! t JUST AS OF OLD We arc sclliny the host footwear on earth for the least profit. We said THK BICST. J Joseph Jctxcr9 t North Side Main Street. 6 HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor IZuilclcr. Contracts taken for the erection ot Residences Barns aud any kind of carpenter work, in any part of the county. Call on or address.... HARVEY HOLLOWAY. I'lHttnuiuuth. N l FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete In all linen and we Inrlte our friends to look It over We will ndearor to please you. Call and see us. STREIGHT 0 STREIGHT, (Successors to littry Roeok. 1 PLATTSMOUTH 11 ED. FlTZGKltALI) Has new stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever t take care of fl General Liveru Business Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and court eous treatment assured. HTAttLES SIXTH AM) VIM! STS., riattsntoiillu lraska. TIME TABLE PLATTS MOUTH. NEB. Lincoln Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco All points west. Chlcajro St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points East anci South. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No 1. No . Nova). Denver exuress Cbicaeo e.x press Local express, uaiiy, St Joe. Kansas. St Louis, all points south Local exp, dally, Burlington 2: IS a:n 7:12 mi' 10:05 an: 10::0 am 11:22 pm 2:40 pin No 4. Cnicauo, all points east Sundays take No. 20 (10 a in) NoVi Looal exp. daily except Sun day. Pacific Junction No 30. Frelubt, daily except Sunday Pacitlc Juuctlon No 26 Vestlbuled exp, dally. Bur lington, Chicago; and all points east. Through train for St. Louis and bt.boe No 12. Local exp, aaily. St Joe.Kan sat City, St Louis. Chicago all points east and south.. No 19. Local exp, daily, Omaha. Lin coln, Denver and Interme diate stations No 27. Local exp, daily. Omaha No 29. Local freight, daily, ex Sun day, Cedar Creek, Louis ville, South lioncl No ?. Fast mall, dally, Omaha and Lincoln No 3. Vestlbuled exp, daily, Den ver and all points in Colo rado, Utah and California, Grand Island, Black Hills. Montana and 1'aciUo N. W No 13. Looal exp, tiallyexcept Sun day. Louisville. Ashland. Wahoo, Schuyler No 11. Local exp, daily except Sun day, Omaha and Lincoln.. o:Ji pni 8:25 pin 7:39 l.m 10 Si am 7:41 am 2:17 prn 3:2k pin 3 50 pro 5 00 pin Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps and tlckots oall or write to W. L. PICKETT. Agent, Plattsmouth. Neb. J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. Act.. Omaha, Neb. M. 1. T1MK CARD. TRAINS GOING NOKTH, NO. 1 NO. 9 No. 121, looal freight TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 2 No. 122, local freight No. 10 .4:15 a. m .11.51 a.iu ...4.04 p.ui .10:4:1 p in . 7:35 a m 4:04 u in Arrival and Departure of Mail . ARRIVAL. 7:00 a. ni. Omaha and North. South on M. P. 7:34 " West, East and Somh on Burlington, 7:40 " Omaha. West on U. P. 19:26 " Lincoln aud local to Omaha. 10:45 " Schuyler, East on X. W. 11.55 St. Lous. South on M. P. 2:20 p. m East on B. & M., North on St. Paui & S. C. 4 $4 Omaha, East on C. M. St. Paul and K. I., also W est on K. I. 5:00 ' Omaha, West and South on B. & M. DEPARTURE. '10 a. m Omaha. West on R. I. acd Burlington. " South on Burlington. 10:05 " East on Burlington. 1I-30 " Omaha. North on M. P.. West on Elkhorn, North on St. P. M. & O. 200 p. m Omaha, West on B. &. M. and U. P.. North on St. P. & S. C. East on K. I..N. W . and C. M. &. St. P.. South on Wabash. 1:30 " South on M. P. . 4) West on Burlington, South on sub branch M. P. Schuyler. 4 M Omaha. East on Burlington, West on K I - -South on M. P.. West M. P. to Lin coin. North on M. P. via Louisville. Omaha, East and South on Bur lingten. West on Burlington west of Hastings. k T '4 9 A 9 f I 4 A I.KADKK. j The Semi-Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ... 11 Y THK ... NKWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, I. K. MARSHALL. Business Manager. DAILY KDITION. One Year, in advance, - . . . Six Mouths One Week Single Copies, SKMI -WKLKI.Y K.1MIION. One Year, in ailvaiwe, . . . Six Months, 5 00 2 60 10 1 1 00 r.o LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. 'NmH" I l Iioii- Ncl.raska I I -iiiiint li . 85 I-MtlDA V, APIil L 7, lSD'.i. TllK I Hi nois !ci'i-l n in e will appro priate $I,000,0(;0 for a new Lincoln mrin u men t. I " !!: Lion's condition is jrradually srrovini; worse and it i thought the end is not f;ir distant Till', latest from Missouri is to the effect that a huge nuiuher of towns went democratic on Tuesday. l"i:M jiresent indications Norris Brown will capture the ropubrcan nomin ti n for c nirre-suuin frni the Sixth d strict. Tin; surl ut ban town ( f Austin was annexed to Chicago at yesterday's electien, adding 11,.0I to the popula- of the windy city. Tills weather in y be very had on fall wheat, hut it is not doing any damage to soring wheat. .It is doing nicely in the bins. One consolation we have and that is the demt crats were obliged to trot out the best timber they had in order to earrj' the election. Tiik first thing the new city council should do is to secure a lartre reck pile with which to entertain the tramps thi3 spring and summer. rl II K inc! ease in wages of the east ern manufacturing establishment?, if it is not ! topped, will . have a disas trous effect upon the popoci atic cam paign in l'.)l(. Ml IK Kearney Hub, one of Tun Xkws' most valued exchanges, is out with a new dress of both r.esvs and "ad" type and as a result is very ranch improved in appearance. Will Hall Took, whoe writings on the Kearney Enterprise ten years ago will be remembered by newspaper readers,rccently died in Boston, where he was doing newspaper work. Govkunou Roosevelt has proved himself a friend to the laboring class by appointing as inspector and deputy inspector of factories two practical men who are representing labor or ganizations. ALLEN' J. Heusox and 'Van It But tery have gained a u i-titution that will make them f.im ms a? long as they live. They were elected to l ho others of city attorney and alderman, respec tively, at the spring elect ion of A. 1). lS'.ti). A JL'STIO: in I'ngland d cidod ad versely in a ense where a bloomer-attired bicylist. brought tuit because of the refusal of a landlady to permit her to take her meals at the table with the regular b arders In this rieci-ion the bloomer su-tNin- d a severe rent. TllE citizens of Bronson, K n.. were so busy that they di-.l rot take time to hold eonventiors and as a result will hold no spring eltction. Unless the present officials hold over the town will be without government for a ye Mr. But then there are a large number of Kansas towns without government. The manner in which Altgeld was turned down in the mayoralty contest in Chicago is very conclusive evidence that the free silver f ilacy and the Chi cago platform don't go in Chicago. Harrison was elected, his total vote being 146,914. Carter, the republican nominee was a close second wilti 107, 304. Aitgeld's vote was 45,401. Says an exchange: The American government proposes to treat the Fili pinos kindly after Aguinaldo's little revolt has been put to sleep, and when quiet is restored to grant amnesty to all who recognize the authority and supremacy of our government. F.nally the Filipinos will find, what they have been slow to learn, that the Americans are humane and will have no use nor pretext for wholesale hangings. Officers who passed through the civil war are seeing their last years of active service. They are more nu merous in the army of today than might be supposed, and it is needless to speak of their efficiency, says the Globo-Demoei at. When the war with Spain begau the. regular army con tained 4-7 officers who performed military duty in 1SH1-1S05. This is a fifth of the whole number. Teu years ago two-thirds of the regular officers were veterans cf the civil war. Five years hence neatly all will have passed beyond tho retiring age. Those who in their youth served in tho great conflict of a generation ago. and fought against Spain thirty-Qve years later, have a military record of tho highest order. They have dono the state much serviso and earned tho gratitude of the people. I'ltOSI'F.IUTV rOK FAIlMKItS. In the campaign of IhUd the farmers woro (riven especial attention by the managers of the tilvur party. All who tilled the soil were assured that low prices were the direct result of the treatment of silver aid that values must Inevitably continue todropuntil the government consented to coin at the old ratio ull the silver that could b3 can ied to the mirts, says tho St. Louis OIobe-Democrat. This view of the case was backed up by an aval Hiiche of silver literature, to say noth ing of an carl hquak .! f silver gabble. Ii'arrners know now that the prices of their preduels advance without the slightest regard to silver, and that tiie j.opoerat purpose in IH!K was to overwhelm them with financial fal lacies and deception. In that year the value of domestic animals was certainly low aud demagogues charged the fact upon their great catchall, and alleged crime against silver. A chance is now pres-entcd to consider the subject freed from political absurdities. Tho annual report of the department of agriculture stites that tho value of horses in the United States has in creased $.'', 000, 000 within a year, an average increase of more than 10 per cent. This has taken place in spLto of tho talk of a coming horseless era. Cattle, other than milk cows, ir creased 10 per cent in value. Milk cows were worth $:ji),o00,000 more at the end of tho year than at, tho beginning. Sheep, which could hardly lie triven away under the la?-t democratic tariff, increased in value $14,000,000, and in number 1.4(i0,0('0. M ules also increased in valuo. The total increase in a year In the value of domestic animals is placed at $I08,3:V3,4S2. a gain of o 74 per cent. The party that promised prosperity, and was taken at its word, has abundantly fulfilled the pledge, but the me tsure of its good deeds and beneficial influences is still piline up. Pl'KsriNi; THE ENEMY. Although there is no official infor mation in regard to military opera tions in the Philippines the press dis patches report that General MacAr thur is pushing forward, his objective point not being stated, but presumably it is San Fernando, where Aguinaldo is supposed to ho with a considerable force, says the Omaha Bee. This place is said to be st -cngly situated for defense and somewhat dillicult of approach, while it is believed the Fili pinos have made all possible prepara tions to reist attack. There appears to be no doubt that Aguinaldo went to San Fernando from Malolos and it is probable he is stili there, but whether or not he intends to offer battle at that point only events can determine. The opinion obtains in military circles at Washington that his forces have been so crippled that no serious re?i-tance from them is to be apprehended and there is some reason for this view, though unless desertion has been on a very larce scale he should still have a considerable army. It is also rumored that Aguinaldo has been superseded in the contro' of wlTairs, but this is im probable, as such a course would be pretty sure to produce a demoralizing effect upon tho Filipinos generally. Unless tho popularity and influence of Aguinaldo have been greatly over estimated his retirement would prob ably speedily result in the collapse of the cause of which he is the foremost representative. Meanwhile the proclamation f the American commissioners is being widely distributed and is sa'd to be well received in gome quarters. Its general effect, however, cannot be ascertained for some lit tle time. There app ears to be no doubt that the situa tion has improved ve'-y much and the optimistic view of it sail to'he enter tained at Washington is not altogether unwarranted. The mortgage records of the dif ferent counties of the state do not compare with that of old Cass on farm property. She is on top. INFORMATION ANI OPINION. "Cool evening how do you like this V King! Hingl! Bina!!! And he was carried into the ne irest drug store where his wounds were dreisd and he is now resting as ea-y as could he expected. A woman out bicycling lost a jeweled scarf pin, which she much valued. She did Dot miss it till the end of her j ur ney and as she had ridden twenty miles the prospect of finding it seemed small. She, however, gave notice of her loss to the police. On her return journey, when about a mile from home, she punctured the tire of her machine, and on dismounting to discover the cause, found th.3 pin sticking in the tiro. When Mrs. Sherman, wife of the ex secretary, was strickon with paralysis last fall it was tho first time she had been attended by a physician in all the seventy-four j ears cf her life. The wili of Prof. O. C. Marsh, l ite of Yale, leaves his entire estate to that institution will: the exception of $10, 000, which goes t i the Nat'onal Acad emy at Washington. Yale also gets his hou-o and gardens, his great li brary, his scientific collections and his collection of more than 12.000 rare orchids. On tho house and gardens the university is required to pay at least $2,000 a year. I'rof. Marsh left no family. His only relatives are a sister in Batavin, X. Y., and a half brother in Chicago. Storm and surshine will divide the coming April days. The sky may shake down a few stray snowflakes from defeated a'nd retreating winter. But the dandelion will defy them: the birds, the st reams and flowers will blend in the overture ar.d the curtuln will rise un the inspiring performance of the vast vernal drama. I'hllndel phia Times. A VOC 1 I I 1 IIS. Miss Brown of Wyoming is visiting with Mrs. Sim Johnson. Mis Mick le of Council Bluffs is at Mrs. Miekle's, we?t of town, for a few days. Mis. Fisher is qu;to ill with an at tic'i it tho grip, which, at lo r ad vanced age, is a serious matter. Miss Sarah Fle-hman, who lives ' east of town, is also seriously sick, and j is not expected to live. She is sulTer J ing from consumption. There will hi a literary entertain ment given it the town hall April 14 by tho Aid society of the Congrega tioiril church, consisting of tibleaux, songs, etc. , Avoa's quota of teachers and visit ors attending- the recent county insti tute at Weeping Water report a most successful and instructive session of much benefit to tho p irtici pants. The village election pasted off' very quietly, there being no disturbance of any sort to mir tho wonted quiet of this peaceful hamlet. The issu ; license vs, anti-iicen-e, resulted in a victory for the license board, all he ng elected with tin exception of one. Miss F-ither Sheldon and brother, Lucian, have been spending their K i.-ter vacation at In nn. Miss I'jStner is at lending the tate uni versity, where she is studying muic and pursuing a course of study in the literary department, lvjcian is at tending tli 3 High school at Linoln. The Faster evercises at tho Con gregational church last Sunday even ing were especially tine, and were ap preciated by an audience limited by the sealing capacity of the church. Special mention is made of the vocal music rendered by the Mis-es Muizman and Aud ray Harmon, Kls i Oop. .lames Thomas a-id Harry Maiqu ;rdt. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All such. should know that Dr. King's New Life Fills, the wonderful stom ch and "liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only Uoc, at F. C, . Fri ke & Co's drug t?torc. 4 Viola Allfii's Literary Axpir.it ions Miss Viola Allen, the "tar" of Hall (Jai tie's dramatization of his popular novo'. "The Christian," has always aspired to be an author. She has said that there are two things which she would rather do than act: write a book, or be a trained nurse. She will now make her literary debut in an article which she has written for the Ladies' Home Journal, reciting and explaining fully "What the Life of an Actress Means.'' Glad Tidings to Asthma Sufferers. Foley's Honey and Tar gives quick and positive relief. It is the great rem edy for diseases cf the respiratory or gans like asthma, bronchitis and horse n ess. F. G. Fricke & C . I'lHttsiuouth Nursery. I quote very low prices on first-class stock. Apple trees, three year, 15 cents; $10 a hundred. Apple trees, two years, 12 cent.; $S a hundred. Plum trees, three year-, 80 cents; $20 a hundred. Cherry trees, three years, 30 cents; $','(: a hundred. Peach trees, three years. 15 cent?; 512 a hundred. Grape vines, 5 cents; $; a hundred. Rasp berries, 75 coins a hundred and black berries, 75 cents a hundred. J. E. Leesley, Prop. As the season of the year when pneumonia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubhs ate to be guarded against, nothing "is a fine substitute," will "answer the purpose "or is "just as gord" as One Minute cough cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial oubies. Insist vigorously upon having it if "something else" is offered you. F. G. Fricke & Co. Home (irotrn Fruit Treea Are the Beat. The Riverside Nursery Co. has a full and complete stock of all kinds of fruit trees, vines and plants which they have grown with care. Their many years of experience in the busi ness has enabled them to grow nur sery stock that will compare with any in the country. They have all the standard nnd choice varieties suitable for this climate, also new and valuable varieties. They do their own budding and grafting, and can guarantee their varieties to be true to name and strict ly first-class. Why not buy your trees here where you can get them fresh and grown in the same soil and cli m ite in which they are to be trans planted? It will save you time and money. They invite you to come and inspect their stock and be convinced of these f;:cts. Nursery two and ore half miles east and oDe half mile north of Union. Neb. Call or write in regard to varieties, prices, etc. C. F. Morton, Prop., Union, Neb. Lingering La Grippe Cough Cured. Mr. G. Yacher,157 Osgood St. .Chicago. My wife had a sew re case of La Grippe three years ago and it left her with a very bad cough. She tried a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and it gave immediate relief. A 50 cent bottle cured her cough entirely Now we are never without a bottle of this wonderful cough medicine in the house. 25 and 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co. One Thing Neotlfol. Smith I want to give my typewriter girl an appropriate Christmas present What. would you suggest? Brown Well, if she's like mine I think a pockel dictionary and 6peller would be the proper thins. NEARLY A LANDSLIDE. Republicans Only Elect Two Men On Hie Whole Ticket. Allen .1. lift-mi Ift-Hta .1. M. I. ! for I'll V Att.iniw Mitil FrMfik ICiltffcrv III Elected to I he I'liy Council frriuai the Srl'iinil Wttril IhiIm I leiiuicrut ! School Kouril Elected The munici pal election h dd in this city Tuesdy was what miht easily ho termed a victory for the democrats tho republijans only succeeding in saving two men out oT the wreck. Allen J. Bccson for city attorney and Frank Buttery for counei' man from the Second ward wen: elected by good, safe majo ilies. The contest on city attorney was the most spirited one of any of the offices, at.ii tne republicans are congratulating Iheins'.l ves on the victory. J. M. Ley da's friends were out early and every available siring which could be pulled lo further his chances was pulled for till it w.-.s worth. One thing wtiich wo ked against the success of tho republican ticket was tiie fuel that tho candidates only pei -milted their names to appear on the ticket after urgent requests of their friends and never turned a hand lo se cure an election. More especially was this true with the school board ticket. L I). Bennett and C. E. We.-cott e ch h i ve large bu-iness interests to look after and could hardly be induced to let their na mes go on the licUet, and Waller Thomas did not allow the camiaign to rob him of any sleep. As to the council the only candidate who made any effort at all toeaptuie tho iHko was Frank Buttery, and what he did to his opponent is very gratifying to his friends In the Fir.-t ward Ed Fitzgerald had the advan tage of a good, safe democrat ic ma jority if he got only tho party vote, ami the way the returns read he se cured that and then some. It was quietly hinted at the First ward polling- place that EJ used as a lever to pry himself into the emncil that is among tho young men his livery busines--, and that many of them will take some veiy cheap rides on moon light nights during the coming sum mer. However, tho livyerman de nies this. The result in the Third was a sur prise to both sides. It was expected that the voto on cou ci.man would be close, bui Brown's election was gen erally conoedicl, as he is a straightfor ward young mm and had never before come up for office. This result can only be accounted for by the lack of work on Mr. Brown's part and tho diligent work and popularity of Mr. Herold. To select a republic in candidate in the Fourth ward a candidate would have to be super-human, as the oldest inhabitant cannot recall when such a thing was done. The Fifth ward is safe democratic, and neither Hubert Troop nor M. M. Beal, the republican nominees in these wards, have any reason to feel badly over their de feat and they do not. One ticket carried the day in a walk-away and politics did not enter into it That was the proposition to refund the bonds, and everyone inter ested in the city's welfare are rejoic ing today because of its success. The vote in its favor w .s 700 and against it 127. Following is the tabulated vote of the different wards of the citv: C N'D I DATES 8 ! H- 5 2 E. T 9- : City Attorney ! I Beeson, r 1 lo 121, 14T t:)1 4h; .ye Leyd.i, d ll'-i 11:.' 87: 77; 1J City Marshal ! Murray, r 77 so. Ii:l s-' 29 :!!1 Slater, d Ss 154; II.".; s- 101. 580 Sen. ol Board I j Bennett, r.. !;! 125 If.l' 7:l! l.r 501 Wescott, r ss 1 1:; K'7! r,! 4 i 4:1:1 Thomas, r 7.' H lr. ;7, 41' 4-T Cox, d ' H7 1 ' I ' !Mi X7 ,VW Dodge, d '." 140; nr.! M, s:lj f.15 Butier. d '-'7 14:11111; s:. M! 5a I COCNCILMEN I j I-onenhagen, r 41 j 41 Fitzgerald, d I? !....!.. i:W Buttery, r 14; ....!.... ... . I : Rebal. d 11; , . . . j .... i . . . . ll Brown, r li, I.... H3 Herold. d . I ! -. 154 Troop, r i I 75; 75 Whelan. d i ... K( .... s:t Beal. r !....;... H4j -i I.utz.d . ....... SMi HI KkfiMjino Bonos- I Ves 151 -ii:n -M r.".i lot, 7!f No 15 4i lil'l .' is' Vil Notes Ot the llnttle. One of the judges of election in the Third wa d came very near starting a row by refuing to allow some ladies from other wards to vote in the Third. Jack Murray 3iys that there is plenty of carpenter work in town and he will manage to eat "three squires a day" without the office of c ty marshal. The succesi of the democratic.school board ticket is attributed to the popu larity of Messrs. Butler, Cox and Dodge among the Indies. They evi dently purchased a few sacks of candy Wil.iam Slater ran like a scared wolf. In fact, it is said he has not stopped yet, as he has not been seen about town today. If he makes as good a record in running the office a,s he did in securing it there will be no objection, although he is a democrat. For frost bites, burns, indolent eores, eczema, skin disei se, and especially piles, DeWiti's Witch Hazel salve stands first and best. Look out for dishonest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. I i's thei r endorse ment cf a good art:cle. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get De Witt's Witch Hazel Co. salve. F. G. Fricke & Rlchtty Viewed. This is, after all, the reasonable as It Is the modest way to view It: "Aren't you afraid that your daughter will come home from college knowing more than you do?" "Well, we shall consider our money thrown away if she doesn't." Exchange. AN OLD TRICK That Amaxeil Oroup of Men nI Mf Ama Other. New Orleans Times-Democrat: It was an old trick, but It. amazed a good sized group in the office of one of the uptown hotels a few evening ago. A guest from the north, who had been amusing some friends by simple feats of legerdemain, happeucd to notice a short cedur plank, evidently part of a packing case, lying against wall. It was about as thick as the lid of u cigar box und perhaps a foot long. Placing It on the marble counter, so that one end projected four or five Inches over the edge, he laid a news paper across the other extremity. "Now, then," he said, "suppose some of you athletic chaps try to knock the board off the counter by striking the end that is sticking out." To all ap pearances the top of a finger would have done the work, but several men struck the wood resoundlne blows with the clenched fist, but failed to budge it the fraction of an inch. It seemed pinned to the marble by Invis ible weights, and a buzz of astonish ment arose from the group. Finally a sturdy young fellow came down on it like a miniature pile-driver, and the cedar broke squarely In two, the line of the fracture corresponding with the edge of the desk. The other portion had not perceptibly moved, and the paper was still In place. "What's the trick about it, anyhow?" asked one of the spectators. "No trick at all," re plied the amateur pi estldigilateur. "It is simply the operation of a common law of mechanics. You can push off the hoard with the greatest of ease, but you can't knock it off. A good many of the best feats of Lulu Heart, the so-called 'Georgia Magnet.' were based on the same principle, and when she afterward exposed them in a book, the public refused to credit the expla nation. They still stuck to the theory of 'magnetic force,' which was more picturesque. Anybody can perform the board experiment. All that is needed is a box lid and a table." Farm loans in the amount ef $1,000 and up at 5 per cent, and without ex pense of abstract to borrower. J. M. Lyda, Plattsmouth, Neb. The Kyo of Snakea. One of the most curious facts with :egard to snakes is that their eyes are never closed. Sleeping or waking, alive or dead, they are always wide open. This is because there are no 'velids. The eye is protected only by t stio:g scale, which forms part of the epidermal envelope, r.nd is cast off in a piece with that eve.y time the icp ;i'e moults. This eye plate is as clear nnd transparent as - ?ss, and allows the most perfect visio:,. while, at the ame time, it is hard and tough, so as 'o perfectly protect the delicate organ from the thorns and twigs amoni? which, in flight from enemies or in .niMiit of prey, the- reptile so often iu.iitdiy glides, as any close observer :f the habits of the -rake can readily iscover. Many people suffer untold tortures from piles, because of the popular im pression" that they can not bo cured Tablet's Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure them. It has met with absolute success. Price 50 cts. in bottles, tubes 75e. F. G. Fricke & Co. Jew lialtern Punished. Max Regis, the former mayor of Al giers, notorious Jew-baiter and editor of the Anti-Juif, has been sentenced in default to three years 'imprisonment and to pay a fine of 1,000 francs for "press offences and glorifying murder and pillage at meetings in Algiers and Paris." M. Philippe, managing editor of the same paper, has been sentenced to eight years' imprisonment, to pay a fine of 100 francs, on the ;ame charge. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all diseases. Foley's Kid ney Cure is a guaranteed rem -dy, or money refunded. F. G. Fricke & Co. Spurning: 8100,000 a :tr. Says the London Christian Common wealth: Fred Charrington's temper ance badge costs him about 20,000 a year. At least this is about the income he would have received had he suc ceeded to his father's business, instead of going over to the temperance ranks. The work which he organized twenty four years ago in a tent meeting in Mile-end road, Bow, has grown stead ily, till now he has, In the great assem bly hall, "the largest mission hall in the woild." For a quick remedy and one that is perfectly safe for children ht u recommend One Minute cough cure. It is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling in the throat and coughs. F. G. Fricke & Co. School Supplies. All Kinds of School Supplies, suce as Maps, Globes, Charts, Dictionaries, Seats ami School Furniture Webster's I.a'est Revised Library Hie- c o tionary. sheep bound, patent index ..Jv Sam", in one-half sheep .... 00 Call on or address S. A. MORRISON, ALVO. NEB. I HAVE A FINE SIX)' K WHICH I WILL EX CHANGE FOB PRODUCE CALL AND SEE A. CLARK, GROCER. F. G. FRIGKE & GO. Keep constantly on hatid a fu 1 and complete stock of pure . . Drugs Medicines. Paints. OilcS. Special ultcntior; eiveti to ..Compounding Prescriptions.. AImi a full lino of liriiL'eist'rt Sundries and Pure Wines and Liiiuo'-s, for Med ici rial pnrpeses. South Sixth Street.. . I'luttsmoHlH W. H. RHOADES, j CONTRACTOR i""; j and ! BUILDER... Tw it-t N i) vcais' c x j . 1 1 -1 . ;i a t-'ai pi-nlei and lmid-r in Omaha ;m l tln-i i:H ie- ha prrp.n i d him t.. do all kind-; ! cnrpriitri umk in the nealent and most siibstanl ial manner. s.-.tislac-tion guaranteed. Oall on r ii'ldie--s at I'l .tts in. nit h. eh. Telephone 1-1 FRST NATIONAL BANK i)!' I' I, A T I "i i VI 1 1, XxKH. AID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Otfcis the very best facilities for the (nuinpt transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. T M ' K S. Imnds, Kd.. . aeu t und loca 1 securities now,:.. .. ..1. Deposlt.i rt cei ved :tr.d Interest . '. " on tho certli oa'.cs. Drafts rtrav.ii, :ivatlah!c In any part of the IJ. s'. iiu'i all the principle tov.'iiH of Kuropo. '..'.i! IdOLl. iris in tele and promptly remitted. Hlkriiest market price pull for county warrants, utate a a .! run ri t y bonds. DIKECTOH3: ii. N. ll'.vev, P. ! I.i v. K: woi Hi, S. V;u !". K. Whin-. '.. I". Oovey. ' e. i.i:. I ' : y, I'les.. S. Wanli, ,'asl.iei H. N. Il.ivev. Asst. Cashier. JAMES W SACK, TH 1 Leading Liveryman. i'l:e best ni ii;s JarriKI.ed at al. I.u ii nd his prices a. e a! ways leas. tial.ie '1 inmost convenient hoarding stabie b;r (ai mers in the citv. PLATTSMoUTII NEB ALWAYS US COCO. PURE! HEALTHFUL. I! iia Cure, Digests what you eat. It artificially diposts tho food and ald9 Nature in strengthen i rig and recon structing tho exhausted dipetive or gans. It is the latest discovered dipest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache.Gastralf,da.Cramps.and all other result s d i inperfeet digestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWitt A Co., Chicago. p. o. riucKi; & co. Wheeler & Wilson i?'. e t Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings mi in r Tiw.iwm i..nig Dyspeps ' 1 ( t f 1 h ! I.: 'if (J j . ' r -' p