Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 17, 1899, Image 4

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Mr-. (J -.-.
t 1 10 S'OrC li-t.
Shio;'. i-.,f.-A.
X. At
ho ht?-l !'"' -
V 1 1 1 1 r
iir'fl on
of tire lo be turned iu 1 it venin;r A
large cowd w-'nt 'f as-'s -n sajb-.'tunfr
the sUmes. ''it when th'j f.M;t : r-re
found the ti-e w u' It ism-der-KtooJ
th'j five si.u..'d tho tOjiono
S.l MenUi nf a i'uruirr ('a CirJl
i. ii at -SI P.m I. I
iy Mi'-.oi-, an old -time ('-5 cou-ity j
"""'3 Roijal NcigiiDors
: !i v
st Vl
a-ire ln.M.'omin cr'--
! trie- lijrht wire.
Rev. A3;i
vv 1 1
lo-i r'
1 - t Ms bonm near Me- (
t r.itrhl from the rer-alt-
V.e ! .
. f
Met rop
i')oi. t f. !l l;
Tii-- KIr''. ?n -..
Tn,'.",l' .' i .
T:.e ;'. !!"
Th.- I-adi.
with :!-. '
' i- f:UI ' dl '"id
ii r iJpi-T fit the
! : i . !': -? j- ;ioi .
, ...:r r foil ha' sat th"
Mi'lir.ery :.-. re.
i i H.tfjhtr-i will ivo n
'hi! :U White's hall Oc-
.;.r.i'i1.i'l !
!'1 tii" i
A ;:'i.
Vt 1 - I
c'nc'' j '-'t
b'.IV VO'Jf
w 1 1 1
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in :?'.
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l.rii't! I.'
I.. Ii
li'.l li.;-
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i.ii- -
i '.t o ti
K-r.d, :.
1 i:.-!r :
' ! V
rc-.ii:i, ' r..
:i il c;t'i-; 'i i
V. U. !l iii.
v."..'it--.i i ; ii
.v M. fh
i;,:h -i i j. m- i
r ii: --I'th.
Iin:ird "iiii
by Mm.
i-f.'.--r j:i--t r:"
lwU'.ri-uV 1: icy !-
. ;il 17' c-C.K ti : rc.!f-
). 15.
: - 1 ve l't-.-tP )i!'.il their
" .-1- 1 J t a :r tho 1:1 -t. A
jll (')' .'il .Vl; J iit-
il :'LO!'-i
Ml i j in .
(.r.t -i. i . f tf vc 'I 1 '
li.ji.i i v.'--!
f.Oi-ltv.l --rr I
i uii--. !' LV i - t ' i
'1 i.l' !ll,il r-!(l.l
tl.ii! I C Ci: :Ti!i; i
pnivr-ii. t 't 'fr!K
1. i'i
o that
! r.
N i : -
y niucii im
s in formed
','V tl: ! a r:. t y t!' .' unfuriuiKiteiy s-uob
i- not it...-,.. n: f id i.i' i.- vci-j low,
and t.i life ii!.: Vy :. .-''Muler iln-ead.
hr.vo th west ".':v.l oi the
i' nt S. i-ond atid Mnin
U-a K-ot. nii1 will soi-n
foi tiie ci.d. The
V..rk :::!
acii hl-i.di
hop in
v. ;t; I
t'Uiidi:.;: !
I ! I' .
The at: :
ffif-r, by i
ln tri von
t I'b'.'r -l .
til will IV
:r:id-. o;:t (f tho
rMr r r. t hn cor-
:ii-d fair to 'do
ki.l sooicty will
ay I'vcnir.j, Oc-
.it: l '.a a :
!.o T. J. S
'J iii- fair will conclude with
:i t,rr;tn t ha!'.. I'.vc: y "".)il.v n.v
:t pood t'u.e uuuransocJ.
ited Jind
M itt ( .
ri:lr.i:r '
hori- !
rally lm
fft.ii v. ;.
I i i- U .". .
A ; '
ri.'M.n w. '
y-.v ht r a
t- r tl;.-
roc!-: vvri -.
the r:.---
Tl.. -.-
. i i i-:r i :t i-. no-iiio-?-'! .'
f , i- i i-!;nia.itlbi.:-nt
Il t -ti i I
ii eir
n'i li303-
v at it dvui M-ratic
;i:d l-!.lid. ..nd it
t !
i.'' ill-i Of
if ('f:ll
. . , : W
n tt
' tor
ii. b-
V-.v!; thi- aftuf
;iida won the
ny- that toon uf
3:t of t ho Sham
-I,.. .nt innod in
T i". '" '' " a
i i
! V.
L'Oul i
r. i (lit in i
now dtiok i-
l a o n -" 1 .
1. In
i '2 ' "' - 1 1
t'.t-iot.: I. ::
i a r..'.i
1 ) ; n -y
to r.-.o -;
ii' ra- i :
b..-.-r. 1 1 n 4
tlioti'ht t
rtO.ll '!!;
-Oa;..y fm:..
for I.. (.. j';
Todd til-. -Via
a up a : a t d i
Of l"r;i(-!l !:'. y -t -ii
ai'mO':t tha
lorkrd v. p t )
-ho i : :"t. 1 1 1'
i - x 1 1 :i 1 1 . 11 '
f.v.U t '
A ! ;i-."T-(,.
Aim-, No
.-. il.".
.i;,r ... r:-l .
l'.pO0 I-l i Vi 10 il
:r.y bib i orall,
.'n:H-. opi a
. y -v.' j i.' ii 1 . ir is t-u'a :.i-o
1 1 I. ; a fe w d oz-n
-a'.l'' call jIihOS ;tt.
- Ht- in . c a t ' - tl J for
..f ill. 1-1 tt: It f r
,-;,;-.- i , .1, lull Mill
s', .ii .- at I'i. i-
!i a. f. T Havi- C .
: .! . I . Mi' 1 1. wi-til
t a ia . !i ii.v nr
hra.b r. ii. has
!1 . 1
-i Ul
a i -1
a 1 1 i
s.i.iN li.W .
r M 11
r i '
t is i.o is
- v.r. :!.-,r-
to this
'. ,! Mr.
? of hU
a of the
.-I hi
ho w i.
i of the
: i v . ti
j n-
r intt-d
ii i :t V.
1 n, pro .
i t) .
ohanijo for t !.
svi.l r."i-orr.
;.i- i .!
il i th.aiurht to it if ii
v,)io 1:tUo- !.ho"
llo.'.'ovt.r, Uo iri f-tili Vl 1'V .11.
Th-i littlo r.'. ".ri, v. l.o ha- bren
.-ii-r io'i-! v iil for .-'..'r tl d.ij i- rc
riortol a-, beh.-.r iH'.ii ii b tt-r today,
iind it is iboiiriit -Ii
bo up ill a l'-V.' tiaV-.
t n
Hi I
kwk--1 b '--o cn S'lint vv
v. i . ! ho alile to
Tho otth o no 1 coal
back & C'. have be- n
now )i'..-!'!it a olco ap
shod of Wock
ropaiottd mid
..-a ran oo
this mornii-.c toe,;i'i-r n-ittt tto'- an-hi-
t'Tt in ia?crH! d to I iin Molhodisl
obn.-ch. It i- pi-..Tr,i;,'l t: i?et all of
the detail perfected io order that tho
work of creotin:;- tho new buildinj
mny be pushed rapidly when It I"
-.tirt.jd next fprititr. Tr.e projnd will
lie graded nr.d roucy to b'in work.
At the in-t-tinp on faturday of tho 1
':'')!. He was tnji in . toj
i wiitu the ni-'-iil- i.t in'Otirrtd und it wa.-i
necessary tc iirocure a buggy In which
to take him home. He was kicked in
tho side hnd sustained Internal injur
ies. Two years ago be traa kicked in
the vo-y snm p aca and was very
soriously injured two ribs being
broken .
Mr. Minor is a soa in-law to Levi
i i
stockholders of the United M"t'-'a-j ch urchill, a retired farmer of this
Hail Insurance company rca.nutions ci, .. urf1 lvn.ove(j frora ar Murray
wora ad.'ptod and signed by ICO sIock- r lo near Mcp;iU last epringf. Fie leavt-s
hoidor denoureinff tho '.""tio-i of th" ; : , d four children to mourn
ia making too cxor'iJit int a-?- ;
d'n.i- o.
m ;iitof -t er oor.t and j j )..,... a.;d had a !are circle of
to pay Hie aiine. They sa.- thif i- j in ibis v ci nity where he rer-id
thoy iatond to do in tho matur fuP m;tliy y. hating nt oi.t tirne
Mr1, .latnoq Donnelly n:id eh i Id : o n j h.on e.ijploy.d in tLo L5ui li.ilun
ai'iivrd tiorru voMeiuav inoi i.ooi , si.ops.
an oxteiided visit with roiatives and
t'riombi at Wiitertown, Wis. C. il.
Too at r;ia if- mt.-nt s
tiavo ''ill l)coti iu do.
for tho fir
hut t is U-
-d r-
Mooro.wifo and daughter acoomp-iniod ! 3t,,od t! attho -eRiains wili bo l:o.ight
'p-nd the winter hero,
assistant po.stoRlo- in-
hoadquartors at Ht.
hr-i e fo- into- mini.
Oiii'i IMKV.
t l.i rn and will
Mr. Moore is
sji'ctnf with
I.oiiii, Hnd this city will bo more con- Mr. Luicja A. IVo., 3 -u of W
ieni'.'-:t lor him than Watermn. 1 X s.:.d (.oui.c i'o.)!, O.'cd at the homo
i-fiusoNAiJ'aVEviirKN. jof hi- P -onis, two a d one-half mil- s
I -outh oi Mur 'ooi; on Sundaj- mm nin.
.I -j rsarali hArK.'i- a I ,:mh... S. at uVi.n'li. Of h-ni t
va! Noislhlxir
!'. . ii. oo d
i'i' -idid trold.
1 Uum. . . .
John T. Coleman,
Second door Soutli ol Postoftico
)m.ili i today.
Misi lidith 1 'at tor -ton was a visitor
in ):nah;i today.
C .'omtiii-.iioner .ink came in from
U abnsh this morning.
A. I'.. Todd made a business visit to
Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. W. .1. biloand daughter wero
visitors in Oni .ha today.
Calvin .and D niabl Atwo;)d are vis
itii.g relatives id the city.
s. H. A i wood and f .miiy are in the
city to atfcr.d the Ne olI-Atwood wod
lir.g. Mr. Byron Clark and Mrs. A. E
Gas wore Omaha visitors this after
noon. Mir-s Alice L. Uuatou of Lincoln is
iu the city tho puest of Miss Habie II.
A l wood .
Don AtsvooJ came down from Lin
coln thisiiiorning to visit relatives :i
few days.
Al'.ouoy II. D. Travis deputed
this afternoon for (Ireeiey, Colo., on t
bosini -s trip.
L'jo Allison, George Poieal, Frank
and A. N.tka iindu up a party
sve .t to Ouiatia thid fiinrniiig.
II. A C iso, )( -public tii candidate fur
cour.ty soip'.nn. tendon t, vva-. in the city
today interviewing Lis friends.
AmoTig the Oriii.ha visitors this af
ternooa wore: A '.. W hit-.-, - Joe
ICieiu. II. N. Dovcy and A. Clark.
d ud Oin tjo M.Spna'iO'k ar it'd
homo thin inornitig from a v;-ii. with
Mrs ji'irioi k1- - Ola' i ves at Maryvi.b
Miss ('(.-it ItO'lTT, -i.ri-- ;.!rs
A liLfiir! t t ;rd er, tie i rL d linsm miair
for ( 1 n.'Stia m to vir-i t re:at. vc- a few
Mr-. I '.. Drew ret urm-d to her home
in o h ilia t. d iy af't-r a w-fctv' virit
at tVo homo of lu-r sister, Mr-. .1. I '.
Mrs." .1. M. U .bert- cf .South Om .ha
is in the citv and. will rema'n to wii-
r.r-i ti.
.!ano V
of her brother,
intirri tigt
No well.
IT.-s . l"i-.' i:ti d dor. arte 1 this rn. riiM.jf
f ! a thr -o day" trip to Ifasti n s. IT'j
iii ' i a'n! Blair on choroh l-'jshio.-.
Ho :-r nxp'otod to vi-it the Indian
reserve i"n. '.vhlooil the trip.
Mr.-. A. IT. Wookb toh and two nioocs
Mii-ves Clara VVebor Had Ivs Spio
lef. fur Ojgo., T'taii, to v:-it
wiiii tho family f Mrs. L"ti t IT.u s n
no-; Mi-- I. '"a Vc"khacli ) hoy will
a'..-" visit in Denver and Siit Lak . A'
Silt Lake t hoy will visit wi h the f m-
Brotaor- F'ei.i v,,.s ho n ia Di.ilts
moutn of! D c a.o -i- 1 ST 1. a nd from
hi- in f hCV has to -'a a Cfclui keop. r
of the liivi c'.m:ii iadm, iit. with p tmi
ito. He v.'.irt bo:-1. ag 'in six years ago
last April, at finch tija-- he unit.-d
with tht Methodist church a' Walm-h
and has been a f ittifal member ar.d
earnest christian For beveral year
he lieen ru!lerinj', but bore hi
.illlictiou alm'Si with ut a murmur
and, as his teatinc nj- was the Fri
day hefore his pissing away, "Sub
mission to the will of Coi.'1 lining
very ambitious, he zealously strove to
prepare for his life work, yet said but
little of his plans lest they should
fail, and those who hoped with him
should bo disappointed. lie died in
e;roat pain, but there was a most
peaceful expression uoon his face as
ho lay in his lant s.eep. Wo can only
think of him as having gone up to his
reward before u.-, and, looking for
stord to the place of his enj yment as
a kina of inspi; ation, la or faitofully
thai wo may meet him again.
The funeral services wc e conducted
b, U-iv. C. L Myers, his pastor. The
lex i w3 at;!et"c l from tho frtvorito
p-a!ms of the departed the
The oh-: obes were attended by a
largo number of relatives and friends
from ail part-of tho county. The bo
ronve.l are ve. grateful for till the
kirid i .Ti os r.o faithfully ti led by
friends un 1 neighbors.
(. L. Mykrs.
The Epw.-r'h boaeue, B.-ptisi Yoiina'
Peoples' Priam and other kind ni-iii-j
b.irs and friends Who f it n ishod su.j.'i
beautiful ilnsfiiis ivith which to deco
rate the odiurch and casket of our da' -
overland Freighting.
Ltxcoi.x, Oct. 10. At the next
"tinuai m- eiing of the Nebraska State
Ht-torioal s .oiety, which wi 1 bo held
in Lincoln ou the evenings of Jaaua-y
t) hmu 10, .ie whole w ll bo
d. Voted to the urject of ttie old over
ltuj fro h' ba-ine--, 1S4-5 lS'JS When
ti.o jrti;jiain is p-inted il lll be eCtit
toal hiireL hters ".nd elt el3 bo
uiuanwuiie M-nJ tnoir ad t rr-.-s to th --'cii'taiy
;.f lii' rsociety Tii" oppor
tunity to p en . ve inform it oil f i the
-u'.j e of f i iTii i in 'j Is f .-t passing
aw.. h a svho know be-i what
fi'eliih iiiif .1- .nd who can led mot-t
ah.-u' i , .v ion Ij.iijn gi-tv. and
ihcb I'U'u cr i- g tting f? wo.- da ly.
All trt.' tfti e-- ir 'jrjed to bse no
time i a a r Mnt; a .a; Ui.-y can rec 11
f i he d ys a .d e .11 it to the so
C ety. I f r u ion n.-. d n l b in any
-iccial I., in Di i-.o-, notes, circu
.ars, nt;.-p o- rs anvir.i g r -1 tini
to fieijfh i tin ne o .n-.dert?d va;
u ,bl- and v i u a .is acoopled by the
lociciy. In I- i in ii ion is wanted on
-ueh, siibj e - a- fri ight rates, kinds
o' i: iine i, ttiii!j of teamsters.
pi't titr? oi ha ., s. U'. usually large
irains or haui-, time made bv trains.
routes ir;tvt?led, s. aliens, conditions of
road-, arr.ourit of feed and water, oo-
toiete names and expressions used by
freighters, numbers of freighters.
wagons, oxen, etc., and special adven
tures. The names of all the old
freighters are wa.nted, as well as whon
and where they were employed, and
when they died, or where they now
live. The society wants to place in
its fire-proof rooms any oiiotinps and
pictures of freighting scenes and will
bo under obligation to any one send
injj such.
The subject of the o'd roads is of
great importance. All who can are
ask.-d so help locate just where each
of the roads used in freighting1 and
other tralllc cro-sed each cnuntv. If
a few mon m each county will send the
society a tracing of the roads across
their own county, it will be very easy
to record the entire rotd system of
this country as it existed b -fore tho
timo of ailroads and veiioii lines.
It i.- desired thai a I frti liters, who, will aMeaif lilt1 meeting aud talk
mi l- early days
J.w Amos Ha i: i; htt.
As-t Sec. Hnd Librarian.
Tree t;rowiii! Ont f Trot.
A curiosity exists near the lied Rluft
Primitive Baptist church in Ware
county, Georgia. It is a mammoth
ling oov, una as-i-t.-d its so faithfu lv ' mulberry tree and the heart has Ions
during' his hast sickness ud death, ' la rotted' Ut f th" hVart of the
will ever lo held in grai- fal rom-m-bi-a
no-j, a nd maj'fiol in his wisdom
direct i he: al to flat heaven of re-l
v.'heie sorrow i- nov -r known.
v m. II Poor, and Family
mulberry grow a cherry and a peach
tree, both of widen are eight inches In
j tllameter. They grow to a point ten
j feet above the ground. All three of
the trees arc alive and bear fruit every
i year.
The "Iinstrt'l .Till nv.
Tho Pi. a Us mouth Min-trel company
Mjjoing to t-ive i ; s i nitia i p -i foiin;ttice
in Tiiiird:iy i il Fi id.iv evenings of
thisweli. Tho Cie.n pa ny is made Up
of the he-' talent in fee city an I the
p rfo- inaiu'e wil undoubtedly ' -ome-thi:-,-
aliovo tt.o aveiag". Tii- pn
oi-'ds will be fn,. the b nefit f 'he
pubiic :ibr y .ii;d tho Ii &, M. b n.d.
... . .. rt t
! loss oi appeute. naiu-
leney a d n usea itr all tunected
with dy-p isia ...d indieestion. Iler-bim-
w;l yivo p omut elief. Price 50
ten's. F G. I V-cko & Co.
H -vo Te.fer iV Si.eppa-d do your
f r. ! nun e e'eaning. S a t -f ao' ion
) rantenl. X as; t to! -phono 79. Cjlrlutr Plat-n t.i Sh-h,
Sue li.tfi almo.-t sapor.-! a-jj :
tic: ma nuf actur" of pipe and
L'a '
aJ-enVic ge-, jr.
op ;n
, nnMl it is estimated nlin-i p.-f i
j cent i:f the eruiie product of Up mnn..
i try is now made of steel. Up to a fw :
a Lre Tr.iBfr. j years ao wronqht iron was used l-i
C C. Farmeio today purch i.-ed the J retOht exclusively. The lap-web: j dr.t
vi.iiy Taylor farm, situated two and j proved a rerious objection, at, 1 !!,-?'
re ln:f mil - south'.v st of town. Tr.e elianse to stctl has been rapid a,d
. . I r-fini rt i- s S5f cr.1 ulna ! r.i f.... 1.
.-act comprises -in ) acres ana tfle : --f" .., cuwu,;n, ra.
v. as i'.o pei- no re mfittng tiie
a you sv nt lo -tiioi- a 10-Cent
v ' f . A"uri'-"Si.ver t roath"
me: j .an tin i it ter
! longer lif, aud is less liable to corr-j-
iai l-v'iiej sum ol
int ! traded his re-idencein the Third
.GOO. Mr."Par- I .U?' ,S Cn hi' t
i-u- , c?0'e ir.aiihtry to become revolut!or,iz'j
d on the. deal at J 1.O00.
Tho Ta.-
in the
lor farm is one of tiie hict
eoiiiity, being well improved.
(a--county firms had ready t..-tlo at
the top price.
firm is having (iirT.cti.ty in securing
enough coal to supply the demand.
There, was a union meeting of the
F.pworth Lcauue a-ul Christ!!) Fn
de.Vvor sooiiitv at the Prer-hy terian
-CirGroh la-t evening. Miss Olive Gass
was the leader aid the meeting was a
verv in t'liiab'.o and int -re-ling one.
Next Tuur.-day lTattstnoutii will
hold a one-day's .-liootir.g tournament,
jyi "which sonio of the h.iaha hoy.- will
bo in attend T. M. Patterson is
promt. tor i f tiie meet, which is a suili
cient guars ateo that all will have fair
jilay and sp'endid time. Sunday Bee.
Wiliiani Mormw hns sold the
Vietira i ti ei y to .1. L Alien of Dim
lao, la, who toc'.i t os-ea-ion today.
Mr. Allen ecioe well rr-coio mended
!is a baker. Mr. 'Morrow
has rotnovc.l his household effects to
the rooms on the Second !b tr ofihe
I it for m Knit;.
If at any time your appetite -hould
call for something e-itra fine in tho
line of cheese you can lir.d it at. Weck-bac'-i
Cu's. This firm is always on
the alert to iiud somethiiig nice for
their ciistcmrs und now have the
i . . - . i . . i: r i.
The largesi variety ano oest. iius oi t-uuesu
evei frhown in the city. In fact this
is the only store where all of the fol
lowing can be found:
S .visr, choeso.
F.dam cheese.
Pine Apple cheese.
Noufehatel cheese.
Lin-.herger cheese.
Brick cheer-e. " ,
N'ev York cheese.
S ; p rn go cheese.
Tu') Hou-o cheese.
Fromage de C membert.
lirpor'ed S ddella cheese.
Also t'.e following delicacies:
C -lves' head in vinegar.
Hamburg eel in jelly.
Apara?us lips.
Vhi;e House sa'mon
I'Or all IrtHl CUl- or wOUr its id
I either the human subject or in pq
imals, us a dres-insf, Btllnrd's Snow
...... i jjlllMUbiib Avi.uv hi. " ii nt- ioi DPiua
1'Ttler-OTi i a'.;, i iu:i ar.ii ..lain . ,. ,
J,llll-r on working horses, especially if slow
trCt t- i to heal, or stippuring, its healing
A flight Ka.o at a resort in the equalities are uneq m ed Price, and
north part of town cimWi tl.e alarm -eo cts F. (. Fricko V Co
pnd pipp rorma a leading article in ton
najta of the 6teel in.ltt3tvy in this coun
try and foreign ciorkts
l.- V. C Deir, d.-etisr, -Itl'l 4b',
M ( hl'iio r,ni di'ig. -.r-rlivr. -t coi ner
of Fittfonth ar.d Dodge -it,. i.Om ha.
t ;.i v -ir 4- i- c-
X- la T.eaaue VV.tli the Powerful
i he I '-ass of M .iiair.ined
Ttie I'iin e of the ii ui.o of Daid
A Star la a it son
Wit Vr- s:ler of Phil pri
i en Nights-' in a i'.ar-r.iom
ik'Mide the .oiiiiit: lirinr Bush
ny of the above Cn ft
for Jb ft
pAvi'.l Harum now ft
The Coal Office and Sheds
Of B B
Have been removed to SECOND and
MAIN STREETS. Orders for
g COJlL, -
Will receive PROMPT Attention.
Here are some of the grades they handle:
rej ihj ihj rsj a raii.HJ ra &
tow Mrs. Blackwetl Catoa luto Poe
tua of th City of David.
Koi long ago the Cheiokeetj Jwa In
Indian territory fcegan a suit againt
some pa'.e f.ce tie tyassers and the re
sult hss beer, that Mrs. Roaa B'ack
vfll h3 h'-a declared owner cr a
thriving city cm the St. Louis and Sau
Francisco road. This makes another
step in an interesting set of circum
stances, ard vra? th? only Tray of
rertiES aimed conflict and much
Woodshed. Three years aso the town
of David was laid out by surveyors
from Wichita. At that time Col. An
drew Jarkson Blackwell, whose wife
has some Cherokee blood In her veins,
had about 4,0y0 acres utder fence.
Cherokee law does not permit Individ
ual ownership of land, all of which be
longs to the community. Any citbten
may cultivate as much as he can rent
or fence, and when the surveyors ar
rived Col. Blackwell saw a chance tc
make money by having the town locat
ed on the land he had fenced. Thla
he succeeded In doinR. after which he
and his wife toured" Kansas and Ok
lahoma, Inducing people to go there
and settle. I.of.s were sold to them
for each. Before ions; he had sev
eral hundred people there. The In
dians did not offer any objection to
the arrival of all these strangers, but
tho incursion did not please them any
too well. One nirht after ti number
cf houses had been built the settlers
were alarmed to hear war vhoop3 in
tho near-by timber. Mrs. Blackwell
suspected that tho Chorokees were
coming to drive the whites away, per
haps to slaughter them. She hurried
out to meet the angry redskins, and
pfter much parley induced them to
forego for a time their bloody purpose.
The Indians retired for a time, but fin
ally said they were not to be stopped,
and that the trespassers must leave at
once. This was impossible, of course,
and Col. Blackwell offered to suffer if
any crime had been committed. He
was reminded that death was the pen
alty for selling land to the whites as
he had done. The colonel was taken
to Claremore, where a council of In
dians condemned him to be shot. His
wife managed to set him at liberty, and
he Is now a fugitive from Indian ter
ritory. Meantime more settlers lo
cated at David, until about 1.000 whites
were living there. Then the Indians
brought suit for trespass against them,
intrusion on such lands being a viola
tion of both federal and Indian law.
Judge Springer declared against the
whites and threatened to confiscate
their property. Thoy at once had it
transferred into Mrs. Blackwell's name
the Cherokees agreeing to this, as she
had Indian blood in her veins. She
now has the rightful ownership to ev
erything in the city of David, a thriv
ing town of over 1,000 inhabitants.witu.
every regulation of a city. She appre
ciates the kindness of the whites in the
past, however, and no rent is charged,
nd everything moves on as before.
.... That i3 is gooi
as an insurance policy, inasmuch a?
B. Kuppeaheimer & Co. stand back
of an agreement to make good any
garment that fails to withstand reason
able wear and tear. The famous
has no peer outside of extravagantly
priced made-to-measure
called cheap tailoring doesn't count
at a!L
This Garment Guarantor d by the .Makers
This is the Label.
A Full Range
Now on Display.
v . H tr! Vl VK1
. E. lescoto & son
We Are en the Corner.
lln;-t in tjiiantitr. B.tln
For 20 Years Has Led a:J Worm ileiv.zdksAWli
F. G. FR1CKE & CO.
(( 18. j
Cromw til's Watch.
A relic especially interesting to Free
Churchmen is at present in England,
in the shape of Oliver Cromwell's
watch. It is the shape and size f a
small hen's egg. with an engraving of
Worcester on the dial. The watch ws
exhibited in the great exhibition t
1851, where it attracted great atten
tion, being referred, to in The Times:
and all the leading papers. It is at ,
present the property of an old lady in J
Vow 'Aialnnrt am! la ohm it to hp offer- i
ed for sale. The watch and chain of MerC.Tant TaJlOT,
Cromwell's son-in-law. Gen. Ireton. j
are in the possession of a London Con- j .
gregauonai minister, iue iiev. r irui-
ing Williams. London Telegraph.
LAST FEW tnt-ons wo always in ado
arr tiiycments with wool n housos
so wo could otTer suits at reat reduc
tion. NVo have jusi completed tho
same this season, and now wo aro ablo
to offer .uits of clothe for next thirty
days from IS up overcoats and troup
ers in proportion, and we dihIch them
upright for wo do no othj but first
l;t-s wurk, and you know it. Call and
seo the larjre asso tment in woolens.
Cleftninj? and repairing. Plattsmouth
telephone No. "ti.
Leonard Block.
1llirt' Keietige.
"A good story is told in Paris of Gen.
Callifet," says the New York Tribune.
"The first appearance of the Yfalrfeck
Rousseau ministry before the chamber
of deputies, as is well known, was the
occasion of an unusually stormy ses
sion. Most of the attacks were made
against the war minister. G'alllfet, who
was not to speak, sat quietly 5n the
ministerial bench. Every now and
then he inquired of a colleague the j
names of the most violent speakers,
which he at once jotted down. 'What
are you doing?' one of the ministers
asked him. 'Just what you see,' an
swered Gallifet, 'taking these fellows'
names down. 'What for? To have
them shot, I suppose.' 'No, to invite
them to supper was Galllfet's quick
Wanted Salesmen for lubricating
oils and greases, paints, varnishes nd
specialties. Complete line; very lib
eral terms. The Detroit Refining Co ,
Detroit, Mich.
wil. euro Han't. IJli-cd.tu und It hiug' Itles It absorb the
turn. Ts, inlays the ii..-!inij nt out-o, acts as a poultice, frivns
instant relief. prepartHl mily for Piles and Itching of tte
private parts. Every box is warranted. Judge Coons, of
Maysville. ICy , siys: " Br. Williams' Indian Pile Olnt
meiit cured me af Nr ears of suffering." Sold by drug-gluts
seat by mail on receipt of price. Du oenta and f LOW per oox.
Gering & Co., Druggists.
Probate Notice.
la County Court ut Cass county, Nebraska.
Ia the matter of the guardianship oi Percy AV..
Kaihcrine. Sailie M. and Marjorie Agnew.
minor hi-irs of William J A (new. deceased.
To Percy W.. Katherine, Sallie M. and Mar
jorie Agnew. and all other persons interested in
said matter, are hereby notified that on the 10th
day of October. 199. s. A. Davla hied petitton
in said county court praying that his account as
guardian of said minor heirs of V lliam J. Ag
new, deceased, filed in said cause, be approved
and allowed, and that he and his bondsman be
discharged from any and all further liability on
account of said guardianship, and that he be
discharged as guardian of said minors, and some
suitable person be appointed in his place as
guardian: and that if you fall to appear before
said court on the loth day of November. A. I).
1SW. at 10 o'clock. A. M.. and rontest said peti
tion, the court may grant the praver of said pe
tition and make such other and further orders,
allowance and decrees as to this court may seem
proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to
said guardianship of S. A. Davis may be finally
settled and determined.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this the 17th day of
October. A. D. 1893.
George M. Spl-rlock.
(Seal) County Judge.
First publicationOct. IT. 18$9.
Probate Notice.
In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska,
in the matter of the estate of Casper Borun-.ann.
deceased. -
Charles Qornmann. Anna Kraft. Augusta
Klatt. John Bornniann. Herman Bornmann.
Minnie bornmann, Emma Sherman. Louisa
Lenhard. and all other persons interested
in said matter are hereby notified that on
the 13th day of October. A. D. IHrt). Fred Born
mann tiled a petition In said county court pray
ing that his final account of the administration
of said estate hied herein be settled and al
lowed and that be be discharged from his trust
as executor, and tnat the residue of the estate
remaining in his hands be assigned to such per
sons as are by law entitled thereto: and that it
you fail to appear before said court on the "th
day of November. A- D. lStt. at II o'clock a. m.
and contest said petition, the court may grant
the prayer of said petition, and make such other
and further orders, allowances and decrees as to
thii court may seem proper, to the end tha' all ;
matters pertaining to said estate may be finally
settled and determined.
WiTSKst m v hand and the seal of satd court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this the lTth day of
October, A. U. 1S99.
(Sea!) County Judge.
First publication October 17, 198.
A Few More of Those
Iron Beds Left..
With Mattress
and Springs
Beautiful Line of Bookcases..
Ju-t received Cume in nd pi ice 'em. ...An elegaot An
iqu0 k Sid bnrd i?oe- for ?lo for the next thin. day
Tnis is a ra't- in aai' ana cannot tie aup lcnicn anytrner
Those Oak Rockers at $1.75...
Are BARGAINS which ev y-.n.- lases hold nf i.ho seeS,
them.. . .
The Furniture Man and Undertaker V,'
i i
i (-ii
r j
Zuckweiler & Lutz
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they'carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Plattsmouth. Neb
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets.