Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 22, 1899, Image 2

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j.l.Uiiriili turn
I i-'oi in
KM r: A I. M Kit
H Main st.
Waterman block.
4 Reasonable,
( Jnaranteed.
Snyfler 8 Go I GoraM.Rlexontler
Jewelers j;
Opticians ' Dl'CSSIIldlvt'li
rrn r
Sixth ami Main
1 Mat! sinoiit h, N I
Su p porter
I ' n i in (ill
National Bank
- -1 . i
I '.Hi t -1IIOU'. .1 . Neb
I'l.AT'l'SMOl I'll ...
F. ; oonberger,
l'i iprso!' i
M .n: i! !;n I. i i-i
Stock-. an.! ! Mine ''!il ami
cittitrr- l...i:l-t ;m.l j ,ti Waters.
'M"M' ! :.!;,! ..J km is
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thnn l!nH
; : 1 1 1
lV.ilil ill
FltESi! iu:.l
Arc now in.
A Fino d isplay of
Pattern Hats in a
few days.
Mrs. Itaiikiii
. . Al .... .
Groceries and
tit M.iin -t.
n '
Main and
- Seventh sts.
I .o riding
( lass
and ... .
11 I III
....SKI. IS....
Pens, Ink
anil. . . .
I )ea!c-r in
.and .
Anheuser - Huseh
lirewinir As'n.
... rAvs. ..
....1 ('K....
( AM. ON'
T lie News.
Sixth and
Pearl streets. I
1 per in. .nth salary and ail .'
wsnte.l to t:;icl and
appoint agents. ril
.'Xin.-ni.-s. .leeier
Co., 7li Mi'iHin IJIdg;. Chicago.
- . i Ji l4 i-. 4- ar O
SU' --yt?.1l C1.-sm- u. J b.--n,!t the ball.
I'lS&T 3 Nncr Fails to Hestore Gry
. ---- -iSufH 11 mr to 1(1 Youthful Color. I
Commission Brokers
Wear Coin. Co.. Correspondents.
Direct Private Wire to Chicago.
Over Atwoocl's Druar Store.
All Orders Promptly Executed.
I'l.ittsmouth Te!. 27".
uiiu l iiiiti.'iuimi
Dyspepsia Cure;
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently curer,
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileartburr,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
SickIIeadache,Ga-tralgia,Crarnps and
all other resultsof imperfect dlgcstloD
Prepared by E. C A Co.. Cb'coUo.
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
. . . UV TllK . . .
I. li. MAkKIIAl.l., Business MaiwiKcr.
One Year, in advance, . . . . V 00
Six Months 2 f0
One Week, 10
blnglo Copies, 5
One Year, in advance tl 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
Kit II) AY, SEl 'T E M li E R 22, 1 899.
TllKlM-: if no doubt but. the republi
can ticket will bo elected by good
round majorities. We are going to
make it st ron jr.
Oklahoma is 'iurly to be admitted
into statehood by tho next congress.
Its population is stilliciftnily largo and
it shou'd lie adia ii 1.
Kansas populists am playing in
tho hardest kind of luek. There was
no drouth this year, and the grass
hoppers did not appear.
IIaiimony is not to bu found in any
large quantities in tin? fusion ranks
now and what will it bo by the time
the eoiivention is bciii?
AN Indian Territory man was ar
rested for expanding a -tl silver certi
ficate to $ 1 0. V.;t theie'Hte those who
alToei to i-oe no wrong i'. in iking every
dollar in the country rth only -13
TllK democrats are i r mg to divert
attention from tin ir n senilis by
saying that there is d i-.-alisfaction
among the repnM e r r Tho republi
can ticket is .11 i tionally 6trong
one, and e ver b.j.i.s i well s itilled
with it execoi ihe fiisionists.
It is understood that Mr.,
the democratic candidate for governor
of Ohio, has tc -m; orai ily rented his
residence at Washington, 1). C. He
has no i;itent.ion of p.-rmanently dis
posing of it as h hotn. Mr. McLean
frequently gis tint to Ohio.
A lKAI. ".us closed lit Kansas City
last vi ceii for ";(), ().( o f-.-et of lumber
to be cut and sawed i'i Missouri, Ark
ansas, T.ouisiana r: i ; i'. v is. The lum
ber is to be -hi: ivd to Africa to bo
used in tho cons uc-.ioti of a railroad.
It will take oU,l'b0 oa leads and is
worth, at present pne s. $7,l00,'00.
TllK fusion'isis h ve been holding
off until ..fio the iep..i ic:tn conven
tion to brii.g i n'. ' h. ir candidates.
And now th ii u -c -.iv i iion hsbeen
hold thev see wi;a-. ;i -i.-ong ticket has
been placed in the ti-.d no one is very
anxious to enter the race. Thoy can
easily see that they would not be in it.
TllK announcement of VV K. Fox as
a candidate for county treasurer has
caused great consternation in the
democratic r.inks. The friends of
James J3ero!d are verj- indignant be
cause Mr. Fex has decideu to make
the race, while the friends of the lat
ter are booming him for all they are
worth. (Jo it, boys, Mr. Barton wi.l
bo tho next treasurer.
"With our vaults full of gold: with
a sufticiei.ey of money to meet 'he de
mands of a volum; ef businees unore
cedtntly vast and profitable; with
labor generally employed at lair wages;
with our commerce overspreading the
world; with every dollar the govern
ment issues as good as any other dol
lar; with our ii nances as i m as a rock,
and our credit the bet ever known; ii
is no time for financial mounieb uks
to cry their nost turns in the market
place, with any chance of being
heard." Secretary of State Hay to
Colonel Charles Dick of Ohio.
Tmk gold in circulation in the
United States on September 1, 1S!9,
was, according to the figures of the
treasury department, $072,903,192,
against h;:,n05,!(ii) at the date of Mr.
Bryan's nomination, an increase of
nearly 50 per cent meantime, which is
a rather discouraging fact to those
who insisted during the corapaign of
ISOfj that the go'd mines of the world
were not sufficient to furnish tho
proper increase in the world's cur
rercy. The population of the United
States has increased about 5 per cent,
durinfjr t liis period, and with our gold
incrasirg ne-i r ly .",0 pr cent mean
time, it is d i til n J t to understand why
the silver theorists should insist upon
continu' ng to p ess for the freo coin
age f si: ver.
TllK tnciease of importations which
nas been a marked feature of our for
eign oi-mmerce in thelastfew months,
is largely duo to the increased de
m ir.ds of American manufacturers for
tho products which cannot be pro
cu ed at home. Uaw si:k, fibers,
crude rubber, hides arid many other
articles of this class, for which manu
facturers are compel 'rd to go abroad
for their m iteri il for use in manufac
turing, have increased very greatly,
while there has also been an increase
iu the importation of sugar, cocoa and
other articles of tropical production,
artie'es which can be produced in the
islands which have recently been
brought into closer relations with the.
United States, and which, under the
new order of thiogs, wo should event
ually be abla to purchase from our own
people, or their capital invested in
those islands, instead of sending for
them to tho people of other nations.
The county conimirtslonuri awarded the priut
iiiR ol the dliiiiticnt tax list to the Republican
at lull IckbI ratcii. There were numerous papers
in the county tht would have gladly printed the
list at half rate, but none of them were given a
chance ti bid on the work. It only means $.100
more hr the delinquents. Wince the commis
sioners have seen tit to allow the lull rate, h w
ever, the Advocate is K'ad to see it come to our
town It means Irom I'.NKI to Sl.lDKi for Brother
Keithlcy. When this work was let out to bid
ders it has been done as low as $300. Weeping
Water Advocate.
Tho Advocate man Is laboring under
a fali'O impression as to the delinqents
saving anything by reason of tho tax
list being printed at half rate. Toe
law provides that 2o cents shall be
paid for each farm description and 10
cents for town property, and when a
newspaper Is chump enough to do the
work at half rate it does not save the
owner of the property a ceni the
county getting a rake off of 10 cents on
the farm descriptions and o cents on
tho latter. The practice of doing
work for half price is too common
among newspapers for their own yood
There is no more reason for newr p pers
working for tho county for half price
lhan there is for the ofilcials to cut
their salaries in two in the middle.
The Advocate man mightiget a4ianco
to print the tax list some time and
then his syrup ithy for tho county
wouldn't be so groat. That would be
a horse of a different color.
Nl'.CT Wednesday is the day and
Plattsmouth is the place. Wait for
the circus.
It is a common experience among
mountain climbers to find butterflies
lying fn zon on the snow, and so brittle
that thej' brak unless they are very
carefully handled. Suoh frozen butter
flies on being taken to a warmer cli
mate recover themselvc and lly away.
Six species of butterflies have been
found within a few hundred mile3 of
tho North I'olo.
In view of the existence of the bu
bonic plague in Portugal, the French
public health committee reports that
great danger of contagion exists from
rats and mice getting on board vessels.
The weights of classes of students
before and after examination have
been made the subject of recent in
vestigation, in high classes, where
naturally the examination whs most
felt, several pounds were lost, showing
how the mental strain was felt. In
lowor classes the loss was not so great.
One of the cu-iosities of New Zea
land is a vegetable caterpillar. What
happens is that a w:ckatl plant darto
its seed into an unfortunate caterpil
lar, and the seeds grow to plants some
times a foot long. In tho meantime
the caterpillar dies a lingering death.
This recalls the awful bamboo torture
of China a bamboo shoot is grafted
on tho hum-in body and grows,
nourished by the juices of the body.
It is tho most exquisite torture known.
From 1884 to ISOo women have
taken out 3,905 patents. Women have
invented many important things. The
woman who began by inventing a cor
set is now inventing reservoirs and
dams Another woman has invented
a lock with 3,000 combinations and a
letter box now in daily use for houses.
On the authority of the gr-atest
manufacturer of dental -unplies in the
count-y there are over 40,000 ounces
of pure gold worked up annuallv for
dentists' use for material iu fi ling
teeth, in plates and solder-, the vlue
of i his gold i.pproximatini: $1,000,000
A lree aerolite fell near Sycam re.
O., recently 1 1, weighed over 600
in u nils and burst into many piee-s
The litrht of the meteor was blinding
and its roar in passing through the
ir was deafening. It made the earth
tremble when it struck.
Frank McConnell, tho California
pugilist, who recently killed Jim
Fianey in a fight in San Francisco,
has been exonerated by the courts
Judge Collins held that the fight had
taken place under the protection of
tho law and that the killing was acci
dental. Congressman McCieary said in an
interview at Seattle thaj congress
would next winter probably more
lirmlv establish tho gold standard and
take action to protect the gold reserve
from the endless chain.
Postmaster General Smith will
spe:ik for tho administration in tho
Ohifi campaign. No definite program
has ytt been arrancea for Mr. Smith,
but it is probable that his campaign
will begin immediately after th visit
if the presidential party to Chicago.
The colossal statue of Ferdinand de
Lesseps, which the Freuch are going
to erect at Port Said, is ready to send
out, but no French navigation com
pany appears to bo able of transport
ing il to Egypt, and so an English or
Helgian vessel will have to be em
ployed. General J. Warrec Kiefer of Ohio
has been elected commander-in-chief
of tho Spanish-American War Vet
erans' association. Lieutenant Col
onel James E. Barnett and Captpin
Charles S. Wood of Pennsylvania were
elected senior vice commander and
judge advocate general, respectively.
Tho South African republic having
agreed to a commission of inquiry on
the Transvaal troubles, the prospects
of war with Great Britain are lessened.
But troops are being forwardeJ by
England to CHpe Colony and unrest
continues to prevail among the Boer 9
and thuir allies.
Tho wa- department has l ased sev
eral hundred acres of la-el iwa Knox
ville, Frederick county, V-d., for iho
use of troops in drill and target prac
tice. Three troop.-, of tiie Tniru cav
alry, btitioi.ed at l'ort Meyer, Va. ,
will go into camp tbor, and will be
followed by two batteries of artillery
from the Washington barracks and
other troops from ne ir-by points.
Ono of the cu ious biws of Peru for
bids women to attend funera s, and
they do not apio n- it weddings unle-is
they are vi ry int m .to friends. When
a funeral pi-. cij--i..n piss s through
the streetn, to e t Ti . . is ear. ied upon
the thoulde s ol ti.e p.iil-nearer.s, who
are followed i.y an empty hearse
drawn oy two, f ur or s x horses ac
cording to th me mi of trio mourners
a d iheir desire for display. All tho
male mombo s of the family and
friends of the deejased follow on foot,
with a line of empty c n riages behind
them. As long .s I hey aro in tho
presence of the dead it is considered a
p.-opcr and necessary evidence of re
spect to walk After the body has
been committed to tho grave those
who attend tho funeral are brought
home in the carriages.
According to the returns issued by
the London board of trado for the last
quarter, 72,000 emigrants embarked
for the places outside of Eurooe from
tho various places of tho UuiteU King
dom at which emigration offices are
stationed. The proportions iu which
England, Scotland and Ireland took
part in this exodus may be roughly
3tated as being f r every two English
men, three Scoichnv n and twelve
Army Doctor Ba. th of Coeslin, Ger
many, has discovered that sii ging
possesses health-giving properties. It
intensifies, he says, the respiratory
movements, 'bus rendering the lungs
capable of dealings with more air.
This increases thu action of all the or
gans of the body, appetite and thirst
increase, and tho mo-e frequent move
ments of tho diaphragm and the wall
of the abdomen materially aSd diges
County Treasurer J. L. BARTON
District Clerk G. F. 1IOUSEWORTH
County Judge J. Ii. DOUGLAS
Sheriff 1- E. WILLIAMS
County Superintendent ROBERT CASH
Coroner P. P. GASS
Surveyor E. E. HILT-OS
Commissioner, Second District J. H. DAVIS
The under-iifrned hereby announces himself a
candidate for the office of county treasurer, sub
ject to the action of the democratic county Con
vention. JAMES II. HAROLD.
I hereby announce mse'f a candidate f ir the
oificc of county treasurer, subj- ct to the --iction
of the democratic county conention, September
Dnff Tnxs in Ger.-.inny.
Dog taxes are giving uud,.,t to Ger
man military men. i hp Hi-rf? Karl
of Mecklenburg-Strelitz infantry regi
ment No. 43 enjoys the distmciion of
being the only regiment in tie- Ger
man army whose basa (iiu.a & itv.vp
In a little cart by docs. Ii v.-. u the
honor by Its gallantry in the war of
1866 against Austria, when it cap.urd
the bass drum and cart of an Austrian
regiment. It refused to pay a tax on
the dogs at Konigsberg on the grovad
that they were useful and not a lux
ury, but was compelled to pay, ao the
law gives full power to tax all dogs to
the local authorities.
Rtoraffe Room for Ilicycles.
PawnuroKers in Frankfort and Paris
have found it necessary to enlarge
I their premises to make room for the
storage of bicycles. The Paris munici
pality has voted J2.G00 to convert one
of the halls at the Mont de Pieto into
a bicycle storeroom.
For Sale or Uext Store room
and dwelling combined, 34x5S feet,
known ns the T. V. Davis store, in
Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmunds,
Murray, Neb.
Maori Women and Their lilghts.
The Maori women of Australasia
have rights flourishing ones. Gener
ally they have little voice or choice
in the selection of their first husband,
but they may and they frequently do
change him. All the Maori gods and
goddesses help the Maori whose wife
betrays him, but she may trade him
without so much as a comment fiom
the public, without the slightest
smudge rT " good name, and it is
nothi'"?: to his discredit, either. Court
ship is always brief, and does not often
preface marriage. The Maoris, how
ever, love to repeat Oriental love tales
and to sing love songs, delicate and
charming of diction and sound. Maori
widows not infrequently commit sui
cide upon the graves of their husbands,
and are honored for doing so. as in
China. Divorce is as simple as weli,
simpler than in Chicago. It needs no
revenue, employs no officers. He t.urna
her out of doors and both are free to
remarry. That is all. What would
certain many-times divorced theatrical
people not give for such divorce laws
without any hint of alimony? Girls
are often betrothed irrevocably In in
fancy. Girls not betrothed In child
hood are expected to have as many ad
mirers as they please. Indeed, tha
greater the number of admirers the
greater the prestige of the girL
There's always hot.e while there's
One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack
of pneumonia left my luns in bd
shape and I w.s near he fir-t stages
of con umption. One Minute Couch
Cure completely cured me," writes
Helen Mcllenry, B-ra-rk, N. D.
Gives in st a n t r- 'ief. F G. FriekeiCo.
For 3 e A wen matched driving
team; young and sound. Inquire of
J. L. Youog, Murray.
Ttvrlva TIioummikI I1t Already Ntrm-lc
nl Morn Thrmlni
Havana, Sept CO The strike has
assumed serious propor ious. There
are no 12,0OJ striding m iso is, paint
ers, carpetiler.-v. earlnien and laundry
workers and if, a-i i.-. tin ealcuod, the
hat:Kiuen,-.lokodores .md cigar maKur.i
slnko WitUiu U'-xt fjA days ll.uro
will bo another 4,000.
The cartmen went out todiy, thereby
paralyzing the wholesale busines
houses. They givo as a reason for
their action tho umalr treatmont they
have been receiving at the hands of
the police, a majority being Spaniards.
Many reliable business men say tho
strike of the cartmm is the only le
gitimate strike. It is asserted that
the police shamefuliy abuse their au
thority over cartmen, endeavoring to
get them to talk back so a to have a
pretext to tako them t Viv c prison
and to accuse them tho next day of
insulting tho police.
General Cardenas, chief of police,
and Mayor Lacoste deny that tho po
lice are guilty of oppressive conduct,
but tho mere fact that the cartmen
went out on this ground alono seems
to indicate that there is more truth
than fiction in their griovatc.
The strike of the laund y workers is
also a serious matter, owing to tho
largo amount of clothing that requires
regular and frequent washing in this
tropical climate.
Considering tho number of men
now out of employment it is remarka
able that there arc no disorders.
Strikers and employers aro apparently
General Ludlow, military governor
of Havana, has ordered the arrest of
the leaders of a mob who attempted
to attack a party of Spanish bakers on
Monday at llegia, under the impres
sion th tt a dinuer which was being
given by them to celebrate tho success
of the strike, 'was of politi at origin.
Several are alro-idy in custody, among
them a well known Cuban doctor and
an employe of th municipality.
Chicago I'oHt.orHce StriKe.
Chicago. Sept. 19. A formal btrike
of bricklayers and stonemasons on the
new federal building was ordered
The foundation for the cornerstone,
which is to be laid by Pre idantMc
Kinley during the fall festival in Oc
tober, was built last Sunday. The
work was done by union masons, but
under a sub-con tract from John It
Pierce, who has the contract for the
stoneworK of tho federal building.
Few men are u fleeted, but unless tho
strike is settlod it will prob ibly pre
vent the laying of the cornerstone.
The strike grievance will be brought
before the Building aud Trades Coun
cil Friday night and unless the disa
greement between tho labor unions
and C n tractor Pierce over the cor
nerstone, whi3h it is claimed was cut
b nomi'iimi labor, is S'-ttb d, all work
on ihe posti Mice will b- stopped.
Finl ( hhk of Small Pox
Sax Francisco, Sept. 18 The
Thirty-first infintry which was re
cruited in Ohio ai d sehedul- d to s il
oi th--- t an-p rt Grant tod i.y for Ma
ni i, ra- b -en he'd ck on accou-.t of
ae.-.seo! srnil pox in its ranks. John
G Wh ie of 'mpiny M was diseov-er-
ii to navo symp -ms which pointed
st. o yly to sin til ox He was immed
i ite v put into quarantine and every
caution 'a- taken to prevent a
-i'-e -u of the d-seas . Whito was ah
ent without eave for seve-al d ys
. d the theo y of the r gimenlal of
lice s is that he exposed himself to in
fection somewhere in the cuv
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened its
clutches upon her and for seven years
she withstood its severest tests, but
her vital organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent. For three
months sho coughed incessantly, and
could not sleep. Sho finally discov
ered a way to recovery, by purchasing
of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, and was so
mui h relieved on taking first dose.
.that 6he slept all night; and with two
bottles, has been absolutely cured.
Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus
write W. C Hamnick & Co., of Shelby
N. C. Trial bottles freo at F. G.
Fricke & Co's. drug store. Regular
size 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guar
teed. 4
An Old Ship of Spain.
Ever since there was such a thing
as a Spanish navy there has been a ship
Vittoria in it. It was the Vittoria the
great-great-grandmother perhaps of
the present Vittoria that first sailed
round the world in the early part, of
the 6lxteenth century. There were five
ships in the little company that started
out on that perilous undertaking. Of
this number the Vittoria was the only
one to reach the home port again. His
tory tells us the fate of the others. Th
Santiana was wrecked in the Atlantic
not many days after she set sail from
Spain. The crew of the San Antonio
became frightened and discouraged at
that, and sailed her home again. Tha
Conception was burned at the Philip
pine islands, and the Trinidad was
seized at Molucca by the Portuguese.
Magellan was in command of this ex
pedition. He himself was slain at the
Philippines, and of the 120 men who
set 6ail with him only a few returned
home in the triumphant Vittoria. This
ship was feted and made much of when
she reached Spain after her long and
interesting voyage. She wa? visited by
thousands of curious admirer and
chips from her hull became in time
literally worth tbeir weight in go'd.
"Best on the market for cough- and
ci Ids and all bronchia! trouble"-; for
croun it has no equal," writes Henry
U. Whitfoid. S uth Canaan, Coon., of
O e Mil ute Ci-uh Cure. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
I 1
J P.- vv- r t .--r.--r.--" -',0..
... ;.- . ' - -
! l'i i i
l j j
9 J T
He Fooled the Surfleons.
All doctors lold ll-nick Hn!n'lt iH,
of West Jefferson, O., -ift- r -ulT- ! '"
18 months fr m Kectil Fs ul i, 1
would diounle s a costly opera t
performed; but l e cur o binis. !f - iii
five bottles of lluek en'- A nic i S ;!
the surest Pile cure on e.i ri b, m mi ' i '
best Salvo in tho wor d 'J" een
box. Sold bv F. G. Frick cv ('...,. r
gists. I
A Fortunate Mistake.
Banfe...' (Maine) Coi respumU'iici to
New York Suu: George W. Keliey of
Island Fails agreed to take out a U3
insurance policy for $2,000. but mad..- a
mis - and signed an application lor
a $4 - policy. Then, af'er rcceivia.;
the ..(. ne went into the woods, a-i i
his wife paid the first prenurii.
Two weeks afterward Mr. Ketley i "d.
and as a result of his mistake bis fi n
ily is 52,000 better off.
Moel Kuslii .louniHl.
. ..u most northern newi;..per in the
v.-. d is published at ll.tmuieisu .ii,
;sia. The editorial work is done
s.aall wooden house roofed i
; i. 'i he paper is called the N'ord .
.... is published weekly. The pew,,
f.t ,, ently a fortnight old b.-f,.;-
re. ciifs the subscribers. Most s
scriptions are paid in fish.
E. E. Turner, Com. .ten. ''.. v
cured of piles by leWi ''- V-i'
Hazel Salvo after sufb rin s v --o
yearo and trying ov..r la. ni r.
eaies. Phyficians ad uc
dorso it. fisware of ilnno' on i eo
terfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Curea for l.isoma nia.
In the matter of inducing th c p i; ;
depends upon the individual. Or: ;
son will find a hearty meal b"f re i
time conducive to sleep, while an U
thinks that an empty stomac !.; :hi
best plan in order to obtain s!er-p. A
cold bath, rubbing the hands i.. c-.
water, a wet towel applied to the cm
pies are all helpful to a .ood i, : .. .' '
rest. Some persons think Lira! tl. ,s'.
way to Insure sleep is to fix li
upon some real or fancie l obi rt,
others think that to cour.t fro.ii
ward endlessly will weary fbc: 1 i
that sleep will come.
For wounds, bur s, -c tid-,so r -,:
diseases and al irritatini; ei u t i ri -,
nothing so sootlrnjr and healing -i- i)t -Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. Emma
Bolles, Matron Englewood Nursury,
Chicago, says of it: "When all else
fails in healing our babies, it will
euro." F. G. HVicke & Co.
TThr It Co roes From.
People who wear false hair v.i l
Interested in the announcement of a I
strange discovery made at Antwerp. In j
that city bale of human hair, v Ah';-
ing 172 pounds, was stolen from a rtii!- j
road station. It was afterward larr.' 1 j
'that the hair had been clipped from the j
heads of lunatics an'l convicts in pub- :
lie asylums and prisons. i
Forestry Reserve Aoola t i on.
A national park of forestry i- :
association for the government?.! p: -ervatioa
of over 7,000,000 acres of
In No. item Minnesota will hi for: .1
In Chleago this month. It is a :;'p
toward the creation of great nation
reterves for the preservation of ;-,-?
forests and streams and the perpetua
tion of game.
Wanted Salesmen for lubrio.M uig
oils and greases, paints, varnishes fini
epecialties. Complete Ime: ve-y lit eral
terms. The Detroit lletinin- Co ,
Detroit, Mich.
0d to Dress th rr'-"ner.
New York Sun: A pr:'s Q Jr
freak caused consider
t Toronto
:Tit for
rd ly
..cs off.
ment In a criminal ex
junction. In Canada,
to be arraigned the rr?,a:
ing in his cell with al- .
and he refused to put . i :u
Into court, except as Le was.
i . n or so j
'i he offi-
cers had to handcuff hirn
by force. In Putnam cou ' .
ago, when Mr. Justice Ci .:.
ing a court of oyer and tf
ly negro woman, who v.
In the county jail, adop
measure for kepin?
room. The sheriff i.
judge that the lady wa. o
d:'es h;m j
. - .;ne years
vv -is hoi.l-
. i; r. a 'u"r-
' - :-"'-'r !
a s.: ,:..:r
t;:e cj..if.
to t.
robed and refused to c
directed him o wrarv ;
her and, bring her as
hearing this order she
. re.
uI aii :
-lit- w
and went with the officer.-: wi
ther parley.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a i
compound having the endor-i n,
eminent physicians and th-; m
press. It "digests what you eti
i i fi .
oofcitivelv cu'es ih.-ocp5i i. .'i
Ketron, Bloomin jrdale, T 11:1..
cured him of indigestion of ten
standing. F. G. FricKe S: .;.-.
And low tiger , . ....
to bicycles. A pig was car:'.e
by a tiger from a cofi"H c;
Castlewood. in the st.:.t. of
India. The news bavin:; I,.-..:
Johore, the sultan's troc.irr
on bicycles by midday :'i;i '.
tiger in some low s-. u'i w.
a mile of the shec'. T;u si:. .
self rode out at 4 o'c'o " an i
short beat of half an hour
tiger was driven out of the sc
fell to one shot by tile suitan t
the tiger's forehead.
" . '
vrfYTyi'ir iv ?iys'C
I away j
( I k f A
1 . '
U :.i rc.'Jc.i to Hie well
l.uown Ilosnc
with Stool onJ fniarf.
Write) Tor Particular.
i -1 n .
M.e Srore-I TN tt Tliee.
. , inal.7" fab! the ' '
, be ntei ed while be eM" t
i- WHrt k fi ' ' -r fh'TM"-: eo-i fl.l oi-
!eo ( W.'S bl '.t
tn; t 'I it vls
h ii i inner b ) -'.
to !ior nif.'M "-
! -, ii.-.' Unit t b"
. , I he Hi oleto'l's
11 Of
la I
ri Per. ami f '-nl bve and
" 'lie did. did be? The ini
l j-,ii;M,y. W rite him rml -.nuel'-h
i ee. or you'ip- i'o d i'i -I ter of
1 t him know so tbri-e Is rn
chance of a ml.sunderptamlln.'.T
..ii have the utmost resent mfiit
oii'!'i-f, vatol if he ever cornea
I I' I
kick Mm out or me
die von attet'd to that
-"" a - n! the o''' r'Mit'f
- ,.r. ,tf . ,.vt lrsorii'T "Ve-."
-, did I'., rv" "I t"'(! Mm
ii rl f " ,' 'Vi kit' W .'"'
to k( : '1 mm b fblir-"? In a
Ue in 'n "er
:o I he tU--iKiir;
For tlie next
were tcrror-
':. 1
ve"..'t !rf
.-111";': 1 ' : i !
e In fo e
i', ri II' e."
the faiisilv
V.e T : l i : ; u ! -
f:i,n',ii tit'd r- a conviction that, the
b. oT tl-e i . ti: cbold had burst a blood
vr -' 1 - s: i i y Hiorb-s.
Oh, the Pairi of
, i - 1 1 1 1 a i i o 1 1 1 often causes t
ii s!!!t-rii;g. Many havi-
v .- ori.-li. re! ief f roin t li i
i most i x i
lor yciii-i
il isnl ! ip
e ..!!' Ultl'l
f -n
Vi. I !.
,li '
e. el
i": i . --r.
-,., i,r;,! nit- to-(l;iy W :r-'.e .!T
l'i-MIHl it isi'l is n liioi.r! 'A:-
S v iii 's Specific is tlieonly cure, lie
e it is U:e only lemeoy whieh ca'i
'.i MU'll deep-seated di-ei ses.
. c 5 .' ir ;,, u I is f !l v. 'Ml lailii.lllllll
M ,,,, viriii'h I" i-. ne' so lnt-e e
v ns t-.r v.n k-i umililc to vul!:. 1 tin.l
-.. s.-vi-r.'il pioiniiM-nt ihy:-i-
...y . '. iiii'i . U Ih'-lrtr. i. ' -
;.'?. in -ii t f.-ril !. fully, lint w:m
. :. ? ' i i ne i.'ii t . e. t Hie fcliht-
e.-t o il. f. I !. I.e-I, ci eotl.
.! ; m- i ' '''
Wo.-:..-, 1 be i! : :r -ml
nvtr Inyi i Iii.' i . y . n n A
trim: .'. i-.h i to M 'i r-li
' !
l-.:!.-l '' ."'..! . I I M' 1
;;,t ',; ; ' ' .'. 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ',
,' !: i li-.l. i '' ' ' ' i ii"-.
, V I I .i.l
-. .... , ire . t -.
O. !-.
:. ,. ., ; ii . ;il V. .IS !l ! 1
I v. urxi ijr.n--ii I i '. I i
I ...ury. I felt Bo n.iieli lx I t.-r .-il'.-r
, ...,t;ies, that I con! muel tin- r-in-
,v. irmiiths I wascnreilroiiiplelely.
i.. ,-...-permanent, for I have never since
i. i : .1. , ., i,t Klieurnati.sTii though many
i tl t-j damp and enl'l w-Miln-r
kLFANOK M . Tl I'l-KI.l..
:T'l I' .v.flton Avenue, fliilntlelpliia.
l .oii't suffer longer with Uhetimatisrn.
l lii ovv aside your oils and liniments, as
t iey can not reach your trouble. Don't
experiment with doctors their potash
ind mercury will add to your disabil
ity atid completely destroy your diges
tion. for
l rrt
"ill cure perfectly and permanently.
ii is; guaranteed purely vegetable, anl
joiit.iiris no potash, mercury, or other
Mineral. Hook mailed free by Swift
vpiciiii Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Look Around
I'.e.f n-i: yon make, purchase-.
t"i yu b ve looK'-'! els.-whe e,
ne io os s. in) we ua rat: tee you
i --!. Oi
a rived.
e w - t ) r 1 1 1 1 r
F -ie
'V f.
g Dry
; ro-
. F: ! r
. . ,i
"'hill'" o 'I
r iiijijcr . f I !
!. A
- - -49
o'" U
' i-c t r, s
rcire.'i on
i do j ular
c- - r i n i -
si.-eooi c!
3 :
sty i s, f .o.
i-i 'c iali.
lirii .-. W
b -t. v
e ! O'-''.
' il i V e u
r? cz r
n i v.'i
rojrih S!dt. ttaln !: trcT.
J- -e -3 3,
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid. Addreaa,
BHtKripttoni to The Rf9.rd fwi?,0!:
e e
; c. j - i y,- t j1 "'