Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 15, 1899, Image 2

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HAIR .BALSAM a "V,?'" Vj-
ill" "iS VoSIS'ul Color.'
sent free;
to housekeepers
: Liebfg COMPANY'S
Extract of Beef
tolling' how to prepare -man y deli
cate and delicious dishes.
Address. Liebig C-. F. OBaxlOiew York.
Wlicn.Vou I5uy
Your Shoes at FETZKU'S
ynu always get a
Guarantee of Quality
according to the amount
you pay for the poods. A
dollar's wear for a dollar
bill. " '
Joseph Fotzor,
North Side Main Street.
PAID UP CAPITAL, - . $50,000
Offers the very best facilities lor the
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
TOOKS, bonds, gold, Kovemuieut anci local
securities Dought and tola. Deposits re
ceived and interest allowed on the ctjrtfl
cates. Drafts drawn, available In any
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections miiao and
promptly remitted. Ultrhent market
price paid for county warrau's. state
and county bonds.
H. N. Dorcv, ' D. Hswitsworth S. Waugh
F. E. White. G. E. Dovey.
Geo. E. Davey, Pres., S. Vau:b. Cashier,
H. N. Dovev. Asst. Cashier.
To Look Around
Beforo you make purchases.'
After you have looked elsewhere,
come to us and we guarantee you
will be pleased. Our new spring
stuck has arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour
and Feetl. A square deal to all.
Main Street,
Leading Liveryman.
Tbe best of rigs furnished at all hour (and hi
prices are aiways reasonable. Themost
convenient boardjnj stable for far-
. msta In. ''the citv.
Diaests what Vou cat.
Dyspepsia Cure,
It artificially di gests the .food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered dlpest
antand tonic. No other preparation
can. approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
SickHeadache, Gast ralgi a.Cramps. and
all other results of imperfect digestion
Prepared by E.C DeWitt A Co, Chicago.
The Semi-Weekly Kews-Herald
... BY TUB . . .
I. E. MARSHALL. Business Manager.
One Year, in advance, 5 01
Six Months, 2 ?
One Week,
Single Copies,
One Year, in advance, . . .
Six Months,
1 00
Of any Cass County Paper.
The situation on county judge re
mains' urchangrd. The fi- Id is full
and a fair fight i- rn.
Geoiige F. FT r-i'SE worth is still
monarch of all he surveys and he sur
veys ft majmitv f C;jss county voters.
Fkaxk Johnson is now conceded to
be the cto'.cj of iho party and the
logical candidate for sheriff. His
consent is all that is necessary.
OMAHA had another murder Sun
day. Omaha is a lively place, and
when they can't scare up at least one
murder case there is -omething wrong.
Wallace Carter's withdrawal
shifts things a little in the matter of
county superintendent, hut the other
fellows are that much m re deter
mined. A'artix L. Fuedi kh k 1 s started
a boom for county tieurer that is as
suming importance. M- Frederick is
a splendid repr se:i':iiiv' f the Ger
man-American citiz ns a- d lias a host
of friends.
John I. Unrvh, at one time city
treasurer of this city, is out as a can
didate for tl.s ollice of county treas
urer. The announcement of his can
didacy has created seme commotion
in the ranks of other aspirants, and
democratic candidates have begun to
diminish in numbers, y
The strong winds which have ac
companied the rs.ins in some sections
of the state have leveled the corn to
the ground and d mngd it consider
ably.. Notwithst-.r 1 1 n - - t;is f.ict, there
is every reason to U- lieve Nebraska
will this yearrj-ise n.e .; rgest amount
of corn in its history
What has become ot the free silver republicans
in Cass county ? Are there net enough of the
poor, lonesome fellows left to hold a convention?
Weeping Water Republican.
No, there a-e r one ol the- poor, lone
some fallows 1 T. M.k.; Morrissey
has removed fr; pi i I: - ei u ly nnj J.
M. IVyda h s tl n.wn ,.iT ;i.e mask and
crawled under t!:o d;-iiioc atic lent.
THE Louisville (Ky.) Evening Post
(dem.) objects to Mr. Bryan's utter
ances concerning the anti-Gcebel
movement among the Ken tucks' dem
ocrats.and says: "Has not Mr. Bryan,
in attempting t, instruct on issues
about which he confesses he is not in
formed, acted unwisely and indiscreet
ly, and precipitately. H'sbest friends
in Kentucky feel that he has so acted,
and instead oi endorsing Mr. Goebel
they intend to apply to the situation
reasoning from Mr. Bryan's Chicago
speech, and to put a t ew ticket in the
field, and to follow it foarlossiy t de
feat or to a triumphant victory."
Thkse rurn-rs of attempts to get up
anti-American combinations among
the continental European nations 'fur
nish a fine tribute to the growing in
fluence of the United States in the
world's affairs, says the Globo-Democrat.
But thore will be no combina
tions. There is no especial incentive
for any nation to take a position hos
tile to this country. There is no de
sire in the United States to interfere
in the slightest degree in Jviropoan
affairs. American influence in Asi
atic politics will necessarily be much
greater thau it ever hss boon up to
this time, but it is not like1' to bo ex
erted in a way to cause war. The
Philippines will make this country an
Asiatic as well as an American power,
but the United St.ites' policy on the
other side of the Pacific, as on this
side, will make for peace.
The Conservative has again and
again asked: What has Bryan accom
plished, what has Senator Allen
brought about, what did Kt-tn evolve,
when uid Maxwell originate, where
did, McKeighan. demonstrate and what
usefulness has Holcomb or D. Clem
Deaver established for the common
wealth of Nebraska?
Have its citizens been made prosper
ous by oratryV Have politicians,
seeking offices not for honor, "but for
the money" in them, been more use
ful than plows and plowmen? Is it not
a truth a !a-ga robust truth that
not on dollar of capital engaged in
manufacture, commerce or agriculture
in Nebraska was ever allured hither,
induepd to invet here, ty the disaster
dieo,jrH's of iKpu'ism V
When did Allen bring in capital by
voice, deed or effort of hia own or his
kinsfolk for the material development
of Nebraska? Let the people, whose
votes fusionists seek, know when, where
and how the doctrines of calamity, de
preciation of land yalues and land
products, which have been howled for
eight years through Nebraska have
benefitted this state? What good has
come to Nebraska by means of Bryan
archy, Allen, and Kern? What? J.
Sterling Morton's Conservative.
A law passed by the legislature lst
winter makes it a misdemeanor for
candidates either before or after the
nominations are made, punishable Dy
a fine rf not less than $50 or imprison
ment in the county jail for a period
not to exceed tix months, to "furnish,
pay for, or engage to pay for, any en
tertainment to any meeting of electors
previous to or during an election at
which he is a candidate, give away or
treat to any drinks, cigars or other re
freshments, to pay out,give,contrihute,
or expend, or offer or agree to pay,
give, contribute or expend any money
or other valuable thing except for
the bona 6de personal expenses of any
candidate for pub'ic office, and for the
purpose of holding and conducting
public meetings for the discussion of
public questions, and then not in ex
cess of a sum to be determined upon
the fi)l lowing basis: For 5,000 votes
or less, $100 A violation of this
will make void the election of the per
son making it This does not refer to
traveling expenses. Every candidate
bifo'e any caucus or convention must
within ten days after the caucus or
convention maKo out a statement in
writing and ewear to it setting forth
in detail each and all sums of money
and other things of value contributed,
disbursed, expended or promised by
him, or by any other persons with his
procurement in his behalf. This affi
davit mast be filed with the county
clerk. A similar affidavit showing
the dates when, the persons by and to
whom and the purposes for which ech
payment or promise was made.
Failure to supply these affidavits, or
either of them, subjects the candidate
to a fine not to exceed $1,000, to be re
covered with costs,in an action brought
by tho county attorney in the name of
the state, the amouut cf the fne to be
fixed by a ju:y,and to be paid into the
school fund. No officer can secure a
certificate c;f election or assume his
duties or draw any salary until these
affidavits have been filed.
If at any time during the term of
office it is proven that the officer vio
lated the law or made a false state
ment in his affidavits of expenditures
he will be ousted from office.
The Tribune wants to join with The News
and help awaken the old town to the realization
that it is high time lor the citizens to be doing
something. The project of holding a street fair
is the most sensible thing we know of at the
present time, and it should by all means be
pushed to a successful termination. The old
idea of holding a county fair is a thing of the
past, and it is not likely that any attempt what
ever will be made by the agricultural society in
that line this year. Street fairs are a novelty
and if Plattsmouth should get one up it would at
tract a crowd of visitors to the City the like of
which has not been here in many years Platts
mouth Tribune.
Th'-re are a number of people be
coming interested in the project of
holding a street fa:r in this city, and
the only thing that is lacking is some
one who has influence to start it go
ing. There is no qui 6tion but that it
would he a fine thing for the business
men and the citizens at large. People
who have attended fairs of this nature
are loud in their praise of them. It
gives each business man an equal
show, as the crowds are kept on the
streets constantly. If the business
meu want to prevent people from go
ing to Omaha it is necessary to pro
vide somo sort of amusement occasion
ally, and this is tho best thing that
could be brought un.
TlIK Lincoln Journal has joined
with trie Worlu-IIerald in an effort to
raise $-lo,(i(j0 for the purpo.-e of bring
ing the members of the Tirst Ne
braska regimeut home in a body. It
is a worthy move and Plattsmouth
should and would cont;ibuto if some
one would circulate a subscription pa
per. Something over 4, 000 has now
been raised.
The Weeping Water Advoctte
says: '"If Lee Stoner gets home with
that Krug rifle he may bo induced to
give us a little drill exhibit.
Colonel Maylield had evidently been
giving an exhibition with a "Krug
rifle" when he ponned the above
item. Tho rifle was made of glass and
loaded with that famous Oratha
James Rop.ekt.sox will have his
way in the convention and at the polls
The queen of Englaud and the czr
of Ilu-sia own beautiful typewriters of
white encmel and gold, with keys of
A steel harness trace is one of the
latest productions of Sheffield. A nar
row strip Tf steel about an inch wide
is encased in leather and ufed in the
ordinary way; the steel is of tLe best
quality and so pliable that it can be
The following item which at)pe.ared
in the Weeping W ater Advocate in
dicates that tho people of that thriv
ing town are in favor of preserving
the forests: "Opposite the (ribbon
house is a vacant lot and on tint lot
there stands m iny weeds that look
down on tho surrounding buildings
in defiance, but then no one seems to
own the lot and of course Ihe weeds
have full possession. The city tuight
cutout tho underbrush and convert
the wilderness into a shady park."
TriE News is trying to induce the
citizens of Plattsmouth to hold a
street fair this fall. The project
should meet with encouragement.
Cass County Advocate.
An English officer, who is now en
eaged in some exploring work in Cen
tral Asia, has discovered that there
exists in Knotan a regular manufac
tory of old Asiatic .manu-cript relics,
and s large is the output that he be
lieves that at least 95 per cent of the
manuscripts which have reached
Europe from Central Asia during re
cent years are spurious
Milliner is a corruj.tion of "Mil
aner," from Milan, which city at one
time gave the fashion to the world in
all matters of taste in woman's head
gear. N
Germany publishes ab.ut 20,000
books a year, France 11,000, Italy
9,000, England 6,000. United States
Ah odd monument was desired by an
elderly maiden who died a few weeks
ago at Athlone, Ireland. She left a
fortune of $135,000 to be spent in the
erection of a church, provided that
her body should be converted into
ashes and used in making tho mortar
for building the edifice.
A cigarette smoker sends into the
air about 4,000,000 particles of dust at
every pull, according to Dr. Atkin's
Tho sultan of Turkey's favorite
color is dark red. The German em
peror likes his uniforms blue and red,
and covered with gold embroideries.
The king of Greece, who dons his uni
forms as seldom as possiDle, has a
marked preference for light colors.
The emperor of Austria has a prefer
ence for gray, whilo the emperor of
Russia likes dark green uniforms, and
tbe king of Italy, excepting the rare
occasions when he appears in a gen
eral's uniform, generally wears black.
The German emperor has consented
to stand godfather to the twin sons of
a coachman at Giesorf He has also
made their patents a handsome pres
ent of money, and has given permis
sion for the babies to je christened
William I. and Wil.iam II. These
names will appear in the church reg
ister. The twins are the seventh and
eighth sons of their parents.
Frank L. Richards, of Rochester, N.
Y., has in his possession a $65 bill of
the old continental money, which was
paid to one of his ancestors for service
in the revolutionary army. It is a
curious bU of currency, and it took a
bill of th it amount to buy a pair of
shoes at one time.
An Iowa engineer claims to have
demonstrated that a liberal use of
crude oil on muddy roa('s soon trans
forms them into models of cleanliness.
Tt.e effect of sprinkling oil on the
ground is to give it a hard, compact
surface, upon which water c nnot re
main. The result is a complete ab
sence of mud in wet weather and of
du.-t at oteer times.
It w;is disclosed that extra pav al
lowances had been rnado to General
Brooke and certain other American
officers in Havana, out of Cuban reve
nuos. for the maintenance of their
residences, ami protests were filed
fr m other American officers stationed
in Cub i against, the discrimination
against them.
The house in Washington in which
President Lincoln died is b"ing reno
vated to piv-erve it from decay. Con
gress at its lute session having appro
pria'ed 4,00 for that purpose. The
building will not bu altered, but only
such repairs made as m:iy be necessary
to protect it from the elements. The
room in which Lincoln died will not
oe touched. This modest little house
is ye irly vis:t -d by thousands of tour
ists from .11 o-irts of the country.
Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska have
agreed to unite on a war ag linst grass
hoppers. Details of the campaign will
be arranged at c meeting to be held at
tho Fort Collins Agricultural College.
Prof. Lawrence Brunner, state enti
mologist of Nebraska, pictures the
condition ass methi' g scarcely within
c TTipreheti.-ioti tf oidina-y peop'e.
One ff Fut'ston's men writes that in
a late en rag- ni- nt near S;sn f'ernando
the geneva! vrer.t into battle at the
head : f his bria i com nosed of the
Kansas, M-nbm lr-d Utah troops.
When the light staried, however. Gen.
Fns'on fur got that he w9 in com
mand of u brigade, and, leaving his
staff, orderly, hose and a 1, he joined
the Kansas boys on foot and person
ally gave them o dors as he led them
to the charge.
Speaking of Nebraska's 18119 crop,
the Chicago I'eco. d says: "At pres
ent the Burlington and other roads
traversing the western grain bolt are
making preparations to handle the
largest crop of coin ever raised in that
productive section of the country. The
Burlington has gathered information
which leads it to believe that this
year's crop will far exceed that of any
former banner s?nson, and almost
double that of any former average
year. While the reports from all
parts of the belt, which covers Ne
braska, Iowa, northern Missouri, nor
thern Kansas and southeastern Colo
rado, are giowirg, the indication are
that Nebraska will make the best sec
tional showing. Everywhere in the
belt the corn crop is said to be safe
under ordinary conditions. There will
be considerable wheat marketed and
an unusually large crop of the other
small grains. The alfalfa output
promises to be'nnusually large."
For Salb or Rext Store room
and dwelling combined, 34x58 feet.
known as the T. V. Davis store, in
Murray. Inquire of J. W. Ldmunds,
Murray, Neb.
Women m Seen by a Seller- of Rax and
will not do In my line of business," said
the man who was selling clocks and
Vugs on the weekly insrallment plan.!
"You can always Sgure as a starter j
that she's going to haggle about the
clocks for $2.50 the average woman
would want something off. As soon
as the weekly payments begin she'll
make a neighborhood hunt for plugged
coins and smooth pieces and work
them off on the collector. She'll also
stand him off for a day or two every
payrH, and even when the money 1?
ready shell hang to It to the last.
"I'll tell you what a woman will and
That's what you can figure on nineteeD
times out of twenty; but there's a big
offset. It's rare that women ever sklf
out and take your property along
They could do it In scores ef cases
but their conscience forbids. It's con
science and not fear of the law. I've
had fifty cases where families moved
but after a little the wife would send
the new address. I lost a family one
after they had paid 50 cents on an $?
clock. They shipped their goods by
rail and went off west. I got a bless
ing from headquarters because of theii
skip, but somehow I felt that it would
be all right in the end. So it was
After seven months had passed we got
a letter from North Dakota containing
a money order for the balance due
and the woman explained that she'l
have sent It sooner, but that her hus
band had died and her oldest boy beer
sent to jail. I sold a rug last year tc
a family that moved next day, and a
dozen creditors tried in vain to tract
them. After a week or so the wife rar
after me on the street to tell me when
to call, and added: Tt was the ol?
man's doings. He took a skip to heel
the grocer, butcher, baker and drug
store; but if I didn't pay for that beau
tiful rug I could not say my prayers at
night.' "New York Sun.
Blotches and excresence, which so
often annoy people, are simply efforts
of nature to throw off impediments to
the proper performance of her duties.
Herbine will aid and assist nature in
in her work, and ensure a skin clear
and beautiful, entirely free from all
imperfections. Price 50c. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Weather Station In a Church Spire.
.It has been decided to establish a me
teorological observatory at the top of
the great cathedral spire in Ulm, Ger
many. The Ulm cathedral is one ef the
most extraordinary in existence, on ac
count of the great size and height of
its spire, which reaches an elevation
of 5S3 feet. Although the great church
was begun more than 500 years ago,
the spire was not completed until 1890.
Moat Popular Brltlah Novelist.
The most popular novelise of Great
Britain appears to be Silas Hocking.
His publishers aver that for the twen
ty-one years during which he has been
writing, the sale of his novels has aver
aged 1,000 copies a week. Mr. Hock
ing is a minister of the Methodist Free
church, and it is the great public of
dissenting England which reads his
works. New York Tribune.
That Throbbing Headache
Wou d qu'ckly leave vou if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their match
less merit for sick and nervous head
aches. Thsy make pure blood and
strong nerves and build up your
health. Easy to take. Try them.
Only 25 cents. Mouey back if not
cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Foe of the Trained Nurae.
A German journal Is authority for
the statement that two-thirds of the
trained nurses actively engaged ao
e.ulre and die of tuberculosis.
Little Tax on Cash Wealth.
Nearly all the taxes levied la the
United States are imposed upon pro
duction and consumption, rather than
upon accumulation.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspep
sia because its ingredients are such
that it can't help'doing so. "The pub
lic can rely upon it as a master remedy
for all disorders arising from imper
fect digestion." James M. Thomas,
M. D.,in American Journal of Health,
N. Y. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Worn Bank Note.
Every year the treasurer of the
United States is called upon to redeem
millions of bank notes which have be
come badly worn as a result of con
stant handling. During the fiscal year
recently closed Treasurer Roberts gaye
new bills In exchange for old to the
amount of $290,000,000, breaking the
record of the last six years. This Is
an indication that with the return of
prosperity money Is in free circulation.
A free and easy expectoration is pro
duced by a few doses of Ballard's
TTnrobnnnrl Scrim In nil eases of
hoarseness, sore throat, or difficulty
of breathing. Price 25 and 50c. r . G.
Fricke & Co.
Bates for tireater America Kk position
Reduced rates to Omaha will apply
from points on tbe Burlington route
within 2-50 miles of that city during
the entire period of the Greater Amer
ica exposition, which open July 1 and
closes October 31.
There will be three different kinds
of tickets:
Ten-day tickets, which will be sold
at 80 per cent of double the one-way
Seven-day ticUets.the rate for which
will be one fare for the round us
5 per cent on sale Tuesdays.
' "Week-end" tickets, which will be
on sale Saturdays and for Sunday
trains due in Omaha before 1 p. m.
one fare for the round trip.
J. Francis, G. P. A.,
Omaha, Neb.
Nice Clean Ice.
F. S. White is now ready to deliver
ice to his customers in any quanti
ties desired. The ice is the anest ever
harvested. Telephones Plattsmouth
206, Nebraska 71.
I) r- x: ili'i
Surgical Triumph In Tendon
and Done Setting.
Two notable surgical operations
the first successful ones of their kin'
in a New York hospital were per
formed at the Ho6pltal for Cripples al
Forty-Second street and Lexington
avenue. By one a Virginia girl, 14
years old, who has been paralyzed foi
eleven years, will regain the use of net
limhs thronfh tendon irraftine- In th
I CL' -U F--rJ
J ., ,-::-
other a patient's thigh bone, dislocated ffreat joy and surprise, the first bottle
at birth, was taken from its origina" made a decided improvement. I con
socket and placed fully two inches tc tinned their use for three weeks, and
one side in a socket or acetabtillun? am now a weil man. I know they sri v.-d
made for the purpose. Dr. Royal Whit- my life, and robbed the grave of un
man, chief of clinic at the hospital , other victim." No one shou tl f ul to
operated. Mattie Mayhew, the para- j try them. Only 50 ets , guarantee,;, at
lytic, lost me use or Doin reei rrorr,
infantile paralysis in ner tnira year
Dr. Whitman first ascertained what
tendons were degenerate and ther
made an incision In the thigh and en
grafted small parts of healthy tendoni
where the degenerate parts had been
cut away. When the operation wai
finished the feet were placed In pla;tei
caats. The doctors say the child wll'
have the full use of her limbs in twe
months. The operation Is of French
origin, and yet even in France sur
geons have not yet attempted to per
form the oporatlon on any but very
young children. The other operation
was what is called the Lorenz opera
tion, from Dr. Lorenz, a Frenchman.
Rosa Denlzettl, 4 years old, of Italian
parentage, was the patient. An lncl
slon was made In her hip and the ball
and socket Joint laid bare. The thigh
bone was removed from Its socket and
another socket was cut In the pelvis
bone two inches from the one which
had caused the dislocation. Then the
thigh bone was placed in the new
socket, the incision was sewed up and
the hip placed in a plaster cast. In
two months the patient will be able to
walk. New York World.
One Minute Cough Cure quickly
cures obsiinate summer coughs and
colds. "I consider it a most wonder
ful medicine, quick and safe." W.
W. Mert-n, Mayhew, Wis. F. G.
Fricke & Co
To Pro rent Int .x'icatloit.
Peanuts have a faculty of absorbing
. ol and preventing jt from demor
ng the nerves and upsetting the
tng machine. It Is estimated, for
pie. that if a man drinks a quart
:snpagne and eats a pint of pea
i i a the, peanuts will overcome the
:t;fcriatlng quality of the wine, with
out entirely curtailing its exhilarating
effects. The large proportion of oil In
the peanuts accounts for this result.
A go: ' wine glass of olive oil has the
eame effect.
No one knows the unbearable torture,
the peculiar and agonizir.g pain,
caused by piles, unless they have suf
fered from them. Many believe them
incurable. This is a mistake. Proper
treatment will cure them. Tabler's
Buckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible
cure. Price. 50c in bottles, tubes 7oe.
F. G Fricke & fV.
Another Triumph of surg;ery.
Surgery has successfully achieve
the feat of restoring lost memory anu
speech. A blow on the skull from a
falling piece of timber rendered Eu
gene Brazee of Geneva, N. Y., partly
paralyzed on the right side, as well
as causing the trouble mentioned. An
operation revealed rupture of one of
the blood vessels of tue brain, me
removal of over half a pint of blood
clots effected an entire recovery of the
Sore of One Point.
"My ancestral home," said the for
eign nobleman who wanted to marry
one of Mr. Oaawell's daughters, "ees
valued at 1.000.000 pesetas." "It's not
half enough, sir," arrogantly replied
Mr. Gaswell. "How much is a peseta
anyhow?" Chicago Tribune.
Irritating stings, bites, scratche
wounds and cuts soothed and healod
by DeWitt's Witch Ilazel Salve,
auro and safe application for tortured
flesh. Beware of counterfeits. F. G
Fricke & Co.
The Telegraph In Soudan.
The Soudan la being rapidly covered
with a network of telesraDh wires. It
I s expected that the telegraph will be
j 1,000 miles south or Kaarwura at.
end of the year. Tins means me piaw
tlcal Joining up with Uganda, and as
Rhodes' telegraph Is approaching Tan
ganyika the transcontinental tele
graph may be expected to he finished
early next year.
Herbine is well .dpted lo the cure
of fevers of all kinds, because it thor
oughly cleanses the stomach and bow
els of all bilious humors, and expels
all impure secretions of the body.
Price 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Twenty-Are Ceots fr th Campaign.
Tho Twic -a-Wcek State Journal,
printed every Tutsiay and F.-iday.
will be sent postpaid with all of tho
news of tbe world from now until alter
election for only 25 cents. It is worth
that much to read about the Fighting
First regiment's return. The journal,
printed at toe stat- capital, is the
leadiDg Nebraska paper and lis
mighty cheap at a quarter.
Quickly cure constipation and re
build and invigorHte the entire svteru
never grip or n use ae ie w ltt's
Little Early Risers. F. G- Fricke Co
k SEAlTirix
hits been added to the well
known IIosp-.
With Stool and Scarf.
Write For Particulars.
Robbed the Crave.
A startling incident, of whie'n Nit.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, w;is the
subject is narrated by him as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition.
My skin was almost follow, eyes
sunken, tongue coated, pain con
tinually in back and sides, no appc
tito gradually growing weaker day
by d:iy. Three physicians had given
mo up. Fortunately, a friend advised
trying 'Electric Hitters;' and to my
j,. q Fricke & Co's. drug storo
Nntloiml Kiictmpiiu-nl (J... R. Ht I'll Ji
flt'lphli. '
The lowest rates of the yeir le-s
than one fare for tho round trip will
be made for tho National K.ieauipne-iit
of the G. A. II. at Philadelphia Sell
ing dates, September 1, 2. and .'1. R ;
turn limit, September 'M). Rite open
to the general public.
As usual th-i veterans and their
fiiends will take the Burlington roule,
avoiding change of depot in Chicago
and securing for thoins-lve iho spe
cial advantages in tho way of fat lime
and thiouyh c.,r service which thit
road off.jis.
So ciiil Grand Army train for Phi ia
delphia leaves Omah .r:tui p. m. Sat
urday, S -pteiuber 12U. Sleeping, din
ing and free reclining chair cars.
Berths can bo reserved now See local
ticket agent and ask Mfh about rat--s,
and trains. Or, if you wish, write, to
J. Francis, g -nor il p is-'-ngor agonl,
O inah. i. Neb.
The Ni'.W olMce is mo loi equi pped
joh office in C.i.- county. Fiot class
work done on short tioiico
Catarrh is one of tho most obstinate
diseases, and hence the most difficult
to get rid of.
There is but ono way to curoil
The disease is in the blood, and all tno
sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures
in the world can have no permanent
effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe
cific cures Catarrh jK'rnmnontly, for it i
the only remedy which can reach the
disease and force it from the blood.
Mr. 15. P. McAllister, of Itarrodsburg,
Ky., h:ul Catarrh for years. He writes:
"I could nee no Improvement whatever,
though I was constantly treated with hprnyit
ami wasJirs, ami itllTer
ent lnhahnt? reno-dlr
ill fact. 1 t-imUt feci that
each winter 1 was wors?
than the. year T.revion.-t.
' "Finally It was
brought to my notice
that Catarrh w as a Mood
disease, and afn-r think
ing over the in, tier, I
saw It WHSunreiisuii.'ihle,
to exjM-ct to io en i hy
remedies vl-teh o 11 I v
ii -..v rao;. i r.; . ri-a'-m-H i' -- m;i- ;,--. i
5; lev. l'"-a di.M--l t.. try
S. 8. S.,und aTtera few dot tics v., i ii-- d. I
t iced a jx-rccjitible improvement. 'ont i lenii.:
l.l-.e remedy, tlm disease was forced out of ny
system, ami a complete earn was the result.
I advise all who have this dreadful d.sci-e to
atandon fueirliM-al treatment. which hasncver
.lone them any K'snl. and take S. to. S., a reni
Hly that can reach th disease and cn;e It."
To continue the wrong treatment for
Catarrh is to continue to suffer. Sw ift's
Specific is a real blood remedy, and
cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases,
which other remedies have no effect
whatever upon. It promptly reaches
Catarrh, and never fails to cure even the
most aggravated cases.
for I31rrl
&yg s i iiu Mrn.j is va.
is Purely Vegetable, and is tho only
Dlooaremeay guaranteed to contain no
dangerous minerals.
Books maibnl free by Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia
Kureka Harness Oil Is the st
preservative of new leather I
ami the. Iiest renovator of old
leather, it oils, hotlens, OiacK--
ensund protects. Lte
Harness Oii
on yo'ir lt tmrwm. your nll har
ne,pi. and your eitrrlHtretop. arid they
will not only lint Petier but er
longer. ho!d vt rywliervlu cam- all
SUa from half irits to
iOul- t,j tT4lthU OIL to.
Commission Brokers
Wear Com. Co., Correspondents.
Direct Private Wire to Chicago.
Over Atwood's Druu Store,
Ali Orders Promptly Executed ;.th Tel. Z'.'t.
: PhKhiV Hi-
v u mi - .
Riat,KS $1 dir..
,.!v '