Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 03, 1899, Image 2

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    Business and Professional
J. I. UnmH
Dealer in
Dentist '
Waterman block.
ami. . . .
419 Main st.
Snyder 8 Co
Gora M. Alexander
Agent fur I lie
Union block
Sixth and Main
Plattsmouth, Neb
National Bank
Plattsmouth, Neb
P. G. Egenberger,
Mineral and
Soda Water.
and ail kinds
ot . . . .
Stocks. Honda and Se
curities bought and
I) & M
I'ay checks
Dealer m
Groceries and
411 Main sU
Are now in
A Fine display of
fattern llats in a
few days.
Mrs. Rankin
and Feed
Main and
Sevonth sis.
and. . . .
Dealer in
Pens, Ink
and. . . .
Anheuser Busch
Brewing Ass'n.
Wiley Block
Sixth and
Pearl streets.
The Ncvs.
CiMMM aaJ bautiria baa
Promote froww.
c v-ip O-.
To Look Around
Before you make purchases;
After you have looked elsewhere,
. come to us and we guarantee you
will be ploased. Our new spring
stock has arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour
and Feed. A square deal to all.
Main Street, Plattsmouth
epsia Cure.
Diaests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recoa-
Mnic. No other preparation
approach it in efficiency. It in-
SGBSBSSi. oouV8Stomachr Nausea!
To PATENT Coed Idm
may be secured try
our aid. Address,
f M tVf " 1 U ' . d tffltt"&!:'
acnpt1oa W Til? rtent Record 1 W per ftitamn.
ii.. . --j..
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
... BY THE . .
I. 1. MARSHALL. Business Manager.
One Year, in advance, 5 00
Six Months 2 50
One Week W
Single Copies
One Year, in advance il 00
Six Months su
of any Cass County Paper.
It i with a deep sense of rcsponsi-
bllltv that .' ani control ni uus
I have thought for sowo time that I
should enjoy the work, but the amount
of real satisfacllon roalizod will de
pend on the success attainod.
Newspapers usually pet all the en
couragement and hmnciai support
they deserve, and I have no doubt but
that The News will receive in the
future all the assistance it merits.
After the first of January it will re
ceive mv undivided aiienuou.
During the six years which 1 have
held oflice in this county the people,
regardless of political affillat'on, have j
given mo hearty support in ray work
and have been uniformly kind and
courteous. It is my wish that the
past pleasant relations may continue,
and that we may be mutually help
Soliciting your hearty support and
co-operatiou and trusting you will be
as charitable in this, ray first attempt
in journalism, as you were during my
first term cf office, I romain, yours sin-
cerelv, Geo kg EL. lAUi.hi.
The only safe thing to do is to vote
the republican ticket from top to
Hon. John M. Tiicrston will ad
dress the vot3rs of Cass county next
Saturday evening. Do not fail to hear
him. mmmmm
A prominent democrat was heard
to say recently that republicanism
was in tho air and we couldn't get
it out.
Perry Gas has his opponent on
tho run. AH of Johnny's horses and
all of Johnny's men can't put Johnny
in again.
r.KiM ru.n'AXS of Cass county were
novor more united in tho support of
their ticket as n whclc than they are
this fall.
E. E. Hilton- has made as good a
surveyor as tho county wants, conse
quently no change will be considered
at this time.
Tn:PiAY was tho Inst day of tho
Greater America exposition. There
will bo no toars shed over tho closing
especially in these parts.
We have yet to hear of an attorney
of any political faith, or any one for
that matter, suggest or so much as
hint that Paul .lessen would not make
an unbiased and unprejudiced judge.
The News Male Quartet promise?
to ba a credit not only to tho individual
members comprising the organization,
but to the community as well. Miss
Dora Swearingen is their musical di
The manner in which Tom Williams
conducted him?olf before the conven
tion, and has done M'nce, challenges
the admiration of every voter in Cass
county. "Billy" Wheeler will eaten
him like ho does horse thieves.
Tin: Nkw appreciates the kindly
words and good wishes expressed by
the Post. It is sincerely hoped that
nothing will be said or dono to in any
wav disturb the pleasant relations
now existing between tho two papers
Never. in the history of this coun
try, perhaps, have the people paid eo
much attention to the candidates for
judges federal, state, district and
county as they are doing today, and,
when you get tho general public thor
oughly aroused as to its duly and res
sponsibility, there is no hesitancy.
AN examination of the list of "dis
tinguished statesmen'1 who partici
pated in the anti expansion meeting
at Chicago show that tho term "ex"
attached to the title of a very large
majority of tho number, indicating
thai they. were as a rule "gentlemen
with a grievance." The "antis" are
mainly "oxes."
"I prated about imperialism
in this count-y. There in't n tingle
imperialist In the whole nation and
he knows it. He prated about expnn
sion and denounced expansionists.
Why, we have been expansionists
from the days of the thirteen original
colonies." Senator Banna at Marys
vllle, O., October 2G
When George F. Houseworth touk
chargi of tha offic of clerk of the dis
trict court ho instituted reforms and
adouted rules tht were at "first very
unpopular, but his business-like
methods, together with the neatness
a"d accuracy with which the records
have been kept, have made him the
most popular official who ever held
that o3!ce.
The Omaha World-Herald, Mr.
Bryan's personal organ, states that
the advocates of txpansion say wo
need territory to relieve the compact
population of the United States and
pi o vide for future growth, and in
quires, "why choose a tropical climate
in which the Anglo-Saxon raeo has
never been able to live?" The expan
sion proposition, so-called, looks to an
Increase of market for our products
and closer relation .with territory
which produces the things which wo
must continually buy. The tropical
territory of which it talks, of itoolf
offers a market for $100,000,000 of our
products annually, and will prove the
door through which hundreds of mil
lions more will pass to other adjacent
markets, while the islands will, at the
sarao time, furnish tropical products
for which we are now sending over
$200,000,000 annually of our good
money to other countries for articles
which we must consume and which we
do not produco at home.
Mu. Buy AN remarked In one of bis
recent speeches that "three years
have justified the assertions made by
the democratic party in 1896." Mr.
Bryan seems to have forgotten the
fHCt that in spite of the assertions of
the domocratle parly in 1890, the
money in circulation in the Unitec.
States has meantime increased from
$1,506,000,000 to nearly $2,000,000,000;
the per capita of money in circulation
from $21. IS to nearly $26; the gold in
circulation from $464,000,000 to about
$750,000,000: tho exports of manufac
tures from $22S,OO0,00O to 138,000,009
a year, and the total exports from
$8S2.0O0.00O to $L227,0O0.0CO per an
num. If this justiOes democratic pre
dictions of 1806 tho country will listen
with equanimity to more of the same
sort in 1000.
Tun Colorado 6ilver republicans who
deserted the partv in 1S96 nave con
cluded that after all it is moving along
the right Hoe and ought to bo sup
ported. In a platform adopted in Den
ver a few days ago, they demanded
"the vigorous and speedy prosecution
and termination of the war in tho
Philippine islaads, and the earliest
establishment and recognition of na
tional authority there to tho end that
the best possible government may bo
established in thoso Islands," while
similar expressions, coming from sil
ver democrats through the south, show
that the attempts to reorganize the
democratic party on anti-expanpion
lines cannot be successful.
James Ror.ERTsoN is a sura ivinnor.
If you can find a person in the county
of any political faith who has had
business in the ofttco and who has rot
secured fair treatment, The News
wuuld like to boar the name of ouch
individual If wc have the right kind
of a man, why not keep him? Nearly
every citiZ3n in tho county has busi
ness with tho county clerk, and they
want a man who is uniformly courteous.
and is strictly honest and husinoes-
like in his private and official acts
"Jim" is all right nnd tho people
know it.
For a number of years both tho s
cial and political conditions of this
county havo been Beriously disturbed
on account of matters pertaining
l.irrciv to our district court. Numer
ous charges and counter charges have
been made made by democrats, popu
lists and republicans. Why not bury
tho past, and, so far as possible, forget
it. Lot us e'ean off tho slato and be
crin over. We can do thin bv votinr
for Pay I .lessen.
In MANY respects tho office of pro
bate judgo is the most important posi
tion in this or any other county, and
the people are practically a unit in
tho opinion that it should be filled by
a lawyer of ability and ex periencc. If
tho proper consideration is given to
this niattpr and tho ability and gen
eral make-up of the two candidates
carefully compared, J. E. Douglass'
majority will not be less than one
In ability Judge Reose Is head
and shoulders above ex-Governor Hoi
comb. They do not trot in the same
class. People who vote for tho ex
governor will do so because he ia on
their ticket or because a certain ambi
tious democrat wants him to do so.
Judge Itecso is an eminent j irist of
dignity, integrity and true worth,
while bis opponent i3 a lawyer of but
ordinary ability and a politician.
The candidates for tho oflice of
county treasurer are two of the most
honest and highly respected citizens
of Cass county. One should blush to
6ay aught against the personal char
acter of either. Each is an honor to
his particular party. But that Mr.
Barton's fitness for pei forming tho
duties of the office surpasses thut of
his worthy opponent cannot be ques
tioned. P.ri. Jessen'S majority in the dis
trict is variously estimated at from
100 to 800. The average between these
two extremes (450) would not be so
bad. The teems "pull," "stand in,"
"benefleiary," etc., aie not U3ed when
discussing bis candid c v.
Tne Appetite of a 6oat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics
whose stomach and liver are out of
order. All such should know thai Dr.
King's New Life PilU, tho wonderful
atom oh and x liver remndy, glvos a
spl-ndid appetite, sound diges'ion and
a regular bodily habit that insures
perfect health and great energy.
Only 25c, at F. G. Fi Uke & Co's drug
store. 4
The editor of TH News has be'
pe- sonnlly acquainted with John H.
Davis, republio-tn candidate for county
commissioner, for over twenty years,
living within less than two miles of
his home the major part of that time,
and in all these years has never
beard his honesty questioned. The
business transaction in which be was
charged with taking advantage of the
man with whom he dealt has been
carefully investigated . by leading- cit
izens of Xehwka and otbers,and tbey
have brought In a verdict of not
Mr. Davis resides two miles from
Weeping Water, but is lnthe school
district in which the city is located .
As president of the board of education
he has made a record for himself a9
being, careful and conscientious
in the performance of his duties, al
ways keeping in mind the" beat In
terests of tho general public. He is
serving cither his eocond or third
torm,and no complaint has been heard
as to the manner in which he, with
his associates, has handled " public
funds or otherwise served the district.
He is conservative and a man of most
excellent business judgment. You
will agrco with THE NEWS that any
man who has served the p-opte as long
and as satisfactorily as Mr. Davis has
done, and has been willing to make
the necessary sacrifice of time and
energy without a money and without
price. Is worthy the support he asks
at this time. -
If you can accept tho above please
voto for John Davis for commissioner.
Jlst listen! The Journal says:
"Never was a more competent man
nominated for county judge in Cass
county than Captain Oscar H. Allen "
The democratic candldato for district
judge ought to make tho editors of
that paper take it back or else state
that they wore just joking. Mr. Allen
will have to burn midnight oil for
some time yet before he can get a di
ploma from tho law school of our uni
versity. His qualifications are not to
ba compared for one minute with
those of J. E. Douglass, who has had
ten years' actual practice in the courts
of this oounty and state. Tho editor
of TnE News has been Intimately ac
quainted with Mr. Douglass for. more
than ten years, and can vouch for him
as a gentleman of ability and integrity,
and is anything on earth but narrow
and prejudiced.
R. A. Case is making a clean, quiet
campaign and may surprise a few
people next Tuesday. His friends
seem confident thtthe will be success
ful in his efforts to secure one of the
most important offices in the gift of
tho people.
Tho extent of tho territory in which
the African elephant still occurs is
only one-tenth of what it was at the
beginning of the century', and it is
estimated that at the present rte of
extermination it will bo in thirty
years ne extinct as the American buf
falo. The "Plow Bo.v Pro'.chor," Kv. J.
Kirkman, Belle Klvo.HI., says: "Afio
sUtTorsng from bronchial or lung
trouble for ten years, I Whs cured by
Ono Minute Coueh Curd. It is all iht
Is claimed for it and more." It cure
coughs, colds, grip and all throat and
lung troubles. F. O. FricKe & Co.
A medical man prophesies that if
for tho next ten yoars tho present rel
ative death rates aro maintained, in
1909 there will bo more deaths in the
state of Now Voric from cancer than
from consumption, small pox and
typhoid fever combined.
Chine Ftlinrt.
. When a Chinaman gives a granr
PiTty he sends three invitations to
each guest; one two days be fere the
event, another on the day Itself, and
the third just before the houi has
struck, to signify hew impatif nt he is
of his visitor's arrival.
Constipation means the accumula
tion of wato matter that should b
discharged daily, and unless this is
dono the foul matter is ab-orbod and
poisons tho system. Ue Herbine to
bring about regularity of tho bowels
Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
W In No Hurry.
A parrot used to live in a twcas
tle, England, public-house bar, where
there was always a great trade oa
8aturday nights. One evening the
parrot was missed.- Search wsi made;
at length it was discovered in the
middle of a field surrounded by crows,
which were steadily plucking out its
feathers. A9 the resuon approached
the now half-naked bird was beard
to call out: One at a tlm. gentlemen,
if you v'"ase; if you only wait you'll
all be served."
"If you scour the world you will
never find a remedy equal to One Min
ute Cough Cure,"aavs Editor Fackler,
of the Micanopy, Fla., "Hustler." It
cure! his family of lagrippo and saves
thousands from pneumonia, bronchitis,
croup and all throat nnd lung troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Ca.
I a Eruption Blare 1738.
The most active volcano In the
world is ML Sangay. 17.190 feet; situat
pA on the eastern chain of the Andes.
South America. It has been in con
stant eruption since 1728.
MUfteart Lad Mine.
Eight thousand mn are engaged in
mining lead and sine In Missouri. The
total output for 1S93 was 74.000 tons
f lead and 140.000 tons of tine. .
"It did me mure good than anything
I ever used. My dyspep-ia wns of
month-.' standing; after eating ll was
terrible. Now X am well," writes S.
B. K eno'H In ton.Kan., of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cu e. T digests what you
eat. F. G. F-nck & Ok
The Best ol &u pills are Bsecbam'a.
Few Facts For th Fenefit
of Calamitjitci...
Aft at liAvinv rnni rrimn aYi tnur n.n
of depression and hard times, p
pie of Nebraska are all tke bler able t
recospaiza -.and" appreciate araaoal
era ox nrosperur; am wit ruTns
mare able to deteot th fclVsaUs cf tis
arfTitaentaadTaacad. y tka & sllTsr
ftb.0n.ter3 aad the calamity hawlerswho
vrtx9 soaldnf jmok dlrafal predlertonji
three years ago.
Under the olreaxastancss it i remark,
able i that any basiasas man or any
fanner ' should Tote for tha calamity
crowd aad against hit owa interests. -Il
is remarkable that he should allow bjbm
self to be fooled by amy sach a bugaboo
as "imperiallwrn." "militarism," for
eign alliance' or Sola "treaties."
The prosperity here at home is appar
ent. To correctly judge how it U all
over the country, it ia only necessary to
read the reports which have been gaa;
ered from among the Industrial la H tui
tions of the sarroundiag statea. -
The 2,229 concern whioh, have seal
in reports .not only eaa flared 64,748
mere hands ia 1893 than they did ia
1895, but there was au increasa ia tke
amount of wages pail of t3f,415,T3.W.
Does this not look like prosperity?
What would the shewing be If all tke
industrial concents In the country kad
reported? For these a.339 eeaeeras
alone it meaas that tha 64,000 hands
who were out of esaploymeat ia IMS
were all employed at good wages ia
1898. With this great preepavity
among the consumers is it any wander
that the farmers of the west' are pros
perous? '
In 18& where ten men were at work
aad received $100 ia wages, ia 1S8 1ft
were at work and received $144 ia
wages. The teu nam aat only kad
three new compaaieas h these, bat
they were themselTer getting '11 per
cent more wages. Those ten men un
derstand it and so do the three mea be
side them.
From Colorado there are reports from
60 concerns which employed 4,788
hands in 1893 and MS ia 18. Tke
increase ia wtgss was $U7,$79.T8.
There was an increase of 40 per oeat ia
the number of hands aatd an increase af
15 per cent ia the wafes of each maa.
From Connecticut there are reports
from 78 concerns which employed 9,89
hands in 1S93 and 13,37a ia 1S99. The
increase in wages per taanrh waa fti,
411.99. Frem Seatk Carolina there are 16 re
ports from concerns which employee
3,718 hands ia 1893 and S,93 in ltf.
The increase ia wages paid was f HI,
806.36 each month, or over 109 per ceat,
while the wages of-eaoh sua was in
creased over 19 per ceat.
Front Missouri there are 206 reperts
from concerns whioh employed S.0C7 in
1893 and 7,563 la 18W. ' The total in
crease iu wages was $93,481. $0 fer ane
month alone.
In Ohio, from 8fl reports there was aa
increase of 8,795 ia the number of
hands, and an increase of f4M.Q49.57
in the amount of wages paid every
In the state of Washiagtea there was
an increase of 8,044 in tke number of
hands employed by 169 tens, aad a
monthly increase of wages paid of fM If-
Takiag the country at large, reperre
from 80S lumber firms wkiek employs
9,07 hands ia March, 1999, employed
15.4SS la March, 1898, and tke iaaraasa;
ia wages far the month was 999,l89.?ff.'
Reports from 176 woolen aallls skow
the employment of S3, 46 hands in
Maroh, 1893. and 29,558 in Ifarek, 189.
an inorease in wages of - $9,1 99.40 for
the month, or aa increase of over two
million dollars for the year.
In the manufacture of lrea and steel
04 firms have reported with aa iaevease
of 8,451 hanas for the month of Maroh
and a vearly increase in wsges of $91 1,
In the coal industry 34 arms report
an increase cf 3,207 ia the aamberef
hands and an increase of 99,491,699.94
in the amount of wages paid during the'
year. Duriug tke memtk of March,
1895, the hands received eaeh aa aver
age of $37.40. In March, lWt, tke at-
erage wage was 948.30. ;
These great Increases mean a great
deal to the laboriag men, aad they
meana great deal t tka prodacUg
class who hare tke obaaee to feed a"
larger number of working ea- And
the working men have tke meney to
pay for the produce. -, T
There are at the present time 1,000,
000 more hands employed in tke fac
tories and industries of the eaemtry
than there were in 189. This repre
sents a wage earning of more than ana
millien dollars per day. In 1999 tke
free silver shouters talked mack about
the silver interests and their impor
tance to the country. What a small
item the silver business is, after all,
compared with the increased amount of
money paid out for wsges.
In the state of Nebraska, acoordikg
to the gorenunent reports, 167 inetita
tions employed C'H hands in Maroh
1893. The seme iastitntions in Maroh,
1898. employed 1,994. The - total In
crease in wages paid amounted to $$3,
597.91 for the month. Taking the.wale
coaatry over, the wages paid per capita
for tha month of Maroh, 1895, averaged
$44.00; for March, 1898, the average
was $99.00 a net gain of over 11 per
Infant mortality is something fright
ful. Nearly one quarter die before
they roach one year, one-third before
they are five, and one-half before tbey
are fifteen! The timely use of White's
Cream Vermifuge would savo a mnjor
ity of these precious lives. Price 25
cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Wanted To buy a good, solid horse,
weigblne about 1,200 pounds, not
more than eight yoars old, and broke
to work elngle. Inquire at F. T. Da
vis Co's. store.
Go to A. W. Atwood for wall paper.
I DUeoveewd by a Women.
Another great discovery bas been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened its
clutches upon her and for seven yoars
she withstood its severest tests, but
her vital organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent. For three
months she coughed incessantly, and
could not sleep. She finally discov
ered a way to recovery, by purchasing
of us a battle of Dr. King's New Din
covery for Consumption, and was so
muth relieved -on taking first doso,
that she slept all night; and with two
bottles, has been absolutely cured.
Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus
write W. C. Hamnlcfc & Co., of Shelby
N. C. Trial bottles free at F. G.
Frlcko & Co's. drug st e. Regular
size 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guar
teed. 4
Only One Olrl for Iliti.
It was rumored in the city of Provi
dence a while ago that the pastor ot
the Center church was about to marry
a certain Miss S-, a beautiful society
young woman, but belonging to the
Episcopal church. The good people of
the" pastor's church talked it over and
came to the conclusion that he might
choose more wisely. Finally it was
left to the elders to wait noon and
expostulate with him. They visited,
him and expressed to him tho feelings
of the church. The pastor listened
i patiently till they were through, nnd
'then laconically remarked: "Gentle
I men, there la more than one Congre
, gational church In the world; there Is
but one Miss 3."
If you have sore throat, soreness
across tho back or side, or your lungs
fool sore or tender, or you nro t hreat
ened with diphtheria or pneumonia,
apply Ballard's Snow Liniment exter
nally, and use Ballard's Horehuund
Syrup. F. G. Fricke & Co.
One ot Lady Abarcitn'i Reforms.
The Countess ot Aberdeen, who it
well remembered ilea go people for
her connection r.ilh 'he world's fair, is
a woman of many advanced opinions
and original ideas. One of her latest
innovations, in which she hopes to be
imitated-by other people of promin
ence, is dining with her servants at
least once each week. Her object is
to bring about a better understanding
with tLe domestics and to teach them
that their interests and her own are
i Millions ol dollars, is ine value
placed by Mrs. Mary B rd.Hat risburg,
I'd., on tho life of her child, which she
saved from croup by the use of One
Mincte Cough Cure. It cures all
coughs, colds and throat and lung
troubloo. F G. Fricke & Co.
Cash for Photographs.
For tho six best photographs of
farm scones along its line in Nebrankw
and Kansas, the Burlington route offers
sis cash prizes one of $20, noo of $10
and four of 85 each. Photographs of
growing crops, harvesting operations,
feed ote, poultry, cattle, barns and
creameries are particularly desirod.
No limitations as to si ae or finish are
made. The contest clones Novembor
30, 1S09 J. Francis, General Passen
ger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha.
For burns, cuts, bruises, lacerations
or injuries of any description, Ballard's
Snow Liniment is a sovereign remedy.
It nover fails to do good, and so
promptly that Its wonderful curative
properties frequently create surprise.
Price 25 and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke &
Tb Koliiaoor DImon'
The famous Kohlnoor. the property of
Queen Victoria, weighs 102 1-2 ca:atd,
but on acount of its purity is rated a
worth three times as much as the Or
loff. - Some authorities claim that the
Rajah of Mattan, Borneo, owns a dia
mond weighing 367 carats, but Its pur
ity ia doubtful. The great Braganza
diamond, weighing 1.680 carats, was
found in the collection of the emperor
of Brazil, but it is believed to be really
a remarkable specimen of a colorless
topaz. -
Are Now In Season,
Tbe day of the Oyster Stew
is onco more at hand and
Plattsmouth people know
; whore to get the best on
tbe market, and that is at. ..
Leonard Block.
no also carries a complete
stock of Fresh. . . .
Fruits and Candies,
Cigars and
f Bag"
rtrinYROYAL pills
I " - OrWIakl H Oaly finals. A.
liMav mM atl bltt. nousa. I iw
la a aibar ftM"'
rMiuiiiMi4iM. ai On''-"
ia .urni fur parUt.lara. ana
"fUUaf far Vmitr tff-t rrwrm
Mall. la.oeeltlaiaal.l.. fawrw
MM b all Lacal Druwl.t.. rHIUW. I'a.
-- - - -""-aaaara,
tales Si and $1.50 -cer Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
Doctors Can't
Cure It!
Contagious blood poison is absolutely
beyond the skill of the doctors. They
may dose a patient for years on their
mercurial and potash remedies, but he
will never be rid of the disease ; on the
ather hand, his condition will grow
steadily worse. S. 8. S. is the only cure
for this terrible affliction, because it is
the only remedy which goes direct to
the cause of the disease and forces it
from the system.
t was fSlcterl with Blnml Pnlmn. and tha
best doc ton did me no sood, though I took
their treatment lalln
fully. In fact, I seemed
to net worse all the
while. 1 took almost
Tery to-called blood
remedy, but they did not
seem to reach the din
earie, and had no Sect
whatever. 1 was dla
f5i that 1 w'uld never be
medicine, and It cured tne completely, build
ing up my health and Increasing my appetite.
Although this was ten years ago, 1 have never
yet had a slfraof the disease to return.
Staunton, Vs.
It is like self-destruction to continue
to take potash and mercury; besides
totally destroying the digestion, they
dry up the marrow in the bones, pro
ducing a stiffness and swelling of the
joints, causing the hair to fall out, and
completely wrecking the system.
for DlnnJ
is guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and is
the only bl.xxl remedy free from these
dangerous minerals.
Book on self-treatment sent free by
bwilt bpecinc Company, Atlanta, ua.
I. Pearhnan desires to call
attention to the trade that he
has the largfest stock of stoves
and furniture ever shown in
Plattsmouth and that he can
not be undersold by any dealer
in the great state of Nebraska,
c made his purchases before
the recent great advance in
prices, and is g-ivinn; his cus
tomers the benefit of that fact.
These are facts which you
cannot afford to overlook when
in need of anything1 in his line.
If you are wise 3011 will take
a close look through his store
rooms before buying".
Opposite th? court bous,
Plaitmou!b Nebraska
We are ready, willing and
able to supply the wants
of tho Fchool children on
Shoes. Th 3 latest popular
stylos, trie best wearing
material, the pockot-fiitiog
prices. We give a
with every pair of school
North Side Mela Street.
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Fet-d
Constantly on Hand.
Oa cured. At the auvlre ot
"V- a friend I then took
8. S. S., andbeirantoim
' Tirove. 1 eoiitinueii the
s &