Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 26, 1899, Image 1

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3n n r- rr
TIIK NKWH. KMtablnlu'd Nov. 5. Ih'.n . ,.
TIIK IILIiAMi, KNiabli.Hliixi April id, m;i. f ( -"'taatcil Jim. 1. I mis.
llebels lleoccupy Country and Fur
nish Hard Day's righting.
-Out- Trmiiii) Ciiptiiri) Twenty frlMotirm
hihI 'thirty Oilier Are Voniilt-l
S.-rloiiM lt k Slrlkti In Culm hikI llrtr
lnr l Criiwdi'd Willi Vhh-Im Ot her
T-l.-i;rlil- NtiwH.
Manila, May 1M ::.- p. m. Two
-ornpii(iiM of the Third infantry and
two companion of tho Twenty-second
infantry, forming (icneral Lnwtnn's
roar gu:ird, lolurning from San
Miguel to I Jalinug yeatordiiy.eHCorting
a Higniil prirty, which was pick incr up
who laid with (Jeneral L iwton'ri ex
pedition, found that tho insurgents
liad rooeeupicd tho country, and hard
lili ti ritr followed from daylight until
tho Amoricuns camped at nigh't. Hut
t lie troops completed tlieir work,
though harassed !y tho enemy. Ono
American wan killed and fourteen wore
wounded. Tho troops captured twenty
prisoners and tinny wounded.
It dovoloped today that livo men in-
fitoad of one were drowned hy tho
Hinking (f a raft loaded with soldiers
of tho Fourteenth regiment at tho
l'asig ferry.
Twenty itinurgents were killed and
forty wore wounded in the engagement
with Major Hell, a roeonnoitoring
party, consisting of two companies of
the Fourth cnvalry, in tho vicinity of
Santa Arita, yesterday.
(lonoral l'iwtim, with most of his
troops, has arrived at Malolon. His
expedition marched 120 miles in
twenty days, had twenty-two light
raptured twenty-eight towns.dcstroyed
;( 10,001) bushels of rice and only lost six
men killed and thirty-ono wounded
On the other hand, (icneral Lawton
estimates that his troops killed 400 in
surgents and wounded douhlo that
1 he Oregon and Minnesota regi
uients are returning to Manila.
I no Spanisli newspaper, Oceania
has heen suppressed for publishing
seditious editorials.
1 lie United States commissioners
and many American tdlicers celebrated
Queen Victoria's hirthday today on
board the Hnlish lirst class cruiser
ltiMperxe Some IiiHiirffeutH.
S p m denerals MacArthur and
Funston,with tho Kansas and Montana
regiments and tho Utah hittery, have
dispersed S00 insurgents who were in
trenched on tho railroad beyond San
Fernando, near Santa Arita.
The American scouts were fired upon
from the trenches unexpectedly and
withdrew. Tho llrinir was hoard at
San Fernando, r.nd General MacAr
thur assembled his troops and marched
quickly after the scouts. Tho Mon
tana regiment Hanked tho trenches on
thfc left and the Kansas rogimont at
tacked tho enemy's right (lank, Gen
eral Funston loading tho charge at
the doublequiek.
Tho insurgent loss was large, many
prisoners were captured and it is re
ported that twenty Americans were
Serious Dock .Strike In Cuba.
Havana, May 24. I ho continu
anco of the lighterman's strike is caus
ing serious inconveniences to ship
ping. Tho great inrush of vessels, un
able to unlaad, finally led Collector
Illiss to cable Surgeon General Wy
man, asking permission to lay the ves
sels at the wharves. The6urgeon gen
eral replied that this might be done
between La Machina and Caballeria,
but only between these wharves. Out
side these limit? the American sani
tary .angulations piohibit the landing
of vossels owing to tho filth which the
sewers deposit along the harbor
shores. Nino hundred lighter men
are involved in the strike. They ad
mit they have been earning SGO per
tuonth, and tho difference between
them and their employer is small.
They refused a proposal to submit the
matter to arbitration.
The Munsnn steamship lino is the
only one not affected, that company
having its own lighters and men. The
polico and military guards at the
wharves have been increased and
Commodore B. J. Cromwell, captain
of the port f Havana, has ordered the
marines to hold themselves in readi
ness. General Maximo Gomez has re
ceived a telegram from General San
chez in Santiago province, saying:
"Division will not accept money." He
has replied: "Will uso every effort
compatable with dignity and honor."
The Havana papers consider this an
swer evasive and the Cubans gener
ally, especially those belonging to the
lighting divisions, which are chiefly
westerners, say that most of the sol
diers will accept the money, as $75 is
better than nothing. Probably
will be a large atter dance on the first
payment, as well as uron those that
follow. A member of tho staff of
Gomez said today that not more than
20 per cent would refuse when the
money was actually in sight.
Havana today bas been alive with
flags in honor of the queen's birthday
and all the ships in the harbor have
been gaily decorated. The banquet
tonight at the Hotel Inglaterra was
attended by eighty representative
people and passed off with great en
thusiasm. Addresses were made by
Governor General Brooke, Major
General Ludlow, Senor Fedcrko
Mora, Mjpromo court fneal;Senor I'or
fector L ieosto. the mayor, and others.
Major General Fithugh Leo will
deliver tho Decoration day address
over those who died and are buried at
Camp Victoria. Tho victimes of the
Maine disaster will receive appro
priate honors in the morning and the
Seventh corps ceremony will take
piace in the afternoon.
One of tho objects of the meeting on
In no 1 between tho governor general
and the department commanders is to
to promote unity of action in dealing
with similar situations in tho various
provinces. For instance, General
Carpenter, military governor of the
department of l'uerto Principe, has
never conferred with tho yovornor
general arid Major Wood of tho Sati
ago department had only ono confer
ence with him.
Neifni Trami Killed
From Thursday's Dally.
A negro lad w.ife run over and in
stantly killed at Union about 4 o'clock
this morning. As near as could bo
learned the accident happened in this
Tho negro was4riding tho bumpors
on a Missouri t'acilic freight train
bound south, and shortly before tho
train reached Union was discovered
by a brakeman, who told him to get
off at tho next stop. Just before tho
train stopped at Union, poonlo stand
ing beside tho track noticed his body
beneath the wheels, where it was
literally cut to pieces. Tho coroner
was telephoned to and went down, but
has not returned at tho present writ
ing, llo telephoned up for a colli n to
bo sent, however, and it presumed
that nothing was learned as to the
boy's identity.
I 11 1 1
mmmu i 1 1
li B UliU LIMiO
Filipino Envoys Will Carry the
Terms to Their Chief.
RI.M'l.K tilillVK
Bertha and Truda Long visited with
Lottie Norris Sunday.
Mrs. Thomas Pulton and Mrs.
Goorgo Jl.iy called on Mrs. J. G.
Lemon Monday.
Uncle Hilly Gufarth went to No
bawka Sunday evening. He will help
out Mr. Jameson, tho boss carpenter
of that place, with tho McKinley boom
that has struck that locality.
Mrs. McV.iy has returned from Illi
nois and is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
.lake Smith, this week.
Miss Carrie Allison took charge of
the Pleasant Hill school Friday, while
her sisters, Grace and 1'va went to
Weeping Water.
Tlielr lt-liirn to ManilH It :xie'teil In
Kfw D:iy KiiKK"iiit Hi Sun Vrr
inmlo KemiltM In Two A merlt-MiiM Ite
ln; Klllt-d hiiiI Twelve U'oimil.-.l - 1C-I
flu SulTrr llfMvy Loan.
Manila, May 2o. o:.'!0 p. m. The I
Filipino commissioners left hero by
special train today. They will be es
corted to their linos under a Hag of
truce. It is excepted they will return
President (Jonzaga of the Philippine,
commission, previous to his departure,
said: "Wo greatly appreciate the
courtesy shown us. We have spent
some time with your commissioners,
incidentally considering the Ameri
can constitution. Its principles itn
press us profoundly.
"The pian of government offered
the 1 luiippines scenic in theory a
good colonial system. Hut why should
a nation with your constitution seek
to make a colony of a distant people
who havo been so long fighting against
Spain to secure tho same rights your
constitution givos? You fought the
samo battle in America when you
fought against Hngland."
In tho lighting at San Fernando yes
terday fifty Tilipinos were killed and
many wounded. The Americans had
two men killed and twelve woundod.
Fight at San KcriiaiKlo.
Washington, May 2o. General has forwarded the following d is
pateh to tho war department:
"MANILA. May 25. Adjutant Gen
eral, Washington: On tho 23rd inst.
Third infantry, returning to Halinag
f-om San Miguel, were attacked in the
Itriiik (irntn O
after you have concluded that you
ought not to drink coffee. It is not
a me Jicine but doctors order it, because
it is healthful, invigorating and appe
tizing. It is mada from pure grains
and lias that rich seal brown color and
tastos liko the finest grades of coffee
and costs about i as much. Children
liko it and thrive on it because it is a
genuine food drink containing nothing
but nourishment. Ask your grocer for
Grain -(J, the new food drink. 15 and
How's This.
We offer Ohe Hundred Knllars Howard for
any oaso of H.itarrh that, cannot, lie cured by
Hall's Catarrh Curo.
. S. CIIKNKY .t CO.. Props., Toledo. O.
Wo the undersigned, have known K.J.
'henW for the last l. years, and believe
ti I in perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and li naiicial 1 y able to earrv
out any obligations made by their firm.
WKST V 1HITAX, Wholesale I ruj.'slsts. To
ledo. O.
Wai.iunC.. Ivinn-an iV .MAitNiN, Wholesale
I ruitirists. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken internnllv
act inn directly upon t he blood and mucous
surf aces of t he system, l'rico T.'ic. per bot
tle. Sold by all lruKtrlsts. 1 est lmonials
Hall-s I- amily I ills are the best.
Carof ully
Common Sbell I'sol Which Is
Colored and Marked.
From recent observations of an ex
pert collector of birds' eggs it became
r.j rnrent that there was in existence a
person who made a living by imitat
ing nature in the rjroduction and col-
I'ing of birds' eggs. It ? as traced to
a J'arisian dealer, and some interest
ing details as to the n thods used
fiave come to light. The unscrupulous
'it ingenious Frenchman was at one
time an assistant in a large museum,
and here he learned the value of many
are eggs. Ileing of an enterprising
rtrre lie started business on his own
: cunt and made numerous experi
r;s before he came to perfection.
lie generally uses the shell of some
ommon egg. chosen for its likeness in
izc and shape to tho one desired, but
when that is impossible gypsum is
used, this, when properly colored, be
ing undistinguishable from nature's
:ardivork. The coloring process Is
not costly, but a very lengthy and
ten ons operation, for each variety of
rgg has its distinctive marks and spot.
N'iphtingalps' eggs which are finely
narkod are worth good prices, and
rowing this the dealer finds no dif
ficulty in obtaining larks' eggs and
coloring them to resemble the genuine
article. Specimens of his un
doubted but misplaced skill have
foend their way to collectors in all
parts of the world, and yet so com
pletely and carefully has the work
been done not one of the buyers has
ever discovered them to be "manufac
tured." Golden Penny.
morning, noon and evening by a large
forco of the enemv, suffering in
casualties two men killed and tbir
teen wounded; enemy repulsed, leav
ine on tho field sixteen killed; large
number wounded and prisoners. Yt
lorday enemy appeared in the vici
nity of San Fernando, attacked by
Kansas and Montana regiments, which
suffered slight loss. Fnemy driven
through rice fields, leaving fifty dead
thirty-eight wounded and twenty-
eight prisoners; their retreat through
swamp land saved them from des
truction; Tiawton returning, leaving
with MacArthur on tho front regular
troops to replace volunteers.
Scnutitie; I'arty In SkirmiNh.
Manila, Mav 2011:2') a. m. A
scouting party of American troops en
countered a. body of insurgents at
S inta Rita and the Americans being
reinforced by Brigadier (icneral Funs
ton with the South Dikotn regiment.a
warm tight ensued.
A lieutenant and five men of the
American forces were wounded and
ton of tho insurgents wore killed and
eoyeral captured.
General Hughes, who has been ap
pointed to relieve Colonel Smith as
governor of the Visayan district, will
lie succeeded as provost marshal by
Brigadier General Willisuon. who re
cently arrived hero in comimnd of the
troops of the Sixth artillery.
Kxaiiiinatlou for St udent m' Cert ilicHtex.
There will be an examination for
sluden ts' certificates for freo attend
ance tit public high school, Saturday,
May 27, in each of tho following
places: Plattsmouth, Weeping Wator,
I'll m wood, Louisville and Greenwood.
Tins examination will be held at tho
school houso and be conducted hy tho
local principal or superintendent, who
will report to this office.
In order to obtain ono of these certi
ficates it will bo necessary to pass to
a satisfactory examination in arith
metic, reading, U. S. history, phys
iology, grammar and geography. Tho
successful candidates will bo privi
leged to attend any high school in tho
Teachers reading this notice will
please call the attention of their
eighth-grade pupils to this matter.
1 Jespeetf ul !y,
Ghouok L. Faklf.v,
County Superintendent.
mmmmmmrommmrommro m m mmmm mmmmmm
,vening News
The Leading" Paper of the City.
King, Emporcr, Duke, Prince
Mi son, the Clothier.
Christian Knileavor Convention.
The Second District Nebraska C E.
Union will hold their seventh annual
convention in Ashland June 15-17. Dr.
Urod the state president,Superintend-
ent W. K. Jackson, II v. J. Doane.and
Rev. L. P. Ijudden are among the
leading speakers.
ratecf ono and one-third fare has
there been secured, and it is hoped that each
society in the district will bo well rep
resented. In constipation Ilcrbino affords a
natural, healthful remedy, acting
promptly. A few small doses will
usually bo found to so regulate the ex
cretory functions that they arc able to
operate without any aid whatever.
Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricko & Co.
There will be no services at South
Park Baptist church next Sunday on
account of Memorial services at tho
Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock p.m.,
where all are invited.
Several Hundred Hcfuse to iive Vp Arms
or to Accept the (iratnity.
Havana, May 25. Major General
Fitzhugh Lee, military governor of
the Havana-Del Rio department, wired
Governor General Brooke at El Vedado
today that 200 Cubans of the command
of (icneral Rodriguez, near Mariano,
dispersed yesterday, after resolving
not to tako the $75 per man. Somo of
them sold their arms and others took
them to their homes.
Telegrams from different points say
the Cuban army in the western pro
vinces will adopt tho idea of the troops
in tho orient, declining to give up
their arms or to accept American
money. According to these reports
tho government employes will con
tribute a percentage of their salaries
in order to givo tho soldiers an amount
equal to that offered bv the United
La Discussion, in an editorial state
ment of the conditions today, s ys the
danger of maintaining an armed force
is latent and it appeals to the men to
disband peacefully, but it passionately
enumerates the reasons which it con
ceives to exist against forcing surren
der of the arms.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often causo a horrible burn, scald,
cut or bruise. I.ucklen's Arnica Salve,
the best in the world, will kill tho pain
and promptly heal it. Cures old sores,
favor sore ulcers, boils, felons, corns,
all skin eruptions. Best pile curo on
earth. Only 25 cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by F. G. Fricko &
Co. 5
State Sunday School Convention.
The Nebraska State Sunday School
convention will be held in Holdrcgo
June 1.M5, 1M)).
Every Sun. lay school in the state is
entitled to ono delegate for each 10(1
members or fraction thereof. In addi
lion to these, the pastor is a delegate
ex officio, and nn alternate should be
elected in case of his inability to at
ten d.
Entertainment will be providod for
all delegates presenting proper ere
Reduced rates of ono and one-third
fare on the certificate plan havo been
granted by all the railroads in tho
An excellent program is in prepara
tion. Schools should olect delegates at
once. For copy of program and blank
credentials, address
E. J. WuiilTMAN, Secretar3',
York Nebraska.
AlII tho L,ooeil JVews..
And has been Reduced in Price to
lO Cents per Week
Forty Cents ftcr Alonth
Cheap Tickets to California.
1 he lowest rates of "the year are
tho?e which the Burlington route will
make late in June and early in July,
for the annual meeting of the National
Educational association, ft Los An
geles. Liberal return limits and stop
over privileges.
The coolest route to the coast is
through Denver and Salt Lake City.
G that way and for a day and a night
you ride through tho wonderland of
tho world past canons, mountains,
rivers, waterfalls and landscapes gay
with flowers.
Information and California litera
ture on request. J. Francis, General
Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
W. M. Gallagherof Bryan, Pa., saj-s:
"For forty years I havo tried various
cough medicines. Ono Minuto Cough
Cure is best of all." It relieves in
stantly and cures all throat and lung
troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Way to jo to California
is in a tourist sleeping oar personally
conducted ?ia the Burlington Route.
You don't change cars. You make
fast time. You sec the finest scenery
on the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fin
ished nor so fine to look at as a palace
sleeper but it is just as clean, just as
comfortable, just as good to rido in,
The Burlington excursions leave
every Thursday reachirg San rran-
cisco Sunday and Los Angeles Mon
day. Porter with each car. Excur-
ion manager with each party. For
folder giving full information call at
nearest B. & M. R. R. depot or write
J. Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Nob.
Shake Into lour Shoes.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for tho
feet. It cures p:iiuful, swollen, smart
ing, nervous fect, and instantly takes
the sting out of corns and bunions.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Allen s Fool-Lase makes
tight or new shces feel ea-y. It is a
certain curo for sweating, callous and
hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today.
Sold by all druggists and shoe stores.
By mail for 25e. in stamps. Trial
package free. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
A Piece of Lath.
A story is told of a former mayor of
Birmingham, England, that he gave
orders to have his robes of office lined
with "vermin." When the late Alder
man Sturge was mayor he received a
royal command to dine and sleep at
Windsor. This of course meant court
dress and sword. The court dress was
reluctantly submitted to, but as a mem
ber of the Society of Friends, and,
moreover, one who had greatly distin
guished himself in the cause of peace,
for he had formed one of the peace
deputation to the czar before the out
break cf the Crimean war, Mr. Sturge
woult' not consent to wear a lethal
weapon. A compromise was happily
effected. A scabbard and hilt of the
usual kind were at his worship's side
when the presentation to royalty took
place, but the sword was a mere lath
of wood. Fortunately the worthy
Quaker was not called upon to draw In
defense of his sovereign.
It Is the Only Six-Column Daily in the City.
Larger Than Any Other Local Daily.
A Superior News Service.
mmiiiimitumimiii in iti mmiimmmmm
Docs Coffee Agree With Von?
If not, drink Grain-O made from
puro grains. A lady writes: "Tho first
time I made Grain-O I did not liko it
but after using it for one week nothing
would induce mo to go back to coffee."
Tt nourishes and feeds the system.
Tho children can drink it freely with
great benefit. It is the strengthening
substance of pure grains. Get a pack
age today from your grocer, follow lhe
directions in making it and you will
havo a delicious and healthful table
bevorage for old and young. 15 and 25c.
otlce to THxpayerH.
The county commissioners will meet
as a board of equalization on June 13,
1S!'.), and will continue in session not
less than three days.
James Robertson,
County Clerk.
Get Patton & Bulger to figure on
your painting, paper-hanging or kal-
somining. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Long; Island GlrU Won't Marry Men
Who Touch Liquor.
The white ribbon is the badge of a
little settlement on Long Island and
temperance rules the town. "We do
hereby severally and collectively agree
never to marry men who drink. They
must sign the pledge before they ask
us for our hands." This platform ha3
been adopted by the girls of the little
Long Island town of Greenport. The
men have dropped their drinking ways
and they are all eating cloves. The
saloonkeepers, seeing nothing but ruin
in sight, have appealed to the girls to
change their minds, but they declare
they will not. The girl trust for the
suppression of drunkenness was organ
ized at the home of Mrs. S. B. Horton
in First street, Greenport. A total
abstinence society was formed and the
members announced that they had
agreed to boycott drinkers matrimon
ially. Mrs. Cora E. Sherry, the late
secretary of the woman's work depart
ment of the W. C. T. U., made a speech
paving the way to this stand. Mrs.
Horton said that the only pledge ab
solutely required from them was that
of total abstinence, the other agree;
ment being optional. The young men
of Greenport, it is said, are not es
pecially bibulous, but more of their
earnings go in liquor than the girl
trust thinks right. A story will be
made of the results of alcoholic mar
riages and lectures will be given show
ing the dreadful endings of homes in
which the husbands are drinking men.
Mrs. Horton declares that the men
must stop altogether, and would not
admit that they could just take a "wee
little sip."
m L-sr-,r" o
C)E if) 7A
-iiO 00 r-i t
A New Discovery for the Certain Curs of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; bottles, 50 cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
What is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It is
the newly "discovered remed3T,the most
effective preparation ever devised for
aiding the digestion and dissimilation
of food and restoring the deraoged di
gestive organs to a natural condition.
It is a discovery surpassing anything
yet known to the medical profession.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Proeiirrfi vnur trees and shrubberv
by purchasing ooe of those spayers of I
the Ebinger Hardware company.
Keep Warm.
Don't Buy Base Burners at
any prices when you can get a
Furnace in your house complete
$50 UP
and Guaranteed by
South Sixth Street. - - Plattsmouth. Neb.
The News-IHIerald
Prints More County News
Than any Other Cass
county Paper.