iiih hum i uwh lpjipj BRIEFLY TOLD. A Strong Ticket And Everybody Well Satisfied. Will lit w Stir- Wtnuer at the Noriiiirr Election Tom William. lrccl. the .tomlnttlnn for Sheriff Hy Arrlama llon Robert Cute I the X mlnae for .tiperlntnulrnt: County C'.rilc . Count y 1 tfasuitr f H it r ict C'lcrk County Jii.lKf Slid ill t'.jUtit 1 Miteu jc:it C'.r.ruT . iiicy i. .I1'ti.;- ! IlC't . "-CI 'II 1 D.-t .. 1 Mf- KoBF.RTSON J. I.. 15 A KTON (, T. Mi 'L'sKWOKTH I. h. I;oU(iLA3 . T. i:. U I I.LI AXIS KOhKRT CASK I' 1'. GASS i;. i. n ii.to n t I H . DAVIS Ti.o above is tin- full county ticket Ms munimitod by tho ropublicnn con volition iit Weeping Water Saturday In it- i.-u. Saturday Tin-: Nkws ijiivo the nomination- down to tint of sher ilT, ltit oin;' to tin; lite hour could not wrt.it ui.tii the litiish to "ivo the entire ticket. Th lurt; number of candidate in tho fold undo tho -. n i -. t for suprem a. v vi rv Iivolv: hut, as wad known wh'U ! In-y wont into llio tvi in paijjn. !")in of 1 1 1 ' iti were sure to ' defeated and only t h K'nt of fool in y ixi.-t now that H.- 1 1 s U of battle ha- ol.arod a v . Tho i:iM.iiiati n of l' in K. Williams mailt: hv iit-cla inatioii, l bot e boinjj no (.ppo-i lio'i. The nomination of .1. '. Douglas fill' JUlltTt' I'. lllni'rli l'lcf-'.-S T Otlfl k()t tfr'n rii.'ii,ci' for lamlino- tho nomina tion for eo'.ii.tv Miporint'.Mident, leav- ir-"; the i o!i;. -: between S. A Morri Hon o! Tipton at. i! ll-i'-i t (,'aio of Ne hawk, tho 1.' 1 1 -- hi in" nominated on tho fifth hi Hot. Tho nomination of K. K Hilton for Mirveyn-and 1. I'. Ga-s for r.ironer, both if thU -itv, followed. These candidate-; nl-o ha 1 a walk-awav. The work of nominat ing a man for oouimi-sioiior of tho Second district was next in order, which was done after selecting a chairman and secre tary for the convention of the dele- pates from that district, and tho tak ing of II!) bullet.-. The candidates were G. V. Younj, George LuRue of L'lih.n and John H. Davis the latter tin ally winning out. Delegates to tho state convention are as follows: A. K. Sheldon, A. Jon kins, J. II. Butler, J. II. Becker, A, E Lake, J a me: Carey, E. A. Hose, C. A. Richcy, I.. C. I odd, A, F. tsterns. Charles Warner, Kay Baldwin, E. T Vouii?, I). M. Llyod, S. L. Furlong-, M. M. Butler, Charles Anderson, J. II. llaldeman, Allen Coleman, L.. Otnatt, V. II. Newell, W. I. Pickett, J. M Voting, C. ). Kan., 11. M. Windham Delegates to the judicial convention: B. Wolfe, A. I'.jach, II. J. Snvder.Joe McKiDnon. I. Tolanu, II. S. Taylor, E. A. Jenkins, Goorge W. Young-, .1, G. Holmes, E K. Todd, W. I'.. Finioy, C. D. Clapp, J. T. Evans, I). C. Rich ardson, J. W. Edmunds, William Naorle, II. I). Reed, F. S. Gii-ardet, George Stoncr, II. N. Bovey, G. M. Spurlock, C. A. Rawis.F. R. Ballance, II. II. Patton. A resolution instructing the dele- pates to the judicial convention for Paul Jesson wad tabled. IHth or Minn Tucker. From Monday's Daily. The many friends of Miss Mary El sie Tucker wore greatly shocked at tho announcement of her death, which occurred yesterday afternoon at tho family residence. Sho had boen sick for many months, but the patience and fortituiie displayed during her long illness m endeared her to loving friends that when tho final summons came, it found them still unprepared and unwilling to give her up, while they feel that she has "gone home" and that ho will never know sickness or sorrow any more, many days will pass before Time. tho gteat healer, will soften tho blow that has fallen eo heavily upon the bereaved friends. Always thoughtful of others, her energetic and hopeful spirit made many rough places smooth to the younger brothers and sisters who wero left in her care by tho death of both father and mother. Sho was a devout Christian and an active member of the Episcopal church, and no higher eulo gy can be pronounced than the words of her divine Master "She hath dono what she could. " The funeral will take place tomor row afternoon at 2:."0 o'clock fiom tho home. Rev. Mr. Burgess officiating. Friends of the family are- invited to be present. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. (Jo to A. W. At wood for wall paper. A. W. Atwood sella tho best paint on earth. Shinn's cafo and fruit stand. Perkins house block. Furnished rooms for rent at Tenth and Main streets. For Rent Good house, sftTen rtom. Inquire of C. E. Wescott. A. W. Atwood tells puredrujjs and the best patent medicines. Ice cream flavored with 'Xtract, 2a cenU per quart at HollowayV Wanted to Rent Four or five room homo by October 15. Address A. F. S., Hotel Riley. Wanted Good girl for general house work; wages S..r0 per week. Inquire at Nkws office. Order your bread, cake and ice cream of Holloway. Telephones, No-brai-ka So; Pbittsmouth, '2H. Have Telfer & Sheppard do your fall hoiifO cleaning. Satisfaction eunranteed. Nobiaskfi telephone 79. I)r W. C D.Mir, tb ntist, 409, 410, MeCitffue building, northwest corner of Fifteenth and Bodge street, Om:.ha. For Rent A six-room house; pleas antly located. Inquire of C. C Mitchell, Sixth ctieet, between Gold and Rock. I.. B. Kg crib- rger ha just received lOu dozen children's bieye'e hoso which will go at 17 oonts a pair reg ular 2-i-cent goods. B. O. Iladley, the carpenter and builder, will do all kinds of carpenter work at right prices. Small jobs promptly attended to. Tho "(Jut Ileil" o-ooi.i cigar has an enviable reputation among smokors, Union made. For sa e by all dealers Otto Wurl, Manufacturer. The Nkws received a telegram from Omsha todny statinr that cablegram had bei-n received to the effect that Drej fun would be pardoned within a few days. The Burlington will make a rate of ono fare for the round trip to Omaha on account of the republican state con vention. Tickets will be sold the 20th I'KRMISNKL Or Til K TICKET. The republicans in convention at Weeping Wator last Sturdaj- rumi nated a ticket which every republican in the county should and will take a personal Interest In and work for Its success. James Robertson needs no introduc tion to the voters of the county, his efficient work during the time he ha9 held the office of county clerk being ample proof that he always tabors for tho best interest of the county. He received tho nomination without solicitation on his pirt and the people will sec that he is elected. James L. Barton, the nominee for treasurer, is a gentleman with a ch ar actcr beyond reproach. lie has been a rodTdent of Cass county for many years, during which time he has al ways been found to be a straightfor ward man whose woul could be de pended upon. He is a very successful breeder of blooded ewine and owns a valuable farm In Greenwood precinct, upon which ho resides. He is a mm of fine education, boing a school teacher for many years, and ho is full' capable of conducting the office of treasurer. HAILKOAD ()Ti:s AM) PEHSOXAI.N Section Foreman Char'o MeGuho returned tn his or' yoM 'dty after a seven week lav h lllnos-. The r.isv :u i : ! u ' other tost in t I'nr o d.-tv a'lort o o. I i t- v ..s i;ivou nn i' o. lir jetor- ! f -p. ' 1 11 v ! o RUN YOUR FINGER sutisfaclory and lue catcher will be (jlven a trial on No. 7, between OmaL and Lincoln, the latter part of this week. E. Bl;?nall and other ofSclali were here to witness the test. Yardmaster C. S. Manchester went to Lincoln this afternoon to take in the street f.iir. I C. F. Fioutonliorough arrived in the ci'y asi . v -i. ing from u six weeks' visit in Chicago ai d o;her points in the u .ft. Mr.- S ut. nbor. uh has gone to Connect out to v. sit a sister and wi 1 not oiurn for om time. C. F vili i k charge tf tue Missouri , Puoith t Klc aain Ocober 1. I I Master Mccmiiio H. J Helps and : Afsistint t hiol Ch-rk Thomas Kemp i ' fet'. r it. v-d horn.- this mornine from a ten davs' trip to Denver. Tbev were accompanied by their wives and report liavini: hnd a tine time in the I mountain ci'v Two more iaivo on pines arrived at George F. Houseworth has held ono ; lue 1,11 8 10Frt this morning . , hln :irL! boinp (i i d up prep tratorv to I bo taken out o.i th-; road attorneys of the county and others, over the oduo of a collar wo Miii out Yon'il t,n .!'" i t'si ti .c-i "ii-.d -nom h. M.ikfs no d Ib'rcrii'e how J ola the 001 1 it 1 1 dune by a spcltl trocss and J It mean cooifct to the wearer. : The City Steam Laundry. b ( -1 i. r-il K Jt '- ' .. li.iiu.--" -"I "lr,"" .,1 i.ii. -.1 '"r-i ' 4 REPORT OF CHICAGO AtARKETS Following is tho range of prices on the Chicago board of trade today, as furnished by M. S. Brlggs, cummin sion merchant: OPTIONS 3 r. regardless of politics, who have oo busi ness (Stolr S im r ... i. r. -1.. Iteer. and 21st with a return limit to Sep tember 2M. Buy your school shoes from F. T. lJavis Co. 1 he best line of men s working shirts in the. city, and tho cheapest. $.00 woith of men's duck coals the oelebrn w-d "Ironclad" brand. Claude C Shi pm tn and Miss Annie Opp wero mirr'.ed lod.-y by County Judge Spurlock. Toe bride is the daughter of Peter Opp of Nohawka and the groom is a prosperous farmer residing near A-hland. in Saunders county. The fur.tral of Miss Mo'.lio Tucker was held from the residence, on North Sixth street, ut 2::'.0 this afternoon, conducted bv R-v. Burp.-ss of tho Episcopal church, and a Inrge number of sympathizing friends followed the remains to their last resting- place. "Rube" Hyers of Plattsmouth, once warden of the penitentiary and sheriff of Cass county, was among the visitors hero this wet k. Mr. Hyers put in three years in old glory's service, the last ten months of which were spent in Andersonville atd he knows what soldiering is. Nebraska Blizzard. 1'EltSONAL MKNTIOX. B. Smith of Denver is in the was a visitor. in titled Ait Oltl (irievauoe. "Buck" Adams, the old-time ball player and all around sport, is into it again. He mot Adam Strott in Andy Rrobaek's saloon last evening and they proceeded to settle an old griev ance. They both reside at Louisville and it appears they had some trouble at that place on the Fourth of July. This trouble was revived by Strott, ho tiding languago which caused Adams to assault him. One blow from the latter settled Strott and the police came along and escorted them to jail. In police court this morning Judge Archer gave each $1 and costs, amounting to 20, which they paid. "Buck" Adams has joined the Thirty ninth infantry, and it was necessary to get out of this trouble in order to join his regiment. Lint of Letter. Remaining- uncalled for at the post offico at Plattsmouth, Sept. IS, 1809: Arwine. E H Curtis. Howard Lennin. Edward Marlcle, Prof I) G Pickard. Miis Ann I'lielen. Mrs Michial When calling for any of the above letters please say "ad vortiHed." C. II. SMITH, Postmaster. The NEWS office is toe bei equipped job office in Cas county. First class work dono on short notlcei ; A. citj-. Charles G rimes Omaha today. Captain II. E. Palmer of Omaha was in the city today. Ex-County Commissioner J. C. Hayes is in tho city. William Ctse of Nehawka was a Plattsmouth visitor today. Casper Thj-geson went to Lincoln today to attend the street fair. II. N. Dovey and wife went to Lin coln this afternoon to attend the streot fair. C C. and Tom Parmelo were attend- inp to business in Omaha this aftor-noon. James Patterson, jr., accompanied by his son wont to Omaha this afternoon. Mrs. Fred Kroehler returned last evening from a few days' visit in Havelock. F. M. Massie of Mt. Pleasant pre cinct was attendinp to business at tho court houso lod.iy. Dean Burton is home from a trip to Colorado Springs. His mother will return Thursday. Mrs. Lon Marshall and children of Dexter, la., arrived in the city last evening to visit with the f.imily of C. L. Marshall Mrs. 1illian K. Hasse and daughter, Beatrice, arrived home last evening from a visit at Denver and Lincoln. Mrs. II isse is apain at her post in the count judge's office. Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll of Nehawka were the guests of J. D. Mc Bride and family today. They were ou their return from a three months' visit with a daughter at Co'orado Spriugs. Mrs. J. C Petersen and children are home from a visit with Mr. Peter sen at Spearflsh. S. D. They found him well and happy. Mrs. Petersen says that Mrs. J. G. Richey is quite ill, being confined to her bed in Spear (ish. Grandfather Edwin Davis and wife returned homo last evening from a two months' visit with their daugh ters at Arapahoe, Central City and St. Paul. They are both in good health and report a. very pleasant visit. N Send the NEWS to your friends. ca-sion to transact business in that! viw. i -.,..- i:h i .... v. i I m. V"- - v.- v - i ivi 1'uuau u rr.it'ti office admit that he is the best clerk was ontc oil Sunday night and about tifteen bottles of ber and some brick cheese was stolen. An entrance was who has ever held the office. His books are the model of neatness and are absolutely correct. IIo is always : i accomraod ttinp to those seeking in- f rmUion as to business of the office, j yet strict about allowing records or filings to leavo the office or bo mis placed. His election ii conceded by conservative people. J. E. Douglas, the nominee for county judge, has been practicing law in V eeping Water for tho past ten years, during which time ho has made many friends in the county. Ilis extensive practice in probate matters makes him especially fitted for tho of fice of judge, and that ho will perform the duties of his olh'ce in a fair and impartial m inner there can bo no doubt. Tom E. Williams of Eight Mile Grove precinct was reared in Cass county and has taken a lively interest in the affairs of the countv over since he reached his majority. He has al ways boon a staunch republican and never missed doing everything In his power f it the success of the ticket He received the n mination by ac clarnition and without solicitation His attitude toward the ticket this fall has been most commendable Early in the season he had thought of asking for the nomination, but had not announced his candidacv. A little later, or about the lime the First regiment reached Sin Francisco, tho name of Frank Johnsoa was men tioned verv favorably in connection with the office. Upon heariDg this, Mr. Williams stated that if it was the wish of the republicans that Mr. Johnson be the nominee he war- per fectiy willing, and from that time un til J hason d.-clined to m ke the race he h id no stronger supporter than was Tom Williams. In, ihe meantime Martin Fredrick of Eight Mile Grove p.-ecinct ent ered th race for tnetreas- urership, and, although knowinp that there could not be two nominees from that precinct, Mr. Williams did what ho could for Mr. F.ednck up to the time of the conver tion. He had urged the latter to enter the race and he would not go back on his word. lie is well qualified to ti l the office and is deserving of the hearty support of his party. And he will receive it. Robert Case was barn and reared in Cass county and when the republicans named him for tho office of superiuten- lent of t-cho'jts they made no mistake. He has hid seven or eight years of ex perience in school work In the county and is deeply interested in th..t line of work. He is suro of success at tho polls. P. P. Gass, a pioneer citizen of the county, will succeed John P. Sattlor as coroner. He is an honest and con scientious citizen and will not put the count' to iinnecessarj' expense by holding- inquests when they are not necessary. E. E. Hilton is the present surveyor and is perfectly familiar with the work. He will have no trouble in be ing elected again. For commissioner of the Second district John n. Divis of A voca pre cinct was named. His long reiidenco in the district has gained him many friends. He is well thought of by bis neighbors and being careful and conservative in tho transaction of his own business he will make a model commissioner. Inflected by prying- opon a rear window. A number of fellows about town wore suspected of committing the ro bery and were t;iken into police court and questioned, but only two were he'd "Wine" Graves anu Jack Beeson. A tramp was found who claimed that ho helped thorn drink the beer. All thrjo of them were placed in j iil. the latter being hold as a witness. A knife and oue of the bricks of cheeso was found near the collar window. The cheese will be held, if possible, and taken into court Beeson and Graves will probably bo given a hearing tomorrow. CONSUELO'S GUH.yTS. Montluff Taking the Kneljp ( uw mt lleautlful li Consuelo, duchess o inherited from her n.o -P. Belmont, the tali tertainer." Progress :. eleven and rich, 1.. . vising new ways to ; and succeeds far bcy . hostesses in England back she and her 1um!..i amusing themselves ..:..: with what they call rei ; ties. Blenheim, one oi l.'orough, :;.s. o. H. . . . ; -'i t en- ...rinlns, ...tiy de .K-r guests uost otker . or a montn :! : have been :Le.i- friends -.-.it ion par- L..G- I'm est old Wheat ept Dec May Corn Sept Iec May Oats - K Sept llec May Pork Sept Dec Lard Sept Oct Short Ribs Sept Oct :o'i to'.' tou ;o4 iiv; !?iv; a ii 21 s 5ik iaih 7 m 7 M J? CO 7.95 S 10 H.12 jg.05 BIO S.:'7 5 S." IS.SU 5.5f7 5.30 5. ST 16.35 5.85 5.17 5) 5.15 5.17 4.4'J 4 01 l4.9i Vi country seats in England. :s at Us love liest in the early fall, am: jast now is crowded with guests, inos:iy youns people resting after .'.:r i dissipations of summer and buil.Ii ip against the ravages of a winter e.y campaign yet to come. Th? K ? jv cure has many devotees among Cousuelo's guests, and every ui..r...iig they may be seen walking ban f rl oa a demy lawn S3 large as a o.ty tare. Some where near 100 people ji Blenheim, and over li t:; are taking the Kneii p o. that dew upon the feet tr acts as a nerve tonic i the entire system for i time for the dev.- cur. and 6 in the mornit.i; t. the sun has absorbed 'u walk Is taken before b.. only a glass of milk in paying at :.at number believing : h j morning . u-iiing up ; :ay. The a oet.vceu 5 after that i- dt-w. Th2 . .. ast. with ih-j stomach. The bath follows, thf n eo.:: break fast, and after b: cr. kti.-.t the hlneipp girls play tennis. It takti only a few days of thi3 treatment to l ri.ig back bright eyes and roses, improved condition is Kneipp cure cr to tlio : early hours which t!i : but i !;!'. whether to the .'..ir life and '.i'.ig. duchess imposes upon her giu-:- may well be regarded as an open filiation I.ouc-Dtatiim'r .lit 11. A letter sent from New York l Bangkok, Slam, travels overland to S u Francisco and thence by water, reach ing Its d -stinatlcn n about forty-three days, having been carried nearly 13.000 miles. A letter mailed here for Ade laide, Australia, nlso goes via San Francisco, travels 12,S45 miles, and is delivered usually within Sr. days. New York mail destined for Calcutta goes by way of London, traveling 11,120 miles 5n 2D days, while mail sent from this city to Cape Town, South Africa, oes lj miles further in two days' less time. Mail comnMin'catiou be tween New York end Ilonx Koj,g or dinarily consumes one month of time; the letters go by way of San Francisco, and cover 10,500 mUs of distance. To reach Melbourne, Australia, from this city, a letter will travel 12,265 miles in about 32 days, and to reach Sydney a letter will travel 11,570 miles in 31 days. The mail route from New York to Yokohama, via San Francisco, is 7,348 miles loiag. and about 22 days are consumed In transit. To go to Hono lulu from this city a letter travels 5,6 li miles In 13 days. Leaving New York on steamer days, mail matter Is sched uled to reach Rome in about 10 days, Madrid In ten days. London and Liv erpool in eight day., Rotterdam in nine days, St. Petersburg in eleven days, Berlin In nine days, and Athens and Alexandria In fourteen days. Com munication with South American porta is much slower. It takes twenty-four days for a letter to go from New York to Rio Janeiro, which Is only about 0 miles further from this city than Is Alexandria. Mall matter going from New York to I'uenos Ayres, which is 8,043 miles distant, consumes 29 or SO daysi New York Times. Judicial Convention. N Eli n A SKA ClTV, Neb., Aug. 18 The republic n judicial conventi"n for the Second judici 1 district in Ne brasKa is hereby called to met t at Ne braska City September 22, 18J(J, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day in the dis trict court room in said city for tho purpose of putting in nomination one judge of th-3 district court In said dis trict, and to transact such other bu ness as may properly be brought be fore said convention. The represon tatioo in. said conven tion will be Cass county, 24; Otoe county, 28; bob g one delegate for each hundr d votes cast for Hon. M L H-tyward in 1SDS. or the maj r frac tion thereof. M. I. IlAVWAKD, Chairman. JKS.SE S. MAPES, Secretary. Ill KLISOION ROUTE. Here' Your I'btiKp Rate to Omaha Only GO Cruta For Kouud Trip. This is the rate you've b en waiting for its m ide on account of the festiv ities of the kniehts of Ak-Sar-Ben. Take advantage of it; buy your ticket ov.ip the Burlington Route and be one of the two hundred thousand persons who wilt witness the series of gorge ous p&geants for which Omaha is famous from one end of the country to the other. This year's celebrations extend over four days from Thursday, Sept. 2(5. until Friday, Sjpt. 25), and will sur pass all previous efforts. The Lincoln 8tret Fair. Spend tho week beginning Septem ber IS at Lincoln if you want to see the biggest thing in the way of street fairs ever held in the west. Everything is free the Hg-ricultural exhibit, the cattle, hog- and hor.-o ex hibits, tho band concerts, the parades, theatrical performances, balloon as censions and fireworks For six solid days you can fairly revel in fun. You can see hundreds of odd and interest ing thiugs every ono of them without a cent of cost. Extraordinary low rates via the Burlington route Septembar 18, 19, 20 and 21. See the local ticket arent. J. Fiiaxcis, G. P. A , Omaha, Neb. The News prints the news. BI Hot X: Li. Zh C And : al n .o buy c! You in o sary -. ou r !i ;i days make ary for you 1 1 lo hi OV'j -t. no arrvu"'nt o is Ml vi IU SO a t; nccos- ori'.'' of Toj f'S A It's tot i Tho he out. k i n el it at oay a dcr. i yo u h v ? . s stylish :t.-. t-tailor can turn ic.d a coat of this the time to buy I j 1 1 r , . t i n . 6. E. W6S60U & Son r 7m I . . h I Prices. We have just ree.-nod a ar. l WINTF.R t.. k f FALL tO which We vi-h Good Go .!, I. ..Ladies sold at ic W Every W 1 1 I in ik'o UntltTwcnr.. c ron 'el,,. .,. h:- c... r W ! I b Star f KdUoa. Thomas Edison's absent-mindedness about every-day affairs is proverbial. He goes to New York at least three times every week, and yet last week forgot to purchase a ticket each time. When he does manage to remember this little necessity for travelers the ticket Is generally covered with minute and Intricate calculations by the time the conductor comes to collect It. aiiiiiiiiUiiiiUiliill uimiimiuiiumuiim Ring We always have the very latei-t in ring?, both in s t mid ba"d. We have plai gold, 18 K. sui'ablo for wedding i ings. " 1J i ! ViTALSTV AFTER USIK5. Tha great i- : organs of ci: ici Impotency, N., . Of Tobacco or . 6 order wo nv, O boxes for 1 " MOTT'fl lillVJHlIiVH 1IJj1jI -. ' :i in I all i.tM'usrs of tli'. . i. r:n ti. 1-j-wirati.m. I-'ni iirir or Let .".iaritu 'i ''.i i Errors, Mcttil W orry, X- s avo i:- : i n .ii 1'ipt ion aud Insaniiy. Willi r; ;unci IhcmoiifV. Sold :n $ I .OO jmt '"' t UIMIK AL CO., Clciclaml, 0!il'- f r rr c; C The Platte HOME OFFICE yiIY will you j)!.'. ... " out of the f-ta'o. v. i Company. Only " Property Accept,' Otliro u- I) pre-i'Jent; 7 o Ve-cotl A t rsvtOi f u - 1 t4 12, For Sale at a Bargain Five cot tages and eight lots in block 07, being what is known as the Wright estate. Apply to K. B. Windham, executor. A. W. Atwood sella stationery. The report of the Ii ritish Consul at Manila on the state of trade there says: "Tnere is abundant evidence that when peace and a t-ettled form of government are well established the future prosperity of ike Filipinos will far exceed the pnsl." John T. Coleman, ..JEWELER.. -4 Second door Soulh id Pislofllce TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT7TTTTTTTTTTTI TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfT ) A Few t Iron r Those Y f Dr. W. C. Dean... ..DENTIST.. 409. 4IO HeCaKnr Kalldlnir Northwest cor. 16th anJ Dodge sta... Omaha PRICES REASONABLE. All work carefully and well dune. Narvonj pa tients will receive especial consideration. ED. FITZGERALD Has new stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever to take care of fl General Llveru Business h Mttress : prings J f OO. Beautiful Lino of Bookcases.. Just received Com. i rd rriCJ Vra A- elegant a.. tlque Oik Sidbt.ard o. for li fr t ho r..-xt 'him day This is a rate b;. .,; ,1 c u.not he d.M, ic.t,.,! a.,yv. h, e Those Oak Rockers at $1.75... i.o nmiiAivc, v, ...... . . . . . - " A" ' y. iie rtKei noitl t( wjJO thorn. . . . 'Ca Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and court eous treatment assured. STABLES SIXTH ASD TOE ST8. PlattSBionth, MebrMkA. J. I t The Furnitur i ! IRUH, Undertal; s I .n r 9 Worm ' m t Vf VHITE'G CREAM For 20 Years Haa Udr .t;tv. IOXX 1- 'J Sr 3r ISTIH Mii XA5yRD, St. Louis. F. G. FR1CKE & CO. l: f