in 1,1 LL DEAD I II Nl Tho Greatest of All Agnostics Summoned Sllilili'iily. IS CARRJI () Off by APOPIIXY b loum ftlTu at Ui Somn Ilort, TTith fTVy ana Ttro ioifhtBi J'rent Brief fclog r,,hlClJ Sketch of Man Who a Kiiowu I rum One Cod of the Country to the other. MIW YORK, July 22. Jtobort O- nRTHill iioa ut liis Iiojii.- in Dobb's I'Vrry. N. Y., yr-nt.-nlny afternoon of loil(.xy. Air. Iiik'thoII went to Jils summer I'oi:... In Uubbs' K. uy t uay ago. artKirently In kJ h-iitii. Shortly ins Ullivill !;;!(. " . ilnli.,yoil!.li. complained Kj.-Iit y;t-tI'i;iy mo;iil and .shortly in !.. t in nis he was Ntrul.-fn lii:i wife ot'lViv.l to havo liin liuifheoi, Kent up to hi in so t twit he would not i,aVH t vviilk dov:i, Huhs to t!,e dining room li.-low. J, huiKti liiRly reylicl that whit.- he did not lfil quito an yonni; m; Im used to, h;;il he w.-i.s j,ot y I aa invalid and he o;;hl ko (Io'ao v, iili il,,- others. A8 he finish. ! .p.-.i I: : i, :n ubout to rise; he fell h:u-: Into hi.; i-hulr. A iihHieian was ii,n.i.d.;ite!y Htmi monod,'. but v.hi.i l.e iv.,. !i. , tho house he found thai Mr. J io;ei ;,. .11 had died iiifcUinrlv. The niiveieian ii i 1 Hill Hot ylVO the i-oise oi death, but the family believe it :is lui l'l'-xy. to itl- Mr. lii-.-.r.-;oU'a wife r.nd two d.iuh tfis were vu!i him v. u a he did. ('oloiiel iiuiieit O. Ihim 11, gener ally eoneed.ed to th- rn'iilrsl of all a gnostic -y, was the ;;ou oi. a l'rorhy tr-r-ian minister of the stri. test sect, and b many at hast his views on tho bible are thought to be the revulsion of feeling due to the severity of relig ious discipline in his boyhood days. Ho was a youth of tender yeais wnen his father was installed as pastor of a ehiiKh at Ashtabula, ()., In 1841. Here he spent several years, removing to Madison, O., and later to Illinois. It is somewhat strange that his tiiBt fame as an orator should hae been won ut a Sunday school picnic in Illi nois, where, he was put in as a make shift on account, of the speakers who had been expected failing to appear. Later ho studied law and was admit ted to the bar. He served in an Illi nois regiment during the war, where he earned the title of colonel. He also served in congress from Illinois. He iirt sprang into national t une us an orator by Ills speech nominating Blaine for-the presidency in the C'in ilnnatl convention, wherein lie por trayed him as a plumend knight In the political arena, ready to mept and vanquish any aspiring opponents. Long before this every man, woman and child in I'eoria, 111., his home, was familiar with his powers as an orator and with his keen wit. Thomas L'ratty, the very opposite of Ingersoll in personal nppearancc small, wrinkled-faced anil sour looking was his only rival. When it was known that these two were to try a lawsuit it mattered not what the case, the court room wassure to be crowded. There was certain to be clashing of wit, logic and eloquence such as is worth any man's while to listen to. Later, when he became more of a national figure, he removed to New York, where by lecturing and in the practice of his profession he earned large sums of money, though by rea son of his generosity and free spend ing of money he accumulated little In proportion to his opportunities. Personally, he was a most' genial man and in his family, as with others, he whs liberal to tho point of prodi gality. Every man, woman and child in Peoria knew him and his kindly heart and purse were always open to the cry of distress. Whatever else in his creed there may have been to condemn, the people who knew him could not help but admire these traits of his character. SILVER EEADERS IN SESSION. Hut .luut fflut Was Done Was Not Made Publto. CllirA.00. July 22 While the mem bers of the national committee were enjoying a view of the drainage canal yesterday the silver leaders were- In conference at the auditorium annex. Thoso present were John P. AKgelcL George Fred Williams, John P. Tr rvin, nrpsidrnt. of the League of Rir,i?:alIJc Clubs of the Ohio va ley; Ceveial A, J. Warner, president or trie American Bimetallic union; C. A. Sl'dwly of In diana and Moveton Frewen. the ln-gli.-h Those who partici pated in the conference said that it had no political significance whatever and that they were at the annex simply as guests of Moreton Fro.wen at a luncheon. ARRIVAL 0E SICK SOLDSERS. The Transport I ml I in:i (oinfs Into Tort With a.vs. SAN FRANCISCO. July 22. The United States transport Indiana ar rived yesterday from Manila, tho jour ,nev occupying thirty-two days. The vessel was sent to quarantine. The Indiana-has 3")S sick soldiers on board and a number of lied Cross nurses. The sick soldiers were taken from the various regiments and a great many of them are suffering from wounds received in battle. After the work of examining the vessel has been finished by the quarantine officers the sick sol diers will be removed to the newly finished hospital at the Piesidio. D-f :4iiltT to Klondike. CHICAGO. July 22. A special to the Record from Vancouver, B. C. says: The alleged defaulter Moore, who is wanted on the charge of embezzle ment of $50,000 from the Bank of Commerce of Boston, slipped away on a boat to the Klondike Just as Detec tive McMurty thought he had him. Kurttiu:k at I-oa Angela. T.OS ANGKLKS, Cal., July 22. Two sharp earthquake shocks were feP In the southern part of the state at 4:34 p m. today. The first shock lasted several seconds and was most eeverv The vibrations were from east to west. No damage worth mentioning was ex perienced. Iowa I'ortttnatfterM. WASHINGTON, July 22. Iowa post masters appointed: Jacob Jenewein, at Boyd, Chickashaw county; Samuel G. Wilson, at Delta. Keokuk county, and Thomas W. Nilson. at Norwood, Lucas county. Largest line of cotton and rubber garden hose ever brought to tho city. Ebing-er Hardware company. 1) Oil NGKISOI WHEN ADMIRAL DfWY ARRIVES. Thru It la I'miton-,! i .111 ji (irunil ltr--i lott nl .mmi ...i. WASHINGTON. July -J. -Admiral Dewey, having cable,; ot the plans for his reception ut the national capital, the committee in charge ar free to proceed at on, with the neces sary preparations. .Some time ago the District coidiuIskUkiciv. appointed a committee f 100 to lake ctliclal cog QtfraC$ of Vie admiral's return to the national capital. whlA committed organized and subdivided. The execu tive committee sketch, d a program. Which was approved iy President Mc Klnley, Secretary Long and the com mitter of 100. The program provider-, for an escort from New York to Wa. Idi gion. Prob ably on the afternoon of his arrival the admiral will be conduct, ! to tho east front of the capital, win re Secre tory Long will pre.-,.-ni the sword of honor which was voted l,v congrt .-s. A CUIMIclnils lil:i t form .sni'aiile 1 1 . ' . 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 j wiM )t. tM.r.( f,,,j f, 't. ., !il0(j .,, of the president, his cabinet, the ninn- ; herH of the diplomat ie corns and other ; dist IfiLmlnhed iiim kihi :'es . , -- - ,- -I-.- - In the evening theie will be a mili tary, naval and civic parade, in which ev ry organized body in the District of Columbia is expected f,, participate. The feature Ik to be of tie- torchlight arbty and Is to be :ecompanied by general Illumination, the most elabor ate efforts being aloi:.'; the line of march. The parade- will be reviewed by the president, Admiral Dcwry and many of the prominent naval otticials. Following thi parade will be band con certs in various sections of the city. Admiral Dewey has bet n communi cated with an to the reception and pre sentation, both by letter and by cable. A synopsis of the letter was cabled, and In reply thereto the following mes sage has been received through thi secretary of the navy: "Proposed arrangements reception and presentation Washington approved by president and secretary are entirely agreeable to me. DEWHV." NO SUMP IN TRADE. Dunn &i t'o D-te No Ctoutl 011 t In- Com mercial lIoriAon. NIIW YORK. .July 22. II. G. Dun & Co., in their weekly review of trade, say : Optimism is always popular, bufr more than half that time dangerous Seven years' of halting reaction his torically follow three of rapid progress. Put three of progress have not ye passed, and the most cautious search discloses no sign of halting. Foreign inactivities have been real, but seem to be passing, and Europe has beui paying liberally for more food without expectation that securities can be senj in settlement. The extensive labo( strikes have vanished, and the local do not affect national business. Fears of new and powerful corporations les sen, as it is found that they are con trolled by the same laws which govern the small companies. Above all, the general evidences of prosperity continue convincing, fail ures are the smallest ever known for the season, railroad earnings are larg est and solvent payments through clearing houses ig July have been larger than last year, and C2.4 per cent larger than in 1S92, the best of previ ous years. uiiu-ial returns of the most wonder ful year in the nation's commerce sbo .v a decrease of $S5, 900,000 in value of the great staples exported, largely owing to prices, but an increase ol about $80,000,000 In other exports, mostly manufactures. Reports of deficient crops have been bii'.ied under western receipts from faiiiis, amounting to 13,861,046 bushela of wheat, for the month thus far, against 3,773.118 last year, and 15, 29S.G55 bushels of corn, against 6,612, 31 f last year. Exports of wheat, At lantic and Pacific, have been 7.709,193 bushels during the month thus far, against 7,39'.i,259 last year, and of corn, 9,093.041, against 5,097,847 last year. Prices declined snarply, with assur ance of ample supplies, wheat 3 cents and corn 2 Vi . which Is the more sig nificant in view of the previous heavy exports of both. Cotton also Is gain ing abroad largely, though the price remains 6.19 cents. INDIANS MIST ATTEND SCMQOL. Tlw !i nsn'iikle in Iowa Want Mattors 1 h'lr Own Way. WASHINGTON, July 22. It is quite probable that tho Indian office will adopt heroic, measures to compel the Musquakie Indians, located near To ledo, la., to send their children to tho school erected on the Saes-Fox agency. Special Agent Jenkins, who was re cently detailed to proceed to Iowa and make an investigation with a view to suggesting a remedy for the diffi culty with the Musquakies, has re turned to Washington. He says that the faction opposed to sending their children to school are still in an ob stinate frame of mind. Mr. Jenkins had a conference with the district at torney, in which the latter expressed an opinion that the Indian commis sionev had a right to compel the reds to support the school. Tmiii :l 'iirx-r for Manila N I0W YORK. July 22. The 6 o'clock through train on the New York Cent ral last night for Snn Francisco car ried nine more trained nurses for the Philippines sent out under the auspices of auxiliary No. 3 for the maintenance of trained nurses. S.iri'toua at Southampton. SOUTHAMPTON. July 21. The United Staies training shin Saratoga has arrived her. i.rain-O ltrincx ItclleT to the coffee di inker. Coffee drinking is a habit that is universally indulged in ,ind almost as universally injur ious. Have you triod Grain-O? It is almost like coilee but tho effects aro just the opposite. Coffee upsets the stomach, ruins the digestion, effects tho-heari and disturbs the whole ner vous system. Grain-O tones up the stomach, aids digestion and strength ens the nerves. 15 and 25c. per pack age. S'lilors call a low iceberg a growler, and the word would in general suggest something cool, were it not for bull dogs and London four-wheel cabs, to which it is also applied. To eradicate worms from the system give the child plfio, nourishing food and Whito'a Cream Vermifuare, The result will be, the worms will disap pear and the child become healthy and cheerful. Price 50 eta. F. G. Fricke It Co. King, Emporer, Duke, Prince $1. Elson, the Clothier. IIEMAINS AIIC LAID AT 11EST. Funml HrrvltM llvi r Krmalim of ICohcrt NlrwHtt llrhl ut llnvt'lot k. The funeral of tho lato Robert fcjtowart wiit hold at tho Methodist chnrchin HuvulocU tit 2 o'clock last Friday afternoon and interment was made in Wyu, a cemetery, Lincoln. Tho funeral was largely attended by l'liittmnoulh, Lincoln and Havelock fyple, and wad under the auspi3 wf the Masonic ordar. The floral tributes wre beautiful, the Masonic or der presenting a wreath and harp made from flowers, the M. V. A. pre senting a beautiful piilow. Dei-eased was lifty sovon years of ajfo and leaver a wifo and throe chil dren to mourn his demise He was well ami favorably known in this city, having' worked for eighteen years in the Hurlinton paint shop under D. H. Smith. A number of people from 1 Malls mouth attended the funeral, among them being" William Mct'aulcy and wife, C. S. Forbes and wife, D. 15. Smith, .Joe Lake, C. S. Wilde, Kd Schulhof, Will Coolidjre. Franco l!al lanco, August Keinhaekio, .1. L. Root, Kd Harstow and Frank Loving-. Itoy S-rioiiNly Injured. George Craig", a boy about fifteen years old, living midway between Ashland and Greenwood, met with a painful accident Sunday evening-, while riding- a horno in the pasture after tho cows. The horse took fright from some caudo and ran away. Tho boy was thrown into a wire fence and cut a flevci-e gash in the lleshy part of his leir, laying tho bono bare for a length of ten or twelve inches. Tho horno ran into the wire and severed the jugular vein, dying on the spot. Dr. .Meredith was summoned and placed the injured boy in as comfort able a situation as possible. It is a serious wound for hot weather. Ash land Ga.-tteo. D-nth of a Young tJlrl. Ida, the fourteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Goodman, died Friday at 11 o'clock, after a linger ing illness of eight weeks. Miss Good man was well known near her homo and had many friends, who mourn her departure. The fatnir lias the sin cere sympathy of tho entire community in i-t s,,d alliiction. Deceased war sister to 1. F. Goodman of tins city. The funeral services took place at thr family residence, three miles west of Kight Mile Grove, Sunday morning' at 8 o'eloclf, and the remains were laid to rest in the Walradt cemetery. IM'i:RKSTIX(i COUNTY CULLIMJS. CliiingH From County KxchangeH Diwlo-U Up for "New" Kt-ailcri. From the Weeping Water Republican. Mr. Kieitch has moved into 1. S Barnes' fine south side residence. Mr. Warner moved his family over fiora Syracuse, Tuesday, and is occupying tho house vacated by Mr. Kieitch. Jessie Davis hits written over $100, 000 worth of hail insurance this season in Cass and Otoe counties. A hail storm in the vicinity of Nohawka n the Gth inst, damaged tho crops of three'poiicy holders in his company to tho extent of $40, $75, and $110 respec tively. He represents a. mutual com pany and tho cost is reduced to the maximum amount of actual losses and expenses. Mr. Davis also represents a mutual company which insures farm ers from loss by hog cholora. Agent A. J. Rlepscr says that for tho month of Juno the business of the M. F. at this place was between twelve and fifteen hundred dollars greater than it was for tho month of June, 'OS. The amount received for tickets was not so large, but tho raeeipts for freight business was n great deal moro. Not withstanding tho extra work on ac count, of increased business they are short one man at tho depot from what they had last yoar,so it keeps the rail road boys pretty busy 1o keep things moving on time. A liirmiT FlattHiiinutliian'H l-al h. From Monday's Daily. S. A. Davis this morning received a telegram from his wifo, who is visit ing at Seward, conveying the sad in- tolligcnco of the sudden death of Wil liam II. Davis of that place, who was an uncle of tne lormor. Death was tho result of a stroke of para'ysis with which he was stricken last Fri day death ending his suffering yes terday. Many people of Cass count3' will rc member Mr. Davis, who came with his family and settled on a farm noar Ne ll aw k a. in 1S57. A year or two later he moved to Rock duff, and still later engaged in the shoe and leather busi ness in Piattsmouth. Some thirty years ago he went to Seward, Neb., and has been in business there eyer siace. Many old settler of this county will remember uat Mr Davis was a mem ber of the legislature in old territorial days and always took a lively interest in public aud political affairs, but a deeper iutorest in religious matters, being an active member of the M. E. church all his life, and died as he lived, with full faith in the reward of the righteous in the great hereafter. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon a number from this city attending, as well as from Weeping Water. Mr. Davis has many relatives in this city, near Nchawka, Weeping Water and Syracuse, all of whom have been helped to a higher life by the perfect and complete example of the man who has just been called to another sphere. A new seventy-foot sieel turn-table came into Alliance from the east on No. 47 Thursday to be used in place of the cast iron one now in use. The old one will be sent to Sterling, Colo., the point at which the new line crosses the Cheyenne line. CITY AND COUNTY. SATlKIAY. T. V.. Williams of Glcndalo is in tho city. V.. W. Kurt was an Omaha visitor today. Mis Agnes I leach wa-t a vi-itor in Omaha yesterday. Taylor Surface, a pruiuiucnt f.u ujer from near lht Mlli to7 preoingt, was in town todaj. A gentleman from Des Moine, la., i in the city looking around with a view of opening a labor agency. G. C. CovhU and wife departed tbis afternoon for a few days' pleasure trip to Denver and other western poi nts. Mr. Spies and Mrs. Outhtnann have returned from their recreation tri p to Murdock. They report hav ing had a good time. Israel Ward, a former citizen of (Vis county, having lived south of A-hland for the twenty years succeeding the date of bis settlement here in l'-S. died at his homo at Doniphan, Neb., on Juno 111. Ho was a brother of .John Ward, who wa at his hedr-ide whet) ho. died. Anhland (f.i;tte. The ease of the Stato of Nobrai-ka vs. ficorgo l'oiall, et al., has been ap pealed to tho ditrict court, the papers nnving been tiled today. The defend ants in this ease aro charged with dis turbing the pe-teo .-it a dance sever ,1 weeks ago. Lor,;n Kaney was one. of i the participants, but lias since left: town. Uncle Henry McMnkeii, win) is a close' student and strong' believer in Iiev. Irl I licks' prognosiicat ions, says tho chances for a long hot and dry r-pell, continuing iuto September, ai! very good. However, as all signs fail in wot weather, it is hoped that the prophesies of these two g -n-tleinon wiil not come true. Charles We'.dcv. the eniritioer at i the pump house, has a way of catch- ing li.-'h that is no trouble to him. As the pumps were running this after noon one of them stopped. lie removed the head of the pump to see what was the trouble, when ho discovered an eight-pound tUh lodged therein. Mr. Wcldey will have fish for dinner to morrow. Kd Fry has received a number of pictures from his brother, Clarence, which were tak'.n at and near Manila. The most interesting one of then: is that of Company M on the firing line. This picture shows the boys lined up for battle, some taking aim and others partly stooping and leauing forward in order to get a better view of the enemy, while in the distance huge clouds of smoke can bo seen. Another picture gives a clear view of tho in surgent entrenchments on the north side of the Oagbag river, near Calum pit; another shows the railroad bridge over the liagbag river, part of which was destroyed by the natives beforo being routed by the American forces. A picture of Colonel Stotsenberg, taken shortly beforo his death, and a view of the battloship Oregon are also among the lot. Thoso pictures can be seen at Charley Martin's bar ber shop. 3IONLAY. Attorney John A. Davies iiei:irfed for Sidney this afternoon, where ne will trj- ii foreclosure suit. William Crawford, tho F.iir view- Gardener, today shipped forty baskets and twenty crates of cucumbers. Miss Luella l'ago left this afternoon for her home in Cedar Creek after a two week's visit with Miss Wal ters. Wiley IJlack, who buys and sells more etnekens Mian anynotly in 1 'iiittsmout.h made a business trip to Omaha this afternoon. s T. II. Pollock has engaged the serv ices of J. N. Wiso to assist him with the boeks of the telephone company find the water com nan v. Charles Gravos of the Union Ledger was in tho city today distributing ad vertising matter for the old settler's eiinion to bo held in August. Judge Archer today received a let ter from hit son stating that he had been given the station at Pierce, on the Fremont, Elkhorn Missouri V.;l Icy railroad. He had been living in Omaha, hut will now move his family to Pierce. , Charles Shecley,the bridge man, was in the city today on business with the commissioners. Mr. Sheelev and County Commissioner Zink each came in on the Schuyler train and did not see each other until thev reached here and as there is but one coach on the train, each one is accusing, the other of riding the trucks into town. Three plain drunks aupeared before Judge Archer this morning and were fined. Wine Graves, who has been in so often, was given a pretty strong dose, the judge giving h:m $50 and costs amounting to S-w.SO. Jimmie Moore, the "blue hen's chicken," as he calls himse'f, was fined $10 and costs, and Willet Allen baugh was as sessed 9o and trimmings. The' will all board it out. A wild-eyed rumor was rampaut in Ravenna lf8t week to the effect that Jho 13 & M. was about to remove the round house. How, when or where this rumor st;rted started no one seems to know, but surely it was from no official source. It can be positively and authoritatively stated that no movement of this kind,is contemplated White'a Cream Vermifuge not only effectually expels worms, but is un equallod as a tonic, and is a certain and permanent cure for chills and fever In children. Price 25 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. IIINDY A NOTORIOUS I'.UJIDLAII. Ilo In Well v i o ii i ; t . 1 1 i k e f - , I, l 'i lt, I. D, Long live from v , -1 en I av t 1;,' .Ml A l oi -b:i i eg i O M, W ) l',V. ;r in oie ue U ' - i i j eg n en A Mi, li tie t ' colored liilow eba: g'-d w i' li ro ! '. t il. A ) it; iii ! j- cars bav,; b en Atchison and D L 5'lbly this e. i ) ev It. lie w.-m ' o : !e mi 1 1 ing tUo'lg!)! p - - 'inn i. Loi -o 't I'll':: ill to :,ee til and immediately cr ok who has b re- ' 1 1 1 ' i i . i : 1 1 I : lit.;.::' o I ! I I I V ; groat de.i! ,'eit is l:o'. ' boll L t to ie'.ei plicated in t' e r.-cent i ,,i.!,..i ie. Jaibir M.-r.nd- i.ave I , :.,-!. y. d -.-C-i pt ion of tie-. . ! 1 1 . : leg'o wt. )i r t iei pat ed in t he S. u l , 1 1 '" id i 1 ; 'f n: il v.iiii i rt-ip il iH.d l-e ii:,m--di-t!,-i rc-cog :i i .. ,1 L m -i- a tel. i .on- re! n : lie lias I, "ell v." in diii. 1 1 lor a !i t : on i.t I) d e.e r h a m;i i- oIlicMs. D.'i.o.'.;v ll-indy Hur!. but o!licr! are :i i w f gre t t- .- i ilii'l 'o i ; - 1 1 I - !;-. ! !: 1 1 I: j 1.111 1 i t K '.- iron v f i i - ' . e "d in f.eli d V, 1 ' -.' - i (,-' e; ; , I.t If-. . Was t! ..'ii.l ergv a: r e - hie i 'I I'l 1 liver, i i i t' ; O-de!-. If a ' i d l!;o .-1 ; ( ! 1 1:;; 's New ! ,. '.ill I I: every powe F. C. ..' at R AILJiOAD MOT lu lt;.'c- -A. I! wurl. ii b: x ey Hoi ill the si - hi," K. i!i i' is li. l'i;e Ti.e w alroi.l iiv at, Cr. en v i n . Their (i. A. OI-.e tr o i ' i v; T ill. line in 1 h. wej ! tween tla- .M.-.e. st s t : oi, s, in T... : tho X per, J iui, , (MM I per mile. (iute-L'ol W til! li I o ,-. i r- cuts, brui.s. . .-;.r ;es, . :.i.i:,,j- f ru-ty naes, in-ert !i :, ... i v , i oning, quickly l.e;,c! by i ). ." Witch IJiiz-.-i S-;.!ve. I';,-:! vei. vents blood poisoning. i ' eountecfeits. '"D, V: i '- " : . i sure. F. (o ( e iV : i i 1 I N 1 Fot: Sai.j; oi; and dwelling eot.ib'ned. i known as t!ie T. V. Uivi Muriiiy. Inquire of J. V.". Murriiy, Nub. f- 'ore, ii) llilliral.-. Look, L I We ii re go! n to . ea : ' !' -a 4 3 from this da to re i tig rot! need p.- ice Ki'ubir .'.e i ';-j , t t e ' r h i 3 3 'i ine e:i rly t tion. ! C- f- John T. 3 .JKV. Coieman, t-:l r:i:. . ulh ! I'ia,,r;..,- Second drier S 3 TfT7TTTTTTT7TTTT;7TT??T7' LEGAL ADVHRT 13)" .? egal Ndi :-rt ,,! ( r. I la- ci',j i Pi ih,.: t unit C in t!,o liutt.-i ,.f lia decc-a--,-;!. John Jclni ,,!. M son , i'i an K it. lira lim-A i). Andrew I ir. I'.r awn, I.. l',r O.a. , r. n. a a I in sai'i i.u.ttui ?.ro 1,, r! v "1, I ''.'. 1 i I ! Liaa !. li teat 1- r.m , lav '! AnLei-t. 1 '. La tlic-i-fin Sn;h;a lv . i; w Jn a a r, ; a I ij. i n;rl i-ntir and tint Hi'-, -S'i':aa Silo mi t!;u l.i'i, ia- ,.i aia.-.c named cun-t.iu:.; m tin: eMtto al ra'd !c niniia is' rr,: inn t !a-r, f. I'C;!iie,l ;ci ai ; a -'-.; r- will SiiinoX'j.'l al a a I ta a,;! on arc in ivay r.a-aaa aM d icar at ss;.l nan an t a. at 111 o'cl'-ck a , '. d.iui't arM- 'in t N. It. e-y I -; iiital!o i'i r.-. i adu: .: i t ia ati:!ctn, att.l v '" ' estate W'itn.3-s :-. t.-a, i cfnii't at I'lnl J-,:iy, l-'.'i'. (Seal) First pub'; i Prubaie Notice. e:;t. Ci r,;v N Iu Ciutuy Caia In tin; matter at I deceive I Jaiai J.,h:: sou. i' ra;, K ' lii ;r.. . a-.-, ! i Itmun, Al,.ra. i.i.a.1 iittier per.-',ii interes l.y nouned that ..n diaries Brown laed Court. allLC'Tirr. am i- :, a..; .;. :. ! :aaie 1 h ilriy , i pei;t: a. ;n .s. , an; .:,ar , ifcij. said srira'a July, l-i';', and passes K. . Ill ,u,a (iied ,i :.-,o e eavia uo last v. and .-ii of per.-oiiai estate I t- auovc-iisnieJ con--.;i i;te lititc- lae i":iS'i:i 1 dcea-ed, aad in the etate ol s a iininistratiun t tie re, t . Von Hre hereby n t;';ed ili.-.t if ' pear at sai 1 eonrt on ti e '.'th I ' at 11 o'clock a. in., and c ,te-t . the court wiil appa:i,t N. tt. Mc. o titer suitable p"rs.,n a.3:a-..a..-;rp.-. r, to a settlenient of said estate. it or ,-d p, Witness 115 hand ainl .-ei el sre I ca niy at Plattsinau'tii. .NeLraska, th.s i -;'n lav of l"ifi. tihulii.K M il-; kt.ori (Sea!) Ca.a.f, j i: J First put ligation July i'i. Notice to Creditors. MATE Of N EI',RASK. Countv of Cass. ' "' In C r. I. art. In the matter ot the etat 1 deceased. , Notice is hereby fiher, tl a! ti e credit -ts id said deceased will n.eet the ad:ia:r--.i a.. ,! said estate, before me. County Juie ,,f C;e -county. Nebraska, at the county c ,.;. raa-n in Plattsmouth in said Coi.nty on ho ith i v of -Septeniber. A. I and m the 5th day ! February. l.i, at 'J o'clock a. ni . ot eai-i, da i ,-r the pnrp.ise of prescntinpr their c'atn.s t,,r ex amination, adjustment and allowance mx months are allowed for the creditors of said !u- ceased to present, their claims, from the 5th dav of August. b-'.'S. itness my han i and sea! of said c untv court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this th day ol July lt'.'J. George M-Stlklock. SEAL County I de. First publication luiy 11. !iyi!!VJ'P.m! rn 1 i in : u if 'I.- ;M Oc'li ;!. 1 "j I P i - i ' c s c j Kit Ui Ol :,! it'i.' i a; a i'Vi'p It.nii tiliy ppiipr away 1!m vil tlily a m; :;,t t . " ! i r ai 1 1 e I ,!i I , a a c.-ia I :. i o any ;;" "-t. Tie !-! is no tmci'ttaitity a!a! t ma !.' Im- it, is 1 . i '-;, 1 up ,) r, , 1 1 -.- 1 it i e ui y (if thoso who i:iV,' I, ana v.mow oi us virtues ny eic; Mr. L. .1. Clark.. f ( )r;m ( u ,i ! " !-'.'!' i ye. .is I an ob- l u,. -it.-, ru ;.".!!, wi.i-.'i at t i iiies cause, ineiut -i ro i - i 1 .1. I ie r a l.e' in. fiat I v Llellli s. One of th.'lie!, .oeors ti-.- I'M? il l III II., g. ) 1. I I 'ien I Me v i v. ll bo'!i t ae I.-a J l.eiiei, 1 1 ! i i I . d t I, at I ii:Mei: ' ! I.-I I I :..,;, I i , ;,!)! I .r- e ! I l ie d." ,1 1 r.; , . i r- 9 m 1 r. ic. i . lie' I,: - i. .!!. iy I ij' ,r.- :!:." !'. :. I'll','- : ire' ; i 1 1 1 :: c i I .-1 . ; ' ! I 1 I ' ! i ! e;.'!g !, 1 ; i-i I I , a I ; People's Clothiers. WxK D., NO. V ' -ee-at nun KF.LI I'.V K IN u.-.iet: ij. We :- : ; r t l .. o ' oal l.'i l-.r- .-. 1. i i - s with Co! bu s at tin led .-..'id without, ( Nil 1 a rs Sh i rts with is and a piir of Caili's Smrts with two pair Cull's and with rs. Shirts .-a -Vie with two (.lol lars and (lull's of without Col ith (e.i'Vs that (hi can't lind a' any other place at7.rr. fir, if I a,,d l.ti- on which v.e can avo you 2 per c;nt if you I J - -m i mii b a- this is a S a i r t Talk wt- h i v. more Shi rts than I'la ' t.-iao',ith coin In ueii . ii i" ! u t 'Aee ii and wo will g i vr, j on an s x ill pi i'-e'j that wil r v l.v 1 Ik P.ntr. anv far Wa , con ie. to U - I eli ire, The are wort )i v. file your b'lys lit pre en t,. 'U, rt h f. ! fi t- - f r ; 1 n ed Don't farget u; v.lii n you need la!- $" Men's Suits a i e wort h ! iV so when you -t:e tie ill. () . UN l )." MA DK, --yen know I'.-.llt- win id JOE & u ii Waterman Block M.. f3 a n r3 - 1 B l M II BUT DON'T BUY AT AN YPRICE, G ti T A . . . . UBQZ in yom house, (T ll! lOL GOMPLETE. from CJ) 3 .AND GUARANTEED BY.. a S i Soutii ixth Street, Plattsmouth. 1 e 1; 0 , ' r.-; " M ii fi i"l r -r?. .- ' K S B W. id S of Repairs.. The Best Binding Twine ..Best Machine Oil r .O, I t r. rr r Lower ?lain St. vT7 r " 7 lUl Continuetodoa leadingbusiness in Fancy' and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. . Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets. Plattsmouth. Neb .i rvHk. ' - (Vr Mli'lll ''if..' '.tin 'i to ) Im hi i 1 tin lor onlinary treat- ll I i -in i i iac chronic ODd djp- I. Jirnl ;in a suro Hiizn lUHl tho i-i in a tb tiravoil twiniiitu.ri Tl.n tipon 1 h'. sy.item, arid nm nm- :1 every (-,i,.' tin tioison iniit I no a:a .tint (.f eternal trojitmoiit lie niei iis ,,f S. S. ti. ; evory claim I " V C. ui VI I ICI ll'f ''11 Cllleil hy it i.'tico. ,t i ., Va . , wr; f 4 : urn n nicer on my im, i , , i n r. x ,'s ti'.". V . s in I.. . 1 ; s w ,.. K- nnfn l',.r il.- l 111.- coiislmitlv, ,. , , re hi. ...Ill's "la. s. S v.a.;s., bi.a.iv ,-,.,,,,- -. i ,t,'" - i' I d to li--, if, tl... ,.;;-,.,( .-i'- -V-?' ''Hi i to g. t r-giir t!, -at of tin, yY-''r i . 1 1. -i i . i . -- BLOOD i ' 1 1 1 1li e I it i - . t i i- r ii i, ami in 1 1nn wni 7t 1 1 "il :-ore or tilci.T. I!-' v , .. , . .t , I .!. . ...... i . i.t v iiore , tll,t I III!" rcitty, or olle-i- .Mineral. S. S. S. '"I t !a. i '.infer, ("alarrli, ICc.oihh , ii- an y ! her hliod trottl)l(. lusint i - 1 1 ( 'ot:lauy, Atlanta, flu. 1 HI M i (Li S I ' NS A'l lo.'S -wo aro NO'!' in a liave a ei iiiolelo line of Negligee nl a of oia on r i coin plete stock of I 1 0)i'll yes. I Joys' Suits, von buy any long or m i in'', even f you should not it Felt CraHh or Straw. " of any man's 'M-liail.t, O'Alls, money. You Jackets and bat He- are the best ill th') FRANK, Plattsmouth 35 SCS n r Next "Win tei H V. kl BASE BURNERS VHEN YOU CAN 50 ON r 8 i lowers ct Iroop Bet. 3rd and 4th St. tO