Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 12, 1899, Image 3

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Statement of Navy Department
Srjows Marvelous Growth
of Our Conjroerce.
Comparsion of Exports arjd Im
ports Between the U. S.
and Jts Colonies.
Washington, Sept. 10 The war
department made public today a state
ment of the trade between the United
Stares aod all of its colonies under
military control, and with Cuba as
well, fr the seven months of l99end
inrr Juiy 31. makiug comparison with
the year 1S!8
Tiio exports from the United States
to Cub i for the r-even months were
14,11,!93 in ISO!), against $4,435,937
n 1S:)8. The imports into the United
S'.ates from Cuba for the same period
were 19,1)70,1)50 i" 1899, ag wn-t 812,
174,770 in 1898. The exports from the
United Slates to Porto K co for th
nevt-n months were $2,WJ,-21l in 1899,
us tins'. $"t,y,110 in 1S98 Imports into
the United Slates from 1'orio It co
during the same time were 83,379.944
in 1S!9, against 2,253,8W in 1898. The
exports from tho United States to the
Philippine islands from January 1 to
Juiy :J1 were :;sti, 109 in 1U. against
U5.7::o in 181)8. The imports into the
United States from the Philippines
for tho sjitf period were $3,274,134 in
IS'.t'.t, against ?2,28:J.775 in 1S!8.
Tlie tr.ido of the United .States with
the various islands when stated by
months shows a marvelous growth of
our commerce. Tho growth of export-
by months has been very grati
fying in all the island?, and especially
so in tho Philippine islands.
The only Ureal years since 1S77
showing for the entire twelve months
a larger value of merchandise ex
ported from the United Sinte9 to Cuba
tlian is shown by the first seven
months of 1SU9 wero the years 1892,
181)3 and 1894. If the same ratio is
mnintained until the end of the year
the imports into Cub i from the United
-St ites will bo larger than the exports
from tho United States to that island
in any iImm! year in the entire history
of the trade between this country and
Tho imports into the United Slates
from Cuba from .January 1 to July 31,
1S99, wero greater than the cones
ponding imports for either of the en
tire fiscal years 1S97 and 1S9S. If the
same ratio is maintained for the re
mainder of this year the imports into
this '.-Dim try from Cuba will exceed
$32, 000,0(H) and be more than double
those of the fiscal vear end ing Juno 30,
IS'. IS.
The imports from Porto It co into
the United States for the iirst seven
months of 1S99 were larger than ltaos
c f any of the preceding entire fiscal
years since its.', excepting invs, wnuo
the exports to Porto Ilico for the first
i-even months of 1899 have been ex
ceeded only by three, of the fiscal years
since 1S77.
A- far as the exports from the
United States to tho Philippines are
concerned, for the lirst even months
of III is year, under Amcricm occupa
tion, they are larger than those ot
any previous ye ir in oar hUtory. Not
on y this, but they are more than
double those of any year, excepting
tho vears 112, 1S.V2, 1800, 1870 and
A Picnic Tea.
Very informal, but thoroughly de-
Agalnaldo's Congress In Extra Session lightful, was the "picnic tea" given
Nominates Noted Conservatives. last Friday afternoon at Mrs. Hjron
MANILA, Sept. 8-6:50 p. m. A Clark's by the Woman's club. The
Filipino who has arrived here from tea was given in order that the many
Tarlaosays an extraordinary session friends of Mrs. Atwood who have been
of the revolutionarv congress took associated with her in club work
place at Tarlac August 24. Aguinaldo might have the opportunity of spend
presidedand chose Mabini a p.esi- ing one more pleasant evening in her
dent of the supreme court and Gonz iga company and presenting her with best
as attorney general. They both rep- wishes for a happy residence in the
resent the most conservative and tem- new home that she has cho-en. Moet
perate element. of the members of the clyb were pres-
Mabini, who recently resigned the ent, and their husbands also availed
foreign secretaryship, is the ablest themselves of this seldom enjoyed op
man connected with the revolution, portuuity to be present at a supper
(ion zaga wac the president of the last euch as the Plattsmouth Woman's
peace commission. The proceedings club know eo well how to prepare,
of the cougress disproved-the report About sixty gathered arou-.d the
that Aguinaldo had declared himself tables spread on the beautiful lawn,
d ctator. and Mra- Atwood occupying the
A decree has been issued by the seats of honor. It was a j'lly crowd,
Filipinos compelling the registration the merriment being only subdued by
of all foreigners in Filipino territory, the thought of the near departure of
The Chinese, who are a large faction I one who had been eo pleasantly iden
of tho population, are considered tilled with tho social and literary life
I - .. . . ..!
foreigners, including tnose Dorn in or tne ciuo At a late nour regreum
the Philippine islands. Applicatious I farewells were said and thanking Mr.
must bo made on stamped paper,which and Mrs Clark, whose hospitality
. . . . i
figures largely in a.l the business I made li. possible ujr so many to attenu
transactions of the insurrectionary
government. 1 his seems to be largeiy
a scheme to tax Chinamen.
the "farewell picnic tea.'
Three Officers of the First South Dakota
Regiment Coder Arrest.
The Rebuilt Edifice of the Christian Con
gregation Is Kededicatcd.
The new Christian church was filled
to its fullest capacity last Sunday at
SN FHANCISCO, Sept. S. Altbougn v,rith the mornin? and evening ser-
the troops on board the transport I vjces that being the day 6et for the
Sheridan, which returned from Manila re(jejicatjon of the structure. Rev
last night, have not yet been allowed I y Dangan of St. Louis occupied
to land, several officers of both the nulpit at both services. He is the
Minnesota and South Dakota regi- father of Elder Dangan, the pastor of
menu were given short leave today the Christian church, and is a most
and eladly took advantage of it. interesting talker, being able to hold
From them it was learned that there hearers in the closest attention
had been considerable trouble among throughout the sermon.
the officers of the First South Dakota I Charles Rivett of Elmwooi con
vnl'.intflora. both in the Philippines Li,,,oi tho musical nroerraii. which
. , i -
and during the voyage home, as the wft!j ais0 Very interesting.
rnnltnf which Surgeon Maior War-1 TVin Vnrilriintr has iust been re'
ner. Lieutenant Colonel Stover and mudcled throughout and the seating
Lieutenant Horace K. Bates are now C!ipacity increased from 200 to 400.
said to be under arrest, awaiting an 'rhe interior of lhe building is nicely
official investigation into the charges finished, and bein? pa'nted white on
preferred against them by Colonel tne outside, presents a fine appear
Frost of that regiment. None of the ance.
officers would discuss the affair, how- Financially speaking the church is
ever, nor could any definite inform- -ln most excellent condition, due to the
tion be obtained on board the trans- incessant work of Elder Dungan. At
port. yesterday's meeting $300 was raised in
Considerable feeling was also evinced cash and sixty-day pledges, which
by the Minnesotas against their for- wipes out the last vestige of debt. A
mer commanding officer,Colonel Ames, new furnace will bo put in before cold
who was invalided home some months Weatber, which will make the church
ago and has awaited the return of his complete. Its members are to be con
regiment in this city sinco his con- gratulated on their success,
valescence. desolations of Condolence.
The St. Paul Commercial cubs Tne folIowinfr reSoluttons have been
delegation to meet the returning adop,e(i by tho l 0 Q. F:
volunteers of the regiment tele- Viiekeas, It has pleased Almighty
graphed from Utah today to the effect qocj, ttio Croato- and preserver of the
that they would arrive here tomorrow universe, to remove from our midst
nirrht. tl.eir tardiness being due to the our well b3loved brother,J. L. Shafer,
n .
fact that tbey did not 'expect the
Sheridan uniil Monday.
Harry Northcutt camo up from Ne
braska City to spend Sunday
Joe Roberts of South Omaha was at
tending to business in town today.
Mrs. Coon Meisinger arrived home
today from a visit with relatives at
Pekin, 111.
S. H. Atwood and family departed
for Lincoln this morning where they
will reside in the future.
Frank Johnson returned home this
morning from Broken Bow, where he
went teveral days ago to attend a re
ception to Company M.
Hon. J. M. Patterson returned this
morning from a visit of several weens
with relatives in Pennsylvania. His
sister, who was so ill, is but little im
proved. Rev. D. R. Dungan arrived in the
city from St. Louis today ard will as
sist his t,on. Rev. R. M. Dungan, in
rededicating the Christian church to
morrow. In the case of Elson vs. Newatna,
which was tried in Archer's court yes
terday, the jury returned a verdict
for the plaintiff for the amount of the
claim, $2.25.
Mrs M. A. Street arrived borne last
evening from Chicago, where she had
gone to purchase her tail millinery
stock. She selected a fine line of
goods and also engaged a trimmer.
August Gorder, who is camping for
a few days with the other folks up on
the Platte,came to the city this morn
ing to get the mail and some provis
ions. They are having a fine time.
Frank Traver arrived in tho city
from his home at McCook today and
i viaitin'' old friends. Frank was
in the First regiment and returned
from the Philippines in good beaitu.
Mack Custer, who claims to ba
peddler, was run in by the police lst
evening for being drunk. Judge
Archer fined him $1 and costs this
morning, ana lulling to pay mai
uraount be was taken back to jail.
says the fusionists of Cass are not very J
favorable to 43. S. Itamsey for district
judge, or S. A- Holcomb for supreme
judge. Lincoln Blizzard.
Charles Graves of the Union Ledger
was in the city today looking after his
Chances to become county cleik. He
sent Colonel Dick Barr down to see
that the Ledger office is run all right
during his absence and will take a
week's respite from his duties as ed
itor, during which time be will take
a trip over the county.
A. W. Atwood sells the best paint
on earth.
List of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post
offlce at Plattsmouth, Sept. 8, 1899:
Gander. William Siemoncet, Adolf
Stephens, Kalam
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised."
C. H. Smith, Postmaster.
Incorporation Notice.
Annual report of the Ebinger Hard
ware Co. Sept. 1, 1899. Net indebted
ness on that day $773.75.
W. W. COATES, President.
Fred W. Eiunger, Secretary
Lost. In neighborhood of Plattsmouth, a
black frock coat. Leave at News office
and receive reward. I. S. SNYDER,
Agent for Dr. Bersucb.
Ice crosim packed tor picnic parties
at llollowav's.
'.i coin s, nt (trns storos. Q
av a 'a-' y
From Saturday's Da:';y.
Charles Beach of the railway mail
service was in the city today for a
short visit, being on his return from
. . . . tit :
a visit with relatives at weeping
L. E. Karnes, night operator at the
Burlington depot, has been having
another wresile with illness. He has
Whereas, In the death 01 Lsrotner
Shafer the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows havo lost a true nd wo thy
membe , and the bereaved wife and
daugbier a kind husband and father.
Therefore, bn it
It-solved, By the severnl longes of
th Indenei'dent Order of Oid Feliows
of the citv of Plattr-mouth, that we
herehv tender our heartfelt sympathy
to the relatives of the d-cea-ed
brother, and commend them to Him,
who alone can comfort them in this
thfiir hour of erreat sorrow, and be it
T?-nlved. Th t a copv of tbese rnn
intinns bo nread upo the m'nutes of
the lodg- of ihe orde'- in thi city, a
been troubled with malarial fever this
an iHrxw rn iiU tirt vieit U3 oonv be civen ih dnilv p per-for pub
v j I . . . . i. ,i
lication, also a copy oe lurnsiuou w
town tor n week.
Itrjaii and lllat-kburii N:ld to be Suil
r ioux of II I in.
LOUISVILLE. Kv.. Sept. 10. Iufor
mat ion from reliable democratic
sources has it that tho first serious
rupture between William (ioebel, tho
democratic candidate for governor,
and S-jnator BlacKburn, and also be
tween Coebe! and Bryan, is on. Both
Ui.tckr-urn and Bryan suspect that
Coebei is in the conspiracy to prevent
a free silv. r plank being placed in
the i est democratic national plat
form, and to defeat Bryan for the
democratic nomination for president
nnJ Blackburn lor United Stites
It is claimed that the charges made
yesterday that Goebt had combined
"with John G. Carlisle to prevent a
free silver platform being indorsed by
the state democratic committee, and
had also agreed to defeat Senator
Blackburn for senator, were substan
tiated today. This has been tele
graphed to Bryan and alro to lili ck
burn. It is 9aiu tonight that both
have wired Mr. Goebel for an explana
tion. It is believed Goebel will deuy
tho charges, and, in the event he
tioe. Congressman Al Berry, who
was called into the conference held by
Carlisle and Goebel, and was a wit
ness to 'be compact, is ready to come
forward and mike an affidavit sup
porting all the charges. A written
itrtternrnt from Mr. Carlisle ia also
suid to be on tho Wi:y to Kentucky
from New York.
This act of treachery, it is believed.
fnrp, i;vhrI from the track. Mc-
Loan of Ohio, backed by George
Cox, the Cincinnati boss, is said to be
in the combine with Goebel to defeat
Brvan and Blackburn.
The engineers and firemen on the
Bock Island are making an effo' t to
have the smokeless tlrin? a success,
and it is to their interest and credit to
do so. Il tn ty also be mentioned that
in connection with tho saving of fuel
to the road there is a material lessen
ing in the amount of coal to be
handled ry the fireman. The benefits
of this smokeless firing are all on the
the family of the deceased and rne to
the home Iodgo of Brother Shafei at
Altocna, Penu. It. KERIt.
L. G. Larson,
P. C Hansen,
Order ta Show Cause
In the Pistrict Court of Cas cnnty.Nc!ira--!ca
In the matter ot the estate i'f lacou 1 i lericK
Hubcr. deceased .
This cause came on tn he heard at t'iiaii'.bei
upon the petiticm ot wl.n 1). 1'lihi:shIi, a ! of the estate ot Jacob I reileru I; Hi.
ber, deceaed. pinving tor license to sell i its one
hundred foitv llltil. one hiiuUied''twe!ity !o:.i
frJ4l. two liundreJ thirty-tlaee U'M three
hundred tweutv-one I. three hunched tucnu-
T T V,-.,rwr Vi q ntnrnrii n(r M n r- two l-t.-l. three hundred twenty thiee L:;-'!l. toi:i
J. L. OUng, the enterprising ..lUr hlln,red,t.vent. r ...i f,iur hundred twenty-one
rav merchant, was in the city todav Mill, six hundred nine if-i-yj. si nun he i e;u:,t
. . ffilixl civ hnn.-iri-ii SH..'ll IChm . SIX hlitldlt'd
on business and made these head- eiRhty-onc 6.-1 . six hundred eighty l-u. six
,- 11 Kia viait ho hundred seventy-nine 57aj. five hundiecl lifty-
quarters a call. Hiring ins isune Hve (rri5 two hlII1(,rt!d ,orty.eiRht ll. ne
enrolled his name On TlIK NEWS' SUb- hundred forty-tive M". one hundred twenty-
IIVC t'-'NiOIJC IIUUUICU CIK1 Cif;i li"-J. win.
hundred eighty-nine I lJj. three hundred forty
eight SIH. three hundred forty-nine l:M9 three
hundred fifty I3."0, six hundred thirty-five rf.S.).
six hundred tliirty-six I3;. six hundred eichty
niue lij. six hundred ninety-seven tii7). seven
hundred twentyfour l"-4J. seven hundred
twenty-five 7'-T1, seven hundred twenty-six
7261. seven nundred thirty-tive L 73r . seven
hundred forty-four 7441. all in the illasc of
Louisville. Cass county. Nebraska, or a sufficient
amount of the same to hrinu the sum ot thre
hundred forty-eight aoiiars fifty-rive cents
$4KS5J tor the payment of debts allowed
asainst said estate and the costs of administra
tion, there not being sutficicut personal propertv
to pay the said debts and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all persous inter
ested in said estate appear before me at tlie
office of the clerk ot the district court at I'latts-
mouth. In Oass county, Nebraska, on the lltli
22 i
O C3 -H
O -
qui" T
: H :P1 V
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
JAKES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
New Hardware Store
Having- returned to Plattsmouth, I will be jlad
to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones,
and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware,
Tinware and anything usually carried in a first-class
hardware store.
Co sure and call, as I have some prices that will
interest you.
Rockwood Block,
scriDtion book and loft an order for a
supply of stationery.
Hon. Orlando Tefl't of Avoca was in
the city today.
J. E. Douglas of Weeping Water
was in the city today.
Fred Wehrbein and wife viewed
the sights at the exposition today.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Clark's three
veeks-oId baVie i dangerously ill with day ol October. WM. at i o'clock p in., to show
I cause why a license should not be Kranted to
said administrator to sell so much ot the above
described real estate of said deceased as ali
he necessav to nav said debts and expenses.
And that this order be published in the Sev.i
Wef.klv News-Herai.d for four successive
weeks, commencing Tuesday, the day of
August. 1MJ.
Dated this '.Mth dav of Aucust. 1 'J.
Hasil S. Kamsev.
tndce of the District Court
Bvron Clark and C. A. Rawls. Attorneys for
l-'irst publication August 29
Probate Notice.
In the County Court. Cass county, Nebraska.
ln the matter of the estate of W i!lia-n oung.
deceased: . , .
Francis M. loune, lane iloeck. David A.
Young. Kilt n Stattord, and all other persons in-
whocpin; coujh
Miss Mollie Tucker, who suffered h
paralytic etroko a few aays ago, was
reported a little better today.
O-car Keil of Avoca was a caller at
The News t ffice today ard squared
accounts fo" this household necessity.
J. Li. Rinkin and Robinson (ieinjrer
were in the city yesterday, called here
on account of the illness of Miss Mollie
. I . 1 ' 1... . . . . . . 3 ... fir- . i
..t I-.. 1 ' inn i K ia m t f n i r. tr :iftAr ti v i 1 1. i tiTpvitett in sitl nin.ter. are hereby notified that
Hi in ine --u udy oi .-iukui. i-w. ftu
Hlil a nptition in said court, allceinc amoiiE
in this city wiih he aunt. Mrs. C.
Miss Jano Donnelly arrived homo
Saturday evening from a visit of sev-
eml mnnths with relatives at Los
Vega, N. M.
Mrs. J D. McBride and little son.
Great Falls to He Transformed Into
1-lool of Fire.
Huffalo's big expositionand if only
one-halt the promises of the manage-
George M. Spurlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
First publication August :29, 18i9.
nipnt. nre rpalizpd it will bp in every
u-ood side and its adoption is to the 1 respect a bis affair will be the occa
best interests of the road as woll as sion of what will doubtless be a most
the patron.
Mik Mauzy. fo-emaa of the Iiur
linpton blacksmith shop, returned
home this morning; from Milwaukee
where he had been in attendance at a
convention of master blacksmiths.
He reiort8 a fine trip.
15. F. Dennison, a Burlington con
ductor who runs between Nebraska
City and Superior, lost $10,000 in the
failure of an Atchison, Kan., bank. It
is not every railroad man who has $10,-
000 to lose Posey Messersmith being
about the only railroad man in this
city who carries that amount about
bis clothes.
From Monday's daily.
G. W. LaFollette has been trans
ferred from the local Burlington shops
to Gibson, where he is employed in
the round house under Tom Julian.
Uaxttr Smith, who ia surveying for
the Burlington up in Wyoming, ar
rived home Saturday evening and re
mained over night, returning yesterday.
Yellow Fever Spreading.
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 10. Uae case
of yellow fever in Jackson was ro
portei to the State Hoard of Health
today. Tne patient is D. P. Porter,
city clerk. lr. Murray of tho marine
hospital service confirms the diagno
sis and his report to Surgeon General
Wj man saya that the case is of a very
malignant type. The patient is not
expected to live during the night. It
is expected many other Mississippi
towns will qua.-antine against Jackson
during the night.
Send the News to your friends.
brilliant and startling electrical illu
mination. Niagara Falls will be trans
formed into a flood of fire. The seeth
ing, roarir.g torrent will be ablaze w-ith
all the of the spectrum. The
superlative natural grandeur of the
scene vill be so enhanced that the
projectors o' the strikingly novel en
terprise contend that its success will
make the exposition an event in his
tory. The idea rs to erect a series of
tall towers on both the American and
Canadian sides of the river. On the
top of these loftly spires huge electric
searchlights will be placed, in such
manner that they may be played on
any part of the falls. The imagination
may picture the dazzling effect that
will be produced when a score of those
powerful instruments of illumination
are brought to bear upon the rushing
waters as they tumble Irresistibly over
the rocky ledge into the depths be
neath. A constant change of colors
will be used in the manipulation of
the searchlights, so that now the falls
will be like molten silver, again a
flood of crimson, again as green as
old ocean itself, and so on through the
whole gamut of the painter's palette
The astonishing effect will be still fur
ther heightened by the use of electric
arc lights ln the Cave of the Winds,
A. B. Todd went
morning to secure tents for the Platts
mouth people who will attend the
soldiers' reunion.
James L. Birton of Greenwood, can
didate for county treasurer, was in
the city today to learn the result of fo LOOrC ArOUnd
the republican primaries
which will give to the water as it falls
The Burlington pay car arrived this I in front ot it a weird, phosphorescent
morning and made settlement with
the boys who toil for the company.
A Large Enrollment.
From Monday's Daily.
The city 6chool9 opened this morn-
... . . . 1 1-1
log with tne exception oi tue nigni
school room and the rooms in the
Columbian building. The former will
open tomorrow morning, while the
latter will be ready for work on
Wednesday. Tpe attendance was the
largest for the first day in the history
of the schools, and the promptness
flow. The power for this record
making illumination will be all within
easy reach, as Niagara will itself be
made to do all the necessary work.
This is expected to be largely a spec
tacular arrangement, hut scientists
hope to discover something new about
the effect of light on water, and make
a careful study of the chemistry of
color. This has been done to some
extent with electric fountains, but
Niagara will offer an entirely new field
For Sale Cheap.
Eight room house, good well, stabl
other things, that W illiam Young; -died on the
'r.rh dav of Anril. WJ. leavine a last will and
testament, and possessed of real estate in Cass
county.Nebraska.valued at $l,(tt0 00 and that the
above-named constitute all the persons interested
in the estate ot said deceased, and praying ror
th Tirnhatp of said will and for administration
of said estate. You are hereby notified that if
vou fail to appear belore said Court on tne
dav of SeDtember. ly. at V o'clock a. m.. to
contest the proDate of said will, the court may
rv... HunnrtPil thin mnrnin? for Hot I allow and nrobate said will and erant administra
. . Tx . . , k i null III 9am L.iia.v. its . ,uv. -- - - - - -
bprings ana uauwoou, w., uu a i other suitable person and proceed to a settle
mpnt thirlir
pleasure trip. Witness mv hand and the seal of said court
to Lincoln this at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 2Hth day ot Aug
Squire It. V. Swearingen of Mur
ray was in the city today. He received
the nomination for justice of the
peace S-Uurday evening. It is hard to
keep a good man down.
Mrs. Herman Klietsch and children
returned to their homo in Weeping
Water todav. after a visit ot several
days with the former's parents. Mr
and Mrs. Fred Kroehler, in this city.
Harry Kuhney and Frank Wheeler
arrived home from Madison county
Saturday evening where they had
been on & chicken hunt for several
days. They succeeded in Daggmg a
large number of birds, some of which
they brought home to their friends.
Mrs. Li. A. Dorrington and daugh
tor, Helen, have returned iroru rort
Logan, Colo., and are visiting friends
in the city for a few days, after which
they will go to St. Louis to spend the
winter. Lieutenant Dorrington is now
in San Francisco and expects his regi
.merit to sail for Manila next week.
Omaha Bee.
Mis. George Dovey and two daugh
ters, Ethel and Alice, arrived home
yesterday morning from Landon,
wVere the latter have been taking in
structions in music lor tne past two
years. Mrs. Dovey 'a mother also re
turned with them. Plattemouth peo
pie will In tho near future bo treated
to sr me fine vocal music.
Before you make purchases.
After you have looked elsewhere.
come to us and we truarautee you
will be pleased. Our now spring
stuck has arrived, inc u-iini.' Dry
Goods, Staplo and K.-nc I i ro
curi .-s, 'rocker- t ;l -.-w r. . Fmur
and F d. A i... it 1 ' li.
Self-Binders 1 M
All Kinds of Repairs..
The Best Binding Twine
..Best Machine Oil
Egenberger & Troop
Lower Main St. Bet. 3rd ana 4tli t.
Main Street, riatt-vuouili
M i
The News has the best Book and Job Print
ing- office in Cass county and can handle an' kind
of a job of printing on short notice. We make a
specialty of Law Briefs and other Book work. -
For Sale Bills and all kinds of Poster work,
we have the proper type and other material.
Letter heads, Note heads, Bill heads, State
ments, Envelopes, and all kinds of Commercial
Printing in the Latest St-le.
lie News Pritttery
No. 305 Main Rtnvt PLATTSMOUTH
Oi'vr9 i'. -- very best facilities 101 th;;
prompt traiisactioii . t
Legitimate Banking Busings.
r rr
STOCKS, bonds, ?ol(l. overnnini ami if., a'.
securities ocuaht pud so'.1 Dopes" , re
ceived and Interest nll wed oti the :
catea. Drafts tlraTsu, availat-Ie !:.
part of the U. and all tlie p.-iujitile
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. HUhest market
price paid ot county warrants, state
and county bonds.
H N. Uovev. D- HawJtswonn
S. Waueh
F. E. White. U. c. uovey.
George House worth, wife aud daugh- Geo. F.. Dey. Pres.. c"shler-
ri . t . ij'v . - -
with which parents are starting their and outbuildings, hIso 4UU grapa
children is commendable. The work vines; five acres of ground. Enquire
of the schools started off smoothly.
For Sale A well matched driving
team; young and sound. Inquire of
J. L.. Young, Murray.
of M. E. Manspeaker.
Order your bread, cake and ice
cream of Hlloway. Telephones, Ne-
( braska 80; Plattsmouth, 270.
ter are homo from Erickson, Wheeler
county, where.with Mr. Houseworth's
brother,they had spent about ten days
fishing. Mr. Ilouseworth was well
pleased with his trip. He states that
he had the II nest fishing he ever had
in his life It was no trouble at all to
catch from a dozen to fifty fine bass in
a day and other fish were plentiful.
IL D. Travis, a promicent attorney
anddemocrtt of P.aitsmoutb, was in
the city Wednesday on business. He
: . l:.;;uo to do a leading business in Fancy
! Sviple Groceries. Because they carry;r:cnn? stock, buy for cash and sell at
ry thing good to eat of Gest
and try us.
GorcEr of Sixth and Pearl Streets. Plattsmouth. Neb
3 '"1
Quality. Call
Piatcs Si and $1.50 -oer Dcij
Centrally Located and Cora
fortably Furnished.
EI). "riTZfiUKAIiO
Hus new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take C'ire of
ft General Livery Business
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.