Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 21, 1899, Image 2

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    March 20. IB99.
A. H.
& CO.
.e. .- - . . .
Always on the
W arc not content with
anything less than a con
stantly increasing trade in
fancy and staple (iroceries,
and so are constantly on the
lookout for novelties in table
delicacies, sell everything at
prices that clear our shelves
and lnnce et vou iresh
floods every week'-- some ol
'eni every day.
A full lino of fancy Lamps, China
Cups and Saucers of all descriptions
and at way down prices.
DciTi forget to stop and examine
our .-lei k before purchasing.
A. H.
Up-To-Date Grocers.
n:'(.'. J?iiildcr.
lontracts taken for the erection ol K essences
'arns and any kind of carpenter work, in anv
art of the county. Call on or address ... .
IARVEY HOLLOWAY, I'lHttsmoath, Neb
: $lk : and
" : BUILDER...
"wenty-tw o years' experience as a Carpenter and
; Juilder in Oniaha and other cities has prepared
him to do all kinds of carpenter work in the
rieatest and most substantial manner. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Call on or address at Pl.-tts-iaouth.
fli rf OS 4& & C- ft
We are selling the let
footwear on earth hr the
least iroiit.
AVe said
Joseph ietzer, &
North Side Main Street.
lienor CiiDMic!ii&Jno
nuuoc I unmomiiuci
Our stock Is complete in all lines and wt-
Invite our friends to look It over We will
oiiJeavor to please you. Call And see us.
.'Successors to Hetpy Boeck. )
Has new stock, new riga and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
fl Generaliiveru Business
Quick trip made to all parts of the
county. Low prices ana court
eous treatment assured.
I'lattsmonlb, NebraHha.
i The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
. . . i:y thk . . .
I. K. M A KM I A I.I. , ItiiMtiuKs ManiiKfi.
One Year, in advance, ....
Six Months
( )iit- Week,
Single Copies,
()ti- Year, ill advance, . . .
Six Month.-; .
$: do
2 f0
Of any "ass County Paper.
'J" I F.Sl'A V, MAKCIl -1 , l-''''.
' Sewn" 'lfl-lllll'H
1 1 1 in-
I n i: army beef court of inquiry has
lini.-hid its work ;it K u j ( 'i t y 'inil
Fort Lea von wort h :ir:d ri tin to d to
( 'li il'il'O.
Caktkk M. ll.iM;i-.o was t -sturdily
nominated to Mitn:i"! him oif a-
may or f f Co ieago, by the dotnocr it if
ci ty e 'ii v.-n t ion.
T 1 1 1-: battles 1 i i ()i.'on bus arrived
at Manila ar d is ifi iin l ( 1 1 i 1 1 r .
Now w.itrli for the r-eltu-iin ut of tin
I 'h i 1 1 ppi no (j ue-t ion.
1 1 A k.Mi . V d d not ( xi-.t
tonriry large "bur. lis" at
in i1ie cus-
Lhe il.'iiio-
c rat ic con ven t ion Sal u rday e
o.-pccialiy the Third ward !o!tgatii n.
WllKN all the lield and naval bat
teries are turned on the Filipinos,
which, evidently, will soon bo dene,
tre I 'hilippine question will be settled.
It has been very gratifying to N
brurkans to read the news from Maniiti
and find, for the pa?t week, no casual
ties in the First regiment.
It is announced that 10 van gel is t
Dwight L. Moody will hold a series of
revival meetings in Chicngo, begin
ning in a few days The query, tklf
Christ should visit Chicago," will, in
all probability, be given a delinite
answer before the departure of the
noted evangelist.
Tin; color lino was very effectually
eliminated in Chicago Saturday when
the Fight regiment of eo'o-ed volun
teers returned from Cuba. They were
given a reception, which was perfectly
right, such as would be an honor to
any white regiment. They did good
service, loosing tweuty men, largely
from fever.
Joskpii Mkpim,, editor of the Chi
cago Tribune, died at San Antoni,
Tex., List Friday morning, of heart
trouble, acred seventy-nine years. Mr.
Mcdill became the owner of the Tri
bune in 1S"4, and it was through his
personal and editorial that
the name of Abraham Lincoln was
brought before the people as a provi
dential possibility. He was also one
of the founders of the Cleveland
A;t"lN'.iao"s bid for the suriLiiucr
of the Spanish prisoners for the -tun
of i,(i:u,i!i,( will hardly be accepted
by so iin. For several reasons Spain
will stand out against it. She ha- not
the .7, ooo, oim) to spare. She knows
that this sum is a bluff, and that she
could get the prisoners or anything
else that Aguiualdo can control for a
very much smaller amount if the ac
tual money wa put up. She is, more
over, aware that A e ui i:a; ih "s d v s as
a political fietrboo;e" are nearly
enJd, arid that when, a few -vcelis or
nth- h"tc". he is a, pris r.
:s ri." n c;t ill o nd : i.
n! .-.;! i tere.i, ! is ;: tit!
i l' i vi: the Spaiii-h pris-Mi'
i st ih
i! u:o s
, i w ton
up to
11 .
l lit: TH K. A I l(
('.!! 'i ( . el! t Ui Si' I
i. n i
ct in
tic tre-ip.
nd the final
eauing ti'e wnr b. t.vcen the l"nitd
S' lie- ai.d Spain will take place in
Washington in the exchacg : vi ratiiiea
t'ons. Tftis formality will be effected,
as tiie dispatches announce, by Secre
tary of Siate Hay on behalf of the
t'uited St :tes and Amu insador Cam
ben of France acting for the Spanish
govern merit. There will consequently,
be no dela3- in carrying out the require
ment of the treaty in this respect and
it is to be presumed that very soon
after this is done our government will
pay to Spain th 820,000,000 agreed upon
for the cession of the Philippines and
appropriation by congress. Immediate
payment is not necessary under the
provision of the treaty, but the money
is on hand, Spain his use for it and it
is safe to say that this government will
decide to close the matter u; at once,
since nothing could be gained by post
poning payment.
The resumption of diplomatic rela
tions between the two counlries will
follow promptly the exchange of rati
fications, the report being tnat the
Spani-h government has already se
lected a minister to Washington. At
the same time commercial relations
will be resumed and full intercourse be
tween the two nations be re-established
perhaps naver again to be broken or
seriously disturbed.
Meanwhile as to Spiin herself it is
prob.ible that her troubles will not end
with the consummation of peace with
the United States. The political con
ditions in the monarchy are such as
prome grave domestic disturbances
and dilliculties in the near future. This
was clearly shown in the bitter fac
tional conllicts in the Cortes, the disso
lution of which lias been decreed, and
it is far from certain that lhi Parlia
ment which h is been convoked will bo
more favorab'.o to the preservation of
dumcHtic peaeo. Ilee.
Mm, Martha l'lucu of Now York,
who murdered hor etcp-duughtcr and
attempted to murder her husband, in-
llicting wounds which will make him
ii a ippld for life, will bo electrocuted
at Sin;,' Sing prii-on this week.
Man's life is fuli of croifnn and
temptut ions, remarks an exchange,
lie iii.i.i into this world without his
consent. !oHj out nguins! his will, ;.tid
his trip Ki-twor-n the extrometie is ox
eeeditigly rocKy. Wh'Mi r i- little
t fi big eirls Ui.- t i in. when h" is big
t!i litt'o trills kiss him. If he raises
a large family he is a ehutiip, but if he
raises a i-mati dice lie i a tiiiet anil
a fraud and i - shunned. I f he U poor
he is a poor manager, if he is rieh ho
is dislioiies' : if he i-i in polities, it. is
for nie: if he is out of politics you can
not tell where to place hi in and he is
no if nod to his country: if li i'ors an
act of charily it is for policy; if he
don't give to charity he's a stingy cuss
and live.- only for himself; if he dies
y ri j there waxtt gioat future bc-
f or. h i in, if he 1 i v es to a
mis-ed his eal iug.
old age. h
Of the ol.OMl adult i intn igra u t s ;u
mitt' (1 to the IT.ited States u uri nr the
j !a-t three months of Js;m, about 4 1 ,000
brought money with tliem, 1 t less
I than 11,((1(1 brought ) ir i.ver. Mo.-.t
(of t.hee jiiiicar to h-ve been in
! 'ie l"i'-ed St;itoo In f.n-c. At lead the
i numni-r included in the immigration
I for the three mon'hs who l ad been in
this country previously exceeded by
hundred the number who brought in
foil or more. Sprinoli -.Id iipuMican.
When the hour emeu for the Kan
sas legislature to close the other day
the executive council stationed detec
tives at every exit of the i bouse,
with instructions to see that no public
property was carried away. It has
boen the custom in the past, it teems,
for a VMst number of articles, ranging
from typewi iters down to inkstands, to
disappear at the end of eve y session.
The detectives found plenty to do and
dozens of would-bo thieves were f reed
to disgorge. The depredators were
chiefly legislative employes who
seemed to have put their own mean
ing on tho phrase "public property."
-John Churchill is still in the black
smith busine-s.
Mr. Maker was the first of th" sea
son to try fishing.
.Joseph Shei a received a ;are stock
of goods this week.
Mr. Loner and Mr. Miles have b-.-en
repairing boats this spring.
Keck Bluff affords a very interesting
literary on Friday evening of each
Mr. Lewis and Mr. Holmes are
manufacturing decoy ducks for river
The school has closed for a three
weeks' vacation before the spring
term begins.
John Smith is reported on the sick
list this week. Nothing very serious
it is hoped.
All the hoys aie improving their
tiniir on the sand bar watching the
geese fly over.
George Churchill is to com
plete tho sale of b's t v. n; y-aero farm
sou; h of town.
Geo-g Kester, whiie crossing the
river at Keno-ha a short time .go,met
with i ho niisfoi-l.u!e -f break ie.g
th roe gh the ic both horses went
under I eyoiid siht. jje was lending
them, and it wa- bv the as-i-tanee
of Joe and Frank B
the l-' i in at ab .
t b . t 1m s:i ved
1- a ppy
c t n ea l a
it. : I.
;s tiie m. -,n i'i" woman who
iood hearty meai without
a'le; ward. If ynti c:!nnol do
K.iio: llyspepsii cure It
;,;.t ;;. u e it. 'iiul cures till
dy-p -i'-Oi n 0 hidi est ion.
eke & Co.
; or ins
F. G. I
S;t' of Thoroui;tilri-l II"s.
K. A. Young's sale of thoroughbred
Poland China hos, which was pot
poned last week, will come off without
fail Fi iday, March 31, 1SU0 Uemem
ber the day and pla -e four miles west
of Murray and live miies north and
one miie vest of Neiiawka. This will
be a grand opportunity for farmers to
infuse blood into their herds that will
surely bring them money.
li. A. Yorxu, Owner.
Col. Z. S. Branson, Auctionei ; O. C.
West, Clerk. T: it Dance.
There is no longer doubt that birds
are addicted to the dance. The bower
bird and the prairie fowl are adept?
in the art, while the American grouse
is a veritable master of ceremonies. It
is the custom of these birds to pre
pare their ballroom by beating down
the grass with their wings, and then
to dance something suspiciously like
the Lancers. By twos and fours they
advance.bowing their heads and droop
ing their wings; then they recede and
then advance again and turn on their
toes, swelling their feathers and cluck
ing gently
Much pain and uneasiness is caused
by piles, sparing neither age nor eex.
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment cures
the most obstinate cases. Price 2q
cts. in bottle, tubes 75e. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Everything that happens to us
ieaves some trace behind; everything
contributes imperceptibly to make U3
what we are. Yet it is often danger
ous to take strict account of it, for
either we grow proud and negligent, or
downcast and dispirited, and both are
equally injurious In their consequences.
The purest plan Is just to do the near
est task that lies tfore us.
It. ANDUKVVS recently delivered
a lecturo before the West Hnd
Woman's club of Chicago, entitled
"The Pubic School System As An In
strumentality of Social Advance."
The Chicago Tribune hays "that he
succeeded in investing a trite subject
with interest and in predentin:; a new
point of view, in some respects, aa to
one of the functions of the public
school system " Dr. Andrews, as re
ported, thinks the great eft obstacle to
human advancement is the fact that
I the masses of humanity have such a
I low ideal of life and no ambition
live better. Citing Hugley, to the ef
fect that if this evil cannot be cured
he would welcome Um comet that
would blot, out the world, and John
Stuart Miila view that unless it could
bo remedied he saw no reason why
any one should feel, any concern for
the human race, Dr. Andrews may be
ta'id to have supplied the last link in
this trilogy of pesimi-m by adding
that, if some way cannot be found to
eljvat:; tho submerged tenth, ho mint
admit lib, is ot worth living.
Nothing is easier than for anv man,
especially if of a philosophic turn of
thought, to sit down in certain moods
and demonstrate c.oiiclusi vel v to him-
self that today is wholly b id and that to- j
morrow hoids or will hold in its keep
ing all that might make life desirable
or even endurable.
Carlvln. when his dinner ili.l not.
" , , - - ., .1
agree with bun. could for tho moment j
i .i . u
convince almost anyone that chaos I
and night word only a short distance
ahead. After listening to eloquont
pessimists it way of reac
tion, to believe with a French critic
that "the chief condition of social
happiness is abandonment of our
highest aspirations." Chicago' su
perintendent i f schools is not, how
ever, a pessimist of that kind. Though
the outlook may be bad, he dojs not
despair. Rejecting Plato's remedy,
that no children bj born except to
healthy and moral parents, he agrees
with Mill that the remedy for the
present evils of the social organiza
tion is the common echool, though he
asserts that Mill's corollary coloniza
tion of tho dregs of society in new
countries has been proven imprac
ticable by General Booth a statement
to which the head of the Salvation
Army would emphatically object.
In the United States the coloniza
tion of the surplusage of city popula
tion has been fairly launched as an en
terprise during the last year, and
Commander Booth Tucker, in his first
annual report, shows that it has been
successful and predicts a much greater
measure of success in the future.
The common school, however, to
which Superintendent Andrews looks
as the chief agent in the social regen
eration of the race, is not the common
public school of today, excellent as
are some of tho features of the latter.
It must bo better than any that now
exists and muit be dominated by
moral and artistic forces and it flu
ences to a much greater extent than
at present. While every one will
probably agree with Dr. Andrews
that such a change in the puolic or
common schools is desirab'e and would
be of incalculable influence for good
it is to be feared that the n construc
tion or regeneration of the social or- ;
ganiz it'ou is by no means so simple a
matter as this suggestion of reforma
tion bv means ol the common scnoois
implies. 1 hat there has noon an im
advance in societv as a result
pa-iv of row.uiiOTi, out cmoiiv 01
evolution, sitae the ages of the
A n lo'i i ties, which Su pen ntenuent
A no rows inclines to look back to as
the gob'e.i age, cverv student of poli
tical hi -lory and social economies will
reaii v admit. Some of these reforms
were b :ilis-d in b:o d, but, most of
'lirni I'.tni" about as the result of the
slowly widening hori.oa of the race,
due to irvetition, poets phib fcophers,
saces an i their proper complement.
men of action. P uai-i, as Ambassa
dor White in a recent, paper read at
tloAme ciiurch "in li -rlin says,
is an instance of advancement due to
the moral sense Had France fol
lowed Turgots evolutionary methods
the terror and much else that is not
pleas int in retrospect might have
been avoided. Ktigland and America
are also good examples of the evolu
tionary metiiods of advance, due, not
to a single causa or agency, but to a
correlation of f. rces making for human
bettei ment. Even the evils of the
present industrial and commercial
systems, which are mainly responsible
for the "submerged tenth," are but
temporary results and inconveniences
of a transition stnge to better e.mdi
tio.s and a better state of society.
This, at times, niay be difficult to be
lieve, "but a little reflection and a
study of labor conditions of two or
three centuries ago will convince any
one of its truth. Pessimism has its
uses, but ' the one far off divine event
to which the whole creation moves" is
a much gi a'er source of inspiration,
hope and practical achievement than
even the most philosoph'c pessimism.
"The modern pill" is rightly applied
to Dr. Sawyer's Little Wide Awake
Pills, because they perfectly and com
pletely cure billiousness, inactive liver
and constipation. A. W. Atwood.
Jew Baiters Pniilshed.
Max Regis, the former mayor of Al
giers, notorious Jew-baiter and editor
of the Anti-Juif, has been sentenced
in default to three years 'imprisonment
and to pay a fine of 1,000 francs foi
"press offences and glorifying murder
and pillage at meetings in Algiers and
Taris." M. rhilippe, managing editor
of the some paper, has been sentenced
to eight years' Imprisonment, to pay
a fine of 100 francs, on the same
Novel Parly at the Home of Mr.
and Mrs George Dovey.
I.atrice Sumher of uents Are Oivfii m
Treat In tho Wrj Of Hearing a Con
cert At Milwaukee Over the Long
IlUUnce Telephone Vi Highly Kit.
From Saturday's Daily.
Never in the city has an entertain
ment so unique and enjoyable and at
the nam) time instructive been pro-
i I'idftd fop Ofinl r.'fiiiirfi a j "'I ,,1-
tO 1 ,
pnone i'arly" given by .Mrs. George
Dovey labt evening.
Invitations were extended and ac
ceptances received by telephone, and
all arrangements made by use of this
raodt-rn convenience.
liy courtesy of the Nebraska Tele
phone company, through their general
maiiHger, II. Vance Lane, and tho lo
cal manager, II. 1J. Groves, a prac
tical demonstration of the workings
of their magnificent long-distance
I ,em "'a ',von" At 8 oVlock con"
! troi or tno trunit line of the American
Telephone and Telegraph company,
from Milwaukee to Chicago and from
Chicago to Omaha, was given to ttie
, ouiciais at uumiiii, wno at. once cou-i-
i - "
I uciticu uireui wiiu mu l laiismouiu
I line. In this city the line had been
j cut from the companies ottice and
1 connected direct into the elegant resi-
. , .1 -i. . i
dence of Mr. Dovev on Fourth street,
whero one of the company's expert
, . . , 1 J 1
electricians had arranged a special
apparatus by the aid of which twonty
four persons could at tho same time
receive c immutiications from Omuh
and Milwaukee. When the famous
orchestra at the Palm Garden at Mil
waukee began their evening's pr ogram
the company's officials at Milwaukee
threw the Hue open, and instantly
there came to the ears of awaiting
guests in Plaltsmoiith soft strains of
the sweet melodies capable af toi: g
produced by a welt-trined orchestra,
with a clearness that surpassed the
expectations of the most hopeful
For three and one-half hours the
linos were held open affordiug all
present ample opportunity to hear at a
distance of over seven hundred miles
ihe softest and most delicate shadings
of expression in cornet, flute, clarinet
and trombone soles as well as full
orchestral selections.
During the intermissions a Mandolin
club and quartet in Oinoba furnished
selections which were highly enjoy
able, and a littl chat whs had with
the operator in Milwaukee
iNotwithstanaing the ract that a
severe sleet stcrm wes in progro93 in
Wisconsin the music of tho entire
evening reached tho party in this
city without a single noticeable
trouble. The entertainment was en
tireiy novel ncd. t-uch as few cities
have bean favored with
Coffee and cake were served during
the evening, which added to the
pleasures About sixty guests were
present, ail of whom weie most highly
pleased with the evening's entertain
Home Grown Fruit Trees Are the Best,
The Riverside Nursery Co. has a
full and complete stock of all kinds of
fruit trees. Tines and plants which
thoy have grown with care. Their
many years of experience in the busi
ness has enabled them to grow nur
aery stock that will compare with any
in the country. They have all the
standard and choica varieties suitable
for this climate, also new and valuable
varieties. They do their own budding
and grafting, and can guarantee their
varieties to be true to name and strict
ly first-class. Why not buy your trees
here where j-ou can get them fresh
and grown in the same soil nnd cli
m ite in which they are to be trans
planted? It will save you time and
money. They invite you to come and
inspect their stock and be convinced
of these fucts. Nursery two and one
half miles east and one half mile north
of Union, Neb. Cnll or write in regard
to Vitrieti -s, prices, etc.
C. F. Morton", Prop..
Union, Neb.
The Best Salve in the World
Is Banner Salve. It is made from a
prescription by a world wide known
skin specialist and is positively the
most healing eilve for Piles, Burns,
Scalds, Ulcers. Running Sores and
all skin diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
To freTent Pnaumonla.
A well-known woman of Kansas City,
who has had a great deal of experi
ence in the care of pneumonia cases,
offers, through the Kansas City Jour
nal, the following remedy to cold
stricken people: Take a hot bath and
put on warm clothing. Wrap your
head and throat with woolen cloths
and place a mustard plaster upon your
chest. Then hold your head over a
hot stove and inhale the hot air. Re
main indoors forty-eight hours, si
ways having your room at a high tem
perature and free from a draft. At
the end of thai time the cold will have
If your child i9 cross or peevish, it
is no rtouot trouoiea witn worms.
White's Cream Vermifuge will remove
the w rms, and its tonic effect restore
its natural cheerfulness. Price, 'Jo
cents. F. G. Fricke & Co.
I'lattsmouth fiuraery.
I quote very low price9 on first-class
stock. Apple trees, three years, 15
cents; $10 a hundred. Apple tree?,
two years, 12 cent; $S a hundred.
I'lum trees, three year?, 30 cents; $20
a hundred. Cherry trees, three year,
30 cents; S"2(! a hundred. Peach trees,
three years, 15 cents; $12 a hundred.
Grape vines, 5 coats; $3 a hundred.
Rasp berries, 75 cents a hundred and
V 1 -r-i Via a.3 nnnl c a rt tinrl rAr1
I J. E. Leesley, Prop.
myrow liVTOumm?
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. K. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Ilannibnl, Mo., lately had a won
derful delivoranco from a frightful
death. In telling of it ho cays: "I
was taken with typhoid fever, that
ran into pneumonia. M3' lungs bo
came hardened. I was so weak I
couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing
helped mo. I expected to soon die of
consumption, when I heard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle
guvo great relief. I continued to use
it, and am now well and strong, I can't
say too much in its praise." This
marvelous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in the world for throat
and lung trouble. 1 tegular sizes 60
cent and $1. CO. Trial bottles free at
F. G. Friek e & Co's. drug tton ; every
bottle guai anteed. 1
Not on ThU I.Kt.
It Is noticeable thut when a bliz
zard moves the people of Atlanta to
real charity that J. K. Hunter Is not
Tne of the men she calls uimhi.
'Jrave Rubber? a Capital Crliuc
Robbing graves Is a crime under Chl
ntrso law for which the thief may bo
justly killed on the spot by any 0110
finding hira out.
(iiv the t'hklilreu Orlnk
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap
petizing, nourishing food drink' to lake
the place of coffee. When properly
prepared it tastes like tho finest cof
fee but is fie.j from all it- injurious
properties. Grain-O aids digestion
and strengthens the iioivjs. It is not
a stimulant bu. a health builder, and
children, as well as adults, can drink
it with great benefit, ('outs about one
fourth as much as onlTee. I5:iiid "-"ie.
at grocers.
HopeleMH Ciihu.
"So poor Greeu died, did li '.'
died last month." "What s
be the matter?" "M-. !:;:
"Melancholia; that so? Wi.a:
it on?" "The attending phjsh
a 'i
: e.i
it was induced by his habit of 1
the comic supplements of th
York Sunday papers."- i V-t 1 ai
Taxation lu 'lilti 1.
. The Chinese are pf-ihapa the
lightly taxed people in the wot -China
all the land beUo!;- 10
state, and a trifling sum per ;
never altered through long ceu:..'
is naid as rent. This is th? n'
r.! )
in the country, and it. amount : iV"i
2 shillings 6 pence per he -l ' .. . .
At the eeason of the year when
pneumonia, la grippe, sore throat,
coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and
lung troubles are to be guarded
against, nothing "is a fiae substitute,"
will "answer the pu post. " or is "just
as good" as' One Minute cough cure.
That is the one infallible remedy for
all lung, throat or bronchial oubles.
Insist vigorously upon having it if
"something else" is offered you. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Oold "Sweat." at
Gold in transit across
"sweat3," no matter how-
tightly it ii
packed. There is a regular allowance
for attrition upon the voyage, and this
amounts to a large sum in the commer
cial world.
Precious Skate.
Skates of gold are popular in St.
Petersburg. One lady had the blades
of her skates enriched with diamonds.
Skates set with pearls and precious
stones have also been in fashion.
For frost bites, burns,indo!ent sores,
eczema, skin disease, nnd especially
piles, De Witt's Witch Ila.'l salve
stands first and best. Lok out for
dishonest pcrpla who try to imitate
and counterfeit it. It's thoir endorse
ment cf a good art cle. Worthless
goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's
Witch TIaz n salve. F. G. Fricke &
Kope LlgbtnlDg Rods.
The reason why ships are not struck
by lightning is attributed to th.e gen
eral use which is now made of wire
rope for rigging purposes as well as to
the fact that the hulls of the ships
are usually constructed of iron or steel.
Thus the whole ship forms an excel
lent and continuous conductor, by
means of which the electricity is led
away into the ocean before it has time
to do any serious damage.
You can be cheerful and happy only
when you are well. If you fel "out
of sorts'' take Herbine, it will brace
you up. Price, "0 cents. F. (J. Fricke
& Co.
How Fijian Clo k Are J !.
The Fipian clock is rather ' 1:
ity; it is made from a hollv.v- !
trunk, something after the s'.t.-t; ?
canoe. This is placed on th j .
In the center of the towns. A:
o'clock a few sharp strokes it; n
hollow trunk with a wonder. u i
tract the attention, then twe!e
loud strokes are given. T'.r's n
place every hour, the right ne:;
strokes being given. The tee. :. !
be heard from one side of the
to another.
There is no medicine th t has j et
boen discovered that his virtues de
serving to b3 compared with Dr.
Siwyer'a Wild Cherry and Tar, for
bad cases of chronic bronchitis, Co -t-umption.
or any cough or cold. A.
W. Atwood.
Value or Wain tit.
Fifty walnut trees in Cass county.
Mich., were recently soid for $10,o00
cash. These trees have now been
felled and will be shipped to English
buyers. The largest tree was seven
feet in diameter at its base and will
yield lumber worth from $700 to $1,000.
Statue with Ejelasliea.
Only one marble statue of the human
figure with eyelashes Is known. It is
the sleeping Ariadne, one of the gems
of the Vatican, and was fovu'.' In 1503.
Rfi Your Own Boss u,""M.riiyori
J UusincHs (hiy 01 fvrmiiK. ft home. Notetl
.Iiiiil'. You ;tn make Win per work. Milter ex.
Ad. his M. Yuiiiik. lliauy St.,
--. r'j'i HAIL' UALSAM
sm fp A l-.,....i. . . . :'', TV,.,
Wovrr - .7. 1 nolorT
p . l,ir l.ilii.j.
Keep constantly on hand a full
and complete stock of pure...
PalntcS. Oilfs.
Special attention
riven to
..Compounding Prescriptions..
Also ii full lino of Druggist's Sundries
and Pure Wines and Liquor-1, for
Medicinal purpose".
South Sixth Street.. . IMotf smouth
For Rats, Mice, Roaches,
.. T W 1 llllil.
After rating, all vermin srrlc water and the open
1 fence this killer is the must cleanly on earth.
For Sale by all Druggists. Price, IS Cent.
95 William Street. New York.
1 .i
1 '
1 ( 1 iAr nnr
Dyspepsia Cure,
Digests what you eat-
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cure
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
all other result s of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E. C- Dewitt A Co.. Chicago.
Best Reached in Through Cars
by Louisville & Nashville R. R.
Write fSr Information to
C. P. ATMORE, Cen'l Pass. Agent,
Wheeler & Wilson.
Saving Machine.
Rotary Motion and
Ball Bearings
X7) . SD?
$ MLVrA l UOL . 1
n n n
ii Mi ff -1
"is y t