jkKEW : ADVERTISEMENTS, i.c&l HAIR BAL5ABI rJ-.-.Jiri:i7Ieane and be"tifi th halt lii?v23E-SJ-51 Never Fail to Heirtore Gray ti Kir to its Youthful Color. !LijLlJSCure i:p hir fulling. ! Ice water wHl chill the ntomacb, but It will make you feci warmer. HIRES Rootbeer m ill cool the blood and make yon really cool. It's the drink for warm days. .THBCHAKI.K8 E. HIRE TO., PWUutalphta, Fa. jrrry tUtymu far Thintf Timu." 8M Baa. I Write lhoIfl91H Oil ad nd ?0c and we (J will send you this beautiful Mandoline tlon. If found exactly as represented you can pay the express a pent our SPEC IAL.OKFEU price. 8.00 less the 50 cents, or 95.60 and eKDress cnarces. This is a regular $15.00 Instrument, solid rosewood body, fancy pearl and ebony checkered piate.rosswood flngerosard and nickeltail ! piece. You can have either a Mandoline, U (initar.BanioorViolin on the same terms. TJ Write lor FREE musical Catalogue. K Address. AHospeOnh aeb.j t I t 4 JUST AS OF OLD We are selling" the best footwear on earth for the least profit. We said THE BEST... J f 4 t 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 i t 4 4 I 4 4 A LEADER. Z . . 7 4 North Side Main Street -first- NATIONAL BANK OP plattsmouth, nkb. PAID UP CAPITAL, $50.000 Offers the very best facilities ior the prompt transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. TOOKS, bonds, gold, (covernment and local securities nought and sold. Deposits : eel red and Interest allowed on the certfl- cates. Drafts drawn, available in any part of the TJ. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and eounty bonds. DIRECTORS: A. N. Dovey, D. Hawksworth S. Waugh K. E. White. G. E. Dovey. Geo. E. Dovey, Pres., S. Waugh. Cashier, H. N. Dovev. Asst. Cashier. ALWAYS USE COCOA PURE! HEALTHFUL!! Dyspepsia Digests what you eat. It artificially di gests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the lat est discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures nfBTeTwia. Indigestion, Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache, Gastralgi a, Cramps, and all other results oi i mperiect, digestion, Prepared by E. C. DeWltt A Co.. Chicago. P. G. FRICKE & CO. rPPftEHj 1131x1 a bis aiS load up a vjClfV" you grease I NaLa te wagon f J wheels with I I MICA Axla Grsass f Oot a box and learn why It's the V liPKt Kreane ever put on an axle. Sold everywhere. Made by ;. STANDARD OIL. CO. Jfi Cure The Semi-Weekly News-Heral PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, J. E. MARSHALL, Business Manager. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, t5 00 Six Months, 2 50 One Week 10 Single Copies, 5 SKMI-WKKKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . $1 Six Months, - 00 50 t,af LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1800. TlIK T.igals aro basing their hopes on democratic success in uin wuuuj next year. Poor Toga's Maky ELI.KN LicAse has again ; sprung into prominence, not in a poli tical way, hut as a spiritualist. TllK e-tsy manner in which men are being united to to to the Philip pines is discouraging to the demo crats. BEXTOX Makkt threaten to toll the senato in vestig'itintr committee about the recount fraud, lhis would make interesting reading. 1 hf.ke is talk of moving the army headquarters from Omaha to St. Louis. Omaha will make a drsperate fight to prevent such a mvo nnrl it is hoped she will succoed. In a year the r.-t iimunt of gold in the treasury ha." i- it ; - d from $18!),- 000.000 to 24(5,(K) .() o. h i the coun try's supply of ..-h .';: gone up to $975,000,PU. U.e In rye! held by one nation. What Puttt-mouth should do this fall is t.i Iio'.d n. street fair or corn carnival. We did not celebrate the Fourth, and now let us make up for that by holdiDg a rousing street fair. Come on, boys! The paltry sum of $20 per month is not much to steal, but when this is carried on for a number of months it counts up. However, this is only one item that of the rent of ex Governor Ilolcomb'i house. Oil! yes! Eliiiu Root. Uie newly iippointed a mighty ugly will undoubtedly .r. flo is a lawyer secretary of r, . front nf rue. u' he make a car.ni-l.i flic of internauoi at re-Ai. tion and a man well liked and p siesel "f this oreat energy ONE popul'sl pjiiK-r in the wes'ern pzrt tf the f ato i . ki r n strong plea to its ut'si-riiu o .in Withdraw their trad I oin - i jii '!. l.ant.f :-s do not eubocribe W f'O : n', '' o-der that tfoldbueism u..iil;t tn- downed. This is a little thu rankest proposition that has come to light. SAYS the Kearney flub: "Bryan has undoubtedly got his foot in it good and plenty in taking sides be twoen Harrison and Altgeld, and it doesn't matter what h6 may do from this time henceforth, ho will be ground between these two millstones. It will be a trifle hard on the mill stones, but that can'. bo helped." The president of the national asso ciation of silver clubs, George II Keenev. tells a New York Times re porter that Bryan can not win by at tacking republicans on the war ad ministration, or imierialiPm, and ex- 1 Dresses the opinion that free silver coinage will not be made the principal issue in the campaign next vear. lie declares that it will not do for Bryan to put himself against tho brains and patriotism of the country, and he be lievcs that Bryan is losing ground be I cause of his attacks upon tho ad minis tration. Since tho Cass county fair U daad and gono, why would it not bo a good idea for Plattsmouth to hold a street fair? It has been tried in other places and was entirely successful. Booths could be arranged on both North and South Sixth street and on Main street, where agricultural and other ex hibits could bo displayed to excellent advantage. During the fair various kinds of amusemcts could be given balloon ascensions, bicycle races, ball games, etc. The novelty oi the lair would be suro to attract largo crowds to the city. THE agreement between the local merchants and the cigarmakers' uniou, whereby the former aro to handle nothing but union made cigars, has already resulted in much good to both the union and tho town. Five addi tional cigarmakers have gone to work in the various factories this week and there are more positions open. This means that $300 more a month will bo paid out in salaries, which amount will be expended at home. The cigar bus iness is one of the leading industries in Plattsmouth and should be assisted by everyone who wants to help the town. A NEW FEATURE. A new feature in the Philippine op erations is the chasing of rob jer bands by our soldiers and it is not unlikely that this may develop into serious business, says the Bee. At present it is confined to the island of Negros, where bandits appear to be numerous. but there is every reason to expect that we shall find robber bands in other islands, possibly some that will eive our soldiers more trouble than they appear to have had with the pandits in the Cobu mountains. Ac- cording to the reports these have made no very great resistance to our troops, yet pursuit of them has co6t some American lives. This is a part and it may prove not an insignificant part of -the task of es tablishing American rule in tho Phil ippines. The probability is that brig andage extensively prevails thero, es pecially in tho mountainous sections, and if so its suppression will bo no easy or inexpensive tusk. We cannot expect to accomplish anything with bandits by measures of conciliation. They must bo summarily dealt with hunted down and killed or captured. Per hnps not a very large force would be n-quired for this purpose, but the ex perience our troops aro having with robber bands in Negros indicates that this featuro of our task in tho Philip pines m;iy bo found exceedingly troublesome. ECHO OF THE BRYAN DINNER. A Waiter at the Uollar ltunquet Tel s Funny Storle of the Aff4lr. One of the waiters at a popular local restnurant is a bird of passage from the Bowery and was a member of tho small army that served the famous "dotl-r dinner" in New York last April. A good many stories have been told of tnat memorable event,but nor.e of them surpasses his own in point of picturepquone.ps and inside do tail. "It whs the funniest push I was ever in in me life," he says, confiden tially. "The kitchen was so small they had to cook everything on the ouiside, and when it got there it was dead cold. The second courso was haddock, and each fUh came served in a liren bag, so we could put 'em in tubs of hot water and warm 'em up sec? Well, some of tho boys got rat- led and served 'em bags and all, with etrjr sauce over toe outside. aay,yeu l of died laughing seoing thero fellers trying to carve their fish. 'This is the toughest nuld haddock I iver tackled in me life,' says one Tammany man at the head table; 'it's got a skin like a ihinocyris,' says he. In the kitchen there was a riot all night long. It was so Mntill the waiters couldn't reach the dishers-up, and they got to scrapping lor lroot places in tne line. One man was knocked stiff with a turkey, and when they picked him up I thought he was dead. I did, on the level. But it wasn't blood. It was only cranberry sauce. Another flunkey fell into the ealad, and one of the cooks put a can of ice cream in tho oven thinking it was brown gravy for the beef. That's on tho square just as I'm tellin' you! But the worst of all was when we come to the wino. It was 'Merican champagne in half pints, without ice, and of all the kicking and hollering! One fresh gent told mo it was the oniy thing he had had that night was good and warm, and he had hardly said it when a waiter that was a little jigged accidentally poured about a quart of boilin' coffee down the back of his neck. S y, you i.ught of hea d him cu.-el Between you and me, a good inanj' waiters got to hit- tin ir the wine, and they found one of 'em with fifteen empty bottles in hi pants leg. That's honest. I saw it myself. It was the hottest banquet I was ever at." New Orleans Times Democrat. I N FORMATION ANU OPINION. The Prussian government is about to start sewing schools for tho peas ants, not tho fancy noodlework school familiar in America.but glove sewing schools. It appears that while nearly $1,000,000 worth or gloves are made in Broslau each year tho gloves have to be sent to Austria and Belgium to be sewed, tho German girls never having acquired the knack. The fact that daylight and darkness aro aliko to the Rev. Mr. David, well known northwes-t Missouri Bap tist minister, owing to his blindness, was responsible for a rather unusual and somowhat amusing situation dur ing the services conducted by him in tho Maryvillo Baptist church Sunday night. Mr. D.ivid had but just got started in his discourse when the elec trie lights suddenly went out, leaving the congregation in total darkness Tho minister, however, knew nothing of it and preached right along, his auditors remaining perfectly quiet uo til the close of tho sermon. Then, fol lowing the announcement of the hymn, the chorister rose and said "Brother David, the lights have been out almost half an hour and wo can not see to sing." And then a light although not the one "that failed," dawned upon the sightloss orator and he hurriedl' pronounced the benedic tion and dismissed his congregation. Kansas City Journal. Says an exchange: "The fool killer is neglecting his business. A few weeks ago a daring athlete rode a bi cycle behind a railroad train going at a mile a minute speed. Had anything happened to tho train he would have been dashed to pieces against the rear car. Had the wheel broken down un der the tremendous 6train his life would have gone out in a puddle of blood. Now it is announced that an other wheelman, who lacks the better part of courage, will ride on the top of a big smokestack 195 feet high. If ho fall9 outside the chimney he will afford the spectators a most thrilling sensation more painful to them than to him. If ho falls inside, the imag ination will have to supply the details of his tiking off. Vhen the royal geographical society asked the British government for pe cuniary aid to the proposed Anarctic expedition, the sum specified was $300, 000. Pledges for f 200,000 had prev iously been secured from other sources and the society wanted enough more to raise the total to $500,000. The precise amount which the first lord of the treasury now promises to seek from parliament is only $225,000, and even this is is made conditional upon the so ciety raising a similar sum. Between the present time and next winter the society ought to have little difficulty in making up the deficiency. A very peculiar lady and a rather queer horse were referred to by an advertiser in a Sacramento paper. lie announced that a good price would be paid for "a horse for s lady of dark color, a good trotter, and of styllsn action." The advertiser further stipu lated that "the horse must bo young, and hnve a long tiul about titeen hands high." A farmer in Huron, Kan., was in trouble, and he thus wrote to the edi tor of tho local papor: "What ails my hens? Every morning I find one or more of them keeled over, to rif.o no more." The obliging editor promptly replied: "The fowls are dead. It is an old complaint,and nothing can be done except to bury them." The number of Indians in this coun try, instead of decreasing, is said to be slowly but surely growing larger. The records now show that thero aro 250,000 Indians in the western states alone; and several thousand more dwell in other parts of tho country. A prominent census bureau official estimates that tho next census will in clude upwiird of 300,000 aborigines. The Mt nnonites, a religious colony in Pennsylvania, whose religious con ference recently interdicted the use of tobacco in any form, do not propose to let this prohibition interfere with their worldly affairs. The farmers of the colony keep right on planting to bacco, getting around it by saying that if their industry is so displeasing to the Lord the tob:tcco will not grow. The outlook at present is for a bounti ful crop. Eighteen months ago a pnrty of thirteen took ship from Boston for Alaska They had a journey around the Horn of 165 days, encountered a succession of frightful tropical storms and lost one man overboard. Arrived in Alaska, they found no gold to speak of, had the scurvy, lost their ship on a sandbar in .Resurrection bay, and the survivors are now coming home broke. rhe Thirteen club ought to welcome them back with a dinner. Comlo Walsin Esterhazy in a t-tate- ment to a Paris paper said that he forged the bordereau in order to con vict Dreyfus at Col. Sandherr's com mand. The war ministers and leading generals knew of and approved the forgery. A crusade has been started in Lon don against the "Sunday-baked loar." It appeiirs that there is an act of George IV making it illegal to bake bread on Sunday in the city of London, though the fact has long been ignorod. Tho question of Sunday baking is now to be taken up in parliament. Judge Clayton, of tho Oklahoma su preme court, has rendered a decision to tho effect that hop ale is sufficiently intoxicating to make its sale a viola tion of the prohibition law of the territory. Heretofore saloon men have been selling tho drink and dodg ing the act which prohibits the sale of intoxicating liquors, but all of the joints aro now to bo closed. Tho state department has made pub lic tho substance of reports just re coivec from Commissioner Denby and General Otis, which contradict the statements of tho correspondents as to the condition of affairs in the Philip pines. From these it appears that tho experiment of establishing municipal government for tho towns in Manila and Cavite has been a great success; that a number of ports have been opened to trade and "a disposition to accept American sovorignty"is every where manifested; that the only large force of rebels which holds together is about 4,000 in Tarlac province and Northern Pampanga, and that "the only hopo of the insurgent leaders is in aid from tho United States' and that this is the influence which en ables them to hold out. (J'jickiy cure constipation and ro build and invigorate the entire system never gripe or nausoate De Witt's Little Early Risers. F. G. Fricko & Co. The Exception. Orator No, gentlemen, I tell you that if you want a thing done well yo.i must always do it yourself. Voice from the crowd How about getting your hair cut? Tit-Bits. Evidently. She (approvingly) And so you won hr hand? He I suppose bo I've been under her thumb ever since. Tit-Bits. Those who live on farms are liable to many accidental cuts, burns and bruise, which heal rapidly when Bal lard's Snow Liniment is promptly ap plied. Price 25 and 50 c.s. F. G. Fricke & Co. Germany and Nine. The figure 9 has a peculiar connec tion with the career of the German emperor. His majesty is the ninth king of Prussia. He was born in the fifty-ninth year of the century, entered the army In 1S69 and completed his university career in 1879. The dates of his birth and marriage, Jan. 27 and Feb. 27, both make nine if the figures 2 and 7 are added together. 7i Declares Tlmt No Cltl C:.i Vac Illm for a Dray. Washington Post: "You don't catch jne ever doing anything for any girl again as long as I live," said the young man with the polka dot band on hlB hat. "No, slree. I was an easy mark once, but I've got wise to myself now. Miss Peach went to Cape May last Thursday, and when I heard she was going I had to oWak tn afd U I might come up a&d carry hef bag tt the train. I'Avias. hound to mal a grand stand play with her. you under stand. She said I might, and you couldn't have held me. I was up at her house before the doors were open, and there she was with a bag the size of a trunk, all knobby and lumpy on the outside from the things she'd Jammed into It you know how a woman packs puts five Saratogas full of things into one small steamer trunk and gets the Janitor to sit on the lid so It'll go shut. Well, that's the way Miss Peach's hag was packed.and It weighed ton at that. I picked It up gayly it and a crate of umbrellas and para sols, and a box of candy, and a basket of fruit, and a rug and a Jacket and a bandbox and a bundle of magazines and a few other trifles, and we set off. When we got to the station I lugged the things Into the waiting-room, and sat down with the bag on my knees. Pretty soon I looked down and there was a stream of eomethtag black run ning out of It and soaking my new gray trousers. Did that girl say she was sorry? Did she say she was a born fool for packing things like that In a bag? Did she tell me I was an angel of light? No. she didn't. She just looked at me haughtily. 'Oh, Mr. Skaggs, says she; 'there you've gone and spilled all my shoe polish. How awfully careless of you! Never again. and you watch me. No more helping girls get out of town for me. They re all selfish brutes, girls are, and I'm a wise guy to learn It ao early. THE QUICK-FIRING CRAZE. Fast Reaching the Point of Absolut Absardltr. The Austrian press, including even the military Journal Reichswehr, has been giving prominence to the alleged invention of a remarkable qulck-flrlns rifle, says the London G.obe. This truly wonderful weapon will in the hands of a "trained soldier," emit no fewer than 2,700 bullets an hour, or forty-five in one minute. Thus ip an engagement which lasted several hours each soldier could loose off a cartload of ammunition, if he had it at his el bow; and an army of 50,000 men a mere handful of men as continental armies go would require 50,000 cart loads with the firing line in one serl ous engagement. For a fampalgn of invasion eaeh soldier would require ts be followed by a magazine; and a shell exploding in a company would produce as many devastating explosions as there were men. If, on the other hand, each soldier marched with, say, his own 200 rounds, he could fire the in all in less than five minutes and be left without ammunition for the rest of the engage ment. Such considerations are, of course, extreme; but they show that the "reductlo ad absurdum" of quick firing rifles is easily reached. Even now the difficulty is to get enough am munition to the firing line and to keep control of the fire. If rapidity of fire Is much increased without some entire ly new method of bringing up ammu nition the occasional advantage of be ing able to pour in a deadly hail of bul lets for a minute or two will be dearly purchased at the cost of whole bri gades perhaps being rendered "hors de combat" for want of ammunition at the beginning of a fight. What applies to rifle fire applies also to artillery; and the armies which have been in a hurry to arm themselves with so-called quick-firing artillery before the ma chinery was perfect or the ammunition problem solved may find themselves In a worse quandary than if they had re tained '.heir old weapons. NOVEL. MANNER. In Which the Popularity of a Telephone Box Was Spoiled. Chicago Chronicle: No sign had ever been tacked above the door oi the county comptroller's office inviting persons of a talkative nature to trip across the Brussels carpet and use the telephone that had been secured fof the exclusive use of the occupants. But Chief Clerk McCarthy had proved of an indulgent disposition, and after a dozen or more requests had been made for the service of the wire folks forgot all about asklurg permission and locked themselves In the telephone room, never dreaming that men on the comp troller's staff had even occasional want for the apparatus. Mr. McCarthy did not lose his temper, but his subordi nates became very angry, and, aftef holding an Indignation meeting re cently, resolved to put a stop to the indiscriminate use of their quarters, A hole was bored in the top of the telephone booth and a cylinder with stop attachment placed directly above the mouthpiece. A string running from the slide in the bottom of the cylinder controlled the infernal ma chine. Flour was placed In the chimney-looking article, and upon the o. cupancy of the booth a half-quart of the white stuff was dropped on the neck of the Introduer. Within halt an hour there was a marked falling off in the patronage of the telephone, and before noon no one could be persuaded to use the room. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures obstinate summer coughs and colds. "I consider it a most wonder ful medicine, quick and safe." W. W. Merton, Mayhew, Wis. F. G. Fricke & Co. Coffe ts a 8ed. Many of the children do not know that coffee grains are only the seed of a fruit which is very much like a cherry. It is very sweet and has a good taste. When the fruit is dried it shrivels up around the coffee grains. Of which there are two in each one of the round balls, placed with the flat sides together. Sometimes in the cheaper kinds of coffee these little dried balls are found with their two coffee grains snugly held Inside. A BOON TO MANKIND! DR-TABLER'S BUCKEYE llll en Pi lyt J0 tn A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN, CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottues, so Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. tllve the Children a Ortnk called Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink totako the place of coffee. When properly prepared it tastes Uko tho finest cof fee but is fieo from all in injurious properties. Grain-O aids digestion and strengthens tho nerves. It is not a stimulant but. a health builder, nnd children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about one fourth as much as coffee. 15 nnd 25c. at grocers. Haasta Knwruld Ml.'. The emerald mines nl th? Tol.ow. river, in the Russian in-y'w' of Ekaterlnoslav, are owned by the gov ernment. A peasant foui'd the hist one in 1839 in the roots of a tree that had been blown down. The government mined on Its own account until lh'J2, then leased the nines to contractors, who have lost money on them, lie cause the best emerald lie near the surface. Those dug up from a depth are Inferior. Oood emeralds, in view of their growing scarcity, ought to hold their value well. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels aro out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. Largest line of cotton and rubber garden hose ever brought to the city. Ebinger Hardware company. Knrltngton Route Half Rated to Lincoln August 2 and 9, on account of Ne braska Epworth assembly. The assembly management has ar ranged a program of remarkable in terest a program extending over a period of nine days anu comprising much that is amusing ai.d more that is instructive and edifying. Many of the best ktiown lecturers, philoso phers, teachers, divines, and temper ance workers in tho country will take part. The assembly will be held at Lincoln park, which is wonderfully wr-ll adapted for such a purpose Music by the famous Hagonow Mili tary band and tho Kentucky Colonel's quartet. Bacteria a hcaveiigors. Bacteria are of the utmost impor tance merely as scavengers. Certain kinds have the power of breaking down the complex compounds which make-up the aolmaliand plant tissues into Ahelr simple crtmporjeota. This process is koown as decomposition or deoay; and with a single ef&ceptlou (in tha case of the hard, woofly structure ofi'-iome plants, the first part of the change is caused by moulds), is eo tlrtly caused by the activities of these same bacteria. Were it not for thla most necessary . removal of dead mat ter, the whole : surfaoe of the u&tQx would become covered, la the wxir of time, with tho remains of doa4 plants and animals, untrgolng hardly imy change, Ladles Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to bo shaken into the shoos. It makes tight or now shoes feel easy; give instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tho age. Cures swollen foot, blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot-Laso is a coitain cure for ingrowing nails, sweating,hot, nching feet. At all druggists and ehoo stores, 25c. Trial package free by mail. Id dress, Allen S. Olmstoad, Loftoy N. Y. F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. Full lino of Quick Meal gasoline and Blue Flaroo oil stoves at Ebinger Hardware Co.. at reasonable prices. White's Cream Vermifuge not only effectually expels worms, but is un equalled as a tonic, and is a certain and permanent cure for chills and fever In children. Price 25 c a F. G. Fricko & Co. Literary 8w1terM4. A French statistician declares that Switzerland prodaoes annually more books than any other country in pro portion to the number of inhabitants, namely, one to every 8,000. Germany comes next with one for every 3.200; Italy wltfc one for 1.300; France, one for S.B60; Bnglan'd. one for 9,500; Unit ed tate, o Car 12.409. To eradicate worms from the system rrlv. Vi nl.ln nnu.Iohinrr fnf'fi ' and White's Cream Vermifuge. The result will be, the worms will disap pear and the child become healthy and cheerful. Price 60 cts. F. G. Fricke Co. Three for $1. Laundered Percale Shirts- -Elbon, the Clothier. The "Gut Heil" 6-cent cigar has an enviable reputation among smokers. Union made. For sale by all dealers. Otto Wurl, Manufacturer. PSLE 2 Dh of. lJ&ij CURE THE GRAFFITI AT ROME. IIow Idler Whllett Away the Laty I'ffB,nC Dot. Here In the Forum were the soldiers lounging in groups or advancing with measured tread among the unordered throngs, pushing all authoritatively ankle and preserving order, says Alns lee'a Magazine. Here, too, gathered all those people without any occupation, who apjMared every week at the store houses on the Tiber for grain, who fought for lottery tickets to the cir cus, who spent their nights In rickety houses In districts beyond the river, their sunny, warm days under covered porticoes and In foul eating-houses of the Suburra. on the Milvlcan bridge, or before the "insulae" of the great, where from time to time remnants from the tables of slaves were thrown out to them. Last of all, portions of these al ways took advantage of that custom of the Roman nobles, who desired to shine as patrons of the public, to make themselves hangers-on. It must he ro membered that In those days a patron's nobility was measured by the number of clients who mustered In the morn ing and saluted him on his first appear ance on the balcony of his bouse. Thereafter they lounged for tho re mainder of the day in the temples and porticoes of the Forum. They whiled away the lagging hours which sepa rated them from the hoped-for Invita tion to dine with their patron by scratching rude verses or coarse Jests on the walls or pillars against which they leaned, or by tracing on the pave ments gaming tables whereon to play dice. Here, then, and in places partak ing of a similar atmosphere, were scratched those graffiti which come un der the first or pagan subdivision of the new science. Did the crowd open from time to time before the litter of some famous senator or some re nowned beauty, an idler might trace the features of the occupant or write some ribald remarks for his own sar castic begullement. Did a few Boldlers or loungers agree to gamble, they would trace on the stone pavement their square, marking on each side their gains or losses. Sometimes, as la the illustration of the gambling graffiti, the victor would heap sarcasm upon the departing loser, as was done In this one: "Vanquished; get thee gone; thou knowest not how to play; give thy place to some one who does." In another place some lounger dan gling bis legs comfortably over the side of a temple portico, no doubt would Idly sketch things which he had wen. What these might have Ix-ere is well illustrated by the graffiti found on the temple. Baltimore, Md., labor unions aro agitating tho formation of a labor lyc-'.um alyceum distinctly industrial in its characlor, broad in its scope, ele vating in principle, and having for it foundation tho uplifting of labor and tho general betterment of humanity in general. 5 Cents Buys a hemstitched handkerchief of Elson, the Clothier. American woolen mills employ .'(J(Nj women. IT PAYS To Look Around Before you mako purchase.'. After you havo looked elsewloro,. come to us and wo guarantoe you will bo pleased. Our new spring stock has arrived, including Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed A squaro deal to all. F. S. WHITE, Main Street, PlattsmoutLi Has new stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever to take care of fl General Livery BusIrgScS Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and court eous treatment assured. TALES SIXTH AND YIXE STS., l1attfmonth, Nebraska. School Supplies.. Ail Kinds of School Supplies, fucli a-i Maps, Globes, Charts, Dictionaries, Seats and School Furniture- Webster's Latest Revised Library Die- 7 Zi tionary, sheep bound, patent index J1' Same, in one-half sheep .... $r.oo Gall on or address. S. A. MORRISON, EAGLE. NEB.