NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS 1 ADY or MAN Li per iniinlli Hillary ami all expenses. Zil'Kler Co., l' Mimciii Hid:. t.'lii'-:K'. tiled to travel "J it . . t A I i l'n ft luviirisill priTwin. j V l: V,ii to Mrntore Orj ' .'-'V; JlT i I'" Youthful Color. IT PAYS To Look Around Before you mrtko purchases. After you have looked elsewhere, eomu to us J.utl wo guarantee you will ho pleased. Our now spring stock has arrived, including Dry (ioods, Staplo and Fancy (iro-Ci-ri' s, 'rookery, Glassware, Flour and I-kd. A squat'' deal to all. F. S. WHITE, Main Street, 1 'i attstnouth O- O- E " WHAT YOU WANT... In I-Votwoar is STYLE, KIT and WEAK. If you got all this f;r $:j.0) you get the earth. We have the Shoes. 4 4 4 4 4 Joseph LetXGr, North Side Main Street. 6 0 c'&-Cfr-'--:9----& first- NATIONAL BANK OK FLTTSMOUfl, NEB. PAID UP CAPITAL. - S50.000 Offers the very best facilities tor the transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bonds, scold, Kovernment and local securities nought and sold. Deposits re ceived and Interest allowed on the certfl Catca. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Hiehest market price paid 'or county warrants, 9tate and county bonds. CIRECTORS: H. N. Dovey, D. Hawksworth S. Waugh F. K. White, G. E. Dovey. Geo. E. Dovey, Fres.. S. Waugh, Cashier, H. N. Dovev. Asst. Cashier. X JAMES W. SAGE. THE Leading Liveryman. The best of rigs furnished at all hour Jand hi prices are always reasonable. Themost convenient boarding; f table for far mers in the city. PL ATTS MOUTH NEB GRAIN Commission Brokers Wear Com. Co., Correspondents. Direct Private Wire to Chicago. OFFICE Over Atwood's Drug Store. PLATTS MOUTH, NEB. All Order6 Promptly Executed. Flattsmouth Tel. 275. f9 llie 1 (Gb&ELSE l 5 helps the team. Saves wear and i expense. Sold every where. J . vtni by ? -o o 4 WHAT 4 Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and ald8 Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. 1 1 is the latest discovered digest Sntand tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in etantly relieved and permanently cures Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlclcIIeadache,GastralKla,Cramps,and all other resu 1 1 a of I mpcrf w.t digestion Prepared by E. C DeWitt A Co.. Cblcofla F. G. FKICKE & CO The Semi-Weekly News-Herald ! PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ... BY THE . . . NKW'S PUBLISHING COMPANY, J. E. M AKHII A I.L. ISuslricHs Manager. DAILY EDITION One Year, in advance, ... h 00 Six Months 2 .10 One Week, 10 single Copies 5 8KMI-WKKKLT KDITION . One Year, in advance, tl.oo Six Months, r0 F LARGEST GIRGULftTIONerbd 8acrodin Indiil8thobaniantro0 Of any Cass County Paper. TUESDAY, SEPT KM HER 5, 181)9. Tiik treasury receipts for August did not m ike a bad hhowing, oxcoed ing tho expenditures by $100,000. Theuk is still time to get upa street fair in Plattstnoulh. The latter part of Septemb' r would bo the proper time to hold it. Tun anti-expansionists are getting little satisfaction out of the members of tho First regiment. Nea'ly every soldier who has expressed himself on the subject is in favor of holding the Philippines. The fiibionists of Lancaster county tried to induco Lieutenant Colonel Eager to allow his nttme to go on their ticket for clerk of the district court, but he could not see it thai way. He was not so eager for defeat as to go into a thing of that kind. The Nebraska City is evi dently very anxious that Paul Jeeeen 5-hould not become a cm -J id ate for district judge from tho w y it keeps printing denials that h is a candidate The News has never seu a denial from Mr. J-sscn or anyone else in authority to the rftVct, that he would not be a caud.d.i e. Tiik Journal, in its characteristic manner, made a fool of itsolf by ring ing in politics in writing up tho re ception to the soldier boys. K. li Windham made a good, sensible speech and did not say one word that was out of tho way If making the statement that the American flag would wave over the Philippines until taken down in an honorable way is politics, why, then Mr. Viudham did get politic mixed into his speoch. THEY WILL, 1'AV Til EI It WAY. Statistics appear frequently in re gard to the development of commerce in Cuba, Porto Kico. the Philippines and Hawaii and invariably the exhibit is that of growing trade and a loca expenditure .:l! ing far below the lo cal revenue. Heyoud the cost, of maintaining its ami., in the islands the United States finds a surplus to its credit in all of them, says the Globe Democrat. In the Philippines this favorable margin amounts to $1,800,- 000. In Cuba, for the first six months of the present year, the surp'u-i reached $1,480,021. Nor have the de mands of humanity in Cub been stinted in the least. Charities and hospitals during thn six months re ceived $93,881 and $88,944 was be stowed upon the destitute. No lees than $1,712,014 was spent in various forms of sanitation, a vital work wholly neglected under SpaDish rule Tho additional item of $42,205 tor quarantine belongs to the health de partment. Over $300,000 was spent f;r the improvement of barracks and military quarters, another sanitary item; and over $250,000 was allowed for the betterment of forts, harbors and public works. Ample appropria tions were allotted to civil adminis tration, embracing, among other things, a modernized postal depart ment. At the same time the expansion of American commerce in all tho islands is remarkable. Tho total exports of the United States, for the fiscal year recently ended, to Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippines reached a total of $31,011,196, double the aggre gate of two years ago. Taking the average of the past ten years exports to Cuba have increased 50 per cent, to Porto Kico 25 per cent, to Hawaii 50 per cent and to the Philippines 200 per cent, and this without including army supplies or relief contrbutions. Imports from all the islands are in creasing fast, though all, except Ha waii, are more or less disturbed indus trially. It would be easy, by turning back to the congressional record, to find non-expansionist speeches assert ing that these islands would cost the United States hundred of millions a year. Such prophets of evil are noted for exaggeration. INFORMATION AND OPINION. The constant labor of four persona for an entire year is required to pro duce a cashmere shawl of the best quality. la 1395 Mohammed Balba usurped the crown of Granada in 8pite of the superior claini9 of his elder brother, Jusacf. He was very unsuccessful In his conduct of the war against the Christiana and was at length assassi nated by poison absorbed through bis skin from a shirt. He entertained a desperate dislike to the brother whom he had injured and when he knew that hi9 own fate was sealed he Bent an or der to the governor of the prison in which Jussef as confined that he should be executed immediately. When the' order arrived Jussef was playing chess with the chaplain of the prison. With great difficulty Jussef obtained a respite from the governor permitting him to finish the game. Before it wan ended, however, news came that the usurper had died of the poison. This cancelled the order of execution and Ju-sef, instead of goin? to the sou (Told, mounted tho throne. Senator Depew says he believes that a courHH of lectures on the operation of railroads would bo a vaiuabio addi tiou to all our leading colleges, con ciderint' the large part which rail roads play in our everyday life, atid how little they are understood. Amonir the numerous tbincs consid- one of the fig genus, remarkable for its vat rooting branches. The horizon tal branches send down shoots which take root when ibey reach the ground and enlarge into trunk, which, in their turn, send out branches. Ten years ago Louis G. Gottman went in debt to buy a farm of 125 acres in Marion county, Missouri. He re fused all attempts to sell him more land, but carefully cultivated every foot he had, except what he used for pasture. He is now out of debt, has built a $1,000 barn, and recently made a trip with his family to Europe. He attributes his remarkable success to utilizing to its fullest capacity what he possessed, without trying to overdo the thing. Seven miles below Dardanville, Ark., a party of negroes, consisting of Mrs. Calvin Jackson and two children and Mrs. John Smith, with three children, and Louis Price, a grown man, were crossing the river in a skiff, when, from some unknown cause, the boat capsized, drowning tiio entire party. Governor Pojnter has not yet ex plained why he pirdonpd the Cass county murderer. Was it because the man had rich relatives In Canada? Why was the pardon secretly issued contrary to law? Let some fusion re former arise and explain. The Opin ion. A farmer's wife, near Wellington, Mo., while out feeding chickens last week, dropped an ear-ring, which was quickly gobbled up by one of the fowls She could not pick out the particular chicken, so kill them, one by one twenty-seven in all but failed to find the ear-ring. Then she began to look around and found it in the grass where the fowl had dropped it. California can boast of possessing the smallest postoflice. It is Virginia, iu San D ago county. The postoRice building is made of an old piano box and is about six feet hijrh and five feet wide. There are five priv te boxes besides the general delive y window but there are no accommodations for money order busines-. Two stages runnintr f rom S m Dieeo to Econdido stop at the postoffic-j daily to deliver and receive mails. According to a New York phvsician, women who enter the hospitals there to learn the profession of nurses look upon the hospital as a matrimonial hunting ground, where young physi cians are tne quarry; that iiirting with the doctors comes first, and tak ing care of the patients sec nd. A meteorite fell, on July 10, near Allegan, Mich. It was eighteen inchr s long and twelve inches in diameter. but was broken into several pieces by its fall. The largest fragment weighed sixty-two pounds. KKl'D It I.I C AN STATE CONVKNTION. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to send del egates from their respective counties to meet in convention in the city of Omaha on Thursday, the 21st day of September, 1899. at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following offices: One judge of the supreme court. Two regents of the state university And to transact such other business as may properly come before the conven tion. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, the appor tionment being based upon the vote oast for Hon. M. L. Hayward for gov ernor in 1898, giving each county one delegate at largo and one for each 100 votes and major fraction thereof,to-wit Adams 19 Johnson ....14 Antelope 10 Kearney ftl Uanncr l Blaine Boone V. Keith 3 Keya Paha 3 Kimball. .. Box Butte 5 Boyd 5 Brown Knox 14 Lancaster 58 Lincoln 10 Loean 2 Buffalo 13 Burt lt Loup.... Butler 1 Madison 16 Cass 2f. Cedar 9 McPhersoa 1 Merrick 11 Nance f Chase 3 Cherry 7 Cheyenne R Clav 17 Nemaha 16 Nuckolls 13 Oto S3 Colfax 8 Pawnee 10 Perkins 2 Phelps 10 Pierce fl Cumine 12 Custer 16 Dakota o Dawes 7 Platte 12 Dawson 131 Polk 8 Deuel 3j Red Willow 11 Dixon 10 Richardson 24 Dodge 18!Rock 4 Douglas 97ialine 19 Dundy 4'8arpy 7 Filmore 17Saunders 19 Franklin 10Scott's Bluff 3 Frontier. 9iSeward. Furnas ...13 Sheridan ...33! Sherman ... 3 Sioux . ... 4 Stanton ... 2 Thayer Gage Garfield.... Gosper Grant Greeley.... Hall Hamilton. . Harlan 4 Thomas .19 .14 Thurston.... Valley Washington Wayne Webster . 91 Hayes. Hitchcock Holt 9 Wheeler ' York... 19 Hooker 1 Howard H Jefferson- 18 Total 1.020 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention and that the delegates present be author ized to cast the entire vote of the dele gation of the county which it repre sents. It is further recommended thai whenever two county conventions bo held tho selection ' a county commit tee ahail take pi co at th first con vention and then in every oaso the eecrcinry bn required to promptly ad vise tho stnto cummittco of 'the organ iz ition of -ucti new committee with tho names of nfllcera. members, post ofiico address and larao of precinct rpre sented by each Omaha. NervuHkH. June 23. 1899. K H chneidek. Chairman. P. O. IIh.DLU.ND, S-cre'ary. CALL KOIt COUNTY CONTENTION. The republionn tdectors of Cass county r hereby called to meet Id convention to be held at Weeping Water, September 16, 1899, at 11 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of elcct- ing twenty-six delegates to attend the statu convention to bo held i-. Omaha, September 21, also twenty-four dele gales to attend the ju iicial conven tion lo be hel'i at Nebraska City, Sep tembor 22, and to place in nomination candidates for the following offices, to-wit: County clerk, county treasurer, clerk of tho district court, county judge, county nheriff, f-uperintendent of public instruction, coronor, county surveyor, one member of board of county commissioners for Second commissioners' od istrict, and for the transactioii of such other business as may come before it. The committee recommends that there bo no proxies recognized, but that delegates present cast the full vote of their several pre cincts and wards. Primaries to select delegates to said convention will be held on Siturda3-, September 9. Kep resentation is baed upon vote cast for candidate for governor, Judge Hay ward, iu 189S, being one delegate for each twelve votes or major fraction thereof, and one delegate at large for each precinct or ward. Following1 is given the place of hold ing, time aud delegates each ward and precinct are elitled to: prec't and votino place. time. del. Avoca Avoca sipni 8 Center Manley 2 p m 8 Eight Mile Grove Hcil sch house 4pm 8 Elmwood Murdock 8pm 11 Greenwood Alvo 4 p in 8 Liberty Lynn's hall. Union 3 p m 12 Louisville Hassemeier hall. .7 to 9 p m 12 Mt Pleasant Usual place 8pm 6 Nehawka School house 7 p m 11 Platts prec Taylor school house. .8 p in 8 Salt Creek Greenwood 8pm 9 Stove Creek Op hse. Elm wood... 8 p m 16 South Bend School house 7:30 p m 6 Tipton Lumber office. Eagle 8pm 12 Rock Bluffs 1st dist. Rock B... .7 p m Rock BIuffs-2d dist., Murray 7 p m W W prec Cascade sch hse 6:30 p m Weeping Water City First ward G. A. R. hall 8 to 9 p m Second ward Council chm 8 to 9 p m Third ward Powell's hall.... 8 to 9 p m Plattsmouth City First ward Perkins house-.... 5 to 7 p m Second ward Turner hall 5 to 7 p in II Third wd Richey lum office.. 5 to 7 p m 15 Fourth wd Council chm 5 to 7 p m Fifth ward So. Park sch hse .5 to 7 p m M. M. Butler, H.G. Beardsley, Chairman. Secretary. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was tho result of hisspiendid health, Indomitable will and tremendous en- erv are not found wbe:e 9tomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of o de-. If you wmt th- se qualities and the success they bring, use Dr King's New Life Pills. They develop every power ' f orain and body. Only 25c t F G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store Judicial Convention. Nkbraska City, Neb., Aue. 18. The republic. n judicial convention for the Second judicial district in Ne braska ir. hereby called to meet at Ne braeka City September 22, 1899, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day in the dis trici court room in said city for the purpo-e of putting in nomination one judge of tha district court in said dis trict, and to trans act such other busi ness as may properly be brought be fore said convention The rep' esrn tation in said conven tion wiil be Cass ccunty, 24; Otoe county, 23; bei'g ono delegate for each hundr d votes cast for Hon. M L. II iywurd in 1S98, or the maj .r frac tion thereof. M. L. Haywakd, Chairman. Jesse S. MAPts, S crelary. A free and easy expedoation is pro duced by a fo do-?o8 of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, in all cases of hoarseness, sore throat, or difficulty of breathing. Price 25 and 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co. Education In India. British India has 140 colleges and 17,000 students. Only one male in ten and one female in 160 are able to read. Warm Whalebone to Cat It. Whalebone may be easily cut if warmed first over a lamp or by the fire, when it will become soft. California Almonds. California produces about one-third of the almonds consumed in the United States. Independent .InUirlal Convention. The peoples' independent party's judicial convention for the Second judicial district in the state of Ne braska is hereby called to meet at Ne braska City, September 12, 1899, at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day in the dis trict court room in said city for the placing in nomination of one judge of the district court in said district, and to transact such other business as may properly come before tne convention. The representation in siid convention will be: Cass couuty 20 delegates; O'oe county 20 delegates. W. F. Mohan, Chairman. Robert J. Vass, Secretary. Blotches and excresence, which so often annoy people, are simpiy efforts of nature to throw off impediments to the proper performance of her duties. Herbine will aid and assist nature in n her work-, and ensure a skin clear and beautiful, entirely free from all mperfections. Price 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co. Bee cham's Pills for Stomach and Liver ills. HAWAII. There is one telenhona to vr flfty-two Inhabitants Id the Hawaiian Islands, and one to every forty-ooe persons in the principal Inland of Oahu; and a Honolulu letter to the Chloago Record makes it clear that In these new poeeesalona of ours the telephone is really a public "Institution." Isolated as the islands are, the ar rival of a steamship from a foreign land is of Interest to almoat every one. The government maintain a lookout station on Diamond Head, from which approaching vesaels can be sighted while still from twenty to forty miles distant As soon aa a steamer U sighted "central" Is notified. "Central" then not!fls th niit offlce the port Dhy3,c,an th. boar, of health, the custom house, the post- omce, me newspaper omces and a few other persons -who have a particular interest In mrlr information of thU character. Then the electric light company Is notified, and It gives two long whistles If the steamer is from America, and three if it Is from any other part of the world. For two minutes after these whlstlei are blown no telpnhnn. .Anr,.tun. made, but the force at "central" keep repeatlng the name of the steamer and Its location, as "Australia off Koko Head," or "China off Walanae," so that all any one needs to do Is to go to the nearest telephone, put the receiver t his ear and learn what steamer l Is and where It is. - If the steamer brjngs any striking piece of news of general interest "cen tral" gives it to everybody who calls up for a connection. In this way the destruction of the Maine was known all over the island within ten minutes after the Zealandia, whteh brought the news, was at the .what f. If an important personage die, the newg Is distributed in the tanut way. and "central" can always be depended on to give the hour and place of a funeral as soon as the hour is fixed. In New York and Chicago, If you want to make an Inquiry, you aak a police man. In Honolulu you ask "central." The meat markets have a list of their regular customers at "central," and at about 6 o'clock each evening "central" calls them all up in order nd takes their orders for the next morning's breakfast. TO BEAUTIFY DOORS. It is seldom that the door of a room Is made a decorative feature. Too often it Is hidden behind a portiere an altogether meaningless arrange- ment when we consider that if only the door -were well made and skillfully fit ted it would sucessfully exclude all draught, and the addition of another screen would be quite unnecessary. Since the fashion of hiding the door in this way has been adopted the archi trave has not been regarded as of any importance, and consequently tho modern door is, as a rule, badly pro portioned and by no means well de signed. During the periods from which we take man' of our present best ideas of decoration namely the Louis XIV.. XV. and XVI. doors were treated with the utmost care and skill; not only were they carved or painted, but their locks and hinges were beautifully de signed and finished so much so that an old French lock or hinge is of value as a work of art. This Is as it should be. The door should receive equally as much attention as the fireplace oi window. It need not be elaborately carved, but It should be well designed and furnished with appropriate lock TELEPHONES IN and hinges. Then, again, the doorjcroup it has no equal," wriie- II- should always be nung in sucn a man ner that the part of the room in which, the occupant usually sits is screened, and it should open into the room to facilitate the entrance, and also give the Impression of hospitality. The hall door should be more sub stantially built than that of the room, and looks best If plain in design and solid in color. It shou'l have bold architectural molrMngs, but no elab orate decorative detail, and Its lock, hinges and handle should be skillfully wrought in a suitable metal, such as Iron or bronze. In every case the metal work should be appropriate to the door, as, for Instance, wrought Iron or bronte with oak, copper with ma hogany and brass with walnut. Hammocks. Hammocks this year are both varied and numerous in design, and also. which is pleasant news, very reason able in price. Those of colored twin are perhaps more pleasant and com fortable for lying in than the- rougher hemp, and Just as strong. They are wider, less given to tipping and depos iting their burden on the grass or ver anda floor, and better. balanced than formerly. As there is nothing so conducive to perfect comfort on a hot summer's day than a pleasantly hung hammock, no one should go to the country with out one. In the shops they are show ing tiny ones for babies, and many doctors advocate letting the little ones sleep In a properly hung hammock during the warm nights, on the theory that they are more healthful than over heated cribs, with hair mattress and feather pillows. Tents are displayed of all kinds and descriptions. To those in possession of a large lawn or golf links tents placed here and there are oases in a sun baked stretch. Many swinging chairs are fashioned somewhat like tents,and are considered quite a boon for grand father or grandmother. For Sale or Rent Store room and dwelling combined, 34x58 feet, known as the T. V. Davis store, in Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmunds, Murray, Neb. There's always hope while there's One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs in bad sbape and I was near the first etasres of consumption. One Minute Cough Cure completely cured me," writes Helen McHenry, Bismark, N. D. Gives instant relief. F. G. Fricke & Co. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Hls Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a promin- nt ci' Z"n of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wor.- oeriui aoiiverance irom a deaih. In telling of it he frit'htful ays: "I was taken with typhoid fever, that ran inlo pneumonia. My lungs bo came hardened. I was bo weak 1 couldn't even sit up in bod. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die. of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottla gave great relief. I continued to use !t and Rm now wel1 Hnd BlronP. I ca" 1 SHy to much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is tho surest and quickest cure in the world for throat and lung trouble. Kegular sizos 50 nri iii i on TVI..I hr.ttia fn .. t F. G. Fricke & Co's. drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 2 National Kndtmpratnt l. A. K. at I'lillit tlelphlM. The lowest rates of tho year le.-s ; than one fare for the rouud trip will hn ma t, -r,iw,r,i p.,n,mr,t nt . A T3uiii .,n. vi v u o x x s-ftt. i u .a, uiiaut i puin. ." i iog dates, September 1, 2 and .'!. lie turn limit, September 30. Kate open to the general public. As usual the veteran and their fr iends will take the Burlington route, avoiding change of depots in Chic.-i go and securing for themselves tho spe cial advantages in tho way of fast tirao and through ctr service which tiiat road offers. Special Grand Army train for Phila delphia leaves Omaha 5:00 p. to. Sat urday, September 2d. Sleeping, din ing and free reclining chair cars. Berths can be reserved now. See local ticket agent and ask him about rates, and trains. Or, if you wish, vvriio to J. Francis, general passenger agent, Omaha, Neb. Noone knows the unbearable torture, the peculiar and Hgonizir.g pain. ! c used by piles, unless they have suf- lered from them. Many believe them incurable. This is a mistake. Proper treatment will cure them. Tablet' Buckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible cure. Price, 60c. in bottles, tubes 7oc. P. G. Fricke & Co. Cores for lusonrianla. ! In the matter of inducing sleep much depends upon the individual. One per son will find a hearty meal before bed time conducive to sleep, while another thinks that an empty stomach is the best plan in order to obtain sleep. A cold bath, rubbing the hands in cold water, a wet towel applied to the tem ples are all helpful to a good night's rest. Some persons think that the only way to insure sleep is to fix the mind ivvn fAvM . vivo f t0 r r 1 A rhiant -rar Vi ila ! others think that to count from one on ward endlessly will weary the brain so that sleep will come. "Best on the market for cough- d colds and all bronch al troub! R. Whitfo-d. S ml One Minute Cough Cu & Co. G. F. Worn Bank Notes. Every year the treasurer of the United States Is called upon to redeem millions of bank notes which have be come badly worn as a result of con stant handling. During the fiscal year recently closed Treasurer Roberts gave new bills in exchange for old to the amount of 1290,000,000, breaking the record of the last six years. This Is an indication that with the return of prosperity money Is In free circulation. , l E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was cured of piles by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty rem edies. Physioians and surgeons en dorse it. Beware of dangerous coun terfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. Aroaid the World In a Mouth. j When the trans-Siberian railroad is finished we shall be Pile to make the "tour du monde" in f.urty-three days. According to the Ri fdan minister of roads and commun'c :tions the itine rary will be: Bremen to St. Petersburg by rail, one and one-hal? days; St. Petersburg to Vladivosiock, by rail, ten days; thence to Ran Francisco by steamer, ten days; thence to New York, by rail, four and a half flay.;, and back to Bremen, by sea, seven days. Per haps some "Phincas Fa" will do It In a month. At preset c the shortest route from Southampton, by Pari3. Brindlsi, Yokohama. San Franc sco and New York is sixty-six days. "They are 6imply perfect," writes Robert Moore, of La Fajette, Ind., of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the 'famous little pills" for constipation and all livj: ailments, never jjript. F. G. Fricke & Co. Fm of tn Trained Nine. A German Journal Is authority for the statement that two-thirds of the trained nurses actively engaged ac quire and die of tuberculosis. Llttlo Tax on Cash Wealth. Nearly all the taxes levied in the United States are imposed upon pro auction and consumption, rather than upon accumulation. For Sale A five acre t act in S"uth Park, all in fruit. Hou-te, barn, well and cistern Id good repair. Thrasher. A BEAUTIFUL AITACIi.O'.M IKITATINQ STEIMLD I!ST2tLrlS Iiu heeii added to the well known Hour0 IXEMSi $25 CASH, $20 MONTHLY. With Stool and Scarf. . MADE IN OAK, WALNUT and NAIIOGANY Write For Particulars j: Ili:tlll. N'llrl t' Mining Is not without it.; romaiifcs. Like many other pursuits In which great risks are taken to win all or nothing, the failures often lea.l lo sen sational consequences. In Ilallarat, for Instance, a ruliiPd gold miner com mitted suicide In a manner almost dramatic, according to the records of that mining district. During the time of the gold rush a certain deserted claim was held sacred for years and the tool3 strewn about the windlass were left to rust away untouched. A party of 'varsity men, old school fel- lows and of gentle birth, had sunk their shaft there and worked without success until their money was spent. ue evening one of them at work at the bottom of the shaft shouted: "Haul Up, hoys; the time Is come at last!" They hauled up, and when the end of the cable came to the top they found their comrade's lifeless body hanging from the chain. He had detached the bucket, tied a noose about his neck, fastened the noose to the chain, and I was handed by his dearest friends. The party had been much liked and re spected by the other miners, who would readily have subscribed a thou sand ounces of gold dust to give them a fresh start, but ere the dawn of the next day the whole party had disap peared, leaving their claim In tho ennie state as it lay at the time of the tragedy. Cheater H. Brown, Kalamazoo.Mich. , says-: ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me t;f a severe case of indigestion; can strongly recommend it to all dyspep tics." Digests what on eat without aid from tho stomach, arid euros dys pepsia. 1 (i Fricke & (Jo. The "Cut Hcil" o-cont cigar has an enviable reputation among smokers. Union made. Foi- hale by all dealorf. Otto VVurl, Manufacturer. Copper Colored Splotches. There is only one cure for Contagious Blood Poison the disease which has completely baffled the doctors. They are totally unable to cure it, and direct their efforts toward bottling the poison up in the blood and concealing it from view. S. S. S. cures the disease posi tively and permanently by forcing out every trace of the taint. I was afllioted Willi u K-rrlble blood diseaHe, Which was in tjMjts at llrst, but aftt-rwariln Hpreuo all over rny Ixxly. Those soon broke out In to sores, ami it ts eay to luiHino the suffering I endured. Urf ore I Th CKine convinced that the doctors could do no ff'"'l, I bad Sx til a hundred dollars, which was really thrown away. I then tried various patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease. When I bad finished my first bottle of S. S. S. I whs urea fly improved and was delighted with The lir-.-e r-d .spioii-ln s on my the ri -lilt. chest be for e'.-.ui to vrow ii!-r mid smaller nud Ion; d:-;i t.w-nred entirlj. I re.r;iiij-d my io-i v.-:u'!it, i.ecatne st t ont r. t nd my u n- L v.-:u'!it, became st I ont r. t nd mv jet in";'! .i I iy t illTiro'. ed. I x.i.ii entirely Wei i , a !id my skin as c it a r as n pieec of Kla'-s. II. L. .My t us, I') Mullicrry .St., Newark, N. J. Don't destroy nil possible chance of a cure by taking the doctor's treatment of mercury and potash. These minerals cause the hair to fall out, and will wreck the entire system. Blood j3 pcrelv vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no potash, mercury, or other mineral, Books on the disease and its treat- i : 1 .1 r L . 1 z "eia ma ieu irre uy owiu opecincuom- pany, Atlanta, Georgia. fhLhc;r' F.nclUh Diamond Bran. EHNYROYAL PILLS OHstHvikI mnA Only Grnalnc Arc, vJwv- rlitii. lADit tak IruifCiat fir t'hirhtMter 2njt,h Ilia A mond Brand in Ivcd and 'Said otallicV, JSoxea. f-alM with btj riMon. Take no thr. h'tnte danomnu rtffifu- tton and imitaiutna. At Druggist, or ib4 4-. In ittnipi for particular. t-tiinrnt&U a4 K filer ror ..-," tn itlU. by rtar Mall. l.OCM) riimoniMbj. Paver Vhlvh 1ri hem teal Co. 'Hariltsjs ttuaara fili bjr all Local irugi-s. PMILADA i'A. 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 V 4 WKT ELBREAST Al YARD LI MO I.N AVK. AMI ! KIti.1-. vrs . II. VI. MIK.NMt iiXll.N, Manager. Larr Supply of all t!ie BEST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including th; Famous Missouri. Illinois, J -I c Icon HiM i"d t " t ri i ri jtv t ,i) ir . ? 4 t 4 9 v C 9 A -v- -t.t t k - e NL 1 . CO .A (.' 'V-, red I.- t rr. Mor- d A II. U cckrach V t .. HI- PkKJsl.V iiu m " CUTH V A N Si an. PLATTSMOUTH, U CO