r i v Li ...aj Till-: NKS, I'.Mt Ll.l.-itKiJ Nov,.'.,!"' ( I UK III l.'Al.ll. l-mMa-lii-il April in, 1 .1. I onsiilPOit J -m. 1, Hn!i i'I,attsmoi;t!i, m-:ij.. may h;. wv.k VOL. VIII. NO. Til. food was, improved upon ai d there wa plenty (if il. W .tt :i ( Ii l.'i 111! Ill i:::::;v:: v:,V:::;:!L!;;..-,r:;::-.-;iHEi YET ISOLD GOKfEHCE. ; H 1 1 1 , i i-l : i ' 1 1 ) . t f 1 1 i y .if SOLDIKKS COMB 110.1. Alembers of Company P Arrive Saturday Evening 1 .il ; N iimlti-m a i T ln I Ii ilsl.t-l l- C Iii-iih l ni;i-llic r Willi I In- It. mil Arc ill I In J)tnt to Vt-lt' nir tlit iii lloitii- I iirp cir;tl ltti 'IVII-h I ill THt in Stury of in ''Wiir' Y'. !' ii'iiri'. I "Karly mi tie- mornine of Si-idem-I To'-mas. It w.a- 1 1 . i i: Iiim" l! I, tin; mi a once iiiM-i- 'ii-1 1 i n in I war I ? j ; i f ) 1 1 1 : , ? to At: I t i heavy ma re h i ri nnl r aed drill' d l tli- depot, when- liii-y baa-ibd He t r.-i in f i S i v: i ii;i h ,' ( i i. It was here where 1 he Tlii i il X'-l -rn.-k.'i oai ie-d ;i r pulat ion am) li id 1 1 . s bi -land i b an et tMiiip in the S venih A t iny corps. "Savannah pi opio did e m th i n o in 1 1 1 - i i- power to make camp 1 1 ft- pl'-aant for t fi boy-, and tin; t t)!tl ii r.s i Insurgents Corict.-.!f I In Hrush Kill : i!!l a:t One nfi.crican Soldier. 1 1 1 1 a I - 1 1 i't' .:n-t I ill .l-.i-ilf v o It Ctilit-tK n lid S i -ii 1'u t ? :t t l -, t 1 1 K-iii t-- I .1 i ii I V I :!ipoii- Hri- lvilii .l ,ihil lliln i lire Wet ii ttt d In ik It.tir I!.iii'h t 1 1 . I in it t . aii'l huiiiiin all J. a i ri ar.tl ivr- rt-.-t ar,d i-(i,-nfo- t. 'J'ry il w.i.-iy. l In ail drii'.''i-t-i and htif. t ii-i -. fur UV. T:-i.-.l ! t k'--c f.v ... Addiv-. A U m S. O in-1 a i, i , il iy . X. Y. ( ' 'i ri -t man a m) wailt-d upi.n tl.t) I oys at. dinner I i m -. "I )t-fi in ln-r -7t ii at tlrc-- inr;di: or-dt-rM w.-ri! rt-ad I tin- r!!Vi-1, lliat tin regiment wtnihl ho.tid tlm 1 ivs- Ira.n?, port M ifl. i'an, .".nil di-part for ''ilia. Atrin- lit I ! .i .nt:i. "1'ln- tii iivcr v.. is lint vi-iitfid mid upon the " t t, i i rr ,f ,f iiiiriry 1 the It a n - port p is-cd inln Hiv:in't harlxr ami was s.'xhi aiicliird at t u (I oi k-. Thr i-f'iiii'-nt J i-1 t on the J :it tli it niu'ht and i- u ly 1 1 - m-t morning In men landi -) 'ir il inarchf-tl t( tlp-ir camp, which was on a hih plateau s.'ven mi Cs f:mi the harho:'. '')'he camp, whieii wastiilli.u (utip (ailumhia. v.as nituattil alone- tho me th side, of the Ilahana l aiiroad. This rorei nt.-es t h ri ) v. : i i-ijht Mnall to'.vi.s (or ii it rict-) wirieii arc eloso tc ethcr, and t e t m i n.i ' is at Plava, whii-lt i.- situate i on the beach. e;;j ht miles from Havana. Tiic ri . loyt-.- of the rout are i-om mv-i. d of t'ul'ans ..in1. n-e-f)-s, ;m l (..'hir.e.-e cnireers lnvo eh-u-ee i f the, trains, wl.i. 'n iun pa-t llit d i IV ..;ro.il i-t itioi-i evi-iy licuf. Tin- coaches arc smal'cr than tin -o used in t h is co.u.t! y ai d it is a diffi cult matter to lie-un; wliicii ;vo lir.-.! and wiiicii M-eond cl;:ss C'laele.-:-. Tl i ticiiets, liinvever, are called n-stclas-a d si,c''iid cia---. At t!.e st ;i? i-.;n tin coaductors yet .ir, ar.tl when ready lo start ajrain, in.-'.e:;u of f-ainy "a!! aboard.'" he riri-s a lai ve 1 .ell ar.d tlu train ri sunn's its way. Stta ci ens pulled by .-mall, pntiy loes and miio.-s pa-s tiu i iirh ti.e princi p ii streets a: d Tire alw.iVi v.t il -1. Knait :i On t'iiy. ' Kv -i lliiny in ami ar, us.d t'u.- city is c-titiroly ditl'-iant f- osn an thiiiS" iu America. The stre is, (w'ii'.e'u ai si'ili ' wli.i I Ii 1 i h v I a ;-e v ry a : iTow ar;d ill StHll ) plat'CS it is i i. n-sjhle for to Hi:' to pass e-ejl: o;h.r. The cur-riae-es, cvi'ts an' wa'uis are built tiift'eiv; t!y fia n Jias j use J here, and it is surprising t-a sec the heavy !ods tii. -it aru draw a by little mule-. The wliecls on some- of "he earls a--e fully twelve Vet htyh ami very he:.vy. Tiio bu-ia-ss h-iu-es, vv'.iich are laiilt of rock and brick, art; nios'ly eno -and I wo sto.-ys h't-h are bii 1. ia n ' iy n-'ii tod on theout-ide. Tiic interior; of the stores resemble the modern d purtiuent sto: e, there beine-.-o many different articles for sale. There is net a erec ry it''e in that city hut what -ells ir. tex cai i' drtuk-. In fae' every store ha- a sitoiei attachm-mt Pu ba'y the eai-.s - of this is the fan 1 tint ne ! ic-n-e is eh a fired ' 1'. us in a ki i. e very liUM expeu-e. j )n',. ,hik vni1 ,,.u, CU! 'The pe(iple,;is a m'.e.clrCMS neat a red j ,, ty,:i P lain. The i iehcr ( his?, however, wea- : j- will euro itself. JCd i 1 'liif Way In t- t'a ; i rum t is in a 'oerist s ! ere; .' . - e r e-r-'i . 1 ly c uidu-'t-a! 'ia I be !.:; i ntr! 'm '.".'. You i'.oti'i c' :'.-. i: e-is. Villi m l.e fas; time. Von see the ! :.t . I se--ac ry -n U.e -'lei),,. Voar c if is ;i'-t -o ex,.- ..-! v--!y iia i l:o-l ii-'ir so hre to In a' ':s :: r':iaeo sleeper late it is -i t as . -aa, ju--t ;-s com f nr t ah! , iu-t as e-,.,.,1 to rbl i; . am Ni-;.i:tiY CitKAi'i-.r. I IH5 1 U !'tl!:;.'''iii! CO:0'..i -i.V.s :-"T- r,., , . - , -, ; xh-i ni'i p -i' i :: : 'V- ' V iliursmr i-i le-liin.' :i a l-r'in-i ' ' ciseo Sundav ami b. ; Atii'el- .s Mo-.- ! day. I'ertt-r with eaeb. e:ir. i'Ji.eur-sio-i tnatiaor wi h eae'a party. I-'er fuhl'T S'tvlnr fnll i:;fox--a;: tiea call at, nearest II. .V M. il. I i. d--;.io'. o;- wii:e .!. 1-rar-.--. ( 1 1 L ,i r . -a : . ( )n,a!i.;, X- b. King, Emjjoicr, Dune. I'ri.-.cj K!ri-i!. th'j C',,t hier. . . . . ' ileeplv rcirretted 1 1 -r. v i n ir "''anni On- ' (. r :i . 1 p m :iiiiw::r at th-- et i' ............ i ... ii... i ;..! i i n ai i at 'i in inn i;ii. on it. ri.ciiai , .... . ,. .. , ' Wal il I he lad en tl-lllli lltl tint I il I I-1 I II . 1 1 mi -il.i.nt til '111 . Ipri Hi-nt in- tin.' tli'Tcreiit camps (11 a.iiuin.i it it n i iij, aini i n spile t'l ine latcnesS of the hour there was a l.u na crowd sfjinethiue like 1.IMKI people, of all aL'-i-s, men. wmic-n and children to meet I hem. The M V. A.tnind wan nut ami played h-Iccikmis durinr tht" time the crowd waited and as the. train pulled into the station. If the sold id's ever had an idea they won id not he welcomed home it was dirpellod when they stopped nil' of the train and were (rrasped by the hards by hun dreds of p'joplo. Henry (ieiiej was on hand and showed lii-4 u-ual t hou a t f u! nes- and cirle-iraiity by tlirowine; n red lighten the train and the many soldiers who were mi hoard "eini' en through. ft was a very pretty si"ht ('aptain Sheldon ili I not eeme with the company, but went to Wa-h l ii't en, as ditl tMiarle. !- pence r, t he bitter eo-ine- to the capital ei'y to spend a few days with Tom Chapman, and may re main there. 1 lieutenant H iw'.s i-..me in with the boys and hurried heme as soon as possible, on account if the sickness in his family, and has not been down town lone; enough for Till-'-Kmvs to secure an interview with him. There were small r roups e-f men st.aiidine- alone; tlle -treets all day yes terday an.l in trui center w.is a shiver-in-T soldier telliny hit experiences. Tlu1 only compiaiut that any of them made on arrivin-r home was tho cool weather th-? chan:c from the hot weather in Cuba and a'sn in (Jeoreia to the chilly weather of yesteiday be-ine- very 1 isarree;t ble. l-'idlewin e; are tin! ranees nf the sol diers who arrived Saturday ni ;ht: Lieutenant (J. A Kawis, Sei -(jeant 1 1. A. lioot. Corporals V. Sell wa rtz, S. ( '. Tnomp-on, -I. K. Dysari, II. (i. Itobine, C. 11. Mille-, K K Wright, Huerier (). C. Anthony, Artithvr li. II. Sampson, 1'ii vales A. X. Swanser, M. T. Ciark, (J. II. Manner.-, C. M Man ners, V. K Slell, A. C. Adair, II Crissman, I-'. W aies, ( '. 1'.. Newman, II. Walker, d. A. llamittoa, .lames I la jok. On' Stti,-r's Slfry- r tlie Trij) Corporal If. C. K mine ef Company II, in ;in interview with a Xi:vs re porter, tells a ery iiu- resiine- story of tho rerimonts exp-tieiuo from the time of leavinir I't-- Omaha to its re turn, and also tels solllJtllinir abimt what he saw in Havana. Here, is what lie say.-: 'The Third Nebraska, leit stroiie-, after :i three days' j un:ey fiom Fort Omaha, pitched teiit-- for tlie lirst time at l'aratna 1 'ai k, several mile. north of .litcksoaville, Kla., on July 1 S1S. This campintr trround (if such it. could be called ) will always bo remembered by every enlisted man in the regiment as a hot, tilthy arid un healthy place, and it is hero where a a majority nf the deaths occurred. It was several days before liners were constructed fo- the numerous tents, anil in the meantime the men rolled up in their blankets and slept as best they eon id in the sand. It is believed by many that sleeping on the damp sand was the cause of the jjfreat amount (f sicknes- at 1 'an a ma I'ark. Quite elten as many as ten men from eaeii comp iiiy placee. their names en tho sick list, and when the lui-rlc sounded the tick ea'.l : he nun lined up to be examined for their dili'ertn: ailments. "The food furni-hed by the jjovern ment at this camp which was ealicd Camp C'ubi Libre was not just ex actly what Wiiuld help to keep a man up who was reporting on the sick book. Several times the meat was un fit to eat and w is condemned by the doctors. It was some time befo:c the regimental bakery was in iunniP or der and during its const ruction tic men lived upon hardtack. Seme of tho boys, however, had an aj.p jtite for tho latter and enjoyed it, but these were exceptions. M,r-heti to I'alilo Hcarh. "The morn iiiir ( f September the regiment struck tnts and marched to l'ablo Beach., a few miles west ef Jack sonville. This move was made fer tile purpose. i-f bettering the health of the niLm, hut it proved to 'no a disas trous move, as the sickness increased instead of Jimin ishin r. It was while the regiment was c imped there that one t f the worst s'orms which ever visited that section look pb.ee A terrible wind and rain storm ret in on the evening ef October 4, and the camp was entirely covered with water. Every article was collected and the regiment moved to higher bind as quickly as possible. Tho men pot no re-t that night and found shelter the best they eculd in houses, barns and sheds. Tho following day tho regi ment marched to Fairfield, a small town on the outskirts o.' Jackson ville, and once more pitched tents. This camp was healthy acd the men soon coinmonced to improve in health. Tho ami fumigate t! --m Colonel 'i!i)iiaia wiu'd i.o! .liie-.v tin- li.e'i to l" ashore on aero' in t of ! he. ro-igh sea. After w.-.iti'i,- piti ntlv two ila -, the '-es-ei ,-ijain t-e tti,, bau'.d fo- S i v ini:-ih, ( J Af!-r li " d !i ys ij u ara n t i ie o I ) t -a f u -i - ! -1 a. t . ' the re", i m-n t i-g-tin m' 1 - i le-d mi t i.o tug-boat S i,t-'. b.-ui-l f s.taiiiiab, - lie -; i n d r-u:- ";i'.-, Latiit-i tie May regiment oiiee mare lioarde 1 tie: train aioi (.'a vadonga, a:i.! a lauucli i;i-d;-i' and arrived the fol ! o.v i ie; a f t r : e. , : ; a i ' ( a ni a i I t iraiit. ran into a ii es nf i i: - ' .-IIIll) M;u-K-'ll-ie, 1'ini' 1 1 i i i i s f ! ' o 1 1 1 I lie ' s l j r r e 1 1 1 s e i ' m e e , : 1 1 d ia the 1); 11 il a lid city of Augu-ta." This hit' e i' ei!apil:g ' nil noth s'lit-s of the Mi ( ' rail-h; liver, plae- wa- a v -ry di.-Ti;.'ree b.n nue. -s- t iin-n mile- abov" !impit, yesterday peci-iliy during t! .- wir.d TL-ir:a-."' a! t er m m i we e reri-ixed with ' lu-ivv vo'l.'V- a' rhort ian." A srr- M A Nil. A, May b" bi ta.-TIe t m C - .1M IT"' I Cm !l D0 so I eeai.t b-.-etigie lb It'll oie L':ah I I . i v ai. i ! tery was if i ry Allen's root-rase, A pinv iter t o a - si: ;i !-:."i I nt " I i, . I:,,.--, At thi-s"a-on e-ii' f'-e'. fe- 1 sw.i lien. v, , nn'--ii. nervous and ho., and net tired easily, j ). . r -.s : 1 1, r, ifd-fee g a:;-. If yon have ; ;aari i ng feet o- 'i-'bt !(,,. A i.".-.--: i-: !. l;-d t went v o' tin- shoe--, -y .Alien"- I'' o I'.--e. It cools 1 nat; e- an i vi u-i.e; r- vera l o! !n.r.-, the feet ied makes wa kin .r -.v. ! Hi, in t h .: jui:g..- ;th a bail nf .-hot Cure- swoliea and -wearn r feet, b'.ls- , f..:- . ;.a!i ii-.er -ei'i! tii-: en-my l! -d. t.'-rs and CTiilt i - sj--o! s. ivei'ev-s :orvr. r.f ie - ! a to .-.l N I . V VlHlK, aliiy !.'.- - A sje (T.l to ! t i.C ifer.litl I'mm ' . i-I , i : I ea s ' vs. a1 sa'i I iii-i ory ! iii.r 111- na i e ; ; -e(M i.i ( py j a i :;i t: ;-V I'.. 1 iie, . -.ai fr- in tie- e'-l.-' fere:; i e wlib- i wi ! 1 liebi by the j . t 'ni-: n-a a I i.i Special All Silk Skirts, $4.98. We have Satinette Skirts from $1.00 up. Mercerised Silk, the best imitation of Silk ever shown. Call and see them. We are agents for 2 Plattsmouth for the Empress Skirt, the best fitting gar- 2 ment made. hosier) j Ju-t ivci'ivnl - ;t 2Stlo, lot (if l(ys' 1 Yw 'U: hose l(c ; .'is o(h as most of the 25c ones. !0 lk-st lot of Children's hose 1V find ' -i-mm: -1 on wi I 12!c. ladies" Inst Mack hose, Kc, 2c and 15c. w i ieh A v a i n a e.lo pr o- : n-e . to s no i a .a .-:,;!. In h is -a ir p i' eii ' I : i j wa:- ! part- ; Pant I b-'.ie-- I ' (.'! e- i- : Tl e a ! : e e that A lr- lii.eieio ii :d -en; .-. n;i---i'ir-er lo iiim i j :i :-s'. :. z a v. '. .-1. t'i sen 1 1 th'' enuipi'S- ! -1 1 . " . t , , n-j; ' :::)-: ;' i. -i -n Th- I ; 'Jml'ii.-' ! at'o.: i ilJ.'b-':-. rx-.i-e. s the a Cllli rll'imC (,('d (iililmnis, 5c TlllL' ilcllllvl (;(,od dress styles, Carpets .ii" line for Spring aiiiii-i;' conies around, you may need a new Carpet. It will pay you to look over our line, which comprises the cheapest cotton to the most expensive A 11-Wool oiods. Our line is varied and ex tensive--no need to jo to Omaha for Carpets or Nurs. t :, c . A better kind, (c regular 15c ! J np.i iOi i t ; ; a i iT.t To i. .- ;::--( late - t i e tri i : ' n : u li i i : ii a ' u a 1- t i A g i .'TtiStio o - bv : he A tn-.-r- I ie is e ittiiuis-iei) to ( li.-'.eae", Ar jueies, I A.- ''iraldoV -i.;i-.-a i v. i e ji; ni i r. s tie cliaractt (.f ;iiV!!i nm'.iit wiilch vvou'd IP; ; iven ' i l-li;i-iio- ami which kind. PiCRCALlCS, 8:c. !' s I 'l rir a r ' i , j i li p1 viosuio oiii. oiu en- i g-oods at lest tlian cost. All depart- i nients complete. All-wool Ingrains, 5c and (5c. Velvet Carpets SI, made and put down. i. .. ; i i l : s i i ! Ia an 1 1 1 ! l ee r' - a.t ,:)-.. I : 'I'll.- (o-.-.i! 13 y a vr.t c ni i M.-wiah. C.nii.a " v.',is on T;;e ' : i' ti e ir.t I-, i b : t .- -a r tin.e i - b- Vi'Ci.l, ' !,".o. ti'-'-i'e the j -a a.e ' vA. . rra: ia ro"-r.-, ..Ac, ship, of . :.'.-.. corf-'n. ' HUM!' .V .-' . a peav- t! ' : ' ;:i(.:r '. i - ; -t -. flese ,A t i : h.'-.i' the r.) ' f . ' :" pa-!. a ': b1' ' : d!;;i'( !: n w;is pi'---' Tit a i. c-ht: re.; i-p m'.-- t'--defeat c f tho s-mt;': by r.n o.-.-rv b A .-: vol ia j V suAm! :: - 11m "Am.:n." l-'i; Wal r.s (!!.--.:. r. ! i i : - .- ii '. . a tiiii. d ; s:oj; !l , i, i ia iiii v ! C ,('e .-!t i.-sa.-b. s A i 1 : .'.iaai ... a i.i - li: ail. i al i . s ills a- ry. -,i to the !li u '1 ii i II g lo bo i : -' i : i a. ' o 1 1 - ; , r f a. a,:A,.ra,y; t i v 1 1 a a ' a i O.i-, " . . , : e a 1 s U A 'e ' 1 hi1 f n. e. o ;-o- ; to ; !aav la ,;.y f :a Ida l".av .- ml i 4 U e... to uaaoa- i is (, i pi tell '- 5- - ' ; .. TV II il. . iil.M ... -i ." ii- A T t veseu i ne i ie-ioone v-'t-J Corset ; also agents for the "(jaye Down" Corsets all kinds. CIIIRT WAISTS, Laces and lCm- broideries. itpt tt c.rinnQ ;,, q,,.;.. r.-, - X V r 1 r 111 V . 1 1 i u ui:i pURTAI. J 10c up. ! ii ! MoUetts from (JSc, made and put down. New Jute Carpets Hook like in 4"rain), fast colors, 30c rattinps, 10c and uj). IvlHTC I'ussells lii'g-s, . . ()')c MliO Velvet Ru-s,' . . . SI. 25 WINDOW SIIADKS -AW have a ' ' new stock of AVindow Shades. See our Special window shade -35c INOUCKMS at 45c, 50c, 75c ; i- S')c per vard. L 11 I ; ! - ' i-l' ,'.;- A III:.: A .' a i a bio I'-i a. e s-:e: : e.i:r.l.M':.s ;:; ! o :a I'aiaa' prae-a, i 1-' ie' ;, ; k i ' g p i'e j : r a ! A. ; s !o (.'ai tbiU .'' -T.illlary ;(eratiei.i-. He b.s :: ' -a n.aeiag p(-ep n a; i.ai ; lo a.lt teii iv-eAt.r, wiicrc l',t-t! I -urge tits j.re ij.i i 'Vi.ii 'o be e: e m ped, and it Is pre-i- : lite-! that Ue-, rai t meats r--ported 'a'!! .V -lai Vive 1 a t: t i " n I a , t !ie oa- trti'rj -t;s2 a s ite. y ckj j? y i a PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. cs- fa'b' i j-'ct.' .'o. (J'-ai-ral Law it a is nr.!.i;t .i'a:a- !:riK i:iur j ' e.c ;e .t p ce-re-- i" bis nor! nwr.i d ' to the e-etlee d-'in'tc-'i'. Co '.Tee d ! nk in? biria-i, aad the ..s:'at'b vt 2.1 n j a- ! is a h b; t t 'm t is n n i v. rsul iy indulired, i Ki.bt e v. i til J. m-n up the 11 io in ami alir.ost as univi rsally injur-j I (h- w.tie, s-upn.-ee- ! bv e-a;.le::s a nil ' icu-. Have vou Iried (Jiain-O. It is -ri: - e of eiia i line; ; alin"st liwe e'dTee hut the C fleet - ai-e; a:. Cn'Tec liusets t!;e! 1 i 1 1 1 I ( ie- era t I.' '. it! a ilile wi' I: I te i-r-o-s t . II ii ; ju-t i he opposi I ) -tai'a.u i-i the ' stoa-ii.a-h, reins the uires'.ion, eiii-cts j A I30r? TO MANKlNnS b' i ie- pa i the le a!', and disturbs ibe whole nor ;v a run b v n-.i t en i-iat.es veus sv-tem. (irain-O tones up the -.; !)y-pep-i:i ' : ) (Jure will cure it: it "di-re.-'.- wii st urn trie best that can he bought ar il aiway? a!pa -.r in tin- o.-sl auai,i i;.-. ne j oat'-- r,.t r0sl tllC (ncstive OrSl ehi'dren, between the a?es ef ore and ),,, V, e t t ; i . F. 'A. Vieke iv C five years, rua arnua 1 without a rar ticle of wearir.er ap a i. a I. At nijrht ore can see hundreds i f w. irien, men and children, i-leepi mj i n tlio i!"or ways, li.is-:r'os and streets. : ! I ' s '.v ; i l j l I we t, oenora: .i-.ca ! Sail i "era. i ad a bi tw ! at I 'aeoior a n ! t h o.- ! Kobh i.ii tori t o the ai t rem iia at t he i:i-a re-en ts . : M ' ; i(a, and ieh, aids digestion aiel strength Mis th" nerves. la :i!iil 2oe. ; ' ,re. pack-j Burlington Route Low Rates In May. to take a s AC ion so a- to pre-i t,--,, , : ,.,,, mtn r.ir us pvci-.-iI.! ' vTt"'iJ'-Ks:-r2i -an S3 SE2 tafia - AJl-?2lWJ TIT! t'hi?3HH -W J C ' f ' ' ' . pe Z..iTin. .Ttl " t : I r :mi I -7lli-r- j sj "There is r.o to1 price o;i any article sold and d i lTore --t j:riee- are et-nr -r-al. Ti;e siddiers, whoa i-dutij the city, lta-1 their money excbanrrid for Sp:ir. -isb Ciiin at the money excb.an..;iiitr stores, which j-i ve SI '' f Spanish silver far one American doll n. isit .-5nrrti a-lle. "The soldiers who irot, paascs fioai (Jenerat J'nllow w-rc a'.iowe.l to enter Morro Ca-tie and so liej interior, which was indeed well worth seeing. The cells, rcom-, lyirht-h'iu.-e, trues and errape shot were of interest to everyone and many of the boys brought back some little article from this famous eistle to slia-.v to their I ver t t!ie;a fr-ara e:'e--in.j- the Ilia A- i . . : .,( n. o... 'e ! A tiallnnt SFitH l!ey. ! -. , , , . I "'i-r':- iU'v 'n-' !' i-'s c-1 t in , M -a uu i: . .i - - . 1 1 a e n 1 n-i i-ii ou . . i .:,, , I bcroic r. ?et!e v.-as performed bate- L . , . , . - ; low pbu.es. i 11 ' M-i-lee-.-tl i. ..i.i le Ini-l i-ittne. i;r. r . , at i . to i u- in , !.'-.-o,,oion i... i - - ' ' : l.mjl.-Vl ie. 1S.V .. .May It IO I It' - ; y i a s ei's'.-.t Vi a I s (dd had taken fire, and Tie: wrr j not discovered ii-nil it was fio a'-A to snvc tlie IjniitiiiiT, ry, as ii :'- j ward turned cut, to g.-. t :;:,: o? b ali it.- i inmat- s. While tlie fire -v-- rn::'r ; I little '1 kc-odore Strin.-r. ei.rk:. v. . ;.- i old, the son of ike prnprirrcr of th'- j :iv:'"' hotel, lenrat'd that a bnly, a year obi. wiil the child o one of the n-u-'-is. had j Spa: born left in an upper room. Thecler-' i t-a:i did not wait to an:-ii?Ti sera-e ob!-.'.- I :'--, :eo hy a ,-.- v on A" . . . , , , - ., ' . C-'lO-l W lit. ;ttntll !. l i:c hati Krnno J. -:.' ! tnrn linrit, June '2'-). : ii. .i . . i . te... tXlu I -air-.i-f-i Ati.fk Siiuai.ii. j 1 ei'lemu, on;, .vj a v t; o -.. j-.-:- :-;v- VoiM-.. :.Av la. A dk-patch to turn limit, July l- A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Lotteg, 50 Cents. ii Ai..v t- Irani M. - Lten ver, Colo., .May lb and 17. Ibdurn j JAMES F. BALLARD, $0lS PrCpriStCf, 3i0 Kcrth M:!n Street, ST. LC'J!3, MO. rb-i s i. s: (.) : r i si f : : ; . m!..i .':':": i . . ' , ' ' . . s -.- i ine Spar, i s'.i e-ar- i limit, June IA .(--.'!oi.el ; z coin- 1 3Iinnea polis, Minn.. May lo t IS. j ' I t i i ! i ii- ' I Tn nr. f! i F. G. Fricke &. Co. :t!ae ,c.; i.y insure.: n!s ! I Atom limit, June 3 i iea v.- - re ' ;'(:. fi-o'P ;l,ei JC unoKO, a.. M?yl to I a. ie-turn ;o artel Asr s ' li - ' : ' -- person ef this f.-ct : on tii- own res eons. ha . ; the stairs in the nid-t c Fmoke. be disnr.p.rarf d from the vi".v ef the bvrtar.ders. At that v?rv ieo- iur-.".t tl:e vails bee all to tort' r. The--' j 0,',i,,: who had sren tho boy enter pav:1 him A'er.o t- ai A.ii.i- I e ,e . " .'e,l! ! ! 'J lie SpaniaU tieacr (; ti : . I 1 ;n y wei e ; - i - j'l-.e "arris; n ' -S in Francisco, Cal , May lo to 18. l tiiis i:a 1 Keturr. limit, July lo. i'i"- tli" i-i-- Call and obtain full information. j e: ia t l v re-'Uls- I V". A. I'ICKKTT, Ae-ent. It iji -.kes iio difference how had the MotAc-ro, 2-ov- i wou.nl if you u-o Da Witt's Witch noi a i tee p -r.vinee, was t iTa-. d Salve: it will ouieklv heal and wounded, as re h'.so Mijor j k-ave no -ear. F. G. Fricke Co. '.:p for lo-t. He Ti-a- Gbuino and lAr.tai'i iliAiu, who was friends. A- the present lime this rov- j purpi iainely lor.rv iinv but fAAIy. eminent is re pair; n'. whitownsdAnsr ' I ti;e ?ry last n-er all v rt mortally and painting the interior rooms. "To a close (d server it leeks as though it would he an irn; osfibilry to captu'e Il'.vana l:y entering the liarb.-):-, as Morro castle is so we'll con structed and has t xcoilent guns. Ft. Cuban as, or. the riiht of Morro, is the largest ef the two structures, but it was impos.-ib e to trot a. pass to enter t'-e latter place, a. i d nethiny couIU be seen t he re. lletisrii t-f Ilii K' i;int-iit. "April b, at -l o'clock p. m.,tho re?i meni, with tne iX'jei.tien p Company I!, who wm on p-rovu-t duty at Cuba, ha l orders re..... e. A;tm to be ready early th-j follow i.,sr iiioen;nj to march lo the Larlor ;iud tmbark for America. tor ar. v of j hnve I-,r".-i p ccTne ma oi ir.o tiattctr-r aeve, i;a ! enierarcd, hearinj: the l ai".- in hi.-- a;-;-IT had rf fO'ied it from what in : n mcr.t leore won hi have been deith. hurt. L: cu lor ant. G.-anad.-is ; Bett?r ieo cream thai ever be fere at . ly weu. ib.-e, oae .-o'dier i- j llolloway's. New apparatus a.d nn- r.rd t; i t: U ret nil- a.li.e An Am-iat w tr.i nde-1 Tne ; n- ; teria se-vi -iy. ; merch att chir- th-.- u-ed. ar.d all of the best. i i Dos Heimaaos, v. hieh h:n I'rehate otice. Ia t 'aur.ty (".ji.i t. Cass county, Nebraska. editor ad p-ropri -tor i to ib.-iio. ( of the Demo. -rat, l.ar.cast -r, N. II.. ! 'acts lo Gen d lo be i bi tie.' matter ol Die estate til Sarah A. Livings , . . i I n. iirtta' it i. l:e;r. aiate.y depa Ci.' U j Ai!-c-1 Snylcs. EI:zabc-th J. Mca'v, Ah Lie I'. ..,,..; ,--... ,1 1 , I JaMasMn. au T-ayms, ueurgc r. . sa ies. viar- -1 i Ili. - ia p ;. i . i ' . i . .j - . , i-'-iiu. u iu i-. -i' i--! i tii 1 1 1 1 1 e. v . t i ' i 1 1 v c- i-i u: t 1 1 l ; : e i . . , : a : .i - . ..I : t-ucc il. t iniaii ;-.nu eti. -jiiit-i ii-i-.jn niitricsic-j at Manila who ' ia sa:-i nialtt.r arV l.t-itLy nolit.cl that on the l -;h . - ..--.-a .ni- i-ai- v.i.iiitii .- l..i-'f Tifirn s ta says: "1 wou.u r-ot i3 witi.oiit ()na led to M i.trid. The n .vtrnment i pct':u.ai i"n Ai.,i court, Fryiag that las tinal MinitlfJ Coio-h Cure for mv b- when !r.-,vA.,'j to put t be trar-.orts L'-.0n XIH '. ane-i:,trat.oa account bo settled ac-i ai lowed. ' ' - Jl i on. vi ii ana tan: tie oe u.charg.-d iroin i:s trust as aj- troublfd with a COU-h or col 1. 'tisiaiA I rt'.-r Hive at the A:r.ei'i::ic' ' inir.istrator v.atli vi.i anncxtjd, and that if you i . i r t t i - . i t.al t- uproar bclore sa:J c-jurt on t::e i::h day the best remeuy iore-ou!) Tcvr u-ed. j,p-pe-ai f;:,. tie ev.-u-.i 'tern f the i(f J A-:-... at 2 .ciock m.. aa-J c-utc-t sai-J F. G. F i'k-e A Co. !si),a-A"l'r'-e!i r-.nta,n t!.c cj-:rt niay t rant the pracr el said "- ' ;-c;a:..-:i. t.a-J r.et-ce ar.cn ot her an 1 t -.inner or- II : a -i; d far t he CVaCUat'ci". a ier " Tiers, sniiTVoU'ies an i decre'.1- a- to ttas court lie .- Tins. I , , j " , iniy ?i-e:n rapt-r. t i the c-nJ that a'a raattcrb We o:Ter Its Hundred 1 in: ei -s !a-r i f. ,r i 1 ' ' fore. 1 ? -.' iiat - teat ll is r:CCt2. j j.eiia re;-? t -aid estate r.ay be tiaa'.iy svtueti anv c,it- ii: l.il.iriH lli'it caai.et l-i.-rliii-iU !.- -e -. n- i-i.-. i -.- ! f . '-,-."' f . ria t. ,'iera.inca li i' i's ( ": t i : - 'i ( 'a re . ' . " ' e uiiess ray han.l and the sea: ot sail county p s. e'li'l-AAiY ."c Cih. Prras., T-.'. !e. O. ! e - '.- ii It G ". I al t Ki yes ea-Iay. Tl.0 c.'iirt at I'A.u-aaeuih, .Nebra-.ka. tins 1'ith day t,i We I tie 11 li-'a-es t ru-ti , liav,.- i.l.-.i I'. .1. ! . r i - i- ,t ' -'-y- l;-'- rjlc-n-v ft.r th- last t- vC.,rs,;..,a believe -Tsp'.-m os .-.te. e'-t-ame ,a bo-din-j; the ; George M.?pcri.ock. hiai' perfo.-t-y lioattraido In !-i:i:if" ; pl-;C? t is-.: r..riA. The i h .vo trails , 1 "i": : . .,-,.. CuU!it 'uie- ic-iiiiiis itn-i n -i ana ; i 1 - ao.e ttj carry , , , ' 1 vu .-i . :is are . i i: ir iii-:n e eu ia," trie lii- Prom nil v nt :b0 the re;imont drilled ,,, .,,.v oniiJ.iions v. aJe ly ttn-r ie--... outof'ermoand followed the coast to J West it Ikcax. U H-u,saio liruAts. To ihe ba.'bor. This ma; eh tiroved tj ho ! IVauiixo. K;nn n & Harms. Wiu-lc-sale ' . .. .. , Pru--'sist-. Toie. i-i. (.. ... . I tlie m.-st u lsae i eeauie oae e ver ur.ut r- iPii"-. Catarrh Cure is taken a-a rriilv of t;---1 -rer. la to 7. .mb. )::::. a. Xetire :-; hereby gi-.en tl-.at by virtue of a lien iai the l"th day of Apr;!, l-a-.i. and rtu'y l-.i-ii in tiif i T'.i'.e of the craiuty cleric 1 1 Ca- tuc wo ..... v... w - ,,i:--e:aa u " ln ,(1r A --:. t iea lb rbne a'Tor-'s a A aaay. NelrasKa. i a tr.e fth ciav oi Mav , I-W. taken by the r trim-at, and the bovs ! net m : thrrctlv .,,m... :;-'L!'''i "'!;-, A' .,". A ' - re- l c-eeuti-! i.-y fati.es- A'ao.vay a-.iia-t l'i!in T. . : ' surf i. -s ni i tne sy-tein. i rit-u . tet - rmtura . r.t:i tl, U. re a) e tl v, ae-ttliL' ' . .- ,.. p, w, ere A ad lanes' a,v.av c'.au-er' were ad when taev at rived at the; tie. so.-1 :.-y tU. Uruj-prista. T -tt-.a.-a: u- ; - --, aT-"'iY o ' e"l Vrn- ne via sJ:j cL" - ... I fre-- ie-ein it I V. A b.w mi; ,;l litSOS W ; i A 11 . .' 'A- V '!- i-'-i n.iie.uaisoij, c.,i.u docks and "stacked arms.' I he b;i- A jj,;-;-, PaaaN- I'.iis a.a the i -e -!. , ; f -. . i f-rne care aad Ke.-jmig ot tae sane , , , ,la ' - a t usually ho f- ua.. to so ia AUlute tne ex- f -r one ye.a ir.rn May I. !-..-. t .iay 1. 1.':. in g-ag-e was ri r st placed aboard the lat ere , .. , .u - . tae - ier. e ! j.l-i i, a-.iU the sa. l c!hj 1 . Sut l.eri'.n c.-rt rttfiv biis an e et--ry functim,.- tuat tn-y are a tne o j,HVa., ,0 pay 5Aid sum, then-fare I wii; ... .. , i-e.e-ite v.-iC-r-jT up- vvleitever ' fe.: t ae ; a e-p .r:y aaa ve uascr.ue ta-na t : one Da v enviable reputation amen.- Pmiuvers. j i 'Il'----J- J -r' ; mare, n:i-,c years oiJ. called "Kate." at ruuac t-; i., --' k,. u i .-: -.t.- li Ifc -w el-. v. kj . i i iini: Ol. o. -TiTiei: .n en ine laim occup.ea dv the a:a . i.i- "Just before sundo-.Mi the transport Lnion made, t or b R.t ue.liers. ! . ; way. o.-quartcr tniie ucst of 'Loiesva.e. Cass of its shrill whistle and a i -Uo u url' -muiaclurer. , Vvranted A ood cook at the LTctel co-.mtv. .vurasKa, on tne ama any ot June, is in "u'i"lt:- jti at u cIuck a. in. of said day. rw moments later irlided out upon the 1 The News prints ibo news. A Pialtsmouth. Jamks alloway, Liea Holder. Iptiiunnrt I.OiT-in r, nil ;i t M-ftU trio men ; ll;C OUl Ji-ril went uboard in single file "Just b gave one Keep Warm. Don't Buv Base Burners at any prices when you can get a Furnace in your house complete from $50 UP and Guaranteed by MAM A'.QriN ULLi f , ,msy vgf m -l ik n mm e 3 South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth. Neb. THE NEWS does 4 Job D fintine