Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 29, 1899, Image 2

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    Business ami I'nfeioiiiil
J. I. Unnili if. B. tlsiet
I i-.l il l i II
;uid ....
kmiiai.m 1:1:
ll'.l .Main .-..
Snyder l Co
Waterman block.
I 'rum
I Ica'onablo,
( oiirantecd.
Jewelers I u-.amng
.mil .... i i
Opticians IJlTSSIIIil tu I .
...,i,t I., i i!m-
( '. ir tM r
S i I 1 1 a imI M ai 11
I 'iallmiiiil li, N'i-1) ; . I'njon hit ek
FIRST j Ails i i n r 1 1 ...
National Bank ! Bottling
I I-1. ' Kjrrn herger,
I at t r-mon t li , N'rli : j'iMii n ioi . tnicr
M i nrn I a i: il
Soda Waters.
;.n. .ill kai.'s
lb in!.-;.
ii i . I Hi' I ; .1 if !
i I . ! ,i;i:t :.nd
i; a m
l, . ii.-ck
ro now in .
A Fir.o display of
Pattern Hats in a
few days.
llrs. liankiii
I l. iVi :n
I'KllSlI ami
s. i , r
, ;-.i. .
(iic- :-ic-! anil
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Seventh sts.
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Sl-.l.l s
Pens, Ink
IK-.i!i-i in
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Anheuser- IJuseli
llrcvvinir As'n.
The News.
.... I'AYS ....
.... t ii ... .
Sixth and
l'earl streets.
w r V MUM wanted to travel anil
I AD I or MAN af mt
Li til i hi 1 1 1 siahiry an. I all expenses, icfjlcr
to.. I in Moiion Uiilji. C'liicai).
liafyS- CTiNever i'aila to Mentore Gray
l-JV I. -" -"T H.ur 10 lit i uiiiu.u. . V
VVvVf-"- 5u.-, !!? I ""at UniKgnU
Commission Brokers
Wear Com. Co., Correspondents.
Direct Private Wire to Chicago.
Over Atwood's Drug Store,
All Orders Promptly Executed.
Hattsmouth Tel.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
cans H is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
cantnproachit in efficiency. It in
c?fnt Pv relieves and permanently cures
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
... BY THR . . .
I MARSHALL. Iiih.iiu' M;,n.:r.
Ono Year, in ad vanco, ..... .":(
Six Months, 'i f0
One Week 10
Single Copies, 6
Ono Tear, in advance I! 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
The ropublieans have I he fu-ionlsts
on the run that is a euro tiling
Till', city eonneil is a poor plnee to
pay politieal debt?, but iho 'ooy will
do il.
Iliil.AN'lin Ti I I- J' has been rho.seJi
chairman of the rt;publ iean stale een
I rnl eoimuittee.
DID you notieo the lare i hunUs of
harmony whieh hovered about the i- convention hall?
Fi:M present indie-ilions the iopub
lie in tlcKCt will In- elected froiii lop to
bottom. 1 1 made up of strop; men
who a,-e fully capable of tilling the
o Mi ees.
I'NDKK ordinary circnristan ; Dr.
Wallace makes a (rood cliaii man, but
he ivas unabbi to preserve order at
Wednesday's convention. That was
beyond human power.
Tin: Colorado newspaper man who
named his paper the Hammer, it is
noedless to state, is a popocrat and
will proceed to knock against pn,s
pcrity and anything tbnt is rirht.
.Iim mailo a motion and it. was
promptly seconded by .lolin. And
presently John made a motion and it
was promptly seconded by . Iim. And
there you have it ail the way throufrh
the session of the council.
'fliKKK wa9 a whole iot of harmony
preached in IMattf mouth yesterday,
but the fact remains that thero nre
many Bore people over the result of
the con vontion and they will not for
ret it before election day.
Tiirrk is overy nssuranco of a most
vigorous campaign in the Phiiippinee.
Troops nre being- rnninly rushed for
ward, and before m ny months the
friends of Gooro Washington Apuin
aldo will bo lookinr for another job
than tryinfr to encoutajre an en my of
their country.
The democratic paity is like some
soured old nurse who to frighten
children to make them mind tolls
them of bugaboos. The present
spectre is the secret allinnce young
Mr. Bailey, of Texas, says w5 have
with Kngland. If lie continues he
will fricrhten himself.
The islands which hiwe recently
I'oma under control of the ITnitud
States were annvully importing over
$100,00(1,00(1 worth of goods. Of this
amount wo wr-re furnishing' less than
IS per cent. The commercial advan
tage to the United Slates is quite ap
parent, as wo will now secure the
greater part of this trade.
Watkusox says anti-hnpe: iilUm
me ins defeat to the democratic party.
Uelmont w ints free silver dropped.
Gorman is not much on trust;-; Mor
gan is an irnporalisl on a grand scale;
NeLean and Carter Harrison can get
alonir without the 1(5 to 1 remedy. To
satisfy them all Colonel Bryan will
have to be a skillful contortionist. Or
perhaps he has studied tho occult
sciences in India, and is ready like the
fakirs of that country to make people
hear each what he wishes and "ce
what is not there.
Las t season's outcry against canned
beef doc3 not soem to have been con
sidered as particularly serioin by our
foreign friends, who are steadily in
creasing their demands upon tho
I'nitcd States for this and other lines
of American provisions. The July
statement of exports from tho United
States shows an increase in tho expor
tation of canned beef, while the Aug
ust statement of exports shows that
the exports of provisions in tho eight
months ended August, 1899, nre
larger than the corresponding- month
of any previous yea r, being $il2.42R.
50!) in tho oight months just et;ded,
against Hi), SI 3,200 in the first eight
months of 1S9S, $77,720,405 in the cor
responding months of 1S97, and $73,
12G,."70 in the first eight months of
Chaplain Mailley, of tho fighting
First Nebraska, said in a speech be
fore the republican state convention:
"I am no poitician, I'm a preacher. I
never voted the republican ticket in
my life. In time of peace I'm for the'
administration when it's right. In
time of peace I'm against tho admin
istration when it's wrong. Iu time of
war when tho old lias has been fired
upon I'm for the administration, right
or wrong. I have followed the old
flag over tho rico fields of Luzon with
the best regiment Uncle Sam sent to
to the front, and I propose to follow it
here. Thero was never a time whon
the republican party bad o groat an
obligation resting on it as it has at
this time. The Issue of thl contest
will not bo tttld in the Philippines,
but right here nt the ballot box. And
I have come her? to vote as I shot."
Yil. 1 Schneider, whose alleged
letter was the strongest pleco of evi
dence against Dreyfus in the Itannes
trial, has b en removed from the Aus-tro-HuD?arian
military attacheshlp
In Paris nnd BruSf;ls for his connec
tion in the case.
Oovernor .Johnson of Alabama has
ijrrantod parole Ut a negro imprisonoii
'for htealing- chickens, on condition
that he shall not steal, buy or cat a
chicken or any portion thereof for
twelve mouths The negro thinks the
conditions "pow'ful hard.''
Tho Korean woman is so littlo ea
teomed that she has not even a name.
In childhood nhe has a nickname bo
stowed upon hor, by which sho is
! known to her family and intimate
friend?, but after sho arrives at ma
turity she ia called thus only by her
parents. To the rest of tho world sho
is simply "ide daughter" or "the sis
ter" of So-and-So.
Admiral Montojo, who commanded
tho SpanUh naval forces in the battlo
of Manila bay, and" vho has been on
trial before tho tsupremo court at
Madrid, has been condemned to retire
ment without the right of promotion
Finley Petci- Dunne, author of the
"Doolcy P.ipers, " has created a new
character quite as original and humor
ous as tho frish philosopher that car
ried him al a bound into the first rank
of Amci'kjin humorists. This new
pcrsonago is a neighbor of-Mr. Doolcy.
Sho is an Irish-American, lives on
Archey Ilond, and her name is Molly
Donahue. Molly, though humble, has
aspir-itions. She wants to join
women's clubs and ont r "h gh-ti nod"
sreiety. Thoso desires creaie dissen
sion in her famil3 and Mr. Dooley, be
ing1 a near neighbor and a cood friend,
is frequently called upon to sottU the
differences in the Donahue household,
which ho does in his own wuj an ex
coed ingly funny way it is. Molly Don
nhuo will be introduced to the public
through the Ladies' Home Journal,
nnd will be met with for several
months in tho pagos of that magazine
Jt is asserted thai, liquor air has
twenty times the explosive force of
dynamite. During experiments at
Vionna, in the firing of cannon, tho
liquor air was exploded by an olectric
spark, and the results were extremely
satisfactory. No heat was developed
in the guns, and tho rango of tho pro
jectiles was much increased.
An odd contrivance is used in China
to protect the carrier pigeons from
the attacks cf birds of prey. Tiny
bamboo tubes are fastened under their
wings, and as they fly the air passing
swift'y through the tubes makes n
shrill whistle, which serves to frighten
oh" the other birds.
Nearly one third of tho surface of
Newfoundland is covered with fresh
water, mostly in tho form of laUes.
Tho chief enemies of bicyclists in
Indta are the mosquitoes, which not
oaiy bito the riders, but actually bito
th i ongh the tires.
One of the oldest cannon in exist
enco has just been li?hed out of the
bottom of the Kiver Thnmes, nenr
Twickenham. This archaic cannon is
twenty -eight, inches in diameter, be
ing niado of birs or iron, strengthened
with hoops of , the s;imo metal welded
County Treasurer J. L. BARTON
District Clerk G. F. IIOUSEWORTH
County Juctpe J- E. DOUGLAS
Shcrill T. K. WILLIAMS
County Superintendent RUBER ' CASK
Coroner P. P. GASS
Surveyor E. K. HILTON
Commissioner. SeconJ District J. H. DAVIS
For K?nt About thirty acres of
land for wheat or rye. Inquire at
William Morrow's bakery.
In physics am natural history there
are opportunities to direct and con
trol the out-of-school activities ot
young people of which the enthusias
tic teacher of science is not slow to
avail himself. In describing the in
genuity of boys, a writer in the At
lantic Monthly gives the following:
One of the most astonishing facts of
the time is the ingenuity of boys in
constructing electrical apparatus, with
but a few hints and out of the most
meager material. ' I know boys who
have belt linea of electric tramways
clrculatiaj iu their garrets, and a
boy who, last year, was the despair
of his teachers, now deserved recog
nition in the manual training exhibit
as the clever Inventor of a mo3t in
genious electrical boat. An Invitation
to boys to bring to school products ot
their own ingenuity or the natural
hlitory specimens that they have col
lected will result in an exhibition
which, in variety and quality, will be
a revelation to one who is not used to
following them In these Interests.
Tj. Ii. Egenbergor has just received
100 dozen children's bicycle hose
which will fro at 17 cents a pair reg
ular 25-cent goods.
To the Public:
I wish to announce that I have se
cured the services of C. E. Sbumway,a
first-class tinner, and am now pre
pared to do all kinds of tin work in n
satisfactory manner.
John R cox.
10 il
fldrrjiral Says American Sailors
Have No Superiors Iq Navies
of the World.
Is Not a Carjdidate and Does Not
Want to Mix Up In tbc flf
falrs of Government.
New VotMC, S-pt. 20. Tho Evening
Post prints tho following interview
with Admiial Dowey:
'They are w splendid lot," tho ad
miral said, --pe iking of his men, "tho
vory pick: tho limst in our navy, and
that means tho tot in tho world. Do
fore I got to Manila tho
with whom I afterw rd beoarn very
Intimate, tiie Ametic n sailo s
were tho scum of tho earth, blood-
thir-tv lot of eutt uoals, who would
destroy anj-thiiii; in their pith Later
on, when I did get I bore," said the ad
miral with a knowing smile, "tho
archbishop e.ime on I) -ard one day
while 1 had a h.ttttlio i nt drill, tho
very flame oattalion that win parade
in Now York. The ai ehbi.iijop wont
on tho bridge and watched them
ciosoly. 1 knew ho was admiring
them and 1 said to i im: 'Well, what
do 3'ou think of our American sailors?'
'They are splendid,' lio said: 'I liave
seen the men of mosi nv.e?,but ntver
anything like these. They ate mag
nificent: I cannot understand it such
splendid young follows. How does it
happen V
"v ell," said the admiral, "wo look
for tho bet men, we come closer to
our men, wo treat ttiem bitter tnau
other couutrios and we pay th m bet
"Then I c tiled a man and aid to
him: 'How much do jou get a mo th'r'
"Ho !-aluted and said, 'Eighty dol
lars, sir.' Tho achbishop was aston
ished. You know $8U would pay
whole shipload of Spaniards. After
that tho archbishop had a very great
respect for us aud became very
"Il re I have a picture of G-jncral
Luin which was given to mo by the
arch bisuou. "
The admiral then sent an orderly
for the picture of the Philippine gen
eral who was "murdered by order of
Aguinaldo," as ho said The picture
was that of a negro in a Fort of mili
tary uniform. On tho back was an in
scription in Spanish to tho archbishop
of Manila, Father Bernardino Me
salado. .It was signed by Luna. Ad
miral Dewey then said Luna was the
best man tho Fi.ipinos had.
Filipinos Oueer Lot.
"It was a plot," ho s i id, "to assas
sinate him. A crack swordsman was
placed as sentry and when Luna ap
peared ho simply slabbed him. But
these fellows all," said the admiral,
"are a queer let. Thty wcro simply
servants and stablemen ar.d Aguinaldo
was a junior clerk in the navy yard.
Ho is a prettj smart fellow. I know
him pretty we. I: in fact, wo were great
friend-, and as a matter of fact he has
ngt tho brains. The-e are peop-.e bo
bind him, some of them lawyers acd
able fellows, ho make a tool of Ag
uinaldo. Here, by I've w::y, is a cane
which l.e presented to me," ami the
admiral prod need a thick bl .ck click,
carved nnd resen'ib'ing ():-isrt dog oak
more than anything- e!f-e.
"I thought," said tno aJmiral, "th it
this thing in tho Philippines would be
over before this, as it shouid have
been. I can't imagine how lhey have
stood out until now. Of course, there
was the rainy season, and I suppose
little was-done. One groat trouble
out thero lias been that General Otis
has tried to do too much. I told him
so. lie wants to be. general, governor,
ju ige and everything o so and have
hold of the irons. No man cau do
that. This is the great trouoie. It is
nough for a man to do one tiling, to
be one thing, but when a man tries to
do everything it is easy to imagine
the result.
"The fight in the Pudi opines should j
be easil5" endtd. Tne people have
been so oadly treated for btich a
eogth of time by the Spiniarda that
they are distrustful. This is the great
difficulty iu doaling with thom. Where
we h ivo met them and they have been
in such contact with us rs to learn
that we mean to treat them woll;
where they hvo seen th t we mean
what wo say, thero ii no trouble. They
stand by us all the time. All of them
will learn this in time. They will get
from under the ii iluecce of Aguinaido,
or rather t'jose people who are behind
Aguinaldo, who, as I said before, is a
mere tool .
"D.i I think tho Filipinos are fit for
self-govern me uty
"Well, no; not just now; they prob
ably will be in a very little time. Tney
a e very queer people a very queer
mixture. M ny of them aro quite
civil iz 3d and good ucopie, hut I do not
think they are tit for -elf eovernment
just yet. But w h n I say that, I must
add at the same time that it is my
candid opinion that thy are m re
fitted for it than th Cubans,? hat they
are a hotter people th vn tho Cubans in
every wv. I do wish, however, that
the whole busincas was settled, and I
think that after a little the Filipinos
will take kindly lo us "
Dewey Not a Stfttemiiiin.
It was suggested to the admiral
that the democratic slate had been
settled wiuh Admiral D-weyfor the
presidency and General Wheeler for
the vice presidency
"Well," jaid the admiral, "wo
should make a pretty mess of it. Gen
eral Wheeler, of course, has had some
trainiog in the political school, but
iht-n he is a West" Pointer I had for
gotten that, die would want to run
everything aa bo would a regiment
nnd, of course, would raako a splendid
moBS of it. You canuot run a govern
ment as you would a regiment."
"Well, ndmlral," nuggeMted tho re
porter, "it would not be. -ueh n chnnge
from tho ship Olymp a to the hip of
"Ye," said tho admiral, "it would
bo n very great change. I am not a
politician, f am a Miilor, my training
has boon all that way. I uni at homo
on my ship. I know my business, or
at least nhould know it, and I do not
want to mix up In the affairs of the
government. I am perfectly satisfied
to llvo and dlo a simple sailor who
tries to do his duty. I am not a poli
tician, I cannot make a speech oven; i
wish I could, but I have to bo con
tented with rnj lot."
Some ono said just ihen to tho ad-
mirul that bis son win reported to
n vo made a statement to tho effect
that his father was a uyed-in-the-wool
Tho admiral laughed outright and
pointed to a piece of wood laying on
tho deck some yards Htvay, at tho
same timo saying: "My son knows as
much about what ni' politics nre as
that siit k."
The admiral would not Fay a word
about tho alleged interference of tho
G rman admiral, D.eder chs, at
Suattorn St Olllrrn. -DEN'VKR,
Colo . Sept. t(i A Bpecial
to tho Nog from Trinidad, Colo., says:
A committee from the squattors on
tho Maxwell land grant in Colorado
today met tho posse of deputy United
States marshals sent from Denver to
evict them from the lands they have
occupied at tho mouth ef Stonewall
The officers were informed that two
or three of their number could proceed
and servo the writs of ojectment, but
tho posseo must go no further. The
settlers arc organized and well armed
and apparently mean business.
The deputies have camped where
thov wero stopped and aro awaiting
instructions from the tnarehal'fj office
in Denver.
Din. IlMppoints Chicago.
Wasiuxotox, Sept 0. The Mexi
can amba-sador, Senor A z pi rove, has
received a dispatch from the secre
tary of stato of Mexico confirming tho
pross advices to the effect that Presi
dent Diaz will not attend tho coming
celebration al Chicago October fl and
that tho secretary of st'tto will go as
his reprosentati vc.
Tho state department also received
tho following telegram from United
States Alinister Clayton at the City of
"President will not visit Chicago.
Minister of foreign affairs goes in
stead." '
There's always hope while there's
Oue Minute Cough Cure. "An nttack
of pneumonia left my lungs in bad
shapo and I was near the first stRtres
of consumption. One Minute Cough
Cure completely cured me," writes
Helen Mcllenry, Bismark, N. D.
Gives instant relief. F. G. Fricke&Co.
Explorer timon' Katat.
"Finanzea Nanen," as th Norw
fian satirists nickaame the famoui r
plorer. ha not fulfllled their predictioa.
He has settled down as a Norwegian
squire and sportsman. His possess
ions, which cost a considerable sum,
lie on the borders of Telemarken, to
the south of the well-known Lynkopf,
one of the highest summits of the dis
trict, lie Is the owner of the Sorkichn
hotel, which was built some years ago
for the summer tourists, but will now
become his private residence. He also
acquired all the surrounding farms, and
the fields along the shore of the Sorkje
river, his patents for the right of hunt
ing and fishing in the Numedal being
taken out for 25 years.
For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, sltin
diseases and all irritating eruptions,
nothing eo soothing and healing as De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. Emma
Bolles, Matron Englewood NurBury,
Chicago, says of it: "When all else
fails in healiDg our babies, it will
cure." F. G. Fricke & Co.
The S.nn(b Whtc:: Calle l to Cliurch la
Oldau Times.
Before the time of bells various in
struments were used to summon con
gregations to worship. In Egypt they
are said to have followed a Jewish
custom In using a trumpet. m In some
Oriental churclies a kind of rattle
gave the signal. In monasteries monks
took It in turns to go round the cells
calling the inmates to their devotions
by knocking with a hammer, which
was called the "awakening instru
ment." Bells of one kind or another
are, however, of very great antiquity,
having been used in religious cere
monies by many" of the ancient nations
as a means of honoring their gods and
summoning them to the feasts. For
example, the fra--t of Osiris and Isis
waa always announced by be' Is. Fi.ny
says that bells were in- use lone be
fore his time, being called "Tin tin
nabula." The use of small bells
(nolae) in England, tr.ys. of
Malmesbury, may be traced Lick cs .'a;
as th fifth century, and it is clear
from Bede that eveii those of the larg
est kliid (campanae), such as sounded
in the air and called a numerous con
gregation to divine service, were em
ployed in England as early as the year
680, being that iu which the Abbot
Hilda lc3.
For Silo A Remington typewriter,
No. 2. Is in good repair and has been
used but little. Inquire at the oUcc
of C S. Polk.
Wanted Salesmen for lubricating
oils and greases, paints, varnishes nnd
specialties. Complete line; very lib
eral terms. Tho Detroit BefiningCo.,
Detroit, Mich.
Fon Sale on Rent Storo room
and dwelling combined, 34x58 feet,
known as the T. V. Davis store, in
Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmunds,
Murray, Neb.
I J'
A Thousand Tonnucs
Could ni OXDIO-fl the rati''.!"
Annie E. Springer, of 112 11 .. . -
Philadelphia, Pa., when -li f
that Dr. King's N vv Dim overv for
Consumption haM completely cm i
her of a hacking cough thai ln- m ny
years had mndo life a burden. A I i
other remodles and doctors could give
her no help, but sho says of this I ;iyal
Cure "it soon removed the taiu in n..v
chest and I can now sloop soiinuly,
something I can scarcely r member
doing bofore. I fool like soutniin in
praises throughout the universe." So
will every ono who tries Dr Kin r -
Now Discovery 'or any trouble of ihe
throat, client t lungs. Price .V'e. ami
$1.00. Trial hot Hot freo at F.
Fricko A' (Jo's, drug store: every
bottlo guaranteed. "
Spain I.t Colon! Link In
The day the Spanish Coi l. : .
bled in extraordinary sessi.o. . ,
the protocol of peace, the jvni i
received the reply of General .ia-i
temporary governor of tin- 1 !i i
islands, to Us request for i::i.
concerning the true situation
fairs In the archipelago. Tii
emor reported, in effect, tint it
the re-pstabllshment of Sj.ahi
relguty over the island? wo:,
quire a permanent army
men, a fUet aad endlest? rp;:. ;
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a sriontilic
compound having tho eiidoiem of
eminent physicians and tho ui'-'l c I
pres. It "digests what you r:it" m1
toittvely cures dvspepsii. M.
Keiron, Bloominydale. Tenu., -as it
enrod him of lndi sti n of ten ye-irs'
standing. F. G. Friewe & 'o.
A Knohlonable Oml,.
One of the most delightful nv, .uc
tor a woman's deu la a delft desk,
is a rather small affair of white f ,k, .
el. decorated in blue. White (!:
painted by hand in water color? r.
oils are also a novelty. For a wr.
and blue boudoir nothing is more fa.-,
ionable than a little immaculate .
inei artistically bouqueted with bun.
es of blue violets and forget-me-.i.v
These desks have but one drawc:- a:
this boasts of silver handles vmn
s rammed.
riuinanltr Taught in S. I,
An enactment of the Texa k
ture provides for the teaching i;
public schools of a course of 1
treatment of anlm1
V.. K. Turner. (' mt.t'.n. : ...
cured of piles by I.- 1 . i
Hazel Salve after suIT. rl i . - v
years and trying ov. r ; -. . i i v ,
edies. Physicians a-') -i.- .' . -dorso
it. Beware of J r.j.' "-.
terfe-its. F. G 1-ricl e tv r' .
fn the 'Couil )l.l I .i - -
The fashionable foiK m i. . ;
King Edward IV. of KnKiae-i r.,.- - .1
the lark, despatched tin u- dw.'-i- ;:i 11
o'clock, and shortly after s woi-a
wrapped In slumber. In ill X': . .Tiber-land
House Book for 101' ;r .
forth that the family rn;-c u ' '
morning, breakfasted at 7, dii,. at hj
and supped at 4 in the afteriio-m. '! .ie
gates were all shut at nmt. ini.i i'r
further Ingress or egress perniiii'.-i. ili
1570, at the University of Oxford, it
was usual to dine at 11 o'clock, and sup
at 5 in the afternoon. The dinner hour,
which was once as early as 10 o'clocic,
ha3 gradually got later and later, nn- j
til now lt would be thought very ec- I
centric in the fashionable world to sit !
down bo table earlier than half pas- ; j
o'clock, while others extend it to
"Best on the market for couh
cqlds and all bronchial troubl -croup
it has no equal," write- II
It. Whitford. South Canaan, Co 1
a r. 11 1
1 1
11 y
., of
Ono Minute Cough Cure.
& Co.
F. G. F i. k.
JLrceit f.oconiottve iu tlir World.
It Is claimed that the locomotives
in servloe on the Wyoming division of
the I.ehigh Valles- railway, running
between Boston and Fairvipv.-, are tho
largest in the world, their dimensions
being: Tractive power, 5,CG2; weight
on drivers. 202.282; weight on trucks,
22.850; tender, 120,000; total weight,
engine and tender, 243,082.
Xew Way to Ship Banana.
An American in Jamaica has built a
plant for evapoiating bananas. Thf
thoroughly "ripe fruit Is placed in a
hated oven for not more than forty
eight hours, durlug which time the
sugar crystallizes. It telres six pounds
of fresh bananas to make one pound
evaporated. The process prevents de
cay and cuts down freight charges. '
Firt ThMter lf-at-.l ly f U-,-1 . 1,-lly.
ice first theater in the world to '
heated by electricity is the O.l.-o:i at
Buenos Ay res. South Amerka. A fLort
time ago the proprietors asked a lo
fal company if it eou'.d undartake to the premises by ele.trkiiy, and,
ahhouah ih :i:ana?e::iont h:ul mutiy
"niojivius as t. the posihility uf -
ng a Me to do so. so sanguine w.1.-. toe
kctrical engineer of the coneeiu. ;ui
American, that he could device a prau
tial and satisfactory system of electric
heating apparatus for the purpose th it
he was given carte blanche and imme
diately proceeded to work out hi.-s
scheme, which he has done pitcer-ss-fudy.
The "Gut Heir5-ccnt cigar h.-n an
enviable ropntation amon smoker.-.
Union made. For sale by all dealers.
Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.
li . . K
l-'io'.v.'i Ilospc
Willi Stool nnd Scarf.
; r. A nr. V.l OAK, WUrOrrand HABOriAWY
Wrn I.r Prtic-il'irs
....-.' '''--L
li niulltV or lsrnaln'i SOLIUM.
M,nv Returns jrlvo ",,fir
.i ..i I.. inn ii. ii Miii.i. 4t.'
- I o
i . j, - u -i" ,,
(,f -nt . u.ntii) "Tommy Atkins.
Aim. O..U1 three-fourths of the number
, , ;, p. k 20 .'() are Irish, and
, l t ' ' ';,..' j.-i:utn. Some 2.G00 f re
v. :r unknown," and 112 are de
st rll.d us "foreign."
O. n I nt Tra-Hervle.
TI.- Empress Frederick of Grrmany
Pi,.-: ,-sses fi vi i V curious little tea-set v
I. e The tiav is made of an old Per
sian halfpenny beaten out. The teapot
v.::.; on. e a German farthing, and the
linv eun are made from coins "f 'l!f-I-,
i , ia I in .i n principalities.
Scrofula, a Vile
rVrofnla is the most obstinatoof blood
troubles, and is often the result of an
inherited taint in the hlootl. S. S. S.
i.-, the only remedy which goes deep
enough to reach Scrofula ; it forces out
every trace of the disease, and cures
t he worst eases.
My son. Charlir-.TV.IS nfTiietcd from Infancy
villi S.-rorubi, mid he suft.-red so tbivt it w:ui
lillli.r-.-ll Io t') llTI '.sj lun
r..r three y.-:ii .. His
i'nl i lit l.oily were it
jimss ; Sole.-., nun 1113 , .
e-Si. lit also tjf.'CUIllrt (" v .v. i.y
j ulTe. t.-.j. N'o tr.imtnt V ''f
i 1 Mm.'
tlioup-ht would reiieva
Jnia.otit )n ko-'.v worsit'l r
! iiiii . I his condition wasV--';;.
I iim -'-.I pilialiie. X liuilv
: ii-xiiaireil oflilsv. fl
ever M iiiLT eurej, wtien
t-y tli(! :H leor a friend
! wo fuvp hi in .S. Si. S.
I u ' t Sneri liel. A de-
1 i i'i 1 fTtoii-dvenient v;i'i tl.e result, and ht'U r
iie Jui.l l.i !;eu ii .Inz"!i hottl'-s. no one who kne .V
' if I ; f. ' m-r iln ...ifiil condition would huo
i-er-r.-niyeii liii'i. All the sores on his liody
have' iiciiii-ij, din i-ldn is perfectly clear nnd
i'1'Kiili, ami hi; Inn tieen restored to j.erl;ct
l.e:,!t!-.. MltH. S. 8. MnilRY.
j Will 101 iu -St., Macon, tin.
Tor r -al I.lood troubles it is a waste
of tim.' to espeet a cure from the doc
tor, iilood diseases are lieyond their
Swift's Spec.ilk:,
r'-i -hes nil deep-seated cases which
: ' re;iedit?s have noeffeet upon. 1 1
is the only blood remedy guaranteed
!y vopetable, and ctmtains no
i. ii.' -r.vwry, or other mineriil.
mailed free to any address by
t' .ilifj C .., Atlanta, (ia.
' I. .-..--,. i:xl:iih I'tiiMil lti-M-1.
lYc'vSSYAL Plllt
0-l.-.l K'M - .'. ; nil'li".
,-... .. . - - ! .... O. 11 ':.
. r r . . .-. frl
f' t, . .r.;MI...,o. Al 1.
' . , -t 1. ' r piir'li ill'
s;.-ii. r r..r l.udiM."
t. r. I.I i-r ,1 :
llrui;ni.-. or 'Ud 4
i.-htinii.nlaM ant
f lftr. in retaru
. ',e-'h
I. In ilin i r.f nDonlflK flmm 'fr
t beu.l.'ul Co., M nftlKorc Hiiarft.
en. I'll 1 LA UA.., i-.v
! r PAYS
Look Around
li t i-o yo 1 rank purchases,
v u Ii ve !-. ' .-Is. h; ,
us and wo v tiara; t,.t. ynj
t- ea-ed. Our m-w spriiig
- rivj'd. ine ij'iing I)r-y
t ipo- and Fanc lirn.
rocker' . Gl ih-w r- . l- lou-
d A i-quar. de l to al ;.
c.i ri
r.d J-
Stic.jt. Plattsirroath
): ci" l ho veiy facilities lor the
:emr.t tiansaction of
estimate Banking Business.
i.x'Ks, re -o'l. zoTcrnrnent and loial
ecuritles noucrit and sold. Deposit re
ceived Kr.rj Interest allowed on the eortrt
ohWh Draft .Imwu, available In any
jart of the V. S. im.1 all the principle
towns r.f F.urrpp 'ollrtottnns rroide and
orOMj;t.!y rerallttfl Highest market
orice puij for county warrants. tftte
n1 ounty bond 14.
t. i . nauKsworth S. Vaugi,
I . I . White. G. K. Oovev
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
THE PATENT RECORD., , The r.tont Itowrd mm!!:
a io tb v.'cn
. ri.
e I .v- , 1'res.
j Always use TJ