M nn in nr.i uicwi.muu
the succeeding scenes to interosted-
ness, tho closing cne3 to profound in
terest nnd the finale leaves him in
uTArrmtt admiration of the work he
has witneesod.
You never know what form of blood
poison will follow constipation. Keep
the liver clean by using De Witt's
Little Early Risers and you will avoid
trouble. They are famous little pills
for constipation and liver and bowel
troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
"I don't quite understand." said the
:ivil service examiner, "why you
iiarked one answer 'to be continued.' "
You mean the one In which I was
-equired to give the boundaries of the
7nlted States?" said the young wom
m. "Yes." "Well, I thought it
wouldn't be well to be too positive un
til after the Philippine question is set
Jed." Washington Star.
u" ""r --7w it. fn efficiency, it in-
5tntlTniUeYea and permanently cures postofkice receipts are good indi
DyTpepsi. ihNauea cations of the prosperity of the coun
ySoLSSSSSi try, When times are good people are
SiSSt?l1SSSrftct dlSMtlon. writing letters telling what they are
UPj" ivE.C. DWi A Co.. Cbicaao. doin and are sending money orders
F. G.-FIUCKE & CO. " and stamps for small purchases. Al-
Kvery Fourth Uood Trmplitr Drank.
The temptation to have a "hauf yin"
Is evidently too strong for so-called
Good Templars' in Scotland, as from
the recent report of the lodge of that
Independent order, It Is seen that many
am tho tiapir sliders. No fewer than
9,726 persons have been discovered to
have violated their pledges out of a to
tal membership of 37.SS3; or nearly
every fourth member has been caught
Dr. II. H. HadoD,Summit,Ala.,says,
"I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a
splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and
my confidence in it grows with con
tinued use." It digests what you eat
and quickly cures dyspepsia and in
digestion. F. G Prick" & Co.
Slut t liar red Out of School.
The use of slates has been forbidden
fn the schools of Zurich, Switzerland,
and pen. ink and paper have been sub
stituted, even in the lowest forms. The
reason given are that the light gray
marks of the pencil on the slate can
not be followed without straining the
eves: that the pressure which It !
the interval the Chicago owner Is ex
ercising her imagination trying to
make up an interesting story to reply
to the questions of her menus.
If you are suffering from drowsiness
in the dny time, irritability of temper,
sleepless nightJ, general debility,
head .che and general want of tone of
the system, use Herbiiie. You will
get relief and finally a cure. l'ric ot)
cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Thousands of men and women suffer
from piles, especially women with fe
male weakness have this suffering to I necessary to exert upon the pencil les
contend with in addition to their other Bens the facility of the hand and ren
pains. Tabler'a Buckeye Pile Oint- ders an easy, flowing handwriting
mnt will nnicklv effect a cure. Price, more difficult to attain, and that the
an ota. in .nttw To ct F. G. se of the slate is not conducive to
Fricke & Co.
cleanly work.
Lightest of Liqnlcla.
Additional experiments by Professor
Dewar have shown that liquid hydro
gen Is by far the lightest of ail known
liquids. Its density is one-fourteenth
that of water, and. curiously enough,
this happens to he the same ratio ot
density that hydrogen In the gaseous
state bears to air. Heretofore the
lightest liquid known has been lique
fied marsh gas, which possesses about
two-fiftha the density of water.
C mstipation means the accumula
tion of waste matter that should be
discharged daily, and unless this is
done the foul matter ia absorbed and
poisons the system. Use Herbine to
bring about regularity of the bowels.
Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Gut Heil" 5-cent cigar has an
enviable reputation among smokers.
Union made. For sale by all dcalerB.
Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.
SSL&ryi&s yu Krcase (
vfa the wagon I ;.j
I wheels with. 1 A
I MICA Ax!a Grcasa ;
I Otahox and learn why It'stJie J"lj
lnt greaHH ever put on an nxi. VVTj
Sold everywhere. Made I, y V -i
Leave orders at F. S. While's
Store or at Hrick and Terra
Cotta works.
SatisfctctUm Giutruntced.
Neb. Tel. 71.
Has new stock, new riga ;md
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
ft General Liveru Business
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
IMnttamontb. Nebraska.
tates SI and $1.50 'Der Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
and Stoves
I. Pearl man desires to ea
attention to the trade that If
has the largest stock of stove
and furniture ever sliowiv
T1.nttsiiiotit.i and that he cait
not be undersold by any deal
in the Teat state of Nebrask.
A made his mirchascs befo
the recent great advance
- a a m
prices, and is giving Jus cus
tomers the benefit of that fact
These are lacts winch yo
cannot afford to overlook who
in need of anvthing in his lin.
I f you are wise you
, , 1 A 1 1. 1 . i
jook inrougu ins sums
before buy in
a close
l'( mills
'r '
Opposite tho court house,
Plattsmouth Nebrr
Are Now In Season.
Tl.o dny of tho 0stcrStcw
if oiwo morn at hand and
Plattsmouth people know
where to got tho best on
tho market, and that is at. ..
Leonard Block.
He a'so e irries a complete
stock of F, csti .
Fruits and Canutes,
Cigars and