V 1VBIIK HAPPILY WEDDED N'ii(ials of Mr. KoImmI Sampson iiikI Miss .ll'llllic AlltllOIIY. Kv. A. Nl-ft h r the ftltiluxllHt Cliurrli Perform th Oreuioiiy Wlilt-h I) ultra For I. If ih l.lvca of the Happy Young Couplr III her Happmlng of Local luttirmt. From Thursday'! Daily A very pretty event occurred at the homo of M. N. Anthony nml wlfo in South I'urk at 8:150 o'clock last even ing, when thn livon of tholr daughter. .lennlo, and Robert SampHon were joined In tho holy bonds of wedlock, Kov.A.Sloeth of tho Methodist church officiating. Kii Tutt performed in a very artistic manner the part of bent man, while Miss Addic Smith acted finely as brideMmaid, Hilt WVscott playing the wedding inarch. Tho bride wai beau fci fully attired in cream albatrosrt, trimmed in eatin, and carried pink roses, and Mis Smith wore white India linen and carried cream tohoh. The hou-e whs beautifully decorated with carnations and American II gs After the chi einony delicate refresh ments were served and a social time spent. Tho ceremony was witnessed by about thirty relatives and immediate frionds of tho contracting parties a number of ivdaiivita from Glenwt od b d nt i II ;i" lit il it cm. Tho t-M'noiii thn ton of K. I5. Samp son of this city, mi.iI is a younu man of in tny ood iCi litin- who h .sa host of frieud.-t. Ii.) wis a member of tho ThlrG Nobr.-k., it'ut rcirutined with tho regiment till it wim mustered out. Mr. Simpson is now employed in tho l$urlinton shops. This bride is a aiioit tiii: m:v dkama. CITY AND COUNTY. 'AIm rden" Contains K very tiling Whli li i tlm Tlint re-tiot-r Drnlrea. Years ago the uvonigo drama was a jumble of heroic bpcechos and propos torous situations a single man did things that worn beyond tho power of an army; children frightened oft vil- TIMKSDAY. R. H. Windham was an Omaha vis Itor todaj'. Iho Murllncton nav-cnr will arrive tomorrow. MrB. D. S. CuibL is visiting friend liannus characters with weapons they I in Omaha. could scarcely lift, much less use with elTt-ct; platoons of soldiers wor foiled with one shot, yet the public accepted it as a matter of fact. Not so today. The theatre-goor of tho present period demands consistence; ho goes to the theatre, witnesses a play and then bluntly asks why buch and such a character did ouch and such a thing. sits down, points out the unnatural R. O. Fellows went to Omaha on the mail train. I), n. Smith journeyed to Omaha this afternoon. Harry R. (Jroves went to Lincoln this afternoon. J. N. Wlso was a visitor in tho rne tropolis this afternoon. A, M. Iiussoll, tho Weeping Water Troasurer-elcct J. L. ISarton was in from his friends. and inconsistent situations and ac- attorney, was in the city today lion, and. If tho play happens to bo .;. R. L-jikart, state bank examiner, surfeited with these defects, condoms of Norfolk, was in tho city on business it unreservodly. Keeping pace with today. ft V . 9 V. a . -4s,.. a 4 I .aBlU3 u. w.o uii-iu-u-it vueo. Car, Fricke wontto Lincoln thisaf goer, anew school of drama has , ,t amo nTfriondg a co uplo . I 1 1. A. 1 1. 1 " sprung up a bcuooi wuere me piay-1 ri VJ r t . , i i i . I J wrignd aunors as cioseiy to naiuro as it is riOHflihln for him tn (in: thn clnnnp ..,i, .mt,i i itf 4U I town today receiving congratulations hs work resembles real life tho I , . greater the playwright and the morn valnahln tho work. Mrs. W. M. Donhou of Lincoln is To this latter school belongs tho new visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. i drama, "Abordeen." No drama has Shepherd, in this city. ever told a prettier story of domestic Miss Kstber Oieon went to Chicago life nnd nothing could be more natural yesterday evening, on a trip with than this beautiful play. Not an iu- MviuiTmans of Omaha. consistency, not an unnatural point Superintendent Ed Biirnell of the does it contain to mar its intrinsic rin-iinrinn Wi4 Mndinry tn 'm.imnv business in the city today. (. K. Ilaeer. stenographer in U. S. Polk's ollice, has returned from a visit at his homo in Cay Center. II. R. Neitzol and wife of Murdoclc are in the city, tho former having been called here on legal business. Charlos Mcl'nteo roturnod to Alli ance this afternoon whore ho is om plojcd by Contractor Cuahing. A hearing on account was had in worth . CAMELS CARRIED THE FAVORS. Bat the Moiktf Quite Forgot to Dir tribute Them. The grand ball at Shepheard's hotel came off on the night of Feb. 1. says a Cairo correspondent of the New York Herald. This is a function of annual occurrence, and is one of Cal- flie Kale of a firvat allra I'roporly. A ten. sat Ion has been created in rail road circles by the purchase of the Hal tlniore and Ohio railroad for 310,000, 000 cash by a synduatf composed ot Philip I). Armour. Marshall Kleld and Norman H. Ream. The as.,?.ca.lor. SEA-GOING CANOES. One That Could tarry loo I'lurntrri him! ri tlix Orrtn. The si-i-oiiil largest I in I ia ti ;niie in British Columbia, if not on the i';i ill coast, is now hauled out on the tide- flat hill on First avenue mmiiIi. . if wrth the scheme of the name of James could cross the ocean in that catioe.' J. Hill, president of the (treat North- said the owner this morning In ver ern railway, gave currency to the ru good English. ' It will hold more than mor that under its new management a hundred people, and is the largest I the Iialtlmore and Ohio road was to canoe but one of all our country." The become part of a new transcontinental biz canoe Is but one of about a stored system, having the Groat Northern for of large canoes that belong to the Fort I Its Pacific wing. Despite the denial of Rupert and West Coast Indians of Van- fl'lf h an intention by Mr. Hill, the ru- couver Island. Fort Rupert is on the mor gained popular strength. The city northern end of Vancouver island, and of Baltimore and the Johns Hopkins the Indians now here were eighteen university have large financial Inter ests in the Paltimore ami Ohio road, and would sustain severe losses if the new owners failed to protect them. days on the voyage. With a good fail wind they can go 100 miles a day, and could, therefore, accomplish the almost 1000-mile voyage in eight or ten days. Woman's cia. However, they do not always get the The Parliamentary Law and Litera- falr wind. The big canoe is a new one, turo departments will meet on Friday made this summer. It is about fifty evening at tho club parlors at 7 :.'() five feet long and seven to eight across, o'clock. Lessons, "Public Meetings ia Indians say there are even bigger and Permanent Organizations," "Hio- cedar trees than the one from which the canoe was made. These Indians na ? been coming here ever since the ti 1 st hops were planted. They always look ."or a sound tree for a canoe, one without any rotten parts or knot boles about 't. The Indian owner hired a graphy of Bryant" and study of the poem "To a Wattfrfowl." All visitors 10 cents. Hostess for tho evening. Mrs. W. II. Newoll. I'le Day. Wednesday, November "9, will be number of other Indians, and made the pio day with tho Q. '.. society of the canoe where the tree fell, then skidded Presbyterian church. Cet your pies! it Into the water. He considers it worth for Thanksgiving. 3.500 or $400. War canoes of these northern Indians used to create a great Volcanoes of the WorM. neal ot terror 111 the minds of the first There are G2 known volcanoes in eettlers. There are old gray-haired the world, of which 270 are active; 80 patriarchs in the camp today who in Amrica, 24 in Asia, 20 in Africa; doubtless have in the past taken part I Java has 109. In New Zealand, with in many a raid on the Sound Indians, Mn an area of 127 miles, there are 63, and possibly in sonic of the few attacks ranging from 100 feet to 900 feet la made on the early settlers. Seattle height. Times. i t I i 13 affmes I have the largest stock of Buggies, Carriages, Surreys, Spring Wagons and Lumber Wagons in the county. I have twenty buggies on the floor and no two alike. The prices run from $40 up. If you want a first-class vehicle, get a.... Cooper Buggy.. There is no use of going to Omaha, as I can sell just as cheap as Omaha dealers. Give me a trial and be convinced. A. L. J MYNAJtl), cox; m:i;k sk . ro's greatest social events. It was a young wom m of womanly ways, and Is J very handsome affair nnd the Moor- fnllv rlunri inir th hituhnnri whnm nhn I Ish restaurant nrnhahlv one Of the l...Wni..j,.N.u n.l on,., richest In point of decoration in the p-",mi con 1 1 iuuuj u.. LUU .uu ... rows ..f li'o. She is a cradu itc of tho world. opening Into a spacious dinlng- r room, wnicn was usea tor me uaw- I'luft.umniil h tiitrli mrlirfciil f'tuSil nf '07 r I i r . n n ,1 a I . ! It. .11 .1 M .ha 1 in; Nl'.vvs ion s with tho logtons of .,. , , " iL 1 11U11 I OI1IIIICI llllf If) 1 lift KIULC9 OL inenu in waning mis wormy young Balons furnished in the oriental style, couple much joy and happtnoss with palms and exotics everywhere, through lifo. maklnr a setting of dark green to the many beautiful dresses resembled a Worur.i Him For com. wiK of a Daiaoe during a court ball. Kioim Tlmis.lny's l);iily. If ., nnt nll,v th hall of tne sea- l v.d Cimp-eii . nd v: L Sharp, Bon at SheDheard's. but the dinner of residing ii"ar South F.o. id, were given the season as well. At nearly every u preliminary honring before Justice table was a dinner party, everybody in Archer ted ay on the charge of obtain Caspor Ilornmann, deceased. Tho board of education will meet I tois evening and open tho bids for the erection of tho new school building. Attorney William Dellesclernior of Elmwood came over last evening to learn tho result of tho election and attend to eomc business matters. A young man in the First ward who had never before enjoyed the glorious privilege of voting signed his name ing money under false pretenses. There wore three men in the deal I Hal Atterberry of Omaha being tho third one. Tho complaining witnoss was Herman I J. riitimn. The latter full dress, the ladies decollete and "'8 dhuoi. n is Buppo&eu mai no wearing their ball dresses. The "covtp did this for tho purpose of making his d'oeil" was beautiful, the Moorish ballot stronger. lamps lighted by multi-colored electric S;im c;tnttiflP former rrsi.lincr south of town, berCamo overloaded with corn juice last evening and wrs ar- bulbs, which increased the sparkle of many a gemmed necklace and agrafe Mr rtafdilo tho nmiiil.-ir manaser of purchased a recipe of Campbell and shepheard's hotel, had the dinins- rested by Marshal Slater. Thismorn- Atterosrry for maKiag buttenno or room cleared bv a large corps of ng ho appeared Deiore loiicoJudgo making two pounds of butter out of Arabs and the restaurant converted one bv adding a certain kind of powder Into a beautiful and Immense salon and some milk. Bornman was to oav wIth a marble fountain In the middle -.oo f.. Qtn'o vitrht and after nav from the haslns Ot WHICH waier ia:i - A..o 1...UJ aown over a tnicK anrou ul ruses. Ill1' Til ' bliau aiuuuu v xwnx-i ivv-v that ho had boon swindled and caused tho arrest of the first two, but Atter berry has not yet been found, Divans and valuable oriental carpets were everywhere. The cotillon, which was led by Archer and was fined 91 and costs. Thomas W. Shryock of Louisville, C K. Weecott and dames Robertson are busy today canvassing the voto of tho countv at tho recent election, so inches, about as big as an ordinary ko A Cheerful Idiot. wot a surprise. Time." said the nrasmatlc hoarder. . , i 11 win not 00 a surprise 10 any who .ies between eternity and eternltv re at all laminar with tho good qual- ' How ungrammatlcal," said the Cheer itiesof Chamberlaiirs Cough Remedy ful Idiot. "W-wliat?" "Sort of split to know that people every whero take infinity, you know." Exchange. ploasuro in relating their experience in tho uso of that snlendid medicine nv lsn 1 a man wnO Highly a ' ' I t 1 I A nnd in telling of tho benefit they have u""uu""l' received from it, of bad colds it has Chamberlain s Pain Balm Cures others. NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClMiue nud bMutiiia tk hair, fruu.ol. Iiuiui.dI f ruwth. Hover to Mestore Brj Mir to it Youthful Color. Cure. i'lp tftrmtt b.ir tiis(. Hf,inJI WH lrmiilf cured, of threatened attacks of pneu monia it has averted ahd of tho chil dren it has saved from attacks of croup and whooping cough. It is a grand. good medicine. For sale by all drug Sists. The CiiiMii:ttogrihe. Tho coining cinematographe enter tainment at the opera houso commenc ing Monday, Nov. 13, is well worth a visit. A pinprnnlnorrfinlio la nVinut ihn ., - . , . used only one bottle an same thing as a yitascope, roproducing . , ,, . , . . , , . is almost well. Adoli aeiioiis oy luousaiius 01 1 nsiau laneous photographs Tho cincmatopraphc is a French machine, made by Lumiero of Pari?, and very expensive, also very heavy. Tho machine i3 much larcrer th-nn Why Not You? My wifo has been using Chamber lain's Pain Ilalm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her continually for nino years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving any benefit from any of them. Ono day we saw an ad vertisement of this medicinoand thought of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has d her shoulder ph I Millott, Manchester, N. II. For sale by all druggists. Ml Cklrkuler's RaslUh 1Iub.b4 Brul rENNYROYAL PILLS Oril a al " " tteaamc. A art, ! ri.bU. Laaica Jv lru(llt rr fhickrtttr t I.I I1'" fS moJ Brand la Kr4 o4 Hold ai.ini.Alr Mm, ...1.4 with bin. tihboa. Take Vy 'ui.iii milututiu. llllHHHll,r. in tt.u.pl fur rtloul.r.. iMlliMtltll "Kallrr Tar Mim'nnw. raiara Cklsheatrri Laask-al V:.M aalaaa aaara. Hull j all Ixk.I UruffUl.. ril I I.A !., ."v s?500 REWARD. Wiwill lav the hIjovc reward for anv ra nf Liivcr coir.ula nit. Uvsnciisia. ick lli'ailarlif those in common ihp. The films aro Of Indigestion. Constipation 01 Costivcness wecan- . . not cure with I.iverita. the t p-to-Datc Little Kes the I Liver fill, when the directions are strictly coni- tarniil aiv. .( It n I u.lw.li inn I T11-"" ""- mric3 1 i.iver 1 111. w ncn me directions are strictly 1 picture rim 2xli inches in size, and ,1'cd ,K?'- , .1,,-'y,'rfc f.u,clV -;Ketablu. aud I never fail to 11 ve satislactmn .c Ihivm rmit:.n. those used in tho small machines Jxlt hhi piiis. n.c boxes contain -in pills. rc boxes con tain pills, lieware of substitutions and imita tions. Sent bv mai . Stanins taken. NKKVITA that the oflicial count can be given to- dak picture; four sets of lenses are ciJv morrow. ine unothcial coupt, which useu, me result, is mat tne picture is rvmto a 7nchph nnd Paithrv Hev. was is not far from correct.appoars in The very bright, clear and distinct. The The part Sharp is" charged with exeeedinelv snlrited and was danced News today. "Battle" films are as natural as if the playing was to bo in partnership with with much entrain, the "clou" of it Joseph Goldsmith deoutv supreme spectators were seeing the real thing Bornman and getting him to advance and that of the hall being the camel reCrent of the Imperial Mystic Legion The warscenes are simply astonishing the money. Campbell and Sharp each and donkey figure, when two young work-in in tho intrt It is a performance that all should see itoi-o Vi,.il in thn s.um nf S.JKI tn nnnear vamcc, .v. ..mv. in district court lioerty. into the room bv Arabs in nink and place a castle will be established. W lavender silk costumes. The plctur-1 15. Raymond, another deputy, who was ..F.. - ..... f - - . ,,. wno nas oecn worKing in me interest. " turn of -500 to appear lIve camels, followed b a sleek little donartod Prices, 10, 20 and .",0c. on sale at usur , nnM ..nn .ua; dun-colored donkey, with large side 01 the local castle 01 tne 01 uer,uepartod V.,JLW and were given their wUh this morning for Arlington, at which PlaL'e 1 ''" iteanlta of the Klectlons Qhj0 Plurality for Nash (rep.) for esqtie procession made the tour of the hero last evening, went with him. Mr room, me me mousey, wwua mount- Goldsmith will return Saturday and m t l 1 en one 01 tne cameis, iooKea 10 tne governor, 50,000. Iowa Plurality for Shaw-(rep. ) for governor, G0,000. Kentucky Estimated plurality fo Taylor (rep. ) for governor, 7,000. Massachusetts Plurality for Crane (Rep.) for governor, 65,000. Pennsylvania Plurality for Barnelt (rep. ) for treasurer, 120,000. South Dakota Estimated plurality for republican supreme court judges 7,000. ' New York Legislature republican by majority of 35,000. New Jersey Legislature republican by plurality of 8,000. Maryland Plurality for Smith,aem for governor 11,000. .. Nebraska Plurality for Uolcomb (fus.) for supreme judge, 15,000. Coming. . Oncxif the theatrical events of tho season will be the exhibition at the opera house by the famous Kline's Lumiere C'inematogrnph Co., of Keithe's theatre fame. New York, of the Spanish - American - Philippine wars, three evenings,, commencing Monday, Nov. 13 This is the same compan3' and machine that created Buch a sensation at tho Omaha exposi . r ! . l 1 Vi n! . Ill .f ila nf T a n i t ' ' IJOU Willi LUCIl J.tcfct.u ' c. l. . . u , and should not be confounded with the cheap and trashy picture machines that have been exhibited here to empty houses. Among the views they carry that will interest every man. woman and child of Plattsmouth and vicinity are the reviews of the First, Second and Third Nebraska Vol. Inf., 'jien at San Luis, Cuba and San Fran Cisco, by Mr. Paley of New York, for Thomas A Edison. Among other in teresting subjects are the battles of San Juan, Cavito, El Caney. the bom bardments of Porto Rico, Mantanzas, Santiago, Dewey's victory at Manila, Cervera's defeat at Santiago, etc. Price 10. 20and 30 cents. Utru-tion :! Insolation. "Wickwire "I don't exactly like the Idea of calling one of the new ships of war the American girl." Yabsley "What's the matter with it?" W'ick ivire "It sounds too tame.' The HireC Girl would give a much better idea 01 destruction and desolation." Indian apolis Journal. ' C'imber. "Did you climb the Alps?" asked the young woman. "No," answered Mrs Cumrox. "we meant to. But we could n't get accommodations anywhere ex cept on the second floor of a hotel that had no elevator. So we went flight way." Er. If you have sore throat, soreness across tho back or side, or jour lung feel sore or tender, or you are threat ened with diphtheria or pneumonia apply Ballard's Snow Liniment exter nally, and uso Ballard's Ilorehound enntlniio his wnrk rleht and left, erinnlner an.l lenlnvlne- the sensation he was making, but sad- George Weidmann, who drives . . . I TTl 1 D . if 1 Jl 1 ? 1 4 I ly neglecting his duty or distributing vv un .x money s oeuvcry wagon, ieii Syrup. F. G. Fricke & Co me nowers 10 tne laaies,, leaving that nis team sianuing ai me rear 01 v ecu to the descendants or his race, accord- bach & Co s. store in charge of a boy xiie in weiN. ing toT3arwin. At midnight a most last evening while he went into the A well-known professor of hydro sumptuous supper was served, the 8tore on bu3iness, and when he came statlC6 sa's: Xt is a rnc sober 1V lL ?rm,lnf the.sides f1 a out the team was gone. A gunshot fV,011, 1 have lPste1 myself' that v iuauevi wiiu every uuag- i - . u . , , , , , i u c 1 1 me ufvjit'r arit'sian uores mere inable viand and delicacy, the cent-r rriuie,ie" LUO,"1 Ul,u ia a distinct tide, corresponding exact and end pieces towering up several in UP ine dllt-J UHl" 1110 rear 01 ly with the ocean fides, except that the feet, and. above all, in the middle was Wescott's store was reached, where a process is reversed, and causing the a huge cre3cent and star, exquisitely telephone pole was struck and they water to vary very greatly in height wrought in roses and violets and ge- were stopped. Tho wagon and har- In the bore at flood and ebb. The rannims. n ess were had lv broken, hut no other time of greatest flow in an artesian dnmqiTR rpRiilterl. well corresponds with full ebb in th Oi to A. W. Atwowi for wall paper. ocean nearest. This is how I account lb.6 bOyS are having mUCh Sport for. tho nlipnr.mr.nnn Whon tha mnnn oll Imion Ceremony. ' with Deputy .Sheriff McBride on ac- ss aWts height the moon is exertine its ine last day or eacn uctoDer tne city count of his having lost his voto Tues- pull rot onlv on tll sea bnt Qn the solicitor or London, with an assistant, da Tohn wont down to Nehawka land. This naturally tends to take th- attends upon the queen's remembran- l rrcA., nnA ,.1.,1 nre?ure nfT the sand well which Hps at fike a Trojan; for "Hilly" Wheeler, 1.000 to 2,000 feet below the surface, cer, when, by proclamation, "the ten ants ana occupiers or a piece or waste . ih:d for honie at 4 o'clock and Rt the lwttom of whif h the water ground called the Moors, in the coun- . 1 ,T.,-1 .. . I lies. Thus the picture on the water U ty or Salop." are commanded to "cpnie tup0 . ,,-um iesS(Mied and the flow slackens. On forth and do your service, upon pain left-there, as he figured, m time to the other hand at ,ow tWe ln-the oeeaa and peril that shall rail thereon." reach I'lattsmoutn oeiore mo pons the moon's pull is relaxed and the earth Then the solicitor chops in halves two closed. The home run was made with settles back, and by producing greater fagots, one with a hatchet and the horses on the dead ran, but when he pressure on the water-bearing strata otner witn a hiuhook. Afterwards arrived hero, the election was all over. down below squeezes the water up ex comes tne summons to the tpna. His watch was about five minutes slow actly as you might squeeze a sponge! etc., ot a certain tenement with, a 1 , tU . , . . . . . . t L s . . . and that fact cost him his voto forge, in the Strand, and the pay-1 . ment of six horseshoes, with sixty-one I Used By British Soldiers in Africa. shoe nails, by the solicitor. This Capt. C. G. Dennison is well known forge has long ceased to be. and the all over Africa a3 commander of the same shoes and nails are used year ,,,,, .,.., Ko fo m:, ,ui (ialishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1S97, after year, the shoes bDing at least two centuries old. New York Tribune . fh Babj'a Hands. When the flaunel bands are no long er worn the babe should hav a knit ted band of saxony wool. nese are The ThKMy Yankee. The Kennebec Journal tells of a man who catches seals, cuts off the noses and gets the $1 bounty ofTeied by the state of Maine, after which he collects the tails and hies himself to Massa- from Vryburg, Bechuanalanc", - he chusetts, where he collects .the bounty writes: "Before starting on the last! offered for the tail of every seal caught campaign 1 bought a quantity of In Massachusetts waters. inen ne Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and returns to the pine tree state to work the skin into gloves, hats, pocketbooks, etc. Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used my knitted round and fully we'' inches 8el1 wnen trouDlea Wlln oowei com- in length. .They are sea-.je t-o and plain t, and had given to my men, and two for elasticity and have r.iA-2 knit- Mn every case it proved most benefi ted straps one and one-eighth inthes cial." For sale by all druggists. wide over tne snouiaers. and a strap one and a half inches Wide and tWO I Notice to Can County, Nebraska. inches long sewed to the centre of the All members of the United Mutual lasting and has a refreshing odor equal front at the bottom. The riianei- la Hail asrociation aro called to meet, in I to that of lavender. It can he hougnt pinned to this strap, thus insuring a Plattsraouth on Saturday, November or visitors to Canada in summer can In the' Linen Tre. Braids of sweet grass made the full length of the grass are excellent for linen closets. The spicy swpetness is thickness of wool over the baby's 11, at 2 o'clock p. m. J. P. Fal.tei:. stomach and bowels all of the time. Twenty-nve cents wonn or Saxony Snaka Escapes from Its Case. wool will knit two hands. One nun- There was recently much excitement dred and fifty stitches cast on will at Ashton-under-Lyne, England, make the bands large enough to last through the escapade of a huge boa an ordinary child until it is a year . constrictor at the Trivoli theater. A old. local conjurer entered the theater in semi-darkness and the snake, which pick it for themselves, which is most satisfactory. A braid of sweet grass makes a pretty and pleasant remem brance for friends at home. Foil Sale ok Rent Store room had by some means" escaped from its ana aweuing combined, Axct ieet, casef bounded at him. The man at known .9 the T. . Davis store, in once shot out of the room, the reptile Murray. Inquire of J. "W. Edmunds, upsetting chairs, bottles, and glasses Murray, Neb. . In ItSpursuit. Subsequently the con Charcoal Kept on hand at Fgenberger & Troop's feed store. Charcoal is the bulk of all hog cholera remeJi63, ,which sell at ten times the price of charcoal. Lost A ladies' gold watch. lias a shell case, and a small chain attached. strictor was secured by Its owner, who Case No. 2,71 0; works No. 1.939.7S5; For S le Brick houie with tarn happened to beat hand. Its conduct I Waltham works. Finder will be re- and three lot9 in Merceryllle. Cbeap is said to have been owing to the fact warded by leaving same at this office. forcah. f that its fsedlng had been overlooked. Mrs. Tom Barnum, Union, Neb. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Legal Notice. In the district court of.. Cass county, Nebraska. Walt M. yeelv. IMaintiti. 1 vsl I J. L. Uoldsberry & Son, J. I.. (old.sberry, tirst name un- known, Charles C CJoUls- ; berry, K. C I'eacock. tirst name unknown, and the ! Western Land & Cattle Co, Limited, of London, Eng.. Defendants. J To the above named defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that upon the li'th day of October. A. I. 1 !!, the above plaintiff tiled his petition in the district court ol C ass County, Nebraska, against said de fendants to recover the sum of thirteen hundred thirty-eight dollars ninety-three and eighty-one hundreds cents (f 1S58.S:J Nl-100) as commissions for procuring a purchaser for all real estate in Texas county, Missouri, belonging to the West ern Land ec wattle uo , Limited ol London, Lngland, upon a contract with plaintirt. That plaintiff tiled his affidavits lor attach ment and garnishment in said action and has at tached the moneys and properties ol said de fendants in the hands of Henry K. Gerine and J 1111am v- woatcs. You are required to answer plaintiff's petition on or before December 11, 1!, or said petition win lie taken as true. Dated ( Ictober L't, 1S;9. Walt M. Sef.lv. IJy his Attorneys, Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls. 4 I t SCHOOL ! We are ready, willing and ablo to supply tho wants of tho school children on Shoes. Tha latest popular styles, the best woaring material, the pocket-fitting prices.' Wo give a MOCKING BIRD FREE with every pair of shoes. school North Side Main Street. 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 i 4 4 FinsT- NATIONAL BANK OK l'LATTSMOUTH, N K II. PAID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Offers the very best facilities lm the prompt transaction ol Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bondi, gold, Korernrnent nnd IochI eourltlea Dought and sold. Dnunslta re ceived and Interest allowed on the cerlfl catea. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the D. S. and all the principle towna of Europe. Uolleotlorm made and promptly remitted. Hlchent market price paid for county warrant!, atata and oounty bonds. ii DIRECTORS: N. Dovey. D. Hawksworth S. Waiigh K. E. White, G. E. Dovoy. Geo. E. Dovey, Pres., S. Waugh. Cashier. H. N. Dovav, Asst. Cashier. Always use . COCOA PURE! HEALTHFUL !! W . .1. WHITE, DEALKK IN HARD I COAL I SOFT. leave orders at P. S. White's Store or at Urick and Terra Cotta works. Probate Notice. In County Court, Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate of Sarah M. YYinslow. deceased: Kate W. Davis. lenDie T. Howard. Henrv A. Winslow. and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby notitied that on the 2tth day of October, lx'.9, Kate W. Davis tiled a peti tion iu said court, alleging, anions other thincs. that Sarah M. Winslow died on the 21st day ol August, 18S9. leaving no last will and testament, and possessed ol real and personal estate, and that the above-named constitute all the persons interesteu in tne estate 01 saia deceased, and raying for administration thereof. Vou are erebv notitied that if vou fail to appear before said court on the 20th day of November. 1WS. at 6 o'clock a. m.. and contest said petition, the court will appoiut Stepxicn A. Davis, or some other suitable person, administrator, and proceed J Invite our friends to look It over to a settlement 01 saia estate. 1 . , , ,, . Witness mv hand and the sea of sa d court "aoe'lTor 10 Piue you. vaii nnu see at Flattsniouth, Nebraska, this 31st day of Oc tober. isw. George M . Spurlock, SEAL County Judge. First publication Oct. 31. Sd tin fa 'lio )i Giia) -a )itcc(f. Neb. Tel. 71. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKINC House Furnishings. STOVES, RANGES. J TIME TABLE PL ATT8 MOUTH, NEB. Lincoln Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco All points west. Chlcagro St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points East and South. Our stock Is complete in all Hues and We will US. Probate Notice. In die County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. Iu the matter of the guardianship of Maggie l.arsen, leeblcminded. To Maggie Larsen and all other persons in crested: Take notice, that the guardian h;is tiled herein his report and account from Decem ber -C'th, 1MM. to October 1st. 1&!, showing a balance in his hands of $?7S.92 in Cash, and a note lor lt'J.H). The guardian has also hied his petition praying that his said accounts may be examined, approved and allowed, and that the court has tixed November ltth. 1MS. at 2 o'clock p. 111., as the time for hearing said petition and Ur CX.11111U111K 11IC VI KUdlUldllMllU, HUH that if you fail to appear at said hearing, the court will grant the prayer of said petition, settle :he accounts ot guardianship and make such ther and further orders and allowances as to the ourt may seem just and equitable in the prem- ses. Witness my hand and the seal of said court t 1'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this 'Jlth day of c- ober. A. D. IsW. GEORGE M. SPCRLOCK. (Seal) County Judge. - STREIGHT 0 STREIGHT, (Successors to Beery Roeok. ) PLATTSMOUTH, NEB Probate Notice. In County Court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the guardianship of Percy , Kathenne. Same 11. and Marjorie Agnew, minor heirs of William J Agnew, deceased. To Percy W.. Katheriue. Sailie M. and Mar jorie Agnew, and all other persons interested in said niarter, are hereby notitied that on the 10th day o'f October, 1W, S. A. Davis hied a petition in said county court praying that his account as guardian of said minor heirs ol William J. Ag new. deceased, filed in said cause, be approved and allowed, and that be and his bondsman be ischareed from anv and all further liability on account of said guardianship, and that he be lischarged as guardian ot said minors, and some uitable person be appointed in his place as guardian: and that If yon fall to appear before aid court on tne l"tn day 01 isoveniDer, A. u. li9. at 10 o'clock. A. M.. and contest said pcti- n. the court may grant the prayer ot said pe tion and make such other and further orders. allowances and decrees as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said guardianship of S. A. Davis may be finally settled and determined. Witness mv hand and the seal of said court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this the 17th day of October, A. D. lsW. OEORGE M . SrCRLOCK. (Seal) County Judge. First publicationOct. 1". 1859. Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THK PLACE TO BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF KOOD. Bay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Peed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER 5 TROOP. THIRD AND MAIN-STS. ED. FITZGEKAIjD Has new stock, new rigs and ia prepared better than ever to take caro of ft General Liveru Business Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and court eous treatment assured. STABLES SIXTH AND TINE STSM riAttmotith, SfbraJkiu TRAINS LIAVI A, FOLLOWS I No 1. Den ver express 2:4H am No fi. Chicago express 7:12 am No 20. Local express, daily, St Joe, Kansas, tit Louis, all poluttt south ; "J'l am No 4. Local exo, dally, Burlington Chicago, all points east 10;:ii am Sundays take No . 20 ( 10 a in ) No Local exp, daily, except Hun day, Pacific Junction 11 25 prn No30. Freight, daily exoeptSunday i-auiuc junction 2;IQ ulu No 26. Vestlbuled exp, dally, Bur lington, Chicago and all points eaat. Through train for v. . St. Louis and St. Soe 5:'7 pn. No 12. Local exp, dally. St Joe. Kan sas City. St Louis. G'hlemico all points east and south.. 8ii pm No 19. Local exp. dally.Ouiaha. Lin coln, Den ver and interme diate stations .' 7 :i'J urn No 27. Local exp, dally. Omaha 10 47 am No 2S. Local freight, a ally, ex Hun day, Cedar Creetf. Louitt vllle. South Hena 7 1:.' am No 7. Fast mail, dally, Omaha and Lincoln 217 um No 3. Vestlbuled exp, dally, Den ver and all points In Colo rado, Utah and California, Grand Island, Black Hills, Montana and Pacific N. W pm No 9. Local exp. dallvexcept Sun day. Louisville. Aahland, Wahoo, Schuyler 3 .VI um No 11. Local exp, dally except Sun e, . daJOmaha and Llnooln.. 6 00 pm Sleeping;, dining and reclining rt.u i (seata rree) on through tralna. Tickets eold and baggage oheclced to any point In the For Information, time tables. r n. n And tickets call or write to W. L. PICKETT. Agent, Pllttlmnnth J. FRANCES. Gen. Paae. Ant.. ' Omaha. Neb. M. P. T1.MK C'AKI. TKAIW8 OOINO WORTH, No. 1.. No.9 No. 121, local frelKbt TRAINS OOINO SOUTH . No. 2 No. 122. local freight No. 10 .t:5 , ui . .1L51 am ...4.01 p.m . 10:4:j p m . 7:&i a rn 4:04 Din Arrival and Departure of Mail. ARRIVAL. 70 a. m. Omaha and North. South on M P 7:34 " West, Eat and South on Burlington. 7.40 " Omaha, West on U. P. 10:26 " Lincoln and local to Omaha. 105 " Schuyler. Kast on N. V. ll-M " St. Lou's. South on M. P. 2:20 p. m East on B. & M.. North on St. Paul 3C S. U. 4.-04 " Omaha, East on C. M. St. Paul and K. L. also W est on R. I. 5:00 " Omaha. West and South on B. & M. DEPARTURF. ':10 a. m Omaha. West on R. I. and Burlington, :20 south on Burlington. 10:05 " East on Burlington. li;w " Omaha. North on M. P.. West on Elkhorn. North on St M At i 2.-00 p. m Omaha. West on B. & M. and U. P.. North on St. P. & S. C. East on K. 1..N. W.. and C. M. & t. P., South on W abash. 3:30 South on M. P. 3:40 " West on Burlington. South on tub branch M. P. &chuvlr. 4:30 ' Omaha, East on Burline-ton. West on R. I. 8.-00 South on M. P., West M. P. to Lin coln. North on M. P. via Louisville, Omaha. Et and South on Bur HnrteB, West on Burlington west ol flattings.