Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 20, 1899, Image 4

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I list Appearance of the AInstre1s
at White's Last Evening.
I In' I ill i Ixln iixii I It m fry r'lllHll
Our and Wit (IrevM-il Ity H L.nrKfl
i. ru il -Sonic I tinny .luku Miici flood
SirifflnK T hey Will Apprwr Ai?ln Thl
I i riilntr
Tim Platfmouth Minstrel company
n:ive 1 1 4 iuilinl performnneoi at
White opera house 1'ist evening to a
crowded house nnd everyone present
wan well pleaded with tho entertain
imTit. The proceeds are to eo to tho
IS. a M. hand and Iho lihrnry and
each of Un' i n - t i I 1 1 i o n m will realize
a neat hi.uh.
Cl.irU I : i 1 y of lluvnlocl; was the
interlocutor or middle men and ho
al-io had charge of tho preliminaries.
Tho hoys w rc all very familiar with
th-ir pnrl-) and no omhnrrJBfiinff
breaks were made. Amoosf some of
Hi-- hw-llcst of tho "coons" wore II. N.
Dovty, . I union I'ollock, Wnl ler Holmes
of II tvelock and .Jake Koch, wlio wero
tin; end men. Tin; make-up of theso
four ;Viii very line, the. bnttorlly necktie
worn by Mr. I'ollock taking down tho
hoii-m. Mr. Koch was probably the
lic-,1 "coon" of thorn all by reason of
hir, previous cxporionco in that line.
Walter 1 1 (dines, who has appeared in
homo talent plays in this city many
times before, has Ion nono of his talent
in t hat lino.
Thoro were a number of pretty good
jokes on some, of the local peoplo. Tho
iniiij in tho Ilrst part of tho pro
jjriini was very pood, thero beinj two
or three solos.
In tho second part of the program
the (u:irlet by 15. A. Me Kl wain, Jako
K'ocdi, II. K. Weidmann and Waj'no
Twitcholl was verv line and rceoivod.
hearty a pplauso.
Tho whlstlinr ftdo by Arthur Helps
was highly enjoyed and he was ro
poatodly encored.
The stump spoceh by Krnost Wolls
nmdo everybody laugh some.
13 ut the real thinpf was Jako Koch'a
cake walk, lie is a little tho lineat
rake walker in this part of the coun
'i ho baritone solo in tho "Weddin?
of Chinese and Coon" by T. H. Pol
lock and Hilt Wosoott was very nice.
The. entertainment closed with an
exhibition of Indian club swinging by
Otto Wurl. This was ono of tho most
interest in if features of tho entertain
ment, Mr. Wurl hoinr fn expert club
The entertainment will bo repeated
tonight and a number of changes will
lie made, and thoso who did not see it
last night cannot atVoril to miss it this
A Neighborhood Kow.
Sain Hendorson yesterday svvora out
a complaint for the arrest of William
Sandy, who, he stated, had threatened
to kill him. F.aeh of thoso men farm
some of the Clark laud, north of town.
and the way the road ruus It is neces
r-ary for Henderson to cross tho land
farmed by Sandy in order to reach his
land. Sandy procured an order re
straining Henderson from crossing
the land and this led to a war of
words, during which Sandy is charged
with having m ado dire threats.
IVpuiy Sheriff McHrido arrested
Sandy this morning and brought him
into Justice Archer's court. How
ever, tho case was settled betsveen tho
two men, the costs being divided be
tween them and Henderson was given
permission to cross Sandy's premises
until his cr.ip was p athered.
A SmMrn Dentil.
Coroner I. P. Saltier was summoned
to Xehawka this morning on account
of the sudden death of John Burn?, a
well-to-do fanner residing four mlle9
west of Xehawka. It is understood
ho dropped dead while walking the
street in Xehawka early this morning,
but the coroner has not returned and
the facts have not been learned. Mr.
ISurns was about fifty years of age.
An Kujoj'ulile Time
A very enjoyable time was had last
evening at the home of Mr. aud Mrs.
.Jake Ho'Tman, who wero married on
October 11. A largo number of their
friends gave thera a pleasant little
surprise by calling on them unan
nounced, bringing well-filled baskets
of good things.
Those peresont were Messrs. and
Mesdames 12. II. Todd, N. II. Isabel!,!
I.. Suter, Ed Todd, A. K. Todd, J. W. I
Thomas, Mrs. Herman Ilerold, Mi3sea
Daisy. May and Bortio Thomas, Eliner
Todd, Freda Ilerold and Messrs. G.W.
Thomas, Leo Thomas, Timothy
XicLolas and Hussell Todd.
The bride received a number of tine
presents. Miss Cleorae Thomas was
also present and pleased tho company
by hor very fine piano playing.
Wanted Several bright and honest
persons to represent us a3 managers
in this and close by counties. Salary
?W) a yoar and expenses. Straight,
hona-!ile, no more, no less salary.
Position permanent. Our referoDcas,
any bank in any town. It is mainly
ofllee work conducted at homo. Ref
erence. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope Tho Dominion"
Company, Dept. Chicago.
Theso are some of our bargains: A
good heavy-weight, copper-riveted
bib overfill, 50c; Browny bib ovorll,
i.Hic; mens' working ehlrts, 30c, up: a
number of childrens' regular 10c hose
now 5c; heavyweight eight-ounco
duck coats, $1.00, up; a few dozen
mens" $1.50 coin-too satin calf shoes at
$1. In groceries we havo a coffee for
2ic tho equal of moat that soils for
oc; also a few chests of .Japan sun
dried teas that will go at 8To. This
is a regular COe tea. P. T. Davis Co.
TlirDM-a It About Young; ItaiiiUM n
anl II In M.tUly Hurt.
J' i win Vriliic-..l v'h I'n ly.
East evening as Alvin ICune. ibe
thirtoen-yonr-old hod of 1-Yed Kamgo,
tho butcher, whs riding horn from
H:hool in Bennett &, Tuti'a delivery
wngon, another youngster with a lasso
thought to try his stdll at throwing
the noose over his bead. He was quite
successful la his effort, sad no sooner
had the noose tightened up on the lad
than he was thrown irom tho wagon
and quite badly injured. A gash was
cut in his throat and he was badly
bruised on the legs and body.
The boy was taken to his home and
Dr. Schildknecht was called and
dressed his wounds. The doctor stat
ed that had tho cut been a trifle doep
cr It would have resultod fatally, as
the jugular vein would have been bov
erod. As it is, tho boy will only be
laid up for a few days.
It has boon ascertained that Ed. Po
terson Is tho boy who threw the laaso.
He is about thirteon years of ago, and
has a reputation as a mlschlof maker.
A f'uv weeks ago a herd of rang
horses was brought hore and sold. It
was necessary to uso tho lasso on each
of them, and ever alnco that time tho
small boys about town have been al
most insnne. Nearly every one you
see has a long rcpo with a noose at its
end, and so diligently havo they prac
ticed that mmy of them have become
quite expert. A number of youngstors
have boon hurt, but nono so seriously
as tho Itamgo boy.
Marshal Slater has now takon tho
matter in hand and promises to arrest
each boy found with a rope.
Homo of .Mr. HI A. I'utternoa the Scent
of a Large Uuthrrlng,
Tioin Wednesday's Dally.
Mrs. M. A. Patterson, assisted by
hor daughter, Mrs. F. A. Murphy, and
Mrs. Dr. Cook, held an ologant recep
tlon last evening at her home on Main
street. A bout ono hundred and fifty
invitations wore issued, and, judging
from the number present, few "re
grets" were received. The bouse was
brilliantly illuminated and be utifully
docorated with palms and cut flowers
tho front parlor where the receiving
party stood boing eBnec-ally attractive
with tho tasteful combination of colors
Mrs. Patlerson was handsomely
gowned in an elaborate costume of
black with shirred trimmings and
mauve silk. Mrs. Murphy wore blue
organdi, and Mrs. Cook a charming
costume of pale pink.
Little Marjorie Agnew attended the
guests at the door. Miss Baker, Miss
Lena Frlcke, Holen Cox and Mae
Patterson served delicious plno applo
punch, whilo in tho dining room
which was beautifully decorated with
pink roses Misses Edith Pattoson,
Mabel H tyos and Mabel Uawksworih
sorvod ices, fancy c.ikes and coffee
Mrs. Byron Clark assisted through
the rooms. Tho Mandolin club dis
coursed sweet rausio and tho guests
ore almost beguiled into forgotful
noes that tho receiviog hours were
from until 10 so delightful wns tne
entertainment, and so congenial the
Tho hostess and her charming as
slstants received many congratula
tions, a3 the guests took their depar
ture, on tho entertainment of so many
friends in a man nor so eminently suc
The transport Uosolute left Brook
lyn with SCO tons of provisions for
Porto Uico.
Charles Wesley, late proprietor of
the Weddoll houso, Cleveland, Is dead,
agei fifty years.
Leslie McLeod, editor of tho Trot
ter and Pacer, died at Now York.aged
thirtv-seven years.
At Toronto, Oat., Jack Bennett of
McKeesport, Pa., got tho decision
over lorn aicuiuro ol Detroit in a
twenty-round contedt
Jessie L. Dwij, author of many
popular songs, died Thursday in New
York of heart disease. Hg was thirtj--
fivo yoai s old.
Fira were lighted in the Dulutn
(Minn.) Furnace company's works af
ter an idleness of five years. Ibe
furnace has a capacity of 200 tons
Tho Gibbs & Williams company.
printers and lithographers,New York,
havo assigned. The company was in
corporated in 189S with a capital stock
of 100,000.
The window glass wage sclo
schedule vas finally settled at Pitts
burg. The workers got a general ad
vance of G per cent. Fires will be
started iu a few days.
The decision in tho Jester murder
case at 1'aris, Mo., will be given by
Judgo Moss and it is the general opin
ion that Jester will be held to await
action by the grand jury.
Tho supreme commandery. Knights
of Malta, elected officers headed by
John W. Hicks, Boston, supreme com
mander. The next conclave will bo
held at Atlanta Cl'v in October, 1900.
Two battalions of the Thirty-ninth
infantry have arrived at Portland,
Ore., from Ft. Crook, Neb. These
two, together with the Third batttl
lion recruited at Vancouver barracks,
will pail for the Philippines about
November 1.
A general strike is threatened on
tho Groat Northern railroad, which
will include conductors, engineers,
firomen, brakemen :nd switchmen.
The men claim that they have been
unable to secure anything like satis
faction in the long list of grievances
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
M inatros tonight.
See Cooloy for your pumpkins for
w i titer.
Oysters e rveil in any htyle at
Shinn's enfe.
Attend tho minbtrcl- at WbiteV
opera houe tonight.
Walt for our cloak sale .N'ovemDer 11
and 13. Wurl Coffey.
Wanted To buy a team for delivery
wagon. Wurl & CotTey.
A. W. Atwood sells pure drugs and
he best patent medicines.
Wanted An apprentice at the
Metropolitan Milliucry store.
Don't fail to buy your fall hats at the
Metropolitan Millinery store.
The King's Daughters will glvo a
Halloween social at While's hall Oc
tober lil.
The Metropolitan is the eheauest
and host place in tho city to buy your
For Bent Five room brick houso.
"oll, cistern a- d cave; 3s0 per month
Inquire of W. V. Hull.
The most stubborn cases of bronchi
tis succumb to Ballard 'a Horehound
Syrup. Frlco 2rt and 60 cts. F. (
Frlcke & Co.
When you want to smoko a 10-cent
cigar try Of.o WurlVSilver VVroath
union made you can find n ter
on the market.
Ij. H. Egecbergor has just received
10U dozen children's bicycle hose
which will go at 17J centj a pair reg
ular 25-cent goods.
Tho yacht nee b-tween the Colum
bin and Sh iinmck today resulted in
favor of the Columbia. This finished
tho Ilrst series with the Columbia
a winner.
The Ltitrh school foot ball eiim
chartered a foui-h rse rig this morn
ing and drove to Glonwood, where
they played a game with the team of
that town today.
Dizziness, loss of appetite, Hutu
lency and nausea are all connected
with dyspepsia and indigestion. Hor
bine will givo prompt relief. Price 50
cents. F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Tho Turners have postponed their
ball from October 14th to the -21st. A
nice time is In store for all who at
tend, as the Turners always soe that
thoir guests have a good time.
Wanted Good girl for general
housework. Good wages; no washing
Apply to Mrs. U. Berlin, 24th and C
streets. South Om sha. Telephone
No. 228S.
The annual bazaar and fair to bo
given by the T. J. Sokol society will
be given next Saturday evening, Oc
tober ill. The fair will conclude with
a yrand ball. Everybody invited and
a good time is guaranteed.
"When ou. boys wero almost dead
f.ora whooping cougl , our doctor gave
One Minute Cough Cure. They re
covered rapidiy," writes P. B. Belles,
Argyle, Pa. It cures coughs, colds
grippe and all throat and lung
troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Fiattsim.uth, like Weeping Wat r,
hnds it necessary to provide more
school room for tho accommodation of
the increased number of children of
school age, and the board of educa
tion has docided to oroct another high
school building. Weeping Water
A. W. Atwood soils stationery.
John F.vars of South Bend was in
the city today.
A. V. White and Joe Klein wove in
Omaha this afternoon.
Dan Draper of Kansas City, Kan., is
In the city on legal business.
Charles Ulchey of Loulsvillo wis in
the city today, going home by tho way
of Omaha.
D. S. Guild and wife departed this
afternoon for Denver, whero thej' will
remain over Sunday.
M. D. Polk o.ime down from Lead
City la?t evening and will remain in
the city a few days on business.
J. C. Peterson has returned from
the Bb'Ck Hills and is Hgain to be
found in the meat market of Oliver
& Co.
Mark White has teturned from Ka -
nas City, whero he has been taking
medical treatment for the past three
weeks. He is much improved in
Kept on hand at Fgenberger &
Troop's feed store. Charcoal is the
bulk of all bog cholera remedies.
which sail at ten times the price of
Go to A. W. Atwood for wull pnper,
A Toanjfr Son's Snccetft.
From the Springfield Republican:
The case of a younger son is usually
pitied In Eng'and, but there was a
nobla exception in the case of the fam
ily of the late Earl of Mansfield, who
died worth some 15,700.000. Viscount
Stormont, the father of the first Earl
of Mansfield, the great judge, was one
of the poorest lords in Scotland, and
"as poor as a Scottish lord" has long
been a by-word In England. This
yonc(r son, William Murray, born in
1703, one of a fimlly of twelve penni
less children, rode off to London on his
pony to attend Westminster school, and
never, It Is said, saw his native land
again, but he left an earldom and a
vast fortune to his eldest brother's heir.
The earl who recently died was the
fifth of the title, and the sixth earl is
his hrethr.
Joseph Stockford, Hodgdon, Me.,
healed a sore running for seventeen
years and cured his piles of long stand
ing by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It cures all skin diseases. F.
G. Fricke A Co.
I'rli KIat to Muyjily War4til fur Uul
Uundrtd !.
From th National 1". ovioioner: The
r-.reat meat concern "t the L'nlted
htate.s, aj well i:.. rovrrninent 11-
if, have d.'iic wine ..'i'-;irJ of and
0:1 h'i ' "ni thl'iij-. ,- hi the wuy
'. : r. :; "Iteration a..l ui' 1" ft; lit; an army
in thr Held a.; v.-'i ;i a fighting navy
on a rr-h mat d ;:. A- -xti a ordinary
a? tl.'3 icay Sfi-tr;, ; ry.jic unuUftl Clr-c-urcstacc
ii i-.r 1 "wi i-lilng in the
voyagp of the b.v 1 !- Vp; Oregon and
luhla, Brazil, on tl.t u w:y to Manila.
Accompanying th"',-! - th supply-ship
Celtic, which h ft N . v York with the
fieet about three weeks 1:30. The Cel
tic M a veritable floating stoie and
warehouse, filled with no.ihd supplies
of every kind required by a man-o'-war
Hiid its crew on 11 lon voyage through
varying climates. But the chief Inter
est of tlii.s novel .-hip centers In her
meat stoies and refriivratlng cham
bers. Before leaving New York there
were put Into her hold 200,000 pounds
of fre.-h frozen mutton and 250,000
pounds of vegetable.-?. These supplies
are so arranged that the battleships
can at any time take from the cargo
whatever meat and vegetables are
needed for the nu-ss during the long
voyage to the Philippines. These
stores wore placed on hoaid for the iif-o
of the feet's nnn. Such a tiling is un
paralleled and unheard of In navnl his
tory. And it has been leU to this
government and to one of the great
est poking companies to store up and
send with a fleet on tho longest voyage
of recovd a ship loaded with fresh sup
plies from which the ofli :crs and crew
can be fed, the same as on lend. i'i any
climate. She left in company with the
Oregon ami the Iowa, und will feed
them en route as they yo. Be.ddes be
ing novel in naval histoiy, it is a new
departure in the meat trade. The meat
was specially gotten up for thi- ship
ment. It is sewn in cheese cloth,
frozen in Chicago, and brought from
there to New York in refrigerator cars
in a frozen stale. To thus maintain
carcasses of beef in a fro7cn .state dur
ing so long a frei.rht journey Is a big
undertaking in itself. It is seldom at
tempted by the largest a?!d best
equipped companies even fo:- a thortei
distance. The cargo was loaded In a
frozen state, and will he kept at a
frigid temperature until il is consumed
or the residue landed at Manila. Be
fore the ships after touching at Hon
olulu reach their destination the store
ship Celtic will have performed the
most wonderful voyage in the world's
history in the meat line. She will have
carried in her hold, and thiough all
climates, a cargo of frozen fresh meats
over the longest voyage of a meat ship
in existence. She will have demon
strated the limitless possibilities of re
frigeration and of niutical cold stor
age for distributing the world's sur
plus meats and provisions to those
climes and peoples who require them.
This voyage of the warships and of
their floating store, the Celtic, will take
more than 100 days. Heretofore a voy
age of sixty days for a frozen meat thip
lias been regarded as a marvel in trade
circles. The whole affair is one of
great credit to the government at
Washington and to the contractors.
The possibilities in the case indicate in
definite expansion for the meat and
provision Industries of the United
States, and the meat Iride is under
obligation to the commcn lAble daring
of our officials ai.d of our enterprising
business concerns.
Woman' 'lt Sti-et iiiRf.
The roffuhir ineetinj- f the
Woman's club will bo he'd at the
eiun room in ne a j l,. vv. nail
Friday evening, October 20. Pro-
LTHtn: Current Topics, le dor, Mrs.
Waugh; American History, Mr.
A. W. Atwood sells the best paint
00 earth.
Have Telfer & Sheppard do your
fall hou-o cleaning. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Nebraska telephone 79.
Fxtermiiiatlnc Swallows.
Along the Adriatic sea swallows and
other migratory birds are caught every
year by the hundreds of thousands, and
eaten by the Italians, who spread nets,
in which as many as 300 to 500 of the
tired bird3 are caught at once. It la
difficult to stop this wholesale murder,
because, on sight of an official, the
hunters' spies give a shrill whistle and
the nets disappear.
Promoter Hooley is still squealing
because the guinea pigs hogged him
oat of his money.
L. B Egenb rgor has jus' received
100 dozen children's hi eye 'c hoso
which will g 1 Ht 17$ cents i p'lir reg-
lar 2-a-3rit g o n .
Watches, Clocks and Jew-
dry i out trade. If you F
bring your repairing to u F
we will gu ir ntee you a t
featinfactory job.
John T. Coleman,
2 Second door South ol Postofllco p
3 p
Ojater and Cliu HhrlU On Not On to
A singular and but little known In
dustry la carried on in this city in the
sale of oyster anil clam shells, say
the New York Tribune. The dealers
In this commodity pursue their calling
la bo unostentatious a way that It
attracts no attention. From the eat
ing houses where oysteis and clams
are consumed the year round the shells
lire collected by persons who either
carry on that biiaineo for themnelves
or are in the employ of the wholesale
dealers. It seems incredible how largo
an area of ground can be covered many
feet deep with the conglomeration
of shell and foreign matter that Is un
avoidably collected with It. rnd appar
ently amalgamates v.iihc.'t :eatroyIng
the characteristics ot the harder ma
terial. String a number of carts
hf.ded with shells moving toward the
same point would induce the supposi
tion that mote reclaimed land was
being li leI In with matciiai that would
exclude the possibility of su.h land
ever being used as a mat Let garden;
or it might be taken for granted that
another dump heap was a.!;; wed in
some of the still nnoc tipicd up.r west
side lots. Put If curiosity she:; d lead
to investigation It would be fou.:d that
the carts were bound for a b.g yard
at Fifty-fourth street and the North
liver, where they deposited their loads.
Every autumn the nrd Is so filled up
that a considerable hill ot tdielis is
formed. Th:.-s ' i::g xcav:i!id from
the bottom us loi'.ds aie uain carried
away leaves the rmtss with the appear
ance of havii-ir he m t-e logically
formed, and oners a i iii' ies s.ght to
the uninitiated. How the shells are
usd is one of the most astonishing
things to tl.o.-- i.'.no-.v-nt of t !. value
of the material for ;i;;'ii!!:g ecept
filling in si. reefs and making beach
drives, sui h as that u: e fatuous In the
history of Savanna h. Mut this shell
suffers a firious change. It is sold to
the gas works and is used as a purifier.
As Good as Cash...
Tttke Notice.
I hereby warn all boys that I will
arrost each and every one found with
a lariat ropo in his possession. The
dangorous practico of using thoFO
ropes must bo stopped.
W. W. Sr-ATKit, City Marshal.
We are ready, willing and
able to supply the wants
of tho school children on
Shoes. Th a latest Dopular
stylos, the best wearing
mite- ial,tho pocket-fitting
prices. We give a
with every piir of .-chool
i Joseph Fotzor,
North Side Main Street.
1 M
Have been removed to SECOND and
MAIN STREETS. Orders for
When dlzxy or drowsy, take neeeh
tm't Pill.
Will receive PROMPT Attention.
Here are some of the grades they handle:
A ll lCrMDAAU P. rf TEL. 5
Suit or Overcoat
is worth in actual wear
and appearance all the
money paid for it, and
compared with other
makes, more too.
There is no other cloth
ing we know of that com-
bines cus
tom tailor
a ttributcs
with moder
ate price as
this make
does, c
cr T'-WBi t fit
Thi Ganrcnt Cuarantrfd by the .Vukr
Mr. ...
c absolute 5tifac
tion afforded by the
Clothing is vouched for
by this Guarantee Label
which is sewn in the
inside coat pocket.
teGou k Son
We Are on the Corner.
1 ) In Qnan'!:y. Ifc-stln Jlty. 1
r- on v 1 ii -.t f t , i:ver
rur &u 1 Bars lias Leu mi itvim iwlvciuvz, s ouaii
LPrpred by-
yi.ur ii ' w). J . 1 i ' C Pink for
ii Suit r 'J'Iih m you
will flfid a 1 r'it Pnorttnwittif Viol
ens ; n 1 1 t ci f Tai'or'ri Trim m I nf
to aelt-ct from. Ih duii ( ho you (jet
tut "d gonds ;ind triiTimines ftrd flrMt
a hss wii'k, luti-st stylo mid rut. Mr.
Pt.ik is the only triilnr in (Jas! county
hi ldinr n cutter's diplotiia.
Mercnant Tailor, :: Leonard Block.
will euro Han't, l'.l ediii jirul It liiri? Piles It alorts tho
tumr rs, a!l;i'ys ihe it:li t tj :it once, a:t as a poultice, (riven
instant relief. Frep.-ircd mily for I'ilca and Itching of ttc
privnte parts. livery h'x wan-anted. Judge Ooons, of
Maysvilie, Ky , s iys: '-Dr. Villi;ims' Indlun Pile Oint
ment cured rn'i af . ears of sufferiuK." Hold by drufflsts
pent by mail o'j receipt of .i ice. iVJ cents and f l.W per box.
Gering &, Co., Druggists.
Few More of Those
Iron Beds Left..
With Mattress
and Springs
Beautiful Lin e of Bookcases..
Just received Cm in nd ciC' 'em A elegant Ad
tique Oik Sideboard ton- for ?15 for tli- next 'hirty day-.
Tnis is a rare ba- pair: and cannot bo dup icated anywhere.
Those Oak Rockers at $1.75...
Aro BARGAINS which no takes hold of who eeea
them. . . .
J. 1. UNRUH,
The Furniture Man and Undertaker
Zuckweiler 8
Continueto doa leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Besi
Quality. Call and try us.
Plattsmouth. Neb
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets.