NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS PaHKEK'S , UAH) rt&LS&M Hair to t Youtuful Color. SENT FREE t housekeepers- Liebig COMPANY'S ' Extract of Beef , " , COOK BOOK-; telling Kbw to prepare many deli cate and delicious dishes. Address. Liebig Oo.', P. O. Box 271. New York. When Vou Buy I f Your Shoos at FETZER'S you always get a Guarantee of Quality ... according - to the amount you pay for the goods." A dollar's wear for a dollar bill. t J I t I t 4 I t t t t ft A t 1 A LEADER. JosGph JFetzer, North Side Main Street. IT PAYS :t To Look Around .' Before you make purchases. After you have looked elsewhere, come to us and we guarantee you will be pleased. Our new spring stock has arrived, including Dry Goods, Staple and ' Fancy Gro ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed. A square deal to all. f. s. white; Main Street, Plattsmouth ...GRAIN Commission Brokers Wear Com. Co., Correspondents. Direct Private Wire to Chicago. v OFFICE Over Atwood's Drug Store, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. All Orders Promptly Executed. I'lattsmouth Tel. 275. ED. FITZGKSrAIiD Has new 6tock, new rigs and is prepared bettor than ever to take care of ft General Llveru ' Business Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and couri- eous treatment assured. STABLES SIXTH AND VISE STS., Plattsmouth, Nebraska. -first- NATIONAL BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH, NpB. " PAID UP C&pjTAL. vi $50,000 Offers ths very best facilities for the ' prompt transaction of - Legitimate Banking - Business. TOOK9. bonds, gold. government and local eourltles Dought and sold. . Deposits re ceived and Interest allowed on the eertfi cates. Drafts rawn, avall&Dle In any part of the B. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest ' ' market price paid for county warrants, state and county bt&d. ' ' Vv i DIRECTORS: . , .-, H. N. Dovey. D. Hawksworth . S. Waugh F. E. White. G. E.. Dovey. ... ... Geo. E. Dovey, Pres.j S. Waugh, Cashier, H. tf. Dovev. Asst. Cashier. - ' Dyspepsia Cure, - a at n?nt;ts what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or eana. It is the latest disco vered digest ant and tonic. No, other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieve and permanently cuFes Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SickHeadache,Ga.stralgia,Cramps,and all other results of imperfect digestion Prepaid by E- C; Dwitt Co-' Co'caao F. G. FRICKE & CO. VIM The Semi-Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ... BY THE . . . NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, J.E. MARSHALL. Business Manager. . DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, f 5 00 Six Months, 2 50 One Week, 1 Single Copies, - 5 ' SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... 1 00 Six Months - 50 r."E LARGEST CIRCULATION ' Of any Cass County Paper. TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1899. TnE recent rains o'ught to be an in centive to tbe-merchant9 of Platts- mouth to hold a street fair. Anothek oue of those calamity abolishing rains fell last night and this morning and now the pessimistic howlers are sad. Thk wtge9 paid by the railroad com panies in 1S98 amounted to the enor mous sum of $133,C55,618,au increase of $29,4o4,037 over the preceding year. One more ruin like the one of last week and it will be next to impossible to get enough men to take care of the Nebraska corn crop. Step ladders will be necessary to reach the corn, so fast is it growing. MkI BRYAN, says the St. Paul Dis patch, ought to get om-i consolation out of the thought th t if this country is wrecked on the roi-fc of imperialism it will save it from gong to smash on the gold standard. IN 1S92, the big year of American foreign trade, the tirat billion-dollar year of tun -emn try's history, the value of manufactured exports was $158,5:0,937; the year ending June 30 their value was $338,607,794. Says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat: "Democrats must not forget that Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the De claration of Independence, annexed the Louisiana purchase without giving the slightest attention to the consent of the governed." The president h:m issued orders to all first and .- ; ni diss postmasters that whenevt-r s- lnr m con torn plated looking to tii.- rcnj v il from olliee of a sailor or t-o!clk:r of Ihu civil or Spanish wars all th: f:u:it in the cuso must be communicated U Washington before action is taken Notwithstanding the agricultural exports for tho yesir entliny June 30 were $Si,0'O.0iO !-hs th;ii the previous year, the total ports of all kinds was only about $3,ino,C;u less. The was nearly made up by an increase of S:!,000,(X0 in tho amount of manufactures sent abroad. The Dingley law is getting all kinds of vindications. The Louisville Kicker, edited by G. C. Klckerj which was started for the purpose of kicking against everythir g that is not in keeping with the ideas of the demo-pop, is now kickig"very strong because it has been refused transmission through the mails as second-class matter. Very little of its space is dtvote'd to Louisville, and it is a question whether or not it is a for sure newspaper and entitled to second class rates. LAW WILL UK STRONU I'OK GOLD. The interview with Mr. II. II. llanna, chairman of the Indianapolis monetary convention, expressing ap proval of the plans for currency legis lation already agreed upon by the caucus committee of the house and the finance committee of the senate, fur nishes gratifying assurance that the currency bill that will be presented to the fifty-sixth congress will unquali fiedly recognize gold as the fixed monetary standard of the country,says the Chicago Times-Herald. Having been J.n.S9n3u!taV3u '.Titatn'e.'members oi the senate fiaance committee at their recent meeting at Narrapansett Pier, Mr. Hanna is in a position to speak authoritatively regarding the prospects for financial legislation That he was invited to tta council of the committee will doubtless surprise the party trimmers, who have always opposed the scheme of currency re form proposed by the Indianapo'.i monetary convention. But the po litical trimmers on the currency ques tion have had their day. The time for evasion and equivocation is past. The gold standard party must take counsel of such men as Mr. Hanna, who stands for honest currency reform and who represents the intelligent business interests of this country. . The party in power has been pre vented by a silver majority in the sen ate from redeeming its promises made at St. Louis, to give the gold standard "the validity and vitality of law." With a sound money majority in both houses of the fifty-tlxth congress there is every reason to expect tKe enact ment of a law "coasistsrt in abroad and courageous way with the pledge offered the people in the money plack of the St. Louis platform." PHILIPPINES AND THE REPUBLICANS Sod at or Burrows of Michigan, who is an anti-expansion ffet,saya that if the end of the Philippine war is not in sight next year "the situation will be to the disadvantage of the republican party." There is a very strong prob ability that the war will be ended be fore the national conventions, early next summer, meet. The increase under way, however, when the next 1 national conventions meet this condi tion would not necessarily injure the republicans. It would simply provoke an inquiry as to who was responsible for the war in the first place, and that would exonerate the republican party. The men who wanted the treaty de feateflrand who voted against it when it came up in the senate are among the person who are responsible for the war. All of ' those except an in significant fraction are democrats. '.A'-l large share of the responsibility for the war also belongs to the men who opposed the bill for the creation of an army of 100,000 men. These too, were almost all democrats. Here are some facts which will come out in a very impressive way next sum mer if the war in the Philippines should be still in progress at that time. These facts will be destructive to tie democratic party. Many men were declaiming from the beginning of the war against all purpose to obtain any territory fr5m Spain. These men would have given up even Porto Rico. They would give it up now, notwith standing its cession by the treaty, if they could bring this about. All these persons are democrats. The Bryans, Gormans, Vesta, Cockrells, Stones and the rest of the men who which is being made in the army points in that direction. The trouble heretofore has been that Otis did not have enough men to garrison the towns which were captured. This drawback will not exist when the cam paign next fall opens, says the Globe Democrat. Even if the war should chance to be have been howling against expansion and all of those who were in congress voted against all measures calculated to strengthen the hands of the govern ment in the war are the persons who responsible for the conflict, and they. with a few trifling exceptions, are i democrats. It is reasonably certain j that American sovereignty will be ac-. knowledged throughout the whole of I WHY NOT HOLD The Time Is Ripe For the People of Platts mouth To Wake Up. t t t IE t & fc t t r- c There can be ne good reason offered why Platts mouth should not hold a Street Fair this fall. Other towns, not so large-as Plattsmouth, have conducted such enterprises with great success. It is an entirely new idea for this part of the state and this fact would insure largfe crowds. The agricultural exhibits, with the mam moth crops that are now growing, could be the finest in the history of Cass county. A number of merchants of the city have expressed their willingness to contribute from $50 to $100 toward the enterprise and if all of them would take hold of the project, it would be an easy matter to raise SI, 000 or SI, 200, which would be an ample sum to provide suitable amusements, music, etc. It would be a lasting adver tisement for the city and even if the merchants did not get their money back at the time, it would only be a short time until they would. Hastings and Lincoln are the only cities in the state which at present have such plans on foot. The former city raised $1,"400 in a half day. Is there any reason why Plattsmouth cannot do as well By securing reduced railroad ra-tes, large crowds could be attracted from every town in the county and also from neighboring towns in Mills county, Ia. Now is the time to act. t t t griaitaaititiUfiiMniiiiiMt"""iiiiAiAiiiiiaitiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiamiiififiimuiui3 the Philippines before the beginning of next summer, but if, on the other hand, the war should be still under way it woul be the democracy and not the republican party that would be the sutTerer in the election. INFORMATION &f OPINION. The Mutual Life Insurance company of New York has instituted proceed ings against Thomas Chase and wife of Milligan, Tenn., in wlich it alleges that Chase, who is supposed to have died In February, is not dead, and that $20,000 collected by the supposed widow was fraudulently paid. Tbe bill enjoins four baiks. In which the money is deposited, from paying it to Mrs. Chase's order. An order has also been secured allowing the grave in which Chise is supposed to have been buried to bo searched. Three hundred years ago, in Eng land, it was customary to add beer to mortar to produce the required con sistency. It was asserted that tbe beer rendered the mortar more durable than if it were made with water. I', is certain that the workmen oft i tasted the beer, perhaps to convince themselves that it was of the proper strength and flavor. The men-of-war of the Romans had a crew of about 225 men, of which 174 were oarsmen workiog on three decks. The speed of these vessels was about six miles an hour in fair weather. There are certain languagea which, although they are still spoken and written, are to all intents and pur poses dead. For in st iii co, Icelandic is practically identical with the dead Norse language, out of which the Scandinavian tongues have grown. Provencal, the ancient language of Provincia, and the speech in which the Troubadours sang, has now sunk to the level of a pa tois,al though a cer- 1 ain French literary school Is making efforts to revive it as a literary lan guage. Hebrew, again, though still spoken, is to all intents and purposes dead ia the sense that Greek and Latin Hie. Cornish, Manx and the old mys terious Romany tongue are also exam ples which should be mentioned in this connection. . . An offer of ship brokers to buy the cruiser. Reina Mercedes, and other Spanish vessels captured in the late war has aroused a suspicion that Spain is trying to buy the vessels back. The navy department will sell none of the vessels. The Mercedes is not worth repairing and will be kept merely as a relic. ' - A well-known curio expert states that there are factories in Europe for the manufa'cture of all kinds of works of art that are likely to attract the collector. Mode, n articles of china are stamped with the old marks so cleverly that even experts have been deceived, says the Pottery Gazette. Arms and armor are treated with acids which eat away the metal, thus producing the same effect as the ravages of time. The eagle, as an emblem of author ity, is so old that it would be impos sible to clearly trace its origin. It is found upon the most ancient sculptures that have yet been discovered, and was no doubt one of the very oldest of the totems, or tribe signs. The early Persian empire appears to be the first which adopted it as an imperial em blem. Among the Greeks the eagle was the emblem of Jove. The Romans also adopted the eagle as their stand ard, and so it became the token of Roman dominion. When Constantino became emperor he adopted the double beaded eagle as the insignia of his authority over east and west, When the German empire came into being in the twelfth century this em- ft STREET FAIR? I a- blem was revived as being that of the Holy Roman empire, and Rudolph of Hapbburg adopted it as his imperial arms. It appeared the Russian im perial arms in the sixteenth century, when Czar Ivan Basilovitch married Princess Soph.'a, niece of the eleventh Constantine,Pid tfca last of the Byzan tine emperors. Shakespeare, among his many al lusions to the sweetness, the inno cence anu tho helplessness of the lamb. only once cites it as an attice of food. The pchooner Humboldt, fifty-eight tons burden, hailing from Bo-ton, is said to be the only vessel in the world exclusively devoted to the collection of sea shells for sale. Much of its work is undertaken fr public and private schools That h swan will fight fiercely was shown by an exciting struggle be tween a swan and a p irk constable on the upper lake at Waterlow Park,Eng land. Some India rubber balls had rolled into the water, and to get them the constable paddled out in a punt This drew the notice of tbe male swan, which deserted his consort and the brood of cygnet, and went for the con stable with great fury. Once or twice he almost upset the punt by causing the constable to overbalance it in sav ing his legs from the bird's beak. It was only with difficulty end risk that the balls were recovered. The swan then followed the punt to the bank, makiog vicious darts at the constable. One of the mcst remarkable things on the North Pacific coast is the large number of ha'ibut in Alaskan waters. Small steamers catch cargoes in a few hours' time, and it is no strange thing to see a huudred thousand caught io from two to three days. Before buying binding twine see Ebinger Hardware Co. j NO HOSTILE EXPEDITION Heureaux's Rival Feels fissured of the Hearty Support af trje Dorrjirjgans. fl Large Force fl waits the Arrival of trje New Candidate For the Presidency. Havana, Aug. 4. General Juan Isidro Jimincz, when his attention was called today to a cable summary of an alleged declaration made by him here recently and published in tbe United States to the effect that he was about to proceed to the United States to organize an expedition against the existing government of San Domingo, replied that ho had not made the statement attributed to him. He went on to say that it was quite unneces sary to proclaim himself hostile to the present government, as it could not possibly last beyond August 15. "I did hear," he continued, "that Heureaux was sending men to Cuba to kill me, but I know nothing what ever regarding the plot to kill him. I had no connection and have no con nection with Ramon Caceras, who did the shooting. I do not believe that the United States will interfere with my government in San Domingo, which will be a government peaceful and helpful to all, for the United States did not interfere with the gov ernment of Heureaux, who robbed and murdered for fourteen years." Leader Is Sore ef Welcome. General Jiminez admits that he has often been to the United States in cognito, but says he has not had in terviews with official persons. He considers that there is no need of promoting expeditions to land in San D miogo, as there already are 1,000 men waiting for him, a force which he deems quite sufficient for his pur poses. Referring to the future relations of San Domingo with the United States he expressed a desire to be on friendly terms with Washingtonvand said he could count on American sympathy. Gomez, he referred to as "esteemed by all classes of Dominicans, but not sought for as president." The people of San Domingo, he de clared, are impetuous and are urging him to come to thorn at once, but for a time he prefers delay, "as each day Is worth a battle won." GOATS ARE SOLD AS MUTTON. Thousands of AaKra Are Pieced Upon Markets of Chicago. CllICAOO, Aug. 4. The Daily News Bays: Thousands of goats are brought, slaughtered and placed upon the mar kets of Chicago and sold as mutton by some packers at the stockyards. This traffic is carried on most extensively during the winter and early spring up to and including the month of April. The goats and kids are of the Angora kind and come from the northwest, while a few are shipped in from the south. The latter are of the common goat species and do not find as ready a sale as the Angoras. Besides being very palatable as a food, the Angora goat and kid are used for other purposes. The skins of the goats are usod for making floor mats and robes for babies, while the skin of the kid is used in trimming furs. Dr. W. S. Devoe of the Bureau of Animal Industry, when asked today in regard to goats being sold for mutton, said: "They certainly are quite free from disease, are fat and make ex cellent eating. Of course the very common 'billy' goat would have a ten dency to bo strong and have a bad odor. There is no law to prevent them being sold and when we find them in tho packing houses they are inspected the same as any other carcass." The records of the yards show that some weeks as high as 8,000 goats have been received. Washington, Aug. 4. Referring to the reports that goat meat is being sold in some of the western cities as mutton. Dr. Salmon, chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, said today that the law provided only for the in spection of cattle, sheep and hogs and that nothing Bhort of congressional ac tion would remedy the defect. Dr. Salmon said, however, that he did not anticipate much danger from the use of goat meat, as goats were generally healthy animals. Last Honors For Hawkins. San Francisco, Aug. 4. The body of Colonel Alexander Hawkins of tbe Tenth Pennsylvania wiil receive last military honors in this city tomorrow HfternnonT The services will take place under the auspices of the Ma sonic and Knights Templar organiza tions. The Tenth Pennsylvania reg!- ment will occupy the places of chief mournei s and General Sh after has or dered a military escort to take part in rhe funeral. The volunteers' now en- cam oed at the Presidio will. also at tend out of respect to the memory of the deceased and sympathy with their comrades in arms. Tbe body will be transported east tomorrow night. Chaplain Hunter, Tenth Pennsyl vania regiment, has been -ordered to take charge of it on the way home. Under orders from the department. Colonel Hawkins' body will be trans ported from here to Washington, Pa. No one knows the unbearable torture, the peculiar and agonizing pain, caused by piles, unless they have suf fered from them. Many believe them incurable. This is a mistake. Proper treatment will oure them. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible cure. Price, 60o. in bottles, tubes 75c. F. G. Frlcke & Co. POINTED r AH AGRA Pits. Fishing stories are white lies. A woman's meanness never fully de veloped until she is married. A sixteen-year-old girl is pretty, but never as pretty as she thinks she is. Quickly cure constipation and re build and invigorate the cntiro system never gripe or nauseate DoWitt's Little Early Risers. F. G. Fricke & Co The kissing bug must be a girl-bug; all who claim to have been Kissed are men. Every one reaches the day when he tells something he wishes ho had kept secret. ''Our baby was sick for a month with severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al though we tried many remedies she kept getting worse until we used One Minute Cough Cure, it relieved at once and cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance.Prin. High school, Bluff dale.Texas. F. G. Fricke & Co. Refuse to take a drink with a drunk ard and he will congratulate you on having good sense. Blotches and excresence, which so often annoy people, are simply efforts of nature to throw off impediments to the proper performance of her duties. Herbine will aid and assist nature in in her work, and ensure a skin clear and beautiful, entirely freo from all imperfections. Price 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co. Alfred Parson 8, son of Anarchist Parsons, who was executed for com plicity in tbe Ilaymarket riot, was ar rested at Chicago for assaulting his mother with a knife because of her ob jections to bis enlisting in the army, He was not prosecuted by Mrs. Par sons when the case was called. A free and easy expectoration is pro duced by a few doses of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, in all cases of hoarseness, sore throat, or difficulty of breathing. Price 25- and 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co. Charlotte Cullenan, of Williams avenue, Norwood, filed suit in the com mon pleascourt recently, asking that the Cincinnati Street Railroad com pany be restrained from changing the grade of the street in front of her premises in the construction of the proposed belt line through Norwood. Where the digestion is good, and the general powers of tho system in a healthy state, worms can find no habi tation in the human body. White's Cream Vermifuge not only destroys every worm, but corrects all derange ments of the digestive organs. Price 25c. F. G. Fricke & Co. For Salb or Rent Store room and dwelling combined, 31x."8 feet, known aa the T. V. Davis store, in Murray. Inquire of J. W.Edmunds, Murray, Neb. START A BANK ACCOUNT. Erery Woman Who Could Ought tm Have a Check Book. A business woman, whose experience has been long and successful, said to me the other day: "If I were asked to give the best advice I could think of for young women who are earning their awn living, or who have the cares and expenses of a household to look after, and if I had to confine my self to Just four words, I should say, 'Start a bank account.' It is an easy matter to do so nowadays, when both the saving's banks and others offer women every opportunity and Induce ment. Beaides, it is a good thing to do for several reasons. It fosters a feeling ef Independence and develops buatneM-ltke habits, two essentials for ev business) woman. Then, too, it is a convenient and desirable thing to pay bills by means of checks where it U possible to do so. It preserves a rec ord of the transaction and frequently prevents annoyances and mistakes. To ay way of thinking, a bank aeount, even theugh It be a small one, should be looked pea as a necessity rather than a luxury by every woman who ha.t business affairs of any consequence whatever." Albany Times-Union. Wanted A partner with 50 capital to promote and extend a new and profitable business in every county in tbe United States. Address C W. Dennis, King Ferry, N. Y. Tk Transvaal Bow. The Transvaal Boer will eat almost anything In the flesh, fish or fowl line. for all Is grist that comes to his gas tronomlc mill, and the following mix ture Is voted most delectable by the majority of the rougher classes: A great square slice Is cut off a loaf made of coarse unsifted meal and covered With a thlok layer of Jam preferably strawberry; a row of sardines Is then placed on top, and the oil ' from the sardine box Is liberally poured over the whole. A load smacking of Hps and other manifestations of thorough appreciation accompany the disposal of this delicate bonne-bouche; but the un sophisticated Boer only Indulges in this luxury when he means to enjoy a special treat, quite regardless of ex pens. Clara There Is a rumor. that Miss Passay to engaged. May Indeed? She baa been a long, time looking for a Junior partner. Puck. Largest Loevee. The largest loaves of bread baked In the world are those of France - and Italy. The "pipe" bread of Italy Is baked In loaves two or three feet long, while In France the loaves are made la the shape ef very long rolls, four or Ave feet tn length, and In many cases six fseC 8anoka fa Franoa. In France there are 6.000.000 tmnV. ers. and of every fifteen there are els-ht who smoke a lpe. five who smoke ci gars, aad only two who use cigarettes. Still, ther use more than 800.000.000 cigarettes a year, or enough to go . a M sTA as m . arouaa we worm ouv tunes 11 mey were placed end to end In a line. Thk News prints the ne s. lHnooverrd ljr a Woman. Anothor groat discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fust cried its clutches upon her and for m von years she withstood its severest tet-, but her vital organs wort; undermined and death seemed' imminent. For Ihreo months tho cnuirhod inm'ssnntly, and could not sleep. Sho dually discov- ' ered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking tirt dos, that she slept all night; mid with two bottles, has been absolutely eured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamniek & Co., of Shelby N. C. Trial bottles freo at F. G Fricke & iWs. drug i-toro. Regular size 50c and $1.00. Every bottle teed. 1 Kate for Urnstrf America Fiponlt ton. Reduced rates to Otn-iha will apply from points on tho Burlington route within 2r-0 miles of that city during the ontlre period of tho Greater Amer ica exposition, which open July 1 and " - ' There will be threo different kinds of tickets: Ten-day tickets, which will bo solil at 80 per cent of douhlo tho one-way rate. Seven-day tickets, the rate for which will be one fare for tho round trip, plus 5 per cent on sale Tuesday. "Week-end" tieketf, which will be on sale Saturdays and for Sunday trains due in Omaha before I p. m. one fare for tho round trip. J. Francis, g. P. a., Omaha, el. He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Reuick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering IS months from Rectal Fiftsula, ho would diounlo.-s a costly operation was performed; but ho cured himself with five bottles of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on earth, and tho best Salvo in the world. .'t cents a box. Sold by F. G. Fricke & C., drug gist. , 4 Insure in the German American. Fred Ebinper, Asront. Doctors Can't Cure It! Contagious blood poison is absolutely beyond the skill of the doctors. They may dose a patient for years on their mercurial and potash remedies, but he will never be rid of the disease ; on tlie other hand, his condition will grow steadily worse. S. 8. S. is tho only cure for this terrible affliction, Iecanso it id the only remedy which goes direct to the cause of the disease and forces it from the system. I was afflicted with Blond Poison, and the best doctors did me no kwmI, OnmKli I took their trcntiiM'iit fal t h fully. In fact, I m-mied to ft wnr nil the while. I took almost every go-culled lilood remedy. Hit they til not seem to rciu-lt the dis ease, and luid no efTVct whatever. I was 1 1 s heartem d, for It seemed that I would never lie Cured. At the advice of a friend I then took 8. h. ts., and lc(an to i m rrove. 1 continued the medicine, and It cored me completely, imti.i lngupmy health and lnereasinK niy apix'tite. Although this was ten years asro, I have never ret had a 81ku of the disease to re tu rn . W. K. Newman. htaunton. Vs. It is like self-destruction to continue to take potash and mercury ; besides totally destroying the digestion, they dry up the marrow in the liones, pro ducing a stiffness and swelling of the joints, causing the hair to fall out, and completely wrecking the system. S.S.S.rfnoBlood is guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and is the only blood remedy free from these dangerous minerals. Book on self-treatment sent free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. helps the team. Saves wear and expense, bold every where. MADS T STANDARD OIL CO. Write IhSbSTHf Oil id nd V and we win send you tjjls beautiful Mandoline oj express, vu,t. tooc w tnuuu If foqna exactly as represented f uon. von ea sopay the express agent our lALnrFKRnrlce. SS.00 less the 50 cents, or SS.60 and express charges. This 1 a regular $15.00 Instrument, solid rosewood body, fancy pesrl and ebony checkered seas;, muuiai vDBI 1 . I piste, resswood flnireroeard and nickel tail I n piece. I OU can nave citucr a miiiujuud, , M Guiter.Banlo or Violin on the same terms. H Write for vkkb musical cataiog-un. AdaresS, A- UOipo, uuxmmm, ALWAYS USE COCOA PURE! HEALTHFUL!! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary. Drew Building, riattsmouth, eb. Open from 10. m. to S p. m. and 7 t j 9 p. m: services each Sunday road. I J I M J .1 A li