Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 02, 1899, Image 3

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I;ioIr Is For Peace In the Philip
pines Considered (iood
I'ihihc i l)i ii y lliml lur tin- olunt r
V,,I.Imim ( lillm I I' II ii -I 'III Klilltlail lo
MiiiIi I'nixi- 1' or ltrv-rv Slinwn o' -
II II I If ri III lilt I'lllllppilil-H Sttltlllll Iff
AMili-il Mitl.ifn uf Honor.
W A -1 1 1 N ','l' ', April 'JS - 'I'lif r. of
llit: l'i 1 i ii in i n mi rrt -l i hi i-. in ,iL'lit,
in I lit' oi'i n ion . f inv :in.l nitvyolli
riiils. A l.'-li'LT" 'il ift ivftl frnm (ii-n-
mlOti-. n n tiim in- il lli:it A trniriitltlo
lent tnkfii v.luil, is ri'tf-i rilfil :is tin; i'wt lt)w;n il ui ri'tidfi i (unruly, iv-iif-'l.itij
ii ci'm , i i ol hiWilitii'K.
Smr'lM:iry Alj'iT r-:iitl, !H tilt; llnpurl-
iii'-nt cIiim iI, that, uhili) it i-oultl not
lie. srilil tint pi-nrij WilM M h-II ft 'il , u n -o-nrili-.'l
l hi- iroi--rtH :n f llm bright
est ;tml f:il full fulfill tlmt I lie cinl of
llit) i 'c-tpt'c'ticM was near. To his
miiel lliff: would be ;i re peti lion of
llm iifftit liil ions '.vliifll W'fl-t! hml be-fn-n;. Tho Hfcretary lefl
VV 1 1 i i ! t li tonight for ii leii-ilnys1
trio in the vve.-t. ami it g:ivn lii:r. great
h it i-fai-l ion to leave itll'.iirs in aui:h
it- inn isi ii g sh a e.
live ryl o ly i praising llm volun
teers, a iiia rUe! eh-nge in the wenti
in -lit fxpics-fd a fi-.v dayn age, when
il was uini e rst ooil that the hiiiiio nun
were p'eaditig to I i brought home,
('.'lonrl Ftiiist on cair.u in for t ho
(Miiiini'iidat ieti, even the. regular olli-
i'1-s taking note with admiration of
thf f;:el that h arh icvenifii ts were all
htriftly within the lino oT plann laid
iIdwii for It i in by 1 i mi porior ollioor,
(le.lleriil Wht.'lltOll.
General Corhin naiil that every
volunteer who participated in the
lighting in tho Philippines sineo p'iee
was declared should have a medal of
honor. Uy the terms of their enlist
ments they were entitled to withdraw
from the service, hut they had re
main. 'd voluntarily, performing more
than was rctuired of tin in, which was
more lhaii the ordinary duty of a s-ol-d
1 1 is ex peeled that tomorrow there
will he fu: tip r negotiations with the
insurgent representatives. While the
hope is ex pi esscd that our comuiirsion
will not hold out for terms so severe as
to lend to a renewal of the lighting or
the withdrawal of the i nsu r gen ts t o
another stronghold further north, it is
realized that Otis must exercise, care
to make sure they do not in bad faith
take atl viinlago of the opportunity af
forded by a suspension of hostilities to
secu'e whatever of hem lit to them
selves m :y come from the rnpidiy ap
proaching rainy season. Campaign
ing on the pari of the Americans will
be almost impossible at that time.
However, it is believed that Agui
naldo is now really in earnest and th.t
his sole effort- is to shift responsibility
for the surrender to 'ho Filipino cou
g! ess
Adjutant (h neral Corhin says the
Filipino peace overtures will not . briny
about any ch of plan i;: this coun
try as to forwarding of ships, supplies
and troops to the I h i 1 i ppi nos. Trans
ports nro -.bout to sail from San Fran
cisco and a considerable number of
troops are under orders to proceed to
Il is -;aiii at the navy department
t hat the developments of the day make
it improhabie that the Iowa will be
s.ent to Maniiii. accord ii:"; to the oriy
inn.1 i"tej- a'n. 1 i view of the state of
a fiairs ir: China, however, the Ameri
can Meet on the Asiatic station will be
kept at a hieh standard.
Mori' JSflrsk;ns Are fit-nil.
Washington', April HO (Special to
Till-'. Ni.W.) The folio win"- additional
casualties are reported from Manila:
Die ! from wound-? received in action.
First Nebraska, April 1:
I'rivate Otto Kastenhe ryer, ( ni
p.tnv IT.
Private Charles Schwartz, Company
i'rivate Martin O. Leye, Com p.i ny
Corpt ral 1'i Mticis 1, C-mp:uiy
pl.oid fevtr:
Private Maynard Say res, Com puny
I . (I. I). Mkiki.imoiin'.
As-i-tr. nt S -eietary of N av.
Train 1'ropt Throuli Uritlgre.
Avr.t'UN, Xeb., April L'S. Missouri
Pacific mixed train. No. IMP, on the
Crete branch, due in Ibis city at 5:oo
p. m. , went throuuh a bridge three
P.;i!s west of lur;-. Xeb., at. this
afternoon dointr considerable d a macro.
The enpine had just crossed w hen the
bridge sjave way, wrecking several
ears of grain and two ears of stock,
killing about thirty hogs. There
were no injuries to passengers or train
crew. The "wrecking train has been
orde'ed Itoin Atchison.
A Mn Who ut-KivW Schlatter I- IIphI
liip the M tl 1 1 it titles.
A fellow named Kharas is at Beat
rice and is etiriatr cripples and all
sorts of invalids without the use of
medicines. His hands give a shock
like a battery. He cmnot bo a fake
for he charges nothing in advance,
but is Usually well piid for the good
he d es, and from the reports he does
lots of it. He holds a medical diploma
from the University of Kentucky, yet
ho does not "practice" medicine. He
says he learned the art of healing in
India- Penple are docking to see him
and none are disappointed.
Shadow social at Eight Mile Grove
church Sirtu'-day eveniug, May 13th.
Everybody come.
Il is a fact beyond question that
John T. Coleman, the jeweler, has tl.o
most desirable line of rings to be
found in the city. . . "' . -
Will Suiiioii Tt-ll of Wnrli hihI I'nm
--tM In Ilii- I. uini of ioll.
Following a letter from Will
.Samp-oil to his father, Jlra Samp-on.
of thin city. Ihfut'j going to the
K'lo'.tlike tho writ'-r resided hen; and
has ninny IrieutU who will bo ghul to
hear from him:
)AVs Citv, V T, March -2'k
I ).-ar Fat lie r: 'I'oiir If Iter of January
-2 just rocfived ami was glad to hear
from you, aid I hat jou arc still in gt.o I
hotlth. I also received four let ters
from Nellie, but her letter wore writ
ten in September. The maiis have
just heoiin to come in, and 1 Miopo-e
we will get plenty of it now. Nellie
seems to worry about my health.
Theio is no need to worry on that ac
count, as I never hail bet.ter health in
my life.. I wt ih HOO pounds and am
as strong as an ox. My blood is thick
as mud, and 10 degrees weather don't
bother me at all. I have plenty to eat
thisyeai, which I didirt have last,
year, and that makes some difference,
I suppose. Mr. V. K Wright and
myself bought into a claim before he
h ft, and I am at work opening it up.
I lind il bettor ground than 1 expected.
I have a tunnel in now seventy-five
feet, and want to get in li!") feet before
I commence to drift.. It, will take all
summer to tlrift it out. I wanted to
come out this summer, but can't toll
yet whether I can come or not. I may
take a trip out late in tut; fail.
I see by the pipers that liie Klon
dike boom has "iniitivl'' on the out
side. We are ylad to hear that, for
we don't want'J ),(( 0 Chichakos swarm
ing over tiiis country like they were
hist year. They cut down prices,
wages and everything elso. We have
a good opuntry hero and know it, and
want lo keep it.
I have not seen Par hi-r this winter.
L have not bee a in the city lint three
times. 1 heard P.arber bought into a
claim oa Dominion, which promises to
be very rich.
I have a splendid plac.s to live on
my claim. My cabin is w:iy upon
the mountain, and 1 have a nice claim
to work. I am lifteen miles from Daw
son City and one and one-half miles
from (Iraml Forks, which is quite si
t: w n.
My claims in Kenan, i and Little
Ski okum promise to be good, but can't
tell until the clean up of this sp.-ing. I
am determined to make a stake before
I quit this, country for iood. This is
not a country to live in after a per
son gels used to it. It is hard to get
around. You have to walk wherever
you go. This is the last in tii out til!
navigation opens in .June. will
writ-j you again soon and let you know
if I will com" out this summer. Witli
love to all, I rem tin your a IV. clion ate
son, W. L. SA!1S.
P.eUcvcd to He Improving by Those
In Authority.
lie I'jiksi'H Awiiy After Linpcrioj Mi
nes With Sin:il Trouhlc.
i'l'om Saturday's lai!y.
Last night at his home, in the west
ern part of the city, S. 11. Fisher, af
ter an illness of eighteen months with
spinal trouble, parsed to his reward.
Deceased has been a resilient, of
Pintt-mouth since 1 MM), c uni ng here
from Omaha. lie was employed from
that time to 'he date of hi- illness in
the Ii. i& M. shops. He was married
a w i ft
hut no
in lShO, and leaves
He was a sober ami indusf ions citi
zen ami a member in goo.i stand lag of
tho dd Fcllo vs anil A. O. 17. V.
lodge No S. e-irryiny $'2. 00 I i usurancii
with the latter orfranix-ition.
A mvwi eemeuts for ihe fi:ne:al have
not yet hern m-itie, although it will
vu'ohablv be held on Monday of next
.A f'31'1 ('Httl' Iff KtlCUIll'lTlfclH .
Joshua Man ay and wife arrived in
the city last oveniiitf :ind are stopping
at the Hotel Platt-mtMith for a few
days. Mr. and Mrs Murray are. old
time residents of lattstnouih and this
community, but removed from hero
about live or six ye its at:o and settled
in Cuiiimir.g county. For the last sev
eral months they h ivo been traveling
for Mrs. Murray's health, she being a
lenihlo PuiTerer fiem rheumatism.
The disease "has been bothering her
for six years and she is growing stead
ily worse. She has not been able to
walk a step for ten weeks, being abso
lutely help ers. They have just now
returned from Eureka Sprins, Ark.,
where Mrs. Murray had been taking
treatment.but without avail. They ex
pect to vpsit relatives in Mills county,
Iowa, a few days, after which they will
return to this city and in all probabil
ity remain here during tho summer.
Tho many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Murray in this citv are sorry to learn
of the letter's condition.
Minus the Ktverme Stamps.
The revenue collector was in the
city today to look after the stamp
ing of tho bonds filed by the ap
plicants for saloon license and drug
gists' permits this duty having been
overlooked by some of them. It is
also said that all of the recently
elected councilmen have failed to com
ply with the law in this respect. How
ever, as it was shown that the omis
s on of tho stamps was not done with
the purpose of saving the price of the
stamps it is thought they will get out
of the dilema on the payment of a
small fine.
A l;lerep-J Mies.
Rev. II. Ii Burgess united in mar
ringc George Ahierep and Miss Alice
Jones at the home of tho bride's
brother, Jake Jones, last evening at
S:S0 o'clock. The wedding was a
private alTair, oul' a few friends and
relatives witnessing the ceiemonv.
The bride is the daughter of Ililey
Jones and wife of Oceo'a, la., for
merly of this city, and the groom is
employed in the Vienna bakery. They
will mako their home in this city.
If you are contemplating buying a
watch call on John T. Coleman, the
jeweler, and see tho very latest de
signs in cases .and movements.- "
Ki-Vlneil I'nipiiniilii Will lie Sill.lnl 1 1 eil by
Ocncrnl I. unit Filipino I'rlnonern Ite
jiort 7.",MMI Id f uijeeM North of Hun
I rrniniilii .Nil urtl Keeelveil Sexier-
litv I ruin Mli
Manila, April "0. H:lo p. m.
While it is the general expectation
among Ani'ricnns that tin Filipino
emissaries will return with revised
proposals from Ceneral .A n tonio I,una,
Major General (Hm is not letting this
prospect int'.ufere with his prepara
tions for pushing the war. Yesterday
lie ordered Major General L:iwton to
return to Angat, a few miles north
west of Nor.agaray, but not to ad
vance aggressively while tho negotia
tions are pending. General MacAr
thur is apparently acting on tho same
policy, but lio is repairing bridges
anil strengthening the lines of his
force, which is stretched out with a
four-mile fiont and within a quarter
of a mile of tho enemy.
The possibilities of peace nre grati
fying to a great majority of the army,
which has regarded tho war as an un
pleasant duty that must be performed
according to American traditions.
Manila is cheerful over tho prospect
of a return to normal life, though
there are skeptics who remark that a
truce would enable the insurgents to
rest until the rainy season, upon
which they have been depending ns
an important aid.
The prisoners report that thero aro
7o,000 refugees north of San Fernando.
This, is not impossible, considering
the thiculy populated region which
the Americans have cleared. It
seems also that smallpox is spreading
among them.
Tho so-called Filipino congress will
meet at San Fernando tomorrow.
I'ligiit of the Natives.
When Dean C. Worcester of the
United Slates Philippines commission,
who accompanied the Filipino emis
saries Irom Calumpit, said to Colonel
Manuel Arguclles that tho Americans
w-ore under no obligations to refrain
from fighting, the Filipino ollieer "Would you light while we are
discussing terms of poaccy"
Mr. Worcester responded with the
suggestion that an armistice would
give the Filipino leaders time ti
esea pe.
"My God, where would we escape
to?" the Filipino exclaimed, referring
in this to tho menacing hostile tribes
behind tho Filipino line.
Colonel Arguelles told tho corres
pondent of the Associated Press that
he was much disappointed in the re
Miits of his mission. He said also that
Aguinaldo expected Calumpit to te a
cemetery for the American army.
Lieutenant Colonel Wallace of the
Montana regiment, Major Adams and
Major Shields, who slept on Friday
night in General Luna's camp, where
they weLit to inform the Filipinos that,
their envoys would return in safety,
found the Filipino commander cordial,
tho Filipino troops removintr their
hats as the Americans passed.
The Filipinos complained to them
that the Americans used explosive
bullets, which is not the fact. The
Americans officers retorted that the
copper shells used by tho Filipinos
are worse than explosive bullets.
(J. neral Luna said ho regretted being
ool igod to kill Amercans, but that was
his business. General Wheaton en
tertained Colonel Arguelles and Lieu
tenant Jose and ptovMe i them
with horses to return to their ci-mp.
Nil Wiini From lieiit ml 0:i.
Wasiiixctos', April r.O Nut a line
of official news from Manila was re
eeied today by either the war or the
navy departments. Since the opening
of the campaign against tho insurgents
scarcely a day has passed without dis
patches from General O'is antl the
absence of advices today is taken by
the war ot'icials to mean that, pending
further negotiations on the part of the
Filipinos for peace, tlu situation is
precisely as General Otis reported it
II. is known that riippho ate being
pushed forward from Manila to the
troops at the front in order that they
may be prepared for an advance move
ment should sueh action become neces
sary. There has been no suspension of
hostilities, but it is regarded likely
that General Otis, while not losing
any of the advantage he has gained,
will afford the Filipinos reasonable
time to consider the situation and
terms as he presented them to the en
voys ot General Luna. It is expected
confidently by the otlicia's of the war
department that the way to peace now
being paved, further negotiations will
be opened by the insurgents.
It is believed to bo probahla that
the next important uews received from
Manila will be that tho Filipinos have
m3de additional overtuies toward a
conclusion of hostilities.
The war department has been noti
fied of the arrival at San Francisco
from Manila of the transports Grant
and Sherman. The oflieinls are greatly
gratifi' d at the rapid run of the Sher
man. It made the trip of more than
7,000 miles in twentv-six days.
List of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post
office at Plattsmoalh. April 22, 1S09:
Beaver. W K P.irdsell. I'ete
Evans, George (.JraiJuell. Jacob
Gnauk, Anialie G!eck& Homes
Haiucs. Miss Kebccca Junes, J K
Kxadolfcr, Miss Marie rhiilips. 1)
Kakes, David Raymond, A t
Shotts, Mrs Onia Weber H U
Whiting. Mrs llarley " Whyte. W H
Walker. S G - AVulf'. Ollie
McNeely. John
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised."
C. H. Smith, Postmaster.
Jonathan Adams of K iglo is in tho
city the guest of the family of his bis
ter, Mrs O. C. Dovey and family.
Thomas Williams of Glendale was
one of the numerous prosperous fai
meis transacting business in town to
Jacob Lemon of Ashland whs in tho
city today transacting business. Mr.
Lemon contemplates a trip to Pennsyl
van ia in the near future.
The case of tho Hunk of F.aglo vs
M alone, a suit on a note, tried to a
jury in county court yesterday, wm
decided in favor of tho pluintlT.
Mrs. W. D. Messeieinith dep tried
this morning for Waterloo, whero she
will visit her father a few days. Mrs.
liustaid, her sister, accompanied her.
Mrs. J. F. Wellington of Jennings,
Li., will arrive in the city tomorrow
for an extended visit with her parents.
Mr. ami Mrs. F. Latham, in this city.
The Kbingir Hardware company
this week received three of tho lloyn
ton hot air furnaces which will bo put
in Piattstuouth residences during the
summer. .
Mrs. Ld Yanatta returned to her
home at Fldora, Colo., this afternoon.
.She was called hero on tho account of
the illness of her father, tho late
lien ry ( 'ooper.
In this issue of Tliio Nkws will bo
found tho announcement of Robert
Sherwood iv, Son, tho boot and shoo
dealers. A perusal of tho sumo will
bo of benefit to you.
Mrs. Frank Dickson is very ill at
her homo in Louisville Her father,
F. M. liichoy, and Dr. T. P. Living
ston went out this afternoon. It was
not learned what tho nature of illness
Mrs. Julius Pepperburg is just re
covering from an attack of diptheria.
The children were alllicted with the
m ilady and after they recovered and
the house had been fumigated Mrs.
Pepperberg took- sick.
Bridge Contractor Shceley and the
board of county commissioners re
turned from a bridge inspecting tour
of the county last evening. They
found things pretty wet Thursday and
also found tho mud quite deep yestor
tl sy. Thoy diove in from Alvo.
Judge Spurloek today issued a
license to wed to Delbert T. Tyson,
aged twenty-four, of Kimwood, and
Lottie Cnssell, aged twenty-one, of
Weeping Water. The contracting
parties arc well known and popular
young people in the part of the county
where they rcside,and a hostof friends
wish them a happy married life.
Coleman's orchestra returned from
K' d Oak this morning, whither they
had been to play for a swell society
dance given by the young ladies of
that city. The boys were complimented
on ail sides for their exceptionally
good playing, several of the ladies
saying that it was the best orchestra
ever seen in lied Oalc.
George Tourtelotshippod his house
hold goods to Joplin. Mo., yesterday
and with his family will reside in that
M. Moirrissey and family departed
yesterday for Lincoln, their future
home. Mr. Morrissey will engage in
the produc- business with his brother,
Joh n.
Hoy McElwaia arrived in the city
yesterday morning and will spend sev
eral days visiting his mother. He is
working in the head oHiee of the M
W. A. at Hock- Island, III.
W. D. Jones went to Omaha this
mo ning for the purpose of getting his
horso clippers repaired and will be
ready tomorrow lo remove tho hair of
any animal taken to his ham, in short
ord BP.
The adjourned session of district
court convened today to hear some
motions, etc An application for an
order to turn over the Tourtelot stock,
which is in possession of the sheriff.
was refused by Judge Ramsey. It was
understood that Gjorgo Williams, the
colored fellow charged with burglar-
iinc a merchandise ca in the Mis
souri 1'uciEc yards, would be arraigned,
but this had not been done at the time
of going to press.
A gentleman from Atlanta, G i., has
been buying mules in this vicinity for
the past weeK and has been paying
some pretty fancy prices for some of
them. He paid $325 for one span the
other day.
Dan Rice went to Omaha this morn
ing for the purpeso of consulting an
oculist. A cataract which is growing
on one of his eyes thieatens io destroy
the sight unless it is operated upon
All members of the Odd Fellow lodge
are requested to meet at their hall in
Fitzgerald block tonight, May 1, at
7:30 to m ;ke arrangements for the
funeral of Brother S II. Fisher. By
order of noble grand and secretary.
F. M. Richey returned from Louis
ville this morning, whero ho went
Saturday evening to see his daughter,
Mrs. Frank Dickson, who is quite ill.
lie reported that she was a little bet
ter this morning, but was still very
ill, her condition being regarded as
Mrs. George Churchill departed to
day for Bickleton, Wash., where she
will join her husband and other mem
bers of the family, who went out sev
eral weeks ago. They expect to re
sido there in the future. Several Cass
county families have settled at that
The News oflico is the fce?t equipped
job office in Cass county. First class
work done en short notice.
Klrcl rlrwl ChwrC Irom llm 1 1 ruirim
llmlly MiIUr m lloiotn.
l-'iiiiu Mi. inlay's 1 ). nly.
About 11 o'clock yesterday morning
lightning struck the hou.-o occupied
by R. D. Blunt and family, In Mercer
vilie, and tho escape of the members of
the family from death Is indeed mir
aculous. The electrical charge struck
near the chimney and sifter getting
under tho roof seemed to spread over
almost all of tho house. In one room
thirteen holes wore made in the ceil
ing, while another was punctured in
ten different places. All of tho mem
hers of the family were in the house at
the time except Mr. Blunt, who was in
an adjoining wood house, and none of
them wero stunned in tho least by the
shock, but thoy wero quite badly
frightened at lirst, as would naturally
be supposed. The damage to the
house is estimated at $100.
i i i'lir,,. .1 J
N. II. riHlifr'it tiiorritl.
Tho funoral of S. II. Fisher will bo
held tomorrow afternoon at ::() at tho
Presbyterian church, under tho aus
pices of the A. O. U. W. The Odd
Follows lodges of tho city will attend
in a body, Kev. F. A. Campbell of the
Methodist church, Kldor Duncan of
the Christian church and Rev. C N.
Dawson of the Methodist church of
Omaha conducting tho services.
Shadow social at Eight Mile Grove
church Saturday evening. May .'.
Everybody como and have a good time
mit Tr--H Are ;oiK.
Wo will make special low prices on
trees for next week. You will find us
at the nursery roady to wait on you.
Now is the time to plant your orchard.
RiVKUSIDH NuusKity Co.
C. F. Morton, Proprietor.
al, I
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska
rrank K. Guthiiiauu.rlaintitt
William O. Weston, et
IJeleudauts. J
To Win. (. Weston, Francis K. Iiixby,
Fletcher li. Weston, Abby Sprague, Sarah G.
HeitiiuRway, Lydia Ann Kelsey, Mary Uuck.
Finina Kuggles, J. Fage Weston. Wallace Wes
ton. Alniina Davis. Marlon Hall, ICdnerton
Baldwin, Abby Bailey, Thomas Baldwin. Albert
J. iiixby. Alma K. Bailey, Addie (orvis) Spauld
iiiR; the children of herris Barton, deceased.
Win. K. Barton and Mattie May Barton: the
children of loseph Baldwin, deceased, Kliner
Baldwin, Kluon Baldwin, Wallace Baldwin and
Agusta M. SpauklniK; and the children of Mary
Sheldon, deceased, namely Irwin b. Sheldon,
Mrs. Abby Shelters and Mrs. (Jora M. McKinny;
and the children of Jane Hall, deceased. Jennie
Hall and Mrs. Ida Frost; and the children of
Joseph Weston, deceased. Frank A. Weston and
Arthur Weston and Cynthia A. Orvis.
You are hurebv notified that upon the lfth dav
ol April, A. l) l:y, plaintiff tiled his petition
in the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska,
to quiet title as against vou and each of you,
and others, in and to all of that part of the
south half of the northwest quarter of section
eleven i 1 1 , township eleven 11, range thirteen
f 13), in Cass county, Nebraska, lying west of the
right of way of the Omaha & Southern Railway
company, and to exclude each of you from hav
ing or claiming any right, title or interest therein
by virtue of being legatees under the last will
and testament ol Addison I Weston, and to re
form an erroneous description in a contract of
sale from the said Addison P. Weston, defeased,
to Francis M . Young, dated April lth. A. I).,
1SH1. in which said land was described as the
west one-half of the north one-half of the north
west quarter of section eleven township
eleven I 1 1 1 range thirteen I t:f I, and to have said
description describe the land tirst above herein
set forth; and to remove from plaintiff's title the
cloud placed thereon by reason of the said er
roneous description.
ou are required to answer said petition on or
before June 5th, A. IJ., ls;m.
K. OU 1 H.M ANN. 1'laintitt.
Byron Clark, Attorney.
First publication April 21, I!'!).
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat
tel mortgage, dated on the 1st day of August,
lS'.is. and dulv tiled in the ottice of the county
clerk of Cass comity, Nebraska, on the Mh day
of August. 1S1IS, and executed by J. W. Baker
and Frank Faton to the Westinghouse company.
which said mortgage was given to sthenic the pay
ment of the sum of $7ihmh and upon which
there is now due the sum ol $T;i7.4"i, dt-lault hav
ing been made m the payment of said sum, and
no suit or other proceeding at law having been
instituted to recover said debt or any part therein,
therefore I will sell the property therein de
scribed, viz:
One Westinghouse engine, oue engine tender.
one bay horse, five years old: one bay horse, live
years old: one double harness, one O'Brien wa
gon, one black cow, one red cw. one yearling
heifer, one sorrel horse, one black mare, three
sets double harness, one main belt (dandy), one
water tank, at public auction on the larm of N.
Trook, about three miles northeast of the village
ol Union, in Cass county, Nebraska, on the lxth
day of May, ls'.'y, at the hour ol 9 o'clock a: m.
ot said day.
The Westinchocse Company, Mortgagee.
By Mockett & folk, its Attorneys,
riattsmouth, Neb., Feb 2.", 1K;I.
e ft
s n n n n
Notice to Creditors.
STAMCWy.SKA' -- In bounty Court.
In the matter of the estate of Bushrod Wash
ington Richardson, deceased.
Notice is herrby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of
said estate, before nie. County Judge of Cass
county, Nebraska, at the county court room in
Fiattsmouth in said county, on the 2ith day ol
May, A. D.. Is9y, and on the 30th day ol Oct.,
IMiil, at ! o'clock a. m., each day for the purpose
of presenting their claims lor examination, ad
justment and allowance. Six mouths are al
lowed for the creditors of said deceased to pre
sent their claims, from the 29th day of April,
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
at Fiattsmouth, Nebraska, this 4th day of April,
lttf.t. George M . Spurlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, . n ...
Cass county. fss- In County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Christian Metz
ger, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executrix of said es
tate before me. County Judge of Cass county,
Nebraska, at the county court room in Fiatts
mouth In said county, on the 29th day of May, A.
V.. lbyo, and on the 30th day of Oct.. 18iy, at 10
o'clock a. m., each day for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination, adjust
ment ana allowance, six months are allowed
for the creditors of said deceased to present their
claims, from the -nh day of April, lxi-y.
Witness my hand and seal ot said county
court at Fiattsmouth, Nebraska, this 4th day of
April, ls&9.
George M. Spurlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
License Notice.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that I will apply at the
next regular meeting of the board of county com
missioners, in and for Cass county. Nebraska,
for a license to sell vinous, malt and spirituous
liauors in the village of Cedar Creek. Cass
county, Nebraska, for the period of one year.
Dated this 14th day of April.
Notice is hereby given of the intention of the
mayor and council of the city of Fiattsmouth,
iNeDrasna, to taice up ana pay on Dy means tl
bondsearlne interest lower in rate and amount
per annum, the following indebtedness, to-wit:
Fiftv-three thousand dollars f."3.0U0) Hieh
school refunding bonds, voted to be issued July
14, if-. issuea unaer aate ol August l, lf"v, and
bearing interest at the rate Of six and one-haif
per cent per annum payable semi-annually:
Ten thousand dollars (JlO.OuOl intersection pav
ing bonds voted to be issued July 25. 1X7, issued
under date ot October 1. 1W7. and bearintr inter
est at the rate of six per cent per annum payable
Forty thousand dollars ($40,000) storm water
sewer bonds (general) voted to be issued April
10, l.s, issued under date of May 1, 1KH. and
bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per
cent per annum payable semi-annually, amount
ing in the aggregate to t HJJ.uhi. Anv tax Daver
of said city niav tile objections to such proposed
action in the ottice of the city clerk in said city
on .May 1 1, iyv.
This notice is eiven nursuant tti resolution
adopted by the mayor and council of said city on
trie -4tn day ol April, B. C. Kerr.
City Clerk.
Dated April 25. 18tt).
S. S. S. Is the Only
Remedy Equal to lliis
Obstinate Disease.
Tli'Tf nriMln.i-ti of pfiiicd ion roooinirifiitJfd for
S'Tnl iiIm, Mimt if t lulu tin ilimlit lfiii) iiMh tii
ft tl . !- 1 ti-iiitirnry rtlitf, lint S. ,S. S. in nli-oiliitcly
t!ic only riMii'tly wliirh ly cures it.
iSi-rtifiilit isnrie of tin lin.t nliH mute, ileep-Honttil
IiIoihI (I Mi'itHft, Mild M Ix-yiHI'l the renili of I hit
inn ny si i-cti I let I pu ri I ii-r-i n mi I in irn litvniMn khiiii'
thiliL' iiiii-i tliitn n mere timii! i- re l u i ret I . K. S. N.
is I' to any ImimmI tnmlile, mid never fail to enre StTt d u In, Imtiiiihii it
Rtx'8 down to the rvut of tlu disense, thus jieriimiient ly eliiuiiiiilin tnery
traeo of the taint.
The uorioiiH consequence to which S'Tofula surel v lends
should impress upon tlume aillicted with it the Mini im
portance of wasting no tiniu upon treatment hi-h can
not possibly effect a cure. 1 n ninny cases w here the vv roiiLC
treatment lias lieen relied upon, complioitetl il;inilular
swellings have resulted, for which the doctors in.-t that
a dangerous surgical operation is necessary.
Mr. II. li. Thompson, of 1 illedeville, (in., writ's : "A
bad case of Scrofula broke out on the inland of my neck,
w hich had to be lanced and caused me much MiJTer'inij. J
was treated for a lon w hile, but the physicians were un
able to cure me, and my condition was as bad as when I
began their treatment. .Many blood remedies were um-iI,
but without effect. Someone recommended S. S. tS., and
I began to improve ns Boon as I had taken a few bottles.
Continuing the remedy, 1 was soon cured permanently,
and have never had u uign of the. di.iease t return." ,Su jft's Kpeeilio
is the only remedy which can prompt !y reach and cure obstinate, decp-sented
blood d iseases. Jiy relying upon it , iiru'. not ex pcrimcnting with the various
no-called tonics, etc., all bufferers from biood troubles can be promptly cured,
instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but Mirely undermines
tho constitution. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails to
cure Scrofula, Kozemr., t 'a nnr, I; lieu mat ism, 'out ugious Hlood l'oi son , J '.oils,
Tetter, Pimples, Sores, T7 leers, etc. I nsist u pon S S S. ; not Ii ing can t like its placn.
Books on ulood and skin disease will be mailed live to any address by the
Swii't 'Spocilic Company, Atlanta, CJcon.'ia.
When it comes to selling strnilit p,mls at straight
prices, telling a straight story about them ami iloinf a
straight business all the way throulit, tliere is not a
store anywhere that has any the best of Joe Si Krank.
Treating people square is our hobby and doin business
on honor is our pride. We handle nothing but the best
foods, of the best make and at less money than you can
buy inferior jfoods elsewhere. Our Spring and Summer
Clothinjf for Men, Boys and Children is complete and
our Furnishing Goods, Hats, Cap-, etc., cannot be sur
passed for style and quality in any town or city.
Please jLfive us a call before you buy -it fives us
pleasure to show you throi.fh our stock. Kespectfully,
Waterman Block
And for everything under the sun.
Every home has need of paint.
Each kind of
S her win- Williams
' . Paints
is specially suited to Bome home use either outside or inside.
It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it on the right
place that makes painting a success. Tell us what you want to paint,
and we'll tell you the right kind to use.
Fer sale in Piattsmouth by
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.
M. L ManspeaKer &
Livery, Feed and
Sale Stable.
Finest Rigs in the City. Horses Boarded
by the Day or Week.
We are also dealers in all kinds of
We are here for the Business of
the County...
And will gc-t it, if Fair Dealing and Good Gocd-j will cut any fieuro with
our Farmer Friends. When you are in town, come and see us we will
gladly ehow you anything wo have in et.ock.
M. E. Manspeaker & Son,
Pearl St., between 6th and 7th, Piattsmouth