Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 24, 1899, Image 3

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Over One Thousand Casualties In
First Battle Between Brit
ish and Boers.
American Casualties Iq Philippines 1
fire One Killed and Three
Men Wounded.
London, Oft. '21. A Cluncoe cor-
respondent telegraphing yi'Ht.'rdHy
fiiyn: 1
"A four ol ,('( 0 liners, led hy Corn-
man limit. (.nur:tl .Jouhi-ii, has heen
bint on Mvoroly tiy it foi co under (lun-
irnl Sv iiir.ri- met tho cnoiuy nt this)
moment mo ifi full rollout.
"Noi.oily in i:uniiv, (icni rnl Sy-
moiirt nnu stall', wtis hwui-o that lh
5'oiTrf with ixoing to iittn -k this morn
Hi". It. v;i-. known. Ii vi . r. that tin-
ti tiiv wi rir fi rth -r i n n. un.l it win? '
s on t lint, nun -ii. il pi
e;, union- vmti: j
t ii o; taken to ru it d iio;iirst
nir. I
li Iso during I h.
".) ust boiore
lery oj.onoil li
hill. The r
niyM. j
lawn tin- J'.mr n i t i I-j
lioni the Cleneoo
was i 1 1 v j lilted and
the iju.iliiy "i ui.. in mi 1 1 ion I mil. In
the two hoars ii-nt a hi. It lirlii'j .st'areely
a do.on nhell.s ti'irs; i t our line-. Our
gunners, on lh i io..imri. put up an
excellent p ae iri' v. hhn t ean to
"At T:i i; i ,i !iltrida
X im? ra i .i. .f h jt aiiiiy t ri
X u!e, w- i ii N i- i-i m pained.
'I'lio l)u ! ' rni well in
frnliL viiLii ,:i -V. Hlflt'H OUt
oik 111 - I i :l .11 '
ii'ini.i.i ii ill .f k. i
etoi hii o
men ;id-
v.iiu"- -mu;:', I . i . T".'anla20 ot
over il 1. 1 ttiM- --i.f!:if iu which
t ti y t inl . e-ii tf.i;;. for weeks
"'I'loj nit v.. iii-t- whs ci. eri'd Vy a ter
r ! ' !' it in in- id mi- ii:inerii-3, and
m-'. . Ii' i i j.:... v.itc fi;-iiet'd ho
f Pi - . ii .! i l,e.'Hii lo e-lmb the
l.i . 1 ill' tint I - llsiloel S and
t: - 1-' -i' put within 1,000
y '. .- f. i,- ru-H, it i" lUi'-i' biiteries
ui-c- e ii.iUleh s-lieiic d, our bat
t r i...v n' pt nil. it th m at. -,.rU0
-n wit 1'iibi' i ii tVi'C . The
i- : III a t 111 i wcie un.pilip Up a
ti . vy i II liro wliicli lliinned our
ra i K s . . . i- all .
"Hy '. t "t-i i k iho l-'usili-cre and
II yal li ti-B i. ait & warmed over tho
hi.l and tho iloers were on tho run.
Meantime t'i laliteinth Hin-anrs
and t In-i ol... . il nii.tint.-d infantry'
anil the 1.-- .r- . si,j c i"'triment tuul
moved north and east, thu radically
euttin? t IT the Uoer mam lino of re
treat, nil ttio enemy, caught botwoon
two lires, lor.t heavily.
"Our lo-es ! re proably :00 killed
and wixindei, and that of tho Boers
even greater.
I.huIuii Kultrn Sun Islitro.
Manila, 0:u '20. s h. m. General
'i'ounrf's advance xurd of General
Law ton's column left C.iiao yesterday
raornini: and entered San Isidro
ab ut 1:!10 o'clock.
Tno Ameii' Hii loss was one killed
ard three wounded, 'the heaviest re
sistance met with was at San Fer
nando, where the enemy destroyed
a bridge.
General Pio Del Pilar arrived from
San Miguel and personally command
ed the Filipinos. He and the bulk of
the enemy retreated up tho river,
One Soaniard and fifteen i
were captured. The loss of the
enemy is not known. The townspeople
appear to be friendly.
S:10 p. m. Captain Macllae, with a
battalion of tho Third inTantry, and
Captain Chynewith, with a battalion
of the Seventeenth infantry, marched
to the town of Jos Malinas for tho pur
pose of dispersing a band of 300 insur
gents under Juan D ica vol, who had
recently been annoying: our outposts
at.d travelers aloner the road from
Santa Ana to Arayat. The insurgents
fled in the direction of Mag-alang. The
country between Angeles and Arayat
is now reported c'. rar.
Tho Democracia reports the juntas
in the Orient and in Europe intend lo
send a delegation to Washington to
present the Filipino cause. Regidor
will probably be tne president of the
delegation and Aoncillo and Apacibie
will he among its members.
Washington. Oct. 20 The war de
partment has received the following
from General Otis:
"Manila, Oct. 20. Adjutant Gen
eral, Washington: Lawton's advance
under Young in San Isidro, where
garrison wi.l be established. Consid
erable resistance encountered yeste--day.
Casualties, one killed, th-ee
wounded. Infantry suffered consid
erably. One Spaniard, fifteen insur
gent soldiers captured. Young re
ports 1 1; habitants in section of country
raost'.y friendiy. Otis."
Innnrgents As it Hearlnc
Manila, Oct. 20 10 p. m. Three
insurgent fiicera entered Angeles
this trorning and applied to General
MacArihur for permission for a Fili
pino commission, beaded by a Filipino
maior general, to visit uenerai una m
.. in discuss neace "terms and to
nrramze for thedelivery of morcAmer
icao prisoners, as well as to consider
methods for the release of tho Spanish
The request was referred to General
Otis. Tho insurgent officers are ex
pected to rjiurn tomorrow to recoive
his answer.
MacArthnr to Meet rillplooa
Manila, Oct. 21.-10:21 a. m. It is
believed tne Filipino commission, to
whom permission was granted by ben
oral Otis to be admitted to tne Amer
ican lines, will not be brought to Ma
nila, but it i expected that General
MacArtbur will be empowered to meet
it. If k be authorized to rexv
them, ho will lo ho In the of In-
divitlu tin routine from Aiuitlnldo mid
wilt rofu-io ti rermvu any communion
lion couiifiir from t tin Ho-eiillrd rcpuh
II . l'li- Mp. cuolu of ho lust coinmls-hiuii-
r tn-itit' pfi'Kunl Imni dinpiiiyl'ik'
niiifiM mis nb iu tho cii encouraged
llm In. -.tin- . It-mont of 'tie ii.tiiiljitaiit.-,
cvikJ, Hi' I'i iivi r, I ! iLTii-tent nt
" 'upu "' t'" van.-us tomml iohh pro
Viout y ni'iii io Munitit lo attempt to
trap ttio A im rictiiM into Bona nort of
recognition of i ho M tiiiin jfovrrn tneiit
hiivo exiiiiimt.:d !ie put ieruv of tho
"Uthoi ilie-f t if mild tho MUplnon
t" - 0"01'0 l" C3 n exchange ol pick
' Iih, Hi 0llnut s.- (ir) houiitl,
Min n Clmn Ricorrt.
Nkw YOKK, Oct. 20 Throjph wild
ni'd liimry uoaii, in a- bret.Z'3 that ap
proached tho dignity of a f,'alo, tho
r;ill,rit. wlooo r'nliimhiH. toiinv Vin-
i -' -
inutshed tho Urttish clmlleiiirer narn-
ro - 'k by ttix minutea and eighteen nee-
onds actual tlrno and eix minutes and
thirty - four seconds corrected time,
thus completing the series for the
America's cup with a innKnifiourit
rou;h weather duel and a plorioun
Yankee victory.
For tho eleventh time tho attempt
of a foreigner to wront froua Amo' ica
tho yachting supremacy of the world
has failed. Tho trophy won by the
old i-choonor America forty-eihl
yenrt apo is ntill ours, a monument to
the superiority of American nearaan
ship ami American naval architecture
and a i-tandinp challenpe to the y-ichts-mon
of alt naiioiid.
Tho intrinsic value of tho reward,
which tiundredti of toonsand- of do
lars wore oxponued to ecure, is Pin:i 1
simply an antiquated piei-o of silver
ware, wl ict Queon Vtetolia olTered to
tho best Bailing ehip of the world in
tho early days of her reitfn.but around
it cloister the prvciou memories of un
broken American triumphs ana tho
honor ol ma-teiy in the noblest of
StMtvm -lit Kt-KardluK the fiiilne-Af-HlcttU
Area Iu ludla.
Simla, Oct. 20 At today's ra eting
of the bupreme council of India C. M.
llivaz Slid that the famine allecied
areas comprised 100,000 miles of Brit
ish territory and 250,000 miles of the
territory of native states, each section
containing upward of 15,000,000 people.
I he situation in thecentral provinces,
and pai ticularly in Borar, Gu.o at,
North Deccan. Southeast and Central
Pun jab. B irod,Indoro and K ijputana,
was distinctly grave.
Mr. Itivaz said ho thought the ex
tr me limit of hi'h prices, However,
had already been reached and that ttie
food supplies from Nurma and Bengal
would prove sufficient. This would
justify the government in abstaining
from the importation of foreign grain
or from otherwise interfering with
trade. Ho estimated that tho direct
relief would cost l,600,0t!0 rupees, in
addition to loans, until March, mid
said that 250,000 people were alro idy
receiving assistance. The viceroy,
Lord Cuizon of Kedleston, said ho
hoped that the experience he was
shortly to gain in visiting the princi
pal areas of distress would enable him
to render useful aid and to enter more
closely into the joys and sorrows of
tho Indian people.
1'lennantly SnrprUeri.
Saturday evening Mrs. George
Dovey invited a few friends iind neigh
bors to surprise Mr. Uovey and re
mind him that the anniversary of i is
b'fthday was at band. About thirty
guests were delightfully entertained,
tho Misses Dovey rendering some
charming vocal music and a delightful
bit of "The Love Chase" that Julia
Marlow rendered famous. Miss Alice
Dovey displays great dramatic talent
and both young ladies are decided ac
quisitions to Plattsmouth society.
Elegant refreshments were a pleas
ing feature of a most enjoyably spent
Clans Urt-i-kf nfeltra Diary.
Claus Breckenfeld, manager at the
Louisville Flouring Mills, keeps a
diary as to the condition of tho
wepthereach day. Each evening in
posting up his day book he makes a
noto of the weather and finds it very
interesting to refer to. From this
record we note that one year ago last
fuesday occurred the first heavy enow
storm, borne ot tnis snow remained
on the ground all winter. L iuisville
Son, Thai's All.
The Plattsmouth Journal is sore at
Countv Clerk Robertson bocause he
let the job of printing the ballots for
the coming t lection to The News
Tho Journal and Post editors lay
awake nights to hate tho editor of
The News, but it is evident that Polk
is nt losing any sleep, or patronage
either, through their hatred. Louis
ville Courier.
I Good I'm per.
The Plattsmouth News has
added a new engine and otherwise im
proved its plant. The News is pleased
to see our namesake prosper, for it is
a good, live paper and the people of
riattsmouth evidently appreciate a
good thing. Nebraska City News.
Testifies to the Good Qualities ot Cham
berlaln's Cough Remedy.
On the 10th of December. ISO", Rev
S. A. Donahue, pastor RLE. church,
South, PL Pleasant, W. a., contrac
ted a t-evcra cold which was attendod
from the beginning by violet coughing-.
lie eaye: "Afier rfortinu to a num
ber of to-enl!eJ 'specifics,' usually kept
in the houe, to no purpose, I our
chased a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, which acted like a
charm. I most cheerfully recommend
it to the puohc." For sale by all drug
git ti.
Wm h HiM-ernn In All I'arl lotilnrn A lioiit
WHM C'lrart-tl
1-iuiii Sat utility' I a : I y .
The I'lattBtnuuth Minstrel company
giV its i-ocoud entertainment at
White's hall last evoninp. Tho homo
was not rjuiler-o packed as it was on
tho previous night, but no n ly jovory
re it wa oecu pit (1 and Hie entertain
ment was well received. A number of
flight cnanpe-i were made, including
freoh jokes, which kept the audience
in lauphter.
Henry GuorO delivered a stump
speech which was very rich and which
was not on the program the previous
night. Tho participants felt more at
homo on the stage last night Mian
they did the previous niht and alto
gother the entertainment wr.s better.
Messrs. Clark Daily anil Walter
Holmes of Havelock are deserving
great prais ; from tho people of Platts
mnuth, t; their efforts are
largely duo tho groat success with
wh rli tho minstrels wero at tended.
They c uno down from Havelock and
spent their time without charge ex
cepting expenses. Tho other mem
bers of tho company, as a token of
re p ct ami appreciation, last evening
presented each of these gentlemen
with a fine silver mounted umbrella.
Miss Dora Swearingen and Mies
Viola Deppeu are also deserving of
thanks for the service rendered on the
piano. They were remembered last
evening with beautiful banquets of
American Beauty roses.
The nent sum of IO0 was cleared
out of the two oveiiings'enterta nment,
wlrch will be divided equally between
tno. H c M. band and the public li
brary, and each member of the com
pany is d'-serving of the evcrl ist ing
gratitude of tho people of the city.
I.llll Itll Ol'Hlll
Itoiii S:itui1a' D.iiU.
Coroner Sailor returned last even
ing from Nehaw'ta, to which place ho
was called y sttrday morning on ac
c unt of :he death of John Burns. He
f und, however, tnat tho trip was use
less, as tho man had dieii at his home,
four miles wet of N hawk a, and
no' on the streets of Neh iwka, as w is
lirt report d
Mr. Siitiler states that Mr. Bu-ns
had butchered a hog on the prcv ous
day and yesterday morning him-uifj
and wife went into tho basement to j
cat ve up the hog preparatory to put-J
ting the moat away. No sooner had
they begun the work, than Mr. Burns
complained to his wife of feeling
badly, stating that ho was dizzy. Mrs.
Burns pushed a chair up to him and
he sr. down and she proceeded about,
her work. A short time afterward
she looked at her husband find found
him do'id, ho having boon stricken
with h art disease.
The dead man was still sitting in
tho chair when Mr. Sat tier reached
the house, but the circumstances wero
such that it was deemod unnecessary
to hold an inquest.
Mr. Burns was forty-seven years of
ape and leaves a widow and three
grown children two sons and a daugh
ter. The funertl will lie held Sunday at
10 o'clock
An lnle reHlins Meeting
From Saturday's Daily.
The weekly meeting of the Woman's
club was held last evening. There
was a good attendance of members and
visitors. Minutes of the previous
m-eting were read and approved. Mrs.
S( out--nborough pave a brief report of
the S F. V. C. at York, which she
attended as tl;egate. She was offered
the nomination for state president, but
declined The club, however, ap
p eciates the honor conferred on their
popular member. She was appointed
by the federation delegate to the hien
nial at Milwaukee.
Mrs. Waugh then took charge of
the meeting as leader in Current
Topics, the subject for the evening b"-
lng the iransvaai. Airs, rsireigm
gave an interesting description of the
Boers and tho savage tribes and the
principal town in South Afrio:v. Mrs.
Howland read a paper regarding the
diamond fields. Mrs. Stoutenborough
then spoke of O.mi Paul Kruger, de
scribing his family and home life. 'I he
situation generally in South Africa as
to the merits of the unfortunate con
troversy between tho Transvaal re
public and British government, was
then discussed.
Lieutenant Bawls then gave a lec
ture on American history, his subjact
being "Settlement of the Colonies.'"
This he dealt with in a most instruc
tive and euttrtaining manner, and
thanks at e due to Mr. B. iwls for his
k ndness in giving the o ub his abie
assistance. In the courso of his re
marks he said that he ai d the other
gentlemen who had promised their
as-istance durinp the season were
prompted to do so on account of the
appreciation of the good wo, k the
club had been doing.
A very pieasant evening was then
brought to a close.
The Presoy terian Sabbath school
has decided to put on the cantata,
"Santa Claun Entertained,'' for their
Christmas entertainment About
sixty children are necessary for tho
various piris, the whole school to sing
the opening and closing choruses
Miss Dora Swoaringen is to drill the
children and, without doubt, will
make the entertainment a decided
Kpt on hand at Rgenborger S:
Troop's feed store. Charcoal is the
bulk of all hog cholera remedies,
which sell at ten times tho price of
For. SALE oi: RENT Store room
,, ,,. .. -,o.-s.
and dwelling combined, J4xob ieet,
known hs the T. V. D-. vis store, in
Murray. Inquire of J. W. -Edmunds,
Murray, Neb.
(I ciir II. Allen was m tin; eity to
day .
Charles Graves of the I'nion l."dger
was ii visitor in Plattsmouth today .
G. P. Nickel of Elmuoo.l was it:
the city today and made Till'. Ni:U's a
short call.
Tom E. William, tho g suinl repub
lican candidate for sheriff, was in the
city today.
John Vallery and wife in
the city from Chicago this morning
for a visit with relativ -.
C. S. Poll: was again called to Ray
mond this morning on account of the
serious illness of his hrother, !. L I'.
Mrs. A. W. Atwood and si-tor. Miss
Long, went to Omaha this morning.
The latter will spend a few day with
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Harsh:,.
Mrs. Henry Marti ns departed (his
afternoon for Stanton, Neb., called
there by the death of her nephew,
Arthur Mittlsttdt, aged thirteen
years. 1-3 mil and Berntud Wurl will
go to Stanton tomorrow, they being
cousins of the boy.
The infmt son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Troop, residing near the
Eight Mile Grove chin ch, died this
morning find will be buried tomorrow.
The funeral services will I u conducted
by Kov. T. 1. Surface, at thoKiphl
Mile Grove church at II a. m.
Editor L. J. Maylleld of tin- Louis
ville Courier was trasacting business
in the city today. Mr. May field re
turned from Chicago a few days ago,
where lie purchased a now press, the
inerea-ing siib-cri pt ion list of the
Courier n:a';itig this noecs'arv. The
Courier is a good t-itior tuul is printed
... . . I
in one til the ne-t towns in t ho etuin t v . i
.JaniCS SagO returned home from
7. . I
Sheridan, yo , last event up, neiii- i
. . , . i i i .i-i
which place he purchased a car lo.l
of voun"- horses. They are about the !
" ...
finest lot al horses ever seen in thl t
u .,, - i ,, i e t tv,.,, i ... : 1Y.
O ty about onc-htlif of them being J
rotulsters and tlci otll'M- half suitable
f.r f .: ini iviirli. Some of them are
par'ifilly lirokt-n to drive. Mr. Sage
will have no trouble in ei i i ng t hr m nt,
good prices
! MllN'tiAV.
W. K. Fo.s went to Wecpltig V
A rt h in1 'rn- s nf
'toria w;e- 1 1 1 lie
city today.
tleoi gc S.hulii . n of N'i'li.'iR k:" w.i - In j
town on business tixii'.y. ;
S.' K Mcl'lier-on tf Groonwioii wa- !
in town today on business. '
F M. Ti 0111 in of Weeping Wa'.er '.
was a Plattsmouth visitor today. ;
William I;!e. Dorniei of l-l'.iiiwooii
wns sit tho fiuirt, house on hii-irc-s to- ;
.John Mi !To.-.l and f.mily of Siitj
Creek precinct, were vi-itieL'' in the i
city today. j
Dr. Milton M ow SI m -l.i- '
in town Saturday vi-i'i ig iii pi - - t
William Morro.v hiH v i .
The democratic ru-tbu-s ar o t t - i
day drumming tin f th" Aiig. i i:
meeting next Monday evi iiing.
C. S. Polk went to ! ' '. VMiond agai n I
this morning to visit li:s brothci
I f.
Polk, who is sti i dangerously ill.
Ceorge II . v.
the register of deeds,
wont . to Nebraska City Unlay to meet
with the judicial cent ral committee, j
K.l Kroohler has arrivod home fr m i
his hunting trip near Sheridan, Wyo., j
minus the end of one thumb, which I
wa shot olT by neeideuT..
No m ill who can hu
t.i-:i ni n t bpeo rliva. ( nrn-hiiSKPi's are
. . ' , ,
in tlfimanil on almost every I arm m
this county, at fair wages.
The seeon-months-old babe of Mr.
and Mrs. A O. Brohack died hist
evening and wa huiiod this after
noon at Oak Hill cemetery.
The business of Julius Pepperbci g,
the cigar manufacturer, is booming so
that he needs six or eight more c iiar
mnkers than ho can get in the town.
The police report that tramps aie
scarce. The knights of the road seem
to have struck job? somewhere. They
are probably laying up stakes f r
Tho jury in the ease of I). .S. Draper
vs. the Keystone Manufacturing Co ,
tried before Justice Archer Saturday,
agreed to disagree and was dis
charged. Julius lljuige left this afternoon for
Louisville, where he will go into the
employ of Louie Boedeker, in the
butcher business. His family will re
main hero for the proscnt.
Miss Cassie Morrow of Teknm ih is
in tho city visiting with the family of
her uncle, Wiiliam Morrow. Miss
Morrow has been engaged to work in
Mrs. Utterback's millinery store.
L. K. Karnes departed last evening
for his home at Fraz iysb'jrg, Ohio,
where his family have ben living for
years. The good wishes of many
friends co with him. C. (.' Worrell is
temporarily pupplyi'ijr his pl-ce as
night oper.ator.
Frank Schlnter, who, with his late
brotner, Will, hus been conducting a
ranch in western Nebraska, left Alli
ance this morniner in company with
Mrs. Will Schlater and her son, for
Plattsmouth, where they will make
their future home. They are expected
ti arnvo here tomorrow.
Arsenic Beuty Tablets and PUla. A ror-
fectly safe and guaranteed treatment for all skia
disorders. Restores the bloom of youth to faded faces.
I??' f,t,e,nt iVdays' 1U' by maU"
. KERVITA MEDICAL CO.. Clinton Jncksoo St.. Cbktp
Sold by F. O. Fricke & Co.
Many Thanhs. I
'I wi-h toexprtss my thanks to the
manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, J
Cholera ami I liari hoea B'Min-.'.y, for
hating put Oil the mi irket -eii a'
wonderful nn-dieine." -a s W . W . ;
M :i- i n p i '. 1 ,of I loan inoii ! . Ii"y- I 1 1 i '
art; liiar.y t li o 1 1 -ai, I - i ( u.i t b e : w 1 , o-.c t
cliiMri it have been saved from attack- i
i i d.-i fiterv aini i ii.iler.i ii.f.iiiium ,
who ii.;i-t a!-o fee! I leinkf ii . Pi- for
ile by all dnipp i-i-.
Nut ice
In tin- I i 1 1 . ! i "i:i t i.l '.i--- t .V-I.i a : :
, 1'. nicl'fiu
Jc t.- Il Sin, I. . I.aui;.. -l..
Ai.'ii-l M,.ii.:uaii. Mi .. A
11.1 t ' i It - n i a i . I . i t ical nam' ; ,
laikiiiiuii. M.itil l.i m;ii an ! i 1
A 1 1 I A I . j
1 l.i- i!i:!ci.Iant . Mat,!. 1. 1 Veatl;;. An I" ... .i Ale-, j
stiKtt-i, Ai.'ii-t I i 5 1 1 :t 1 1 . Mi-. A linn- t Sl.-ajninii. j
I , e t i i-al tiaim; 1 1 1 1 1 1 , v 1 1 . u:ll cat Ii t a m- in t u i-
II, at i;inn I In; Al'iiy .1 Hit. iii. A 1 . I .
jilaait .!! iileit I.S jit'lst imi m tt:r ili-liul i i-uil "I I
,v s ciuiil v. Nrla .i-.k a. t'i I nriif a lai.eii!
t.M,ii li ts' ('') aii'l to'.-1 ill i,l I'i.x-li i -a'lit '
I ) in nun;; i- llayi-.' akl:ti ai t, I lit: uly l,1 j
I 'hit O-'llMH.t h. ill it-- i I'lllll V. ail- a, ami !
haw sai'l 1-rs s'il'1 t.i pay tin- aiii.iuiil loaml Jiw
) 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 t;. ami lni sat Ii ullici ic!a:l at n.ayla
cnu!;al,!i: i" tin: pi'i-ir. isi.--. ni! an- . 1 1 i i . 1 I"
ausuci :.a,d jji.-t it am on ti I clui e t lie ",'nili 'lay i.t
Nn cinl ni. I hi V'..i ililai.!t U ill be i-iitt-iel
in l lie pi i-tni".--. ) i l.i : - ll-i l-l I- E-1 ; ..
j; I'. k. 'S I'l am: au.l l '. A. K. u i -.
lb"; Alti.iin -
l-ii,l pi. I !!' at '.Hi I ' tol'i-i
I', l-rain,-.- I.. I itnaii't and Samui-i I-.. I I.t!!. a"
cciulur nt the la t will ami te;.taiueiit i t II. M.
I luiaml, ileCeasiMl.
nil ami t-aeli ul yiai aie lni eliy m it , la- I t!,at
the run lit V nl 1'nss. ill the '-t.iti- nl M el i a-iia. "II
the :'.th ihiv nt e.teiiibei . A I . , I Iilei its
pL-litiini :iainst y ni in the set "mil ul 1,'ass
ei.imty. Neh i :is, a,t he u'..n-i t ami jn ayer ut with h
aie to I iiecli'-i- a teiliim hell lm ilellmii-nt laves
In ihf yea is l-e1. I-I I" im lns'.'.e. ami l-'.'
l,. I".';, meliisac, ai;a:nt h't Int.i. in !'!" k Paly
Inn i III'. :n the i it ul Plat I. -ni. n ill, (..'a- ruanl .
.oia-k.l Med las ann.'-.iits In .s:i.'J. ." . It i-;
eil that ymi he ! 'i ei ln-e l ul al I i i n a v i I ie
.leiiiptiun in --til pieirKi-i ami the pi pi 1 1 -ni I
j at : -1 y '.an I I , n, ami I. ,r i qn 1 1 aim- i el u-l.
- ,11 a i i ,-i n 1 1 eii 1. 1 ansv. el sa nl eel it i mi i m a
In In,- M mi, lav. the I. till 'laV ul Nuvinliei. A I .
-in, I'm i l i a n i v i 'i t ,i - .
P.v it- Hit. ini v. .Ie e I Ku..
J pie i In alum lal-i-i
T-i II. il ' ie
I .i t;n I N ol ice.
'I'i .'.v ii en I. n ai 1 1
h li
S nil aie hi li h in.lilii-'! the l',.:illl ul
a s. in Hie : late u N.-l.r.-e! a. on III.- V-tl, ,lay
ut .Si-i'teniliei. A. IV . hli'l it- pel i ti.-.n in
uisiiict mini ul Ca - n.uiiiv, Nrin.i-.ka.
a"a;n-t you. im I -le-ai leil with iliiaai I.. Itinwiie.
;, ' .,' ., ,ML.1 , vvlli( .,. ,
t !-e itaiain ta l en - at:aai t l ms i m in. in-
rlu-:,(, in I'hai: 1 nl llmwiies siili-ilivfiini ul
it 17 ami .-.. in sect inn Pi. t.wii l iaii;;e ::.
Cuuiit v. Nehrn-K.i, ami heuiu an a.h I itiuii tu
ti(, (1;tv nj pi:ltt nmuth. in sanl county, tin the
veais P'.'H t" i. im hi-i-.e, in the mini nt
ami auain-t linn pari ul aa; ainiainu ue-iiiui u
as "l'liik I'i.-iu-' lm -ai.l year--, in the sum
."in; to sell sanl Ian I in sate tin ut sii-l
riaims and lei can it.ll.le relict .
mi art; ii-q.; n.-il to airucr s.eJ n.-! M-.n lav.lne H'.th .lay ul Num-ii
1 -'.'i. I n I. eel s I s
IIV ils attm IIl V. le-se
Inl pnl.l-cat mil . t.
! I 1 1 ll .'II "1
Pel, A ll.
.1 C-s.
I. Ki'i.l.
Legal Notice
M .inula. ; i im; C .
i ,
1 1
I, -ii-,!. ml :
nil are helehy ll 'tilleil the lui lilv "I
( 'a-in t he I ale nt Nehi :e i.a. I'll li.e I; .i.i
ul J 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 l ' I , A. I. ls.i'.'. tieil it-, petillull ill III'-
li - Mi. t i nr. 1 1 i'I ("as-, i nun I V, , el.i a ;i(:;,in I
ii-'ple.uh I with I'll "ihi-ili I Mtnphv. .'
.il. li., n,e. t am! pi.nei ul -.ln. h .eit:..Ii ale !
I, n , . i -e i- i in. uet'.l I .. , h ie- al; a in I im I II.
- .ni i.e.i-t luaifei ol the ifiuUnu- I u.l lei 'I
i on is.-, n t'.uii r.'.iance 1 1. 'a- s c n.i:n.Ni Pi a- ka.
lni the v, ai- I--'.'. I-'."1 an.l I - r . ill the ..iaii ,1
:ll Vi-'lo ?a:.l pi'peitV Hi : al; l.u I am !
s . ! . i.e. a : i . Lai a ii liehii.l'uil:. ) i nit iiiy e.'ei
in n em e, a ml I a e. i ii : la I 'Ie i el-el.
mi aie n .:i'ie.l l i aie.uei :,;iul petition "U m
i . t ie l ,:'..!.,-.-. t! . I'l' h i!av i.t . e. en . i ei . A
1 i -...i I'm- t i a s i oi- t ' '
t -i.. a' :- n ;ii- , Ie- e I . K ... .
1 -t ,-ii! . ,.i : .a I '.t. :.
I'l-uliiili' Notit t j
I n t' I'nurf "I I'.iss comity. Nl In a Ua. J
P., the mallei ut the i; ua r.lian-h ip ul I'eev .)
K.v.l. ei aie. Sails- Si. ami Maij.nie Acn.-w .
liiiii.: h; i -. oi Wioiaiu I A Line ,-. , tlei easeit .
1 . I'. i W . K-;tliei im.-. Saliie M . aial M.o I
i n ' i- i..-'.'. . ale '. a i i . .1 her pel on i n t el t-s t I ' n
- ; 1 .;'-ii!i i. .in' lan-i'S iii.l.ueil I hat mi the lm'.
,! . I '',- 1 'I .. I . 1 S'UI. S. . . I aV!S llll-'i K pt'lU'.-'ll
1 1 i , i.t ...i;m i.raviair that liis acroi ut a.-.
;. ; e; : --..-I ix !ii"i l-'-ii- ut Wiiii.en I Ar
ii. . .I,, e-.-e i. ' .! in said lause, he apt. in ., il
a:..; ,e !..;,.', I i .: i I t ami Li.-, poiel- man I -e
.;. '. i.;.' I ,i iii any a'ul all bother lial.ihtv on
a, , ,, .nt ul ii"i j; u 1 1 -h i an.i that Le lie
i.i i -1 ii.i.r; I as e; . i a 1 1 i .til oi s;,i ! niin u-. run! soine
Siiitai.iie pei'-n be nppointe.l in In- plai.e a
uaiihan; iiml that il .11 tall to appear i.
-ai t i iiiiil mi ilio I"ih day ,1 November. A. I .
i 1 -'.''.', at in oi. 'nek. A. M., ami .....ute-t sai'l i-eli
I i i . ti iii.. iii -, v , . i' : i ill tit.- ei i a e r o I .Mi'l lie
! iltin'n an I make sinii other ami tt.rtl.ei uniei-.
lo'.vam i s ami lecrees a-; to ties t.u!;i t may -eciii
i proper, t.
the emi thai all matters pet t a ' n i ml: to
! WZZi
A. I 'a v :.- may he liuai : y
Witness mv Pan 1
i u i liie seal ot -,e i
aska. this the l.'tl, .!
at I 'iattsumaiii. Neil
t .her. A. I . 1
(iii ir:ei-: M . s'rrn l.ot. K.
l-'iist pul
tji unity jiuljie.
it; ' let . t ;. I-'."'.'
Probate Notice.
.......l i.nlii Countv Coin t. Cass I 'nunt y. N i!..r;'
it v. X,i
in oie liirfliei i'i me i.-i.m ui - ,1-1-1-1 i'-"
I diaries l!ui nitmiin. Anna Kratt. A'.iKU-ti"
Khif. John l;..-mtt um. I lei -nan Mi mniaiiu.
Mmhii,: lim uiiiann, l aaaia M.. i'in;i;i. i.ui;;-.a
I.enliar.l. ami ail othei person i ntei ite-i
in said matter are hert l-v notilieJ that un
the Pith day of Octolua, A. I). lsH'J. I'red l'.m u
inanii tiled a petition in said fount y prav
itu; that his tmai aceoutit ol the administration
nt said estate hied heie.n he settled and ai
Inwvd and that In- ie discharged ir..m tinst
as executor, and mat the lesidae ut the estate
temainitiK in les hands he assigned to snrh per
sons as are by law entitled thereto: and that It
you fail to appear Kdore said court on tin- r;i,
dav ol Noveliibei, A. I. I '''!, al 1 1 n'rloik a. in.
an-.l contest said pelili'.n. the court m;iv (;i:iiii
the piayei' ol said petition, and make such re.hc-i
and inrthei- otdcrs. allowances and deetees as tu
lids com t may seein proper, to the endth i' a
matters pertaining to sanl estate may be t.naey
settled and determined.
Wi I nk.sS my hand and the seal ol said Couit
ut I'lattsmoiith. Ne!iiaka. this tne l.'th day oi
( ii tol-et'. A H. I -'.r.'.
fil M. M'l ttl.fu K.
Sea! ) County buUe
l";rst puhiiealimi (M"l.i-r K, li'?'.
We are ready, wiiiiiej aiei
:l! ' to SUjU-ly tile v.'.-i! t-
iir t ii sehoo! fhlldrrn mi
Slsnr-s. Th- latest OOO'i'r
styles, tae b:;-t wear it g
in i t e i al , tli e pocket-!i 1 1 i ti g
prices. We gi vo a
with every p vie of -ehoo'
,-hil' s.
Joseph lctxcr, 4
North Side Main Street. T
iatss $1 ana si.50 -oer Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
SlCk MliAOACHi:. i and
U EAK STOMACH, ) Diseases
. .l.i . v.-n-w hiir. in t .,n-', t 10 ei tit- nu t ?"
I have tho largest stock of
Buggies, Carriages, Surreys,
Spring Wagons and Lumber
Wagons in the county. I have
twenty buggies on the floor
and no two alike. The prices
run from $40 up. If you want
a first-class vehicle, get a....
Cooper -Buggy..
There is no use of going to
Omaha, as I can sell just as
cheap as Omaha dealers.
Give me a trial and bo convinced.
A. l. cox;
O s Y X
-1 .1 hl.i t 1
CJ1 I'i s- AJ U
V5 ' '
Mill tft.Al . tC
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Xkws !
i;i s t lie
. i-niiutv
i nj
n of print in; 'n
s.icciallv f Law liriefs ami otlior I lc work-.
F.r Sale I511U ami all k;nK of I'ostt-r work,
wc have the iroper type ami other material.
Letter heads. Xote heaK. Bill heads, State
ments. ICnveloes. and all kinds of Commercial
Print inir in the Latest Style.
The News
X... ..5 Main Street
! 4.
4: 4
k 4v
( i 1 I ! 1 : '' 'i i ll. N I'M ,
Uifers the Neli Lest fa
pi -,-.f t
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS, bonds, irnlft, itovrrnniPnt and lotti! i
eccurltles oousbt nud sold. Df-poslts re
ceived and interest allowed on the cert fi-
0;;ts. l'r;if:s Qr;twr.. la ifiyi
jart t,f tlie V. ?. an i nil the jjr.nt tpie
towns of Europe. Cobeot.jn- n. :tlo uiiu
. ' III,. I T I I - I, n . .. . -
1ruiuyti j i cn.. i .i . iii.ui.;. m,ii .ei j
price paid 'or cout.ty
nrriwits, state i
unci county bonds
H. N. Povcy, O. Hawks v tut I, s. Waiigh
K. K. White, G. Ii. Dovey.
Geo.K. D-Jvcy. I'ra., ?. Waugh, Canhler.
H, N D v.-v. t Canhler
.-v-r-r-fv.c-r-f-cv-r-r--'Cv-r 2I2
y 4yp V f 4jp 4)p 4jr V V V V V V tP TP "
DlSOKMU KED l.lVl.i; anJ
crnt enrh. Annii'il elo rrr r,,inYi Mi n,ic
rn 'j "V
1 )ft I i ii '1
rind can
ami Jol
i Priiit-
iii v kind
hrt '.Kilicc. W c ihmKc a
i i; itl-K mi s.,
H. M. SOKN.NKUSl'N. Maiiasrer.
i -
1 1
Large -Sujipiy of all the
Iiu'iibii.K tl.c Kaainus
Missouri, Illinois,
Jackson Hill and
Canon City Lump.
Aluavs oa hand Also a qti.-intity of
cheaper Grades of NUT CO AL. We also
keep on hand all Winds oi Wood. All or
ders promptly delivered. Leave orders
at grocery tore of A. H. Wcckbnch & Co.
j A
j '