Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 28, 1899, Image 1

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Till'. NKUS. I .M,.i!!.il.i-il Nov. ft, Ic.U.
'MIC II I KA I -1 .,,!.,.,! April HI,
I onMolMiit. U .Ian. 1, IH'.t'i.
Ihrco Thousand Ileitis Under Gen
eral I. una Put to Plight.
rl In y i Iihik tm A in riot li 'l'l'oopK fin Mill
1 1 1 Onl. K. Iliil M hen I irril I iii
l in y li:i'K- Itni k I unh r Tlutii 'I lify
i am A iin-rloiii I.iimh Ih Oii lllll
Itl'll ,I4' V Illllll4'l
Manila, .' M il 27 1 : 1 - j . m. Gen
eral M :ic. n i 's ii vision ei osi-d the
ltii (ir;iiili today 11 nil advanced on
Ap.'iiii, com pU.:l el y muting tlio Mower
of I lm rcbi'l ;i rmy.
Tim i licitiy was very strongl y en
t ifiifliiil on tiio river I) ink near loth
hhI'-s of tli'i I'iiill'O'id bridge. ( leneral
W ln-:i I .on ut ( 'o! one I Funstori lu-rosri,
wiili hvi) ciiini;iiiit'H of tho T won tiolh
K iri.-;ii regiment, ;i ,'mple of privates
swimming the swift, .si ro;i i n w i t h a rope
until r a gal I i i.;,' Ii ni for the puri-ono of
i i i . ! i n r tin- raft,. The iiu n cro-sed in
sipinits of t wenl.V Itiiil attacked llu; loft
II mi- ol llm rebel-, wlio ciilllid like
i a Llii t i n to covered way s an d ti 'ouches.
The. it -I of t ho ruu i iiio n t was com
pelled to cross the bridge in single Iiio
along tlio ht ii n its. All tlio wood
work and mo t. of tho ironwork had
boon removed. The Firr-t Montana
regiment followod tho K'iiihiiiis across
tins bridge.
I'lrxt Nchi'iiskit'H I'strt.
Tho Firi-t Nebraska regiment, act
ing us a reserve, attacked the rebels
In three linos of trenches, driving
tlu.-iii out, killing sixteen and wound
ing many.
In tlio meantime a largo body of
Filipinos, estimated at no fcwri' than
:;,(liUi, loil by Gcacral Antonio Lima on
a black i'li:ircr, that was evidently
coinitii.' to roiiifoice tho rebels who
wore engaged with the Nebraskans,
appeared in the opon field about two
miles to the lefl.
Kmerging from the jungle the
eni-iny forno'd an open skirmish line
noary t 'a o miles in length with very
th'udv roS'M vos bohind. Then they ad
vancod at il u i 1 o (inoi until they -.voro
about 12, '!( yards from the American
lino, when (IVnoral hoaton ordered
his troops to ti re.
Ki ln Is Uim
The roll. -is, wiio wi-ro evidently un
aware th '.t I bo Amoric ins had iwdsslhI
the river, broke and ran in tho direc
tion of and Apa'.it. Most of
ttio rebels Med to A p:i 1 it. station , where
two trains wore awaiting tie m. They
loft iiurrioilly. pro-mmabfy f r San
Fi '. The towns of San Yinoonte
aiid Aoaiit were si mill '.:neous!y btirr.od
ami e aou t. d by t be native-
Twenty prisoner. were eapt ured, in
! ud i njr a Si i n ia rd .
Tho Amer'u n troops .".is ) ea pt u rod
a brass ean eon and a quantity of arms
ami s ni in ii ni t ion and the same even i ny
they captured a Maxim trim on the
rai 1 1 oad.
The liehtiiur lasted from noon until
4 oV! eels.
The American loss is owe ni in of the
Montana roeiment killed and three
o Ulcers and six men wounded.
The in the early part, of the
afternoon was terrific, but a drench
ill t h under-storni which came later
jrreatly refrosliett the Americans.
I i r I ii I I oiiiui.iKilir Jtlxjorrt Immiiih
lllllT lll A. It . ltl4lK. j
'I' I m.. ,i . i
i. .Mtijui n, iii'imi uiii'iu eom-
mandor of the (J. A. IJ.,has issued
the follcwiiio; order to Nebraska (i. A.
K posts, teliitin' to Memorial day:
In obedience to re;.' illations iimi in
lesjionso to the call of a lo injr duty,
tho comrades in this department will,
on Memorial day. May .'!(, deeio a'e the
trfavos of our honori d dead, who iio at
rest in their vicinity, by strewing
Iliiwi.Tn ami piaciue; above them tho
llajr that they followid in defense of
tie) principb-s of their e-o ve rn men t.
Especial attention is aim called to
the observance of May lis, known its
rui; i inn ii)v (vivim:i)t
The Inclement Weather Prevents
a Large Attendance.
l'ro(;ruin Mii;lily Knjiv-il Ity TIiiihp Vli
llnl All.-nil 4 I . W. I.o.l !.- Muk
Ini; l'r p.irul Ions For n Tiiiik
Ht TtM'tr l.'.li.'!i t Itni S;itnrility I'.vi iiini;
-Illhi r I.txul New,
l-'ioin 'J li n i -.iJa y's llai'v.
Owintr to the muddy condition of the
streets the concert at the Presbyterian
church last eveniiifr, under tho
mana.'ement of Miss Miiyme Sullivan,
was not well attended, but those who
M morial Sunday,"' the exorcises of j were present were trreatly pleased, t ho
which bliould he conducted under tho
direction of the (irand Army t the
Itepublie, and the meuib.TS of which
should attend in a body.
I ust c.. m m ami', rs are r. i le-stou to
make a detail to oo-operato with the
setiools in lioliliii'r pumic scrv'ioes on
Friday afte.rn .ion p'-ec'.-d i n ir ''Mem
orial Day."
The auxi'.iarv organizations of the
(irand Aruiy if the Republic, al
schuol children, and patriotic fill
zens oenerail v, shou'd be invited to
participate with the posts on "Mem
orial Day."
IVst commanders should riquire
complete report of "Memorial Day'
observances, transmi! ted hy the )ost
cha plain to the department chaplain.
"Sonic wcitnlcr uliy we meet tmlay.
Ami why su sultly tread
Hot ides tlic Mower ptruwa graves Alas!
1 liev arc our honored dead.
I lie l)ii;:le's wild and warlike blast.
No muie lm jjinnd review
Shall call the sleeps fiiun their rest -
Our martyred "Hoys in I'.l'ie.-' :
In the laiiiruA-re of the immortal
Lincoln, when he dtood upon the bat
tlof:eld of Ceitysburo-, where nearly
:!"),( '01 1 loyal men were killed, wounded
and miswin. when he says, "It is f( r
us, the living, rather to be dedicated
hero t) the unfinished work which
they who fought hor.s have tints far so
nobly advanced. It is rather for us to
be here dedicated to the jrreat task re
inainiiivr before us, that from these
hono'-ed dead wo take ii.ereas; d devo
tion to that (uisn for which they frave
the last full measure of devotion; that
wo here hichly resolve that these
dead shall not have died in vain; that
this nation under (Jotl, shall have a
new birth of freedom, and that- fzov
oriiment of t'le people, by the people,
and f'r the p cipie sh-.Il not. perish
from t he ea r t h. '
.V.lj.itiiiil Hirry's Telerauis.
Telee rains were sent Thursday by
Adjutant General Harry asking that
the remains of Nebraska soldiers
killed in battle be sent to the United
Slates on the same transport bringing
the body of Colonel Stotsenbertr, and
asking whether the Third Nebraska
would return to the state ia a body
and whether the coir panics w ill retain
their orgati'.it ois until they reach
th.dr home stations. The latter query
was sent because cii ioiis of the state
are preparing to ejvo receptions to
tlio saUliers in their return. The tele
grams are ;is follows:
Lincoln, Neb., April id, lsiiiU Hon.
llus.-el A. A'gor, Secretary of War,
Washingto;-, I . C. : I am directed by
tlio governor of fCebr.isUa to request
the leiurn ol the remains of all ollicerr
and ciui-t.d men ol First Nebraska
killed in battle at d du d of wounds re
ceived i;i battle in the Philippine is
TTiiids to their respective homes en the
same transport I. earing remains of
Colonel Stetson t-erg to the United
States. r. II. I!KKY,
Adj Jtant General.
Lincoln, Neb.. April C. Colonel
Victor Vit'quain, Third Nebraska Vol
unteers, Augusta, (ia. : Citizens of
state are organizing to give regiment
a reception en return. Before calling
meet in ir of delegates from towns where
companies were organized to arrange
for reception at homo of companies,
the governor directs me to ascertain
wh- 'her regiment will return to state
in bodies and if companies will retain
organization until their arrival at
home station. F- H. IjAP.KV,
course which an earthquake
runs is usually very rapid. The rum
I.iir.g earthquake travels at the rate
of about 1''.000 to 11.009 feet per sec
ond, and the earth wave, on an aver
age, about 1.200 feet in the same space
of time. This is nothing, however, to
tiie speed with which the rumor of a
divorce scandal will spread.
A I'siier-TxnC'i'Sr Machine.
A -s machine has been
invf-r.ted 1 y a ifiC artisan. The
roll of per is i-. 1 to a rod at the
bottom of the wr. !. a paste receptacle
is attached, and the pnper is aatomat
kally pasted and n?atly spread on the
wall by an elastic roller.
Nivr Takes :i Tni. I n t (cms
reel to Hit New Home.
"As the prairie, girl has grown up
,v i lb her t : a i n i n e along prae! ic 1 1 lines,
so shi t'sksoniy of her lover that he
sba i lie manly and true," writes
('h irli's Moi'eau l u-ger, of "A Girl's
Life on th I airie," in the May
Ladies' Home Journal. 'Thousnids
of hit' s of land do not make a fortune,
and social degrees are p act ioally un
known. The wedding i-. nearly al ways
at the bride's home. Not once in
threescore times is it at the church.
Tne near relatives and a few dear
friends are ttio guests Toe bride's
white wedding gown is simply made.
Hunches of goldenrr-d or roses deck
the little at-' or or -itting-: oom. and
from the organ emus the wedding
march. Seldom does a groomsman or
a bride's attend tnt take part in the
ceremony, and moro r-eldoin is there a
recrplioii afterwiird. Fortunate in
deed are the bride t.nd groom if they
cm esca pe a vocif' t'OUs serenade, for
the charivari and the bombardment of
rice and old shoes are well-established
cirtems on the plains. The papers
usually ad 1 to the st -y i f the mar
riage: "After the we:d;ng supper and
congratulations the happy couple
drove to their own heme, which had
atieadv Ivcn fitted up for their cc-
c a pa ncy . ' '
entire program being an artistic suc
cess. Miss Walker possesses a beauti
ful touch and interprets her music
with grace and skill. Mr. Higgins is
rather a phetioiniual violinist, render
ing the most uillicult passages with
tin greatest ene. He has shown much
originality in his compositions for so
young a man. We may expect to hear
great things for him in the future.
His sister, Miss Daisy, proved a lino
HCcompaniHt. Miss lowm:n has a
lovely contralto voice, her sympathetic
rendering of "The Voice of a Heart"
being ext"omely fine.
Miss Sullivan never sang better, and
will always retain her placo as tir.-t
favorite in the hearts i f I'lattsmouth
music-lovers. The whole program was
well given, and it is hoped tho partici
pants will visit the city ngain.
M ill llt ilicate I lie Hail.
I'lattsmouth lodge No. S, A. O. U.
W., is making great preparations for
dedicatit.g its lino new building on
Saturday evening next, May The
exorcises will be conducted by Grand
Master Workman M. L. Sehutz of
Reatrice, assisted by I'a-t (irand Mas
ter Workman F. L Wtiito and other
grand lodge ofheers. Prominent
members of the order from different
parts o:" the state will attend; among
the latter will be Congressman-elect
E. J. iiurkett, who will deliver an ad
dress. Other speakers aro the Hon.
Matthew Goring, Hon. II. 1J. Wind
ham, Judge A. N. Sullivan and D. O.
Dwyer. Tho dedicatory services will
be according to the ritual of the fra
ternity, and music will be furnished
by the Mandolin clul'i. Tho ladies of
the Degree, of Honor will furnish tho
supper, tickets lor wnieii will ui
cents. They extend a crdial invita
tion to sister lodges and to friends of
the order.
Try Allen's root-Case,
A powder to be shaken Into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen,
nervous and hot, and get tired easily.
If you have smarting feet or tight
shoes, try Allen's Foot-Huso. It cools
the foot and makes walking easy.
Cures swollen and sweating feet, blis
ters and callous spots. Relieves corns
and bunions of all pain and gives rest
and comfort. Try it lotlay. Sold by ull
druggists and shoe stores for U.jc.
Trial package free. Address, Allen S.
Olm.-tead, LoRoy,N. Y.
Tennyson's Humility.
The poet Tennyson was gifted with
the mace of humility. His letters dis
close his dissatisfaction with himself
ami liis achievements. He pitched his
ideals high, and he knew none more
clearly, when he failed to grasp what
he had reached after. An anecdote
contributed by the duke of Argyll and
quoted by Miss Cary in her volume,
"Tennyson," exhibits the poet's humil
ity. "The first words I heard him ut
ter," says the duke, "remain indelibly
impressed upon my memory. On be
ing introduced to him at an evening
party in the house of Lord John Rus
sell, I said, perhaps with some emo
tion: T am so glad to know you!' Not
in the tone of voice of a mere conven
tional reply, but in the accents of sin
cere humility, he answered: 'You
won't find much in me after all.' "
.mmmmmmmmmmn m .wmmmmmwmmmwnK
& SOM 1
The Wuy to go to California
is in a tourist sleeping car personally
conducted via the Burlington Route.
You don't change cars. You mako
fast time. You see the finest scenery
on tho globe.
Your car is not so expensively fin
ished nor so line to look at as a palace
sleeper but it is just as clean, just as
comfortable, just as good to rido in,
The Burlington excursions leave
every Thursday reaching San Fran
cisco Sunday and Los Aneroles Mon
day. Forter with each car. Excur
sion manager with each party. For
folder giving full information call at
nearest B. cv M. R. R. depot or write
J. Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
ZJn clor&lzirts
Special All Silk Skirts, $4.98. We have Satinette Skirts
from $1.00 up. Mercerised Silk, the best imitation of Silk
ever shown. Call and see them. We are agents for
Plattsmouth for the Empress Skirt, the best fitting gar
ment made.
H Hosiery
Just received a 25doz
lot of boys' liic3'cle
roo(l as most of the
25c ones.
Best lot of Children's hose 10c and
Ladies' fast black hose, 10c, 12.'c
and 15c.
f A 1 11 rrll '1 1n C Glood Giyhams, 5c
Vjrlllllcllllb Good dress styles,
7.c. A better kind, 10c regular 15c
Beware ol Ointments for Catarrh that
coniain Mercury,
as niercurv will surely destroy the sense of smell
and completely derange the ufn.le svstuin when
enti iiun it through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except on prescrip
tions Ironi reputable physicians, as the damage
.they will do is tentohl to theprood you can possiby
i!ene Ironi them. Halls C.atmrli Cure, lnanu
tr.ctiued by f. J . I'heney t I'd., Toledo. O., con
tains no niercurv. and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces oi
the system. In buying Had s Catarrh C'ure be
sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally.
wnd made in J oledo, Ulno, by v. J. Cheney ..V Co.
Testimonials hee.
Sold by all druggists, price "ic. per bottle.
Hall's Family fills are the best.
Maine Vl.-tluC Kin 7.
Andrew Oles ,., the chief diver en
gaged on the v :ck of the Maine, re
covered a plaio. grold f:ng from one of
the unrecognized victims. Tne rin;;
bears the inscription, "September 21,
1SU7, C. E. P. to ." The initials of
the recipient are withheld to prevent
fraudulent identification.
War of the Century.
Turkey has been engaged in war 2J
years of the present century consider
ably more than one-third of the time
Spain comes next, with 31 years; Rus
sia, 24; Italy. 23; England, 21; Austria,
17; Holland. 11; Germany. 13; Swe
den. 10; Portugal, 10, and Denmark, 9.
Three for $1.
Laundered Percale Shirts-
-Elson, the.
ATClt I.MI (U.'MIK M(l 11 IS.
Tae i;re.:t tivub'.e is, tools aie en
couf iird hy everb idy.
An Atchison man is henpecked by
his uautrhter, as well as his wife.
Some people cany folly so far that
they are willinsr to fool themselves.
Every man has some old tiling to
sell, and grumbles because he can"t
et anything for it.
A bar keeper is like a dinin-r room
girl; everyone who conies in feels at
liberty to be '"funny."
If a woman doesn't worry ab ut her
hu-baud, she can't convince other wo
men that she cares for him.
As a rule mothers know how to cook
the French sounding receipts in cook
boois and their daughters know how
to them.
The children who attend a certain
church in Atchison say that the
pre tcher prays so long that they can
count thrc.- street cirs go by.
A fried cLTg I'.'o- more rapidly in
looks than anything else we know of.
An eggs fried in the morning looks a
thousand years old by night.
We never could see what fun there
is in surprise parties. Where doea
tho joke come in in finding the host in
his stocking feet and tho hostess with
no cakes baked V
When 30U want to smoke a 10-cent
cigar try Otto WuilV'Silver Wreath"
union raado you can find no better
on the market.
Forest Reservation.
The thirty forest reservations of the
United States embrace an area of
40,000,000 acres in t teen states and
territories. Seven are in the state of
California, the largest of which, the
Sierra forest reserve, includes 4,000.000
acres. Within the past thirty-five
years it is estimated that 11.000,000,000
feet, board measure, of timber on pub
lic land have been destroyed by forest
Yaltiut'lo MetHl.
Aluminium is now worked on a large
scale for all sorts of industrial pur
poses, and has taken its place as one
of fhe five or six commercial metals of
the world. -i'lit for weight, it is
a!rea- cheaper than copper and tin;
it doc"-not tare.b.h, is suitable for all
kinds of cuoKina niensils. is largely
used in shipbuilding is a most val
uable adjunct to m . i illui gy. inasmuch
as a small addition of aluminium to
a mold of steel or brass insures abso
lutely solid castings.
11 VO TA1
V V 1
If you have urinarj' trouble or pain
in the back, indicating kidrey disor
ders, if there bo a general loss of en
ergy, we I'sk you in all fairness to use
Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. Thousands
bear evidence to tho fact that it cures
For sale by A. XV. Atwood.
liojrfkin Clothes.
In northern China many of the na
tives are dressed in dogskin. There
are many establishments where dogs
of a peculiar breed are raised for their
skins. They are killed when eight
months old.
Still Confident.
There is a woman in Indiana who
has been divorced three times from the
same man, but she is pretty well con
vinced that the next time she can re
form him. Somerville Journal.
"Lattie colds" neglected costs thous
ands of deaths yearly. People who
have used Dr. Sawyer's Wild Cherry
ard Tar, recommend it even for con
sumption. For sale by A. W. Atwood.
Kany Way to t'lemi a Chimney.
An easy way to clean a chimney of
soot has been discovered by a Maine
man. Instead of going to the top of
the chimney and probing with rods, he
begins at the bottom. There an open
ing is made, and he fires upward a re
volver charged with a blank cartridge.
The concussion, it is said, will clean
out the soot. He also claims that the
burning oi a piece of zinc in a stove
will clear the stove and its funnel of
For coughs and colds there is no
medicine so effective as Ballard's
Uorohound Syrup. It is the ideal
remedy. Price, 2.) cents. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Iniub Suddenly Recover.
Several cases have lately been re
corded in which the dumb have been
restored to speech by some sudden and
violent shock. A Mrs. Patten, at Col
chester. England, found voice sudden
ly a short time ago after a silence of
twenty-three years, the shock being
caused by the illness of her daughter.
Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds,
croup and whooping-cough readily
yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Use
this remedy in time and save a doctor's
bill or the undertaker's. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Heating: by Animal Ileat.
In considering the problem of heat
ing the large department stores, which
are now to be found in nearly every
big city, it is very well worth taking
into account the animal heat distrib
uted by the many customers who come
into such establishments. That this
is considerable, remarks Cassier's Mag
azine, is evidenced by the experience
of at least one engineer, who, in one
such case, found that after 9:30 a. m.
on a day in midwinter, with the ther
mometer at the freezing point, no
other heat was needed to keep the
place warm.
AArp losinjj" out otir en-
C 1 1 t5re line of thcse
grxxls at lest than cost. All tlepart
merits complete.
ST: ffjrPt Wesellthe "Flexibonc"
vWl vjLlO Corset ; also agents for
the "GajreDown" Corsets all kinds.
OHIRT WAISTS, Laces and Em
O broideries.
pURTAIN GOODS in Swiss from
10c up.
C'irnPf C time for Spring
(II UL l3 house cleaning comes
around, you may need a new Carpet.
It will pa' 3'ott to look over our line,
which comprises the cheapest cotton
to the most expensive All-Wool riods.
Our line is varied and extensive no
need to jn to Omaha for Carpels or
All-wool Injrrains, 50c and (5c.
Velvet Carpets $1, made and put
Moquetts from OSc, made and put
New Jute Carpets (look like in
grain), fast colors, 3c
Mattings, 10c and up.
1 1 (TQ Hrussells Kit:
IVUL' S Velvet Ru-s,
SI. 25
i nuuv niiivj;i -we nave a
new slock
new stock ol Window rmaues.
See our Special window shade 35c.
- 8')c per yard.
4oc, 50c, 75c and
Ornin-O Kringa Kelief
to the coffee drinker. Coffee drinking
is a habit that is universally indulged
in and almost as universally injur
ious. Have you tried Grain-O? It is
almost like coffee but the effects are
just the opposite. Coffee upsets the
stomach, ruins the digestion, effects
the heart and disturbs the whole ner
vous system. Grain-O tones up the
stomach, aids digestion and strength
ens the nerves. 15 and 25c. per pack
age. I'ostnaaiter Since 1853.
Kahoka (Mo.) Cor. St. Louis Globe
Democrat: On last Monday the sud
den death of William Folker occurred
at his home in Acasto, Clark county,
Mo. Though a very quiet gentleman,
an interesting bit of history is con
nected with Mr. Folker's life. His
family located at the old town of
Acasto in the Indian days of Northeast
Missouri. When Franklin Pierce be
came president in 1852, he appointed
William Folker postmaster at Acasto.
from wnich place he was never re
moved except by death. For many
years he had the distinction of being
the longest continued postmaster in
the state, if not in the United States.
O 4 &
TJ Zh i V
oi n 23 to
m z
F . tfl W4
1 r V,
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, 50 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F, G.Fricke &, Co.
J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor
of the Democrat, Lancaster, X. II.,
says: "I would not be without One
Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when
troubled with a cough or cold. It is
the best remedy for croup I ever used. "
F. G. Fricke Co.
A Xot1 Newspaper.
A newspaper in Madrid is seeking
popularity by printing its columns on
linen, and with an ink which easily
washes out, so that the reader, after
perusing the journal, may apply soap
and water and convert it into a handkerchief.
An Open Onestion.
Arklight I see that you have shu
off all the gas in your house and are
using nothing but candles. What is
that for? Darklight Merely out of
curiosity. I want to see if it will mak
any difference in my gas bills.
Many people suffer untold tortures
from piles, because of the popular im
pression that they can not bo cured
Tabter's Buckeye Pile Ointment will
cure thera. It has met with absolute
success. Price f0 cts. in bottles, tubes
75c F. G. Fricke & Co.
Misspelled word contest $100 given
away. A. W. Atwood, the druggist.
Or Words to That Effect.
The text was: "I am the bread of
life." "Did my little girl know the
golden text at Sabbath school today?"
asked the uptown mother. "Yeth
ma'am," replied the little one; "I said
it with the other little girls and boys."
"And what was it?" "I am the loaf
of bread," answered the child solemnly.
By allowing the accumulation in the
bowels to remain, the entire system is
poisoned. DeVitt,s Little Eorly risers
regulates the bowels. Try them and
vou w ill alwavs use them. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Itoflton Mayor's Suggestion.
Mayor Quincy of Boston has sug
gested that the city should build a
municipal crematory in whfch to in
cinerate the bodies of paupers, crim
inals and others whose burial devolves
upon the city. The Idea is to do away
altogether with the Potter's field. It
is asserted that the city could cremate
bodies at a cost of only $1 each, while
it costs $3 to dig a grave. The present
Potter's field will be filled before the
expiration of the present year. The
burials now amount to about 500 a
year, and increase in number yearly.
Don't think you can cure that slight
attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or that
it will cure itself. Kodol Ds'gpepsia
Cure will cure it; it "digests what you
eat" and restores the digestive organs
to health. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Keep Warm.
Don't Buy Base Burners at
any prices when you can get a
Furnace in your house complete
350 UP
and Guaranteed by
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
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