H DISPATCH ROM 6EHERIL WHITE Britisb Conjmander Gives Recount of Yule's EvacuatiOQ of Dundee. Two Boer Forces fire Reported to OutQunber the British By Three to One. London", Ot. 25 The following dispatch from General Sir George White to tho Maiquia of Lansdowne, secretary of state for war, received last evening hi 11 o'clock, waa posted at tbe war office eooo after midnight: "LaDYHMITII, Oct. 24.-9 p. m. Id formation received yesterday ehowed that tho Boers bad eatxbliehod them- selves in considerable outnbers in an xct-eJingly strong position west of main road J.mdinjf from Ladymith to Duudite. I ul.-o bad information tuut tbat the Dundee force, formerly ci-m-tnaaded by General Sympna od eloce his wounairj: .-..mmanded by General Yuin, w a failing back ou Ladysmitb y way i.f trie Ildpmaaker road. Beilh ana ihe v .m. ys of the WachbaoK and Suudny rivers and we expected io reach Sunday iivo- valley today I, therefore, m- ved a strong force to cover the mor meDi of Yule. "The enemy within about seven miles of L dyirith in a position rf grjal n tor.l rlreuiMh west of tbe road. Wn.n he .. tuat preparations were biing m !-: a-rainst him he opened lire ith o..o with great accuracy. On- Mr il'.eiy soon got into position and ti tiun was si lenced. Our troop- w-ie ordered to occupy a jron;; riuo parallel to the enemy but nuaii-r the r-nd. I oonCned my efforts to ircuy,inj; and hitting htm hard cbough to prevent him tak ing action against Yule's column. Number if the tn-my have fled to the weal aoa tL.s Cl ing had practically oea?ed at '1 o'rli c!." lital Jt Worst rs. Tho w;ir Oicn dispatch seems to realiz-Ji e worst fears. General Yule has abandoned col only Dundee but Gleiicoe also and o far aa present news would iu Jicate he Una neither joined Get oral While n r reached Ladyemitn. Gen-ra1 White's 'suc cessful nciion,"' announced in parlia meet by Mr Wyndham, seems to re solve itself into a mere engaging of the Attention of the Free Slate troops, while Uenrrnk Yule is slipping south waid. 3rlft Action Seeded. A Capetown correspondent of the Daily Mail, telegraphing t 9:45 p. m. yesterday, says: "I be.iev' the first attack will he m de on the lrge Fre State force, whicb entered Natal by way of Tintwa pass anil whicb has t-ince b en baraa i Di? LmJtm tb. The militry ai -b-i'iii decided that by joining f es the two generals w.-u a be be tei a le ;oo pe wiih d-e nrge force at l. me than by having two small detachments to oppose simultaneously wo big Boor forces. Consequently, after defeating the Free State troops they will offer battle to Commandant General Joubert Only forty miles now separate the two Boer force f. Hence the need of swift and telling action. "The two sections of the Boer army together outnumber tbe entire British force bv three to one. Hard fighting is certiin at an early date. Our men are confident and there is much en tbulasm." TWO DIE FROM STARVATION. rMiDn on Schooner Mara From Cap Noma In a Wretched Plight. SKATTLK, Wash., Oct. 24. After a voyae of twenty-eight days from Cape Nome, during wbieh two men died from starvation and others were half crazed from want of food and water, lb-.- Bcho-'ii'-r He arrived in port this m ' ing with n.-arly 200 passengers on boar Newao the wretched plight of the U-r 's (MS e H-in w.ts brought here Sunday uiht by the steamer Lnktm-. Tho revenue cutter Gr.tut and the tuj Sea Lion were immediately started after tho schoouer. They succeeded In findiog the schooner yesterday about fifty miles off Cape Flattery. Tbe two deaths reported are those of J. S. Rvan. who came on board a well man, bat through bid food and lack of attention gradually grew worse until he died on October 6 The other case ie much tbe same. George Lroby through want c-t nourishment and con Cnement in ill-ventilated quarters.was taken with typhoid fever and died on October 21. While he waa sick ho had absolutely no medical attention. Botb were buried at sea. From the statements of other pas sengers it is learned that the agent of the ship at Nome guaranteed them plenty of good provisions on the way down. They were charged t50 apiece for their passage. When they were a few days out meat, sug r and butter ran out. The menu consisted of salt pork and oanned mutton. There was a little dried, fruit on board, but only enough to supply the table thrre times with dried peaches and twice with dried prunes. From - that time on, for nearly twenty-four days, their fod consisted of flour and coffee. There was pleat of flour, but the watei hs short. Four das ago the la-t f tl.e unpalatable salt horse was consumed. Had it not bf en for rainstorms which felt for a few days. they would have been without water also. When the Her t anchored out in the stream tbe majority of the men were so weak tht thy could t ot carr tbeir gold dus ashore without assist ance. Several pesenger were crazed from their tert-IWe rperloaasts and bad to be carried a-'-e andtauen care of. Even taking their ii-rlble voyage intvi consideration, t'io passengers unite in declaring N :oe to b- the gr atest camp on ear h and many of them will return in the spring. SHERIFF BROUGHT BACK HIS MAN Marl Handy, the Uesparmte Slf Crimi nal, la Now In JalL From Wednesday's Dally Sheriff Wheeler returned from Kan sas City this morning having In charge the desperate negro ctiminal known aa Burl Handy, whom be had been Id search of for the past three months. The sheriff made a quick trip. He left Pisttr-moutb Tuesday afternoon, went to Lincoln for the requisition, arriving there at C o'clock. There he learned tbat Governor Poynter, his priv-ite secretary, the attorney gen eral and his deputy were all ab.-ent from the city Nothing daunted he hunted up F L Mary, the governor's cl-rk, w nt to the Capitol, had the p pers mside out. found Secretary of State Porter and had them counter signed In time to take the 9:25 Mis souri Pacific train for K.nsas City that nijrht. At the latter place he found his man in cus'ody of the police, who had been looking for htm at Sheriff Wheeler's instance: They had looked up his record and found that be had not long ago been released from serving a five years sentence in the Kansas stated prison, and waa regarded as a des perate crook. Handy told tbe sheriff that after es caping from Constable Cain in the Burlington yards here he went west and had been working as a section man on the Central Pacific railway for a month or more in Nevada, and as evidence of this gave the sheriff a time check showing that some $39 was due him w hen he quit to come b ck to his former home at Kansas City, which time check Jttae sheriff yesterday had cashed for him. Burl Handy, it will be remembered, was captured July 8 last, red-handed, for breaking into a boarding car on the Hock Island railway and stealing some valuables. ills companion, Harry Thomas, taken at the same time, is now serving time in tbe peni tentiary for tbat crime. Con-table Cain, with an assistant, whs bringing the two men to Plattsmouth, co miner down on a freight whicb rrived after nightfall. The train stopped S'-me distance up in the y irds. Cain, hav ing Handy ia his charge, stepped out of tbe way-car, the prisoner following. A moment later the prisoner struck his keeper a heavy blow, knocking him up against the side of the car, and slipping beneath the car, dis ipieared in the darkness. Thomas wa lodged in jt.il. and was afterward sent to the 'pen." Sheriff Wheeier fels that the 700 or 600 'ette-s h has writt-n i qui t g for Ha d 'a whereabouts were not in vaia. II Called for Ufa. From Wednesday's Daily. Mr. Hiram E. .Spencer and Miss Elizabeth C. Tbouvei al were married in tbe presence of a number of friends at 2 o'clock this afternoon at tbe home of the bride's parents Rv. Asa Sleeth, pastor of the M. E. church, officiating. The bridegroom is an employe in the Burlington shops, was lately a member of Company C, Second Ne braska, and has long been known in the city. The bride is tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dm Tbouvenal.livine near the fair grounds. The bridal party ltft on the after noon train for a weeks' visit among friends in Colorado. The best wishes of The News go with them. It Mar Mean Mach. From Wednesday's Daily. Charles C. Partnele yesterday closed the deal for tbe purchase of lot 10, b ix k 2744x120 teet of this city, pay in ab u- 81 20 for the same. This Is the lot djo ni- g the Hotel Riley on the west, a' d he has been Uying to buy it ?or some time, expecting to ereot a building thereon that maybe of general interest to the city. C. P. Denny of Maryvllle, Mo., was the owner of the lot. It ia now occupied by two dwelling houses If Mr. Parmele's present plans are carried out the improvement spoken of will be begun early next spring. James ed Injured. Mr. James Reed struck his leg against a cake of ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that be could not walk without tbe aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liciment and two and a bnlf g Hons of whiskey in bathing It, but nothing gave any relief until be began using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure in a week's time and he believes that had he not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Mr. Reed is one of he leading merchant of Clay Cour House, W. Va. Pain Ba m is unequaled for sprains, bruises and rheumatism. Ko a 1 by li dru gists A B. Ptrie succeed Orrnsel. An order has been issued from the Burlington headquartea appointing A. B P rie, formerly master mechanic o' the Bu- iingt"" pUnt' Wmor, to tbe pooitioo of master mechhoic of the Havt-iock snopa. Mr. .fine n s for a number of years been connected with tbe mecbnioal department of thf road and Is bald o he -a man pecu liarty fitted for tbe position to which h is appointed He was in former years a machinist in the Bu'llnsftou hops io thl city. nd ha many friends here who a. e gl id at his promotion. CITY AND COUNTY. WEDNESDAY. Charles Lech of McCook is in the city vlitintf old friends. - Willis J. Horton of Wabash was in town yesterday paying his taxes. George F. Hoaoewortb, clerk of tho court, went to Ashland this morning. Miss Ollte Jone departed today for Peru, Neb., whore sho expects to un dergo medical treatment. J. A. Gutsche, foreman of the brass foundry, went to Omaha today on business for the Burlington. A. E. B. Neligb, the blacksmith, went to Omaha on business with tho M. P. railway thia morning. - Mrs. G. W. ( AUDt Martha) Young returned last evening from a months' visit among friends in Missouri. Richard Rivet, foreman of the Bur lington car rcpir shop at Alliance, is greeting old friends in town today. Tom Beverage, who is in tho employ of 11. E. Pankonin in the harness busi ness at Louisville, was at borne over night. W. T. Melvin, one of the veterans of the civil war, went to Omaha today to be examined for an increase of his pension. The time for the preliminary hear ing of Burl Hand; has not yet been fixed by Justice Archer. It will bo somo days hence. Rhese Walker returned yesterday from his Colorado ranch, where be has been rounding up and branding cattle for the past month. James Brantner of Alliance is visit ing relatives in the city. He came to South Omaha with cattle for the mar ket, thence to Plattsmouth. Mrs. I'. J. Clark of Marshalltowo, la., an old-time friend who has been visiting Mrs J. I. L'nruh for a few days, returned homo this afternoon. llaln b-gan to f.tll about 4 o'clock yesterday and continued through the night. Some two inches fell before it ceased, and tho ground was thoroughly soaked. Mrs. George E. Dovey, who was ill yesterday, is much improved today. Mr. Dovey was also kept at borne yes terday by illness, but was able to at tend to business today. The case of D. S. Draper vs. tho Keystone Manufacturing company, tried Saturday last before Justice Archer, iu which the jury disagreed. ws set for rehearing Nov. S next. Albert Beivillo was to havo been tried today before Judge Archer on a charge of disturbing the peace, but he came in and plead guilty and whs fined $1 and costs thus avoiding a trial. T m Parraele and Percy Agnew ro- turned tast evening from a hunting trip Ht tbe lakes near Alliance, bring ing with tbem about 100 ducks, whicb were di tributed among their friends. Frank ScMater, accompanied by Mrs. Will Schiater and eon, arrived from Alliance last, evening, as ex pected. They will make their homes ia this city f r the present, at least. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Light of Fair field, Ia,, are visiting with tbe family of A. vv . White and other friends in ind near the city. Mrs. Light is a niece of Mrs. White. Mr. Light is a bank cashier and is quite a wealthy man. The democrats of the city are n good deal disappointed at learning that ex-Governor Altgeld was obliged to cancel his engagement to sdo.ik here next Monday evening, and their sad ness was not nrtlified by the later re port that ex Governor W. J. Stone of Missouri would be here Friday even ing of next week instead. They ex pected that Mr. Altgeld would draw a large crowd of Germans, who will not come out to bear tbe Missourian. THURSDAY. J. L. Hartshorn of Louisville was in town too ay. William Gilmour went to Omaha thi afternoon. John M. Leyda was at Weeping Water last night. C.S.Polk went up to Raj mond to see his sick brother this afternoon. Lee Pollard one of Nehawka's sub stantial citizens, was in town today. Bennett Cbiriswisscr was investigat ing tho South Omaha cattle makot to day. Tom Pattercon and Percy Agnew have gone to Waubonsie on a hunt for ducks. Charles Brandt of South Bend pre cinct, was at the county judge's office today. II. A. and II J. Likewise of Cedar Creek were in town yesterday visiting friends. Harry Read, the Weeping Water real state man, was in town today on business at the court house. Sheriff Wheeler went to Lincoln this afternoon, conveying Richard Shrader to the insane hospital. Andrew Itsssmussen a teacher near Murray, who has been visiting in Micnigan, returned borne today. Miss iiattle Long returned last evening from a visit of several days with the family of Dr. Harsha and other friends in Omaha. Constable J. A. Cain of South Dond came down this morning to identify the colored man. Burl Handy, in jail ujr the Rick Island car robbery last July. Bob Fredrlcksen's gang of bridge repairers for the B. & M. were at work today on a bridge east of tbe river. Tomorrow they go out on the Culbert eon branch. Jud?e Spurloclt today Issued a li cense to wed to Mr. Herman Borne man, aged tweuty-two, and MIsb Mar tha Mary Brandt, aged sixteen, both of the vicinity of Murdock. Charles Brandt, father of the young lady, was in and made the necessary affi davit giving his assent to the issuance of the document, on account of his daughter being under age. County Commissioners Falter and Zink, after checking up on the books of the road overseers for some days, adjourned this afternoon, Mr. Zink taking the train for home. A. B. Todd don't put himself up as a prophet, but he says that he believes Judge Reese will be elected, no has been about the state and knows how the people are talking. Tuesday night's fall of rain, which amounted to 2i inches, was general throughout the state, and did much good in stopping the dust blowing and putting the fields in good condi tion. The corn crop that is being husked in this county is not turning out as well as wa9 expected. It runs from thirty to fifty bushels per acre the average being perhaps less than thirty-live bushels. Charles L. Sharp of Louisville was brought -before Justice Archer this morninsr on the charge of obtaining money and property on false pretenses. Sharp .vas brought down Tuesday by R, W. llyers, special deputy sheriff, and placed in jail. He plead not guilty and was bound over to court. An attorney from Papillion is here in Sharp's behalf, and is endeavoring to procure bail for him. Two other men Dave Campbell acd Hal Atterborry are wantod for the snme olfience. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to tho pub lic to know of one concern in tho land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The propri etors of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, couf hs and eolds, have given away 6ver ten million trial bottles of this great modieine; and havo the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronehitia.hoarsoness nrd all diseases of tho throat, chest: and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on F. G. Fricko & Co. druggists, and got a free trial bottle. Ueeular si.o 50c and II. Every bottle guaranteed, or prico refunded. Tho horse thief Gregory, who was ciiptured at Council Iilufls Tucfdny after a sanguinary duel with tho au thorities, some time ago left a mart; and a mule whieh ho had htolen at Louisville. The ownership of the mare is now claimed iy n man at Heaver Crossing, and he hns tele graphed that he will bo after her soon. It seems that after leaving these animals there ho went up to Ashland and stole another mule from E. D. Laughlin, and it was this mule that caused his arrest at tho grading camp at Lo vol and. REV. S. A. DONAHUE Testifies to the Good Qualities of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. On the 10t,h of December, 1697, Rev. S. A. Donahue, pastor M. E. church, South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., contrac ted a severe cold which was attonded from the beginning by violet coughing. He says: "After resorting to a num ber of so-called 'specifics,' usually kept in tho house, to no purpose, I pur chased a -bottle of Chamborlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I most cheerfully recommend it to the public." For sale hy all drug gists. Foi: Sale ou Rent Store room and dwelling combined, 34x."8 feet. known as the T. V. Davis store, in Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmund?, Murra3 Neb. Dizziness, loss of appetite, flatu lency and nausea are all connected with dyspepsia and indigestion. Hor- bine will givo prompt relief. Prico 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cum Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mom ory, au wasting diseases, all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion. 60 PILLS 50 CTS. A. nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink slow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail oOC per box. o boxes for $2.60, with our bankable (raurmntee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. caika aiKcnuin Positively cnaranteed enre for Loss of Power. 1 .-.J UW" Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Orxans, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion. Hvatnria. Fibt. Insanity. Paralysis and the Kesulta or Exces-uve l iteot iooacco, upram or Liquor. By mail in plain peckatre. $l.uu a Iv.! A tr.r SK OO with nnr bankable truar- antee bond to core in 30 days or refund money paid. Addreta NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. i NOW FOR SCHOOL ! We aro ready, willing and able to supply tho wants of tho school children on Shoes. Th3 latest uotuilar stylos, the best wearing material, tho pocket-fitting prices. We give a MOCKING BIRD FREE with every pair of school Bhoes. Joseph lctxcr, North Sid Mala Strett. i i i i i 4 i i i Many Thanks. I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market suoh a wonderful medicine," says W. W. Massingill.of Eoaumont, Texas. Thero-j are many thousands of mothers whose children have beon saved from attacks of dysonterj- and cholera infantum who ma9t also feel thankful. It ia for sale by all druggists. LEGAL ADVERTISE Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. Walt M. Seelv, Plaintiff. ) vsl . . I J. L. Goldsberry & Son. J. L. OoUisberrv. first name un- I known. Charles C. Golds- berry, R. C. I'eacock, first ! name unknown, and the ! Western Land i Cattle Co. Limited, ot London. Lug.. I Defendants. J To the above named defendants: You and each ot you are hereby notified that uAon the l!th day ot October. A. l. Is!, the above plaintitt tiled his petition in the district court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said de fendants to recover the sum of thirteen hundred thirty-eight dollars ninety-three and eighty-one hundreds cents (f liJ.S.'l M-luO) as commissions for procuring a purchaser for all real estate iu Texas county, Missouri, belonging to the West ern Land & Cattle Co , Limited of London, England, upon a contract with plaintiff. That plaintitt hied his ariidavits for attach ment and garnishment in said action and has at tarhotl the iminevs and nrorerties of said de fendants in the hands of Henry K. Gering and William V. Coates. You are required to answer plaintitt's petition on or before December II, 1'A. or said petition will be taken as true. Dated October l. l.-0. Walt M. Ski.lv. By his Attorneys, Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls. Probate Notice. In ihe County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. In the matter of the guardianship ot Maggie Larscn, feebleminded. To Maggie Larsen and all other persons in tcrested: Take notice, that the guardian has tiled herein his report and account trom Decem ber -Wth. IKA). to October 1st. 1W, showing a balance in his hands of f-?T8 12 in cash, and a note tor $160,110. The guardian has also tiled his petition praying that his said accounts may be examined, approved and allowed, and that the court has fixed November 11th, lsW. at 2 o'clock p. m., as the time for hearing said petition and lor examining the accounts ot guardianship, and that it you fail to appear at said hearing, the court will giant the prayer of said petition, settle the accounts of guardianship and make such other and further orders and allowances as to the court may seem just and equitable iu the prem ises. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this -1th day ot Oc tober. A. D. ISW. George M. SrvRLOCK. (Seal) County Judge. Notice. In the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska lulius Fenueiberc I vs Jeise B. Strode. Emma Strode. August Stoleman, Mrs. Aug ust Stoleman, tirst real name unknown. Mati.da Young an. I Art Eliza Alexander. j The defendants. Matilda Young. Art Eliza Alex ander, August Stoleman, Mrs. August Stoleman. tirst real name unknown, will each take uutire that upon the 2d day of October. A. 1).. 1:1. plaintitt tiled his petition in the district court ot l ass county. Nebraska, to foreclose a tax lien upon lots three :t) and four 4 of block eight (- in Young iV Hayes' addition to the city ot I'laltsmouth, in Cass county. Nebiaska. and to have said lots sold to pay the amount loutid due plaintitt. and for such other relict as may bo equitable in the premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 'ioth day ot November, ISiHi. or your default w ill be entered in the premises. Ji Lll I'Eri'ERP.Kki., By Byron Ci Akk and O. A. Kawls, His Attorneys. First publication October ". Notice. To Trances E. Durand and Samuel E. Hall, as executor ot the last will and testament ot H. S. Durand. deceased. You and each ot you are hereby notified that the county of Cass, in the state of Nebraska, on the -Uh dav of September, A. D.. lsi. hied its petition against you iu the district courj of Cass county. Nebraska.the object and prayer of which .ire to foreclose a certain lien for delinqent taxes for the years l7i. 181 to lsT. inclusive, and 1n to h;, inclusive, against lot lour, in block forty four UK in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska Said tax amounts to $l."i.77. It is asked that vou lie foreclosed of all equity ot re demption in said premises and the property sold to ati.-fy sitid lien, and for equitable relict. ou aie required to answer said petition ou or he tore Monday, the l:Sth day of November. A. 1. iv.f.i. The Coi n i v or t'Ass. llv its attorney. Jesse I- Koot. Eii'st publication October :i. Legal Notice, To Unmet A. Townscnd, non resident defend ant: mi are hereby notified that the Cotintv of Cas. in tho state ul Nebraska, on the "Mli day ol September. A. 1.. hied its petition in me uiMiiLv mini v.- Lyi'ini. ..v acninst vou. iniDluaded with William I., llrowne. et al.. the object and praver of which arc to fore close certain tax liens against lots 1 to 10. in clusive, in block 1 of Browne's sub-division ot ots 17 ana fi'J, in section M. town r;, raiiRe M. tlass county. Nebraska, and bcinc au aaj;tion to the citv ot 1'latt-inotitn. in saw county, icr tnc years ljfti to 1W. inclusive, in the sum ol ilnx 5t, and against that part ot said addition described as "I'Mik. Place' lor aid years in the sum ot ilnrt.50; to sell said land in satisfaction of said claims and tor equitable reliei. ou are required to answer saia petition on or before Monday, the Wth day ot November, A.D.. l.sy;. The Kh xtv or Hy its attorney. Jesse I.. Koot. Fiit publication Oct. :!. Legal Notice. To (iale ManufacturinR Co.. non-resident de fendatit: Vou are hereby notified that the county o Cass, in the state of Nebraska, on the ivth day of September, A. 1. 19D, tiled its petition in the district court ot Cass county, Nebraska, against you. miD eaded wnn Elizabeth I.- .Murphy, et al. the object and prayer ol which petition are to foreclose delinouent tax liens against lot II. in me southeast quarter of the southwest quarter ot sec tion l.in town l.ranffe n.uass county. .eoraska. for the years I km. 1V.K) and 1H97, in the sum ol $211 i T0: to cll said property in satisfaction ol said claim; to bar all defendants irom any inter est in said premises, ana lor equuauie renei. on are rcnuired to answer said petition on or before Monday, the IMh day of November, A U. If'.'-K i Kb' t OI'MV Or I5y its attorney, Jesse 1- Root. First publication Oct.;t. Probate Notice. Tn r.nmitv Court ot Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter ot the guardianship 61 fercy V. Katlierine, raine i. anu maijorie Kiie ninrr heir of William I Aenevv. deceased. To Hmc W.. Katherine. t-allie M. and Mar- wiri Acnnw. ami all other persons interested -n cairl matttr. art! hereby notified that on the Kith day 5f October. !!, S. A. Davis hied a petition in saia county i-osrt pravine mat rns acconnr a zuardian of said minor heirs of ?lham I.Ac new, deceased, nieii in saia cause, be spnrpMd and allowed, and that lie and his !.:,, l-uinu be discharged Inini any and all further liability on account ot s.v.ij guaraiansmp, and tti.it lie lie discharged as guardian ol said minors, and some suitable person be appointed in his place as guardian: and that tf you tall to appear before said court on the 10th day of November. A. 1. 1W, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and contest said peti tion, the court may grant the praver ol said pe tition and make such other and further orders, allowances aud decrees as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said guardianship of S. A. Davis may be finally settled and determined. Witness mv hand and the seal of ".lid court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this the I ."th day of October. A. 1). . Oeorc.f. M. Sri Rl orK. (Seal) County Judge. First publication ct. 17. ISW. Probate Notice. In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate of Casper Boruiuatin. deceased. . .. , Charles Itornmann. Anna Kraft, Augusta Klatt John Bornmann. Herman Uornmann. Minnie Borninann, Kmma Sherman. Louisa ienhard. and all other persons interested in" saia matter are hereby notmed that on the 1 Uh dav of October. A. D. 1W, Fred Born mann filed a petition in said county court pray imr that his final account of the administration of said estate hied herein be settled and al lowed and that lie be discharged from hi-j trust as executor, and tnat the residue of the estate remaining ia his hands be assigned to such per sons as are by law entitled thereto: and that if you fail to appear before said court on t tie 7th day of November, A. D. lHt. at 11 o'clock, m, and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer ol said petition, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees as to thia court may seem proper, to the end that ail matters pertaining to said estate may be dually settled and determined. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this the Wth day of October. A. 1. IK.- George M.Spurlock. (Peal) County Judge First publication October 1", 1'. Buggies i 4 4 4 i 4 4 i 4 4 ; t i I have the largest stock of Buggies, Carriages, Surreys, Spring Wagons and Lumber 'Wagons in the county. 1 have twenty buggies on the floor and no two alike. The prices run from $40 up. If you want a first-class vehicle, get a.... Cooper Buggy.. There is no use of going to 6maha, as I can sell Just as cheap as Omaha dealers. Give me a trial and be convinced. A. L. cox; 3lViAin, A BOON TO MANKIND! DR TABLER'S BUCKEYE Tl W -JT iri5wn tn my 50 m A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; Bottles, 50 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. uckweiler Continueto doa leadingbusiness in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets. f AAA A A A A A A A A A A A Quick Perfect 1 4? ? ? 1 41 4? 4, 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? , C.-ij. ; a" rmi&hm' -o J 7 The News has the best Book and Job Print inrr office in Cass count- and can handle any kind of a job of printing on short notice. We make a specialty of Law Briefs aud other Book work. For Sale Bills and till kinds of Poster work, we have the proper type and other material. Letter heads. Note heads, Bill heads, State ments, Envelopes, and all kinds of Commercial Printing in the Latest Style. The News Xo. 305 Main Street 41 4? 4? 41 4? FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of IM.ATTSMOig'H. N K It. 'AID UP- CAPITAL. - $50,000 Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of Legitimate Banking Business, 3TO0K9, bonds, gold, goyernment and local aeourltles nought and sold. Deposit rt eelred and Interest allowod on the eertH cates. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Uolleotlous made and promptly remitted. Highest market prloe paid 'or county warrants, state and oounty bonds. DIRECTORS: H. N. Dovey. . D. Hawksworth S. Waugh F. E. White. G. E. Dovey. Geo. E. Dovey, Pres., S. Waugh, Cashier. II. N. Djvov. Asst. Cashier, i:i5K ASK . PILE S 2 oh 31 m "n-iin w n A - BE. otfi'' Til 2 Z -V CURE Lutz us. Plattsmouth. Neb A A A A A A A A A A A A A b bh & fc & l fc I l i &t bh bh i i I & & b & l b b b b b b b b b b b b ""St Prhttery PLATTSMOUTH r t t 4 i t 4 t 4 t 4 9 4 9 4 WHTEBREAST COAL YARD LINCOLN AVE. AND MARBLE ST8., II. M. S0EXN1CHSEN, Manager. Large Supply of all the BEST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds ol Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. 9 A 9 4 4 t rj.Xr., -v